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目的 了解中国男男性行为兼异性性行为者(MSMW)的HIV感染状况及其与男性和女性的性行为特征.方法 采用“滚雪球”方法在广州和成都市各招募300名MSMW为研究对象,进行问卷调查(社会人口学特征、最近6个月男性性伴种类和特征、男男性行为及安全套使用状况、最近12个月异性性伴种类和特征、异性性行为及安全套使用状况)和HIV抗体检测.结果 共600名MSMW接受问卷调查和HIV检测,HIV感染率和检出率分别为26.2%和8.5%;最近6个月有28.0%的调查对象拥有≥5名男性性伴,肛交行为时每次使用安全套者占44.2%,最近3次和最近1次男男肛交性行为使用安全套者分别为52.3%和63.0%;最近12个月有86.0%的调查对象与女性发生性行为,其中配偶、婚前女友、婚外情人、女性偶然性伴和女性商业性伴的比例分别为65.0%、27.2%、1.5%、12.7%和4.5%,约1/3的调查对象异性性行为时坚持每次使用安全套,36.5%在最近3次异性性行为时均不使用安全套.最近6、12个月成都市MSMW男男性行为时每次使用安全套分别为55.7%和38.3%,均高于广州市(32.7%和25.3%).HIV阳性者中,与男性发生肛交性行为者为91.1%,最近6个月与男性发生肛交行为时每次使用安全套者为49.7%,最近3次和最近1次男男肛交性行为使用安全套者分别为60.5%和69.4%;最近12个月有82.8%阳性调查者与异性发生过性行为,42.0%每次性行为坚持使用安全套,最近3次性行为使用安全套者占47.8%.最近6、12个月,既往检测HIV阳性MSMW从不使用安全套同性和异性性行为的比例(分别为4.3%和12.9%)均低于本次检测HIV阳性MSMW(22.0%和46.3%).结论 MSMW人群的HIV感染率已经处于较高水平,并存在较高比例的无保护男性肛交性行为和女性阴道性交行为,该人群在HIV跨性别传播中的桥梁作用可能加快HIV在普通人群中的蔓延.  相似文献   

目的 分析山东省MSM单性性行为者(单性MSM)和双性性行为者(双性MSM)的特征及HIV感染相关因素,为艾滋病防治对策和干预措施提供依据。方法 2018年4-7月在山东省9个MSM哨点监测点,收集当地MSM特征、相关行为信息,采集血样做HIV和梅毒检测。结果 共调查MSM 3 474人,年龄(31.66±9.01)岁,为已婚/同居者1 218人(35.06%),大专及以上文化程度1 755人(50.52%),同性恋和双性恋者分别为2 783人(80.11%)和494人(14.22%);最近6个月与异性发生性行为有586人(16.87%);吸毒行为有365人(10.51%);HIV阳性率为2.99%(104/3 474),梅毒阳性率为2.76%(96/3 474)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≥ 35岁、山东省户籍、性取向为异性恋/双性恋/不确定者、最近6个月有商业性行为、最近6个月发生无保护肛交、较少通过互联网/交友软件寻找男性性伴、无吸毒行为的MSM中,双性MSM的比例更高。单性和双性MSM,在最近1周性伴数、最近6个月商业性行为使用安全套、HIV感染、梅毒感染、最近1年患性传播疾病史的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。MSM的HIV感染相关因素包括年龄≥ 45岁、外省户籍、通过浴池、公园/公厕或者互联网/交友软件寻找男性性伴、最近6个月无保护性肛交、有吸毒行为、梅毒感染。结论 山东省MSM中,双性性行为比例较高,广泛存在危险性行为,存在较高HIV感染风险,应针对不同特征MSM加强监测和干预。  相似文献   

