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BACKGROUND: The prevalence of childhood asthma is increasing but few studies have investigated trends in asthma severity. We investigated trends in asthma diagnosis and symptom morbidity between an eight year time period in a paired prevalence study. METHODS: All children in one single school year aged 8-9 years in the city of Sheffield were given a parent respondent questionnaire in 1991 and 1999 based on questions from the International Survey of Asthma and Allergy in Children (ISAAC). Data were obtained regarding the prevalence of asthma and wheeze and current (12 month) prevalences of wheeze attacks, speech limiting wheeze, nocturnal cough and wheeze, and exertional symptoms. RESULTS: The response rates in 1991 and 1999 were 4580/5321 (85.3%) and 5011/6021 (83.2%), respectively. There were significant increases between the two surveys in the prevalence of asthma ever (19.9% v 29.7%, mean difference 11.9%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 10.16 to 13.57, p<0.001), current asthma (10.3% v 13.0%, mean difference 2.7%, 95% CI 1.44 to 4.03, p<0.001), wheeze ever (30.3% v 35.8%, mean difference 5.7%, 95% CI 3.76 to 7.56, p<0.001), wheeze in the previous 12 months (17.0% v 19.4%, mean difference 2.5, 95% CI 0.95 to 4.07, p<0.01), and reporting of medication use (16.9% v 20%, mean difference 3.0%, 95% CI 1.46 to 4.62, p<0.001). There were also significant increases in reported hayfever and eczema diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic labelling of asthma and lifetime prevalence of wheeze has increased. The current 12 month point prevalence of wheeze has increased but this is confined to occasional symptoms. The increased medication rate may be responsible for the static prevalence of severe asthma symptoms. The significant proportion of children receiving medication but reporting no asthma symptoms identified from our 1999 survey suggests that some children are being inappropriately treated or overtreated.  相似文献   

Primary objective: Differing definitions of depression, limited sample sizes, and variability in methodologies have contributed to equivocal findings about the prevalence of depression among persons with traumatic brain injury. The present investigation used standardized diagnostic criteria and a large sample to identify the manifestations of depression after TBI. Methods and procedures: 722 outpatients with brain injury, referred for comprehensive assessment at a regional Level I trauma centre, were studied. Depressive symptoms were characterized utilizing standard DSM-IV criteria and the Neurobehavioural Functioning Inventory. Results: Forty-two per cent of patients with brain injury met the prerequisite number of symptoms for a DSM-IV diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Fatigue (46%), frustration (41%), and poor concentration (38%) were the most commonly cited manifestations of depression. Conclusions: Many patients with brain injury are at great risk for developing depressive disorders. Future research should focus on prognostic factors, developing protocols for identification of high risk patients, and examining the efficacy of treatment interventions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was designed to determine the prevalence of high levels of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among pediatric orthopaedic trauma patients recovering from injury and to see whether injury or demographic variables are associated with the presence of the symptoms. METHODS: Four hundred pediatric orthopaedic trauma patients completed the Child PTSD Symptom Scale questionnaire. Demographic and injury variables were tested to see if any were associated with the presence of high levels of posttraumatic stress symptoms. RESULTS: The average age of respondents was 11 years. The average time since injury was 36 days. The mean Injury Severity Score and summed Extremity Abbreviated Injury Score were 4 and 2, respectively. A total of 130 (33%) met criteria for high levels of PTSD symptoms. None of the variables tested were associated with high levels of PTSD symptoms, except one. Patients admitted to the hospital after injury were significantly more likely to develop high levels of PTSD symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: High levels of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms are common in the recovery period after pediatric orthopaedic trauma, even among patients with relatively minor injury. Children admitted to the hospital after injury are at higher risk for such symptoms.  相似文献   

Poor urban children in South Africa are exposed to multiple community traumas, but AIDS-orphaned children are at particular risk for posttraumatic stress. This study examined the hypothesis that social support may moderate the relationship between trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress for this group. Four hundred twenty-five AIDS-orphaned children were interviewed using standardized measures of psychopathology. Compared to participants with low perceived social support, those with high perceived social support demonstrated significantly lower levels of PTSD symptoms after both low and high levels of trauma exposure. This suggests that strong perception of social support from carers, school staff, and friends may lessen deleterious effects of exposure to trauma, and could be a focus of intervention efforts to improve psychological outcomes for AIDS-orphaned children.  相似文献   

