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Comparative recombination rates in the rat, mouse, and human genomes   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
Levels of recombination vary among species, among chromosomes within species, and among regions within chromosomes in mammals. This heterogeneity may affect levels of diversity, efficiency of selection, and genome composition, as well as have practical consequences for the genetic mapping of traits. We compared the genetic maps to the genome sequence assemblies of rat, mouse, and human to estimate local recombination rates across these genomes. Humans have greater overall levels of recombination, as well as greater variance. In rat and mouse, the size of the chromosome and proximity to telomere have less effect on local recombination rate than in human. At the chromosome level, rat and mouse X chromosomes have the lowest recombination rates, whereas human chromosome X does not show the same pattern. In all species, local recombination rate is significantly correlated with several sequence variables, including GC%, CpG density, repetitive elements, and the neutral mutation rate, with some pronounced differences between species. Recombination rate in one species is not strongly correlated with the rate in another, when comparing homologous syntenic blocks of the genome. This comparative approach provides additional insight into the causes and consequences of genomic heterogeneity in recombination.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of genome rearrangements in human and mouse genomes revealed evidence for more rearrangements than thought previously and shed light on previously unknown features of mammalian evolution, like breakpoint reuse and numerous microrearrangements. However, two-way analysis cannot reveal the genomic architecture of ancestral mammals or assign rearrangement events to different lineages. Thus, the "original synteny" problem introduced by Nadeau and Sankoff previously, remains unsolved, as at least three mammalian genomes are required to derive the ancestral mammalian karyotype. We show that availability of the rat genome allows one to reconstruct a putative genomic architecture of the ancestral murid rodent genome. This reconstruction suggests that this ancestral genome retained many previously postulated chromosome associations in the placental ancestor and reveals others that were beyond the resolution of cytogenetic, radiation hybrid mapping, and chromosome painting techniques. Three-way analysis of rearrangements leads to a reliable reconstruction of the genomic architecture of specific regions in the murid ancestor, including the X chromosome, and for the first time allows one to assign major rearrangement events to one of human, mouse, and rat lineages. Our analysis implies that the rate of rearrangements is much higher in murid rodents than in the human lineage and confirms the existence of rearrangement hot-spots in all three lineages.  相似文献   

The cranium contains almost all of the vertebrate sensory organs and plays an essential role in vertebrate evolution. Research on the primate cranium has revealed that it is both highly integrated and modular, but studies have historically focused on covariance between the neurocranium and facial skeleton rather than on bones specific to special senses such as vision. The goal of this work is to investigate patterns and magnitudes of craniofacial covariation in extant cercopithecids with particular attention to the orbits. This study takes a quantitative approach using data collected from 38 homologous cranial landmarks across 11 genera of cercopithecid monkeys (Cercopithecidae, N = 291). These data demonstrate that both patterns and magnitudes of craniofacial covariation differ across Cercopithecidae at subfamily, tribe, and genus levels, with the strongest integration in the papionins (and specifically Papio) and significantly weaker covariation in the colobines, particularly Presbytis. Orbital height does not covary with other measurements of the cranium to the same degree as other cranial traits in Cercopithecidae and is highly constrained across the family. This study has important implications for our understanding of the evolution and development of morphological diversity in the cercopithecid cranium and evolution of the primate eye. This study also highlights the potential error of broad assumptions about generalizing patterns and magnitudes of modularity and integration across primates. Additionally, these findings reiterate the importance of trait selection for interpreting fossil taxonomy, as craniofacial covariation may impact phenotypes commonly used to differentiate fossil primate species.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing has recently emerged as a major mechanism of generating protein diversity in higher eukaryotes. We compared alternative splicing isoforms of 166 pairs of orthologous human and mouse genes. As the mRNA and EST libraries of human and mouse are not complete and thus cannot be compared directly, we instead analyzed whether known cassette exons or alternative splicing sites from one genome are conserved in the other genome. We demonstrate that about half of the analyzed genes have species-specific isoforms, and about a quarter of elementary alternatives are not conserved between the human and mouse genomes. The detailed results of this study are available at www.ig-msk.ru:8005/HMG_paper.  相似文献   

Nucleotide insertion and deletion (indel) events, together with substitutions, represent the major mutational processes of gene evolution. Through the alignment of 8148 orthologous genes from human, mouse, and rat, we have identified 1743 indel events within rodent protein-coding sequences. Using human as an out-group, we reconstructed the mutational event underlying each of these indels. Overall, we found an excess of deletions over insertions, particularly for the rat lineage (70% excess). Sequence slippage accounts for at least 52% of insertions and 38% of deletions. We have also evaluated the selective tolerance of identifiable protein structures to indels. Transmembrane domains are the least, and low complexity regions, the most tolerant. Mapping of indels onto known protein structures demonstrated that structural cores are markedly less tolerant to indels than are loop regions. There is a specific enrichment of CpG dinucleotides in close proximity to insertion events, and both insertions and deletions are more common in higher G+C content sequences.  相似文献   

