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目的:介绍三维钛网在眶底缺损整复中的应用.方法:对4例因上颌骨鳞癌行上颌骨全切或扩大切除的患者以三维钛网行眶底及眶下缘的重建,评价术后眶部外形及眼的功能.结果:4例手术均获得满意效果,眶部外形恢复好,眶下区无明显塌陷,眼球运动好,无复视、感染等并发症.结论:采用新型三维钛网重建上颌骨肿瘤术后眶底及眶下缘缺损畸形能获得满意的眶部外形;防止术后复视;利于术后观察和复诊;术式简单、创伤小.三维钛网具有易成形、可塑性强、组织相容性好等特点.是理想的眶底重建整复材料,值得在临床推广.  相似文献   

目的探讨自体肋骨移植方式在胸骨缺损重建过程中的应用。 方法回顾性分析浙江大学附属第二医院自2003年3月至2014年3月期间13例行胸骨切除,并使用自体肋骨移植方式重建胸骨缺损患者的病例资料。 结果13例患者中,胸骨柄患者9例,胸骨体患者4例。术后病理证实:软骨肉瘤3例,骨髓炎3例,骨软骨瘤3例,淋巴瘤2例,骨巨细胞瘤1例,韧带样瘤1例。所有患者平稳度过围手术期。在长期随诊过程中,共有2例患者死亡,其中1例患者因非霍奇金淋巴瘤复发在术后6个月去世,另1例患者因心脏病在术后26个月去世;其余患者均胸廓塑形良好,未出现反常呼吸、外观畸形和胸廓不稳等情况。 结论对于胸骨切除术后缺损的患者,建议使用自体肋骨移植的方式来重建缺损区域。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高密度多孔聚乙烯材料(Medpor)结合自体颅骨外板在眶颧骨折继发畸形修复重建术中的应用.方法 将骨折错位愈合的眶颧骨截骨复位进行可靠的内固定后,采用Medpor填充缩孔扩大的眶腔容积,治疗复视,利用自体颅骨外板修复眶壁及眶周的骨质缺损区,恢复眶区外形.结果 自2007年1月至2010年12月,共收治眶颧骨折13例.扩大的眶容积得到缩小,眶下缘抬高至对侧水平,眼球内陷明显改善,复视消失或减轻,面部畸形明显好转,自体颅骨外板及Medpor应用无并发症发生.结论 在复杂眶颧骨折中联合应用Medpor及自体颅骨外板可修复大部分眶颧骨折后继发畸形,尤其是合并骨质缺损患者,可有效解决眶内容物移位、复视,减少自体组织再损伤及排异反应.  相似文献   

超低温保存自体颅骨植入术42例分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的:分析42例超低温保存自体颅骨植入术的优越性。方法:对42例患者进行术后观察及随访。结果:切口均I期愈合,具有生物活性和美观的效果,无排斥反应和免疫反应,不易感染等优点。冷冻1,3,6及12个月后选取的颅骨标本,电镜下组织结构与新鲜颅骨标本组织结构大致相同,未见颅骨细胞破坏,颅骨修补术前移植骨瓣的细菌培养均为阴性,术后随访3-12个月,平均6.5个月,所有病例均无并发症发生,头颅X线及头颅螺旋CT检查,12个月后均达骨性愈合,结论:超低温保存自体颅骨再植术是修补颅骨缺损的最有效方法之一。  相似文献   

自体髂骨移植重建桡骨远端关节面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桡骨远端严重粉碎性骨折常合并关节面及骨缺损,临床治疗效果不佳,晚期常留下腕部畸形,严重影响腕部、手部的功能。自2001年5月~2002年3月采取自体髂骨移植重建桡骨远端关节面治疗4例此类损伤,取得了一定疗效。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨采用自体颅骨片修补颅骨缺损的临床效果。方法 :在脑外伤术中设计骨瓣 ,钻孔后四边锯开取下 ,如果骨片破碎 ,则予钻孔 ,丝线定型 ,脑外伤术毕埋于大腿内侧皮下 ,不置引流片 ,加压包扎。颅骨修补时取出骨片与颅骨缺损处钻孔 ,丝线固定。结果 :本组 2 3例病人 ,切口均Ⅰ期愈合 ,仅有 1例迟发感染 ,与病人不注意切口部位卫生有关。修补术后外型好 ,无骨片吸收下陷 ,神经缺失症状亦有改善。结论 :将颅骨片埋藏于大腿内侧皮下 ,操作时间短 ,手术简单 ,不影响病人肢体活动 ,修补时不用塑型 ,明显减少手术时间 ,减少感染。所以尽量将骨片保留以备修补 ,即使危重病人颅骨钻孔 ,吸除部分血肿后再锯下骨片 ,并不比咬成骨窗费时。  相似文献   

