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王玲 《中国学校卫生》2017,38(2):314-317
亲密伴侣暴力(intimate partner violence)是全世界范围内的社会与公共卫生问题[1-2].恋爱暴力(dating violence)是亲密伴侣暴力的一种形式,是指在当前或曾经的恋爱关系中所实施的肢体、性或心理虐待,并通过威胁或强迫的手段来获取权力和对受暴者的控制[3-4].同亲密伴侣暴力一样,恋爱暴力主要分为4种形式:肢体暴力(physical violence)、心理暴力(psychological violence)、性暴力(sexual violence)与滋扰(stalking).肢体暴力包括拿会伤人的物件扔向对方、扭手臂、用刀或利器指向对方或用拳头重击等;心理暴力指的是威胁伴侣或伤害伴侣的自我价值感,如辱骂、故意刁难、威胁分手、羞辱伴侣等;性暴力指违背伴侣的意愿或没有得到伴侣的同意而发生的性行为,包括以武力逼迫伴侣发生性行为,以威胁逼迫伴侣发生性行为,逼迫伴侣与他人发生性行为,使用酒精或药物的影响与伴侣发生性行为,非自愿性的其他与性有关的行为;滋扰包括骚扰或烦扰伴侣,让对方感到恐惧与不安.构成骚扰或烦恼伴侣的行为包括诋毁、威胁或争辩、电话滋扰、跟踪或到对方的住所烦扰等[5].  相似文献   

目的 了解孕产妇在孕前和妊娠期亲密伴侣暴力(intimate partner violence,IPV)的发生情况,探索和识别影响亲密伴侣暴力发生的因素。 方法 通过湖南省某妇幼保健院产科门诊招募孕妇进行问卷调查,内容包括一般人口学特征,家庭条件,妊娠经历,社会支持和亲密伴侣暴力经历。 结果 本次回收有效问卷510份,共113例(22.2%)孕产妇有遭受亲密伴侣暴力的经历,其中68例(13.3%)是在孕前发生的亲密伴侣暴力,45例(8.8%)是在妊娠期发生亲密伴侣暴力;就暴力类型而言,精神暴力发生率最高,有97例(19.0%),其次为躯体暴力有21例(4.1%),性暴力最少,有6例(1.2%)。多因素logistic回归分析显示有不良妊娠史是孕前亲密伴侣暴力发生的危险因素(OR=2.941,95%CI:1.574~5.494),而社会支持中主观支持是妊娠期亲密伴侣暴力发生的保护因素(OR=0.803,95%CI:0.722~0.893)。 结论 孕产妇遭遇孕前和妊娠期亲密伴侣暴力将影响孕产妇及婴幼儿身心健康,在母婴保健工作中应增加对妇女精神暴力伤害及孕产妇亲密伴侣暴力发生的关注,并及早识别受害者的暴力经历,从而采取早期干预措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市大学在校生男男性行为者的HIV感染状况及其相关危险性行为.方法 研究对象主要通过网络招募,采用自填式问卷调查.问卷内容包括人口学信息与艾滋病相关危险行为等.问卷完成后采集血液样本进行HIV血清学检测.单因素分析采用X2检验,多因素分析采用logistic同归.结果 研究成功招募157人.平均年龄为(22.7±2.8)岁,少数民族占12.1%,77.7%自我认同为同性恋.98.1%曾有肛交行为,73.9%报告肛交是常采用的性行为方式.157人中近6个月有58.6%发生过无保护肛交,有58.0%口交时从不使用安全套,其中59.2%存在多性伴(性伴数≥2)行为.近50.0%认为自己不可能感染HIV或者风险很小,检测发现HIV阳性率为2.5%.logistic回归分析结果 显示,曾与陌生人发生性行为(OR=13.10)、了解"肛交时做主动方比做被动方感染HIV风险小"(OR=3.37)以及曾去同性恋酒吧(OR=2.49)是近6个月发生多性伴行为的独立危险因素.结论 大学在校生男男性行为者无保护肛交和多性伴行为较普遍.亟需开展有针对性的干预活动,预防HIV在该人群中传播.
