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《Medical image analysis》2014,18(7):1233-1246
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of joint disease and often characterized by cartilage changes. Accurate quantitative methods are needed to rapidly screen large image databases to assess changes in cartilage morphology. We therefore propose a new automatic atlas-based cartilage segmentation method for future automatic OA studies.Atlas-based segmentation methods have been demonstrated to be robust and accurate in brain imaging and therefore also hold high promise to allow for reliable and high-quality segmentations of cartilage. Nevertheless, atlas-based methods have not been well explored for cartilage segmentation. A particular challenge is the thinness of cartilage, its relatively small volume in comparison to surrounding tissue and the difficulty to locate cartilage interfaces – for example the interface between femoral and tibial cartilage.This paper focuses on the segmentation of femoral and tibial cartilage, proposing a multi-atlas segmentation strategy with non-local patch-based label fusion which can robustly identify candidate regions of cartilage. This method is combined with a novel three-label segmentation method which guarantees the spatial separation of femoral and tibial cartilage, and ensures spatial regularity while preserving the thin cartilage shape through anisotropic regularization. Our segmentation energy is convex and therefore guarantees globally optimal solutions.We perform an extensive validation of the proposed method on 706 images of the Pfizer Longitudinal Study. Our validation includes comparisons of different atlas segmentation strategies, different local classifiers, and different types of regularizers. To compare to other cartilage segmentation approaches we validate based on the 50 images of the SKI10 dataset.  相似文献   

The segmentation of MR images of the neonatal brain is an essential step in the study and evaluation of infant brain development. State-of-the-art methods for adult brain MRI segmentation are not applicable to the neonatal brain, due to large differences in structure and tissue properties between newborn and adult brains. Existing newborn brain MRI segmentation methods either rely on manual interaction or require the use of atlases or templates, which unavoidably introduces a bias of the results towards the population that was used to derive the atlases. We propose a different approach for the segmentation of neonatal brain MRI, based on the infusion of high-level brain morphology knowledge, regarding relative tissue location, connectivity and structure. Our method does not require manual interaction, or the use of an atlas, and the generality of its priors makes it applicable to different neonatal populations, while avoiding atlas-related bias. The proposed algorithm segments the brain both globally (intracranial cavity, cerebellum, brainstem and the two hemispheres) and at tissue level (cortical and subcortical gray matter, myelinated and unmyelinated white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid). We validate our algorithm through visual inspection by medical experts, as well as by quantitative comparisons that demonstrate good agreement with expert manual segmentations. The algorithm’s robustness is verified by testing on variable quality images acquired on different machines, and on subjects with variable anatomy (enlarged ventricles, preterm- vs. term-born).  相似文献   



Segmenting the cardiac ventricles in magnetic resonance (MR) images is required for cardiac function assessment. Numerous segmentation methods have been developed and applied to MR ventriculography. Quantitative validation of these segmentation methods with ground truth is needed prior to clinical use, but requires manual delineation of hundreds of images. We applied a well-established method to this problem and rigorously validated the results.  相似文献   

目的 利用直方图自适应确定人体不同部位MRI的聚类类别的数目和相应的初始聚类中心,实现模糊-c均值聚类算法(FCM)分割的自适应。方法 首先采用小波变换拟合直方图的平滑包络线,降低噪声对寻找包络线极值的影响;其次根据微积分的知识求出包络线极大值的个数,按照文中给出的法则对包络线的极大值进行筛选,确定直方图中峰值的个数;最后以直方图中峰值的个数为聚类类别数,以相应的峰值为初始聚类中心,对MRI进行FCM分割。结果 采用该方法对多幅腹部和脑部MR图像进行分割,均能有效地自适应确定聚类的个数。结论 本文方法能够有效、准确地确定不同MR图像的聚类类别的个数,实现FCM的自适应。  相似文献   

