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Ascending urogenital chlamydial infections, which can in particular also affect the prostate, pose a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma for andrologists. Since the material for diagnosis that passes through the urethra can basically indicate a urethral contamination with chlamydiae and since biopsies from the affected organs (e.g., prostate, epididymis) are not possible for various reasons, methods for direct proof of genital pathogenic chlamydiae are limited. Antibody investigations are also not sufficient to evaluate andrological problems; major doubt prevails regarding genital specificity and sensitivity. Furthermore, it is unclear in how many cases with relevant clinical manifestation it is possible to verify a serological reaction. Goals for the future include combining highly sensitive methods to detect the chlamydia antigen or chlamydia DNA in cell types such as epithelium or stromal cells that identify the adnexa.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei zehn Patienten mit Skeletmetastasen verhielten sich Produktion und Destruktion der Erythrocyten nur in einem Fall normal, einmal war ein gesteigerter Erythrocytenabbau durch eine ausreichende Steigerung der Erythropoese kompensiert. Diese beiden Patientinnen waren nicht anämisch. In den übrigen Fällen war trotz einer gesteigerten Hämolyse die Produktion der Erythrocyten vermindert oder nur normal. Die Anämie dieser Patienten war Folge dieser doppelten Störung. Hinweise auf eine extramedulläre Erythropoese ergaben sich nicht. Eine Patientin hatte einen lienalen Erythrocytenabbau, bei den übrigen erfolgte die Hämolyse intravasal. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse bei dieser Patientengruppe wurden mit den früher erhobenen erythrokinetischen Befunden bei Patienten mit Osteomyelofibrose, chronischen Leukämien, Plasmocytom und Makroglobulinämie verglichen.
Summary In ten patients with bone metastases erythrocyte production and destruction were normal only in one case, in another case increased erythrocyte destruction was compensated by a sufficiently raised erythropoiesis. These two patients were not anemic. In the other cases erythrocyte production was reduced or just normal in spite of increased hemolysis. The anemia of these patients was due to this twofold disturbance. There were no findings indicating extramedullary erythropoiesis. One patient showed splenic erythrocyte destruction, while in the other cases intravasal hemolysis was found. — The results in this patient group (were) have been compared with earlier erythrokinetic findings in patients with osteomyelofibrosis, chronic leukemia, multiple myeloma and makroglobulinemia.

Die Arbeit wurde durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei 14 anephrischen Patienten wurde der Einfluß von ACTH, Angiotensin II, Orthostase und Hämodialyse auf die Plasmaaldosteronkonzentration untersucht. Gleichzeitg wurden Plasmareninaktivität (PRA), Plasmacortisol, Serumnatrium und Serumkalium bestimmt.Unter 4stündiger Infusion von synthetischem ACTH (2,5 µg/min Synachten) kam es zu einem signifikanten Anstieg des Plasmaaldosterons und des Plasmacortisols (p<0,025 bzw. <0,005), während Serumnatrium und Serumkalium unverändert blieben.Eine einstündige Infusion einer suppressorischen Dosis von synthetischem Angiotensin II (1,0 ng/kg Körpergewicht/min Hypertensin) führte zu einem geringgradigen, jedoch nicht signifikanten Anstieg des Plasmaaldosterons und hatte keinen Einfluß auf Plasmacortisol und Serumelektrolyte. Eine nach 60 min zusätzlich durchgeführte ACTH-Infusion (2,5 µg/min Synacthen) bewirkte über einen Zeitraum von 4 h einen ähnlichen Plasmaaldosteronansteig wie die alleinige ACTH-Infusion.Durch Orthostase ließ sich ein signifikanter Anstieg des Plasmaaldosterons (p<0,05) erzielen, während Plasmacortisol und Serumelektrolyte keine signifikanten Veränderungen zeigten.Sowohl normale als auch isonatriämische und isokaliämische Hämodialyse führten zu einem vergleichbaren Anstieg des Plasmaaldosterons. Das Plasmacortisol blieb bei der normalen Hämodialyse unverändert und fiel bei der isonatriämischen und isokaliämischen Hämodialyse ab.Die Plasmareninaktivität war unter den beschriebenen Versuchsbedingungen mit ganz wenigen Ausnahmen nicht meßbar (<0,2 mg/ml·3 h). Vereinzelt tiefnormale PRA-Werte wurden weder durch Hämodialyse noch Orthostase beeinflußt.Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen bei nierenlosen Patienten eine Stimulation des Plasmaaldosterons durch synthetisches ACTH, ein geringgradiges Ansprechen auf suppressorisches Angiotensin II, eine fehlende Potenzierung der ACTH-Wirkung durch suppressorische Dosen von Angiotensin II und einen Aldosteronanstieg unter Orthostase. Ferner ließ sich unter Hämodialyse ein Anstieg des Plasmaaldosterons beobachten. Dieser Anstieg trat sowohl unter normaler als auch unter isokaliämischer und isonatriämischer Hämodialyse auf und konnte deshalb ebenso wie die durch Orthostase induzierte Veränderung der Hormonkonzentration keinem der bekannten aldosteronstimulierenden Faktoren zugeordnet werden. Eine mögliche Beteiligung anderer Faktoren an der Aldosteronregulation ist deshalb anzunehmen.  相似文献   

