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A murine monoclonal antibody (MAb 336) reactive with human hepatocellular carcinoma has been raised after immunizing BALB/c mice with whole HepG2 cells. MAb 336 (IgG1) was reactive with HepG2 (whole cells and membrane fractions), but not normal liver or peripheral blood cells. Immunohistological studies indicated that 12/16 hepatocellular carcinoma and 6/11 cirrhotic livers expressed MAb 336-associated antigen, and most normal human tissues and tissues derived from other cancers were unstained. Direct and competitive binding assays ruled out the possibility that this MAb reacts with alpha-fetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, or ferritin. Western blot analysis indicated that MAb 336 reacts with an antigen of approximately 30,000 daltons. This MAb may be potentially useful for studying antigenic expression in hepatocellular carcinoma and as a targeting agent for radioimmunodetection and immunoconjugate therapy.  相似文献   

Binding activity of a murine anti-lipid A monoclonal antibody.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In this report we briefly describe an immunoglobulin G3 monoclonal antibody, 2G6/1H11, which binds purified lipid A from Salmonella minnesota and a lipid A precursor molecule derived from Salmonella typhimurium. 2G6/1H11 does not bind well to purified whole S. typhimurium lipopolysaccharide (LPS), S. minnesota LPS, LPS preparations from a series of S. minnesota rough mutants, or intact S. typhimurium bacteria. Thus, there are antigenic determinants in purified lipid A which are not exposed when lipid A is presented as part of the whole LPS molecule or intact bacteria.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a murine monoclonal antibody, RC-82.4, against an antigen expressed by a human erythroleukemia cell line OCI-MIR. The antibody reacts with an antigen expressed by proerythroblasts, normoblasts, and some reticulocytes but not expressed in erythrocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, megakaryocytes, plasma cells, or lymphocytes. The authors have established an immunocytochemical method for studying bone marrow smears with RC-82.4. By studying bone marrow smears from 11 patients with M-6 erythroleukemia and 104 patients with various other hematologic and nonhematologic malignancies, the authors have found that RC-82.4 has great sensitivity and specificity in recognizing erythroid differentiation in blasts. The authors have used RC-82.4 and antihemoglobin antibodies to identify erythroblasts in acute and secondary acquired cases of erythroleukemia that would have been unclassifiable by morphologic and all other conventional cytochemical and immunocytochemical criteria.  相似文献   

Certain murine monoclonal antibodies (mAb) raised against structural proteins of mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) display distinct patterns of multiple organ-autoreactivity in addition to their viral specificities. We analysed the autoreactivity of five such mAb by immunoperoxidase histochemistry, western immunoblot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Four mAb recognized cellular autoantigens in the salivary gland, lung, heart, liver, kidney, ileum, striated muscle and brain, as detected by immunoperoxidase histochemistry. However, the mAb showed different specificities for nuclear, cytoplasmic and surface membrane antigens on various cell types in addition to common autoreactivities. Immunoblot analyses showed that some of the mAb recognized polypeptides of various molecular weights obtained from 100,000 g supernatants of normal BALB/c liver, brain, striated and cardiac muscle homogenates. Reactivity of the mAb with a 200,000 molecular weight (MW) polypeptide was similar to our previous finding of the reaction of late immune polyclonal sera with a 200,000 MW polypeptide, the heavy chain of myosin. The mAb reacted to the cardiac isoform of myosin as determined by ELISA and immunoblot. Reactivity of mAb with cardiac myosin, as detected by immunoblot, was removed by absorption with cardiac myosin and recovered in the eluate. However, cardiac myosin used in a competitive inhibition ELISA did not abrogate the reactivity of the mAb with MCMV antigens. These anti-MCMV mAb appear to be multispecific for both virus and self-antigens, including cardiac myosin, and possibly recognize these different antigens through partly similar or distinct antigen-binding sites.  相似文献   

A rat monoclonal antibody (MAb), 411-52, that binds specifically to murine pulmonary alveolar type 1 cells was developed. The cell-binding specificity of MAb 411-52 was assessed by light microscopy on immunoperoxidase-labeled tissue sections, electron microscopy on immunogold-labeled tissue blocks, and by flow cytometric analysis and fluorescence-activated cell sorting of immunofluorescently labeled cells enzymatically dissociated from murine lungs. The epitope recognized by MAb 411-52 was first detected in immunoperoxidase-stained sections of neonatal lungs of mice approximately 3 weeks after birth. In adult mice, the MAb 411-52-directed, immunoperoxidase-staining pattern was uniform throughout the lung parenchyma, was restricted to the luminal surfaces of alveoli, and was absent from type 2, endothelial, and interstitial cells, as well as from the epithelial cells of conducting airways. Electron microscopic analysis of immunogold-labeled lung tissue confirmed the type 1 cell binding specificity of MAb 411-52. Analysis by multiparameter, laser flow cytometry indicated that MAb 411-52 binds to 4.6 +/- 0.5% (mean +/- SD) of enzymatically dissociated cells from the lungs of normal adult mice. The absence of immunogold-labeling of type 2 cells suggested that the epitope recognized by MAb 411-52 might be a differentiation marker for the type 1 cell phenotype. With this MAb and standard immunohistochemical techniques, it is possible to visualize directly type 1 cells in paraffin sections.  相似文献   