Obtaining validation data and comparison metrics for segmentation of magnetic resonance images (MRI) are difficult tasks due to the lack of reliable ground truth. This problem is even more evident for images presenting pathology, which can both alter tissue appearance through infiltration and cause geometric distortions. Systems for generating synthetic images with user-defined degradation by noise and intensity inhomogeneity offer the possibility for testing and comparison of segmentation methods. Such systems do not yet offer simulation of sufficiently realistic looking pathology. This paper presents a system that combines physical and statistical modeling to generate synthetic multi-modal 3D brain MRI with tumor and edema, along with the underlying anatomical ground truth, Main emphasis is placed on simulation of the major effects known for tumor MRI, such as contrast enhancement, local distortion of healthy tissue, infiltrating edema adjacent to tumors, destruction and deformation of fiber tracts, and multi-modal MRI contrast of healthy tissue and pathology. The new method synthesizes pathology in multi-modal MRI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) by simulating mass effect, warping and destruction of white matter fibers, and infiltration of brain tissues by tumor cells. We generate synthetic contrast enhanced MR images by simulating the accumulation of contrast agent within the brain. The appearance of the the brain tissue and tumor in MRI is simulated by synthesizing texture images from real MR images. The proposed method is able to generate synthetic ground truth and synthesized MR images with tumor and edema that exhibit comparable segmentation challenges to real tumor MRI. Such image data sets will find use in segmentation reliability studies, comparison and validation of different segmentation methods, training and teaching, or even in evaluating standards for tumor size like the RECIST criteria (response evaluation criteria in solid tumors).  相似文献   

Deep unsupervised representation learning has recently led to new approaches in the field of Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (UAD) in brain MRI. The main principle behind these works is to learn a model of normal anatomy by learning to compress and recover healthy data. This allows to spot abnormal structures from erroneous recoveries of compressed, potentially anomalous samples. The concept is of great interest to the medical image analysis community as it i) relieves from the need of vast amounts of manually segmented training data—a necessity for and pitfall of current supervised Deep Learning—and ii) theoretically allows to detect arbitrary, even rare pathologies which supervised approaches might fail to find. To date, the experimental design of most works hinders a valid comparison, because i) they are evaluated against different datasets and different pathologies, ii) use different image resolutions and iii) different model architectures with varying complexity. The intent of this work is to establish comparability among recent methods by utilizing a single architecture, a single resolution and the same dataset(s). Besides providing a ranking of the methods, we also try to answer questions like i) how many healthy training subjects are needed to model normality and ii) if the reviewed approaches are also sensitive to domain shift. Further, we identify open challenges and provide suggestions for future community efforts and research directions.  相似文献   

Simulated deformations and images can act as the gold standard for evaluating various template-based image segmentation and registration algorithms. Traditional deformable simulation methods, such as the use of analytic deformation fields or the displacement of landmarks followed by some form of interpolation, are often unable to construct rich (complex) and/or realistic deformations of anatomical organs. This paper presents new methods aiming to automatically simulate realistic inter- and intra-individual deformations. The paper first describes a statistical approach to capturing inter-individual variability of high-deformation fields from a number of examples (training samples). In this approach, Wavelet-Packet Transform (WPT) of the training deformations and their Jacobians, in conjunction with a Markov random field (MRF) spatial regularization, are used to capture both coarse and fine characteristics of the training deformations in a statistical fashion. Simulated deformations can then be constructed by randomly sampling the resultant statistical distribution in an unconstrained or a landmark-constrained fashion. The paper also describes a model for generating tissue atrophy or growth in order to simulate intra-individual brain deformations. Several sets of simulated deformation fields and respective images are generated, which can be used in the future for systematic and extensive validation studies of automated atlas-based segmentation and deformable registration methods. The code and simulated data are available through our Web site.  相似文献   

The neocortical surface has a rich and complex structure comprised of folds (gyri) and fissures (sulci). Sulci are important macroscopic landmarks for orientation on the cortex. A precise segmentation and labeling of sulci is helpful in human brain mapping studies relating brain anatomy and function. Due to their structural complexity and inter-subject variability, this is considered as a non-trivial task. An automatic algorithm is proposed to accurately segment neocortical sulci: vertices of a white/gray matter interface mesh are classified under a Bayesian framework as belonging to gyral and sulcal compartments using information about their geodesic depth and local curvature. Then, vertices are collected into sulcal regions by a watershed-like growing method. Experimental results demonstrate that the method is accurate and robust.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2015,20(1):98-109
Multi-atlas segmentation infers the target image segmentation by combining prior anatomical knowledge encoded in multiple atlases. It has been quite successfully applied to medical image segmentation in the recent years, resulting in highly accurate and robust segmentation for many anatomical structures. However, to guide the label fusion process, most existing multi-atlas segmentation methods only utilise the intensity information within a small patch during the label fusion process and may neglect other useful information such as gradient and contextual information (the appearance of surrounding regions). This paper proposes to combine the intensity, gradient and contextual information into an augmented feature vector and incorporate it into multi-atlas segmentation. Also, it explores the alternative to the K nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier in performing multi-atlas label fusion, by using the support vector machine (SVM) for label fusion instead. Experimental results on a short-axis cardiac MR data set of 83 subjects have demonstrated that the accuracy of multi-atlas segmentation can be significantly improved by using the augmented feature vector. The mean Dice metric of the proposed segmentation framework is 0.81 for the left ventricular myocardium on this data set, compared to 0.79 given by the conventional multi-atlas patch-based segmentation (Coupé et al., 2011; Rousseau et al., 2011). A major contribution of this paper is that it demonstrates that the performance of non-local patch-based segmentation can be improved by using augmented features.  相似文献   

