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赵云 《中国卫生事业管理》2010,27(8)
政府购买卫生服务是卫生服务提供方式的重大变革,各级政府对此应进行积极有益的探索.在新医改形势下,全立体式全方位推进政府购买卫生服务方式具有极其重要的战略意义. 相似文献
近年来,随着政府购买服务发展社会公共事业的不断推进,引进社会组织补充服务日渐成为当代公共服务的重要机制。上海嘉定区政府购买精神卫生服务经过5年的探索与实践,逐步摸索出一套系统、完善的项目化工作流程机制。政府购买精神卫生服务,不仅突破精神卫生服务资源严重不足的困境,也是提供专业、多元精神健康服务的绩优选择。但在实际运行过程中,也发现一些问题,如绩效考核评价机制有待完善、社会组织自我发展能力有待提高、监管机制有待加强等。 相似文献
以人为本的整合型卫生服务体系是当前国际卫生体系发展的重要方向。鉴于英国卫生体系综合绩效在发达国家中的领先地位,在"购买与提供分开"的框架下政府同时负责筹资和服务组织的结构,这与我国卫生体系具有相似性,本文根据文献研究和现场调查,分析英国近年建设以人为本整合型卫生服务体系的内在逻辑和实践进展,并探讨其对我国的启示。研究发现,改革主要体现在三个层面:区域层面推动卫生部门内部各机构与跨部门服务的统一规划,并辅以转型基金、绩效考核和整合式的预算分配与决策机制;地方层面以公共卫生和医疗服务的筹资整合推动服务围绕人群健康进行协调,应对人群层面的健康问题;社区层面通过对全科医生执业模式进行再组织,在基层卫生网络基础上结合社区服务,综合应对个体和社区层面的健康决定因素。根据英国经验,本文提出:整合改革涉及多个层面,应当明确各自权责;统一的决策问责、协调的资源分配是推动整合的关键抓手;基层卫生发展需要在专业化基础上进行组织化。 相似文献
当前,对政府购买卫生服务的研究,已经取得了阶段性的成果,但在研究的深度、广度上仍有进一步拓展的空间。在新"医改"的形势下,为了配合政府购买卫生服务的政策实践,需要深入开展政府购买卫生服务的理论研究。 相似文献
政府购买是卫生服务提供方式的重大变革。广西政府购买社区卫生服务政策试点现核心问题一是试点工作的点的数量不足;二是试点工作的试的深度不够;三是试点进行的前奏条件、关键环节、后续保障机制没有建立健全。建议政府购买社区公共卫生服务的局部试点与全局推广必须构建一体两翼的推行模式。 相似文献
目的 总结我国政府购买公共卫生服务的实践经验,为其进一步完善和推广提供经验支持.方法 采用文献综述法,从电子和公开出版物两个来源获取相关文献,根据研究类型和研究主题筛选纳入相关文献.结果 服务提供者类型包括公立和私立的医疗机构,其运行机制由筹资、服务项目选择、监督和评价以及支付等环节组成,对公共卫生服务的可及性和质量产生了积极作用.但是对公共卫生服务效率和公平的影响还不确定.结论 我国政府购买公共卫生服务改革推广对改善居民公共卫生服务的利用起到了推动作用. 相似文献
政府购买服务的理论探究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
中央有关农村卫生工作的政策文件中 ,对于在市场经济体制条件下的政府职能 ,有了新的规定。首先 ,政府对公共卫生负有一定责任 ,在提供公共卫生服务的形式上 ,一改过去单一的方式 ,采取了多种方式。其次 ,在提供方式上 ,既可以由政府直接提供 ,即由政府直接办公共卫生的服务机构 ,包括预防保健机构等 ,也包括现今有的地方在乡卫生院产权变革后 ,政府办的防保所等形式 ,也可以由政府通过购买服务的形式来体现政府应承担的责任。前者的形式是传统的做法 ,卫生部门很容易认同并接受 ,而对后一种形式 ,不理解的有之 ,不认同也有之 ,甚至还有反对… 相似文献
政府购买公共服务在卫生服务领域的可行性探讨 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6
政府购买公共服务的方式既体现了政府应承担的责任,又适应了市场经济发展的规律,有利于社会公共服务体系的可持续性发展.自十一五期间,政府购买公共服务已经成为我国部分地区(上海、北京等)公共服务体制改革的主要思路之一.通过系统阐述政府购买公共服务的基本概念、理论依据以及试点情况,探索卫生服务领域开展政府购买的理论依据. 相似文献
广西政府购买社区公共卫生服务的调查报告——柳州市政府购买服务的启示 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
政府购买社区公共卫生服务是政府社区卫生服务提供方式的重大变革.广西政府购买社区卫生服务政策试点过程中的问题主要表现在试点工作的"点"数量不足;试点工作的"试"深度不够;试点进行的实施条件与后续保障机制准备不足.政府购买社区公共卫生服务的局部试点与全局推广必须在扩宽试点数量、拓深试点深度的基础上构建"一体两翼"的推行模式. 相似文献
在世界卫生组织提出将卫生服务战略性购买作为主要的改革策略之后,欧洲一些国家开始进行了比较系统的实践,取得了一些经验,但是,也还存在一些有待完善的地方。由此,该文系统地介绍了欧洲一些国家在这方面的实践经验与改革探索,并提出了相关的政策建议。 相似文献
中国特色医保基金战略购买是一个在"前瞻、系统、整体"战略视角指导下,以医保基金为购买主体,医疗服务为购买客体,追求医疗服务体系结构优化、国民健康收益结构优化的动态、循证、优化过程.战略购买在欧洲地区的实践效果不佳,本文以NHS英格兰为例对其政策实践和失败原因做了梳理总结,认为其主观上的改革理念彷徨、客观上的供需力量失衡... 相似文献
Domestic violence victims are in frequent contact with the healthcare service yet rarely disclose. Therefore, it is critical to understand victims' experiences and perceptions regarding disclosure in healthcare settings. The goal of this review is to provide an updated synthesis of qualitative research identifying barriers and facilitators, advice, and positive and negative outcomes of adult victims' disclosure of domestic violence to healthcare professionals (HCPs). A systematic search of PsychINFO, CINAHL and Web of Science was conducted in January 2018. Thirty-four eligible studies were identified, including 783 domestic violence victims (781 females). Formal quality assessment indicated variable study quality. Barriers of disclosure included negative HCPs attitudes, victims' perceptions of safety and concerns about the consequences of disclosing. Facilitators of disclosing included a positive relationship with the HCP, HCPs directly asking victims about abuse, and HCPs ensuring that the environment is safe and disclosure is confidential. Victims advised increased awareness of HCPs reactions to disclosure and avoiding mirroring their perpetrators minimization. HCPs were encouraged to engage in direct questioning and maintain a supportive and secure environment. Positive and negative outcomes of abuse were identified, such as being able to leave the abuser or, on the other hand, the victims' situation not changing. Our results indicate that barriers for disclosure of domestic violence in healthcare settings persist despite the widespread implementation of policies and guidelines to counter them. Based on these findings, we provide recommendations for clinical practice and future research to help improve disclosure in healthcare settings. 相似文献
