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目的 检测一个多发性内分泌腺瘤病1型家系的MEN1基因突变情况.方法 提取12名家系成员外周血基因组DNA,对MEN1基因所有10个外显子进行聚合酶链反应及产物直接测序,亚克隆测序鉴定其杂合性.结果 家系中1例病理确诊甲状旁腺增生的患者存在MEN1基因第10外显子突变1649_1650insC,导致密码子514发生移码突变,另外筛查出2名家系成员也为该突变携带者,临床检测符合MEN1诊断标准.结论 在多发性内分泌腺瘤病1型中国人家系中检测出MEN1基因杂合突变1649_1650insC,该突变在中国人尚未见报道,同时,对家系成员进行基因筛查可以早期诊断该疾病. 相似文献
MEN1基因突变所致多内分泌腺瘤病1型二例及其家系研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的 探讨多内分泌腺瘤病1型的发病与MEN1基因突变的相互关系及其遗传特征。方法 从2个家系中的患者及其家庭成员抽提外周血淋巴细胞基因组DNA,运用PCR、DNA测序分析技术检测MEN1基因所有10个外显子,进一步用亚克隆测序鉴定其杂合性。结果发现两个家系中的先证者MENI基因均在第二号外显子存在杂合突变,分别为372-373insACCTGTCTATCATCGCCG和357-360delCTGT,前一种突变为一种新的突变类型。结论 在2个多内分泌腺瘤病1型中国人家系检出2种MEN1基因突变,其中MEN1基因372-373insACCTGTCTATCATCGCCG为一种新的MEN1基因突变。 相似文献
目的研究多发性内分泌腺瘤病1型(MEN1)患者的基因突变情况。方法收集2007-09-10和2008-08-22中国医科大学附属第一医院2例MEN1患者资料。以外周血基因组DNA为模板,运用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、DNA测序分析技术检测MEN1基因全部编码区的第2~10号外显子。结果1例患者的MEN1基因10号外显子内存在杂合突变,为c.1378C>T(Arg460Ter);另1例患者的MEN1基因所有编码区均未发现异常。结论MEN1基因突变c.1378C>T(Arg460Ter)亦为中国MEN1致病基因突变类型之一。 相似文献
李小英 《中国实用内科杂志》2006,26(11):1763-1766
多发性内分泌腺瘤病分为1型(MEN1)和2型(MEN2),其中MEN2又可分为MEN2A和MEN2B。MEN1主要临床表现为甲状旁腺腺瘤、胃肠胰肿瘤(以胃泌素瘤和胰岛素瘤常见)和垂体前叶瘤(以泌乳素瘤常见)。MEN2A主要表现为甲状腺髓样癌、嗜铬细胞瘤和甲状旁腺增生,MEN2B为甲状腺髓样癌、黏膜神经纤维瘤和嗜铬细胞瘤。1997年,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)和欧洲MEN1研究联合体(ECMEN1)成功地克隆到MEN1的致病基因men1。之后,在绝大部分MEN1家系病人中都发现了该基因的突变,从而确定了men1基因与MEN1之间的因果关系。MEN2由原癌基因ret突变所致,大量的病例显示,临床表型与ret基因突变类型之间有很好的相关性。 相似文献
目的 检测一个多发性内分泌腺瘤病(MEN)2A型家系中RET原癌基因的突变情况.方法 观察一个MEN2A家系成员的表型,并对与MEN相关的且点突变率较高的RET原癌基因第10和11外显子进行PCR产物直接DNA测序以了解其杂合性.结果 家系中4名家族成员均存在RET原癌基因第11外显子Cys(TGC)634Arg(CGC)错义突变和Gly(GGT)691Ser(AGT)的单核苷酸多态性,另有1名成员仅存在RET原癌基因Gly(GGT)691Set(AGT)的单核苷酸多态性.经B超检查发现其中2名成员双侧甲状腺及一侧肾上腺和一侧甲状旁腺有实性占位病变,1名成员双侧甲状腺及一侧肾上腺有实性占位病变,1名成员双侧甲状腺、双侧肾上腺和一侧甲状旁腺有实性占位病变,1名成员仅有甲状腺多发性小结节.另外有3名成员B超检查有异常,但无基因突变.结论 对MEN2A家系的基因分析证实RET原癌基因第11外显子634位密码子存在突变和(或)691位密码子存在单核苷酸多态性,对MEN2A能在基因水平作出诊断. 相似文献
多内分泌腺瘤病1型(MEN1)是一种以家族性甲状旁腺、胰岛和垂体前叶肿瘤为特征的常染色体显性疾病。人类MEN1基因定位于11q13,包含10个外显子,编码一个含610氨基酸残基的蛋白质menin。Menin对细胞分化和衰老是必需的,其水平降低可导致垂体前叶肿瘤、甲状旁腺肿瘤和胰岛素瘤。MEN1基因分析对某些特征符合MEN1,但又不符合其诊断标准的先证者有效。在MEN1基因突变携带者中早期筛选可降低肿瘤的病死率。 相似文献
女性,28岁间断发作心悸、意识模糊2月余,加重伴头痛l周.患者于两月前无明显诱因开始出现入睡后不能唤醒,给予补液治疗后恢复神志.当地医院诊断为低血糖症.其后间断出现类似症状,多出现在夜间或清晨,平均每月发作2~3次. 相似文献
RET原癌基因点突变所致多发性内分泌腺瘤病2B型一例家系研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
目的:研究1例中国家系中RET原癌基因点突变与多发性内分泌腺瘤病2B型(MEN-2B)发病的相互关系及其遗传特征。方法:收集1例MEN-2B患者术后甲状腺髓样癌肿瘤组织和外周血DNA标本及其父母外周血DNA标本运用PCR和逆转录PCR技术以及直接基因测序技术对上述标本中RET原癌基因16号外显子区域进行分子检测。结果:在患者肿瘤组织(c)DNA及其外周血DNA中均检测到RET原癌基因16号外显子918密码子处基因点突变,即:918Met(ATG)→Thr(ACG).且由基因测序图示,该突变为杂合子错义突变。而患者父母外周血DNA样本中均未发现上述RET原癌基因突变。结论:与国外报道相似,在中国MEN-2B患者中,也找到了RET原癌基因16号外显子基因点突变918Met(ATG)→Thr(ACG)。虽然其发病具有遗传倾向,但同样存在散发病例。MEN-2B发病的基因检测应成为该病的诊断治疗以及患者一级亲属早期诊断和临床干预的分子基础。 相似文献
多内分泌腺瘤病1型(MEN1)是一种以家族性甲状旁腺、胰岛和垂体前叶肿瘤为特征的常染色体显性疾病。人类MEN1基因定位于11q13,包含10个外显子,编码一个含610氨基酸残基的蛋白质menin。Menin对细胞分化和衰老是必需的,其水平降低可导致垂体前叶肿瘤、甲状旁腺肿瘤和胰岛素瘤。MEN1基因分析对某些特征符合MEN1,但又不符合其诊断标准的先证者有效。在MEN1基因突变携带者中早期筛选可降低肿瘤的病死率。 相似文献