目的了解中国城市年轻男男性行为人群(MSM)人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和梅毒感染状况、艾滋病知识水平及安全套使用频率,为探索针对MSM人群有效的性病艾滋病预防干预措施提供依据。方法采用滚雪球的方法在北京、哈尔滨、郑州和成都市各招募150名年轻MSM进行问卷调查,采集静脉血进行HIV和梅毒抗体血清学检测。结果在所调查的600名年轻MSM中,HIV和梅毒感染率分别为6.7%,8.3%,HIV和梅毒合并感染率为1.5%;肛交时为插入者,被插入者和双重角色的调查对象HIV感染率分别为4.5%,6.3%和8.1%,梅毒感染率分别为11.2%,10.2%和7.8%;不同肛交行为对象艾滋病知识水平、安全套使用、HIV和梅毒感染率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);HIV阳性调查对象近6个月无保护插入性肛交、被插入性肛交、口交和阴道性交的报告率分别为52.5%,45.0%,87.5%和22.5%,HIV阴性调查对象的报告率分别为31.1%,37.7%,72.9%和14.3%。结论年轻MSM人群HIV和梅毒感染水平较高,感染HIV和梅毒的危险在不同肛交行为中普遍存在。  相似文献   

Men who have sex with men (MSM), men who have sex with men and women (MSM/W) and transgender women (TGW) remain the populations most severely and disproportionately impacted upon by HIV in Los Angeles County. Baseline data from community-based HIV-prevention programmes serving these populations were analysed to explore differences in demographic characteristics, substance use and sexual partnering between the three groups. Despite high HIV prevalence overall (MSM 34.7% versus MSM/W 16.1% versus TGW 21.9%, p < .001), there were striking differences in risk behaviours. Higher rates of homelessness were reported by MSM/W compared to MSM and TGW. Lower rates of education and less substance use were reported by TGW (62.2%), compared to MSM (79.7%) and MSM/W (92.6%). A much higher number of male sexual exchange partners were reported by TGW (MSM 1.04 [SD = 4.8] versus MSM/W 1.54 [SD = 10.3] versus TGW 12.37 [SD = 23.9], p < .001). Findings support the need for HIV-prevention interventions that specifically address the unique risk patterns among each population in order to curb HIV acquisition and transmission.  相似文献   

In the USA, the Black Church is among the most important institutions in the Black community, offering numerous spiritual, social and health benefits. Yet, the presence of homonegativity in many Black Churches may mitigate those effects for gay Black youth. This research examines the role of the Church in the lives of gay and bisexual Black youth to understand how they reconcile any tension between their religious and sexual identities. Through interviews with pastors of Black churches (n = 21) and young Black men who have sex with men (n = 30), we explored homonegativity and young men’s experiences within the Black Church. Findings reveal that despite the prevalence of homonegativity within Black churches, religious involvement remains important for young men and many remain involved in non-affirming churches. The importance of the Church for young men stems from their significant involvement as youth and the integration of religion, family and community. Young men may not be able to leave their religious homes as readily as other gay youth given the cultural relevance of the Church. As a result, young men made attempts to conceal their sexuality in church to avoid shame and gossip and find opportunities to balance their sexuality and religiosity.  相似文献   

目的了解广东省深圳市男男性行为者(MSM)人类免疫缺陷病毒(H IV)和梅毒感染状况及高危行为,为今后针对该人群进行有效的干预工作提供经验和依据。方法通过招募MSM志愿者,采用滚雪球的方法,对深圳市450名近6个月有过男男性行为的MSM进行匿名自填问卷调查并抽血检测。结果 6个月深圳市MSM男性性伴数平均为(5.02±1.23)个,18.67%的人有过异性性行为,5.35%和7.26%的人分别有向男性购买和贩卖性行为;46.21%的人在与男性发生肛交性行为能坚持每次使用安全套,4种不同性伴性行为安全套使用频率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=34.1484,P<0.0001);H IV和梅毒感染率分别为5.56%和18.44%;经多因素Logistic回归分析表明,月收入越低(OR=1.415,P=0.0039),感染H IV的危险越大;年龄越高(OR=1.713,P=0.0073),月收入越低(OR=1.185,P=0.0419),感染梅毒的危险越大。结论深圳市MSM安全套使用频率较低,大多存在多性伴和异性性行为,H IV和梅毒感染率较高,应加大该人群的干预力度,以有效控制艾滋病性病的传播和流行。  相似文献   

[目的]提高男男性行为者的性病艾滋病预防意识,促进安全性行为的实施,控制艾滋病在此类人群中传播。[方法]建立适应项目工作的环境,开展多种形式的服务。[结果]建立了稳定的志愿者队伍,提高了男男性行为者的性病艾滋病预防知识,促进了安全套的使用率。[结论]在昆明男男性行为者人群中开展性病艾滋病防治工作取得预期的效果,其成功的经验为下一步的工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   


