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The aim of the present study was to determine if pre-exposure to high doses of cocaine can subsequently alter the rewarding effects of this drug. Adult male mice received a pretreatment of physiological saline, or 12.5 or 25 mg/kg of cocaine (one injection a day for five days). After an interval of six days without injections, the rewarding effects of low doses of cocaine (0.5, 1 or 1.5 mg/kg) were evaluated in the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Doses of 1 and 1.5 mg/kg induced a clear CPP in animals pre-treated with saline but were ineffective in those pre-treated with 25 mg/kg of cocaine. Only the dose of 1.5 mg/kg induced CPP in mice pre-treated with 12.5 mg/kg of cocaine. Our results, which reveal a decrease in the conditioned rewarding effects of threshold doses of cocaine, demonstrate that exposure to high doses of this drug can alter the reward system.  相似文献   

In order to further investigate the role of the mPFC in morphine reward and drug priming induced relapse, the present study examined the effects of the mPFC lesions on the acquisition and morphine priming induced reinstatement of conditioned place preference (CPP). In the first experiment, mice received sham or bilateral kainic acid lesions of the mPFC and were subsequently tested for the acquisition of a morphine-induced CPP. In the second experiment, each mouse received lesions of mPFC following the establishment of morphine-induced CPP. Nine days later, a priming injection of morphine was given (2 mg/kg, i.p.) to reinstate the extinguished CPP. The results showed that pre-conditioning lesions of the mPFC blocked the acquisition of morphine-induced CPP, while post-conditioning lesions of the mPFC failed to prevent morphine priming induced reinstatement of CPP. These results provide the first direct evidence that the mPFC may be involved in the acquisition, but not morphine priming induced reinstatement of CPP.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis is important for developing certain forms of memory. Recently, hippocampal cell proliferation has been implicated in the development of drug addiction, an extreme form of emotional/motivational pathological memory. Aiming to explore the role of hippocampal neural cell proliferation in cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP), we treated rats with whole brain X-irradiation, which substantially decreases the number of progenitor cells in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. Surprisingly, there was no difference in the expression of cocaine-induced CPP. These results suggest that the existing neural network, rather than potential new neural circuits mediated by adult neurogenesis, is sufficient for the acquisition of cocaine-induced CPP.  相似文献   

We investigated substances that induce a rewarding effect during the postingestive process using the conditioned place preference (CPP) test. Although mice showed high affinity for a low-energy fat substitute—sorbitol fatty acid esters and low-concentration linoleic acid solution—they did not exhibit a place preference toward a voluntary intake of fat substitute in the CPP test. However, during a conditioning session of CPP that involved intragastric administration of corn oil immediately before the intake of the fat substitute, the test mice displayed a place preference. Similarly, intragastric administration of glucose, galactose, and dextrin also induced CPP; however, fructose, mannose, and a nonmetabolized carbohydrate did not. These results suggest that administration of corn oil and glucose has the same postingestive effect with regard to inducing CPP and that the structural specificity of carbohydrates influences the postingestive effect.  相似文献   

