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食物成分表(composition table of foods) 记载各种食物所含营养成分的表格。可为评价膳食的营养质量,计划膳食及有关科研工作提供一些必要资料。中国预防医学科学院营养与食品卫生研究所编制的食物成分表包括4000多种食物,列出以下各种成分:水分、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、灰分、钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸和抗坏血酸。并有食物中胆固醇含量、发酵豆制品中维生素B12的含量,食物中几种微量元素的含量,食物蛋白质氨基酸的含量以及食物油脂中脂肪酸的含量等。  相似文献   

食物是人类生存所必需的营养的源泉,食物中营养成分的含量是评价食物营养价值的依据,也是开展营养状况调查和评价人体健康水平,制定平衡膳食,改善我国人民膳食结构所必需的科学依据.为此我们进行了浙江省200种食物尼克酸含量的测定.尼克酸(维生素PP)是一种白色针状结晶,溶于水耐热,不易被光、酸、碱所破坏.尼克酸是身体两种重要辅酶的成分,为细胞呼吸作用所必需,并能维持皮肤及神经系统的健康[1].现将200份食物中尼克酸的测定结果报告如下.  相似文献   

克罗地亚食物中的硒含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检测了 2个农村地区不同的自产食物和购买食品的总硒含量。样本在高氯酸、硫酸和硝酸的混合物中被消化。如所预料 ,鱼、肉和蛋等蛋白质是硒的丰富来源 ,水果和蔬菜呈最低硒水平。 2个地区生长的一些食物的硒水平有显著的差异 ,食物中的平均硒浓度 (湿重 )与其他国家报道的水平进行了比较。据此 ,2个地区的平均硒摄入含量多半是介于低于最适与充足之间。  相似文献   

成都市126种食物锌、铜、铁含量的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 不同地区的同种食物其成分差异较大,四川迄今没有各类食物Zn、Cu含量资料。现有食物成分表中列出含有Zn、Cu的食物品种和数量均很少,无法评估人群Zn、Cu的摄入量。为较准确地评价成都市幼儿Zn、Cu、Fe的摄入量,我们对成都市126种食物中的Zn、Cu、Fe含量进行了测定。  相似文献   

我国食物成分表的发展简史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王光亚 《营养学报》2003,25(2):126-129
新中国成立后 ,第一版“食物成分表”出版于1 95 2年 9月 ,由中央卫生研究院营养学系编著 ;商务印书馆出版 ,共印了 60 0 0册 ,全部售完。当时参与编制此成分表的总领导为周启源先生 ,副总领导为杨恩孚先生 ,执行领导为彭大惠先生。这版食物成分表包括了食物中含有的维生素 A、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸、抗坏血酸等 6种维生素的测定数值。参加分析工作的人员有彭大惠、于树玉、向良迪、范文洵、郑沫、王淮洲、刘菱芬、左大珍、陈志远等2 0余人。此“表”的编制历时二年半 ( 1 949— 1 95 1 )。此“表”的序言中历数了我国解放前曾…  相似文献   

本文报道了我省开展的食物营养成分测定研究课题,它采用了国际上通用的先进检验方法,共测定了河南省常见食物样品17类155份。其测定项目有一般营养成分、氨基酸、脂肪酸等28项。它的分析结果已为我国新出版的“食物成分表”提供了分析数据;同时也为我省编制“食物成分表”提供可靠的技术资料。并指出了河南省主要食物中各种营养素的含量水平和各种营养素含量较高或较低的食物。它将为我省的农业、畜牧、种养殖、食品工业、医院、政府经济部门以及人民生活中的应用和发展起着决定性的指导作用。  相似文献   

目的 分析中山市内种植及销售的各种干豆类、薯类、谷物、蔬菜及水果样品的营养成分,为中国食物成分表的修订提供参考及基础数据.方法 通过整群随机抽样法,对中山市内种植及销售的各种干豆类、薯类、谷物、蔬菜及水果约240份样品进行营养成分分析.分析指标包括矿物质(钾、钠、钙、铁、锌、磷)、蛋白质、脂肪、水分、灰分、脂肪酸、膳食纤维、碳水化合物等.结果 该研究涉及的5大类别农产品可食部分的营养价值与《中国食物成分表》相比大部分检测数据范围一致,但矿物质元素含量差异较大,薯类中的番薯,叶菜类中芥菜、菜心、通菜钾含量略高于食物成分表上的数据.其中芥菜、通菜钾含量分别达到313、284 mg/100 9.结论 分析不同地区的食物成分有利于补充和完善现行的食物成分表,更好地为有关营养政策的制定与实施提供依据,为各项食品贸易的开展提供准确的数据.  相似文献   

中医食疗与药物治疗一样,其特色在于"辨证施食"。每一种食物都具有性、味、归经等方面的内容。只有正确利用食物的这些特性,根据不同的病情吃不同的食物,才能起到治疗疾病的作用。癌症患者化疗后饮食注意事项1.骨髓抑制,白细胞减少。饮食上可从健脾、益气养  相似文献   

黄淑芬  曾瑶池  谢懿 《现代医院》2013,13(3):152-154
目的通过比较与分析1991、2009(目前公认最新版本)两个版本的食物营养成分,证实目前食物的营养成分与从前的是否有显著性差异,以便澄清社会舆论,为我国人民的健康饮食提供实际指导。方法采用两样本t检验对421种天然食物的营养成分进行分析与对照。结果 2009年版食物成分表与1991年版相比,各类食物营养成分无显著性差异,无大幅增减。结论我国人民食物中营养素并不缺乏,通过合理膳食我们能够获得足够的营养。  相似文献   