Summary Hyperprolactinemia can successfully be treated by dopaminagonists such as bromocriptin or lisuride. About 10% of patients complain about side effects like orthostatic hypotension, nausea or vomiting, which may lead to discontinuation of treatment.We therefore conducted a study using terguride — a new dopaminagonist — in 5 patients with hyperprolactinemia and intolerable side effects under conventional treatment. Terguride is the transdihydroderivative of lisuride (Dopergin®). We treated 5 patients, 2 men with macroprolactinoma and 3 women with microprolactinoma with terguride. The mean duration of treatment was 15.6 months (7–37 months). Patients were treated with up to 5 mg terguride daily.All 5 patients had a marked initial decrease of elevated prolactin levels 8 h after administration of 0.25 mg terguride orally. Three patients became normoprolactinemic after sufficient increase of the dose of terguride, 2 female patients with a microprolactinoma got eumenorrhoeic thereafter.The treatment with terguride was tolerated without side effects by all patients. There were no significant changes of the examined parameters of clinical chemistry nor the other pituitary hormones. Results of cranial computertomography did not change in 4 patients, one patient had tumor progression.Tergurid as a dopaminagonist is an effective inhibitor of prolactin with little side effects and thus a useful drug in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia.

Abkürzungen PRL Prolactin - LH Luteinisierendes Hormon - LHRH LH-Releasing Hormone - FSH Folikelstimulierendes Hormon - T3 Trijodthyronin - T4 Thyroxin - TBG Thyroxin bindendes Hormon - TSH Thyreoidea stimulierendes Hormon  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei 4 Patienten mit vollständiger Kartagener-Trias wurde erstmals die Konzentration des 1-Antitrypsins im Serum bestimmt. Hierbei fanden sich bei 3 Fällen gegenüber Gesunden erhöhte Werte, der jüngste Patient zeigte einen normalen Titer. Hierdurch läßt sich ein Zusammenhang dieser Krankheit mit den Lungenkrankheiten bei hereditärem 1-Antitrypsinmangel ausschließen. Die erhöhten Titer können Ausdruck der chronischen Entzündung der Luftwege sein.Ein Teil der Untersuchungen wurde mit Unterstützung des SFB 51 durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary The therapeutic spectrum for the management of patients with pulmonary embolism includes either drug therapy with anticoagulants or with thrombolytic agents, or embolectomy. The indications for either form of therapy are not always clearly separable, but, in general, surgery is reserved for those patients with massive embolism and shock. Large, mobile thromboemboli located centrally, either within the right heart or in the main pulmonary artery, bear the risk of further, possibly fatal, embolisation that might actually be increased by thrombolytic therapy. Therefore, demonstration of such a thromboembolus seems to justify the decision for prompt surgical removal even in the absence of shock as exemplified in the two cases presented here.

Summary Adrenal tumors accidently detected by CT scan are increasingly seen in patients without clinical signs of adrenal diseases. We studied whether enhanced adrenal stimulation is of importance in the development of adrenal tumors. For this purpose 22 patients with adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) were studied by CT scan. One of these patients suffered from C-11-hydroxylase-, one from C-3-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase-, and 20 from C-21-hydroxylase deficiency. The average adrenal size of these patients was 506±79 mm2 as compared to 132±8 mm2 in the controls (P<0.001). Only two patients with the late onset form revealed adrenal glands of normal size. There was a significant correlation between adrenal size and patients' age (P<0.01). Females with the simple virilizing form revealed adrenal glands larger than those of the late onset form (640±169 vs 308±56 mm2). Eighteen patients with AGS exhibited one (n=11) or several (n=7) adrenal tumors, the size of which was 5–9 mm in diameter in 9, 10–20 mm in 7, and more than 50 mm in 2 patients. There was a significant correlation between adrenal hyperplasia and tumor diameter (P<0.001). No correlation was found between tumor size and plasma concentrations of testosterone or 17-hydroxyprogesterone, patients' age at the time of diagnosis, or clinical signs of androgenization. Again, tumors were larger in females suffering from the simple virilizing form of AGS than in those with the late onset form (14.8±5.5 vs 7.7±0.8 mm). Our investigations show that adrenal tumors are found almost regularly (82%) in patients suffering from AGS. Incidence and size of these tumors appear to correlate to the degree as well as the duration of adrenal stimulation. As these tumors are benign, it is suggested that in case of accidental detection of silent adrenal tumors, an adrenogenital syndrome should be excluded by endocrinological tests.

