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黄淑芬  曾瑶池  谢懿 《现代医院》2013,13(3):152-154
目的通过比较与分析1991、2009(目前公认最新版本)两个版本的食物营养成分,证实目前食物的营养成分与从前的是否有显著性差异,以便澄清社会舆论,为我国人民的健康饮食提供实际指导。方法采用两样本t检验对421种天然食物的营养成分进行分析与对照。结果 2009年版食物成分表与1991年版相比,各类食物营养成分无显著性差异,无大幅增减。结论我国人民食物中营养素并不缺乏,通过合理膳食我们能够获得足够的营养。  相似文献   

冯悦红  杨月欣 《卫生研究》2002,31(4):325-328
食物成分的研究在食品科学和人类营养学研究中既是应用基础、又是研究工具。本文综述了食物成分研究的几次大发展、食物成分数据的应用、提高食物成分数据的报告、减少实际食物和测量食物间含量的变异和食物成分研究的未来方向。为食物成分和其他相关学科的研究和应用提供参考  相似文献   

金银花、菊花、扁豆花各10克,薄荷6克。开水泡或水煎代茶饮。  相似文献   

我国食物成分表的发展简史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王光亚 《营养学报》2003,25(2):126-129
新中国成立后 ,第一版“食物成分表”出版于1 95 2年 9月 ,由中央卫生研究院营养学系编著 ;商务印书馆出版 ,共印了 60 0 0册 ,全部售完。当时参与编制此成分表的总领导为周启源先生 ,副总领导为杨恩孚先生 ,执行领导为彭大惠先生。这版食物成分表包括了食物中含有的维生素 A、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸、抗坏血酸等 6种维生素的测定数值。参加分析工作的人员有彭大惠、于树玉、向良迪、范文洵、郑沫、王淮洲、刘菱芬、左大珍、陈志远等2 0余人。此“表”的编制历时二年半 ( 1 949— 1 95 1 )。此“表”的序言中历数了我国解放前曾…  相似文献   

“爱美之心,人皆有之”,美容是女性一生必修的课题,随着人们健康意识的提高,美的健康也顺理成章的成为了现代人一个正确的审美方向,怎样才能从身体内本能的散发出靓丽容颜呢?中医美容作为一种健康绿色的美容方法,受到了人们的亲睐,也是美容发展的必然新趋势。本文着重阐述中医药膳与现代美容之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

选择具有不同功能的食物,或通过食物与中药配伍,经过烹调加工,可以制成体现中医的汗、下温、清等不同治则的饮食。食物的性能有一定范围,故食疗治则主要有补气益睥、补血滋阴,补肾益精和益胃生津四法。  相似文献   

药膳是中国传统的医学知识与烹调经验相结合的产物,它是以药物和食物为原料,经过烹饪加工制成的一种具有食疗、药疗作用的膳食。药膳食疗指药膳在中医药理论知识指导下,将药物的药性和食物的食性经合理搭配,烹调加工而成的一种特殊膳食。药膳中使用的食物和药物一样有一定的性味功效。无论是药物或食物在中医药学的理论下都能发挥其应有的作  相似文献   

赵凤 《卫生研究》2013,42(1):162-165
食物生物多样性是解决营养不良的方法之一,不同的品种显著影响着食物内的营养成分含量。食物营养成分数据是食物生物多样性的营养指标,对于营养素摄入量的估计具有重要的作用。本文重点介绍了食物生物多样性概念及其营养指标,同一种食物不同品种间营养成分数据多样性的波动状况,食物成分生物多样性数据的作用以及食物营养成分生物多样性数据的发展与挑战。  相似文献   

亚健康即是处于健康和疾病之间,亚健康状态广泛存在于我们身边,据相关前瞻性研究显示,全球人口中亚健康群体占据7成以上,而真正健康的仅仅占据1成不到,并且被称作是严重危害人类健康的重要危险因素,因此,正确认识亚健康状态并予以干预,降低各类病症的发生具有重要的现实意义.中医食疗药膳不仅能够帮助患者祛除疾病,还能够帮助健康群体...  相似文献   

