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目的了解珠海市饮食(含酒店)服务行业职业伤害情况,并进行原因分析,提出相关预防措施。为职业伤害系统资料的建立提供本底资料,也为政府决策和制订相应管理策略,增进劳动者健康,充分提高劳动效率提供科学依据。方法根据珠海市劳动和社会保障局1992-2003年间的职业伤害(工伤)认定的资料进行分析。结果1992~2003年间珠海市饮食服务行业职业伤害(工伤)人数为1053人,其中男737人(69.99%),女316人(30.01%)。69.7%的职业伤害者年龄〈40岁。职业伤害者中67.24%为广东籍。职业伤害的主要工种分布依次为服务员(26.68%),厨房杂工(25.92%),维修工(15.48%)。1992~2003年间轻伤、重伤和死亡的构成比分别为81.86%、15.58%和2.56%。职业伤害的主要类型为跌伤22.70%、碰撞伤20.04%,切割11.87%。职业伤害的主要部位依次为上肢31.62%,下肢24.12%,胸部8.93%。职业伤害的主要原因为不慎跌倒、摔倒(33.14%),缺乏安全操作知识(31.91%),生产场所环境不良(9.12%)。结论珠海市饮食服务行业职业伤害应引起相关部门重视,建议对此行业作业工人加强安全知识和防护知识的教育和培训,对重点工种人员加强防护,从而有助于减少或杜绝饮食服务行业职业伤害的发生。  相似文献   

1993~2002年某化工开发区职业伤害的流行病学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 分析化工行业职业伤害的分布规律和有关危险因素。方法 对某化工开发区 1 993~2 0 0 2年间发生的职业伤害进行流行病学调查分析。结果 建区初期职业伤害的年平均发生率 (4 37% )较高 ,1 996年职业伤害发生急剧回升至第 2高峰 (3 1 5 % ) ;碰撞和灼烫是主要伤害方式 ;冬季 (2 7 1 9% )、周末 (31 2 9% )职业伤害发生较多 ;82 90 %的职业伤害罹难者在 4 0岁以下 ;工龄 <2a(39 91 % )和 6~ 1 0a(4 0 6 9% )的职业伤害罹难者较多 ;化工操作工职业伤害罹难者较多 (2 8 0 7% ) ;农民工和临时工职业安全卫生问题较严重 ;违返操作规程是职业伤害的主要原因 (2 1 0 5 % ) ;职业伤害的漏报较高。结论 职业伤害是由多种原因造成的 ,包括生产设备和防护装置缺陷、工作环境因素、劳动组织不合理及劳动者个人因素等。职业伤害的防制应从加强安全教育 ,改进设备和改善工作环境等方面综合考虑  相似文献   

1993~2002某开发区化工行业职业伤害上报现状调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的 ]分析职业伤害报告现状和有关影响因素。 [方法 ]对某开发区 1993~ 2 0 0 2年间发生的职业伤害上报情况进行流行病学调查分析。 [结果 ]该区实际年均职业伤害发生率为 3 5 7 3× 10 -5;上报率为 3 0 8% ,上报年均职业伤害发生率为 110 2× 10 -5;农民工和临时工的职业伤害上报率低 ,分别为实际发生率的 6 0 %和 3 1 6% ;独资、私营和小型企业上报率低 ,分别为实际发生率的 2 3 7%、15 9%和 11 9% ;参保企业上报率相对较高 ,也仅为实际发生率的 42 9%。上报的职业伤害中 ,错报率为 45 5 %。宣传教育不力是影响上报的主要原因 ( 3 1 1% )。 [结论 ]影响职业伤害上报的原因较多。提高职业伤害上报率应从加强法律法规教育、提高企业经营者的守法意识和增强职工自我保护意识等方面综合考虑。  相似文献   