Automatic segmentation of 3D micro-CT coronary vascular images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although there are many algorithms available in the literature aimed at segmentation and model reconstruction of 3D angiographic images, many are focused on characterizing only a part of the vascular network. This study is motivated by the recent emerging prospects of whole-organ simulations in coronary hemodynamics, autoregulation and tissue oxygen delivery for which anatomically accurate vascular meshes of extended scale are highly desirable. The key requirements of a reconstruction technique for this purpose are automation of processing and sub-voxel accuracy. We have designed a vascular reconstruction algorithm which satisfies these two criteria. It combines automatic seeding and tracking of vessels with radius detection based on active contours. The method was first examined through a series of tests on synthetic data, for accuracy in reproduced topology and morphology of the network and was shown to exhibit errors of less than 0.5 voxel for centerline and radius detections, and 3 degrees for initial seed directions. The algorithm was then applied on real-world data of full rat coronary structure acquired using a micro-CT scanner at 20 microm voxel size. For this, a further validation of radius quantification was carried out against a partially rescanned portion of the network at 8 microm voxel size, which estimated less than 10% radius error in vessels larger than 2 voxels in radius.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for probabilistic segmentation of five different types of brain structures: white matter, gray matter, cerebro-spinal fluid without ventricles, ventricles and white matter lesion in cranial MR imaging. The algorithm is based on information from T1-weighted (T1-w), inversion recovery (IR), proton density-weighted (PD), T2-weighted (T2-w) and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) scans. It uses the K-Nearest Neighbor classification technique that builds a feature space from spatial information and voxel intensities. The technique generates for each tissue type an image representing the probability per voxel being part of it. By application of thresholds on these probability maps, binary segmentations can be obtained. A similarity index (SI) and a probabilistic SI (PSI) were calculated for quantitative evaluation of the results. The influence of each image type on the performance was investigated by alternately leaving out one of the five scan types. This procedure showed that the incorporation of the T1-w, PD or T2-w did not significantly improve the segmentation results. Further investigation indicated that the combination of IR and FLAIR was optimal for segmentation of the five brain tissue types. Evaluation with respect to the gold standard showed that the SI-values for all tissues exceeded 0.8 and all PSI-values exceeded 0.7, implying an excellent agreement.  相似文献   

The increased use of image-guided surgery systems during neurosurgery has brought to prominence the inaccuracies of conventional intraoperative navigation systems caused by shape changes such as those due to brain shift. We propose a method to track the deformation of the brain and update preoperative images using intraoperative MR images acquired at different crucial time points during surgery. We use a deformable surface matching algorithm to capture the deformation of boundaries of key structures (cortical surface, ventricles and tumor) throughout the neurosurgical procedure, and a linear finite element elastic model to infer a volumetric deformation. The boundary data are extracted from intraoperative MR images using a real-time intraoperative segmentation algorithm. The algorithm has been applied to a sequence of intraoperative MR images of the brain exhibiting brain shift and tumor resection. Our results characterize the brain shift after opening of the dura and at the different stages of tumor resection, and brain swelling afterwards. Analysis of the average deformation capture was assessed by comparing landmarks identified manually and the results indicate an accuracy of 0.7+/-0.6 mm (mean+/-S.D.) for boundary surface landmarks, of 0.9+/-0.6 mm for landmarks inside the boundary surfaces, and 1.6+/-0.9 mm for landmarks in the vicinity of the tumor.  相似文献   