DeRoeck D Bawazir SA Carrasco P Kaddar M Brooks A Fitzsimmons J Andrus J 《The International journal of health planning and management》2006,21(1):23-43
This paper reviews the key design features, accomplishments of and lessons learned from two regional group procurement mechanisms dealing with vaccines that have been in operation for more than 25 years. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) EPI Revolving Fund purchases vaccines and immunization supplies on behalf of more than 35 countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Based on a 'central contracting' model, the program handles most aspects of procurement-from tendering to contracting with and paying producers--using a common fund to pay producers before being reimbursed by countries once goods are received in-country. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Group Purchasing Program among seven Persian Gulf States issues joint tenders for vaccines, as well as drugs and other medical goods. Through this 'group contracting' program, countries are responsible for contracting with and paying producers on their own, once the group has selected winning bids. Both programs have experienced substantial growth in the past two decades and are considered to have contributed to or accelerated achievements of immunization programs in both regions, including the introduction of new vaccines. The paper identifies several features of both programs--both those designed to attract country participation and those designed to ensure the programs' financial viability--which help explain their success and longevity. 相似文献
目的:本文运用米特—霍恩模型对我国婚检政策的执行情况进行分析,为完善婚检政策提供借鉴。方法:选取广西、福建、云南、江苏、湖北、黑龙江、天津和北京8省市开展调研,通过访谈、问卷、现场考察等方法收集调研地区相关资料,对婚检政策执行情况进行分析。结果:调研地区在相关法律框架下细化了婚检目标、开发了政策执行资源,并改善了婚检政策的执行环境。结论:各地根据实际情况实施的婚检措施效果良好,但依然存在政策执行不畅、部门配合不深入、资源投入力度不足等问题,影响政策执行效果。 相似文献
Chee HL 《Social science & medicine (1982)》2008,66(10):2145-2156
The recent history of healthcare privatisation and corporatisation in Malaysia, an upper middle-income developing country, highlights the complicit role of the state in the rise of corporate healthcare. Following upon the country's privatisation policy in the 1980s, private capital made significant inroads into the healthcare provider sector. This paper explores the various ownership interests in healthcare provision: statist capital, rentier capital, and transnational capital, as well as the contending social and political forces that lie behind state interests in the privatisation of healthcare, the growing prominence of transnational activities in healthcare, and the regional integration of capital in the healthcare provider industry. Civil society organizations provide a small but important countervailing force in the contention over the future of healthcare in the country. It is envisaged that the healthcare financing system will move towards a social insurance model, in which the state has an important regulating role. The important question, therefore, is whether the Malaysian government, with its vested interests, will have the capacity and the will to play this role in a social insurance system. The issues of ownership and control have important implications for governance more generally in a future healthcare system. 相似文献