In a series of 921 patients with acute inversion trauma of the ankle joint, the diagnostic features of lateral ligamentous ruptures were evaluated. Patients with proven lateral ligamentous rupture (150 patients in this series) were submitted to a prospective trial to compare three methods of treatment. In the 50 patients operated upon, the results of clinical diagnosis, stress radiography, and ankle arthrography were compared with surgical findings. Clinical diagnosis proved to be of very little value. The positive signs of ankle arthrography showed a reliability of 96% in predicting ligamentous rupture. Inversion stress radiography under full anesthesia showed a reliability of 92%, but the same investigation under local anesthesia, however, was only 68%.  相似文献   

Summary In a series of 921 patients with acute inversion trauma of the ankle joint, the diagnostic features of lateral ligamentous ruptures were evaluated. Patients with proven lateral ligamentous rupture (150 patients in this series) were submitted to a prospective trial to compare three methods of treatment. In the 50 patients operated upon, the results of clinical diagnosis, stress radiography, and ankle arthrography were compared with surgical findings. Clinical diagnosis proved to be of very little value. The positive signs of ankle arthrography showed a reliability of 96% in predicting ligamentous rupture. Inversion stress radiography under full anesthesia showed a reliability of 92%, but the same investigation under local anesthesia, however, was only 68%.
Zusammenfassung In einer Serie von 921 Patienten mit einem akuten Inversionstrauma des oberen Sprunggelenkes werden die diagnostischen Merkmale der lateralen Ligamentrupturen erforscht. Von diesen Patienten mit einer bewiesenen Ligamentruptur wurden 150 einer prospektiven Studie unterzogen, um drei Behandlungsmethoden zu vergeichen. Bei 50 operierten Patienten konnten die Resultate der klinischen Diagnose, gehaltenen Röntgenaufnahmen und Arthrographien des oberen Sprunggelenkes mit den chirurgischen Befunden verglichen werden. Es hat sich herausgestellt, daß die klinische Diagnose nicht sehr wertvoll ist. Mit Hilfe der Arthrographie des oberen Sprunggelenkes konnte in 96% der Fälle eine Ligamentruptur zuverlässig vorhergesagt werden. Eine gehaltene Röntgenaufnahme in Narkose ergab eine Zuverlässigkeit in 92% der Fälle, jedoch eine gleiche Untersuchung in Lokalanästhesie nur in 68% der Fälle.

OBJECTIVE: To estimate healthcare expenditures of children with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) outside of acute care settings. DESIGN: Data from the 1997-2000 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey were used to produce estimates of expenditures for a natural sample of 196 children with TBI. RESULTS: Expenditures for TBI-related services in children averaged $77.9 million per year. Average per capita expenditure was $1044, of which $166 was for TBI-related services and $878 was for all other health services. CONCLUSION: Although total costs of TBI in children are high, the average costs are much lower than those previous reports because youth with minor trauma were not included in prior samples.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the appropriateness of, and time taken, to transfer pediatric trauma patients in New South Wales to The Children's Hospital at Westmead (CHW), a pediatric trauma center. METHODS: All trauma patients transferred to CHW from June 2003 to July 2004 were included in the study. Indications and time periods relevant to the transfer of the patient from the referring institute were retrieved and analyzed. Pediatric and adult retrieval services were compared. RESULTS: Three hundred ninety-eight patients were transferred to CHW, of whom 332 were from the metropolitan region. Falls and burns were the commonest mechanism of injury. Burn was the commonest indication for transfer (107 of 398). Mean Injury Severity Score was eight. Nearly half the patients had minor injuries (Injury Severity Score<9). Patients spent an average of 5 hours at the referring hospital. Pediatric retrieval ambulances had significantly longer mean transfer times than did nonpediatric ambulance services with a total time spent of about 2.64 hours versus 1.30 hours, respectively. For aeromedical transfers, on the other hand, the difference between pediatric retrieval services and nonpediatric air ambulances was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the patients transferred had minor injuries. Pediatric trauma patients spend considerable time in their referring hospitals. Pediatric retrieval services appear to take significantly longer to transfer patients than nonpediatric ambulance transfers even after allowing for patient age and injury severity. Although this did not result in mortality or morbidity, there appears to be considerable scope for a reduction in transfer times through better coordination of these services.  相似文献   

