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Without anti-HIV treatment, mother to child HIV-I transmission occurs in 15-30% of HIV positive pregnancies. Transmission occurs mostly in the last trimester or at birth. The maternal virus load in the last trimester and around birth is strongly related to the risk of HIV transmission to the child. This risk can be reduced during pregnancy by anti-HIV treatment and in certain cases by performing a caesarean section. It is recommended to determine the plasma virus load several times during pregnancy. If the virus load is found to be high, measurement of plasma anti-HIV drug concentrations and anti-HIV drug resistance may prompt modification of the anti-HIV drug regimen with the objective of achieving maximal suppression of virus replication in the last trimester.  相似文献   

In newborn children from HIV-infected women early establishment of HIV infection is of importance for optimal therapy of HIV-infected children and avoidance of unnecessary medication in uninfected children. A more than 95% reliable diagnosis of HIV infection can now be obtained at the age of four weeks by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology. Before this age a positive PCR result is relevant since it necessitates additional investigation such as measuring anti-HIV drug resistance and may lead to modification of anti-HIV treatment. Prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii is not needed if HIV infection can not be demonstrated by PCR after the age of four weeks.  相似文献   

目的 探讨妊娠期尿路感染的相关危险因素并提出相应的预防对策,降低感染发生率.方法 选取妊娠期尿路感染患者108例及同期无尿路感染的孕妇103例,对两组孕妇临床资料进行统计,测定两组患者体重指数、血红蛋白及血清白蛋白水平.结果 ≥35岁、文化程度较低、以往有尿路感染史、分娩史、流产史、贫血、合并妊娠期糖尿病均为妊娠期尿路感染的高危因素;经过logistic回归分析,年龄≥35岁、文化程度在高中及以下、既往有尿路感染史、分娩史、流产史以及贫血、合并妊娠期糖尿病是妊娠期尿路感染的独立危险因素(P<0.05);108例尿路感染患者在清洁中段尿中分离出89株病原菌,以大肠埃希菌最多,占67.42%,其他依次为肺炎克雷伯菌、粪肠球菌,变形菌属、屎肠球菌、肺炎链球菌,分别占6.74%、6.74%、4.49%、3.37%、2.25%.结论 妊娠期尿路感染的因素是相对复杂的,发生尿路感染的孕妇在使用药物时需要顾及到胎儿的安全,应给予孕妇必要的健康教育.  相似文献   

J S Gonen 《JPHMP》1998,4(6):32-41
Managed care organizations (MCOs) hold the potential to help address the significant public health issue of unintended pregnancy. Managed care's delivery of women's primary care and family planning services is reviewed. Some MCOs provide better coverage of contraceptive options as well as better confidentiality protections, but not enough is being done in partnering with existing family planning providers and in educating providers about the need to provide family planning counseling, particularly for adolescents. Performance indicators should be developed to create incentives for health plans to assess their success in reducing unintended pregnancy within their enrolled populations.  相似文献   

The RCTs are the most important sources of drug therapy related scientific evidence (RCT--Randomised Controlled clinical Trials). In most cases RCTs studying identical or similar clinical issues are slightly or considerably varied. However, for such cases we have the appropriate methodology to compare the more or less different RCT results. This publication was written to provide a general overview of this methodology such as relative and absolute risk reduction (RRR, ARR), odd ratio (OR), number needed to treat and number needed to harm (NNT, NNH).  相似文献   

Malaria in pregnancy is one of the most important preventable causes of low birthweight deliveries worldwide. It is also a major cause of severe maternal anaemia contributing to maternal mortality. It is estimated that 40% of the world's pregnant women are exposed to malaria infection during pregnancy. The clinical features of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnancy depend to a large extent on the immune status of the woman, which in turn is determined by her previous exposure to malaria. In pregnant women with little or no pre-existing immunity, such as women from non-endemic areas or travellers to malarious areas, infection is associated with high risks of severe disease with maternal and perinatal mortality. Women are at particular risk of cerebral malaria, hypoglycaemia, pulmonary oedema and severe haemolytic anaemia. Fetal and perinatal loss has been documented to be as high as 60-70% in non-immune women with malaria. Adults who are long-term residents of areas of moderate or high malaria transmission, including large parts of sub-Saharan Africa, usually have a high level of immunity to malaria. Infection is frequently asymptomatic and severe disease is uncommon. During pregnancy this immunity to malaria is altered. Infection is still frequently asymptomatic, so may go unsuspected and undetected, but is associated with placental parasitization. Malaria in pregnancy is a common cause of severe maternal anaemia and low birthweight babies, these complications being more common in primigravidae than multigravidae. Preventative strategies include regular chemoprophylaxis, intermittent preventative treatment with antimalarials and insecticide-treated bednets.  相似文献   

