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Germ-free rats colonised with a human intestinal flora were fed diets containing high risk (HR) or low risk (LR) factors for colorectal cancer, and putative biomarkers were evaluated in the colonic mucosa; (i) proliferation, (ii) 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced aberrant crypt foci and (iii) DMH-induced DNA damage. The HR diet was high in fat (45% of calories) and low in calcium and fibre, reflecting levels characteristic of typical western diets. The LR diet was low in fat (<5% of calories), and high in calcium and fibre. The nutrient/energy ratio of the two diets were similar. Mucosal crypt cell proliferation, assessed after microdissection, was higher on the LR diet (mean number of mitoses per crypt was 2.65 on the LR diet, and 1.62 on the HR diet; P < 0.05). Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) were assessed in the mucosa 12 weeks after DMH treatment. On the HR diet there were significantly more small ACF with 1 and 2 crypts per focus, but fewer ACF with 3, 5 and 7 or more crypts per focus. There was no significant difference in total ACF or the total number of crypts. The effect of diet on DNA damage in the colon was assessed in vivo by the comet assay. Animals were fed a HR or LR diet for 12 weeks before treatment with DMH or saline. For carcinogen-treated animals, DNA damage was significantly higher in colon cells from animals on the HR diet. On the LR diet both DNA damage and the induction of small ACF were reduced despite an increase in cell proliferation. The increase in large ACF on the LR diet may be attributable to elevated crypt cell proliferation possibly increasing crypt fission rates.   相似文献   

Two groups of female Fischer rats were fed either a high-fat, low-carbohydrate (HF) diet or a low-fat, high-carbohydrate (LF) diet throughout the experiments, beginning from weaning. Each group of rats was divided into 4 subgroups and given an i.v. dose (50 mg/kg body wt.) of N-methylnitrosourea (NMU) at 35, 50, 90 or 130 days of age, respectively. Mammary tumor yield showed an age-dependent response in both groups. Although mammary tumor incidence decreased in rats as their age increased, irrespective of whether they were fed a high- or low-fat diet, the tumor incidence was significantly higher in rats fed the high-fat diet at any age. Thus, the combined effect of dietary fat and age-dependent sensitivity on mammary carcinogenesis caused more than a 4-fold difference in mammary tumor incidence rates between the 2 groups of rats.  相似文献   

In studies designed to determine the influence of dietary Se on pancreatic carcinogenesis, Syrian golden hamsters were fed unsupplemented torula yeast diet or diet supplemented with 0.1 or 5.0 ppm Se, from sodium selenite, starting at 4 weeks of age until the termination of the study. In separate groups, hamsters were given the diet supplemented with 0.1 ppm Se until 5 days after carcinogen treatment. Then they were fed either the unsupplemented diet or the diet supplemented with 5.0 ppm Se until the end of the experiment. N-Nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP; CAS; 60599-38-4) treatment was given as a single sc injection of 20 mg/kg (body wt) at 8 weeks of age, and surviving hamsters were killed 50 weeks later. As a measure of Se status, glutathione peroxidase (GSHPX) activities were determined in plasma, erythrocytes, and liver. Values were elevated in animals fed higher levels of dietary Se. BOP treatment depressed plasma GSHPX at 24 hours and elevated erythrocyte and liver values at 4 weeks. Pancreatic ductular adenoma yields were inhibited with each elevation of dietary Se in female hamsters fed the diets, both before and after BOP administration, and were further inhibited in females that were fed diets containing 0.1 ppm Se before BOP administration and that were changed to the unsupplemented or 5.0-ppm-supplemented diets after BOP was given. Pancreatic ductular adenoma yields were highest in all male groups given diets of 0.1 ppm Se before BOP administration, irrespective of the Se level after BOP was fed. Adenoma yields in males were lowest in hamsters fed unsupplemented diet, both before and after BOP treatment. Pancreatic carcinoma yields were low and not influenced by dietary Se. The incidence of hepatic necrosis was elevated in BOP-treated hamsters fed the unsupplemented diet, and that of biliary cystic adenomas was highest in the group fed 0.1 ppm Se before and after BOP treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary cholesterol on azoxymethane (AOM)-inducedcolon carcinogenesis was evaluated with two different sets ofexperiments. Starting at 6 weeks of age, male Donryu rats weredivided into four groups, and fed either control chow or onesupplemented with 1% cholesterol, and with or without AOM (11weekly s.c. injections at a dosage of 7.4 mg/kg body weight).The rats were sacrificed at 20 weeks after (first experiment)and at 15 weeks after (second experiment) the last injectionof AOM. The AOM-treated groups in both experiments developedtumors in the colon and small intestine, whereas no tumors wereseen in the AOM-untreated groups. An interesting observationwas that cholesterol feeding signficantly increased the numberof colon tumors/rat and the number of animals with distant meta-stasesto several organs. Tumor growth and invasiveness were also enhanced,but not significantly. Both bile acids and neutral sterols inthe feces were markedly increased in the rats fed the 1% cholesterolsupplement (2–3 fold and 5–6 fold, respectively).According to these results, it might be postulated that dietarycholesterol revealed potent promoting effects on AOM-inducedcolon carcinogenesis through the mechanism of increasing excretionof bile acids and neutral sterols in the gut.  相似文献   

