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微创外科射频消融治疗心房颤动(房颤)是当今心血管外科领域倍受关注的热点之一。我院在采用双侧胸部小切口和胸腔镜辅助下双侧肺静脉射频消融隔离术的基础上,自2010年4月至2011年3月在国内率先开展了完全电视胸腔镜下双侧肺静脉射频消融并左心耳切除术治疗单纯性房颤,现对其技术方法和9例随访结果报道如下。  相似文献   

心房颤动(简称房颤)是最常见的快速型心律失常之一,可增加心血管疾病死亡率和发病率,我国流行病学研究显示房颤发病率为0.73%[1].房颤治疗原则包括:控制心室率、抗凝治疗、缓解症状、治疗基础心脏病和诱发因素、恢复并维持窦性心律.房颤的药物疗效差,不能预防血栓栓塞和心力衰竭,抗凝药物的应用虽然减少血栓栓塞风险但同时也增加了出血风险.导管及外科的射频消融治疗房颤效果明显好于单纯药物治疗12-4].内、外科微创射频消融治疗房颤各有优缺点,可结合其优点联合治疗房颤.  相似文献   

目的 Carto系统指导下对心房颤动(房颤)相关的靶肺静脉进行环同侧上、下肺静脉-前庭单环线性消融隔离,观察疗效.方法 对25例术中反复自发肺静脉相关房性早搏(房早),并触发房性心动过速(房速)和/或房颤的患者,在Carto系统结合单Lasso环状标测导管指导下进行环靶肺静脉-前庭单环射频消融术,达到肺静脉隔离.结果 消融过程中25例患者房早、房速、房颤终止,其中19例患者有自发的肺静脉电位,15例慢于窦性心率.4例患者隔离后肺静脉内发生房颤或房速,2例在肺静脉内补点消融后肺静脉电位消失.随访(22.24±9.01)个月,23例无房速、房颤发作,2例患者术后复发房颤,1例接受再次手术,术后房颤发作减少,1例口服胺碘酮控制.结论 术中能够明确靶肺静脉、单个触发灶的房颤患者,在Carto系统结合单Lasso导管指导下行单环线性消融隔离治疗房颤,成功率高、复发率低,可减少手术损伤.  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation recently gained new popularity since the introduction of different energy sources for ablative therapy as an alternative to the original "cut-and-sew" techniques. However, most of the cases have been performed together with other cardiac surgical procedures and mainly through a standard median sternotomy approach. We report here the first European case of closed-chest thoracoscopic pulmonary vein isolation in a patient with lone paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

Aims: Data on long-term follow-up of patients who have undergone catheterablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) are very limited. Thisreport aimed at presenting clinical outcome and AF-free survivalafter pulmonary vein (PV) isolation over an extended (>3years) follow-up period. Methods and results: Thirty-nine patients subjected to PV isolation for paroxysmalAF were followed-up for at least 3 years according to a strictprotocol. Fourteen patients (35.8%) had one, 19 patients (50%)had two, and 6 patients (15.4%) had three ablation procedures.At end of follow-up (42.2 ± 6.0 months), 17 patients(43.5%) were completely free of AF or other atrial arrhythmia,and 26 patients (66.6%) had symptomatic improvement. The long-termsuccess rate was 21.4% for patients subjected to a single ablationprocedure, 52.6% for patients subjected to two catheter ablationprocedures, and 66.7% for patients who underwent three ablationprocedures (P = 0.094). There was also a trend for patientswho underwent a combination of different ablation procedures(ostial, antral, and/or circumferential) to have a higher AF-freesurvival when compared with patients subjected to the same procedure(P-value for log-rank test = 0.036). Conclusion: Catheter ablation does not eliminate paroxysmal AF in up to56% of patients in the long term, despite the use of two orthree ablation procedures in two-thirds of them. However, itconfers symptomatic improvement in 67% of treated patients.  相似文献   