The sequence of the mouse genome allows one to compare the conservation of synteny between the human and mouse genome and exploration of regions that might have been involved in major rearrangements during the evolution of these two species (evolutionary genome rearrangements). Recent segmental duplications (or duplicons) are paralogous DNA sequences with high sequence identity that account for about 3.5-5% of the human genome and have emerged during the past approximately 35 million years of evolution. These regions are susceptible to illegitimate recombination leading to rearrangements that result in genomic disorders or genomic mutations. A catalogue of several hundred segmental duplications potentially leading to genomic rearrangements has been reported. The authors and others have observed that some chromosome regions involved in genomic disorders are shuffled in orientation and order in the mouse genome and that regions flanked by segmental duplications are often polymorphic. We have compared the human and mouse genome sequences and demonstrate here that recent segmental duplications correlate with breaks of synteny between these two species. We also observed that nine primary regions involved in human genomic disorders show changes in the order or the orientation of mouse/human synteny segments, were often flanked by segmental duplications in the human sequence. We found that 53% of all evolutionary rearrangement breakpoints associate with segmental duplications, as compared with 18% expected in a random location of breaks along the chromosome (P<0.0001). Our data suggest that segmental duplications have participated in the recent evolution of the human genome, as driving forces for evolutionary rearrangements, chromosome structure polymorphisms and genomic disorders.  相似文献   

The extensive similarities between the genomes of human and model organisms are the foundation of much of modern biology, with model organism experimentation permitting valuable insights into biological function and the aetiology of human disease. In contrast, differences among genomes have received less attention. Yet these can be expected to govern the physiological and morphological distinctions apparent among species, especially if such differences are the result of evolutionary adaptation. A recent comparison of the draft sequences of mouse and human genomes has shed light on the selective forces that have predominated in their recent evolutionary histories. In particular, mouse-specific clusters of homologues associated with roles in reproduction, immunity and host defence appear to be under diversifying positive selective pressure, as indicated by high ratios of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution rates. These clusters are also frequently punctuated by homologous pseudogenes. They thus have experienced numerous gene death, as well as gene birth, events. These regions appear, therefore, to have borne the brunt of adaptive evolution that underlies physiological and behavioural innovation in mice. We predict that the availability of numerous animal genomes will give rise to a new field of genome zoology in which differences in animal physiology and ethology are illuminated by the study of genomic sequence variations.  相似文献   

The analysis of conservation between the human and mouse genomes resulted in the identification of a large number of conserved nongenic sequences (CNGs). The functional significance of this nongenic conservation remains unknown, however. The availability of the sequence of a third mammalian genome, the dog, allows for a large-scale analysis of evolutionary attributes of CNGs in mammals. We have aligned 1638 previously identified CNGs and 976 conserved exons (CODs) from human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) with their orthologous sequences in mouse and dog. Attributes of selective constraint, such as sequence conservation, clustering, and direction of substitutions were compared between CNGs and CODs, showing a clear distinction between the two classes. We subsequently performed a chromosome-wide analysis of CNGs by correlating selective constraint metrics with their position on the chromosome and relative to their distance from genes. We found that CNGs appear to be randomly arranged in intergenic regions, with no bias to be closer or farther from genes. Moreover, conservation and clustering of substitutions of CNGs appear to be completely independent of their distance from genes. These results suggest that the majority of CNGs are not typical of previously described regulatory elements in terms of their location. We propose models for a global role of CNGs in genome function and regulation, through long-distance cis or trans chromosomal interactions.  相似文献   

Although analysis of genome rearrangements was pioneered by Dobzhansky and Sturtevant 65 years ago, we still know very little about the rearrangement events that produced the existing varieties of genomic architectures. The genomic sequences of human and mouse provide evidence for a larger number of rearrangements than previously thought and shed some light on previously unknown features of mammalian evolution. In particular, they reveal that a large number of microrearrangements is required to explain the differences in draft human and mouse sequences. Here we describe a new algorithm for constructing synteny blocks, study arrangements of synteny blocks in human and mouse, derive a most parsimonious human-mouse rearrangement scenario, and provide evidence that intrachromosomal rearrangements are more frequent than interchromosomal rearrangements. Our analysis is based on the human-mouse breakpoint graph, which reveals related breakpoints and allows one to find a most parsimonious scenario. Because these graphs provide important insights into rearrangement scenarios, we introduce a new visualization tool that allows one to view breakpoint graphs superimposed with genomic dot-plots.  相似文献   

