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A region between D13S71 and D13S274 on 13q32 showed linkage to bipolar disorder (BP) based on a genome scan using markers with an average spacing of approximately 6 cM and an average heterozygosity of approximately 60% [Detera-Wadleigh et al., 1999: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:5604-5609]. In an attempt to confirm this finding and achieve fine mapping of the susceptibility region, nine additional microsatellite markers with average heterozygosity of approximately 86%, located between D13S71 and D13S274, were typed in the same sample. The strongest linkage evidence was detected by multipoint linkage analysis (ASPEX program) around D13S779-D13S225 with maximum LOD score of 3.25 under Affection Status Model II (ASM II; P = 0.0000546). Data from additional nine markers resulted in a decrease of the 95% confidence interval of the linkage region. Association analyses with GASSOC TDT and ASPEX/sib_tdt detect potential linkage disequilibrium with several markers, including D13S280 (ASPEX TDT P = 0.0033, ASM I). These data generated using a higher marker density within the proposed susceptibility region strengthen the validity of our previous findings and suggest a finer localization of the susceptibility gene(s) on 13q32.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to coeliac disease has a strong genetic component. The HLA associations have been well described but it is clear that other genes outside this region must also be involved in disease development. Two previous genome-wide linkage studies using the affected sib pair method produced conflicting results. Our own family based linkage study of 16 highly informative pedigrees identified 17 possibly linked regions, each of which produced a result significant at p < 0.05 or less.
We have now investigated these 17 regions in a larger set of pedigrees using more finely spaced markers. Fifty multiply affected families were studied, comprising the 16 pedigrees from the original genome screen plus 34 new highly informative pedigrees. A total of 128 microsatellite markers were genotyped with an average spacing between markers of 5 cM. Two-point and three-point linkage analysis using classical and model free methods identified five potential susceptibility loci with heterogeneity lod scores > 2.0, at 6p12, 11p11, 17q12, 18q23 and 22q13.3. The most significant was a heterogeneity lod of 2.6 at D11S914 on chromosome 11p11. This marker maps to a position implicated in one of the two previous genome scans and taken together these results provide strong support for the existence of a susceptibility locus in this region.  相似文献   

We previously reported an autosomal scan for schizophrenia susceptibility loci in a systematically recruited sample of Arab Israeli families. The scan detected significant evidence for linkage at chromosome 6q23 with a nonparametric LOD score (NPL) of 4.60 (P=0.000004) and a multipoint parametric LOD score of 4.16. In order to refine this finding we typed 42 additional microsatellite markers on chromosome 6q between D6S1570 (99.01 cM from the pter) and D6S281 (190.14 from the pter) in the same sample (average intermarker distance approximately 1.7 cM). In the 23 cM region between D6S1715 and D6S311, markers were more closely spaced ( approximately 1.1 cM). Multipoint nonparametric and parametric and single point linkage analyses were performed. The peak NPL rose to 4.98 (P=0.00000058) at D6S1626 (136.97 cM), immediately adjacent to D6S292 (NPL 4.98, P=0.00000068), the marker that gave the highest NPL in the original genome scan, under the broad diagnostic category. The putative susceptibility region (NPL-1) was reduced from 12.0 to 4.96 cM. The peak multipoint parametric LOD score was 4.63 at D6S1626 under a dominant genetic model, core diagnostic category and the LOD-1 interval was 2.10 cM. The maximum single point LOD score (3.55, theta=0.01) was also at D6S1626 (dominant model, core diagnostic category). Increased evidence for linkage in the same sample as in the original genome scan and consistent localization of the linkage peak add further support for the presence of a schizophrenia susceptibility locus at chromosome 6q23. Moreover, the markedly reduced linkage interval greatly improves prospects for identifying a schizophrenia susceptibility gene within the implicated region.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that a multiple sclerosis susceptibility (MSS) gene is linked to the HLA loci, formal linkage analysis was conducted on 40 multiplex families, 20 each from the Seattle and Los Angeles areas. The computer program LIPED was utilized. A dominant model of inheritance was assumed. Penetrance values of 0.05, 0.35, and 0.67 were entered into the analyses, and an age-of-onset correction was incorporated. The resulting lod scores were supportive of linkage at the lower penetrance levels. The maximum lod score, 2.411, at an estimated recombination fraction of 0.10 in both males and females, was generated at a penetrance value of 0.05. With a penetrance value of 0.67, the lod scores did not support linkage.
Under an autosomal dominant model of inheritance, the results were supportive of linkage when the presumed penetrance of the MSS gene is low. The results also confirmed the importance of incorporating an age-of-onset correction into linkage analyses.  相似文献   