Previous epidemiologic studies associated large differences of esophageal cancer risk with the nature of the staple diet. In this study, various cereals and dietary staples were fed to inbred BD IX rats for 7 months or longer. N-Nitrosomethylbenzylamine [(MBN) CAS:937-40-6] was given five times subcutaneously between the 45th and 58th day. The percentage of rats with tumors and the mean number of tumors per esophagus were similar when corn, wheat, commercial bird-resistant sorghum, bananas, and polished rice were fed but were strikingly lower when the basis of the diets was millet, red sorghum, brown rice, or potatoes. The number of esophageal tumors was significantly related to the dietary concentration of some minerals and vitamins. Supplementing marginally deficient corn or wheat diets with various combinations of nicotinic acid, riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, molybdenum, and selenium significantly reduced the numbers of esophageal tumors. When the feeding of protective cereals or nutrients was commenced only 150 days after MBN was given, a marked inhibitory effect on the progression of tumors was still observed.  相似文献   

The effects of several dietary supplements of antioxidants and enzyme inducers on ultraviolet light-mediated carcinogenesis were investigated. Glutathione (reduced) was without effect, but butylated hydroxytoluene, phenobarbital, and disulfiram all significantly suppressed the initiation and development of actinic lesions and tumors. On the basis of the present study and related previous ones, tumor inhibition appears to be due not to an umbrageous effect but rather to the induction of systemic physiological responses.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that ERRP (EGFR-related protein), a recently identified negative regulator of EGFR may modulate EGFR function in colorectal carcinogenesis. The expression of ERRP and EGFR in normal and neoplastic colorectal tissue was examined. ERRP was highly expressed in normal colonic mucosa and benign colorectal adenomas, but lower in colorectal cancer. Mean scores for ERRP expression decreased significantly across well differentiated, moderately well differentiated and poorly differentiated (P = 0.002) tumors, respectively. ERRP expression became more attenuated in polyps with increasing grades of dysplasia. In contrast, expression of EGFR was inversely related to ERRP in representative samples of normal and neoplastic tissues.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown an association between consumption of alcoholic beverages, particularly beer, and carcinoma of the large bowel, especially the rectum. We studied the effects of chronic dietary beer and ethanol consumption on experimental colonic carcinogenesis, fecal bile acid and neutral sterol levels, fecal bacterial flora, and colonic epithelial DNA synthesis. Ten-week-old male Fischer 344 rats were pair fed throughout the study with Lieber-DeCarli-type liquid diets providing comparable total carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and calories. The diets provided 23 or 12% of calories as alcohol in beer (Hi-Beer and Lo-Beer groups), 18 or 9% of calories as reagent ethanol (Hi-EtOH and Lo-EtOH groups), or no alcohol (control group). After 3 weeks of dietary acclimatization, 10 weekly s.c. injections of the bowel carcinogen azoxymethane, 7 mg/kg, were given (weeks 1-10). At necropsy in week 26, the high alcohol groups (Hi-Beer and Hi-EtOH) showed a significantly reduced incidence of tumors in the right colon (42 and 46% versus 81% in control, P less than 0.01 and P = 0.02) but no effect on left colonic tumorigenesis. By contrast, the low alcohol groups (Lo-Beer and Lo-EtOH) showed a trend toward increased incidence and proportion of tumors in the left colon (incidence of 42 and 35% versus 15% in control, P = 0.06 for Lo-Beer; 28 and 30% of tumors in left colon versus 11%, P = 0.08 and P = 0.07) but no effect on right colonic tumorigenesis. Numbers of right colonic tumors were inversely correlated with alcohol consumption of all rats (r = -0.350, P less than 0.001), but left colonic tumors were not correlated. Fecal bile acid and neutral sterol levels, fecal bacterial counts, and colonic epithelial DNA synthesis did not correlate with the effects of alcohol consumption on colonic tumorigenesis. Our findings suggest that: modulation of experimental colonic tumorigenesis by chronic dietary beer and ethanol consumption was due to alcohol rather than other beverage constituents; tumorigenesis in the right and left colon was affected differentially by the levels of alcohol consumption, reflecting complex interactions among the potential mechanisms for alcohol effects in the model used.  相似文献   

The effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid) and linoleic acid (n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid) on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats were studied. Male Donryu rats were given two types of semipurified diet containing 4.7% EPA plus 0.3% linoleic acid and 5% linoleic acid. The rats were given s.c. injection of azoxymethane (7.4 mg/kg body weight once a week for 11 weeks) and sacrificed 15 weeks after the last injection of azoxymethane. The tumor incidence and tumor yields (tumors per rat) of the colon were significantly lower in rats on the EPA diet compared to those on the linoleic acid diet; i.e., 33%, 0.41 +/- 0.61 and 69%, 1.66 +/- 1.69, respectively. In the analysis of phospholipid fatty acid composition, the colon tumor showed higher levels of arachidonic acid and lower levels of linoleic acid than those in the normal colon mucosa in both diet groups. Despite the increase of arachidonic acid in colon tumor, the EPA diet suppressed the excessive production of prostaglandin E2, which may be accompanied with neoplastic formation, whereas linoleic acid diet caused a marked increase in the tumor content of prostaglandin E2 compared to normal colon mucosa. These results suggest that EPA exerts its inhibitory effect on colon carcinogenesis by modulating lipid metabolism and inhibiting prostaglandin E2 synthesis in tumor cells.  相似文献   

The effect of alfalfa, bran, and cellulose on intestinal tumor formation and fecal billary steroid levels was studied in male Sprague-Dawley rats given injections of azoxymethane (AOM). Animals received weekly injections of 8 mg AOM/kg and were fed diets containing 10% fiber (wt/wt) and 35% beef fat or 20 or 30% fiber and about 6% beef fat. Control animals in each instance were fed fiber-free diets. The addition of 10% fiber to the high-fat diet did not significantly reduce the intestinal tumor frequency (average No. of tumors/rat). However, addition of 20 or 30% fiber to the 6% fat diet significantly reduced the intestinal tumor frequency. The concentration of fecal biliary steroids (mg/g dry feces) was significantly lowered in the groups with reduced tumor frequencies, whereas the total excretion of fecal biliary steroids (mg/day) did not show a similar correlation. These observations suggest that intestinal tumor frequency can be reduced by increased dietary fiber only when fat intake is not at a high level. The effect of fiber may be due to dilution of promoters and/or carcinogens in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Inhibition of mammary carcinogenesis in rats by dietary restriction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mammary tumors were induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) in Sprague-Dawley female rats kept under different dietary restrictions. Starting at 40 days of age, 4 groups of rats were either full-fed or fed 25%, 50% or 80% of their daily ration. At 55 days of age DMBA was given by intravenous injection. Rats were continued on the restricted diet until 150 days after carcinogen treatment. Rats on 25% diet lost weight rapidly and the experiment had to be terminated. Rats on the 50% diet maintained a lower body weight throughout the experiment; only 12% developed tumors. Rats on the 80% diet lost weight initially, but at the termination of the experiment, there was no significant difference in body weight between this group and the full-fed controls. Of the rats on 80% diet, 34% developed tumors, compared to 92% tumor incidence in the full-fed controls. Vaginal smears were normal in the animals fed the 80% diet, while some irregularity was observed in the 50% group. Breeding capability in rats on the 80% diet was not affected, since there was no observable difference in the pregnancy rate between these animals and their controls. There was also no difference in plasma level of estrogen between the 80% diet group and the full-fed controls at the time of carcinogen treatment. [3H]Thymidine labelling index was significantly affected by 50% restriction of diet while there was no significant change in the 80% group.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats, 50 days of age, were treated with a single dose of 5 mg of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene intragastrically. 3 days after carcinogen treatment, the rats were put on semisynthetic diets containing 20% by weight of corn oil (CO), soybean oil (SBO), crude palm oil (CPO), refined, bleached, deodorized palm oil (RBD PO) and metabisulfite-treated palm oil (MCPO) for 5 months. During the course of experiments, rats fed on different dietary fats had similar rate of growth. Rats fed 20% CO or SBO diet have higher tumor incidence than rats fed on palm oil (PO) diets; however differences of mean tumor latency periods among the groups were not statistically significant. At autopsy, rats fed on high CO or SBO diets had significantly more tumors than rats fed on the three PO diets. Our results showed that high PO diets did not promote chemically induced mammary tumorigenesis in female rats when compared to high CO or SBO diets. CO and SBO differ greatly from the palm oils in their contents of tocopherols, tocotrienols, and carotenes. But further experiments would be required to determine whether the observed differences in tumor incidence and tumor numbers were due to the differences in these minor components or due to the unique triglyceride structure of the palm oils. Analysis of the fatty acid profiles of plasma total lipids of tumor-bearing rats and of the tumor total lipids showed that, with the exception of arachidonic acid, the fatty acid profiles reflect the nature of the dietary fats. At autopsy, there were no differences in the plasma total cholesterol contents among rats fed on different dietary fats, but rats fed on palm oil diets had a significantly higher plasma triglyceride level than that of rats fed CO or SBO diets. As for the tumor lipids, there were no significant differences in the triglyceride, diglyceride, and phospholipid levels when the CO or SBO groups were compared to the palm oil groups.  相似文献   