Y7, a murine monoclonal IgG1 kappa antibody against a human monoclonal IgM lambda DJ molecule, was affinity purified on an IgM lambda immunoaffinity column. As detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) the isolated Y7 monoclonal antibody was shown to be not cross-reactive with human IgG, human secretory IgA, mu chain, lambda + kappa chains and another human monoclonal IgM lambda BR. Binding to the polyclonal human IgM standard in the same assay was about 30 percent. The epitope specificity of affinity purified and biotinylated Y7 MoAb was localized only in the nonreduced pepsin Fab fragments of IgM lambda DJ immunogen. As the immunogen was determined to be a specific antibody to phosphorylcholine, the specificity of Y7 MoAb was further ascertained in its capacity to induce 95% inhibition of immunogen binding for phosphorylcholine.  相似文献   

Mice infected by Candida albicans and treated with monoclonal antibody C7 survived longer than saline-treated animals. A prozone-like effect was observed. The in vitro candidacidal activity of macrophages was strongly enhanced when C. albicans was opsonized by C7 and complete murine serum was present.  相似文献   

A human DNA-binding monoclonal antibody was produced by fusing the hepatocytes from a 12-week-old human fetus with the lymphoblastoid cell line GM 4672 using polyethylene glycol. This antibody, designated BEG 2, binds to single-stranded (ss) DNA but also binds to double-stranded (ds) DNA, poly(dT), polyI and poly(ADP-ribose), but not to RNA, cardiolipin or K-30. The binding of BEG 2 to these polynucleotides can be inhibited by incubation with polynucleotides in the fluid phase. A rabbit polyclonal anti-idiotype was raised, and using this reagent it was shown that the BEG 2 idiotype is present in normal human serum (7%), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) sera (8%) and rheumatoid arthritis sera (23%). The extent of idiotypic sharing between BEG 2 and murine monoclonal DNA-binding antibodies, in particular monoclonal antibody (mAb) 423 (derived from a 15-day-old fetal MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mouse) and mAb 402 (derived from an adult MRL/lpr mouse), was also investigated. Using a competition ELISA, it was shown that preincubation of BEG 2 with rabbit anti-423 and rabbit anti-402 inhibits the binding of BEG 2 to DNA, and the binding of 402 to DNA by anti-BEG 2 and anti-423. These data suggest that mAb BEG 2, 423 and 402 share common idiotypes, that autoreactivity is present in early fetal life, and that autoantibodies may be encoded for by germline genes, which have been conserved through evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP IV) occurs among others in exocrine epithelia, hepatocytes, renal tubuli, endothelia, and myofibroblasts of man and laboratory animals. Also Tµ lymphocytes and their varying differentiated neoplastic counterparts reveal this enzyme activity. The present paper describes a new monoclonal antibody recognizing DPP IV.Additional efforts have been taken to detect the subcellular localization of DPP IV and its isoelectric focusing pattern in different tissue types. The monoclonal antibody anti-DPP IV (clone II-19) shows a reaction pattern indistinguishable from the corresponding enzymehistochemical reaction. These findings were further substantiated by immunoblotting analysis. In line with the results of direct enzyme measurements in different subcellular fractions a considerable portion of the enzyme is localized in the membrane fraction.Dedicated to Professor Dr.Dr. h.c. Karl Lennert, Kiel, on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 111, program CL1  相似文献   

Although the cytokine interleukin 4 (IL-4) stimulates LPS-activated mouse B lymphocytes to secrete both IgG1 and IgE, an anti-IL-4 antibody completely inhibits IgE responses but has little or no effect on several in vivo IgG responses. IL-4 might, therefore, have a restricted role in the generation of in vivo humoral immune responses. Alternatively, IgG1 responses might be stimulated by IL-4 secreted by T cells that are interacting directly with B cells, so that anti-IL-4 antibody cannot neutralize IL-4 before it binds to a B cell IL-4 receptor. In contrast, an antibody that blocks the IL-4 receptor (IL-4R) should equally inhibit responses to IL-4 produced proximal to or distant from a B cell. This reasoning led us to determine the ability of an anti-IL-4R mAb to affect antibody production in mice injected with a goat antibody to mouse IgD (GaM delta) or inoculated with the nematode parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus. Anti-IL-4R mAb, like anti-IL-4 mAb, blocked IgE responses by greater than 95% and enhanced IgG2a responses to a variable extent. Anti-IL-4R mAb, however, had only a modest and variable inhibitory effect on the induction of IgG1 responses, although it caused these responses to terminate more rapidly. A combination of anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-4R mAbs totally blocked goat anti-mouse IgD antibody (GaM delta)-induced IgE production but had no additive inhibitory effect on IgG1 production. These observations are most consistent with the view that IL-4 is required for a primary IgE response, but has relatively little role in the induction of IgG1 responses in the in vivo systems studied.  相似文献   