Cognitive models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) posit that appraisal plays an important role in the development and persistence of PTSD. This study examined posttraumatic appraisals and their relationship to the development and course of PTSD symptoms. Two hundred fifty-three injury survivors were assessed for PTSD symptoms and posttraumatic cognitions across a 12-month period. A path analytic modeling approach showed that posttraumatic appraisals were important direct and indirect predictors of later PTSD severity. The findings suggest that appraisals made in the aftermath of trauma have a significant influence on subsequent psychological adjustment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The authors reviewed the outcome for children with blunt renal injury managed with a nonoperative protocol at their pediatric trauma center. METHODS: Fifty-five consecutive children aged 0.5 to 17 years with blunt renal injury managed over a 14-year period were reviewed. All patients were evaluated with computed tomographic scanning. Injuries were graded according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Organ Injury Scale. RESULTS: Forty-eight of 55 children (87%) were successfully managed nonoperatively. Overall, there were 5 grade I, 13 grade II, 18 grade III, 14 grade IV, and 5 grade V injuries. All children with grades I and III injuries were successfully managed nonoperatively. Two (6%) of these children required transfusion. Only four (29%) children with grade IV and three (60%) with grade V injuries required surgical interventions (one nephrostomy, six nephrectomies). Excluding patients with continuing hemorrhage, only 2 (14%) of 14 with high-grade injuries required surgical intervention (1 nephrostomy, 1 nephrectomy). Clearance of gross hematuria correlated with severity of injury and was prolonged in grade IV and V compared with grade I to III injuries (6.8 +/- 2.7 vs. 3.2 +/- 2.1 days, respectively; p < 0.05). Fifty-one children (93%) available for follow-up were normotensive with normal renal function. CONCLUSION: These data support the use of conservative management for all grades in stable children with blunt renal injury. Transfusion requirements, operative rates, and outcome are consistent with other pediatric solid organ injuries.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to investigate posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in mothers of children who have undergone surgery for congenital disease at a pediatric surgery department.


A questionnaire survey was carried out in 145 mothers of children who had undergone surgery and were still alive. For comparison, the mothers were categorized into 3 groups according to the severity of their child's disease.


Of the 145 mothers, 29 (20%) were likely to be diagnosed as having developed PTSD at the time of the survey. Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms correlated with factors such as anxiety and condition of the child. In terms of the disease severity of the child, factors such as anxiety tended to be observed more frequently in the higher disease severity group, whereas the proportion of mothers likely to be diagnosed as having developed PTSD was smallest in the moderate-severity group.


Twenty percent of the mothers of children had probably developed PTSD. In the moderate-severity group, there seemed to be a factor that alleviated PTSD symptoms. Because mothers provided effective care for the symptoms of children in the moderate-severity group, this observation suggests that participation of the mother in their child's treatment might prevent them from developing PTSD symptoms.  相似文献   