Nuclear genomes are exposed to a continuous influx of DNA from mitochondria and plastids. We have characterized the structure of approximately 750 kb of organelle DNA, distributed among 13 loci, in the nuclear genomes of Arabidopsis and rice. These segments are large and migrated to the nucleus quite recently, allowing us to reconstruct their evolution. Two general types of nuclear insertions coexist; one is characterized by long sequence stretches that are colinear with organelle DNA, the other type consists of mosaics of organelle DNA, often derived from both plastids and mitochondria. The levels of sequence divergence of the two types exclude their common descent, implying that at least two independent modes of DNA transfer from organelle to nucleus operate. The post-integration fate of organelle DNA is characterized by a predominance of transition mutations, associated with the gradual amelioration of the integrated sequence to the nucleotide composition of the host chromosome. Deletion of organelle DNA at these loci is essentially balanced by insertions of nonorganelle DNA. Deletions are associated with the removal of DNA between perfect repeats, indicating that they originate by replication slippage.  相似文献   

Automated whole-genome multiple alignment of rat, mouse, and human   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have built a whole-genome multiple alignment of the three currently available mammalian genomes using a fully automated pipeline that combines the local/global approach of the Berkeley Genome Pipeline and the LAGAN program. The strategy is based on progressive alignment and consists of two main steps: (1) alignment of the mouse and rat genomes, and (2) alignment of human to either the mouse-rat alignments from step 1, or the remaining unaligned mouse and rat sequences. The resulting alignments demonstrate high sensitivity, with 87% of all human gene-coding areas aligned in both mouse and rat. The specificity is also high: <7% of the rat contigs are aligned to multiple places in human, and 97% of all alignments with human sequence >100 kb agree with a three-way synteny map built independently, using predicted exons in the three genomes. At the nucleotide level <1% of the rat nucleotides are mapped to multiple places in the human sequence in the alignment, and 96.5% of human nucleotides within all alignments agree with the synteny map. The alignments are publicly available online, with visualization through the novel Multi-VISTA browser that we also present.  相似文献   

A gulf exists between cingulate area designations in human neurocytology and those used in rodent brain atlases with a major underpinning of the former being midcingulate cortex (MCC). The present study used images extracted from the Franklin and Paxinos mouse atlas and Paxinos and Watson rat atlas to demonstrate areas comprising MCC and modifications of anterior cingulate (ACC) and retrosplenial cortices. The laminar architecture not available in the atlases is also provided for each cingulate area. Both mouse and rat have a MCC with neurons in all layers that are larger than in ACC and layer Va has particularly prominent neurons and reduced neuron densities. An undifferentiated ACC area 33 lies along the rostral callosal sulcus in rat but not in mouse and area 32 has dorsal and ventral subdivisions with the former having particularly large pyramidal neurons in layer Vb. Both mouse and rat have anterior and posterior divisions of retrosplenial areas 29c and 30, although their cytology is different in rat and mouse. Maps of the rodent cingulate cortices provide for direct comparisons with each region in the human including MCC and it is significant that rodents do not have a posterior cingulate region composed of areas 23 and 31 like the human. It is concluded that rodents and primates, including humans, possess a MCC and this homology along with those in ACC and retrosplenial cortices permit scientists inspired by human considerations to test hypotheses on rodent models of human diseases.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to micronucleus (MN) induction of human, mouse, and rat peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) exposed to bleomycin sulfate (BLM) in vitro was compared in cytochalasin B-induced binucleated (BN) cells. For the PBLs of each species, either 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 160 μg/ml BLM was added to 5 ml aliquots of whole blood for 4 hr at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Leukocytes were isolated on a density gradient and cultured in the presence of phytohemagglutinin to stimulate blastogenesis, and cytochalasin B was added to each culture at 21 hr postinitiation to prevent cytokinesis. A total of 4,000 BNs/concentration/species was analyzed for MN in two independent experiments. In addition, multiple-MN-BNs were quantitated, and the nucleation index was determined. Significant increases both in total MN-BNs and multiple-MN-BNs were observed at all concentrations in all species. All three species concentration-response curves gave good fits (r2 values from 0.87 to 0.95) to either a linear or a square root model (y = mx + b or y = m[x]0.5 + b, respectively; where y = the percentage of MN-BN, m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept). The MN induction in the human and rat PBLs was not statistically different, but both were significantly less sensitive than the response shown by the BLM-exposed mouse PBLs. This difference in MN susceptibility was observed only at BLM test concentrations ≧ 20 μg/ml. The nucleation index was significantly decreased in all species at either 80 or 160 μg/ml. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The usefulness of an in vitro assay for embryotoxicity may depend on the availability of metabolic activation systems that will function in the culture system. The fetal mouse salivary gland has been investigated as an in vitro assay system. To see if the glands would grow in the presence of metabolic activators and if the glands would react to metabolites known to be embryotoxic, the glands were grown in the presence of cyclophosphamide (CP) and several activation systems. These included isolated rat hepatocytes, uninduced rat S-9, rat S-9 induced with 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC), rat S-9 induced with Aroclor 1254, and human S-9. Twenty salivary glands were isolated from 13 day embryos (plug day = 0) and were grown in each treatment for 48 h. One control had no activation system of CP, one had an activation system but no CP, and three treatments had the activation system and 25, 75, or 150 micrograms/ml CP. The S-9 with cofactors and the appropriate amount of CP was contained in dialysis bags. The greatest suppression of salivary gland growth occurred in co-culture with hepatocytes activating CP. The S-9 induced by Aroclor 1254 was nearly as effective as the hepatocytes. The next most effective was a group with similar activity consisting of the uninduced rat S-9 and the three samples of human S-9. The 3-MC-induced S-9 was the least effective in suppressing growth of salivary glands. All the activation systems tested can be used with the salivary gland culture system.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a mechanism for segmental insertions (ins) between two chromatids. In human cancers, such rearrangements are significantly less frequent than reciprocal translocations (rt). Regarding the clinical incidence of ins versus rt, the proposed dynamics is more satisfactory than the random mutation hypothesis.  相似文献   

