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BackgroundHuman papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programs have been implemented in more than 50 countries. These programs offer tremendous promise of reducing HPV-related disease burden. However, failure to achieve high coverage among high-risk groups may mitigate program success and increase inequalities. We examined sociodemographic inequalities in HPV vaccination coverage in 4 Canadian provinces (Quebec (QC), Ontario (ON), Manitoba (MB), British Columbia (BC)).MethodsWe obtained annual HPV vaccination coverage of pre-adolescent girls at provincial and regional levels, from the start of programs to 2012/2013. Regions refer to administrative areas responsible for vaccine implementation and monitoring (there are 18/36/10/16 regions in QC/ON/MB/BC). We obtained regions’ sociodemographic characteristics from Statistics Canada Census. We used univariate weighted linear regression to examine the associations between regions’ sociodemographic characteristics and HPV vaccination coverage.ResultsProvincial HPV vaccination coverage is generally high (QC:78%; ON:80%; MB:64%, BC:69%, 2012/13). QC had the highest provincial vaccination coverage since the program start, but had the greatest inequalities. In QC, regional HPV vaccination coverage was lower in regions with higher proportions of socially deprived individuals, immigrants, and/or native English speakers (p < 0.0001). These inequalities remained stable over time. Regional-level analysis did not reveal inequalities in ON, MB and BC.ConclusionSchool-based HPV vaccination programs have resulted in high vaccination coverage in four Canadian provinces. Nonetheless, high overall coverage did not necessarily translate into equality in coverage. Future work is needed to understand underlying causes of inequalities and how this could impact existing inequalities in HPV-related diseases and overall program success.  相似文献   

In the United States, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been recommended for females since 2006 and for males since 2011. However, national HPV vaccination coverage among adolescents is lower than national targets, and many adolescents initiate HPV vaccination later than the recommended age. We analyzed records for >2 million persons born during 1996–2000 who initiated HPV vaccination at age 9 through 16?years from six Immunization Information Systems Sentinel Sites, displayed the distribution of HPV vaccination initiation age, and calculated HPV vaccination coverage. More adolescents in recent cohorts initiated HPV vaccination at the recommended age of 11–12?years, the majority of whom received another recommended vaccine on the same day. However, >40% of all vaccinated adolescents did not initiate the HPV vaccination until age 13?years or later. Continued efforts are needed to increase HPV vaccination initiation at the recommended age.  相似文献   



Accurate estimates of coverage are essential for estimating the population effectiveness of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. Australia has a purpose built National HPV Vaccination Program Register for monitoring coverage, however notification of doses administered to young women in the community during the national catch-up program (2007–2009) was not compulsory. In 2011, we undertook a population-based mobile phone survey of young women to independently estimate HPV vaccination coverage.


Randomly generated mobile phone numbers were dialed to recruit women aged 22–30 (age eligible for HPV vaccination) to complete a computer assisted telephone interview. Consent was sought to validate self reported HPV vaccination status against the national register. Coverage rates were calculated based on self report and weighted to the age and state of residence structure of the Australian female population. These were compared with coverage estimates from the register using Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated resident populations as the denominator.


Among the 1379 participants, the national estimate for self reported HPV vaccination coverage for doses 1/2/3, respectively, weighted for age and state of residence, was 64/59/53%. This compares with coverage of 55/45/32% and 49/40/28% based on register records, using 2007 and 2011 population data as the denominators respectively. Some significant differences in coverage between the states were identified. 20% (223) of women returned a consent form allowing validation of doses against the register and provider records: among these women 85.6% (538) of self reported doses were confirmed.