Evidence for linkage between bipolar affective disorder (BP) and 21q22 was first reported by our group in a single large pedigree with a lod score of 3.41 with the PFKL locus. In a subsequent study, with denser marker coverage in 40 multiplex BP pedigrees, we reported supporting evidence with a two‐point lod score of 2.76 at the D21S1260 locus, about 6 cM proximal to PFKL. For cost‐efficiency, the individuals genotyped in that study comprised a subset of our large pedigree sample. To augment our previous analysis, we now report a follow‐up study including a larger sample set with an additional 331 typed individuals from the original 40 families, improved marker coverage, and an additional 16 pedigrees. The analysis of all 56 pedigrees (a total of 862 genotyped individuals vs. the 372 genotyped previously), the largest multigenerational BP pedigree sample reportedly analyzed to date, supports our previous results, with a two‐point lod score of 3.56 with D21S1260. The 16 new pedigrees analyzed separately gave a maximum two‐point lod score of 1.89 at D21S266, less than 1 cM proximal to D21S1260. Our results are consistent with a putative BP locus on 21q22. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic research on complex diseases is beginning to bear fruit, with the successful identification of candidate susceptibility genes in diabetes, asthma, and other illnesses. Similar success is on the horizon for bipolar affective disorder (BPAD), but significant challenges remain. In this review, we outline the basic concepts of linkage and association mapping for complex phenotypes. We point out important caveats inherent in both approaches, and review guidelines on the interpretation of linkage statistics and significance thresholds. We then apply these concepts to an evaluation of the present status of genetic linkage and association studies in BPAD. The challenges posed by locus heterogeneity, phenotype definition, and sample size requirements are given a detailed treatment. Despite these challenges, we argue that the way ahead remains firmly rooted in linkage studies, complemented by association studies in linked regions. This is the only truly genome-wide approach currently available; it has succeeded in other complex phenotypes, and it is the surest strategy for mapping susceptibility genes in BPAD. Once these genes are identified, genetic mapping methods will yield to the other methods of 21st-century molecular biology as we begin to elucidate the pathophysiology of BPAD.  相似文献   

Onset of puberty is usually considered to coincide with the last major step in brain development: the elimination of some 40% of neuronal synapses. Mean pubertal age has declined by some 4 years during the last 100 years. There is a relation between age at puberty and body build, and between body build and mental illness. The difference in body build between schizophrenia (S) and manic-depressive psychosis (MDP) is similar to that between late and early maturers. It is suggested that S affects late-maturing individuals and MDP very early maturers. The observed marked rise in MDP and decline in the most malignant forms of S (non-paranoid) are in agreement with MDP and S as neurodevelopmental disorders occurring at the extremes of maturation. Maturational irregularities are most likely to occur at the extremes, and it is suggested that abbreviation of the regressive process may have led to persistent redundancy of neuronal synapses in MDP and that prolongation of the process past the optimal has yielded an inadequate synaptic density in S. The lack of cerebral abnormality in the majority of MDP and the presence of only subtle structural deficits in S, are in agreement with this. The two disorders are probably as old as mankind, and early puberty is the necessary factor for the development of MDP and late puberty is the necessary factor for that of S. There is an inverse relation between spatial ability and rate of maturation, whereas verbal ability is unaffected by maturational rate. From a previous predominance in both sexes, spatial ability (Performance IQ scores) has been reduced to below verbal ability (Verbal IQ scores) in the female sex and in early maturing males.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous disorder, and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with both insulin secretion defect and insulin resistance. The primary metabolic defect leading to type 2 diabetes mellitus has been thought to be varied among populations, especially in Japanese and Caucasians. Here, we have done the genome-wide scan for type 2 diabetes mellitus using 102 affected Japanese sib-pairs to identify the genetic factors predisposing to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nonparametric linkage analysis showed one suggestive evidence for linkage to 11p13–p12 [D11S905: two-point maximum LOD score (MLS) of 2.89 and multipoint MLS of 2.32] and one nominally significant evidence for linkage to 6q15–q16 (D6S462: two-point MLS of 2.02). Interestingly, the 11p13–p12 region was reported to be a susceptibility locus for Japanese type 2 diabetes mellitus with suggestive evidence of linkage, and D11S905 was within 5 cM to D11S935 with the highest MLS in the previous linkage analysis reported. The only overlapped susceptibility region with suggestive evidence of linkage for Japanese type 2 diabetes mellitus was D11S935D11S905 among the three reports including this study. These results taken together suggest that a susceptibility gene for type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese will reside in 11p13–p12.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a genetic factor(s) or a familial predisposition may contribute to the clinical manifestations of disc herniation; moreover, no genetic linkage between spinal disc herniation and spastic paraplegia has ever been described.

