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The health service needs of small rural communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: In recent years econometric models used in health service planning have tended to encourage the downgrading or closure of small rural hospitals with the effect of reducing access to services and transferring costs from health authorities to consumers. These changes have occurred despite mounting evidence that people in rural communities have specific health service needs which require special attention. This study aimed to identify the perceptions of community members, health professionals and administrators regarding the health service needs in their small rural communities as a basis for developing a more comprehensive model of rural health service planning. Focus groups were held in three selected towns in Gippsland, exploring participants' perceptions of the meaning of health, health service needs, impact of health services, and the best set-up for health services. Consistent with previous research, key findings include: a broad conceptualisation of health; the perceived overwhelming importance of doctors, hospitals and chemists; the economic and social importance of a rural hospital; and a preference for all health services being provided under the one roof, funding and program flexibility, and local involvement in health service planning and implementation.  相似文献   



National health strategies have called for an expansion of the role of primary care in England to increase access to sexual health services. However, there is little guidance for service planners and commissioners as to the public health impact of different combinations of specialist genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics and primary care based services for local populations. Service planning for infectious diseases like sexually transmitted infections (STI) is further complicated because the goal of early detection and treatment is not only to improve the health of the individual, but to benefit the wider population and reduce future treatment costs by preventing onward transmission. Therefore, we are developing a survey tool that will enable service planners to better understand the needs of their local STI care-seeking population and which will help inform evidence-based decision-making about current and future service configurations. Here we describe the rationale and development of this survey tool.  相似文献   

In recent years planners of health services have been urged to design a comprehensive range of services which are responsive to the needs of people with HIV infection and AIDS and those who might be worried about HIV transmission. Models of care have been tried and tested and pilot services which aim to inform the development of the services scrutinised. Though in general this community care is seen as the preferred option with adequate backup support from acute services. More than anything, there is a recognition that the service must be responsive to local needs. Because patterns of HIV infection and prevalence of AIDS are so variable there is no substitute for the systematic development of timely local knowledge as the basis of local planning.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop a conceptual framework for monitoring the relationship between health services and health outcomes in rural Australia. Design and setting: Development of an evaluation framework for a rural comprehensive primary health service in Victoria. Results: Evidence regarding essential components for successful primary health care, and objective health service and health status measures were combined to develop a conceptual health service evaluation framework. Application of the framework is illustrated using a case study of a rural primary health service in Victoria. Conclusions: Inadequate health services limit access to health care, delay use at times of need and result in poor health outcomes. Currently, there is a lack of evidence from rigorous health service evaluations to indicate which rural health services work well, where and why that could inform rural health policies and funding. Although the nature of health service models will vary across communities in order to meet their differing geographic circumstances, there is considerable scope for the translation and generalisation of evidence gained from health service models that are shown to be sustainable, responsive and able to deliver local quality health care. This framework can guide future health service evaluation research and thereby provide a better understanding of a health service's impact on the health of the community and its residents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: More and more Native American tribes are assuming control of their own public health care delivery systems by contracting the functions of the Indian Health Service (IHS) through the provisions of P.L. (public law) 93-638, the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. In doing this, some Native American tribes are making decisions to create or plan their own departments of public health. In Arizona, the Gila River Indian Community has already established its own department of public health and the Navajo Nation is in the planning stages of establishing its own department of public health. METHODS AND RESULTS: This paper proposes three public health organizational delivery models to meet the public health needs of small, medium, and large Native American tribes. Information for these models was derived from interviews with officials associated with the Arizona Department of Health Services and leaders of Native American tribes. These models progress in size and complexity as we move from small to medium to large tribes. CONCLUSIONS: (a) service delivery should focus on both preventative and curative services; (b) services should be developed with input from the underserved population; (c) members of underserved populations should be trained to provide service to their communities; (d) one model of health service delivery will not be appropriate for all underserved populations; and (e) different models are required to respond to differing cultures, populations, and geographic locations.  相似文献   

A comprehensive set of five needs assessment techniques designed to facilitate informed decisions about mental health services planning at the state or local level are presented. These include: (1) estimating the size of the target population based on statistical extrapolations from prevalence rates or inferences from indirect indicators; (2) surveys of institution-based populations; (3) surveys of service providers; (4) client-targeted surveys; and (5) surveys of key informants. Each technique is discussed in terms of its unique design considerations, strengths and weaknesses, the phase's association with its application, and estimated resource requirements. Mental health needs assessments can be conducted in a cost-effective manner, especially important in an era when rational decisions about the allocation of scarce resources are essential.  相似文献   