安徽省学生伤害的流行病学调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
我国每年有 70万人死于各种伤害 ,造成了大量的永久性残疾 ,给社会带来严重的经济负担。伤害已经成为严重威胁年轻一代健康的重要公共卫生问题。安徽省地形地貌呈现多样性 ,长江和淮河自西向东横贯全境 ,本次调查了皖南、皖中、皖北的大、中、小学生 ,较好的代表了安徽学生的伤害发生情况。现将结果报告如下。1年内共发生 1种及以上伤害者 13 779人 ,年发生率为3 6.82 % ( 13 779 3 742 5 ) ,发生伤害人次为 3 0 40 0次 ,人均发生伤害 0 .8次 ( 3 0 40 0 3 742 5 ) ,发生密度为 2 .2 1( 3 0 40 0 13 779)。伤害类型共 12种 ,跌伤发生率最…  相似文献   

410例高初中学生伤害危险因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解高初中学生伤害的影响因素 ,以便为预防与控制中学生伤害提供科学依据 ,本研究对山东省利津县 4 10例中学生伤害者 (包括车祸、中毒、跌落、烧烫伤、电击伤、钝 /锐器伤、动物昆虫叮咬伤、溺水 )进行了危险因素的病例对照调查。1 对象与方法1 1 伤害组与对照组的选取 于 2 0 0 2年 9月 2 1日~ 2 0 0 2年 9月 2 7日在山东省利津县进行了中学生 8种伤害的流行病学调查和危险因素分析。伤害的判断标准按 1998年建议标准〔1〕执行。在此基础上 ,对调查中凡有 8种伤害之一者均作为伤害组 ,共获得 4 10例伤害者 ,其中高中生 79例 ,初中…  相似文献   

杭州市萧山区部分中小学生伤害现况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的 ]了解杭州市萧山区中小学生伤害现状 ,为青少年伤害预防提供依据。 [方法 ] 2 0 0 3年 10月 ,分层整群抽取 6所中小学 ,对 2 63 1名初中、小学生调查近 1年内伤害发生情况。 [结果 ]中小学生伤害发生率为 3 1 13 % ;男生高于女生 (P <0 0 1) ,初中生高于小学生 (P <0 0 5 ) ;伤害者人均发生伤害 1 71次。 14 0 2次伤害中 ,自伤占 73 97% ;伤害发生率居前 5位的分别为跌摔伤、扭伤、擦伤、击打伤和划伤 ;学校内发生的伤害占伤害总次数的 2 9 3 2 % ,家中占 5 3 63 % ;玩耍时发生的伤害占总次数的 5 2 78% ;伤害部位在四肢的占 77 70 %。 [结论 ]萧山区中小学生伤害发生率较高 ,应采取措施进行预防和干预。  相似文献   

[目的 ]探讨油田职工、家属伤害发生的特点和规律 ,为预防伤害提供科学依据。 [方法 \〗使用胜利石油管理局中心医院急诊外科和住院病人数据库 ,统计 2 0 0 0年收治住院的伤害病人的有关数据。 [结果 ]住院病人中 ,伤害病人占1 1 2 6 % ;伤害者男性年龄为 (30 74±1 4 41 )岁 ,女性为 (33 52± 1 9 0 6)岁 ;暴风雨、风暴潮等自然环境因素 ,机动车辆交通事故是引起伤害的主要原因 ;颅内损伤、烧伤、天然气中毒是导致死亡的主要伤害。 [结论 ]应抓好环境保护、交通运输、机械施工方面的安全工作 ,减少青壮年职工伤害的发生 ,提高卫生员和急救中心的抢救水平 ,降低伤害的发生 ,减少伤害造成的死亡。  相似文献   

目的 研究预防中、小学生发生伤害干预措施的效果。方法  1 999年 5月至 2 0 0 0年1 0月在茂名市分别随机抽取市区 5间学校共 1 733名学生 ,对其实施以安全教育为主的伤害干预措施 ,调查干预前一年及后一年伤害发生情况 ,并进行比较分析。结果 实施安全教育后 ,学生的伤害发生率和多发性伤害发生率均明显下降 ,其中学生的伤害发生率由 5 0 .95 %下降至 2 5 .33% ,下降幅度达5 0 2 8% ;多发性伤害者占总伤害人数的比例由 38.7%下降为 1 2 .1 %。学生因伤缺课由人均 2 .65d下降为 0 .63d ,费用∶效益 =1∶7.91。结论 安全教育能有效地减少中、小学生发生伤害  相似文献   