风湿性心脏病合并心房颤动术中射频消融外科治疗   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的评价风湿性心脏病(RHD)合并心房颤动(AF)心内直视下射频消融(RFA)治疗的手术效果及影响手术效果的相关因素。方法2004年1月至2005年12月RHD心脏患者28例接受手术RFA治疗,其中男性10例,女性18例,年龄35~72(51.4±6.7)岁,AF病史为5~240(47.8±7.3)个月。心功能(NYHA)Ⅱ级9例,Ⅲ级16例,Ⅳ级3例。所有患者均在全麻低温体外循环下行心脏瓣膜手术,同时行心内直视下改良冲洗式RFA手术。结果RFA术后窦性心律17例(60.7%),AF心律5例(17.8%),结性和起搏心律6例(21.4%)。术后随访率为82.1%(23/28),平均随访(12.6±1.3)个月,78.2%(18/23)维持窦性心律,21.8%(5/23)为AF心律。术后随访转窦组AF病史(22.8±39.1)个月,AF维持组为(94.0±31.9)个月,P<0.01。转窦组左房内径为(50.3±11.3)mm,AF维持组为(63.2±11.0)mm,P<0.05。结论RHD合并AF术中RFA治疗,术后长期窦性心律维持率较高,RFA作为心脏手术的附加手术具有安全、省时、治疗AF效果好等优点。  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Its management requires high healthcare expenditures; 52%–70% of expenses for AF care are constituted by hospitalization costs. The current management strategies of pharmacological rhythm control and pharmacological or invasive rate control show no difference in impact on major outcomes in patients with AF. Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFA) has been shown to reduce the risk of AF recurrence, improve quality of life and reduce hospitalization rate as compared to pharmacological rhythm control and rate control strategies. This review summarizes current knowledge on cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of RFA for patients with atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

伊布利特在持续性心房颤动射频消融术中转律的疗效特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价伊布利特在持续性心房颤动(房颤)射频消融术中应用的有效性及影响因素.方法 入选接受射频消融手术的持续性房颤患者18例,男性16例,女性2例,平均年龄(56.3±14.0)岁,体质量(81.22±8.93) kg,合并原发性高血压3例、肥厚型心肌病2例.所有患者术中经环肺静脉电隔离、线性消融、碎裂电位消融后房颤未终止,或者转为心房扑动,给予伊布利特l mg、10min内静脉注射,观察开始给药后30 min内的转复率及4h内的不良反应.根据用药后是否成功转律分为转律组与非转律组.结果 (1)18例患者用药后30 min内成功转律11例,转复律为61.11%,平均转律时间为(13.80 +7.64) min,转复剂量为(0.94±0.13)mg.1例患者用药后15 min时出现窦性停搏16 s,后恢复稳定窦性心律,术后观察4h无不良反应,另1例患者用药后出现窦性心动过缓,持续约lh后恢复正常心率,期间无低血压等血流动力学改变.余16例患者术中及术后4h内无室性心动过速及低血压等不良反应.(2)使用伊布利特后30 min的AA间期(0.51±0.08)s,明显长于用药前的AA间期(0.39±0.21)s,P<0.01;用药后30 min的QTc(0.51±0.08)s,明显长于用药前QTc(0.39±0.21)s,P<0.01.(3)两组临床资料差异无统计学意义.转律组患者左房瘢痕区比例(5.12±3.83)%,明显小于非转律组左房瘢痕区比例(12.40±11.03)%,P<0.01.(4)左心房内径<40mm患者的转复率(75.00%)与内径≥40 mm患者的转复率(50.00%)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 静脉注射伊布利特在持续性房颤射频消融术中应用疗效迅速,对消融后心房扑动转复率更高.转律的成功率与术中标测瘢痕区面积所占比例相关.  相似文献   