患者 ,男 ,15周岁 ,因颈部包块 6年 ,拟“双侧甲状腺肿块”于 2 0 0 1年 5月 7日入院。患者 6年前无意中触诊发现颈部两枚花生米大小包块 ,但无不适感 ,故未予以特殊处理。后包块渐增大 ,伴颈部不适 ,吞咽时有异物感 ,无疼痛及触痛 ,并有多食、多饮、多汗、易激动、大小便次数增加 ,每日解稀便约 3~ 5次。近 3年来 ,患者逐渐出现每日清晨颜面潮红 ,重时累及全身 ,同时有心悸、多汗 ,每次发作持续数分钟至半小时不等 ,能自动缓解 ,近 3个月来 ,发作较频繁 ,有时每天达 3~ 6次 ,由于条件限制发作时未曾测血压。追问病史发现患者自幼双唇肥厚… 相似文献
目的通过研究1例伴有促甲状腺激素瘤的多发性内分泌腺瘤病1型(MEN1)患者的临床诊治过程及结局以提高对本病的认识。方法分析1例伴有促甲状腺激素瘤的MEN1患者诊治过程中的临床表现、生化和激素、影像学、手术及术后病理结果。使用二代测序再以Sanger法验证分析MEN1及其他基因,并以PolyPhen2和PROVEAN在线检测其产物危害性。结果1例19岁的男性患者因高代谢症状和甲状腺激素(THs)升高诊断甲亢,TSH 2.78 mIU/L,TSH受体抗体(TRAb)阴性。并发现高血钙和低血磷、血浆甲状旁腺激素(PTH)升高以及右下甲状旁腺99mTc显影阳性,诊断甲状旁腺腺瘤,手术治疗后上述指标恢复正常。抗甲状腺药物治疗1年症状和激素无明显改变,MRI显示右下垂体大腺瘤,考虑TSH瘤;经鼻蝶入路切除肿瘤后1个月复查TSH和TH恢复正常,免疫组化TSH阳性。CT和MRI发现胰腺体尾部占位,无相关症状。基因分析发现MEN1杂合突变:c.415C>T,p.His139Tyr(H139Y),蛋白质预测为有害。文献复习目前仅有5例报道。结论MEN1中的TSH瘤少见,既需要在甲状腺功能亢进中鉴别出TSH瘤,同时要考虑TSH瘤合并于MEN1,以减少误诊误治。 相似文献
Odou MF Cardot-Bauters C Vantyghem MC Carnaille B Leteurtre E Pigny P Verier-Mine O Desailloud R Porchet N 《Annales d'endocrinologie》2006,67(6):581-587
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant hereditary syndrome (OMIM 131100) due to MEN1 gene mutations, predisposing to the development of hyperplasic and tumoral lesions of neuroendocrine tissues. Since the identification of the gene in 1997, more than 400 different mutations of MEN1 have been registered. Genotypic analysis of MEN1 remains fastidious and must be reserved to targeted situations. If the lesions appear in a familial assessed context, there is a strong argument to search for MEN1 mutation. This is not the case in a sporadic context. With experience acquired in our laboratory, we evaluated the frequency of MEN1 mutations in patients with sporadic presentations. Our aim was to better define criteria for MEN1 genotypic analysis. One hundred and twenty four blood samples from unrelated patients, who gave their written informed consent, were analyzed. These patients exhibited 1 to 4 manifestations of MEN1 without any familial context. After DNA extraction, the analysis was undertaken by PCR-sequencing of all the MEN1 coding exons and exon/intron boundaries or by PCR of the pre-screened fragments alone, a technique made possible by indirect screening mutation methods. Mutations were identified by comparing the sequences to the reference MEN1 sequence available from GENBANK (U93237.1). Mutations were identified in 19 patients, with variable prevalence according to clinical manifestations: 100% for patients with 4 manifestations, 45.5% for patients with 3 manifestations, 19% for patients with 2 manifestations and 2% for patients with only one manifestation. Mutations were: 11 point variations (58%), including 2 splicing sites and 8 frameshift mutations (42%) including 5 deletions, 2 insertions and 1 insertion/deletion; one mutation was identified twice. We showed a relationship between clinical presentation and MEN1 mutation identification, especially with the number of clinical manifestations but also with the type of manifestation. Pancreatic manifestations were significantly linked with probability of mutation. In a sporadic context with at least two established manifestations of MEN1, the overall probability of identifying a mutation was 26%, warranting MEN1 genotypic analysis. 相似文献