从前夜盲症是眼科的常见病,由于科学普.及和饮食充足则病渐少了,但随之维生素A的急性中毒和慢性中毒则增加。食补胜于药补。食补安全,无毒副作用。  相似文献   



To examine the effects of food groups and dietary nutrients on bone loss in elderly Chinese population.  相似文献   

复方中药CRFC-1对花生食物过敏拮抗作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨复方中药CRFC-1在食物过敏实验性小鼠动物模型中拮抗花生诱导的食物变态反应效果及机制。方法以花生全蛋白提取物(WPE)和葡萄球菌肠毒素B(SEB)混合物致敏、激发建立食物过敏实验性小鼠动物模型,设立CRFC-1实验组和对照组。观察小鼠过敏症状,ELISA检测血清特异性IgE、IL-4、组胺水平,并做脱颗粒肥大细胞计数。结果 CRFC-1实验组小鼠过敏症状、血清特异性IgE、IL-4、组胺水平及脱颗粒肥大细胞数明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。结论复方中药CRFC-1在小鼠动物模型中能够阻断WPE诱导的食物变态反应。  相似文献   

Chloroform and methanol extracts of various herbs and spices as well as food additives were screened for mutagenicity using the Salmonella/microsome assay of Ames and the Salmonella typhimurium strains TA100 and TA98. The results of this general screening, however, did not provide sufficient information to fully assess the mutagenic potential of certain herbs and spices since the assay of their respective extracts was accompanied by a growth inhibition of the bacterial tester strain. These findings were attributed to the effects of toxic compounds that were presumably contained within the complex mixtures that comprise both herbs and spices. An apparent reduction in the effects of toxicity was observed when separation methods were used as a means to obtain fewer compounds in each of the samples assayed for mutagenicity.

Following a separation by column chromatography of the chloroform and methanol extracts of cumin, a dose related response of weak mutagenicity was demonstrated toward TA100 but not TA98 with one of the 17 fractions collected. Positive responses to mutagenicity in the absence of toxicity were obtained when chloroform and methanol extracts and food additives were fed to rats, and the metabolites present in ether extracts of 24‐hour urine samples were subsequently assayed for mutagenicity. Weak mutagenic activities toward TA100 but not TA98 were observed with each of the urine extracts of rats fed the following samples: β terpineol, camphene, two separate combinations of the methanol fractions of cumin, a chloroform fraction of cumin, the combined chloroform and methanol fraction of star anise and either the chloroform or methanol fractions of tarragon. With the exception of the chloroform fraction of cumin, the extracts and food additives administered to rats appeared to require an in vivo metabolic activation to detect their mutagenic forms. Mutagenicity was only detected when the ether extracts of urinary metabolites were assayed, even though tests preceding the rat feedings were performed in the presence of the rat liver microsome fraction S9.  相似文献   

医疗机构中药制剂是传承中医药知识的重要载体,在临床上可满足不同层次的需求,但现行知识产权制度尚未能为中药制剂提供全方位保护,在一定程度上影响了中医药的发展。作者结合医疗机构中药制剂的特点,通过探讨医疗机构中药制剂能够获得专利授权、结合《反不正当竞争法》制定促进医疗机构中药制剂研发生产的相关制度,将医疗机构院内制剂纳入中药保护品种和《商标法》管理的可行性分析等内容,以期对完善医疗机构中药制剂知识产权保护制度有所裨益。  相似文献   

目的评价中西医结合治疗慢性前列腺炎的疗效。方法采用Cochrane系统评价方法,以"慢性前列腺炎"和"中西药治疗"为关键词检索维普、万方、中国知网、Embase,PubMed、CBMdic等各大数据库。检索从建库至2011年12月,中西医结合治疗慢性前列腺炎的随机对照试验(RCT)和半随机对照试验(quasi-RCT),对符合纳入标准的临床研究进行质量评价和资料提取后,采用RevMan 5.0对临床同质性研究进行Meta分析,反之则进行定性描述,发表偏倚采用"倒漏斗"图示分析。结果共纳入11项研究,合计1 780患者。有5个研究说明了随机方法,1个为高质量研究改良JΑDΑD评分为6分。Meta分析结果显示,中医药辅助治疗组与单用西药治疗组相比在缓解慢性前列腺炎的临床症状方面有统计学差异[OR=4.78,95%CI(3.59,6.35)],其总有效率是单用西药治疗组的4.78倍。结论中西医结合在治疗慢性前列腺炎上显示了较好的疗效,是一种很有前景的治疗方案,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