基于中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查(CLHLS)2014年的数据,采用OLS回归模型分析医疗服务可及性对老年人健康产生的影响。研究结果表明:医疗服务可及性对老年人健康具有显著正向影响,并且该回归结果通过了稳健性检验。借助工具变量法解决内生性问题后,结果仍然显著。在此基础上,探讨影响医疗服务可及性的因素。从医疗服务需求方角度来看,经济压力是导致医疗服务不可及的主要原因;从供给方角度来看,医疗服务机构距离远限制了医疗服务可及。进一步分析发现医疗服务可及性对低收入以及距离医疗机构远的老年人影响更加显著。通过构建中介效应模型探讨医疗服务可及性对老年人健康的影响机制,发现体检作为医疗服务利用的一种方式能够发挥部分中介作用。因此,文章提出提升医疗服务经济可及性、空间可及性并重视体检服务利用的建议。 相似文献
严晶晶 《中国卫生政策研究》2019,12(6):15-21
整合医疗体现了在正式制度安排下,医疗成员单位之间的相互合作和交换的组织关系,再现了医疗联盟的组织行使权力和配置资源的各种安排。从组织理论的逻辑出发,根据联盟组织面临的任务环境、组织结构和运行机制,把整合医疗分为医共体、紧密医联体、松散医联体和远程医疗协作网等不同类型。依据组织理论的分类策略,识别不同类型联盟组织的机制和运行成效,认为组织学分类逻辑是判定联盟特征,从而识别治理基础的关键。结合不同类别的联盟案例梳理治理要点。 相似文献
目的:分析江苏省社区卫生资源配置和服务提供情况,并提出老龄化背景下完善社区卫生机构资源配置和服务供给的对策.方法:应用描述性统计方法分析社区卫生资源配置和服务提供情况,采用TOP-SIS法综合评估社区卫生机构服务能力.结果:江苏省社区卫生服务站数量偏少,平均服务城市人口约1.5万人;社区卫生服务中心床位数量增长幅度较大... 相似文献
Melanie Boyce BA MSc PhD Hilary Bungay MA PhD Carol Munn‐Giddings BA MA PhD Ceri Wilson BSc PhD 《Health & social care in the community》2018,26(4):458-473
This review provides an updated evaluation of the emerging body of literature on the value of the arts in healthcare settings. Internationally, there is growing interest in the use of the arts in the healthcare context supported by the number of research studies reported in the nursing and medical literature. There is evidence that arts interventions have positive effects on psychological and physiological outcomes on patients in a hospital environment. A critical review of the literature between 2011 and 2016 was undertaken. The following databases were searched: MedLine, CINAHL, AMED, Web of Science and ASSIA. Searches included words from three categories: cultural activities, outcomes and healthcare settings. Initial searches identified 131 potentially relevant articles. Following screening and review by the research team, a total of 69 studies were included in the final review. The majority of studies examined the effect of music listening on patients/service users (76.8%). These studies were primarily quantitative focusing on the measurable effects of music listening in a surgical context. Overall, the studies in the review support the growing evidence base on the value of the arts in a variety of healthcare settings for patients/service users. The review findings suggest that now is the time for different voices and art forms to be considered and represented in the research on arts in healthcare. Further research is also required to strengthen the existing evidence base. 相似文献
This paper combines resources from the organization studies and sociology literatures to advance understanding of institutional change processes in healthcare that emerge from the professionalization projects of occupations. Conceptually, we introduce a model that combines the 'archetype' approach to analyzing structural change with a framework for analyzing the agency of emergent professions. We then employ the model to frame a historical case analysis (1972-2009) of the highly contested process by which the occupation of dental hygiene in the US fought to introduce a new organizational form, the alternative practice hygiene (APH) archetype. This archetype challenges the traditional model (the dentist's office archetype) that is supported by the dominant dentistry profession. Our analysis contributes two main sets of empirical findings. First, we present a systematic comparison of the APH and Dentist's Office archetypes in terms of their belief systems, formal structures, agents, and policy implications (e.g., access to services). Second, we provide an account of the agency of dental hygienists' attempts to secure the APH model as part of their professionalization project. 相似文献