The exponential increase in the incorporation of health technologies has been considered a key factor in increased expenditures by the health sector. Such decisions involve multiple levels and stakeholders. Decentralization has multiplied the decision-making levels, with numerous difficult choices and limited resources. The interrelationship between stakeholders is complex, in creative systems with multiple determinants and confounders. The current review discusses the interaction between the factors influencing the decisions to incorporate technologies by health services, and proposes a structure for their analysis. The application and intensity of these factors in decision-making and the incorporation of products and programs by health services shapes the installed capacity of local and regional networks and modifies the health system. Empirical observation of decision-making and technology incorporation in Brazilian health services poses an important challenge. The structured recognition and measurement of these variables can assist proactive planning of health services.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 outbreak, we estimated the potential surge in demand for hospital-based services in 4 Health Service Districts of Queensland, Australia, using the FluSurge model. Modifications to the model were made on the basis of emergent evidence and results provided to local hospitals to inform resource planning for the forthcoming pandemic. To evaluate the fit of the model, a comparison between the model's predictions and actual hospitalizations was made. In early 2010, a Web-based survey was undertaken to evaluate the model's usefulness. Predictions based on modified assumptions arising from the new pandemic gained better fit than results from the default model. The survey identified that the modeling support was helpful and useful to service planning for local hospitals. Our research illustrates an integrated framework involving post hoc comparison and evaluation for implementing epidemiologic modeling in response to a public health emergency.  相似文献   

Recent health service policy in the United Kingdom has emphasized the need to involve local people in health service planning. This paper will describe how local communities were involved in the development of Primary Care Resource Centres. These centres are designed to provide a base for the delivery of a range of health, social welfare and information services within a community setting. Four centres in the process of being developed in one region were selected for in-depth study. The main method of data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews with key “stakeholders”, namely purchasers and providers of primary health care, social care providers, hospital outreach staff and local community and voluntary group workers (Weiss 1983). This paper examines how the health service organizations developing the centres involved local communities in planning them and the obstacles and difficulties encountered. The paper suggests lessons that can be learned for future community involvement in the planning of local health services.  相似文献   

产褥期妇女卫生服务需求调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的调查产褥期妇女对相关卫生服务项目的需求,为卫生服务部门对产褥期妇女提供针对性的服务项目提供理论依据。方法自行设计调查表,采取面对面访谈形式对产褥期妇女生理、心理和社会功能进行调查。结果产褥期妇女对产后访视、护理及生活指导、卫生保健知识宣教、膳食营养指导、康复指导、常见病预防及情感支持7项卫生服务的需求率在85%以上,亲友陪伴、家庭卫生知识宣教、心理健康咨询及社会交流4项需求率高于60%,社会活动需求率最低为42.5%;城市产妇有10项卫生服务的需求率均高于郊区或农村的产妇。结论医疗保健部门需要不断提高卫生服务供给能力,有针对性地开展产褥期妇女卫生保健项目,并拓展相关的健康教育内容,以期更有效保障产褥期妇女的健康需求。  相似文献   