Objective To assess the prevalence of HIV and risky sexual behaviors among university students who have sex with men(MSM)in Beijing.Methods MSM students in the universities were mainly recruited via internet.Questionnaires were self-administered to collect social demographic information and AIDS-related risky sexual behaviors.After completing the questionnaire,blood sample was collected to determine HIV infection through serological testing.X2 test and logistic regression were employed for univariate and multivariate analysis,respectively.Results A total of 157 students were recruited with mean age of 22.7±2.8 years old,12.1%of them were minorities and 77.7% were self-identified as homosexual.98.1% had engaged in anal intercourse(AI)in their lifetime and 73.9%reported that AI was common sexual behavior they often practised.In the past 6 months,58.6% had ever had unprotected anal intercourse(UAI),58.0% never used condoms during oral intercourse,and 59.2% had multiple sex partners(≥2).Nearly half of them believed that they were at low or no risk of contracting HIV and the prevalence of HIV infection was 2.5%.Data from logistic regression analysis showed that ever having had sex with a casual partner in a lifetime (OR=13.10).understanding that serving an insertive role had less risk than being receptive during the AI (OR=3.37),and ever having been to a gay bar(OR=2.49)was independently related to having multiple sex partners in the past 6 months.Conclusion Despite the extensive programs on education,behaviors regarding UAI and ever having had multiple sex partners were silll commonly seen among university MSM students.Interventions were needed to prevent HIV transmission in this population.  相似文献   

Objective To understand the prevalence of and factors associated with unprotected anal intercourse(UAI)among men who have sex with men(MSM)in Beijing.Methods Five hundred MSM were recruited for a survey using Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS)method, from September to October in 2009. A computer-assisted, interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to gather information including demographics, sexual behaviors and condom use social norms(a scaled number). Variables were evaluated by using RDSAT and SAS software.Results Mean age of the participants was 30.6 years, with 96.0% of them as Han ethnicity and68.5% having had at least high school or higher education level. 72.8% of them were unmarried, with 61.7% of them identified themselves as homosexual, 61.2% had > 1 male partners in the past six months, and the prevalence of UAI was 42.0%. Significant bivariate predictors of UAI would include condom use social norms score, role for anal sex with male sex partner, number of male sexual partners in the past 6 months and amount of alcohol consumed. In multivariable analysis, UAI was associated with a higher condom use social norms score(AOR= 1.2, 95%CI: 1.1-1.3), receptive anal intercourse(AOR=2.0, 95%CI: 1.3-3.2)and drinking alcohol more than 3 times per month in the past 12 months(AOR=1.6, 95%CI: 1.1-2.5). Conclusion The prevalence of UAI was high in the MSM community in Beijing, suggesting that efforts should be targeting on how to make the condom use a social norm and being promoted.  相似文献   

Objective To understand the prevalence of and factors associated with unprotected anal intercourse(UAI)among men who have sex with men(MSM)in Beijing.Methods Five hundred MSM were recruited for a survey using Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS)method, from September to October in 2009. A computer-assisted, interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to gather information including demographics, sexual behaviors and condom use social norms(a scaled number). Variables were evaluated by using RDSAT and SAS software.Results Mean age of the participants was 30.6 years, with 96.0% of them as Han ethnicity and68.5% having had at least high school or higher education level. 