We confirmed that coverage rates for young women vaccinated in the community (at age 18–26 years) are underestimated by the national register and that under-notification is greater for second and third doses. Using 2011 population estimates, rather than estimates contemporaneous with the program rollout, reduces register-based coverage estimates further because of large population increases due to immigration since the program.  相似文献   

BackgroundOur objectives were to describe Human Papillomavirus vaccination coverage rates (HPV-VCR), policies, and practical steps for programme implementation that may be linked to high uptake in the population targeted by routine programmes across 30 European Union/European Economic Area Member States and Switzerland.MethodsInformation from institutional websites and from articles indexed in Medline between 01/2006 and 01/2017 was reviewed and extracted using a standardised form. In 12/2017, a cross-sectional survey was administered to national experts, in order to update the compiled information.ResultsData were available in 31 countries, and validated by national experts in 28 of them. National vaccination programmes targeted girls 9–15 years of age in 30 countries and boys in 11 countries. HPV-VCR in girls was monitored in 25 countries: VCR was reported ≥71%(high) in ten countries, 51–70% in seven, 31–50% in four, and ≤30%(very low) in four. In high VCR countries, HPV vaccination was mainly delivered through school health services, and invitation and reminders to attend for vaccination were used. In areas with very low VCR, vaccination tended to be opportunistic and no reminders were used.ConclusionAccording to our findings, school delivery within structured vaccination programmes and the use of reminders tended to be associated with highest HPV-VCR.  相似文献   



In 2017, the Cambodia Ministry of Health introduced human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine through primarily school-based vaccination targeting 9-year-old girls. Vaccination with a two-dose series of HPV vaccine took place in six districts in two provinces as a demonstration program, to better understand HPV vaccine delivery in Cambodia.


We conducted a community-based coverage survey using a one-stage sampling design to evaluate dose-specific vaccination coverage among eligible girls (those born in 2007 and residents in the areas targeted by the campaign). The household-level survey also assessed factors associated with vaccine acceptability and communication strategies. Trained data collectors interviewed caregivers and girls using a standard questionnaire; vaccination cards and health facility records were reviewed.


Of the 7594 households visited in the two provinces, 315 girls were enrolled in the survey (188 in Siem Reap; 127 in Svay Rieng). Documented two-dose HPV vaccination coverage was 84% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 78–88%) overall [85% (95% CI: 78–90%) in Siem Reap; 82% (95% CI: 73–88%) in Svay Rieng.] Almost all girls (>99%) were reported to be enrolled in school and over 90% of respondents reported receipt of vaccine in school. Knowledge of HPV infection and associated diseases was poor among caregivers and girls; however, 58% of caregivers reported “protection from cervical cancer” as the primary reason for the girl receiving vaccine. No serious adverse events after immunization were reported.


The HPV vaccine demonstration program in Cambodia achieved high two-dose coverage among eligible girls in both provinces targeted for vaccination in 2017, through primarily school-based vaccination. High school enrollment and strong microplanning and coordination were seen throughout the campaign. Cambodia will use lessons learned from this demonstration program to prepare for national introduction of HPV vaccine.  相似文献   