Agmatine recently has been suggested as a neurotransmitter, is able to interact with various effects of morphine like analgesia and dependence. In this study, the effects of agmatine on rewarding properties of morphine, and the possible involvement of nitric oxide (NO) system has been evaluated in an unbiased conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Agmatine (1, 5 and 10 mg/kg, i.p.) alone induced neither CPP nor conditioned place aversion (CPA). Morphine (0.01, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 mg/kg, s.c.), while unable to show CPP or CPA, induced CPP in mice pretreated with agmatine. L-arginine (200 mg/kg, i.p.), a NO precursor, significantly enhanced the effect of agmatine (5 mg/kg) on morphine (0.5 mg/kg)-induced place preference. NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME; 2.5 mg/kg, i.p.), a non specific nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, and aminoguanidine (50 and 100 mg/kg, i.p.), a specific inducible NOS inhibitor, significantly reduced the effect of agmatine (5 mg/kg) on morphine (0.5 mg/kg)-induced place preference. These results suggest the possible involvement of inducible nitric oxide system in potentiating effects of agmatine on morphine-induced place preference.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that epigenetic mechanisms have an important role in the development of addictive behavior. However, little is known about the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the extinction of morphine-induced behavioral changes. In this study, we will examine the effect of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors on extinction of morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). To facilitate extinction, rats will be administered an HDAC inhibitor (HDACi) following nonreinforced exposure to the conditioned context. To measure persistence, rats were subject to a reinstatement test using 3 mg/kg dose of morphine. To exclude the effect of repeated NaBut injections themselves on morphine-CPP in the absence of extinction session, rats received injection of either NaBut or vehicle for 8 days. We found that HDAC inhibition during nonconfined extinction or confined extinction consolidation can facilitate extinction of morphine-induced CPP. We also showed that the extinction of drug seeking via HDAC inhibition modulates extinction learning such that reinstatement behavior is significantly attenuated. There is no effect of repeated NaBut injections themselves on morphine-CPP in the absence of extinction session. In conclusion, our results extend earlier reports on the ability of HDACi to modify the behavioral effects of drugs of abuse. Our increasing understanding of these epigenetic mechanisms will provide key answers to basic processes in drug addiction and hopefully provide insight into designing improved treatments for drug addiction.  相似文献   

Pharmacological and lesion studies have shown that histamine exerts inhibitory effects on morphine-induced reward-seeking behavior. The present study was designed to further investigate the involvement of endogenous histamine in morphine-induced reward-seeking behavior using histidine decarboxylase gene knockout (HDC-KO) mice. Conditioned place preference (CPP) was present in both wild-type (WT) and HDC-KO mice treated with 5 or 10 mg/kg morphine. HDC-KO mice showed stronger morphine-induced CPP as compared with WT mice. Meanwhile, morphine significantly increased dopamine level in the VTA and NAc, especially in HDC-KO mice. However, the extinction of CPP is similar between WT and HDC-KO mice. Moreover, naloxone-precipitated withdrawal jumping was markedly decreased in HDC-KO mice. These results indicate that endogenous histamine inhibits the development, but not the extinction, of morphine-induced CPP and reduces morphine withdrawal sign, probably through modulating dopaminergic activity in the brain.  相似文献   

Li Y  Wang H  Qi K  Chen X  Li S  Sui N  Kirouac GJ 《Physiology & behavior》2011,102(1):42-50
Previous studies have implicated the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, central nucleus of the amygdala and the shell of the nucleus accumbens (collectively called the extended amygdala) as playing an important role in mediating the aversive emotion associated with opioid withdrawal. The paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) provides a very dense input to the extended amygdala, and the PVT is densely innervated by orexin neurons, which appear to be involved in producing some of the physical and emotional effects associated with morphine withdrawal. In the present study, we confirm that the PVT is densely innervated by orexin fibers, whereas the regions of the extended amygdala associated with the effects of morphine withdrawal are poorly innervated. Microinjections of the orexin-1 receptor (OX1R) antagonist SB334867 or the orexin-2 receptor (OX2R) antagonist TCSOX229 at doses of 5.0 or 15.0 μg into the PVT region did not affect the acquisition of the conditioned place aversion (CPA) nor the physical effects produced by naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal. In contrast, microinjections of TCSOX229 (15.0 μg) in the PVT region significantly attenuated the expression of naloxone-induced CPA while microinjections of SB334867 at the same dose had no effect. The results from these experiments indicate a role for OX2R in the PVT on the expression of CPA associated with morphine withdrawal. Orexins may mediate the aversive effects of morphine withdrawal by engaging the extended amygdala indirectly through the action of orexins on the PVT.  相似文献   