We examined symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer and their mothers and the contribution of family functioning, including perceived emotional support and familial conflict, and individual factors including life stress and severity of disease to PTSD symptoms. Participants were 52 adolescent cancer survivors and their mothers and 42 healthy adolescent counterparts and their mothers. Findings revealed that mothers of cancer survivors endorsed more PTSD symptoms than did their healthy counterparts and that survivors and mothers also reported greater recent and past stressful life events. Although no survivors met clinical criteria for a PTSD diagnosis, over 36% endorsed mild subthreshold symptomatology. Findings are discussed in the context of understanding PTSD symptoms within a family systems framework.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of LUTS in the elderly Danish population. Furthermore to evaluate the quality of life, the health-care seeking behavior and the prevalence of treatment with relation to LUTS. METHODS: A mailed questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 8700 men and 1000 females above 50-years. The questionnaire included five demographic questions, the I-PSS and questions concerning previous physician contact and treatment with relation to LUTS. RESULTS: The questionnaire was returned by 61.5% of the males and 47.7% of the females. The median I-PSS was 4 in males and 3 in females. Overall 28% of males and 20% of females had significant LUTS (I-PSS>7). A significant increase in the total burden of symptoms with increasing age was found in males whereas a clear age-trend was not found in females. Overall 9.2% of males and 8.2% of females had seen a physician within the last two years for voiding problems. A high proportion of subjects with moderate or even severe symptoms had not seen a physician within two years due to voiding problems. Of males 13.3% had previous been or were currently being treated for voiding problems while the corresponding number in females was 10.9%. These subjects had significantly more symptoms than untreated age-matched subjects. CONCLUSION: Lower urinary tract symptoms are common in elderly Danish males and females. Overall the same pattern for health-care seeking behavior with regard to LUTS is seen in males and females and the overall treatment prevalence is similar. For both genders it is worth noting that a substantial proportion of subjects with a high symptom burden had not visited their physician within two years and further that subjects who have been treated for LUTS have a higher symptom levels than their untreated peers.  相似文献   

Primary objective : In this study, the authors investigated the prevalence of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a community sample of 66 survivors of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Research design, method and procedures : A representative sample of survivors of TBI were selected on the basis of having suffered significant disturbance in consciousness following their trauma event in the form of coma and/or post-traumatic amnesia. Neuropsychological testing confirmed that participants had suffered cognitive deficits consistent with severe brain injury. Participants were administered the Impact of Events inventory for symptoms of PTSD.

Main outcomes and results : The authors found a prevalence rate of 18% for moderate-to-severe PTSD symptoms.

Conclusions : PTSD symptoms are common following severe TBI. Further research is needed to establish protective and predictive factors for PTSD in TBI groups.  相似文献   

Although posttraumatic osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and important entity in orthopedic practice, no data presently exist regarding its prevalence or its relative burden of disease. A population-based estimate was formulated, based on one large institution's experience in terms of its fraction of patients with OA presenting to lower-extremity adult reconstructive clinics with OA of posttraumatic origin. The relative proportion of these patients undergoing total joint replacement provided a basis for extrapolating institutional experience with posttraumatic OA to a populationwide estimate because the numbers of lower-extremity total joint arthroplasty procedures performed were reliably tabulated both within the institution and populationwide. By this methodology, approximately 12% of the overall prevalence of symptomatic OA is attributable to posttraumatic OA of the hip, knee, or ankle. This corresponds to approximately 5.6 million individuals in the United States being affected by posttraumatic OA sufficiently severe to have caused them to present for care by an orthopedic lower-extremity adult reconstructive surgeon. Further, based on the relative prevalence of OA versus rheumatoid arthritis, and their relative impacts as assessed by the SF-36 (Short-Form 36) lower-extremity physical composite scores, about 85.5% of the societal costs of arthritis are attributable to OA. The corresponding aggregate financial burden specifically of posttraumatic OA is Dollars 3.06 billion annually, or approximately 0.15% of the total U.S. health care direct cost outlay.  相似文献   

Concern for symptom exacerbation and treatment drop-out is an important barrier to the implementation of trauma-focused therapy (TFT), especially in people with a psychotic disorder. This study, which was part of a multicenter randomized controlled trial, investigated posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom exacerbation during eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and prolonged exposure (PE) in a sample of 99 participants with PTSD and psychosis. Symptom exacerbations during the first four sessions (early exacerbation) and between-session exacerbations over the course of therapy were monitored using the PTSD Symptom Scale–Self Report. Analyses of covariance and chi-square tests were conducted to investigate exacerbation rates and their associations with treatment response and drop-out. Both early exacerbation and between-session exacerbation were relatively common (32.3% and 46.5%, respectively) but were unrelated to poor treatment response or an increased likelihood of treatment drop-out. Both clinicians and patients need to be aware that symptom exacerbation during TFT is common and not related to poor outcomes. Symptom exacerbation can be part of the therapeutic process, should be acknowledged and guided, and should not be a barrier to the implementation of TFT in people with psychosis.  相似文献   

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