本院自2001年3月至2002年8月,将开颅去骨瓣减压术后的离体骨瓣体外保存,3月余后行自体颅骨原位再植成形术30例,效果良好。报告如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料:男18例,女12例;年龄18~64岁。颅脑损伤手术24例,脑肿瘤术后4例,脑溢血2例。去骨瓣部位:额部8例,颞部13例,额颞顶部9例。自体颅骨瓣大小:5cm×6cm5例,7cm×8cm6例,9cm×10cm10例,>10cm×10cm9例。骨瓣全部完整。去骨瓣至再植手术时间3~7个月,多在6个月以内进行。1.2骨瓣保存及处理:开颅术后,无菌操作,将骨瓣外面残留骨膜肌丝去除,生理盐水反复冲洗,自然干燥,将骨瓣置入双层无菌橡胶手套…  相似文献   

目的观察16例去骨瓣减压术后颅骨缺损病人应用深低温保存自体颅骨作为修补材料修补缺损的效果。方法将游离颅骨骨瓣于术中在无菌条件下封存入两层无菌塑料袋中,术后转入-80℃深低温冰箱保存;修补颅骨缺损时,从深低温冰箱中取出,以碘伏浸泡消毒30分钟,用颅骨锁或钛板连接片固定颅骨。结果经深低温保存颅骨骨瓣未缩小。16例自体颅骨移植病例切口均呈甲类愈合,外形美观,无感染、无皮下积液。术后头部CT三维重建显示颅骨骨缝对合严密,ECT99mTc-MDP静态显像移植骨区放射性核素浓聚。结论自体深低温保存颅骨能有效修复去骨瓣减压术后的颅骨缺损;移植骨瓣可以存活。  相似文献   

<正>本院自2004年2月至2008年8月采用自体颅骨深低温保存修补颅骨缺损患者49例,效果较好,现报告如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料:本组男性38例,女性11例;年龄4~67岁,平均33.5岁。颅骨缺损时间35天~8个月。缺损原因:颅脑损伤44例,高血压脑出血开颅术后5例。  相似文献   

Summary In cranioplasty complexity is proportional to the size of the defect, particularly if greater than 50 cm2. If the patient's own bone flap is not available, allogenic frozen bone graft can be used instead.Between June 1990 and June 1995 twenty cranioplasties with allogenic frozen bone grafts were performed. Age of patients ranged between 23 and 63 years (average 38.4 years). Male/female ratio was 2 1.7. Size of craniectomy ranged between 65 and 150 cm2 (average 83.3 cm2). Follow-up ranged between 10 and 58 months (average 41 months).Donors were tested to rule out transmissible diseases, infections, sepsis and/or cancer. Bone grafts were removed under aseptic conditions, microbiological cultures were taken, wrapped in a gauze soaked with Gentamicin sulphate and Bacitracin, sealed in three sterilised vinyl plastic bags, and stored in a deep freezer for a minimum of 30 days (range 36–93 days, average 67 days), at a temperature of –80 °C.Grafts were placed in the defect after a step was carved on its borders to facilitate the contact between host and graft. Vancomycin 1 g. IV/12 hours and Ceftriaxone 1 g. IV/12 hours were administered for five days.Grafts were covered by means of scalp flaps. Only one required a musculocutaneous free flap. None was exposed, extruded or had to be removed.Plain skull X-ray studies showed progressive remodelling of the grafts. Partial resorption was observed in two (2/20, 10%) and loss of thickness in another 3/20 (15%), but with no changes in the contour.Biopsies were taken in 3/20 (15%) cases at a second surgical procedure. Areas of osteoclastic resorptive activity mixed with others of osteoblastic bone apposition, showed replacement with new bone.We conclude that cranial vault frozen allografts are a good alternative to autologous bone when the latter is absent or not present in sufficient amount.  相似文献   

目的 评估不同移植体修复晚期颅骨缺损的疗效。方法 自1991年以来,应用不同移植体修复晚期颅骨缺损56例,其中应用MEDPOR6例、自体肋骨30例、颅骨外板8例、羟基磷灰石8例、固体硅橡胶4例。结果 经6~12个月临床随访,治疗效果明显,成功率达91.1%,除1例假体外露及1例癫痫发作外,其余无严重并发症发生。结论 颅骨缺损的修复,MEDPOR及自体颅骨及肋骨是安全可靠的,羟基磷灰石及硅橡胶须严格掌握适应证,尽量少用。  相似文献   