绍兴市1997-2003年慢性职业中毒情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摸清绍兴市慢性职业中毒发病状况和发病规律,探讨职业病防治措施,我们对7年间发生病例进行回顾性分析研究。1 对象与方法收集绍兴市1997- 2 0 0 3年经市职业中毒诊断组诊断的慢性职业中毒患者2 0 6例作为研究对象,依据全国统一的职业中毒报告卡及职业病发病个案调查资料,对中毒病例数、毒物品种及行业分布统计分析。2 结果2 .1 慢性职业中毒基本情况1997- 2 0 0 3年全市共发生慢性职业中毒2 0 6例。其中男性118例,女性88例。年龄2 3~5 8岁之间,其中2 3~30岁5 1例(占2 4 .8% ) ,31~4 0岁90例(占4 3.7% ) ,4 1~5 0岁4 3例(占2 0 .9% ) …  相似文献   

1991~2000年某铁路分局职业伤害回顾性调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业伤害又称工伤 ,是工人在从事生产劳动过程中 ,由于外部因素直接作用而引起机体组织的突然性意外损伤 ,是发达国家和发展中国家都存在的公共卫生问题 ,对企业的生产经营 ,职工的生命安全均产生着极大的危害和威胁。据美国职业卫生和安全署发布的数字 ,每年发生工伤 70 0万人次 ,其中 3 0 0万为重伤 ,死亡 65 0 0人 ,占 2 0~ 64岁人群所有伤害的 1/ 3 ,所有死亡的 1/ 6[1] 。为了解我国铁路运输行业职业伤害的发生情况 ,我们对某铁路分局 1991年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月间发生的职业伤害进行了回顾性调查分析。1 资料与方法收集某铁路分局…  相似文献   

[目的]研究某铁路局工伤的分布特点、发生原因及规律。[方法]对某铁路局所属4个分局1997年至2003年间发生的工伤事故进行回顾性调查,资料用Access 2000建立数据库,使用SPSS 11.5 for Windows统计分析。[结果]工伤粗发生率为23.68/10万,致死工伤粗发生率为3.17/10万。伤害的月份分布中以5月(13.4%)较高,1月份(4.2%)最低。不同时间段的工伤发生率以8:00~10:00最高(28.8%),其次为13:00~15:00(23.0%),有集中于上班后0~1h的倾向。工伤以车辆伤害(31.0%)和高处坠落(16.9%)为主,而违章操作(61.3%)是其主要原因。在调查的10个工种中,工伤在调车工人和机车车辆钳工中的发生率较高,分别为61/10万、59.8/10万。[结论]应加强生产安全教育和管理,采取切实可行的措施控制和减少工伤事故的发生。  相似文献   

Workers in the salt industry are exposed to direct sunlight, salt dust and contact with brine. To assess their awareness, attitude and practices related to occupational health problems, 205 salt workers were interviewed about health hazards and problems related to their working conditions, usage of protective measures and suggestions for their improvisation. The brine workers had a fair knowledge of their occupational health problems (98.7%), protective measures (100.0%) and their benefits (100.0%) as compared to non brine workers for whom these figures were 89.0%, 85.8% and 78.7% respectively. The brine workers (29.5%) and non brine workers (31.5%) used unconventional measures to prevent contact with salty water, salt dust, raw salt and glare. There was a huge gap between their knowledge and practice with protective devices, though they suggested improvements in protective devices to increase their acceptability.  相似文献   