A family with consanguineous parents and four of eight sibs affected by multiple disc herniations and spastic paraplegia was clinically and genetically analysed. Surgery caused partial improvement in all of them. After the exclusion of type II collagen and vitamin D receptor genes and the recessive loci for HSPs, a genome wide search was performed with about 500 fluorescent markers.

Positive lod score values were obtained for chromosome 6q22.31-q24.1, with evidence of three homozygous intervals. The maximum multipoint lod score of 3.28 was obtained in only one interval, between markers D6S1699 and D6S314. On the whole, a susceptibility locus for disc herniation and autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia was found on chromosome 6q23.3-q24.1. This is the first time that disc herniation and the associated neurological syndrome has been linked to a human chromosomal region.


Developmental dyslexia is a distinct learning disability with unexpected difficulty in learning to read despite adequate intelligence, education, and environment, and normal senses. The genetic aetiology of dyslexia is heterogeneous and loci on chromosomes 2, 3, 6, 15, and 18 have been repeatedly linked to it. We have conducted a genome scan with 376 markers in 11 families with 38 dyslexic subjects ascertained in Finland. Linkage of dyslexia to the vicinity of DYX3 on 2p was confirmed with a non-parametric linkage (NPL) score of 2.55 and a lod score of 3.01 for a dominant model, and a novel locus on 7q32 close to the SPCH1 locus was suggested with an NPL score of 2.77. The SPCH1 locus has previously been linked with a severe speech and language disorder and autism, and a mutation in exon 14 of the FOXP2 gene on 7q32 has been identified in one large pedigree. Because the language disorder associated with the SPCH1 locus has some overlap with the language deficits observed in dyslexia, we sequenced the coding region of FOXP2 as a candidate gene for our observed linkage in six dyslexic subjects. No mutations were identified. We conclude that DYX3 appears to be important for dyslexia susceptibility in many Finnish families, and a suggested linkage of dyslexia to chromosome 7q32 will need verification in other data sets.  相似文献   