Thymic carcinoids in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Teh 《Journal of internal medicine》1998,243(6):501-504
Teh BT (Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden). Thymic carcinoids in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (Minisymposium: MEN & VHL). J Intern Med 1998; 243 : 501–4.
Thymic carcinoid is a rare malignancy with about 150 cases reported to date. It is associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1), but compared with other MEN-1-related neoplasia little is known about it. We have recently described and studied 20 MEN-1-related cases and found that up to 25% of all reported thymic carcinoids are MEN-1 related. It is an insidious tumour not associated with Cushing's syndrome or carcinoid syndrome. Local invasion, recurrence and distant metastasis are common with no known effective treatment. Its male predominance, the absence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the MEN1 region, clustering in some MEN-1 families and the findings of different MEN1 mutations in these clustered families suggest the involvement of additional aetiological factors. We propose that computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the chest should be included as part of the clinical workup for all MEN-1 patients. Prophylactic thymectomy should be considered during subtotal or total parathyroidectomy on MEN-1 patients to reduce the risk of this malignancy. 相似文献
Thymic carcinoid is a rare malignancy with about 150 cases reported to date. It is associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1), but compared with other MEN-1-related neoplasia little is known about it. We have recently described and studied 20 MEN-1-related cases and found that up to 25% of all reported thymic carcinoids are MEN-1 related. It is an insidious tumour not associated with Cushing's syndrome or carcinoid syndrome. Local invasion, recurrence and distant metastasis are common with no known effective treatment. Its male predominance, the absence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the MEN1 region, clustering in some MEN-1 families and the findings of different MEN1 mutations in these clustered families suggest the involvement of additional aetiological factors. We propose that computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the chest should be included as part of the clinical workup for all MEN-1 patients. Prophylactic thymectomy should be considered during subtotal or total parathyroidectomy on MEN-1 patients to reduce the risk of this malignancy. 相似文献