72.8% of them were unmarried, with 61.7% of them identified themselves as homosexual, 61.2% had > 1 male partners in the past six months, and the prevalence of UAI was 42.0%. Significant bivariate predictors of UAI would include condom use social norms score, role for anal sex with male sex partner, number of male sexual partners in the past 6 months and amount of alcohol consumed. In multivariable analysis, UAI was associated with a higher condom use social norms score(AOR= 1.2, 95%CI: 1.1-1.3), receptive anal intercourse(AOR=2.0, 95%CI: 1.3-3.2)and drinking alcohol more than 3 times per month in the past 12 months(AOR=1.6, 95%CI: 1.1-2.5). Conclusion The prevalence of UAI was high in the MSM community in Beijing, suggesting that efforts should be targeting on how to make the condom use a social norm and being promoted.  相似文献   

目的 了解汶川地震后1年内重灾区中学生创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)随时间变化趋势以及相关影响因素.方法 采用一般情况问卷和标准心理量表(PTSD自评量表、领悟社会支持量表),分别于震后3、6、9和12个月对汶川县3所中学1966名中学生进行自填式问卷随访调查,通过建立多水平随机系数模型,分析研究对象PTSD随时间的变化趋势及相关危险因素.结果 全程参与灾后PTSD随访研究并获得有效问卷者共1677名.震后3、6、9和12个月,研究对象PTSD总分分别为(35.14±11.08)、(32.90±11.03)、(30.67±11.28)和(29.75±11.22)分,筛查阳性率分别为36.6%(613/1677)、30.7%(515/1677)、24.8%(416/1677)和22.2%(373/1677).领悟社会支持系统得分中位数为60.00分,存在问题者筛查阳性率为17.20%(289/1677).震后1年内,随着时间的推移,研究对象的PTSD得分总体呈下降趋势(β时间=-1.879,x2=47.03,P<0.05).男生4次随访平均分分别为33.71、31.61、29.66、28.83分,女生分别为36.33、33.98、31.51、30.52分,初中生分别为35.46、33.28、30.18、29.22分,高中生分别为34.89、32.62、31.04、30.15分.性别和年级因素对个体PTSD总分下降趋势有影响,其中,女生快于男生、高中学生快于初中学生(β性别-时间=-0.354,x2=4.83,P<0.05;β年级-时间=0.622,x2=11.30,P<0.05).结论灾后1年内调查对象PTSD患病率较高,PTSD存在随时间自行恢复的趋势,但男生和初中学生恢复速度更慢.
Objective This study was to identify the post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD)changes and the relative risk factors within one year after Wenchuan earthquake among middle school students in the disaster area.Methods A total of 1966 students from 3 schools in Wenchuan earthquake region were selected as the target population.For each student,personal basic information and standard psychological scale(PCL-C,PSSS)were investigated by a self-administrated questionnaire in the 3rd,the 6th,the 9th and the 12th month after the earthquake,respectively.PTSD trends over the time and the associated risk factors were analyzed through the establishment of multi-level random coefficient model.Results There were 1677middle school students fully participated in the PTSD follow-up study by turning in the valid questionnaires.The averaged scores of PTSD at the time of the 3rd,the 6th,the 9th and the 12th month after the earthquake were 35.14 ± 11.08,32.90 ± 11.03,30.67 ± 11.28 and 29.75 ± 11.22,respectively.Meanwhile,the general incidences of PTSD were 36.6%(613/1677),30.7%(515/1677),24.8%(416/1677)and 22.2%(373/1677),respectively.The median score of perceived social support system was 60.00 and the general incidences of PSS was 17.20%(289/1677).The PTSD scores for the students had a decreasing trend during the period of our observation(βtime =-1.879,x2 = 47.03,P <0.05).The averaged scores for boys for the 4 follow-up studies were 33.71,31.61,29.66,28.83 ;for girls were 36.33,33.98,31.51,30.52; for junior school students were 35.46,33.28,30.18,29.22; for senior school students were 34.89,32.62,31.04,30.15.Moreover,two factors,gender and grade,were related with the decreasing trend(the trend for girls and senior school students was sharper than that for boys and junior school students)(βgender-time =-0.354,x2 = 4.83,P <0.05; βgrade-time = 0.622,x2 = 11.30,P <0.05).Conclusions The prevalence of PTSD was high.Meanwhile,there was a trend of self-recovery for adolescent's PTSD during the first year of post-earthquake,but boys and junior school students recovered more slowly.