Men who have sex with men (MSM) and use drugs are at high risk for H V. This study assessed drug and sex-related risk behaviours and sexual identities for MSMIdrug injectors and crack smokers. One hundred and forty four MSM drug injectors and crack smokers from five USA cities were interviewed. One-third of the men were current injectors, twice as many reported lifetime injection. Most (56%) reported sex with women in the prior year; sex trading was reported by 32% with males and 53% with females. There were significant differences between private and public sexual identities. For example, while 31% reported being behaviourally bisexual, only 17% identified themselves to others as bisexual. Drug using MSM are clearly a heterogenous group and prevention messages addressing this diversity are needed.  相似文献   

目的:了解我国MSM的HIV检测率尤其是HIV自我检测(自检)率的变化趋势,初步评估HIV自检在扩大MSM的HIV检测方面的作用。方法:通过Blued男性社交平台在全国范围内招募研究对象,调查内容包括社会人口学特征、性行为、既往HIV检测与自检等,并对历年数据进行趋势性分析。结果:2013-2016、2018年,分别招...  相似文献   

目的 了解年轻男男性行为人群(YMSM)偶遇性行为及相关危险行为状况,并分析影响偶遇性行为的因素,为降低该人群感染和传播艾滋病的风险提出针对性的措施。方法 2013年5-11月在武汉市通过互联网宣传、外展活动的组织以及艾滋病自愿咨询检测服务招募年龄≤25岁的YMSM参加匿名式问卷调查,招募403名YMSM,收集其人口学、性行为等相关信息,分析YMSM偶遇性行为的相关因素。结果 实际调查398名YMSM中,48.99%(195/398)报告最近6个月发生过偶遇性行为。与未报告偶遇性行为的YMSM比较,报告偶遇性行为的YMSM肛交、口交坚持使用安全套的比例均较低[34.29%(60/175)比49.08%(80/163)(χ2=7.61,P=0.01)、38.85%(61/157)比28.65%(49/171)(χ2=3.82,P=0.05)]。报告偶遇性行为的YMSM中,多性伴的比例高于未报告偶遇性行为的YMSM[76.80%(149/194)比33.15%(60/181)(χ2=77.36,P<0.01)]。多因素logistic回归分析显示,经常使用互联网、存在吸毒行为是YMSM发生偶遇性行为的影响因素(OR=4.89,95% CI:1.90~12.54;OR=2.72,95% CI:1.60~4.63)。结论 YMSM有过偶遇性行为者更容易发生无保护性行为和多性伴等高危行为,应加强互联网针对YMSM的行为干预。  相似文献   

We examined the presence and co-occurrence of psychosocial health conditions (depression, frequent alcohol use, and victimisation) among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender (TG) women in India, and their cumulative association with sexual risk. A survey questionnaire was administered among a convenience sample of 600 participants (MSM?=?300; TG women?=?300) recruited through six non-governmental organisations in four states. Prevalences of the number of psychosocial health conditions among MSM were: none?=?31.3%, one?=?43%, two?=?20%, and three?=?5.7%; and among TG women: none?=?9%; one?=?35.33%, two?=?38.33%, and three?=?17.33%. In bivariate and multivariate models, these conditions were positively and additively related to sexual risk, providing evidence for a syndemic of psychosocial health conditions among MSM and TG women and their synergistic effect on sexual risk. In addition to the number of syndemic conditions, resilient coping and social support were significant predictors of sexual risk among MSM and TG women, respectively. HIV preventive interventions in India should screen for and address co-occurring psychosocial health conditions – experiences of violence, mental health issues, and alcohol use – among MSM and TG women.  相似文献   

