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输卵管绝育术与妇女健康   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
输卵管育术在世界范围内已成为节制生育的首要措施,它与妇女健康的关系越来越受到人们的重视,本文综述了输卵管绝育术的及其与妇女健康的关系,选择和发展避免损伤卵巢血供和术后粘连的术式是手术远期质量,保证妇女健康的关键。  相似文献   

宋健 《药物与人》2014,(2S):115-115
人工流产是避孕失败的补救措施,但其所致近期和远期并发症及心里创伤严重威胁妇女的生殖健康,并对社会和经济发展产生负面影响,因此人工流产术越来越受到人们的关注。为了提高妇女的避孕措施使用率,有效降低非意愿妊娠和人工流产,保护妇女的生殖健康,以群众需求为出发点,切实提高群众满意度,我们就必须为计生服务所计划生育服务工作探索新路子,实践新方法,满足群众意愿,进一步搞好优质服务打下良好基础。  相似文献   

贺鹏 《保健医苑》2008,(6):28-29
<正>随着我国女性地位的提高,妇女健康已越来越受到公众的关注。"关爱女性,尊重母  相似文献   

加强女工劳动卫生保护工作是一项长期而艰巨的任务,其重要性不言而喻,由于妇女解剖和生理上的特点,负重能力差,造血系统及肝脏对毒物的敏感性高,皮肤柔嫩,易遭受刺激性和脂溶性物质的作用,另外,女工在月经期、妊娠期等生理状态改变时,对职业性有害因素的敏感性也增高,因此,女工的劳动卫生问题日益受到医务工作者的广泛关注和研究。近两年,国内外召开四次有关妇女劳动卫生及生殖健康研究的学术会议,就妇女健康、职业癌症和生殖及生殖健康进行专题讨论。现就国内外近年来的研究动态综述如下:……  相似文献   

健康是生命的资源,妇女享有健康的权利,作为生殖健康主体的妇女的健康和权益应当受到社会更广泛的关注。对职业女性定期进行健康检查是妇女保健的重要内容之一,它可以早发现,及时治疗常见病、多发病以及妇科良、恶性肿瘤,并可及时了解各类妇科疾病在人群中的发病情况、发病趋势。对早期治疗妇女病、降低患病率、提高妇女生活质量、保障妇女身心健康有重要意义。1关于“加强北京市女职工妇科健康检查通知”的颁布女职工的保健工作是维护妇女权益的重要内容之一。党和政府一直非常重视女职工劳动保护和保健工作,先后颁布了一系列的政策法规,如…  相似文献   

宫颈糜烂是已婚妇女的常见病多发病,是诱发宫颈癌的高危因素,随着社会性观念的转变,工作压力的加剧,越来越多的年轻未育妇女受到了宫颈糜烂的困扰,我门诊妇科从2006年3月至2007年10月应用哈它各其-7诊疗宫颈糜烂54例,取得了满意的效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

随着社会的迅速发展,改革开放的不断深入,人们越来越重视保健服务质量。生殖健康是人类健康的核心,生殖道感染的发生、预防和治疗是生殖保健的重要内容之一,只有不断地做好这方面的工作,才能实现“以人为本”,以妇女为中心的生殖健康。为了更好地加强该项工作,我们对2003年来婚检门诊的生殖道感染情况进行汇总分析。  相似文献   

曹丽萍  崔英梅  宁涛 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(23):3182-3182
近年来,妇女医疗保健越来越受到人们的重视,特别是妇女乳腺疾病发病率呈不断的上升趋势。为更好的掌握妇女乳腺疾病的患病情况,分析影响患病的主要危险因素,我院于2004年上半年对800例妇女进行了乳腺病普查,结果分析如下:  相似文献   

要实现四个现代化、把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家,必然离不开占人口总数二分之一的强大的妇女群体。妇女的健康教育对实现我国的根本任务有着举足轻重的意义。通过健康教育使妇女更自觉、更得当地进行自身保健,是妇幼保健工作成功的重要保证。实践证明,健康教育是一项社会性很强的群体性的预防保健工作。它以传播保健知识和技术来影响个体和群体行为,强化健康意识。现就几年来北京大兴县开展妇幼保健工作.对妇女进行健康教育谈几点体会。  相似文献   