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and perceived social support (PSS)ability among middle school students in earthquake-stricken areas after the Wenchuan earthquake accident. Methods A total of 1966 students from three secondary schools of Wenchuan earthquake-stricken areas were evaluated by PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C) and Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS). Results The overall incidence rate of PTSD was 78.3%, with severe PTSD as 24.38%. Significant differences on the incidence rates of PTSD were found among the students who were in different PSS levels (P<0.05) and significant negative correlation existed between the levels of severity on PTSD and PSS (γ=-0.226, P<0.05). Significant differences on PTSD incidence rates were found among those students who were from different families or out-family PSS levels (P=0.009, P<0.05). Significant negative correlation existed between the severity of PTSD and family or out-family PSS level (γ=-0.176, P<0.05, γ=-0.214, P<0.05). Conclusion Relationships between the incidence rate, severity of PTSD and PSS levels existed among the middle school students in Wenchuan earthquake-stricken areas, with higher PSS, lower incidence rate and lighter severity of PTSD. Psychological intervention for earthquake-stricken students should be carried out.  相似文献   

目的 了解中国大学生首次性行为年龄的人群分布特征,为制定适宜的性教育提供依据.方法 采取无记名自填问卷方式,按照分层整群抽样方法,对18个省(市、区)33 653名大学生进行中国青少年健康危险行为问卷调查.结果 中国大学生14岁前发生性行为的报告率为1.9%,男、女生分别为2.8%和1.1%(P<0.01);15~18岁发生性行为的报告率男、女生分别为6.4%和2.1%;19岁后发生性行为的报告率男、女生分别为6.9%和2.6%.大学生首次性行为的发生年龄与父母学历、所在地区和家庭结构密切相关.来自大家庭和核心家庭、居住在东中部地区、父母文化程度较低的大学低年级学生,首次性行为发生年龄较晚.结论 应加强对两部地区、父母文化程度较高以及家庭结构不完整的青少年的性教育.
Objective To describe the characteristics of sexual debut among college students in China to provide appropriate sex education in that population. Methods An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among 33 653 college students selected by multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method in 18 provinces and cities of China. Results The percentage of students who had initiated sexual intercourse before age 14 was 1.9%. Overall, male students (2.8%) were significantly more likely to have initiated sexual intercourse before age 14, than female students (1.1%). The percentage of students who had initiated sexual intercourse from age 15 to 18 was 6.4% in males versus 2.1% in females. while the rates of students who had initiated sexual intercourse after age 19 were 6.9% in males and 2.6% in females. The first sexual intercourse was significantly associated with parental educational attainment, geographic location and family structure. Students whose parents were relatively well educated, living in the western areas of the country China, or with nucleus/extensive families were more likely to have early sex in their puberties. Conclusion Sexual education should be strengthened especially in the western areas, and targeted on the students whose parents with relatively higher educational background or who were from extensive families.  相似文献   

男男性行为者自我歧视与性行为和心理因素的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To understand the self-discrimination experience of MSM and its relationship with sexual behavior and psychological factors.Methods By respondent-driven sampling(RDS) method, a call-for action and anonymous self-administration questionnaire investigation was carried out in Mianyang city on experience of self-discriminations, sexual partners and behaviors and depression symptom, etc.The first 12qualified people were designated as the "root" in the whole investigation from different MSM subgroups.Every "root" would get 3 recruit cards after their own investigation,then cards could be promoted to another 3 qualified people who were willing to accept questionnaires.And this process would go on till the sample size was accomplished.