In vivo clearance and tissue localization of a purified mouse anti-DNA monoclonal antibody (MoAb) (A52 IgG2b) and its complexes with DNA were studied in normal BALB/c and autoimmune NZB/NZW mice. The plasma half-life of the autoantibody in both mouse strains was significantly shorter (T 1/2 = 10-15 min), compared with that of purified NZB myeloma proteins (T 1/2 greater than or equal to 180 min). DNA antigen and DNA-A52 IgG complexes in antibody excess were cleared very rapidly (T 1/2 = 4-8 min), while complexes formed in antigen excess persisted in the circulation much longer (T 1/2 = 60 min). Organ studies showed that the anti-DNA MoAb was transiently retained by the liver and the spleen but demonstrated a particular affinity for the kidney tissue. We suggest that tissue damage in SLE glomerulonephritis may be facilitated by direct interaction of anti-DNA antibodies with glomerular components.  相似文献   

A hybridoma secreting a monoclonal antibody (MAb) directed against Klebsiella lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was derived from spleen cells of mice immunized a smooth, nonencapsulated Klebsiella strain (Friedländer 201; serogroup O1). The MAb, called V/9-5 (immunoglobulin G2a), cross-reacted with LPS preparations produced from reference strains for the Klebsiella O serogroups O1, O2ab, O2ac, O3, O4, O5, and O12. Furthermore, the MAb reacted with LPSs from serogroup reference strains O6/O8, O9, and O11, which are regarded as being identical to O1, O2, and O4, respectively. When testing the supernatant of clinically isolated Klebsiella strains by means of an inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we found that 86 (92.4%) of 93 Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae isolates and 24 (96.0%) of 25 K. oxytoca isolates harbored the cross-reactive epitope. By contrast, two laboratory strains of K. pneumoniae subsp. rhinoscleromatis did not react with MAb V/9-5. The MAb proved to be specific for the genus Klebsiella, since it did not react with any of a total of 73 strains belonging to other gram-negative bacterial genera. In conjunction with other LPS-specific MAbs, MAb V/9-5 might become a useful reagent for rapid identification of klebsiellae in clinical specimens. Furthermore, the epitope recognized by MAb V/9-5 might serve as a target epitope for the production of human MAbs for immunotherapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a new monoclonal antibody (MoAb PL.1) against rat platelets. Immunohistology of various rat tissues showed staining of platelets, especially in the spleen, and staining of megakaryocytes in bone marrow and spleen red pulp. In the liver small platelet aggregates and endothelial cells were stained. After in-vivo administration of MoAb PL.1 an acute severe thrombocytopenia was observed. In general the distribution of the antibody and/or antibody-coated platelet aggregates showed the same pattern as after in-vitro incubation, i.e. staining of rat platelets and platelet aggregates in spleen red pulp, and staining of megakaryocytes in spleen and bone marrow. Platelet aggregates were observed in the liver and electron microscopy indicated that they were associated with Kupffer cells. Furthermore, liver endothelial cells were positively stained. Comparison of the molecular weight of the antigens recognized by this MoAb and by human anti-platelet MoAbs, as well as comparison of staining patterns of megakaryocytes indicated that MoAb PL.1 is probably directed to a GPIIb/IIIa complex analogue. Since MoAb PL.1 is of the non-complement-binding mouse IgG1 isotype, it can be used for studying clearance of platelet aggregates by Fc-receptors of the MPS. It also promises to be a useful tool in the study of platelet involvement in rats with experimental nephritis.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal anti-human blood group A antigen (AC12, mu, kappa) has been generated and sequenced in order to analyze the immunoglobulin genes used to generate antibodies with anti-human blood group A specificity. Mice were immunized with human type A RBC. Anti-A producing hybridomas were detected by agglutination against human type A RBC. Total cellular RNA was extracted from hybridomas cells. PCR amplification and sequencing of anti-A heavy and light chain cDNAs were performed. The VH and VK sequences of antibody AC12 were shown to be very homologous to that used by other antibodies recognizing carbohydrates as well as glycoproteins, peptides or haptens constituting self antigens as well as nonself antigens. The VH sequence of antibody AC12 presented important homology with a previously reported monoclonal anti-blood group B antibody. The antibody AC12 also presented homology with the VH and VK sequences of a previously reported human anti-blood group A antibody which contributes additional evidence in favor of a restricted usage of V segments by antibodies directed against red blood antigens.  相似文献   