药膳食疗是以中医学为基础的,因而在食疗时必须遵守中医的整体观念和辨证施膳原则,这是药膳食疗效果的关键。在临床上食物的选择和搭配也很重要,它直接或间接地影响着食疗的效果。  怎样才能更好地选择和搭配药膳的食物呢 ?  首先,药膳食疗食物选择必须以中医基础理论为依据 (即四性五味、归经和升降浮沉等 )。中医基础理论是历代医家经过长期不断地临床实践总结出来的,它对药膳食疗组方有重要的指导意义。  每一种药食,都有各自的性味,具有不同的食疗价值。寒凉性食物多具有清热泻火、凉血解毒的作用,而温热性食物多具有温中…  相似文献   

Raudenbush B  Capiola A 《Appetite》2012,58(3):1106-1108
Individual differences in human food neophobia (the reluctance to try novel foods) and food neophilia (the overt willingness to try novel foods) influence the evaluation of tastes and odors, as well as the sampling of such stimuli. Past research also notes an association of food neophobia to PTC sensitivity, body weight, and cephalic phase salivary response. The present study assessed physiological reactions of food neophobics and neophilics to pictures of food and non-food stimuli. Stimuli pictures were presented in random order on a computer screen for a period of 5 min. No significant differences were found between the groups in relation to non-food stimuli. However, pulse, GSR, and respirations were significantly increased in food neophobics when presented pictures of food stimuli. Thus, further evidence is provided to support a physiological component at least partially responsible for differences noted between neophobics and neophilics in sensitivity, psychophysical ratings, and "willingness to try" personality. Such a component may also lead to differences in weight, nutrition, and overall health.  相似文献   

Summary An Institute of Grocery Distribution initiative on food labelling has recently addressed two areas of public concern – the presence of allergens in foods and general food safety. Voluntary Guidelines on Labelling, developed by cross-sector working groups in these areas, have recently been published and are briefly summarised in this paper.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Developmental theory suggests that children learn from their experiences. However, little is known about preschool children's interpretation of their daily food experiences. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to describe the criteria preschool children use to classify foods and their interpretation of their daily food experiences. DESIGN: Semistructured interviews and observations of children's play in toy kitchens were conducted with children enrolled in public preschool programs. SUBJECTS: Data were collected over a 2-year period. During the first year of the study, observations and interviews were collected from 24 children. Interviews with an additional 79 children were conducted the following year. VARIABLES MEASURED: The variables measured included the children's criteria for food classification and their play behaviors in a toy kitchen. RESULTS: The children relied primarily on physical characteristics such as color, shape, and texture to classify foods. The activities that children demonstrated during play sessions included meal planning, food preparation, table preparation, serving food, eating, and cleaning. Pattern coding of the observational data revealed variability in (1) boys' and girls' kitchen play, (2) children's food selection and preparation methods and postmeal clean-up activities, and (3) children's responses to picky eating. IMPLICATIONS: These data may be used to develop a play-based nutrition education program.  相似文献   

Eating takes place in a context of environmental stimuli known as ambience. Various external factors such as social and physical surroundings, including the presence of other people and sound, temperature, smell, color, time, and distraction affect food intake and food choice. Food variables such as the temperature, smell, and color of the food also influence food intake and choice differently. However, the influence of ambience on nutritional health is not fully understood. This review summarizes the research on ambient influences on food intake and food choice. The literature suggests that there are major influences of ambience on eating behavior and that the magnitude of the effect of ambience may be underestimated. Changes in intake can be detected with different levels of the number of people present, food accessibility, eating locations, food color, ambient temperatures and lighting, and temperature of foods, smell of food, time of consumption, and ambient sounds. It is suggested that the manipulation of these ambient factors as a whole or individually may be used therapeutically to alter food intake and that more attention needs to be paid to ambience in nutrition-related research.  相似文献   

Street vendors in the city of Bloemfontein were investigated in order to assess the microbiological quality of the food being sold as well as the level of hygiene conditions under which these food stalls operate. The food samples which were collected included beef, chicken and gravy, while surface samples were taken from the food preparation tables and the hands of the vendors. A structured questionnaire and checklist were used in interviews to determine the status of the vending sites and associated food handling practices. The overall microbiological quality of the foods served by the street vendors was found to be within acceptable safety limits, although the presence of specific microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and yeasts is indicative of a degree of ignorance on the part of the food handlers towards proper hygienic practices.  相似文献   

Increasing rates of obesity among children ages 12 to 19 years have led to recommendations to alter the school food environment. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are associations between an altered school food environment and food choices of middle school students both in and outside of school. In a midsized western city, two of six middle schools allowed only bottled water in vending machines, only milk and fruit on à la carte menus, and offered a seasonal fruit and vegetable bar. Three years after the intervention was initiated, seventh- and eighth-grade students attending the two intervention schools and four control middle schools were surveyed about their food choices. A total of 2,292 surveys were completed. Self-reported frequency of consumption for nine food groups in the survey was low; consumption was higher outside than in school. Boys consumed more milk than girls although girls consumed more fruits and vegetables. Significant socioeconomic differences existed. Compared with students who paid the full lunch fee, students qualifying for free and reduced-price meals consumed more milk and juice in schools but less outside school; more candy and energy drinks in school; and more sweet drinks, candy, pastries, and energy drinks outside school. Students in intervention schools were 24% more likely to consume milk outside school, 27% less likely to consume juice in school, and 56% less likely to consume sweet pastries in school. There were no differences in fruit and vegetable consumption reported by children in control and intervention schools. Overall, there was a positive association between a modified school food environment and student food behavior in and outside school. Policies related to the school food environment are an important strategy to address the obesity epidemic in our country.  相似文献   

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