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目的针对现有数字助听器中的多通道频响补偿算法容易破坏语音信号的共振峰结构,致使频响补偿后语音信号的可懂度、清晰度和舒适度降低等问题,提出一种基于人耳听觉特性的多通道频响补偿算法。方法首先采用一种可以模拟人工耳蜗模型的Gammatone滤波器组,然后通过滤波处理把输入信号分为32个频带,并依据耳聋者的听力曲线对每个频带进行频响补偿。最后采用语音信号每个通道的声压级,以及从共振峰结构和主观测试对比该算法与基于Bark域的非均匀滤波器组分割频率的算法的优越性。结果通过该算法处理后的语音信号可以很好地满足不同听力损失者的听力要求。相对于比较算法,该算法语音信号的共振峰结构完整性更好,在不同的声压级下,该算法的语句可懂度提高10%以上。结论基于Gammatone滤波器组分解的数字助听器频响补偿算法优于对比算法,并且提高了听力损失者的语句可懂度和舒适度。  相似文献   

目的针对数字助听器中现有的频响补偿算法在噪声环境下无法满足耳障者对语音质量和可懂度要求的问题,本文提出了基于信噪比的多通道自适应频响补偿算法。方法该算法首先采用Gammatone滤波器组对含噪语音进行子带分解,对各子带采用二值掩蔽方法去噪,在不损伤语音的同时尽可能去除各子带内的噪声;然后在各子带估计其信噪比以及增益;再利用信噪比自适应地调整线性放大和宽动态压缩在频响补偿中所占的权重,并且在高频语音部分采用基于非线性频率压缩的宽动态压缩算法;最后根据正常人和耳障者听力曲线以及信噪比对各子带进行自适应频响补偿,通过对语音的LPA估计以及对耳障者的主观测试比较本文算法与对比算法的优越性。结果本文算法对每个子带的语音信号实现了自适应频响补偿,相较于对比算法,本文算法在噪声环境下不仅较好地保护了语音的共振峰结构和谱包络,而且使语音的声压级在耳障者的听力舒适阈内得到了较多的补偿,有效地补偿了患者损失的听力,提高了耳障者的言语可懂度。结论噪声环境下基于信噪比的多通道频响补偿算法优于对比算法,有效提高了听障患者感知语音的可懂度和舒适度。  相似文献   

数字助听器中若干主要算法的发展和现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
首先简要介绍了数字助听器的概念 ,随后分别针对数字助听器中信号处理的几个主要部分 :多通道频响补偿、噪声去除和反馈消除 ,分析和比较了它们的常用算法。文章最后介绍了一些助听器信号处理的新思路。  相似文献   

数字助听器算法开发平台pDHA的构建和测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字助听器是目前广大聋人康复的唯一有效手段,因此数字助听算法的研究日益重要.为便于进行助听算法的开发测试,本论文设计实现了一款基于可编程DSP的全数字助听算法开发平台pDHA.该平台具有计算功能强大、实时便携、扩展能力丰富等特点.本论文还针对此类平台的独特应用需求和相关标准,制定了一套完整的测试流程.参数测试结果表明,该系统具备足够的能力进行高级数字助听算法的开发和测试.  相似文献   

针对利用麦克风阵列进行数字助听器的语音增强这一应用,本文对传统的GSC结构的自适应波束形成算法加以改进,以对固定波束形成器(fixed beamfomer,FBF)的输出进行语音活动检测的结果,来取代信干比作为处理过程中的自适应模式控制,并将波束形成过程对目标语音信号的畸变引入到滤波器代价函数的设计,重新定义多路输入抵消器(multiple-input canceller,MC)中的归一化最小均方算法的迭代公式,以减少自适应过程中目标语音的损失.仿真结果显示使用新的代价函数后,背景噪声和强干扰得到了明显的抑制,目标语音信号的畸变显著减小,而算法因此增加的计算量也在一个可接受的程度.  相似文献   

