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This study examined whether active problem solving would buffer against, whereas passive problem solving would exacerbate, the association of negative life stress with suicidal ideation. Young adult college students (73 females, Mage = 19.0) from a diverse urban public university, with (n = 37) and without (n = 59) a suicide attempt history completed measures of life stress, problem solving, hopelessness, depression, and suicidal ideation. Hierarchical linear regressions were conducted to test moderating roles of active and passive problem solving, along with suicide attempt history, on the relation between negative life event stress and suicidal ideation. There was a weaker relation between life stress and suicidal ideation at high and average levels of relevant problem solving than at low levels, and this was the case primarily for suicide attempters but not for non-attempters. Individuals with a past attempt produced more passive solutions than non-attempters, but among attempters, even passive problem solving buffered the association of life stress with suicidal ideation. Relevant problem solving in the face of life stress may be especially important for individuals vulnerable to suicidal ideation due to an attempt history. Among such at-risk individuals, generating even passive solutions in the face of life stress may be more adaptive than generating few solutions. Thus, clinical interventions with suicide attempters that focus on generating solutions to problems, even if these are initially passive, may help mitigate the effect of life stress on suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted on the Suicide Ideation Scale (SIS) with a large military clinical sample (total N = 3,072). The EFA identified a two-factor solution with the first factor (Resolved Plans/Preparation) accounting for 17.3% of the variance and the second (Suicidal Desire) accounting 15.1% of the variance. This 2-factor solution demonstrated a good fit to the data in the CFA. SIS construct validity and internal reliability data are also reported. The results of this study provide additional psychometric data for the SIS that support use of the measure in clinical work and research. Implications for theories related to suicide assessment and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the roles specific ruminative styles (brooding and reflection) and hope play in the Integrated Motivational-Volitional (IMV) model of suicidal behavior. Participants were students from a large U.S. state university who were selectively sampled for the experience of recent suicide ideation. Results of a bootstrapped moderated mediation model indicated that defeat had a direct effect on suicide ideation but not an indirect effect on suicide ideation through entrapment. Brooding, but not reflection, strengthened the relationship between defeat and entrapment. Hope weakened the relationship between entrapment and suicide ideation. Implications for the assessment and treatment of suicide risk and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the basic psychological needs, as outlined by self-determination theory, and the interpersonal predictors of suicidal desire, as outlined by the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior. It was hypothesized that basic need satisfaction (collective feeling of autonomy, relatedness, and competence) would be related to suicidal ideation through thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness. Mediation analyses demonstrated that thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness both individually mediated the relationship between basic need satisfaction and suicidal ideation. Relatedness also predicted variance of the interaction of thwarted belongingness by perceived burdensomeness while controlling for depression. The clinical utility of assessing need satisfaction as an indication of suicide risk is discussed. Future research to investigate the temporal relationship of the study variables is recommended.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder diagnostic criteria, particularly affective dysregulation and behavioral dysregulation, are avenues through which suicide risk is conferred, though pathways are not well understood. The interpersonal theory of suicide may help elucidate these associations. The current study examined indirect relationships between affective and behavioral dysregulation and suicidal ideation through perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and the acquired capability for suicide. 169 outpatients completed measures prior to their intake assessment. Perceived burdensomeness accounted for the relationship between affective dysregulation and suicidal ideation. The acquired capability did not explain the association between behavioral dysregulation and suicide attempt history. Affective and behavioral dysregulation may be key targets in treatment for reducing suicide risk.  相似文献   

Traditional masculinity is hypothesized to be associated with suicidal ideation, and traditional masculinity is predicted to interact with stressors, intensifying suicidal ideation. Cross-sectional and prospective data from a study of 2,431 young adults was analyzed using hierarchical regression main effects and interaction models. Traditional masculinity was associated with suicidal ideation, second only in strength to depression, including when controlling for other risk factors. Prospective effects were substantially weaker. There was mixed evidence for traditional masculinity by stress interactions. The results provide preliminary support for the role of traditional masculinity in suicidal ideation, but the relationship should be tested in studies of suicide attempts and mortality. Implications for prevention and intervention are explored.  相似文献   