Nineteen preparations from 8 species of edible seaweeds, sodium alginate and cellulose powder were incorporated into a basic diet in proportions ranging from 0.05% to 2.0%, and used as experimental diets. Experimental rats were fed these diets and controls were fed the basic diet for 12 weeks. All rats also received the carcinogen, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine, during above period. After 20 weeks, all rats were autopsied and the incidence of intestinal tumors induced were examined. There was a significant decrease in incidence in rats fed 6 preparations from Eisenia bicyclis, Laminaria angustata, L. angustata var. longissima and Porphyra tenera (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   

The influence of dietary molybdenum on esophageal carcinogenesis induced by N-methyl-N-benzylnitrosamine (2.5 mg per kg of body weight once a week for 20 wk s.c.) was studied in male F344 rats. The tumor incidence and tumor development in the esophagus were significantly lower in the rats in the high-molybdenum (2 ppm) diet group than in the rats in the low-molybdenum (0.032 ppm) diet group; i.e., 44.4% (0.6 +/- 0.8) and 73.2% (2.2 +/- 2.0), respectively. The molybdenum levels in the esophagus-forestomach, liver, and serum were significantly higher in the high-molybdenum diet group than in the low-molybdenum diet group. Xanthine oxidase activity in the esophagus and forestomach in the high-molybdenum diet group was significantly higher than that in the low-molybdenum diet group, whereas liver and serum xanthine oxidase activities were not significantly different between these two groups. These results suggest that xanthine oxidase in the esophagus plays a significant role in the inhibitory effect of molybdenum on esophageal carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Folate depletion and aging are risk factors for colorectal cancer. We investigated the effects of folate status and aging on gene expression in the rat colon. Young (weanling) and older (12 month) rats were fed folic acid depleted (0 mg/kg) and supplemented (8 mg/kg) diets for 20 weeks. Gene expression was measured in colonic mucosal scrapings (n = 3 per group) using oligonucleotide arrays (Affymetrix U34A). Folate depletion induced the up-regulation of immune-related genes, urokinase and inducible nitric oxide synthase and the down-regulation of adhesion molecules (protocadherin-4, nidogen and integrin alphaV) and vascular endothelial growth factor in young rats. The abbreviated response to depletion in old rats (62 changes versus 136 in the young) included up-regulation of caspase-2 and deleted in colon cancer. Gene expression changes due to aging were more abundant in folate depleted than supplemented rats (38 versus 119 genes, respectively). In folate-deficient rats, aging induced the down-regulation of immune-related genes, urokinase, p53, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 and vav-1 oncogene. In folate supplemented rats, aging induced the down-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and caspase-2. Lower expression of adhesion molecules and higher expression of urokinase with folate depletion in young rats may indicate that cell detachment and migration, cancer-related processes, may be modulated by folate status. An age-related decline in p53 and IGF-BP3 expression was only observed in folate depleted animals, indicating that folate supplementation may reduce the risk for age-associated cancers by suppressing deleterious changes in the expression of certain genes.  相似文献   