Recognition of petroleum as a finite global resource has spurred increasing interest in the intersection between petroleum scarcity and public health. Local health departments represent a critical yet highly vulnerable component of the public health infrastructure. These frontline agencies currently face daunting resource constraints and rely heavily on petroleum for vital population-based health services. Against this backdrop, petroleum scarcity may necessitate reconfiguring local public health service approaches. We describe the anticipated impacts of petroleum scarcity on local health departments, recommend the use of the 10 Essential Public Health Services as a framework for examining attendant operational challenges and potential responses to them, and describe approaches that local health departments and their stakeholders could consider as part of timely planning efforts.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic has placed enormous strains on health care and social services delivery. The authors studied the response to the epidemic by a local health jurisdiction in an area of moderate incidence. The area recorded about 1,000 cumulative cases of acquired immunodeficiency virus syndrome, and the estimated prevalence of HIV infection was 10,000 as of 1991. The local health jurisdiction combined methods in a community-wide planning process for HIV services. The process mobilized the existing community-based network of service providers to identify problem areas and to develop recommendations for action. The planning group used questionnaires and service use rates to project service requirements, estimate service availability, and establish levels of unmet needs in terms of units of service. Annual requirements per person with HIV infection were projected for case management (0.3 to 0.4 client enrollment slots), dental care (1.9 to 3.4 visits), nonacute institutional care (1.2 days), home health care (17.8 to 22.1 visits), short-term housing (8.3 to 10.6 days), mental health and emotional support (34.6 to 36.6 visits), legal services (2.7 appointments), acute inpatient medical care (2.0 to 3.2 days), and inpatient psychiatric care (0.2 to 0.3 days). Those service requirement estimates for a low or moderate HIV incidence area may be transferable to other communities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify, assess, and rank the importance of health care needs of community-dwelling older adults. METHOD: A structured telephone interview with 107 respondents (physicians, direct service providers and administrators) about the importance of a list of 31 health care needs of older adults. Respondents also identified the single most important health issue facing local older adults now and in the next 5 to 10 years. RESULTS: The five most important health care needs, in descending order, are: care-giver support services, community long-term care services, services for people with dementia/Alzheimer's disease, palliative/end-of-life care, and services for cancer patients and their families. Community long-term care services were identified as the single most important health issue both now and in the next 5 to 10 years. CONCLUSION: The study findings should be of value to health and social service researchers, planners, providers and administrators regarding the needs of community-dwelling older adults.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examined the impact of community health needs assessments used in country South Australian health service planning between 1995 and 1999. Data were collected from regional health planning officers during a Search Conference and a series of Delphi rounds. The needs assessments were found to vary from regionally to locally driven approaches. Locally driven approaches ensured local involvement but the process was slower and required more effort from the planner. It was also felt that locally driven approaches could exacerbate tension between a community's imperatives and the regional focus of regional decision-makers. In the overall regional budgets, the reallocation of health service funds according to the needs assessment findings was only small because of difficulties in refocusing from traditional clinical services in the short term. In contrast, the impact on health service thinking about population health issues was thought to have been more significant, for example, in the development of regional women's health plans. The use of community health needs assessments was useful, but for greater impact these should not now be so 'broad-brushed', but be more focused on feasible changes that health services could support. Other priority-setting techniques, such as marginal analysis, should also be used to determine where maximum health gains can be obtained.  相似文献   

This is a study on the management of the decentralized malaria control programme in Maharlika, Lipunan, a municipality in rural Philippines. The theoretical assumption is that the malaria control programme must be viewed as a system and that success of reform in malaria control depends upon the understanding of management issues by municipal officials. Through interviews, and documents and archival reviews, a framework for describing the dynamics of municipal management of the malaria control programme was developed. The overall finding was that the administrative management system was not functioning optimally: (a) planning and budgeting systems are not helpful; (b) malaria data do not inform planning; and (c) local financial resources are not utilized for malaria control. The underlying causes were: the absence of a clear statement from national offices regarding decentralization of health services, and the management processes, as stipulated in the Local Government Code, were not responsive to the needs of the municipality.  相似文献   



It has been established that mental health‐care planning does not adequately respond to the needs of those accessing services. Understanding the reasons for this and identifying whose needs care plans serve requires an exploration of the perspectives of service users, carers and professionals within the wider organizational context.


To explore the current operationalization of care planning and perceptions of its function within mental health services from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.

Settings and participants

Participants included 21 mental health professionals, 29 service users and 4 carers from seven Mental Health Trusts in England. All participants had experience of care planning processes within secondary mental health‐care services.


Fifty‐four semi‐structured interviews were conducted with participants and analysed utilizing a qualitative framework approach.


Care plans and care planning were characterized by a failure to meet the complexity of mental health needs, and care planning processes were seen to prioritize organizational agendas and risk prevention which distanced care planning from the everyday lives of service users.