Alopecia areata (AA) is characterized by a genetically complex inheritance. HLA frequencies, as well as the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in PTPN22, CTLA4, and IL2RA genes, have been described to be associated with AA susceptibility. So far, no independent replication of these studies has been reported, and no data exist on a possible association between AA disease and these SNPs or influence of HLA frequencies in Iranian population. A possible association between HLA-DRB1*11 alleles as well as a single variation in PTPN22, CTLA4, and IL2RA genes and patchy AA disease have been investigated in a cohort from Iran. Patient and control subjects were genotyped for PTPN22 (rs2476601), CTLA4 (rs3087243), and IL2RA (rs3118470) variations as well as HLA frequencies. Gene expression levels were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. In contrast to PTPN22 and CTLA4 gene polymorphisms, a significant association was found between IL2RA SNP and susceptibility to AA in Iranian cohort. While gene expression levels of IL2RA and PTPN22 were higher in the patients than that of controls, CTLA4 expression levels found significantly lower in the patients. Despite a significant association between AA and HLA-DRB1*11 frequencies, the presence of DRB1*11 is not associated with PTPN22, CTLA4, or IL2RA gene SNPs. Although the minor allele in IL2RA SNP can be a significant determinant of AA disease development in Iranian population, reported an association between the PTPN22 and CTLA4 variations was not confirmed by our study. Furthermore, these genetic risk factors might act independently from HLA alleles.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an oligogenic autoimmune disease but, to date, linkage and association to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been the only consistent finding in genetic studies. However, MHC is estimated to contribute only 30-40% of the total genetic component to disease susceptibility. Studies in animal models of inflammatory arthritis have identified a number of putative vulnerability loci but the homologous regions in the human genome have not previously been investigated as candidate RA susceptibility loci. We have investigated linkage to five regions homologous to those identified in animal models of inflammatory arthritis in RA affected sibling pair (ASP) families. Linkage to 17q22 syntenic to a susceptibility locus common to two experimental rat models was detected in 200 RA ASP families and replicated in a further 100 RA ASP families. Linkage to additional markers mapping to the area has refined the extent of linkage to a 4 cM region. Association to one of the markers (D17S807) was demonstrated in this cohort using extensions of the transmission disequilibrium test. Association to two 2-marker haplotypes including this marker was detected in an independent cohort of single-case RA families, thus narrowing the region harbouring the aetiological mutation to approximately 1 cM. This is the first time that an arthritis susceptibility locus mapped in experimental animal models of disease has been used to identify a novel RA susceptibility locus in humans. The difficult task of identifying a disease mutation from a linkage result should, in this case at least, be facilitated by the combined use of animal and human based investigations.  相似文献   

Isolated or nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate (NS CLP) is a complex disorder resulting from multiple genetic and environmental factors. NS CLP has a birth prevalence of 1 per 500 in the Philippines where large families provide an opportunity for gene localization. Genotyping of 392 microsatellite repeat markers at 10 cM intervals over the genome was performed by the Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) on 220 Filipino families with 567 affected and 1,109 unaffected family members genotyped. Among the most statistically significant results from analysis of the genome-wide scan data was a 20 cM region at 8p11-23 in which markers had LODs > or =1.0. This region on 8p11-23 has not been found in any previous genome wide scan nor does it contain any of the candidate genes widely studied in CLP. Fine mapping in 8p11-23 was done in the 220 families plus an additional 51 families, using SNP markers from 10 known genes (FGFR1, NRG1, FZD3, SLC8A1, PPP3CC, EPHX2, BNIP3L, EGR3, PPP2R2A, and NAT1) within the 20 cM region of 8p11-23. Linkage and association analyses of these SNPs yield suggestive results for markers in FGFR1 (recessive multipoint HLOD 1.07) and BAG4 (recessive multipoint HLOD 1.31).  相似文献   

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease. In DN patients, triglyceride (TG) level is elevated and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, which hydrolyzes TG, is decreased. The LPL S447X and apolipoprotein E (APOE) exon 4 polymorphisms affect TG levels, and the APOC3 -455T>C polymorphism affects LPL activity. Our aim was to examine the association of these polymorphisms with nephropathy in type 2 diabetes. We examined these polymorphisms in a case-control study of type 2 diabetic patients including 374 with DN and 392 without DN. LPL 447X-containing genotypes (447X+) were significantly decreased in DN patients [18.6 vs 25.6%, odds ratio (OR) = 0.66, p = 0.02], as were APOE epsilon3/epsilon3 genotypes (64.8 vs 73.1%, OR = 0.68, p = 0.01). In addition, combinations of genotypes [APOE epsilon3/epsilon3 and LPL 447X+ (OR = 0.56), APOC3 CC and LPL 447X+ (OR = 0.31), APOE epsilon3/epsilon3 and APOC3 CC (OR = 0.61] were protective for DN compared with the most common combination of the respective polymorphisms. Our findings suggest the importance of interactions among lipid genes in modulating the risk of DN.  相似文献   

