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自大流行开始以来,全世界有超过5亿人感染过新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2),许多研究表明新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)康复患者核酸复阳是非常常见的,这引起了学术界的广泛关注。目前对于新型冠状病毒肺炎患者康复后核酸复阳的原因和特点尚不清楚。本文结合了不同原因导致的新冠肺炎复阳,从定义及原因、鉴别诊断、相关的免疫反应变量、传染性及疾病严重程度、以及新冠肺炎复阳与疫苗接种之间的关系共5个方面进行综述,以期为新冠肺炎防控提供有益帮助。 相似文献
随着新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者大量出院,部分患者出院后出现再次发热、核酸检测阳性的现象。这可能是由于新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)的生物学特性所决定的,也可能与患者的基础疾病、临床状况、糖皮质激素的使用以及标本采样、处理、检测有关,甚至还与部分患者再次感染或继发其他细菌病毒感染有关。为此,我们建议针对这一现象,应在指南基础上进一步对患者出院进行分层管理,尤其是高龄、有基础疾病或重症及危重型患者可能要进行相应处理措施,对于患者住院后长期吸氧难以完全脱氧者采用个体化的处理方式和不同出院评估标准,旨在保证彻底治愈患者,防止出院后复发。 相似文献
2019年12月,中国以湖北省武汉市为中心暴发了一场新型冠状病毒导致的肺炎疫情,称为新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)疫情。截至2020年3月1日24时,据我国31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告,累计确诊病例80 026例,中国港澳台地区确诊148例。目前,COVID-19无特效抗病毒药物或疫苗,治疗药物的选择主要是基于既往严重急性呼吸综合征、中东呼吸综合征及其他一些流感病毒的治疗经验。瑞德西韦、氯喹、法匹拉韦、恢复期血浆在临床上初见疗效,但其安全性和疗效,还须要大样本量进一步验证。利巴韦林、洛匹那韦/利托那韦、干扰素-α、阿比多尔联合应用,应注意其不良反应,慎重选择。达鲁那韦目前还停留在体外实验阶段,中医辩证治疗还须进一步验证。本文围绕目前临床上治疗COVID-19药物的研究进展进行综述,为COVID-19治疗提供参考。 相似文献
随着科学技术的发展和医学研究不断取得新进步,人们认识到病毒引发的传染性疾病仍然对人类健康构成巨大威胁,据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)宣布,地球上对人类危害最大的有九大病毒:(1)克里米亚-刚果出血热病毒(Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus,CCHFV);(2)埃博拉病毒(Ebola virus,EBOV);(3)马尔堡病毒(Marburg virus,MBV);(4)艾滋病病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);(5)寨卡病毒(Zika virus,ZKV);(6)狂犬病毒(rabies virus,RBV);(7)流感病毒(influenza virus,FLV);(8)尼帕病毒和裂谷热病毒(Nipah virus and riftvelley fever virus,NV-RFV);(9)冠状病毒(coronavirus,CoV),其中包括中东呼吸综合征(Middle East respiratory syndrome,MERS)和重症急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)等。特别是EBOV和CoV传播较快,病死率高,造成了严重公共健康危机[1-3]。 相似文献
目的了解SARS-CoV-2核酸复阳的2019新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)患者临床特征,为实行针对性管理提供参考依据。方法分析SARS-CoV-2核酸复阳COVID-19患者的临床表现和实验室检查结果,对该类患者住院期间和出院后呼吸道及粪便标本病毒核酸持续时间进行分析评估。结果43例患者中有15例在住院期间SARS-CoV-2核酸检测短暂转阴后又出现“复阳”(复阳组),复阳比例为34.9%,均为普通型患者。与病毒核酸未出现复阳患者(未复阳组)相比,复阳组在入院时多表现为轻度发热,咳痰持续时间更短,ESR、CRP、血清淀粉样蛋白A水平更低(P均<0.05);2组患者鼻咽拭子标本病毒核酸初始转阴时间差异无统计学意义,但与未复阳组相比,复阳组鼻咽拭子病毒最长脱落时间显著延长,痰液中病毒脱落时间显著延长,粪便核酸阳性率更高(P均<0.05)。呼吸道标本病毒核酸复阳和粪便标本中病毒核酸持续阳性患者均未发现胸部CT较前改变。结论SARS-CoV-2核酸复阳COVID-19患者多表现为轻症感染和病毒持续阳性的特征,同时该类患者存在痰液标本病毒脱落时间延长和粪便标本病毒核酸持续阳性的特点,因而对病毒核酸复阳患者应给予特别关注和更长时间的医学观察,以预防和控制疫情的再次传播。 相似文献
As an international tourist center, Hainan province includes both imported and local COVID-19 cases. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients in Hainan, China.COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Hainan affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University in January to March 2020 were retrospectively assessed. Routine blood tests, blood gas analyses, and computed tomography imaging were performed within 24 hours. Virus nucleic acid was detected every other day. The patients were divided into local resident and traveler groups, and differences in clinical data as well as leukocyte, lymphocyte, and neutrophil levels were analyzed.A total of 70 patients aged 51.23 ± 13.54 years were assessed, including 16 local residents and 54 travelers. Of these, 55 cases (78.6%) had fever, 47 (67.1%) had cough and sputum, and 9 (12.9%) had chest dyspnea; 60 and 10 cases were mild/common and severe/critical, respectively. Sex, basic diseases, smoking history and drinking history, Charlson Comorbidity Index, symptoms, time of onset to admission, clinical severity, white blood cell count, lymphocyte count, neutrophil count, oxygen inhalation, mechanical ventilation, glucocorticoid therapy, treatment, admission to ICU, hospital stay, and mortality were similar between the 2 groups.The warm and humid climate of Hainan does not seem to significantly affect patient features and outcomes from COVID-19. Unnecessary travel to tourist areas should be avoided. 相似文献
The SARS-CoV-2 virus’s ability to induce hypercytokinemia and cause multiple organ failure makes it imperative to find effective treatments. To understand the mechanism of viral infection and its effects on organ tissues, we analyzed multiple single-cell and bulk RNAseq data from COVID-19 patients’ organ samples. Various levels of severity of infection were accounted for, with comparative analyses between mild, moderate, and severely infected patients. Our analysis uncovered an upregulation of the innate immune response via several inflammatory genes, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17A, and NF-κB. Consequently, we found that the upregulation of these downstream effects can lead to organ injury. The downregulated pathways such as eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) and eIF4-mediated host translation, were found to lead to an increased viral translation. We also found that the loss of inhibitory peptides can suppress an overactive innate immune response via NF-κB and interleukin-mediated pathways. Investigation of viral-host protein mapping showed that the interaction of viral proteins with host proteins correlated with the down- and upregulation of host pathways such as decreased eIF2-mediated host translation and increased hypertrophy and fibrosis. Inflammation was increased via the stimulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppression of host translation pathways that led to reduced inflammatory inhibitors. Cardiac hypertrophy and organ fibrosis were the results of increased inflammation in organs of severe and critical patients. Finally, we identified potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of COVID-19 and its deleterious effects on organs. Further experimental investigation would conclusively determine the effects of COVID-19 infection on organs other than the lungs and the effectiveness of the proposed therapeutic targets. 相似文献