This study investigated the importance of vaginal stimulation on conditioned place preference by sexual behavior in female Syrian hamsters. Hormonally primed female hamsters given vaginal masks and topical lidocaine prior to conditioning sessions were no different in their place preference conditioning compared to female controls with no vaginal mask or lidocaine. Control females not provided a sexually active male did not show any preference for either compartment of the conditioning apparatus. These results suggest that stimuli, in addition to vaginal stimulation, are effective in producing a place preference during the mating experience in female hamsters.  相似文献   

Relapse triggered by drug-paired cues is a major obstacle for successful treatment of drug abuse. Patterns of brain activation induced by drug-paired cues have been identified in human and animal models, but lack of specificity poses a serious problem for craving or relapse interpretations. The goal of this study was to compare brain responses to contextual cues paired with a rewarding versus an aversive stimulus in a mouse model to test the hypothesis that different patterns of brain activation can be detected. Mice were trained to associate a common environmental context with an intraperitoneal injection of saline, lithium chloride or cocaine. After measuring each animal for conditioned place preference or aversion, mice were re-exposed to the context (CS+ or CS−) in absence of the reinforcer to analyze patterns of Fos expression in 10 brain regions chosen from previous literature. Levels of Fos in the cingulate cortex, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, and dentate gyrus differed in CS+ versus CS− groups, but the direction of the differences was the same for both lithium chloride (LiCl) and cocaine reinforcers. In the cingulate cortex, Fos was positively correlated with degree of place preference for cocaine or aversion to LiCl whereas in the periaqueductal gray the relationship was positive for LiCl and negative for cocaine. Results confirm Fos responses to reward- or aversion-paired cues are similar but specificity is detectable. Future studies are needed to comprehensively establish neuroanatomical specificity in conditioned responses to drugs as compared to other reinforcers.  相似文献   

目的 探究前边缘皮质在甲基苯丙胺(methamphetamine,METH)诱导小鼠条件性位置偏爱(conditioned place preference,CPP)中的作用,以及电压门控型钾离子通道Kv7.3在前边缘皮质(prelimbic cortex,Prl)内的调控机制。方法 给予C57BL/6J小鼠腹腔注射METH(2mg/kg)建立CPP成瘾模型。通过化学遗传学技术,在前边缘皮质内注射hM4di-mcherry病毒载体,经N-氧化氯氮平诱导激活小G蛋白Gi信号通路,观察Prl脑区在METH致CPP中的作用。应用PCR、Western Blot检测Prl内Kv7.3的表达情况。在Prl脑区埋置套管,定位注射瑞替加滨(Kv7钾通道激动剂),观察对CPP评分的影响。结果 METH导致Prl内神经元明显活化并降低Kv7.3表达水平。通过化学遗传学特异性沉默Prl脑区神经元,明显减弱CPP分数,激活Prl脑区的Kv7.3通道亦明显降低CPP评分。结论 前边缘皮质参与了METH诱导CPP的形成,Kv7.3钾离子通道蛋白在该过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

3,4-methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine (MDMA) (‘Ecstasy’) and its analogue 3,4-methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine (MDE) (‘Eve’) are well known illicit street drugs mainly abused by young people. In spite of the actual research going on, the classification of their abuse potential remains unclear. Since secondary reinforcers are the main factors responsible for craving and relapse, the aim of our study was to assess the potency of MDMA and MDE in a second order reinforcement paradigm, i.e. conditioned place preference (CPP). For the general assessment of our study conditions, we compared MDMA with amphetamine. Unexpectedly, no significant CPP for MDMA was found in contrast to amphetamine. Detailed analysis of current literature led us to the working hypothesis that social environment is crucial for the development of CPP. In a subsequent experiment we tested the influence of housing conditions on CPP using MDMA and demonstrated that isolated animals show significant CPP compared to group-housed ones. In order to better understand the rewarding mechanisms of Ecstasy-derivatives, we tested both the racemic drugs and the pure isomers in the CPP paradigm. Both MDMA's optical isomers and racemic MDMA showed significant CPP without notable differences, while MDE and its isomers completely failed to show any significant CPP. In conclusion, the mechanism by which MDMA induces addiction is much more complicated than assumed so far and more pronounced in isolated animals. The fact that both optical isomers of MDMA led to CPP implies that at least two pathways by which MDMA induces craving behaviour exist.  相似文献   