Liver volume segmentation is important in computer assisted diagnosis and therapy planning of liver tumors. Manual segmentation is time-consuming, tedious and error prone, so automated methods are needed. Automatic segmentation of MR images is more challenging than for CT images, so a robust system was developed.  相似文献   

The role of quantitative image analysis in large clinical trials is continuously increasing. Several methods are available for performing white matter hyperintensity (WMH) volume quantification. They vary in the amount of the human interaction involved. In this paper, we describe a fully automatic segmentation that was used to quantify WMHs in a large clinical trial on elderly subjects. Our segmentation method combines information from 3 different MR images: proton density (PD), T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images; our method uses an established artificial intelligent technique (fuzzy inference system) and does not require extensive computations. The reproducibility of the segmentation was evaluated in 9 patients who underwent scan-rescan with repositioning; an inter-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.91 was obtained. The effect of differences in image resolution was tested in 44 patients, scanned with 6- and 3-mm slice thickness FLAIR images; we obtained an ICC value of 0.99. The accuracy of the segmentation was evaluated on 100 patients for whom manual delineation of WMHs was available; the obtained ICC was 0.98 and the similarity index was 0.75. Besides the fact that the approach demonstrated very high volumetric and spatial agreement with expert delineation, the software did not require more than 2 min per patient (from loading the images to saving the results) on a Pentium-4 processor (512 MB RAM).  相似文献   

For the last 15 years, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become a reference examination for cardiac morphology, function and perfusion in humans. Yet, due to the characteristics of cardiac MR images and to the great variability of the images among patients, the problem of heart cavities segmentation in MRI is still open. This paper is a review of fully and semi-automated methods performing segmentation in short axis images using a cardiac cine MRI sequence. Medical background and specific segmentation difficulties associated to these images are presented. For this particularly complex segmentation task, prior knowledge is required. We thus propose an original categorization for cardiac segmentation methods, with a special emphasis on what level of external information is required (weak or strong) and how it is used to constrain segmentation. After reviewing method principles and analyzing segmentation results, we conclude with a discussion and future trends in this field regarding methodological and medical issues.  相似文献   

Segmentation of contrast-enhanced abdominal CT images is required by many clinical applications of computer aided diagnosis and therapy planning. The research on automated methods involves different organs among which the liver is the most emphasized. In the current clinical practice more images (at different phases) are acquired from the region of interest in case of a contrast-enhanced abdominal CT examination. The majority of the existing methods, however, use only the portal-venous image to segment the liver. This paper presents a method that automatically segments the liver by combining more phases of the contrast-enhanced CT examination. The method uses region-growing facilitated by pre- and post-processing functions, which incorporate anatomical and multi-phase information to eliminate over- and under-segmentation. Another method, which uses only the portal-venous phase to segment the liver automatically, is also presented. Both methods were evaluated using different datasets, which showed that the result of multi-phase method can be used without or after minor correction in nearly 94% of the cases, and the single-phase method can provide result comparable with non-expert manual segmentation in 90% of the cases. The comparison of the two methods demonstrates that automatic segmentation is more reliable when the information of more phases is combined.  相似文献   

Image assessment of the arterial system plays an important role in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. The segmentation of the lumen and media-adventitia in intravascular (IVUS) images of the coronary artery is the first step towards the evaluation of the morphology of the vessel under analysis and the identification of possible atherosclerotic lesions. In this study, a fully automatic method for the segmentation of the lumen in IVUS images of the coronary artery is presented. The proposed method relies on the K-means algorithm and the mean roundness to identify the region corresponding to the potential lumen. An approach to identify and eliminate side branches on bifurcations is also proposed to delimit the area with the potential lumen regions. Additionally, an active contour model is applied to refine the contour of the lumen region. In order to evaluate the segmentation accuracy, the results of the proposed method were compared against manual delineations made by two experts in 326 IVUS images of the coronary artery. The average values of the Jaccard measure, Hausdorff distance, percentage of area difference and Dice coefficient were 0.88 ± 0.06, 0.29 ± 0.17  mm, 0.09 ± 0.07 and 0.94 ± 0.04, respectively, in 324 IVUS images successfully segmented. Additionally, a comparison with the studies found in the literature showed that the proposed method is slight better than the majority of the related methods that have been proposed. Hence, the new automatic segmentation method is shown to be effective in detecting the lumen in IVUS images without using complex solutions and user interaction.  相似文献   

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