State immunization and cancer registries contain data that, if linked, could be used to monitor the impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine on cervical cancer and precancer. Michigan is uniquely positioned to examine these outcomes using two population-based resources: the state-wide cancer registry and immunization information system (IIS).We assessed the feasibility of identifying females in the IIS who had continuous Michigan residence and linking them to the cancer registry. We considered continuous residence necessary for future studies of vaccine impact to avoid misclassifying those who may have been immunized while residing out-of-state and whose immunization therefore may not have been reported in Michigan.We identified females with 1976–1996 birthdates in the IIS and used probabilistic linkage software to match them with Michigan birth records. A stratified random sample of IIS-birth matches was provided to a commercial locator service to identify females with continuous Michigan residence. Cervical carcinoma in situ cases diagnosed in 2006 among females aged 10 through 30 years were also matched with the birth records; cancer registry-birth matches were merged with the IIS-birth matches using the birth record identifier.Overall, 68% of the 1274,282 IIS and 61% of the 1358 cancer registry records could be matched with birth records. Among the sample of IIS-birth matches, most (86%) were continuous residents. Seventy percent or more of cancer registry-birth matches merged with IIS-birth matches for cases born after 1984.This is the first effort in the U.S. to show that linking records across IIS and cancer registries is practical and reasonably efficient. The increasing proportion of matches between the registries and live birth file with birth year, and the use of population-based data, strengthen the utility of this approach. Future steps include use of this method to examine incidence of cervical cancer precursors in HPV immunization-eligible females.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn Luxembourg, a national Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme was introduced in 2008, targeting 12–17 year old girls offering a choice of bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine free of charge. In 2015, the programme was changed offering the bivalent vaccine only to 11–13 year old girls. The aim of this study was to evaluate the HPV vaccination coverage, to assess the impact of age target changes and compare vaccination coverage to other European countries.MethodsAnonymous HPV vaccination records consisting of individual vaccine doses obtained free of charge in pharmacies between 2008 and 2016 were extracted from the Luxembourgish Social Security database. Additional aggregate tables by nationality and municipality were analysed.ResultsOf the target cohort of 39,610 girls born between 1991 and 2003 residing in Luxembourg, 24,550 (62.0%) subjects obtained at least one dose, 22,082 (55.7%) obtained at least two doses, and 17,197 (43.4%) obtained three doses of HPV vaccine. The mean age at first dose was 13.7 years during 2008–14 and 12.7 years in 2016 after the age target change. Coverage varied significantly by nationality (p < 0.0001): Portuguese (80%), former Yugoslavs (74%), Luxembourgish (54%), Belgian (52%), German (47%), French (39%) and other nationalities (51%). Coverage varied also by geographical region, with lower rates (<50%) noted in some Northern and Central areas of Luxembourg (range: 38% to 78%).ConclusionOverall HPV vaccination coverage in Luxembourg is moderate and varied by nationality and region. The policy changes in 2015 did not have a substantial impact except lowering age at initiating vaccination. Options to improve coverage deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAs part of the Dose Reduction Immunobridging and Safety Study of Two HPV Vaccines in Tanzanian Girls (DoRIS; NCT02834637), the current study is one of the first to evaluate the financial and economic costs of the national rollout of an HPV vaccination program in school-aged girls in sub-Saharan Africa and the potential costs associated with a single dose HPV vaccine program, given recent evidence suggesting that a single dose may be as efficacious as a two-dose regimen.MethodsThe World Health Organization’s (WHO) Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing (C4P) micro-costing tool was used to estimate the total financial and economic costs of the national vaccination program from the perspective of the Tanzanian government. Cost data were collected in 2019 via surveys, workshops, and interviews with local stakeholders for vaccines and injection supplies, microplanning, training, sensitization, service delivery, supervision, and cold chain. The cost per two-dose and one-dose fully immunized girl (FIG) was calculated.ResultsThe total financial and economic costs were US$10,117,455 and US$45,683,204, respectively, at a financial cost of $5.17 per two-dose FIG, and an economic cost of $23.34 per FIG. Vaccine and vaccine-related costs comprised the largest proportion of costs, followed by service delivery. In a one-dose scenario, the cost per FIG reduced to $2.51 (financial) and $12.18 (economic), with the largest reductions in vaccine and injection supply costs, and service delivery.ConclusionsThe overall cost of Tanzania’s HPV vaccination program was lower per vaccinee than costs estimated from previous demonstration projects in the region, especially in a single-dose scenario. Given the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization’s recent recommendation to update dosing schedules to either one or two doses of the HPV vaccine, these data provide important baseline data for Tanzania and may serve as a guide for improving coverage going forward. The findings may also aid in the prioritization of funding for countries that have not yet added HPV vaccines to their routine immunizations.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the use of two alternative population‐based denominators in calculating HPV vaccine coverage in Australia by age groups, jurisdiction and remoteness areas. Method: Data from the National HPV Vaccination Program Register (NHVPR) were analysed at Local Government Area (LGA) level, by state/territory and by the Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Structure. The proportion of females vaccinated was calculated using both the ABS ERP and Medicare enrolments as the denominator. Results: HPV vaccine coverage estimates were slightly higher using Medicare enrolments than using the ABS estimated resident population nationally (70.8% compared with 70.4% for 12 to 17‐year‐old females, and 33.3% compared with 31.9% for 18 to 26‐year‐old females, respectively.) The greatest differences in coverage were found in the remote areas of Australia. Conclusion: There is minimal difference between coverage estimates made using the two denominators except in Remote and Very Remote areas where small residential populations make interpretation more difficult. Adoption of Medicare enrolments for the denominator in the ongoing program would make minimal, if any, difference to routine coverage estimates.  相似文献   



Females who receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may believe they are protected from developing cervical cancer and no longer require screening. Concern has also been expressed that vaccinated females are those that would be screened regularly. This study assesses the Pap testing behavior of vaccinated and non-vaccinated females.