A rabbit anti-idiotypic antiserum made against a murine monoclonal anti-Sm autoantibody (Y2) was used in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay to investigate idiotypic cross-reactivity among anti-Sm antibodies present in sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Sera from 25 of 51 SLE patients (49%) containing anti-Sm antibodies were positive for this Y2 idiotype compared to only one of 22 normal human sera. Nine of 28 SLE patients (32%) whose sera were anti-Sm negative were also positive for the Y2 idiotype in low titre. Binding was not due to rheumatoid factor-like activity but was specific for the Y2 determinant and could be eliminated by absorption with Y2 monoclonal antibodies. The anti-idiotypic antibody blocked the ability of 12 of 25 anti-Sm positive lupus sera to bind Sm. Conversely, Sm antigen inhibited the binding of anti-idiotypic antibody in nine of 12 lupus sera.  相似文献   

Leukocyte adherence to endothelial cells has been implicated in the pathogenesis of microvascular injury as well as in host defense against various infectious microorganisms. Administration of monoclonal antibodies directed against the beta chain of the leukocyte integrins inhibits leukocyte-endothelial-cell adherence and has been reported to modulate ischemia-reperfusion and inflammatory injury. However, such inhibition of adhesion molecule function adversely affects resistance to infection. The following studies were carried out to determine whether monoclonal antibodies to other adhesion molecules, including L-selectin (CD62L), and CD11a (the alpha chain of LFA-1), also increase susceptibility to infection. New Zealand White rabbits were shaved and given subcutaneous injections on their dorsa with 10(9) CFU of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 at two sites and with 10(8) CFU at two sites. A second set of rabbits were given subcutaneous injections with 10(8) CFU of P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 at two sites and with 10(7) CFUs at two sites. The animals were monitored for 1 week. There were three blinded experimental groups: controls given saline and two groups given blocking monoclonal antibodies to either L-selectin (Dreg-200) or CD11a (R7.1). In contrast to monoclonal antibodies to CD18, none of the monoclonal antibodies significantly increased the risk of abscess formation by S. aureus, although inhibition of CD11a increased the rate of abscess formation by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin G3 murine monoclonal antibody T6 specific for the lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella O serogroups A to E was established. By using R mutants of Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, and Shigella spp., the major reactive epitope with T6 was tentatively identified as the terminal disaccharide, N-acetylglucosamine 1.2----alpha glucose, of the core oligosaccharide. T6 was reactive with 10 clinical isolates of each of the Salmonella O serogroups A to E but not with 58 isolates of other gram-negative bacteria. Its selective reactivity against Salmonella spp. renders T6 a potentially more useful reagent than the conventional polyvalent serum for the identification of Salmonella spp. It may also serve as a useful molecular tool for the study of the outer core structure of all Salmonella and related species.  相似文献   

苯是一种常见的工业毒物,也普遍存在于环境中,大量接触可导致再障、免疫功能障碍和白血病等。本文研究了苯对小鼠胸腺细胞的影响。实验观察到苯处理的小鼠胸腺明显萎缩,且与苯呈剂量和时间依赖性。与对照组相比,苯致毒小鼠胸腺细胞有以下特点:(1)透射电镜显示细胞皱缩,细胞膜空泡化,核凝缩,呈典型的细胞凋亡特征;(2)DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳呈特征性梯状图谱,片段大小为180bp或其倍数;(3)DNA裂解百分率与苯呈剂量和时间依赖性。实验表明苯可以引起小鼠胸腺细胞凋亡,提示苯可通过诱导淋巴细胞凋亡而引起免疫机能障碍。  相似文献   

BALB/c mice made tolerant to A/J alloantigens by neonatal injection of (A/J x BALB/c)F1 spleen cells develop a host-versus-graft (HVG) disease due to the activation of donor B cells by a subset of host alloreactive helper T cells. We have investigated the effects of a single neonatal injection of the 145-2C11 anti-mouse CD3 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) on the establishment of allotolerance and on the development of the immunopathological features of HVG disease. First, this treatment did not modify the specific anti-donor cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) unresponsiveness or the persistence of circulating immunoglobulins bearing donor allotype. Second, the hyper IgE, the hyper IgG1 and the increased expression of Ia antigens on B cells found in untreated HVG mice were not observed after injection of the 145-2C11 MoAb. Likewise, treated mice displayed lower levels of anti-DNA IgG antibodies and less glomerular immune deposits as compared with untreated HVG mice. We conclude that the administration of the anti-CD3 MoAb did not interfere with the induction of allotolerance but exerts a pronounced inhibitory effect on the associated immunopathological syndrome.  相似文献   

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