围产期妇女的健康综合测评及其影响因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围产期妇女的生命质量,已经成为目前围产期保健工作的重点。针对围产期妇女存在的健康问题,建议对该群体进行生理、心理、社会功能等多雏度的健康综合测评,并进一步探讨其影响因素。为对围产期妇女进行及时、合理、科学的健康干预提供科学指导;同时对卫生服务工作的效果进行科学评价,为明确健康教育工作的重点提供理论参考。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is a dearth of validated information about lesbian and bisexual women's health. To better understand some of these issues, we used population-based data to assess variations in health behaviors, health status, and access to and use of health care based on sexual orientation. METHODS: Our study population was drawn from a population-based sample of women, the 1997 Los Angeles County Health Survey. Participants reported their sexual orientation and these analyses included 4697 women: 4610 heterosexual women, 51 lesbians, and 36 bisexual women. We calculated adjusted relative risks to assess the effect of sexual orientation on important health issues. RESULTS: Lesbians and bisexual women were more likely than heterosexual women to use tobacco products and to report any alcohol consumption, but only lesbians were significantly more likely than heterosexual women to drink heavily. Lesbians and bisexual women were less likely than heterosexual women to have health insurance, more likely to have been uninsured for health care during the preceding year, and more likely to have had difficulty obtaining needed medical care. During the preceding 2 years, lesbians, but not bisexual women, were less likely than heterosexual women to have had a Papanicolaou test and a clinical breast examination. CONCLUSIONS: In this first population-based study of lesbian and bisexual women's health, we found that lesbians and bisexual women were more likely than heterosexual women to have poor health behaviors and worse access to health care. These findings support our hypothesis that sexual orientation has an independent effect on health behaviors and receipt of care, and indicate the need for the increased systematic study of the relationship between sexual orientation and various aspects of health and health care. Arch Fam Med. 2000;9:1043-1051  相似文献   

The current study sought to determine whether health status and health risk behaviors of Canadian women varied based on sexual identity. This was a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Canadian Community Health Survey: cycle 2.1, a national population-based survey designed to gather health data on a representative sample of over 135,000 Canadians including 354 lesbian respondents, 424 bisexual women respondents, and 60,937 heterosexual women respondents. Sexual orientation was associated with disparities in health status and health risk behaviors for lesbian and bisexual women in Canada. Bisexual women were more likely than lesbians or heterosexual women to report poor or fair mental and physical health, mood or anxiety disorders, lifetime STD diagnosis, and, most markedly, life-time suicidality. Lesbians and bisexual women were also more likely to report daily smoking and risky drinking than heterosexual women. In sum, sexual orientation was associated with health status in Canada. Bisexual women, in particular, reported poorer health outcomes than lesbian or heterosexual women, indicating this group may be an appropriate target for specific health promotion interventions.  相似文献   

Women entering the correctional system represent a population at high risk for mental health and the body of research on the mental health needs of women offenders is growing. These mental health problems pose challenges for women at every stage of the criminal justice process, from arrest to incarceration to community reentry and reintegration. In this article, we examined mental health status among a sample of 142 women leaving confinement and the role that mental health problems played in shaping their reentry outcomes using data collected between 2002 and 2005 in Houston, Texas. In the year after leaving prison, women with mental health problems reported poorer health, more hospitalizations, more suicidal thoughts, greater difficulties securing housing and employment, more involvement in criminal behavior, and less financial support from family than women with no indication of mental health problems. However, mental health status did not increase the likelihood of substance use relapse or reincarceration. The article concludes with a discussion of recommendations for improved policy and practice.  相似文献   

Employment, attitudes toward employment, and women's health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationships between self-reported general health, employment, and attitudes toward the employment of married women have been analyzed for a representative sample of married, middle-aged women in the United States. The cross-sectional data indicate that women who were in the labor force had better health than women who were out of the labor force. In addition, women whose labor force status was compatible with their attitudes toward employment tended to have better health than women for whom there was a discrepancy between labor force status and attitudes. Analysis of the longitudinal data indicate that several causal mechanisms contributed to the relationships observed in the cross-sectional data. For the women with favorable attitudes toward employment, it appears that being a housewife had more detrimental effects on health than being employed. In contrast, for the women with unfavorable or neutral attitudes toward employment, it appears that employment status did not affect health. For healthy women, being employed may have contributed to more favorable attitudes toward employment. Healthy women were more likely than unhealthy women to stay in the labor force. Thus, it appears that there are multiple causal relationships linking employment status, attitudes toward employment and women's health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In recent years the number of women serving in the military has increased substantially, resulting in more demand for VA services by women veterans. This paper describes the characteristics and health status of women veterans who use VA ambulatory services. METHODS: Respondents in the VA Women's Health Project (n = 719) represent a randomly selected subsample from all women who had an ambulatory visit between July 1, 1994 and June 30, 1995 at a large tertiary care VA facility in the Boston area. Summary statistics on eight dimensions of health status (using the SF-36) for women veterans who use VA ambulatory care are provided. Comparisons are made between women veterans and men veterans who use VA services. RESULTS: Women veterans reported consistently low scores on health status across multiple dimensions, reflecting considerable health needs. Among veterans using VA services, women were younger, better educated, and less likely to be married than male veterans. Women veterans who use VA ambulatory services scored lower on every scale except physical functioning and general health perceptions when compared to male VA users. There were more pronounced differences for women on scales measuring emotional health. CONCLUSIONS: Health status among women veterans is moderate to poor. Important differences in health status are observed between men and women who use VA services which have implications for improving health care to women veterans at VA facilities. These findings strongly indicate that increased mental health services need to be available for women veterans seeking VA health care.  相似文献   