起源于肺静脉的阵发性心房颤动导管射频消融治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨环状电极 (Lasso电极 )标测指导起源于肺静脉的阵发性心房颤动 (房颤 )导管射频消融治疗的安全性和有效性。方法与结果  2 0 0 1年 5~ 12月 ,12例药物治疗无效的阵发性房颤患者 ,男 8例 ,女 4例 ,平均年龄 (47 8± 14 9)岁 ,行心内电生理检查和射频消融术。在Lasso电极指导下标测肺静脉 ,以确定诱发房颤的房性早搏起源处。确定房性早搏的消融靶点后 ,在有房性早搏或冠状窦远端起搏或右心耳起搏下寻找优势肺静脉电位 (PVP)放电消融 ,或肺静脉口环状消融。消融终点设定为 :①肺静脉电位振幅明显减低或消失 ;②肺静脉自律性电位与心房电活动无关 ;③诱发房颤的房早消失。结果成功隔离 2 6条肺静脉 ;其中左上肺静脉 12条 ,右上肺静脉 8条 ,左下肺静脉 5条 ,右下肺静脉1条。有 2例仅消融 1条肺静脉 ,均为左上肺静脉 ;8例消融2条肺静脉 ,消融 3条与 4条肺静脉者各 1例。术程 (196 4±6 5 8)min ,X线曝光时间 (5 2 0± 14 4 )min。术后随访 2~ 8个月 ,有 1例频发房早发生 ,经口服胺碘酮后房早消失 ;4例有房颤短阵发作 ,其中 3例接受口服药物 (2例服用胺碘酮 ,1例服用索他洛尔 ) ,1例植入有抗房颤程序的DDDR起搏器 ,能够有效抑制房颤发作。术中选择性肺静脉造影发现 6例有轻度肺静脉狭窄 ,其  相似文献   

阵发性心房颤动经导管射频消融治疗评价   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
目的 探讨经导管射频消融治疗阵发性心房颤动 (房颤 )的安全性和有效性。方法  74例发作频繁、药物治疗无效的阵发性房颤 ,前 5 0例的消融靶点为房颤特异性早搏或房颤的起源部位 ,消融终点为自发和诱发的房颤特异性早搏或房颤消失 (终点 1) ;后 2 4例的消融靶点为致心律失常性肺静脉的开口部 ,消融终点为该肺静脉的肺静脉电位消失 (终点 2 )。结果 共发现 111个异位灶 ,行76次消融术 ,有 5 8例 (78 4% )达到消融终点。随访 1~ 31(12 9± 6 6 )个月 ,2 3例 (31 1% )消融成功 ,可以无需药物而维持窦性心律。术中达到消融终点者的成功率为 39 7% (2 3例 / 5 8例 ) ,其中达终点 1者为 34 1% (15例 / 44例 ) ,达终点 2者为 5 7 1% (8例 / 14例 )。并发症 :无症状的单支肺静脉狭窄 5例(6 8% )、气胸 1例 (1 4% ) ,均发生于本组的前 30例中。结论 经导管射频消融治疗阵发性房颤较为安全 ,但成功率尚待提高 ,目前可用于部分发作频繁、症状严重、而且药物治疗无效的患者。  相似文献   

目的采用左房环状线性(线)消融、肺静脉口节段性(段)电隔离术加局灶性(点)消融法(简称线-段-点法)治疗心房纤颤(房颤),并研究该方法的有效性和安全性。方法采用8mm温控消融导管分别在左房环状线性消融左右侧上下肺静脉口周围,肺静脉口壶腹部节段性消融丛状电位,最后标测和点状消融提前的单相电位(在肺静脉内或心房内)。结果26例患者均行肺静脉开口外环状线性消融。电隔离肺静脉共89条。行点状消融共25例。26例中20例所有异常电位消失,6例肺静脉内仍有高耸的异常电位,但已达到传出阻滞。手术即刻成功率100%。随访4~8个月,24例(92%)未发作房颤;术后仍有房颤发作而服用抗心律失常药物后房颤发作明显减少者2例(8%)。未发生并发症。结论线-段-点联合消融法治疗房颤,方法简单,成功率高,并发症少。  相似文献   

Background  The exact mechanism of eliminating atrial fibrillation (AF) by catheter ablation techniques is not known. We investigated whether the extent of atrial damage conferred by radiofrequency lesions is a predictor of success after ablation, regardless of the method employed for ablation. Methods  Ninety consecutive patients with paroxysmal AF subjected to ostial–antral pulmonary vein isolation (n = 41) or circumferential (n = 49) catheter ablation were studied. Results  At 1 year follow-up, 16 out of 41 patients (39%) with ostial–antral ablation and 16 out of 49 patients (32.6%) with circumferential ablation had AF recurrences (p = 0.5). The mean duration of radiofrequency ablation lesions was statistically significantly shorter in patients with recurrence of AF compared to those with sinus rhythm 1 year after ablation (22.3 ± 4.2 min vs. 27.2 ± 4.5 min, respectively, p value < 0.001). Radiofrequency ablation time was inversely associated with the risk of recurrence of AF 1 year after ablation and this relationship remained even after adjustment for potential confounding factors such as age, sex, left atrial size, and type of ablation technique (ostial–antral or circumferential; HR  =  0.80, 95% CI: 0.72–0.87, p < 0.001). Conclusions  Duration of radiofrequency energy delivery is an independent predictor of clinical outcome at 1 year follow-up both among patients undergoing circumferential as well as ostial–antral ablation.  相似文献   