脑积水、病毒性脑炎、癫痫等小儿脑病,在目前医学界治疗仍为刺手,暂无理想的特效的治疗方法.几年来,笔者采用中医中药治疗,临床获效满意.中医中药治疗原则:整体观念、辨症施治、治病求本、扶正祛邪,标本兼顾,急则治标,缓则治本,多无创伤,无毒副作用,深受病家欢迎.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Dietary intake patterns and socioeconomic variables are well-known indicators for assessing the nutrition status of a society. The Khasi society is matrilineal, and women play an important role in the tribal community, especially with respect to family nutrition. We investigated the existing food habits, beliefs, and trends contributing to the nutrition and health of these women. METHODS: Nutrient intakes and food sources were studied in 650 Khasi tribal women older than 18 y. Personal interviews using the questionnaire method, 24-h dietary recall method, and food-frequency method were used to elicit information. Respondents were allocated to a low-income group (LIG) or high-income group (HIG). Within these groups, subjects were further classified as non-pregnant and non-lactating (NPNL), pregnant (P), or lactating (L). The dietary pattern was based on rice and cereals (392.48 +/- 13.81 g/d), flesh foods (21.51 +/- 8.63 g/d), green leafy vegetables (110.37 +/- 3.32 g/d), fruits (20.3 +/- 2.10 g/d), and roots and tubers (54.43 +/- 2.92 g/d). RESULTS: Consumption of energy, protein, iron, and vitamin C were adequate except in L women in whom energy levels were significantly lower than the recommended daily allowance in the LIG (2187 +/- 111.12 g/d), protein levels in the LIG (60.85 +/- 4.48 g/d) and the HIG (66.96 +/- 2.99 g/d), iron levels in the LIG (13.64 +/- 1.63), and vitamin C levels in the LIG (66.55 +/- 6.55). Iron intake also was significantly lower in P women in the LIG (17.41 +/- 2.59 mg/d) and the HIG (23.23 +/- 7.47 mg/d). Consumption of pulses (18.49 +/- 7.41 g/d), dairy products (11.89 +/- 0.48 g/d), other vegetables (4.81 +/- 1.74 g/d), and fats and oils (10.52 +/- 4.71) were significantly below the recommended daily allowance, leading to low consumption of fat, calcium, and carotene in all physiologic states and income groups: calcium in all groups except HIG NPNL women (397.74 +/- 53.62 mg/d); carotene in LIG NPNL (1484.05 +/- 179.01 mg/d) and HIG NPNL (1641.35 +/- 227.86 micrograms/d) women, and LIG L (847.04 +/- 174.72 micrograms/d) and HIG L (1321.89 +/- 673.26 micrograms/d) women. CONCLUSIONS: We suggested dietary modifications to make up the dietary deficits of calcium, fat, and carotene, particularly during pregnancy and lactation, and incorporating nutrition education into the community development programs.  相似文献   

现行知识产权制度对保护现代知识颇为见效,但对传统知识保护不力。作为传统知识的中医药知识产权的利益遭受严重侵害,急需救济和保护。作者论证了中医药知识产权保护法理上的正当性以及经济上的必要性,将中医药知识产权利益划分为3种类型,并结合现实情况,对中医药知识产权保护的方略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

刘岩  范昕  李康 《中国医院统计》2010,17(4):294-297
目的筛选符合中医理论的方剂,为中药新药研发核心方剂的确定和评价提供科学依据。方法利用关联规则对1521份治疗水气病的中医医家医案进行分析,筛选出核心方剂,剔除不符合中医理论的“方剂”。结果筛选出75个方剂,其中14个经方,同时得到其使用频率顺序。结论结合中医组方特点使用关联规则筛选方剂更为合理和有效。  相似文献   

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