High-intensity noises are a health hazard for industrial workers, and hearing protection is necessary to prevent hearing loss. Passive methods, such as ear muffs, are ineffective against low-frequency noise. Moreover, many hearing-impaired workers must wear hearing aids to enable communication at their workplace, and such aids can amplify ambient noise. To overcome this problem, the present study developed a headset equipped with a digital signal processing system to implement adaptive-feedback active noise cancellation (AFANC) to reduce low-frequency noise. The proposed AFANC headset was effective against wideband industrial noise, with a maximum noise spectrum power reduction of 30 dB. Furthermore, when used with a hearing aid, it improved the speech signal-to-noise ratio by up to 14 dB. These results suggest that a headset with AFANC would be useful for hearing protection in workplaces with high levels of low-frequency industrial noise, especially for hearing-impaired workers.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that the problems of motion artifacts in conventional time subtraction digital subtraction angiography (DSA) may be overcome using energy subtraction techniques. Of the variety of energy subtraction techniques investigated, non-k-edge dual-energy subtraction offers the best signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, this technique achieves only 55% of the temporal DSA SNR. Noise reduction techniques that average the noisier high-energy image produce various degrees of noise improvement while minimally affecting iodine contrast and resolution. A more significant improvement in dual-energy DSA iodine SNR, however, results when the correlated noise that exists in material specific images is appropriately cancelled. The correlated noise reduction (CNR) algorithm presented here follows directly from the dual-energy computed tomography work of Kalender who made explicit use of noise correlations in material specific images to reduce noise. The results are identical to those achieved using a linear version of the two-stage filtering process described by Macovski in which the selective image is filtered to reduce high-frequency noise and added to a weighted, high SNR, nonselective image which has been processed with a high-frequency bandpass filter. The dual-energy DSA CNR algorithm presented here combines selective tissue and iodine images to produce a significant increase in the iodine SNR while fully preserving iodine spatial resolution. Theoretical calculations predict a factor of 2-4 improvement in SNR compared to conventional dual-energy images. The improvement factor achieved is dependent upon the x-ray beam spectra and the size of blurring kernel used in the algorithm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

卫生学认为,当声响干扰到人的睡眠休息、交谈思考,给人以烦恼感受,或造成听觉危害时,统称为噪声。而噪声对机体损伤的靶器官就是听觉器官,因此在课程标准中将噪声对听觉的影响列为了讲解的重点,也是学生理解的难点。教研室通过集体备课,高年资、经验丰富的教员进行指导后,在教学实践中进行了相应改革。在传统的教学之外,系统地引入听觉系统的解剖学结构,采用多媒体课件,融入相关的视频和声频资料,加以板书作图的方式,来对学生进行讲解,取得了很好的课堂教学效果。本文就如何以解剖学结构为基础来讲解噪声对听觉的损伤,初步谈一下自己的教学体会和认识。  相似文献   

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) occurs everyday in both occupational and non-occupational settings in developed and developing countries. The good news is that NIHL is preventable through industrial control laws and programmes. In this paper, an attempt has been made to discuss the problem of NIHL, its relevance to African countries and strategies for its prevention.  相似文献   

A spatial filter design method to reduce magnetic noise in the magnetocardiogram (MCG) is introduced. Based on the facts that external magnetic noise appearing on multichannel MCG sensors is independent of the cardiac signals and that there is strong spatial correlation among the channels, the independent component analysis (ICA) method was applied to extract the noise components from the measured MCG signals. After extraction of the noise components in a given time period using ICA, a spatial filter was made to reduce the noise components in subsequently acquired MCG signals. In experimental studies of nine healthy volunteers, the spatial filters improved the signal-to-noise ratio of the MCG signals by about 500% on average. This spatial filtering method can be used for measurements of MCG signals in a magnetically noisy environment.  相似文献   

在对人体腹部或其他软组织进行PROPELLER磁共振成像(MRI)过程中,成像结果会有不同程度的仿射运动伪影。迄今为止提出的比较好的仿射运动校正方法是基于频率域的,即用仿射运动信息对k空间条进行校正后网格化重建得到最终图像。但结果中会有混叠现象,并且在一些细节上有伪影存在。本文提出一种新的PRO-PELLER仿射校正方法,将仿射运动模型加入到基于图像域的PROPELLER磁共振图像重建过程中,首先在图像域通过图像配准算法获得仿射运动信息,然后利用仿射信息校正k空间坐标从而完成对k空间条的密度补偿,再通过逆傅立叶变换得到各个子图像并在图像域进行仿射校正,最后通过旋转完成线性叠加得到最终结果。仿真实验表明,相对于现有的PROPELLER仿射校正算法,本文所提算法对于仿射运动造成的伪影具有更好的校正效果。  相似文献   

QRS波群时频检测方法的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在心电信号的QRS波群检测算法中,最为有效的是把待测信号在时域或频域内进行适当的变换,以分离或加强QRS分量,抑制各种噪声干扰,再进行判决定位.简要回顾了以滤波器为代表的单一尺度时频变换方法、以小波分析为代表的多尺度时频变换方法,以及另一种较新的多尺度时频变换分析方法-经验模式分解(EMD)等在QRS波群检测中的应用情况和发展前景.  相似文献   

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