The introduction of ablation technology has revolutionized the surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). It has greatly simplified surgical approaches and has significantly increased the number of procedures being performed. Various energy sources have been used clinically, including cryoablation, radiofrequency, microwave, laser, and high-frequency ultrasound. The goal of these devices is to create conduction block to either block activation wavefronts or to isolate the triggers of AF. All present devices have been shown to have clinical efficacy in some patients. The devices each have their unique advantages and disadvantages. It is important that surgeons develop accurate dose-response curves for new devices in clinically relevant models on both the arrested and beating heart. This will allow the appropriate use of technology to facilitate AF surgery. This work was supported by NIH grants 2RO1HL032257 and T32HL007776.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨直视下射频消融迷宫术治疗心房颤动 (房颤 )的效果。方法 :选取 136例风湿性心脏病并发房颤患者 ,在体外循环心内直视下行射频消融迷宫术 ,同时行瓣膜替换术 ;另选取 18例患者 (包括风湿性心脏病并发房颤 13例 ,先天性心脏病并发房颤 5例 )在体外循环心内直视下行单纯右心房射频消融术 ,同时行瓣膜替换及其他心内畸形矫治。结果 :无手术死亡。射频消融迷宫术组有 112例恢复了窦性心律 ,占 82 .4 %;单纯右心房射频消融术组 11例恢复了窦性心律 ,占 6 1.1%。结论 :射频消融迷宫术治疗房颤成功率高 ,方法简单 ,效果满意 ,危险性小。  相似文献   

阵发性心房颤动的电生理机制及导管射频消融的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 探讨阵发性心房颤动 (房颤 )的电生理机制和右房峡部消融对房颤的影响。方法 1 995年 6月~ 1 999年 6月 ,1 5例药物治疗无效的阵发性房颤 ,男性 8例 ,女性 7例 ,年龄 (5 6± 9)岁 ,病程 (7± 4)年 ,消融前 3个月平均每月发作 6次至每日数十次不等 ,发作时均有明显症状 ;对照组 1 5例房室结折返性室上性心动过速 ,男性 5例 ,女性 1 0例 ,年龄 (5 7± 6 )岁。电生理检查及消融 ,房颤组和对照组均测量房室结正向和逆向传导文氏点 (Wenckebach point)。程序电刺激诱发房颤 ;在右房峡部线性消融。结果 房颤组房室结正、逆向文氏点分别为 (34 0± 38) m s和 (6 1 8± 75 ) ms,两者差异具有显著性 (P<0 .0 0 1 ) ;对照组正、逆向文氏点分别为 (34 5± 5 2 ) ms和 (338± 48) m s,两者之间差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 ) ;两组间正、逆向文氏点离散度差异 (正、逆向文氏点之差 )具有显著性 (P<0 .0 0 1 )。房颤组可用短阵快速刺激 (burst)诱发房颤 ,9例房颤由心房扑动 (房扑 )蜕变而成 ,7例消融后即刻成功 ,随防 3个月~4年 ,3例无房颤复发 ,1例随访时间最长达 3年 6个月 ;其余病例房颤发作频度较术前减少 70 %~95 %。结论 部分阵发性房颤患者在右房内与房扑一样存在大折返环 ,这些患者房颤由房扑蜕变而来  相似文献   