目的 了解浙江省台州市MSM同性群交行为特征及其相关因素。方法 2013年3月至2015年9月,经浴室、酒吧等场所招募MSM,通过问卷调查收集其性行为等信息,并进行HIV检测。使用logistic回归模型分析群交行为相关因素。结果 共调查1 435名MSM,HIV阳性率为12.5%(179/1 435)。16.1%(231/1 435)报告在最近1年曾有群交行为。最近1年有群交行为的MSM与最近1年无群交的MSM相比,一生同性性伴数≥10个(53.7%比19.0%,χ2=125.527,P<0.01)、有异性性伴(86.6%比68.2%,χ2=31.935,P<0.01)、最近1年与女性发生性行为未使用安全套(28.1% 比19.8%,χ2=6.540,P<0.05)的比例更高。多因素logistic回归模型分析显示,与MSM群交行为相关因素包括年龄(≥50岁比≤24岁,aOR=2.25,P=0.027),与女性婚姻(离异或丧偶比未婚,OR=0.29,P=0.001),户籍(本地比外地,aOR=1.56,P=0.023),一生同性性伴数(≥21个比2~5个,aOR=8.06,P<0.001;11~20个比 2~5个,aOR=3.25,P<0.001),一生异性性伴数(≥6个比0个,aOR=2.63,P=0.005;2~5个比0个,aOR=2.58,P=0.001;1个比0个,aOR=2.01,P=0.010)。结论 台州市MSM人群群交行为比例较高、安全套使用率低、性行为关系复杂,HIV感染率高、传播风险较大。  相似文献   

目的 了解对男男性行为HIV感染者(MSM感染者)的干预效果,为有针对性的随访管理提供参考。方法 通过全国艾滋病综合防治数据信息系统,将现住址为\  相似文献   


In China, men who have sex with men (MSM) are the fastest growing population at risk for HIV. They face social stigma due to both MSM behavior and HIV. In addition, concern has been raised about the mental health of wives of MSM. In this cross-sectional study, the authors examine the mental health status of a sample of 135 of these women. Participants completed an Internet-administered questionnaire in Xi’an from April to June, 2012. Most were unaware at the time of marriage that their husbands were MSM. Physical abuse was frequently reported; depressive symptom and mental health (Symptom Checklist, SCL–90) scores were significantly higher than those of the general Chinese adult female population. A majority (59.8%) of women reported suicidal thoughts after discovering their husbands’ MSM behavior; about 10% had attempted suicide. Multiple logistic regression revealed that women’s experience with anal sex was associated with 7.8 times (95% CI: 1.3–65.9) greater odds of suicidal ideation. Also, women who demonstrated mental symptoms on the SCL–90 had 2.3 times (95% CI: 1.04–5.2) the odds of suicidal ideation. These results suggest that wives of MSM have a significant need for mental health care, suicide prevention, HIV education, and social support.  相似文献   

Male circumcision has received increased attention for its potential to reduce sexual transmission of HIV. Research on the acceptability of circumcision as a means of HIV prevention among men who have sex with men is limited. Men who have sex with men in Bogotá, Colombia, either participated in a focus group in which they shared information regarding their perceptions of circumcision or completed a survey that assessed circumcision experiences, attitudes, beliefs and willingness. Few participants reported they were circumcised, yet most participants reported knowing something about the procedure. Overall, attitudes towards circumcision were mixed: although circumcision was viewed as safe, it was also viewed as unnatural and cruel to babies. Beliefs that circumcision could improve sexual functioning and protect against STIs and HIV were not widely endorsed by survey participants, although focus-group participants discussed the potential impacts of circumcision on the availability of sexual partners and sexual performance. Some focus-group participants and many survey participants reported a hypothetical willingness to get circumcised if strong evidence of its effectiveness could be provided, barriers removed and recovery time minimised.  相似文献   

Unfavourable social environments can negatively affect the health of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). We described how experienced homonegativity – negative perceptions and treatment that MSM encounter due to their sexual orientations – can increase HIV vulnerability among young MSM. Participants (n?=?44) were young MSM diagnosed with HIV infection during January 2006–June 2009. All participants completed questionnaires that assessed experienced homonegativity and related factors (e.g. internalised homonegativity). We focus this analysis on qualitative interviews in which a subset of participants (n?=?28) described factors that they perceived to have placed them at risk for HIV infection. Inductive content analysis identified themes within qualitative interviews, and we determined the prevalence of homonegativity and related factors using questionnaires. In qualitative interviews, participants reported that young MSM commonly experienced homonegativity. They described how homonegativity generated internalised homonegativity, HIV stigma, silence around homosexuality, and forced housing displacement. These factors could promote HIV risk. Homonegative experiences were more common among young Black (vs. non-Black) MSM who completed questionnaires. Results illustrate multiple pathways through which experienced homonegativity may increase HIV vulnerability among young MSM. Interventions that target homonegativity might help to reduce the burden of HIV within this population.  相似文献   