This study examined whether valuing relationships, achievement, and security moderated the association between interpersonal-psychological constructs (Joiner, 2005 Joiner, T. E. Jr. (2005). Why people die by suicide. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and suicidal ideation (SI). A total of 122 veterans completed the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire, Survey of Life Principles, and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. Valuing relationships moderated the association between thwarted belongingness and SI. Specifically, thwarted belongingness predicted SI among veterans who reported moderate and high, but not low, levels of valuing relationships. The estimated impact of perceived burdensomeness on SI was stronger at higher levels of valuing relationships, but only approached statistical significance. Valuing achievement and security did not moderate the association between perceived burdensomeness and SI. Future research should continue to examine specific values as they relate to interpersonal-psychological constructs and suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Depression is a significant risk factor for suicide. Evidence suggests that anhedonia may be a symptom of depression that is uniquely associated with suicidality. However, exactly how anhedonia is related to suicide is unclear. To provide more specific evidence regarding this association, we investigated relationships between anhedonia, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. A large combined undergraduate sample completed the novel Specific Loss of Interest and Pleasure Scale (SLIPS), the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire—Revised (SBQ-R). Anhedonia was associated with suicidal ideation, even when accounting for depressive symptoms. Additionally, anhedonia was not associated with suicide attempts when symptoms of depression were held constant. The current study provides novel evidence regarding the relationship between anhedonia and risk of attempting suicide. Future research can examine the role anhedonia plays in the unfolding of suicidal behavior over time.  相似文献   

Suicides in the U.S. military continue to rise at a rapid rate. Identification of protective factors that reduce risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among military personnel are therefore needed. Agency—the sense that one is competent, effective, and in control of one's life—has shown to reduce the effects of hopelessness and emotional distress on suicidal thoughts and attempts in non-military populations. The current study explores the association of agency with suicidal ideation in a sample (n = 273) of active duty Air Force Security Forces personnel. Results of generalized regression modeling suggest that agency is directly associated with decreased emotional distress and severity of suicidal ideation, but does not moderate the effect of emotional distress on suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

The current study examined suicidal ideation (SI) and depression outcomes among Veterans receiving Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for depression (CBT–D) throughout the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system. Patient outcomes included Beck Depression Inventory–II total score and SI item. Of 902 patients, 427 (47%) had no SI, 405 (45%) had SI but no suicidal intent, 26 (3%) indicated suicidal desire, 8 (1%) indicated suicide intent if they had the chance, and 36 (4%) did not answer this question at session one. The odds of SI decreased by 64% from 1.03 at session one to 0.37 at final assessment (OR = 0.36; 95% CI: 0.31, 0.43). Findings reveal that CBT–D was associated with significant decreases in SI and depression among Veterans.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

The risk of suicide or suicide attempts is reported higher in people with epilepsy (PWE) than in the general population. Although epileptic, psychiatric, and psychosocial factors are known risk factors for suicide or suicide attempt, no studies have evaluated the predictors of the severity of suicidal ideation-which is a warning sign for suicide attempts-in PWE. Therefore, we measured the severity of suicidal ideation and its risk factors.


Consecutive PWE who were medicated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and attended epilepsy clinic were included in the study. The subjects completed self-reported questionnaires, which included the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), and Scale for Suicide Ideation-Beck (SSI-Beck). We compared the patients'' demographic and clinical variables, and BDI, BAI, and SCL-90-R scores with their SSI-Beck score, and used our findings to determine the predictors for suicidal ideation.