Rats were used to examine the effects, upon a conditioned aversion to cold drinking water, of electroconvulsive shock (ECS) delivered during the delay between cue and unconditioned stimulus. An injection of LiCl (US) 30 min after ingestion of novel cold water (CS) produced a reliable aversion to the cold water. ECS given immediately following the ingestion of cold water substantially attenuated this aversion. An orderly decrease in the attenuation of the aversion was observed when ECS was delayed 5, 10 or 20 min after offset of the cold water cue. The results indicate that ingestive cue aversions can be formed without electrochemical neural-transmission-based representation of the cue being maintained during the CS-US interval. The differential effectiveness of ECS suggests that this agent retroactively interferes with processing of the ingestive cue.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the specific brain changes and neural plasticity processes produced by repeated exposure to a drug is essential to progress in the field of neurobiology of addiction and the development of effective medication. In the present study, the influence of nitric oxide synthesis on sensitization to the rewarding effects of morphine has been evaluated. The effects of pre-treatment of mice with saline or 20 mg/kg of morphine plus the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor 7-nitroindazole (7NI) (12.5 or 25 mg/kg) on the place conditioning induced by a low dose of morphine (2 mg/kg) were assessed. The dose of 2 mg/kg of morphine was ineffective in animals pre-treated with saline but induced a clear conditioned place preference (CPP) in those pre-treated with morphine. Conversely, animals pre-treated with morphine plus 7NI did not acquire CPP. Our results demonstrate that the nitric oxide pathway is implicated in the development of sensitization to the conditioned rewarding effects of morphine.  相似文献   

Cruz FC  Marin MT  Planeta CS 《Neuroscience》2008,151(2):313-319
A great deal of effort has been devoted to elucidating the psychopharmacology underlying addiction and relapse. Long-term neuroadaptations in glutamate transmission seem to be of great relevance for relapse to stimulant abuse. In this study, we investigated amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference during adolescence and the reinstatement of the conditioned behavior following a priming injection of the drug 1 day (adolescence), 30 days (early adulthood) and 60 days (adulthood) after the extinction test. The nucleus accumbens was dissected immediately after the reinstatement test to examine alterations in GluR1 and NR1 subunits of glutamatergic receptors. Our results showed that a priming injection of amphetamine was able to reinstate the CPP 1 and 30 days after extinction. However, it failed to reinstate the conditioned response after 60 days. GluR1 levels were decreased on days 1 and 30 but not on day 60 while NR1 levels were unaltered in the reinstatement test. Using a relapse model we found that reinstatement of amphetamine-induced conditioning place preference during adolescence is long lasting and persists through early adulthood. Decreased levels of GluR1 in the nucleus accumbens might be related to the reinstatement of amphetamine-induced conditioning place preference.  相似文献   

In the present study, effects of intra-hippocampal CA1 (intra-CA1) injections of GABA(B) receptor agonist and antagonist on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced place preference in male Wistar rats have been investigated. Subcutaneous administration of different doses of morphine sulphate (0.5-6 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent conditioned place preference (CPP). Using a 3-day schedule of conditioning, it was found that the GABA(B) receptor agonist, baclofen (0.5-2 microg/rat; intra-CA1), or the GABA(B) receptor antagonist, phaclofen (1-3 microg/rat; intra-CA1), did not produce a significant place preference or place aversion. Intra-CA1 administration of baclofen (1 and 2 microg/rat; intra-CA1) decreased the acquisition of CPP induced by morphine (3 mg/kg; s.c.). On the other hand, intra-CA1 injection of phaclofen (1 and 2 microg/rat; intra-CA1) in combination with a lower dose of morphine (1 mg/kg) elicited a significant CPP. The response of baclofen (2 microg/rat; intra-CA1) was reversed by phaclofen (4 and 6 microg/rat; intra-CA1). Furthermore, intra-CA1 administration of baclofen but not phaclofen before testing significantly decreased the expression of morphine (3 mg/kg; s.c.)-induced place preference. Baclofen or phaclofen injections had no effects on locomotor activity on the testing sessions. It is concluded that the GABA(B) receptors in dorsal hippocampus may play an active role in morphine reward.  相似文献   