Despite the high prevalence of HIV among men who have sex with men in South Africa, very little is known about their lived realities, including their social and sexual networks. Given the influence of social network structure on sexual risk behaviours, a better understanding of the social contexts of men who have sex with men is essential for informing the design of HIV programming and messaging. This study explored social network connectivity, an understudied network attribute, examining self-reported connectivity between friends, family and sex partners. Data were collected in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, South Africa, from 78 men who have sex with men who participated in in-depth interviews that included a social network mapping component. Five social network types emerged from the content analysis of these social network maps based on the level of connectivity between family, friends and sex partners, and ranged from disconnected to densely connected networks. The ways in which participants reported sexual risk-taking differed across the five network types, revealing diversity in social network profiles. HIV programming and messaging for this population can greatly benefit from recognising the diversity in lived realities and social connections between men who have sex with men.  相似文献   

目的了解重庆市男男性行为者(MSM)艾滋病高危行为,为制定针对性干预措施提供依据。方法采用滚雪球法招募MSM 945人,进行面对面问卷调查,应用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析。结果调查对象平均年龄为(26.9±7.4)岁;艾滋病知识知晓率为89.0%;最近6个月有多个同性性伴的(≥2个)占56.0%;最近1次与男性发生肛交时安全套使用率为64.4%,最近6个月与男性发生肛交时每次都使用安全套的为35.2%;多因素回归分析显示,保护性肛交性行为影响因素有年龄(≥31岁年龄段OR=0.67)、文化程度(OR=1.82)、最近1年进行过HIV咨询检测(OR=1.75)、最近1年接受过干预服务(OR=1.85)。结论MSM人群艾滋病高危行为普遍存在,干预和咨询检测对MSM安全套使用有促进作用。  相似文献   

目的 分析石家庄市MSM HIV自我检测(自检)及相关因素。方法 2020年8-9月,在石家庄市采用方便抽样招募MSM,利用线上调查问卷,收集其社会人口学、行为学和HIV自检等信息,采用logistic回归分析HIV自检相关因素。结果 共调查MSM 304人,最近6个月HIV自检率为52.3%(159/304),其中95.0%(151/159)使用指尖血HIV检测试剂;获得HIV检测试剂的途径,以自己购买(45.9%,73/159)和通过MSM社会组织领取(44.7%,71/159)为主;选择HIV自检原因为检测时间不受限制(67.9%,108/159)和保护隐私(62.9%,100/159),不选择原因为自己不会操作(32.4%,47/145)、不知道有HIV自检试剂(24.1%,35/145)和担心自检结果不准确(19.3%,28/145)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,18~29岁(aOR=2.68,95%CI:1.20~5.94)、最近6个月在当地领取过HIV自检包(aOR=8.61,95%CI:4.09~18.11)和主要交友途径通过互联网/社交软件(aOR=2.68,95%CI:1.48~4.88)的MSM更倾向于选择HIV自检。结论 HIV自检为MSM提供了一种更灵活、方便的检测途径,应加强HIV自检的推广,进一步提高MSM的HIV检测率。  相似文献   

目的了解四川省绵阳市男男性行为人群(MSM)流动性行为现状及影响因素。方法2014年4-10月,以四川省绵阳市辖MSM为对象,应用滚雪球抽样法,在固定场所进行调查对象招募和自填式匿名行为及血清学调查。结果有效问卷1 051份,流动性行为占16.7%(175/1 051),不同地区差异有统计学意义(χ2=274.330,P=0.000)。流动性行为中,去附近县占29.9%(52/175)、去绵阳城区占60.0%(105/175)、去成都占8.6%(15/175)、去其他地区占1.7%(3/175)。多因素分析,年龄、文化程度、本地居住时间、认识当地MSM朋友数、预防服务、寻找性伴场所、近1周肛交次数是流动性行为的独立影响因素(均P< 0.05)。结论MSM流动性行为具有一定人口学、地区和场所特性,其高频率性行为增大了艾滋病病毒(HIV)的感染风险和跨区域传播,应针对性加大行为干预。  相似文献   

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