In total, 257 PWE were enrolled in the study. SSI-Beck scores correlated strongly with several seizure-related variables, duration of education, IQ, BDI and BAI scores, and nine domains of the SCL-90-R questionnaire. However, the strongest predictor for suicidal ideation was BDI score (β=0.41, p<0.001), followed by several SCL-90-R domains, such as obsessive-compulsive (β=-0.39, p<0.001), depression (β=0.38, p<0.001), hostility (β=0.22, p=0.002), paranoid ideation (β=0.17, p=0.01), and IQ (β=-0.10, p=0.017). These variables explained 59% of the variance in the SSI-Beck score. The seizure-related variables that influenced the BDI score were seizure frequency, duration of education, MRI abnormality, and number of AEDs. However, these variables explained only 18% of the variance in the BDI score.


Major risk factors for suicidal ideation in PWE were depressive and psychiatric symptoms rather than seizure-related variables. Therefore, clinicians should focus on screening for depression and other psychiatric problems and treat them appropriately in order to reduce suicidal behavior in PWE. Since seizure-related variables also exhibited a minor role in determining depressive symptoms, stronger seizure-related risk factors for depression should be sought, such as seizure severity or psychosocial factors, to minimize suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of autonomy satisfaction in the development of suicidal ideation by integrating two theoretical models of suicide-related behaviors. The first hypothesized a direct effect of autonomy on suicidal ideation. The second hypothesized an indirect effect of autonomy on suicidal ideation via perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness. This was a cross-sectional study of 449 college students, who were predominantly female (73.1%) and Hispanic (70.6%), with a mean age of 20.40 years (SD = 4.38, range 18–50 years). Participants were recruited from a psychology participant pool and completed self-report survey measures for course credit. The model of indirect effects provided the best fit to the data; relatedness, autonomy, and competence were significantly associated with higher thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness, which, in turn, were significantly associated with higher suicidal ideation. Future studies should test this model longitudinally and consider autonomy as a possible avenue for the prevention of suicide-related behaviors.  相似文献   

Abstract Background Previous research in Trinidad and Tobago has been limited in examining suicidal behaviours through psychological autopsy, secondary data and psychiatric populations. To date, there has been no community survey with an emphasis on causation and prevention. Methods A total of 1,845 respondents aged 14–20 were selected in 24 schools across the country. Data were collected on socio-demographic variables and suicidal behaviour. Results Gender differences existed for both suicidal ideation and attempts (p<0.001). Respondents from reconstituted families had higher suicidal ideation compared to other family structures (p<0.001), while intact families had the lowest rate for suicide attempts (p<0.01). Attendance to a religious institution lowered only suicidal ideation (p<0.05), while prayer with the family lowered both suicidal ideation (p<0.01) and suicide attempts (p<0.001). Individuals with alcohol abuse in the family had higher suicidal ideation (p<0.001) and attempts (p<0.001). Conclusions Significant social predictors of suicidal behaviour in Trinidad and Tobago are gender, attendance to a religious institution, prayer with the family, family structure and alcohol abuse in the family. It is essential to consider these predictors in planning public health policies.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relation between cognitive response styles (i.e., brooding, reflection, distraction) and cognitive inflexibility in differentially predicting history of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) only, suicide attempt (SA) only, or both (NSSI + SA). College students (N = 352) completed self-report measures of rumination, distraction, and self-harm history, a diagnostic interview, and a computerized task measuring cognitive flexibility. Brooding uniquely predicted SA-only history, while reflection uniquely predicted history of NSSI-only and NSSI + SA. Distraction was associated with lower odds of NSSI-only and NSSI + SA. Cognitive inflexibility was not significantly associated with self-harm history. Cognitive vulnerabilities may help identify individuals who are at risk for self-harm and may differentiate between NSSI and SA.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the associations between suicidal ideation and attempt and anxiety symptoms and the moderators in 5,027 Taiwanese adolescents. The associations between suicidal ideation and attempt and anxiety symptoms on the Taiwanese version of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC-T) were examined using logistic regression analysis. The moderating effects of demographic (gender and age), psychological (problematic alcohol use, severe depressive symptoms, and low self-esteem), and social factors (bullying victimization, and low family function) on the associations were examined. Adolescents who had anxiety symptoms were more likely to have suicidal ideation and attempt than those who did not have anxiety symptoms. Bullying victimization had a moderating effect on the association between suicidal ideation and anxiety symptoms. Assessment of suicidal ideation and attempt should be routine practice among adolescents who present with anxiety symptoms.  相似文献   