Objectives. To examine patterns of health utilization and health information dissemination among immigrants to Australia in the first 6 months of immigration using data from the Longitudinal Study of Immigrants to Australia (LSIA). Methods. The population for the LSIA consists of 5178 principal applicants making their first arrival to Australia on a migrant visa between 1 September 1993 and 31 August 1995, inclusive, and who are aged 15 years or over at the time (96% of all principal applicants). The influence of immigration category, country of birth, health status and age on the likelihood of receiving information about health, sources of health information and use of general practitioners were explored using separate logistic regressions for men and women. Results. Women who received health information were older and less likely to have a chronic illness than women who did not. Men who received health information were older and more likely to be in the Business visa category. Younger women, those in Preferential Family visa categories and bilingual women were more likely than other women to have received health information from an NGO. For men, the only significant predictor of source of health information was being in the Independent visa category. Women who used health services were younger, more likely to have a chronic illness, be proficient in English and less likely to be in the Independent visa category than women who did not. Men who used health services were older, more likely to have a chronic condition and have limited English than men who did not. Men who used health services were more likely to be in the Humanitarian visa class and less likely to be in the Concessional Family or Business visa categories than men who did not use health services. They were also more likely to have been born in Oceania, Middle East and North Africa and Africa. Conclusions. The results of this study indicate that there are important differentials in knowledge of and use of the health system and these differences are unlikely to be captured by using measures based on ethnicity or country of origin alone. Predictors of health service utilization were different for men and women. In particular, age and lack of English proficiency appeared to be barriers to health service use for women. Visa category and country of birth were more important determinants of health service use for men.  相似文献   

Research on patterns of self-rated health and health service use suggests that women report having poorer health than men, and that, after controlling for health measures, women are more likely to obtain formal health care. Proposed reasons for these differences have included that women's self-rated health is more strongly influenced by psychosocial factors or negative affect and that women are likely to obtain services when at better levels of self-rated health, compared with men. Our study explored gender differences in the effects of non-health attributes on decisions to obtain primary medical services for an Australian community-based sample of 4140 adults from two age groups: 40-44 years and 60-64 years. Participants provided information on measures of physical and mental health, and on predisposing and enabling factors that could affect their levels of health service use. Information on visits made to general practitioners (GPs) in a 6-month period was obtained from the national insurer. We found that men and women who obtained no GP services reported comparable levels of physical and mental health and that, for both men and women, measures of health needs were most strongly associated with their obtaining care. After controlling for measures of mental and physical health and enabling factors, we found that non-health factors that could predispose an individual to obtain care had greater impact on men's but not women's decisions to obtain any GP services. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that in choosing to obtain medical care, women are more strongly influenced by non-health factors compared with men.  相似文献   

This study analyses different perceptions by women and men, from different social backgrounds and ages, regarding their health, vulnerability and coping with illness, and describes the main models provided by both sexes to explain determinants for gender inequalities in health. The qualitative study involved in‐depth interviews with women and men resident in Granada (Spain). The women rated their health worse than men, associating it with feelings of exhaustion. However, men tended to overrate their health, hiding their problems behind the ‘tough guy’ stereotype associated with masculinity. Both women and men shared the belief that women are more vulnerable, while men are weaker at coping with illness. The explanatory models offered for this paradox of ‘weak but strong women’ and ‘tough but weak men’ were different for each sex. Men used biological arguments more than women, centred on the female reproductive cycle. Women used more cultural models and identified determinants relating to social stratification, gender roles and power imbalances. In conclusion, gender constructions affect the health perceptions of both women and men at any social level or age. ‘Exhausted’ women and ‘tough’ men should form preferential target groups for intervention to reduce gender inequalities in health.  相似文献   

Women generally seek and use more health care services than do men. Women are also more likely to encounter financial and non-financial barriers to care than do their male counterparts. These differences are accentuated among low income and minority women. We examined health care utilization patterns among women on O'ahu using survey data, and compared those patterns among Native Hawaiian and other ethnic groups. We also provide prevalence rates for several critical women's health issues by ethnic group and explore demographic predictors for health care utilization. Although the vast majority of women have seen health care providers in the last year, ethnic and socioeconomic disparities were identified, especially with respect to our Native Hawaiian female population. A pattern for Native Hawaiian women reveals among the highest rates of depression, as well as sexual/physical/emotional abuse. Alarmingly, Native Hawaiian women are also less likely to have seen a provider in the last year, less likely to have insurance coverage, and more likely to visit emergency departments. Differences by provider type served to reinforce these disparities. In order to reduce barriers to health care utilization for Native Hawaiian women--and for all women in Hawai'i--we recommend universal insurance coverage that includes screening and counseling services. Additionally, training for health care providers is essential in order to improve culturally competent, psychological assessments of health issues for women, particularly Native Hawaiian women.  相似文献   

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