阵发性心房颤动射频消融术后左房大小和机械功能变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨经导管射频消融术对阵发性心房颤动(房颤)患者左房功能的影响,并比较肺静脉口节段性电隔离(SPVI)和环肺静脉消融(CPVA)两种术式在此方面的异同。方法66例阵发性房颤患者接受射频消融手术治疗。应用经胸心脏超声检查测量患者术前、术后1天、1个月和3个月时的左房前后径、左房面积、舒张晚期跨二尖瓣血流峰速(A峰)和舒张晚期心肌组织运动峰速(A’峰)。结果66例患者中,30例接受SPVI术,36例接受CPVA术。两组患者一般临床情况及术前超声参数相似。术后随访(315±153)d,SPVI组和CPVA组无房性心律失常复发率相似(70%与75%,P=0.650)。两组在手术后左房面积均较术前缩小,SPVI组发生于术后1个月,而CPVA组于术后3个月。SPVI组左房直径也显示出明显缩小(P〈0.05),而CPVA组术前和术后则差异无统计学意义。左房机械功能方面,CPVA组于术后1天A峰和A’峰明显降低(P〈0.05),两者均于3个月后较术后1天明显回升,A峰恢复至术前水平,A’峰较术前有明显升高。SPVI组术后1天没有出现A峰和A’峰明显降低;其A峰于术后1个月升高,并保持至3个月;A’峰于术后3个月时升高。结论阵发性房颤经导管SPVI术和CPVA术治疗后3个月,可以出现左房面积缩小和收缩功能改善。CPVA术比SPVI术造成了更多的左房损伤,表现为术后1天左房功能的下降以及术后左房大小、功能参数改善的延迟。  相似文献   



We sought to explore ventricular function in patients with lone paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) and determine the mid- and long-term impact of pulmonary vein isolation on cardiac remodeling.


The relationship between tachyarrhythmia and ventricular dysfunction is still a matter of debate. Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy is defined as reversible myocardial dysfunction following treatment for tachyarrhythmia.


We prospectively studied 31 patients (56.4 ± 10 years) presenting with paroxysmal-AF who were treated successfully by catheter ablation and 15 age-matched controls. Left and right ventricular functions were assessed by echocardiography at baseline and at 3-month and 1-year follow-up.


In AF-patients, LV-function was slightly lower at baseline than controls (LV-ejection fraction was 60% versus 64%; P = 0.06). More impressive, systolic peak velocity on Doppler tissue imaging was 9 cm/s in AF patients (versus 12 cm/s; P = 0.0004). LV global longitudinal strain was also significantly different between the two groups (patients: −16% versus controls: −19%; P = 0.005). At 1-year follow-up, most functional parameters significantly improved in the AF-patients and no longer differed from the controls. Right ventricular (RV) function was also depressed in AF patients at baseline. At 1-year follow-up, tissue Doppler showed improvement in RV-S′ (+27%, P = 0.007) and RV peak systolic strain (+36%, P < 0.0001) and became comparable to controls.


We demonstrate that some degree of arrhythmic cardiomyopathy exists in patients presenting with lone paroxysmal-AF. Catheter ablation improved RV and LV functions. Longitudinal function is the most sensitive component of ventricular systole to monitor when looking for this cardiac reverse remodeling.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 探讨左心耳形态对心房颤动(房颤)导管消融术后复发的预测价值。方法 选取2019年1月至2020年1月在河南省胸科医院和郑州市第七人民医院首次行房颤射频消融的患者440例为研究对象,根据随访结果分为房颤复发组和未复发组。术前所有患者均接受左房肺静脉血管成像或食道彩超检查,根据检查结果将左心耳形态分为鸡翅形、风向标型、仙人掌型、菜花型。术后随访18个月,以消融术后复发为结局,分析左心耳形态对房颤复发的影响。结果 阵发性房颤57例(22.80%)复发,持续性房颤78例(41.05%)复发,持续性房颤患者复发率明显大于阵发性心房颤动;复发组患者左房前后径、左心房体积、左心耳体积均大于未复发组;左心耳形态学特征中,鸡翅型房颤复发率最高(37.26%),风向标型复发率最低(21.59%)(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示左心耳体积、持续性房颤及鸡翅型左心耳形态是房颤复发的危险因素(P<0.05),OR( 95% CI) 分别为1.348(1.009~1.801)、1.980(1.343~2.919)、1.687(1.021~2.786)。此外,服用ACEI/ARB类药物也有助于减少房颤复发。Kaplan-Meier生存曲线显示房颤消融术后左心耳形态累计复发率依次为鸡翅型>仙人掌型>菜花型>风向标型(χ2=9.302,P=0.026)。结论 左心耳形态学特征与房颤射频消融术后复发风险相关,ACEI/ARB类药物有助于降低房颤消融术后复发。  相似文献   

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