This study examined whether rs4606, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the translated region at the 3′ end of RGS2, was related to suicidal ideation in an epidemiologic sample of adults living in areas affected by the 2004 Florida hurricanes. An epidemiologic sample of residents of Florida was recruited via random digit-dial procedures after the 2004 Florida hurricanes; participants were interviewed about suicidal ideation, hurricane exposure, and social support. Participants who returned buccal DNA samples via mail (n = 607) were included here. Rs4606 in RGS2 was associated with increased symptoms of current suicidal ideation (p < 0.01). Each “C” allele was associated with 5.59 times increased risk of having current ideation. No gene-by-environment interactions were found, perhaps due to low power. RGS2 rs4606 is related to risk of current suicidal ideation in stressor-exposed adults.  相似文献   

We examined risk factors for suicidal behaviors (i.e., suicidal ideation and suicide attempts) in the absence of depression during adolescence. Using 6,788 adolescents from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), we identified participants with “no recent history of depression.” We then tested the effects of risk factors at age 14–15 on suicidal behaviors at age 16–17. Absence of recent depression history negatively predicted both suicidal ideation and suicide attempt. However, among those with no history of depression, substance use and the presence of a chronic illness both increased the risk of suicidal behaviors. Suicidal behavior in adolescents in the absence of depression history may be explained by factors such as substance use and chronic illness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether a Latina adolescent's perception of mother connectedness, father connectedness, parental caring, autonomy granting from parents, and parental interest in their child's school life predicts suicidal ideation above and beyond known risk factors of adolescent depression and acculturation. Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) Wave 1, 2 secondary logistic regression data analyses were conducted on a sample of 345 Latina adolescents. Results of correlational analyses indicated that perceived mother connectedness, father connectedness, parental caring, and academic interest were positively related; depression and nativity were negatively related to reports of suicidal ideation. Additionally, in a model with adolescents who reported having both a mother and father figure present in their life, depression and academic interest were significant predictors of suicidal ideation. In a second model, which included all Latinas regardless of the presence of both parents, depression, nativity, perceived academic interest, and caring were significant predictors. Implications are discussed for suicide prevention and intervention with Latina adolescents.  相似文献   

The current study aims to assess the relations among war captivity, PTSD, suicidal ideation (SI), and deliberate self-harm (DSH) among former prisoners of war (ex-POWs). Israeli ex-POWs (N = 176) and a matched control group of combat veterans (controls; N = 118) were assessed using self-report measures. Ex-POWs with PTSD reported higher levels of both SI and DSH compared to ex-POWs and comparable veterans without PTSD. Furthermore, captivity-related variables as well as PTSD symptom clusters were positively related to both SI and DSH. However, only loss of emotional control in captivity and posttraumatic intrusion and emotional numbing symptoms, predicted SI. Ex-POWs with PTSD endorse high levels of SI and DSH. Among ex-POWs, both SI and DSH share similar captivity-related and posttraumatic symptoms correlates but only posttraumatic intrusion and emotional numbing symptoms predict SI.  相似文献   

The interpersonal theory of suicidal behavior emphasizes the constructs of perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and acquired capacity, which warrant investigation in adolescents at risk for suicide due to interpersonal stressors. This study examined one component of the interpersonal theory of suicidal behavior, “suicidal desire” (suicidal ideation), in 129 adolescents (12–15 years) recruited from a general medical emergency department who screened positive for bully victimization, bully perpetration, or low interpersonal connectedness. Greater perceived burdensomeness combined with low family connectedness was a significant predictor of suicidal ideation. This suggests the importance of addressing connectedness and perceptions of burdensomeness in prevention and early intervention efforts with at-risk adolescents.  相似文献   

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