Discussion and conclusions

Care planning is recognized, embedded and well established in the practices of mental health professionals and service users. However, it is considered too superficial and mainly irrelevant to users for managing mental health in their everyday lives. Those responsible for the planning and delivery of mental health services should consider ways to increase the relevance of care planning to the everyday lives of service users including separating risk from holistic needs assessment, using support aids and utilizing a peer workforce in this regard.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo test a service-based health human resources (HHR) planning approach for older adults in the context of home and long term care (LTC); to create a practical template/tools for use in various jurisdictions and/or health care settings.DesignThe most serious health needs of seniors in 2 Canadian jurisdictions were identified and linked to the specific services and associated competencies required of health care providers (HCPs) to address those needs. The amounts of each service required were quantified and compared against the capacity of HCPs to perform the services, measured using a self-assessment survey, by using a previously developed analytical framework.SettingHome and LTC sectors in Nova Scotia and Nunavut, Canada.ParticipantsRegulated and nonregulated HCPs were invited to complete either an online or paper-based competency self-assessment survey.ResultsSurvey response rates in Nova Scotia and Nunavut were 11% (160 responses) and 20% (22 responses), respectively. Comparisons of the estimated number of seniors likely to need each service with the number who can be served by the workforces in each jurisdiction indicated that the workforces in both jurisdictions are sufficiently numerous, active, productive, and competent to provide most of the services likely to be required. However, significant gaps were identified in pharmacy services, ongoing client assessment, client/family education and involvement, and client/family functional and social supports.ConclusionService-based HHR planning is feasible for identifying gaps in services required by older adults, and can guide policy makers in planning hiring/recruitment, professional development, and provider education curricula. Implementation will require commitment of policy makers and other stakeholders, as well as ongoing evaluation of its effectiveness. More broadly, the ongoing effectiveness of the approach will depend on workforce planning being conducted in an iterative way, driven by regular reevaluation of population health needs and HHR effectiveness.  相似文献   

In both English and Swedish health care, there is currently much interest in encouraging public consultation and participation in public service planning in order to improve quality, enhance local accountability, and help to inform and legitimize difficult decisions about health care priorities. This article explores the progress of local budget holders for health services in the two countries--primary care groups/trusts in England and county councils and municipalities in Sweden--in developing consultative and participative processes. Using secondary and primary research methods, the study identified much activity among English primary care groups/trusts, although with less certainty of outcome. In Sweden, initiatives were limited to a few county councils, were more distinctive, and in the case of one county council, resulted in the sustained channeling of citizens' views. In comparing and contrasting the approaches in the two countries, the authors note the importance of political cultures and institutional arrangements as well as, more generally, the complexities and challenges of consultation and participation in health care planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There is a need to review factors related to health service utilisation by the increasing number of cancer survivors in order to inform care planning and the organisation and delivery of services. METHODS: Studies were identified via systematic searches of Medline, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Social Science Citation Index and the SEER-MEDICARE library. Methodological quality was assessed using STROBE; and the Andersen Behavioural Model was used as a framework to structure, organise and analyse the results of the review. RESULTS: Younger, white cancer survivors were most likely to receive follow-up screening, preventive care, visit their physician, utilise professional mental health services and least likely to be hospitalised. Utilisation rates of other health professionals such as physiotherapists were low. Only studies of health service use conducted in the USA investigated the role of type of health insurance and ethnicity. There appeared to be disparate service use among US samples in terms of ethnicity and socio-demographic status, regardless of type of health insurance provision s- this may be explained by underlying differences in health-seeking behaviours. Overall, use of follow-up care appeared to be lower than expected and barriers existed for particular groups of cancer survivors. CONCLUSIONS: Studies focussed on the use of a specific type of service rather than adopting a whole-system approach and future health services research should address this shortcoming. Overall, there is a need to improve access to care for all cancer survivors. Studies were predominantly US-based focussing mainly on breast or colorectal cancer. Thus, the generalisability of findings to other health-care systems and cancer sites is unclear. The Andersen Behavioural Model provided an appropriate framework for studying and understanding health service use among cancer survivors. The active involvement of physicians and use of personalised care plans are required in order to ensure that post-treatment needs and recommendations for care are met.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Present health funding models can place onerous pressures on rural health services. Staff may lack the time, resources, access to data, and the expertise needed to complete complex and lengthy funding submissions. This present study describes an innovative capacity-building approach to working with Victorian rural communities seeking to access health care funding through the Regional Health Services Program. This approach used several strategies: engaging stakeholders in targeted rural communities, developing an information kit and running a workshop on preparing submissions to the Regional Health Services Program, facilitating community consultations, and providing ongoing support with submissions. Six rural communities were supported in this way. Four have been funded to date, with a combined annual recurrent budget for new primary health care services of over $2.5 million. Each community has developed a service delivery model that meets the particular needs of their local area. This capacity-building approach is both effective and replicable to other health funding opportunities.  相似文献   

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