For this population-based retrospective cohort study, vaccination and screening registries were linked for 3540 vaccinated females aged 15 years and over and 9592 matched non-vaccinated females. Conditional logistic regression, the Kaplan–Meier method and Cox regression were used to examine the association between vaccination and Pap testing.


Vaccinated females were more likely to have had a Pap test within the year prior to the index date than non-vaccinated females (15–19 years old: OR = 1.38, 95% CI 1.20–1.59; 20+ years old: OR = 2.34, 95% CI 1.98–2.76). In the three-year period after the index date, vaccinated females had a significantly higher cumulative probability of having a Pap test (83.3%) than non-vaccinated females (66.1%). Females who had a Pap test within three years prior to the index date were more likely to have a Pap test after the index date (vaccinated: HR = 5.03, 95% CI 4.65–5.45; non-vaccinated HR = 3.97, 95% CI 3.70–4.24). Being vaccinated had a significant effect on Pap testing (15–19 years old: HR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.39–1.69; 20+ years old: HR = 1.87, 95% CI 1.52–2.31). 80.1% of vaccinated females who had a Pap test prior to the index date also had one subsequent to it, compared to 70.1% for non-vaccinated females. 41.1% of females had not been vaccinated nor had a Pap test.


The majority of vaccinated females continue to participate in screening, and do so at a higher rate than non-vaccinated females. Renewed efforts need to be made to include the large proportion of non–vaccinated, non–screened females in vaccination and/or screening.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe French Cancer Plan 2014–2019 had a target of 60% HPV vaccine coverage. The PAPILLON study investigated the annual age-specific vaccination initiation rates and cumulative partial and complete vaccination rates in France from 2017 to 2022. It also identified the factors associated with vaccination in different age groups and those associated with the type of completion of the vaccination scheme (partial vs full vaccination).MethodsFor this publication, all females recorded in the French National Claims database who initiated HPV vaccination between 1 July 2007 and 31 December 2018 and were aged between 11 and 19 years at initiation were included. Annual HPV vaccination initiation rates were estimated in 11- to 14-year-old (target population) and 15- to 19-year-old females (catch-up). Cumulative vaccine coverage rates (VCRs) were estimated among those who were 15, 16, 20 and 21 years old. Partial vaccination was defined by dispensing of at least one dose of HPV vaccine by the pharmacy, while full vaccination was defined by two or three doses dispensed by a pharmacy over an 18-month period, according to current French recommendations based on the age at vaccination initiation.ResultsAmong the 465,629 females who initiated HPV vaccination in 2017 or 2018, the initiation rate increased from 7.7 to 11.1% in 11- to 14-year-old girls and from 4.5 to 6.5% in 15- to 19-year-old females. In 2017 and 2018, the cumulative VCRs for partial vaccination by age 15 were 28.2% and 32.8%, respectively, while by age 20, they were 41.6% and 38.8%. The cumulative VCRs for full vaccination were 15.6% and 18.6% by age 16, while they were 25.9 and 23.6% by age 20. HPV vaccination initiation and completion were strongly associated with the use of health services.ConclusionOverall, the HPV VCR substantively increased between 2017 and 2018, which is positive evidence of the resumption of vaccination. Updates in 2022 should confirm these results.  相似文献   