Risk of ectopic pregnancy and previous induced abortion.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the role of prior history of induced abortion in subsequent ectopic pregnancies. METHODS: Data from two French case-control studies were used to examine the effect of induced abortion on ectopic pregnancy risk. Case patients (n = 570) were women admitted for ectopic pregnancy during the study period; controls (n = 1385) were women who delivered in the same center. RESULTS: The analysis among women with no previous ectopic pregnancy showed that, after control for the main ectopic pregnancy risk factors, prior induced abortion was associated with an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy (odds ratio [OR] = 1.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.0, 2.0); there was a significant trend between number of previous induced abortions and ectopic pregnancy risk (ORs = 1.4 for 1 previous induced abortion and 1.9 for 2 or more). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that induced abortion may be a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy for women with no previous ectopic pregnancy, particularly in the case of women who have had several induced abortions.  相似文献   

异位妊娠相关因素与早期诊断   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
夏震  马利国  胡芷洋 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(12):1451-1453
目的:探讨异位妊娠的相关因素及早期诊断要点。方法:收集自2001年1月1日~2003年7月1日,在本院诊治的490例异位妊娠患者,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:异位妊娠好发年龄为21~25岁;曾有妇科病史、宫内节育器及盆腔手术史是其好发因素;下腹部疼痛、不规则阴道流血、肛门坠胀感是其常见症状,且常出现于停经后5~8周。结论:根据异位妊娠常见的相关因素对其做出早期诊断在临床工作中有着现实意义。  相似文献   

Postoperative recurrences art frequent in Crohn's disease. Early recurrent lesions in the neoterminal ileum after ileocoIonic anastomosis is the most important risk factor for symptomatic recurrence of Crohn's disease after curative surgical resection. Others risk factors are ileocolonic anastomosis, perforating indication of surgery and smoking status. Many drugs have been evaluated for the prevention of clinical postoperative recurrence: Antibiotics, particularly metronidazole ornidazole, and a little benefice of mesalamine. Azathioprine and 6 mercaptopurine have been recently evaluated; with a not clear clinical effect for prevention of clinical recurrence after resection in Crohn's disease. Several authors have proposed an empiric strategy for the prevention of recurrence after curative resection, based essentially on existence and severity of early endoscopic recurrence.  相似文献   