Oil and gas extraction (i.e., removing oil and natural gas from the ground) is a growing industry in the United States, employing approximately 380,000 workers in 2006. In recent years, activity in this industry has increased substantially, from an average of 800 actively drilling rigs in the United States during the 1990s to approximately 1,300 during 2003-2006. In August 2005, the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) asked CDC to investigate a 15% increase in fatalities among oil and gas extraction workers (from 85 fatalities in 2003 to 98 in 2004). CDC analyzed data from the BLS Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) for the period 2003-2006. This report describes the results of that analysis, which indicated that increases in oil and gas extraction activity were correlated with an increase in the rate of fatal occupational injuries in this industry, with an annual fatality rate of 30.5 per 100,000 workers (404 fatalities) during 2003-2006, approximately seven times the rate for all workers (4.0 per 100,000 workers). Nearly half of all fatal injuries among these workers were attributed to highway motor-vehicle crashes and workers being struck by machinery or equipment. Employers should work with existing industry groups and federal, state, and local government agencies to promote seatbelt use. In addition, researchers and public health officials should collaborate with industry groups to establish engineering and process controls that remove workers from potentially dangerous machinery while drilling and servicing oil and gas wells.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare the risk of occupational injuries in foreign workers compared to native workers in Taiwan. The cohort of foreign workers under study was constructed by records of legally registered workers migrated from foreign countries to Taiwan from July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1993. The native Taiwanese workers for comparison were labor-insured workers working in the same industries as foreign workers in 1992. The number of occupational injuries in the first year of employment were obtained by matching the cohort of foreign workers with the labor insurance payment records by name, birth date and passport number. The 1-year incidence rate of occupational injuries in the first year of employment was calculated and a standardized morbidity ratio (SMR) was used for comparison with adjustment for age distribution and to accommodate the small sample size of foreign workers. The risk to occupational injuries among total (SMR = 0.86) and male (SMR = 0.58) foreign workers was not higher: indeed, it was even lower, than that among native workers in Taiwan. However, the risk to female migrant workers, especially in the construction industry, was significantly higher than that of female Taiwanese workers (SMR = 1.60). Stratified by industry, the incidence was high in the fabricated metal products manufacturing industry and in machinery and equipment manufacturing industry for male foreign workers, while a high incidence for the female foreign workers occurred in construction industry and rubber products manufacturing industry. The risk of occupational injuries was greater for foreign workers who had been in Taiwan for only a short time. Most fo the injuries occurred within the first 6 months of employment. Eighty-four out of the 394 occupational injuries among foreign workers resulted in disabilities. None of the accidents was fatal, but most of the disabilities were severe. The most common disabling injuries were cut or crushed fingers. The finding of a similar distribution of occupational injuries among foreign and native workers indicates that control measures are needed to reduce occupational injuries for all foreign and native workers in Taiwan. Am. J. Ind. Med. 31:623–630, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trauma registries continue to be underutilized for surveillance, despite providing data on the most severe injuries with a level of detail not available in national data sets or workers' compensation files. METHODS: We evaluate trends and patterns of traumatic occupational injuries from the Illinois Trauma Registry (ITR). RESULTS: Between 1995 and 2003, 44.4 of every 100,000 Illinois workers (age-adjusted) suffered work-related, nonfatal traumatic injuries. The majority of workers suffering traumatic injuries were white males younger than 55 years old. Falls were the most common cause of injury, and fracture of the extremities was the most common type of injury experienced by Illinois workers. Approximately 8% of all workers required either partial or total ambulatory assistance at time of discharge. CONCLUSION: The ITR provides detailed and complete data regarding the most severe occupational injuries. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: In contrast to reports from national surveillance data sets, we do not observe a significant decline in occupational injuries between 1995 and 2003. Trauma registries should be used more frequently for surveillance programs, because they provide detailed and reliable data regarding the most severe occupational injuries not available in other data sets.  相似文献   

汪忠良 《职业与健康》2012,28(20):2457-2459
目的通过了解企业职业危害因素分布情况,为有效控制职业危害因素、减少职业危害提供依据。方法对通城县271家工业企业进行现场调查。结果 271家有职业病危害因素的企业中,集体企业128家,占47.23%。职业危害因素主要分布在非金属矿物制品业(58.67%)和家具制造业(7.38%),接触职业病危害因素人数占生产工人数的40.10%。目前,企业存在的职业病危害因素主要有粉尘、高温、噪声、苯、甲苯和二甲苯。大部分企业车间或岗位没有或只有简单的防护设施,接触职业病危害因素的工人不使用或不能正确使用防护用品。结论职业病危害因素呈现多样性。集体企业是该县职业卫生工作的重点。应加强对农民工的职业病防治知识教育。  相似文献   