For middle and low-income countries, the cost of HPV vaccines remains challenging. We conducted an open-label nonrandomized clinical trial evaluating immune response to the HPV–16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine administered on a standard (months (M) 0–1–6) versus extended schedule (M 0–6–60) at 7, 21, 60, 72 and 120 months post-vaccination. Participants were females recruited in Morelos, Mexico: 474 girls aged 9–10 years and 500 women aged 18–24 years receiving a standard schedule, and 1026 girls aged 9–10 years receiving an extended schedule (currently the girls in the extended schedule had received only the first 2 doses). This report presents the interim analysis results for non-inferiority between the regimes conducted with the current available data at 21 months after the first dose, with serum antibodies assessed by ELISA. A pre-stated margin of non-inferiority was defined by post-vaccination geometric mean titer (GMT) ratio (upper 95% confidence interval [CI] ≤ 2.0) between the standard and the two-dose schedule in girls at month 21. Immune response to the vaccine was strongest in adolescent girls and in the 3-dose group. Statistical non-inferiority of the two-dose versus three-dose groups was demonstrated. At 21 months, comparing the adolescent 2-dose versus 3-dose groups, the GMT ratio and 95% CI were 1.66 (1.55–1.81) and 1.67 (1.51–1.86) for HPV16 and 18, respectively. The two-dose regimen was non-inferior when compared to the three-dose response in same-age girls and with women aged 18–24 years after 21 months of follow-up. The reduction in the number of doses from the current three-dose schedule may lower overall costs associated with the vaccination and increase accessibility and compliance with the recommended dosing of the HPV vaccine.  相似文献   

Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and causes virtually all cervical cancer globally. The recent development of two safe and clinically effective vaccines against HPV is a promising step towards lowering cervical cancer rates in the future. What Chinese women think about HPV and the vaccines remains unknown. We undertook a population-based survey, which was embedded in a cervical cancer screening project and was designed to assess women's knowledge about HPV and their acceptability to the vaccines. We found that only 15.0% of women in our study reported to have ever heard of HPV, and this knowledge differs by rural (9.3%) and metropolitan areas (21.6%) and also by education. Most (84.6%) participants were willing to be vaccinated if HPV vaccine became available to them. The present study documents ways in which women learn about HPV and indicates the potential barriers and success of introducing HPV vaccine to China.  相似文献   

BackgroundLimited data is available on the use of different HPV vaccines in the same subjects. We evaluated the immunogenicity and safety of a mixed vaccination schedule with one dose of nonavalent (9vHPV) and one dose of bivalent vaccine (2vHPV) administered in different order versus two doses of 9vHPV vaccine.Methods371 girls and boys aged 9–10 years were randomized (1:1) to receive (I) two doses of 9vHPV or (II) a mixed schedule of 2vHPV + 9vHPV or 9vHPV + 2vHPV with a 6 month interval. Antibodies to HPV were tested by ELISA in blood samples collected one or six months post-first dose and one month post-second dose.ResultsPost-first dose of 9vHPV 99.4–100% of subjects were seropositive to 9 HPV types included in the vaccine. GMTs varied from 5.0 to 73.6 IU(AU)/ml depending on HPV type. Post-first dose of 2vHPV all subjects were seropositive to HPV16 and 18 (GMTs 16.7 and 11.7 IU/ml, respectively) and 50.0–76.7% were seropositive to 7 types not included in 2vHPV (GMTs varied from 0.3 to 17.5 AU/ml depending on type). Post-second dose all subjects, regardless of the study group, were seropositive to 9 HPV types included in 9vHPV. Anti-HPV16 and 18 GMTs were higher in subjects with the mixed schedule and for the other 7 HPV types higher in subjects who received two doses of 9vHPV vaccine. A higher proportion of subjects who received 2vHPV reported local or systemic adverse events than those who received 9vHPV as the first dose. Post-second dose there were no differences in reported adverse events between the two vaccines.ConclusionsThe results show the mixed HPV vaccination schedules used in this study are immunogenic and have an acceptable safety profile. Although the seroprotective threshold of antibodies remains unknown the 100% seropositivity to all 9 HPV types included in 9vHPV and the increase of GMTs observed in all study groups post-second dose administration are reassuring and suggest protection might be achieved regardless of the schedule used.Clinical Trials Registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02567955.  相似文献   



Recent evidence suggests that two doses of HPV vaccines may be as protective as three doses in the short-term. We estimated the incremental cost-effectiveness of two- and three-dose schedules of girls-only and girls & boys HPV vaccination programmes in Canada.