The effects of chrysotile asbestos on lung and pleural carcinogenesis by N-bis(2-hydroxypropyl)nitrosamine (DHPN) in male Wistar rats were studied. Chrysotile, 30 mg per rat, was injected into the left pleural cavity and 3 g/kg body wt. DHPN was injected once into the abdominal cavity. Lung tumors (adenoma, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and combined carcinoma) occurred at the highest incidence (100%). Adenocarcinoma was seen in 4 of 11 (36%) rats killed at 35 weeks and in 6 of 12 (50%) rats killed at 52 weeks, squamous cell carcinoma occurred in 1 of 11 (9%) rats killed at 35 weeks and 3 of 12 (25%) rats killed at 52 weeks, and mixed carcinoma was seen in 1 of 12 (8%) rats killed at 52 weeks, which received chrysotile and DHPN. Adenocarcinoma was seen in 9 of 11 (82%) rats which received DHPN only and killed at 52 weeks. Mesotheliomas were seen in 2 of 11 (18%) rats, killed at 35 weeks, and 3 of 12 (25%) rats, killed at 52 weeks, which received chrysotile and DHPN. Hyaline thickening of the pleura was seen in 100% of rats receiving chrysotile. Mesothelial cell hyperplasia and adenomatous and/or fibromatous growth of the mesothelium were seen in the pleura on both sides, ranging from 36% to 50% and 31% to 64% in rats receiving chrysotile and DHPN, respectively. Asbestos bodies were seen in the pleura on both sides and in the lung.  相似文献   

The role of cholecystokinin in dietary fat-promoted pancreatic carcinogenesis was investigated in azaserine-treated rats, using lorglumide, a highly specific cholecystokinin-receptor antagonist. The animals were killed 8 months after the start of treatment. Cholecystokinin, but not dietary unsaturated fat, increased pancreatic weight. Rats treated with cholecystokinin developed more acidophilic atypical acinar cell nodules, adenomas and adenocarcinomas than control animals. Rats maintained on the high-fat diet developed significantly more adenomas and adenocarcinomas than controls given a diet low in unsaturated fat. Lorglumide largely inhibited the enhancing effect of cholecystokinin, but not of dietary fat, on pancreatic carcinogenesis indicating that it is unlikely that the promoting effect of dietary unsaturated fat on pancreatic carcinogenesis is mediated via cholecystokinin.  相似文献   

B S Reddy  H Maruyama 《Cancer research》1986,46(7):3367-3370
The effect of dietary intake of different levels of Menhaden fish oil on azoxymethane-induced carcinogenesis was examined in male F344 rats fed the semipurified diets. Starting at 5 weeks of age, groups of animals were fed the 5% corn oil (low corn oil) diet. At 7 weeks of age, all animals except the vehicle-treated controls were given s.c. injections of azoxymethane (15 mg/kg body weight/week for 2 weeks). After 4 days, groups of animals were fed the diets containing 4% Menhaden oil + 1% corn oil (low fish oil), 22.5% Menhaden oil + 1% corn oil (high fish oil), 5% corn oil, and 23.5% corn oil (high corn oil). Thirty-four weeks after azoxymethane injections, all animals were necropsied. High fish oil diet had no tumor promoting effect in the large intestine when compared to the high corn oil diet. There was no difference in large intestinal tumor incidence among the other dietary groups. The results of this study indicate that fish oils rich in highly polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids do not enhance large bowel carcinogenesis and that the fatty acid composition of the dietary fat is one of the determining factors in large bowel carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

A 3 x 3 factorial experiment was conducted to examine how dietary fiber (wheat bran) and fat (lard) interactively affect the genesis of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced colon cancer in rats. Groups of 30 male 4-week-old Wistar rats were fed ad libitum one of nine experimental diets containing either 15 (low), 27.5 (medium), or 40% (high) energy as fat in combination with 0.7 (low), 2.2 (medium), or 3.8 g (high) fiber/100 kcal for a period of 37 weeks. After 4 weeks, each rat received a total of five weekly intrarectal instillations of 6 mg N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine/kg. The highest colon carcinoma incidence and the highest total number of carcinomas of the colon were observed in the animals fed the medium-fat/medium-fiber diet. The highest number of polyps and a relatively high polyp incidence occurred in the animals on the high-fat/low-fiber diet. An enhancing effect of fat on both the tumor incidence and tumor multiplicity was clearly present for the low-fiber diets, whereas fat had no effect when the fiber content of the diet was high. In general, the results showed a nonlinear dose-response relationship for fiber and fat. These results indicate that both dietary fiber and fat affect colon carcinogenesis in a complex, interactive manner.  相似文献   

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