Abkürzungsverzeichnis ACTH Adrenocorticotropes Hormon - AGS Adrenogenital Syndrom - CT Computertomogramm - NN Nebennieren Unterstützt durch: Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (IV B 5-400 021 86)  相似文献   

Summary Between October 1979 and March 1982, bone marrow transplantations were performed by the Tübingen Group for BMT on 19 patients with acute leukemia in remission and on one patient with chronic myelocytic leukemia in chronic phase. The conditioning regimen consisted of 2×60 mg cyclophosphamide/kg and 10 Gy whole-body irradiation with the linear accelerator. The lung dose was limited by shielding to 8 Gy. In 15 patients, the bone marrow cell suspension of the donor was preincubated with antihuman T-cell globulin (AHTCG) for prophylaxis of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). All patients showed prompt engraftment of donor cells with good hemopoietic function and complete chimerism. Under reverse isolation in sterile units, no severe bacterial or fungal infections were seen in the phase of bone marrow aplasia.Twelve in twenty patients survived between 25 and 900 days. A severe GVHD was seen only in two patients — one after preincubation with AHTCG. One patient died from relapse of his leukemia, another patient had a testicular relapse which was treated with local radiotherapy. Major problems were seen with chronic GVHD (six patients) and infectious complications, most importantly interstitial pneumonia, in the late post-transplant period.

Abkürzungen AHTCG Anti-Human-T-Zell-Globulin [11] - ALL Akute lymphatische Leukämie - AML Akute myeloische Leukämie - AMML Akute myelomonozytäre Leukämie - AUL Akute undifferenzierte Leukämie - GVHD Graftversus-Host-Krankheit - CML Chronische myeloische Leukämie - HLA Human leukocyte antigen - KMT Knochenmarktransplantation - MLC mixed leukocyte culture Herrn Prof. Dr. G.W. Löhr, Freiburg, zum 60. Geburtstag gewidemetMit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG-Forschergruppe Leukämieforschung, Wa 139/11-Wa 139/13-5  相似文献   

Summary Using a grouping method we studied the disease homogeneity within a group of 109 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. The mean observation period was 6 years and 8 months. By using a cluster analysis, the total group of patients could be subdivided into two subgroups which differed clearly in their symptomatology. One subgroup (n=42) showed higher incidence of elevated serum creatinine values, proteinuria, oral ulceration and severe anaemia. All 13 deaths occurred in this group. The second group (n=67) was characterized by a more benign course of disease, a notably decreased incidence of renal involvement, and the Raynaud's Phenomenon was comparatively frequent.

Summary In 1063 patients (60 years, 531 men, 532 women) the plasma concentration during digitalis maintenance therapy (metildigoxin, n=356, beta-acetyldigoxin, n=359, and digitoxin, n=348) was determined and related to sex, age, body weight, serum potassium, renal function and the prescribed daily maintenance dose. Classification of treatment groups according to renal function (Crea 1.3 mg/dl//> 1.3 mg/dl) did not show any difference of the mean maintenance doses.In multiple linear regression analyses only a weak relationship between plasma digitalis concentration and the studied variables was found, which could be equally attributed to dose, creatinine and serum potassium in the digoxin derivative groups, whereas for digitoxin only body weight had a significant effect on the plasma concentration. During a maintenance dose of 0.07 or 0.1 mg/die which was given to 87% of patients in the digitoxin group, 70% were found to have plasma levels within the therapeutic range.

Abkürzungen BAD Betaacetyldigoxin - BMD Metildigoxin (-Methyldigoxin) - DTX Digitoxin - ED tägliche Erhaltungsdosis - Krea Kreatinin - KreaCl Kreatininclearance - PDK Plasmadigitaliskonzentration  相似文献   

Summary Arousals are transient, brief and abrupt frequency shifts in the electroencephalogram during sleep. A lot of studies considered that the impaired daytime functioning in patients with sleep disturbances may be caused by such sleep fragmentations. In 1992 the American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA) defined criteria concerning the rating of arousals. Nevertheless, data on arousal patterns according to ASDA criteria in patients with insomnia are still missing. Therefore, we studied the arousal distribution according to ASDA criteria in 25 patients with psychophysiological insomnia divided into four age groups and 10 young healthy controls. Young patients showed a significantly increased arousal index per hour total sleep time (18.3±6.3) compared to age-matched controls (10.5±3.1, p≤0.01). Within the patient groups the arousal index increased with increasing age (maximal index: 27,6±11.5). All patients showed high percentages of non-movement related arousals. In spite of the explorative character of the presented study, the results indicate that the insomniacs' sleep is disturbed by arousal-related sleep fragmentation. The increased arousal frequency suggests to be a neurophysiological correlate of the postulated hyperarousal in psychophysiological insomnia.   相似文献   

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