We used HPV-ADVISE, an individual-based transmission-dynamic model of multi-type HPV infection and diseases (anogenital warts, and cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, penis and oropharynx). We conducted the analysis from the health payer perspective, with a 70-year time horizon and 3% discount rate, and performed extensive sensitivity analyses, including duration of vaccine protection and vaccine cost.


Assuming 80% coverage and a vaccine cost per dose of $85, two-dose girls-only vaccination (vs. no vaccination) produced cost/quality-adjusted life-year (QALY)-gained varying between $7900–24,300. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of giving the third dose to girls (vs. two doses) was below $40,000/QALY-gained when: (i) three doses provide longer protection than two doses and (ii) two-dose protection was shorter than 30 years. Vaccinating boys (with two or three doses) was not cost-effective (vs. girls-only vaccination) under most scenarios investigated.


Two-dose HPV vaccination is likely to be cost-effective if its duration of protection is at least 10 years. A third dose of HPV vaccine is unlikely to be cost-effective if two-dose duration of protection is longer than 30 years. Finally, two-dose girls & boys HPV vaccination is unlikely to be cost-effective unless the cost per dose for boys is substantially lower than the cost for girls.  相似文献   



Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 is recommended for girls aged 11 or 12 years with catch-up vaccination through age 26 in the U.S. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 or 3 and adenocarcinoma in situ (CIN2+) are used to monitor HPV vaccine impact on cervical disease. This report describes vaccination status in women diagnosed with CIN2+ and examines HPV vaccine impact on HPV 16/18-related CIN2+.


As part of a vaccine impact monitoring project (HPV-IMPACT), females 18–31 years with CIN2+ were reported from pathology laboratories in CA, CT, NY, OR, TN from 2008 to 2011. One diagnostic block was selected for HPV DNA typing with Roche Linear Array. Demographic, abnormal Papanicolaou (Pap) test dates and vaccine status information were collected. The abnormal Pap test immediately preceding the CIN2+ diagnosis was defined as the ‘trigger Pap’.


Among 5083 CIN2+ cases reported to date, 3855 had vaccination history investigated; 1900 had vaccine history documented (vaccinated, with trigger Pap dates, or unvaccinated). Among women who initiated vaccination >24 months before their trigger Pap, there was a significantly lower proportion of CIN2+ lesions due to 16/18 compared to women who were not vaccinated (aPR = .67, 95% CI: .48–.94). Among the 1900 with known vaccination status, 20% initiated vaccination on/after their trigger screening. Women aged 21–23 years were more likely to initiate vaccination on/after the trigger Pap compared to 24–26 year olds (29.0% vs. 19.6%, p = .001), as were non-Hispanic blacks compared to non-Hispanic whites (27.3% vs. 19.0%, p = .001) and publicly compared to privately insured women (38.1% vs. 17.4%, p < .0001).


We found a significant reduction in HPV 16/18-related lesions in women with CIN2+ who initiated vaccination at least 24 months prior to their trigger Pap. These preliminary results suggest early impact of the HPV vaccine on vaccine-type disease, but further evaluation is warranted.  相似文献   

目的 为了分析评价男性人乳头瘤病毒( HPV) 感染与男性生殖健康的关系。 方法 以“HPV和男性”为关键词检索PubMed、Embase、OVID 、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI) 、万方科技期刊全文数据库、重庆维普(VIP) 中关于我国男性HPV感染与生殖健康相关研究文献,就男性HPV感染的流行病学以及对精液质量、男性不育、胚胎发育等方面进行综述。 结果 研究显示男性HPV感染不仅影响自身的生殖健康,同时也对其女性伴侣增加了疾病隐患;而且男性HPV感染可能对精液质量带来负面的影响,甚至成为影响男性不育和早期胚胎发育的风险因素;近年来研究也发现男性HPV感染可能影响辅助生殖的结局。 结论 目前关于HPV感染对男性生殖健康和男性不育的影响正在越来越受到人们的关注与重视。  相似文献   

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