A first-generation radiation hybrid (RH) map of the equine (Equus caballus) genome was assembled using 92 horse x hamster hybrid cell lines and 730 equine markers. The map is the first comprehensive framework map of the horse that (1) incorporates type I as well as type II markers, (2) integrates synteny, cytogenetic, and meiotic maps into a consensus map, and (3) provides the most detailed genome-wide information to date on the organization and comparative status of the equine genome. The 730 loci (258 type I and 472 type II) included in the final map are clustered in 101 RH groups distributed over all equine autosomes and the X chromosome. The overall marker retention frequency in the panel is approximately 21%, and the possibility of adding any new marker to the map is approximately 90%. On average, the mapped markers are distributed every 19 cR (4 Mb) of the equine genome--a significant improvement in resolution over previous maps. With 69 new FISH assignments, a total of 253 cytogenetically mapped loci physically anchor the RH map to various chromosomal segments. Synteny assignments of 39 gene loci complemented the RH mapping of 27 genes. The results added 12 new loci to the horse gene map. Lastly, comparison of the assembly of 447 equine genes (256 linearly ordered RH-mapped and additional 191 FISH-mapped) with the location of draft sequences of their human and mouse orthologs provides the most extensive horse-human and horse-mouse comparative map to date. We expect that the foundation established through this map will significantly facilitate rapid targeted expansion of the horse gene map and consequently, mapping and positional cloning of genes governing traits significant to the equine industry.  相似文献   

The interosseous and lumbrical muscles in twenty-five hands of Japanese adult cadavers were dissected. The palmar and dorsal interosseous muscles continued, with few exceptions, into the wing tendons. The dorsal interosseous muscles gave off tendons which pierced the transverse laminae or passed deep to the transverse laminae, and attached to the bases of the proximal phalanges. The palmar interosseous muscles seldom had such attachments. The palmar and dorsal interosseous muscles sometimes gave off additional tendons which passed superficial to the transverse laminae and attached to the bases of the proximal phalanges. These latter attachments were typical in the contrahentes muscles. Thus, the present findings suggest that the human dorsal interosseous muscles are composite muscles derived from the dorsal abductor, flexor brevis and contrahens muscles, and that the human palmar interosseous muscles are composite muscles derived from the flexor brevis and contrahens muscles. The lumbrical muscles rarely gave off accessory slips with atavistic attachments to the proximal phalanges.  相似文献   

We studied the dependence of the rate of short deletions and insertions on their contexts using the data on mutations within coding exons at 19 human loci that cause mendelian diseases. We confirm that periodic sequences consisting of three to five or more nucleotides are mutagenic. Mutability of sequences with strongly biased nucleotide composition is also elevated, even when mutations within homonucleotide runs longer than three nucleotides are ignored. In contrast, no elevated mutation rates have been detected for imperfect direct or inverted repeats. Among known candidate contexts, the indel context GTAAGT and regions with purine-pyrimidine imbalance between the two DNA strands are mutagenic in our sample, and many others are not mutagenic. Data on mutation hot spots suggest two novel contexts that increase the deletion rate. Comprehensive analysis of mutability of all possible contexts of lengths four, six, and eight indicates a substantially elevated deletion rate within YYYTG and similar sequences, which is one of the two contexts revealed by the hot spots. Possible contexts that increase the insertion rate (AT(A/C)(A/C)GCC and TACCRC) and decrease deletion (TATCGC) or insertion (GCGG) rates have also been identified. Two-thirds of deletions remove a repeat, and over 80% of insertions create a repeat, i.e., they are duplications.  相似文献   

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