目的 评估不同移植体修复晚期颅骨缺损的疗效。方法 自 1991年以来 ,应用不同移植体修复晚期颅骨缺损 5 6例 ,其中应用MEDPOR 6例、自体肋骨 30例、颅骨外板 8例、羟基磷灰石 8例、固体硅橡胶 4例。结果 经6~ 12个月临床随访 ,治疗效果明显 ,成功率达 91.1% ,除 1例假体外露及 1例癫痫发作外 ,其余无严重并发症发生。结论 颅骨缺损的修复 ,MEDPOR及自体颅骨及肋骨是安全可靠的 ,羟基磷灰石及硅橡胶须严格掌握适应证 ,尽量少用。  相似文献   

自体红骨髓注射治疗陈旧性腕舟状骨骨折   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨一种简单、安全、有效、微创的治疗陈旧性腕舟状骨骨折的方法。方法 采用自体红骨髓注射于骨折端的方法。结果 11例经3~12个月(平均8个月)随访,骨折均愈合,平均愈合时间为3个月。结论 本方法治疗陈旧性腕舟状骨骨折简单安全、微创、恢复快、临床疗效满意。  相似文献   

Principle The set of instruments allows harvesting autogenous cancellous bone from the anterior or posterior iliac crest. Special punches (Figures 3 and 4) introduced through rotary movements will detach cancellous bone from its bed and the graft will be secured in the punch through compression. Corresponding pestles will be used to extrude the bone graft while compressing it further. This then supplies small firm cylinders of cancellous bone.  相似文献   

Summary Fractures of the orbital floor which require exploration are usually treated with an alloplastic floor implant or an autogenous bone graft. When large portions of the orbital floor, together with the lower parts of lateral and medial walls, are destroyed there may be no possibility of providing a conventional orbital floor reconstruction. In this situation, a titanium orbital floor implant may well be required to support the globe. 4 cases of traumatic orbital floor blow-out fractures are described. Clinically, all patients had diplopia, enophthalmos and radiological evidence of extensive loss of the orbital floor. A titanium orbital floor implant was molded and secured to the infraorbital rim with miniscrews to reconstruct the orbital floor and to reconstitute the orbital volume. No additional bone grafting was performed. Complications were minimal. From this experience, in severe orbital floor fractures, good results are obtained by supporting the globe using only a titanium implant.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of titanium mesh cages (TMCs) with autogenous iliac bone grafts (AIBG) in posterior-only surgery for thoracic and lumbar spinal tuberculosis.Design: Retrospective investigative design.Setting: The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, China.Participants: A total of 146 patients with thoracic or lumbar tuberculosis.Interventions: All patients underwent a posterior-only approach with either a TMC (86 cases) or AIBG (60 cases).Outcomes measures: Operation duration, intraoperative blood loss, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), visual analogue scale (VAS), and related complications were used to compare the effectiveness and feasibility of the two techniques. Frankel grading system, Cobb angle, and loss of angular correction were employed to assess neurological and kyphotic improvements.Results: There were significant improvements in ESR, CRP, VAS, Frankel grade, and Cobb angle at the last follow-up (P < 0.05) when compared with the preoperative state. The TMC group was superior in operation duration (P < 0.001), intraoperative blood loss (P = 0.007), VAS (P < 0.001), loss of angular correction (P < 0.001), and surgical complications as compared with the AIBG group. There were no significant differences in the improvement of the Frankel grade and Cobb angle between the TMC and AIBG groups (P > 0.05). A recurrence of tuberculosis was not found in either of the groups.Conclusion: Compared to autogenous iliac bone grafts, titanium mesh cages could serve as a superior material in posterior-only operative therapy for thoracic and lumbar spinal tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized study was performed in an ovine model to compare the efficacy of an anorganic bovine-derived hydroxyapatite matrix combined with a synthetic 15 amino acid residue (ABM/P-15) in facilitating lumbar interbody fusion when compared with autogenous bone harvested from the iliac crest. P-15 is a biomimetic to the cell-binding site of Type-I collagen for bone-forming cells. When combined with ABM, it creates the necessary scaffold to initiate cell invasion, binding, and subsequent osteogenesis. In this study, six adult ewes underwent anterior-lateral interbody fusion at L3/L4 and L4/L5 using PEEK interbody rings filled with autogenous bone at one level and ABM/P-15 at the other level and no additional instrumentation. Clinical CT scans were obtained at 3 and 6 months; micro-CT scans and histomorphometry analyses were performed after euthanization at 6 months. Clinical CT scan analysis showed that all autograft and ABM/P-15 treated levels had radiographically fused outside of the rings at the 3-month study time point. Although the clinical CT scans of the autograft treatment group showed significantly better fusion within the PEEK rings than ABM/P-15 at 3 months, micro-CT scans, clinical CT scans, and histomorphometric analyses showed there were no statistical differences between the two treatment groups at 6 months. Thus, ABM/P-15 was as successful as autogenous bone graft in producing lumbar spinal fusion in an ovine model, and it should be further evaluated in clinical studies.  相似文献   

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