We recently reported genome-wide significant linkage to chromosome 6q for bipolar disorder, in a study of 25 Portuguese families, using the Human Mapping Assay Xba 131 (HMA10K). To explore the generalizability of this finding, we reanalyzed our SNP linkage data according to the families' geographic origin. Specifically, the 25 families included 20 families from the Portuguese island collection (PIC; 15 families from the Azores Islands and 5 from the Madeira Islands) and 5 families from continental Portugal. Non-parametric linkage analysis (NPL) was performed as previously described and indicated that each of these subpopulations showed evidence of linkage for the same region. To further address the potential generalizability of these findings to other populations, we have also examined allelic heterozygosity in our subpopulations and in three reference populations (Caucasian, East Asian, and African-American). This analysis indicated that the PIC population is highly correlated to the Caucasian reference population (R = 0.86) for all of chromosome 6. In contrast allelic heterozygosity was more weakly correlated between PIC and both East Asian (R = 0.37) and African-American (R = 0.32) reference populations. Taken together these observations suggest a shared genetic liability among Portuguese populations for bipolar disorder on chromosome 6q, and that the PIC population is likely representative of Caucasians in general.  相似文献   

Asthma is a complex disease and the intricate interplay between genetic and environmental factors underlies the overall phenotype of the disease. Families with at least two siblings with asthma were collected from Europe, Australia and the US. A genome scan using a set of 364 families with a panel of 396 microsatellite markers was conducted. Nonparametric linkage analyses were conducted for asthma and three asthma-related phenotypes: bronchial hyper-reactivity (BHR), strict definition of asthma and atopic asthma. Nine chromosomal regions with LOD scores greater than 1.5 were identified (chromosomes 1q, 2p, 3q, 4p, 4q, 6q, 12q, 20p and 21). Linkage refinement analysis was performed for three BHR loci by genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms at an average marker density of 1 cM. The LOD scores increased to 3.07 at chromosome 4p and 4.58 at chromosome 2p, while the chromosome 6p locus did not refine. The LOD score at the chromosome 2p locus is highly significant on a genome-wide basis. The refined locus covers a region with a physical size of 12.2 Mb. Taken together, these results provide evidence for a major asthma susceptibility locus on chromosome 2p.  相似文献   

Utilizing DNA samples from 91 Afrikaner nuclear families with one or more affected children, five genomic regions on chromosomes 2p, 8q, 11q, 20q, and 21q that gave evidence for association with GTS in previous case-control association studies were investigated for linkage and association with GTS. Highly polymorphic markers with mean heterozygosity of 0.77 were typed and resulting genotypes evaluated using single marker transmission disequilibrium (TDT), single marker haplotype relative risk (HRR), and multi-marker "extended" TDT and HRR methods. Single marker TDT analysis showed evidence for linkage or association, with p-values near 0.05, for markers D2S139, GATA28F12, and D11S1377 on chromosomes 2p11, 8q22 and 11q23-24, respectively. Extended, two-locus TDT and HRR analysis provided further evidence for linkage or association on chromosome 2 with p-values of 0.007 and 0.025, and chromosome 8 with p-values of 0.059 and 0.013, respectively. These results provide important additional evidence for the location of GTS susceptibility loci.  相似文献   

Genetically, bipolar disorder is a complex genetic illness, in which both genes and environmental factors play an important role in pathogenesis. Linkage studies have reported suggestive evidence for genomic regions, especially on chromosome 18, but in most cases they have been inconclusive. A total of 12 pedigrees, from the islands of Majorca and Minorca (Balearic Archipelago), with a high expression of mental illness, have been studied. A scan of 29 polymorphic short tandem repeat markers was performed, spanning chromosomes 17 and 18 for bipolar and other affective disorder susceptibility loci. Narrow (only bipolar I disorder) and broad (bipolar plus other affective disorders) diagnosis criteria were employed. The loci D18S63, D18S452, D18S53, D18S61, D18S1161 and D17S831 showed LOD score values of less than -2. Thus, the positive linkage found by other authors on the regions 18p11.2 and 18p11.3 has not been reproduced in the families studied. The data obtained in chromosome 17 suggested two possible regions that could contain a bipolar disorder susceptibility gene: 17q11 (D17S1857, D17S798) and especially 17q24-qter (D17S949, D17S928). The maximum significant linkage was to D17S949 (17q24), following a recessive mode of inheritance. We have also found a positive LOD score value for D18S478 marker located in the region 18q12.  相似文献   

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