目的 探讨有妊娠计划的患者发生异位妊娠的危险因素.方法 选取2012年1月至2014年1月期间舟山市妇幼保健院收治的110例异位妊娠患者作为观察组,同期入院的有妊娠计划的150例正常宫内妊娠者作为对照组.比较两组间的一般资料、生育史、妇科炎症、手术史和避孕史等,应用Logistic回归计算可能影响异位妊娠的因素.结果 观察组和对照组年龄、吸烟和饮酒均无统计学差异(x2值分别为0.959、1.567、1.332,均P>0.05);观察组中已婚女性初中及其以下文化程度人群所占比率均显著高于对照组(x2值分别为2.479、2.422,均P<0.05);孕产史(≥3次)、人流史(≥3次)、异位妊娠史、妇科炎症史、盆腔手术史、宫内节育器史发生与异位妊娠的发生均显著相关(OR值分别为2.404、2.354、10.231、5.012、3.500、4.892,均P<0.05),而不孕史和避孕史与异位妊娠发生均无显著相关性(OR值分别为2.139、1.489,均P>0.05);孕产史(≥3次)(OR=3.256,95%CI:1.544~ 5.272)、人流史(≥3次)(OR =4.572,95% CI:2.569 ~ 6.627)、异位妊娠史(OR=1.894,95%CI:1.157 ~3.032)、妇科炎症史(OR =6.431,95% CI:3.594 ~12.159)、盆腔手术史(OR=2.593,95%CI:1.163 ~5.738)、宫内放置节育器史(OR=2.567,95%CI:1.835~5.494)是异位妊娠发生的独立危险因素.结论 异位妊娠的发生与多种因素有关,减少或避免人工流产、治疗妇科炎症、选择合理的避孕措施,对预防异位妊娠的发生可起到积极作用.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To ascertain views of public high school students on preventing teen pregnancy. The authors hypothesized that students at varying risk for pregnancy (e.g., abstinent, consistent contraceptors, inconsistent contraceptors) would have differing views which would have implications for future pregnancy prevention programming. METHODS: A 75-question anonymous survey designed for this study was administered in six Boston high schools. The sample consisted of 49% females and 51% males in 10th and 11th grades from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. One thousand surveys were received and analyzed using Chi-square tests to assess statistically significant differences in student responses. RESULTS: Sixty-three percent of the students had had sexual intercourse: 72% of males and 54% of females. Of these, 35% were consistent contraceptors and 65% were inconsistent. Students believed that having more information on pregnancy and birth control (52%), education about relationships (33%), parental communication (32%), improved contraceptive access (31%), and education about parenting realities (30%) would prevent teen pregnancy. Abstinent teens were more likely (58%) to say that information on pregnancy and birth control was important (p<.05), whereas consistently contracepting teens were more likely (40%) to identify greater access to birth control (p <.01). Males were more likely than females to prefer their information on contraception from parents (23% vs. 18%) and health education classes (16% vs. 7.5%), whereas females were more likely than males to prefer the health arena (51% vs. 27%) (p<.001). Teens using contraception were also more likely to be having frequent conversations with parents (49%) (p<.001). When asked why they had not used contraception, inconsistent contraceptors were more likely than others to say that they never thought of it (15%) (p<.001). CONCLUSIONS: Teens report that having more information from parents, school, and health arenas can prevent pregnancy. Abstinent, consistent contraceptors, and inconsistent contraceptors have different preferences regarding strategies. This information has important implications for educational content and policy discussions.  相似文献   

剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕妊娠(caesarean scar pregnancy,CSP)是一种罕见而危险的异位妊娠。起病隐匿,临床表现无特异性,易误诊为宫内早孕等其他疾病。若早期不能及时诊断及正确处理,可导致严重的并发症甚至生育功能的丧失。故其诊断及预防尤为重要。  相似文献   

目的探讨分析280例妊娠期高血压的治疗策略及妊娠期妇女感染的预防。方法选取医院2004年1月-2009年12月收治的280例妊娠期高血压患者临床资料,对其分别采取解痉、镇静、降压,积极治疗产后出血等措施。结果 280例妊娠高血压患者全部住院治疗,均有效控制病情,安全分娩,无感染、死亡病例。结论通过预防感染,积极规范的解痉、降压、扩容、适时终止妊娠原则,是治疗和控制妊娠高血压疾病的有效方法。  相似文献   

In this article we present the results of a study to illuminate the explanatory factors related to unplanned pregnancies in the United States Navy, particularly with regard to female contraceptive training and practices, and occupational culture. The data set consists of 52 semistructured interviews with key informants, sailors, and enlisted personnel who were recruited via a quota sample stratified by gender, occupation, and location. The research team carried out semistructured interviews at seven different naval facilities in the mainland United States, the South Pacific, and Europe. Textual analysis of the interview data revealed four domains pertinent to unplanned pregnancies: (a) ineffective training for women regarding contraceptive options, proper dosing, and potentially negative side effects; (b) discrepancies between contraceptive knowledge and their proper use; (c) different foci of contraceptive training for men (sexually transmitted infection prevention) and women (pregnancy prevention); and (d) cultural norms that equate contraceptive use with promiscuity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the opportunities and challenges in conducting quality assessment of preventive measures for unintended pregnancy in the US. According to the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth, unintended pregnancies were either mistimed or occurred after a woman intended to have no (more) children. Further, unintended pregnancies are associated with social and economic disadvantages, late prenatal care and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and mistimed opportunities for preconception counseling. Thus it is important to conduct quality assessment of preventive measures for unintended pregnancy in the clinical setting in order to address health outcomes (such as induced abortions or adolescent pregnancies), health care processes (such as screening for risk behaviors for unintended pregnancy), or health system structures (such as availability of family planning providers). This paper further discusses how quality of health care can be measured relative to unintended pregnancy.  相似文献   

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