目的掌握珠海市职业健康监护人群职业危害构成。方法按照国家职业健康监护技术规范要求,收集整理2010-2012年珠海市职业健康监护人群资料,分析职业健康监护人群主要职业危害因素。结果 2010-2012年珠海市职业健康监护131 955人,接触物理因素、化学因素、粉尘和其它职业危害因素人群分别为56 238人(42.6%)、50 521人(38.3%)、24 179人(18.3%)、1 017人(0.8%);噪声为主要物理职业危害因素,占82.1%(46 171/56 238)。3年共检出职业禁忌证人员3 892人,物理因素、接触化学因素、粉尘和其它职业危害因素的职业禁忌证构成比分别为71.7%(2791/3 892)、26.7%(1 041/3 892)、1.2%(47/3 892)、0.3%(13/3 892),以接触物理危害因素的禁忌证最多,噪声危害为主要物理职业危害因素禁忌证,占95.8%(2 675/2 791)。3年共检出疑似职业病37人,构成比居前三位的分别是化学因素所致疑似职业病29人(78.4%)、疑似尘肺6人(16.2%)和疑似职业性噪声聋2人(5.4%);疑似职业性中毒性肝病主要为化学因素所致疑似职业病,占58.6%(17/29)。结论珠海市职业健康监护人群主要职业危害因素为物理、化学和粉尘因素,并已引起职业禁忌证和疑似职业病,应加强噪声、肝毒物、粉尘等危害因素接触人员的健康监护监督指导。  相似文献   

汽车制造业不同工种工伤事故分布特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探索汽车制造不同工种工人工伤事故发生的种类,特征及影响因素,为劳动安全部门制定防治对策。方法 对3651例工伤档案资料按种类和分布特征进行描述和分析。结果 受伤者中机加工、冲压工、特种工、辅助工、铸造工分别占20.3%、16.1%、16.9%、20.2%、8.6%。男女工伤人数分别为3061人和590人,工伤率分别为4.0‰和1.5‰。冲压工工伤率和致残率最高,达22.4%和36.5%。结论  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several studies have investigated both the frequency and modality of occurrence of occupational exposure of health-care workers to blood-borne pathogens. At the moment no complete epidemiological data are available covering the hospitals of an entire Region. OBJECTIVES ANd METHODS: To describe the characteristics of mucocutaneous and percutaneous exposure to body fluids of the healthcare workers in 47 out of the 56 public hospitals (90% of a total 15,000 beds, 28,000 health-care workers full time equivalent) in Piedmont, Northern Italy (4.5 million inhabitants) over a three-year period (1999-2002), using SIROH (Studio Italiano Rischio Occupazionale da HIV) model to collect the data. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: 5174 percutaneous injuries (12.7/100 beds) and 1724 mucocutaneous exposure (4.1/100 beds) were recorded. Surveillance data were similar to those collected in other multi-hospital studies. The variability of rates between hospitals was high, most likely due to the amount of underreporting. The categories most at risk of percutaneous and mucocutaneous exposure were, respectively, surgeons (9.3/100 surgeons) and midwives (2.9/100 midwives). Needles (syringe, winged steel, suture) were the medical devices most frequently involved in percutaneous injuries, 60% of which occurred after the use of such devices. Eighty-three per cent of healthcare workers had been HBV-vaccinated versus only 45% of cleaning staff. After percutaneous injuries with exposure to an HIV positive source only 40% of those exposed received post-exposure prophylaxis; in the case of mucocutaneous exposure the rate was 11%. We recorded 2 seroconversions following occupational exposure to an HCV positive source (risk of seroconversion: 0,2%). In order to implement preventive programmes the use of safety devices, an increase in the number of HBV-vaccinated contract workers, the use of chemoprophylaxis for HIV exposure, and the use of protective equipment are deemed necessary.  相似文献   

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