目的研究褪黑素拮抗大鼠可卡因诱导的条件性位置偏爱的作用和可能机制。方法建立可卡因诱导的条件性位置偏爱模型,诱导前30min给予褪黑素腹腔注射,检测实验大鼠条件性位置偏爱的变化,并应用Western blot、免疫荧光共聚焦激光扫描显微镜及real-time PCR技术,检测褪黑素对大鼠前额叶皮层中可卡因诱导的DMNT1表达的影响。结果褪黑素对可卡因诱导的大鼠条件性位置偏爱效应具有显著的抑制作用。共聚焦显微镜和Western blot结果表明,可卡因诱导大鼠前额叶皮层中DNMT1表达的减少,而褪黑素能够抑制可卡因的这种作用。Real-time PCR检测结果证明,可卡因诱导大鼠前额叶皮层中DNMT1 mRNA的下调,而褪黑素能够抑制这种作用。结论褪黑素可能通过抑制大鼠前额叶皮层中DNMT1表达的下调拮抗可卡因诱导的条件性位置偏爱。  相似文献   

Mu P  Yu LC 《Neuroscience letters》2007,426(3):135-138
The present study was performed to investigate the effects of valproic acid sodium (VPA), a widely utilized antiepileptic drug, on the establishment of chronic morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). The rat model of morphine-induced CPP was conditioned with alternating intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of morphine (60 microg/6 microl) and saline for 5 days. To investigate the influence of VPA on morphine-induced CPP, rats received chronic pretreatment of i.c.v. VPA (500 microg/rat) 10 min previous to the daily morphine injection. The results demonstrated that the morphine-induced CPP was significantly attenuated by VPA pretreatment, while the VPA itself could not induce any CPP or conditioned place aversion (CPA) effects. The results of the present study not only confirmed the reliability of establishing morphine-induced CPP model by i.c.v. injection, but also suggest that the antiepileptic drug VPA may be utilized as potential therapeutic medications for drug abuse in the future.  相似文献   

Hippocampus is a critical structure for the acquisition of morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP), which is a usual learning paradigm for assessing drug reward. However, the precise mechanisms remain largely unknown. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and its downstream targets, including Akt, mammalian target of Rapamycin (mTOR) and 70-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (p70S6K), are critical molecules implicated in learning and memory. Here, we tested the role of PI3K/Akt-mTOR-p70S6K signaling pathway in morphine-induced CPP in the hippocampus. Our results showed that the acquisition of morphine CPP increased phosphorylation of Akt in the hippocampal CA3, but not in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), the ventral tegmental area (VTA) or the CA1. Moreover, the phosphorylated Akt exclusively expressed in the CA3 neurons. Likewise, levels of phosphorylated mTOR and p70S6K were significantly enhanced in the CA3 following morphine CPP. The alterations of these phosphorylated proteins are positively correlated with the acquisition of morphine CPP. More importantly, microinjection of PI3K inhibitor (LY294002) or mTOR inhibitor (Rapamycin) into the CA3 prevented the acquisition of CPP and inhibited the activation of PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. In addition, pre-infusion of β-FNA (β-funaltrexamine hydrochloride), a selective irreversible μ opioid receptor antagonist, into CA3 significantly prevented the acquisition of CPP and impaired Akt phosphorylation. All these results strongly implied that the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway activated by μ opioid receptor in hippocampal CA3 plays an important role in acquisition of morphine-induced CPP.  相似文献   

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