χ2 test,rank correlation and contingency coefficient would be applied for the statistical analysis.Results In total, 201 persons were investigated.Within the past 6 months, 59.2%(119/201) persons felt they did harm to their family or made the family down as gays ,79.6% (160/201)had to disguise their real sexual orientation in avoidance of being discriminated, 39.3% ( 79/201 ) were humiliated for having gay sex.It showed correlation between humiliation or harm to family and frequency to disco balls/night clubs( r = 0.196, χ2 = 7.95, P < 0.05 ), concerts or theaters ( r = 0.201, χ2 = 8.423, P <0.05 ) with MSM friends, HIV health consultancy ( r = 0.231, χ2 = 11.329, P < 0.05 ), experiences of one night stands ( rs = 0.183 ,μ = 2.588, P < 0.05 ), detection of depression ( rs = 0.241 ,μ = 15.717, P < 0.05 )and stress-related perception(rs =-0.310,μ= 23.112,P<0.05) ,the corresponding behavior report rates of who experienced 3 -4 times were 66.7% ( 11/33 ) ,52.9% ( 18/34 ) ,41.2% ( 14/34 ), 17.6% ( 6/34 ),44.1% (15/34) ,44.7% (10/24).Statistical significance was found between the relations of humiliation for gay sex and frequency into concerts or theaters ( r = 0.195, χ2 = 7.933, P < 0.05 ) with MSM friends,experiences of one night stands (rs =0.145,μ=2.051,P<0.05),man-man anal sex (r=0.165,χ2 =10.823, P < 0.05 ), numbers of female sexual partners ( r = 0.265, χ2 = 11.422, P < 0.05 ), protectiveness of female sexual behavior in the past 6 months ( r =0.513 ,χ2 =7.442 ,P <0.05 ) ,detection of depression( rs =0.152 ,μ = 13.034, P < 0.05 ) and stress-related perception ( rs = - 0.259,μ = 21.190, P < 0.05 ), the corresponding behavior report rates of who experienced 3 - 4 times were 22.7% (5/22) ,9.1% (2/22),13.6% ( 3/22 ), 91.6% ( 2/22 ), 66.7% ( 2/3 ), 57.1% ( 4/7 ), 33.3% ( 19/57 ) .It has statistical significance between the relations of disguising their real sexual orientation in avoidance of being of HIV test ( r= 0.232, χ2 = 11.446, P < 0.05 ), and stress-related perception ( rs = - 0.373 ,μ = 28.868,P < 0.05 ).It was found that increasing of discrimination was connected to entrance into gay-welcome places,acceptance of HIV consultancy and tests, posting gay information among MSM friends and hold of many sexual partners.Meanwhile, the pressure was rising when depression was checked out.Conclusion Selfdiscrimination was prevalent among MSM ,which had brought critical influence on the individual behavior,MSM psychological health and prevalence of AIDS.  相似文献   

Objective To understand the self-discrimination experience of MSM and its relationship with sexual behavior and psychological factors.Methods By respondent-driven sampling(RDS) method, a call-for action and anonymous self-administration questionnaire investigation was carried out in Mianyang city on experience of self-discriminations, sexual partners and behaviors and depression symptom, etc.The first 12qualified people were designated as the "root" in the whole investigation from different MSM subgroups.Every "root" would get 3 recruit cards after their own investigation,then cards could be promoted to another 3 qualified people who were willing to accept questionnaires.And this process would go on till the sample size was accomplished.χ2 test,rank correlation and contingency coefficient would be applied for the statistical analysis.Results In total, 201 persons were investigated.Within the past 6 months, 59.2%(119/201) persons felt they did harm to their family or made the family down as gays ,79.6% (160/201)had to disguise their real sexual orientation in avoidance of being discriminated, 39.3% ( 79/201 ) were humiliated for having gay sex.It showed correlation between humiliation or harm to family and frequency to disco balls/night clubs( r = 0.196, χ2 = 7.95, P < 0.05 ), concerts or theaters ( r = 0.201, χ2 = 8.423, P <0.05 ) with MSM friends, HIV health consultancy ( r = 0.231, χ2 = 11.329, P < 0.05 ), experiences of one night stands ( rs = 0.183 ,μ = 2.588, P < 0.05 ), detection of depression ( rs = 0.241 ,μ = 15.717, P < 0.05 )and stress-related perception(rs =-0.310,μ= 23.112,P<0.05) ,the corresponding behavior report rates of who experienced 3 -4 times were 66.7% ( 11/33 ) ,52.9% ( 18/34 ) ,41.2% ( 14/34 ), 17.6% ( 6/34 ),44.1% (15/34) ,44.7% (10/24).Statistical significance was found between the relations of humiliation for gay sex and frequency into concerts or theaters ( r = 0.195, χ2 = 7.933, P < 0.05 ) with MSM friends,experiences of one night stands (rs =0.145,μ=2.051,P<0.05),man-man anal sex (r=0.165,χ2 =10.823, P < 0.05 ), numbers of female sexual partners ( r = 0.265, χ2 = 11.422, P < 0.05 ), protectiveness of female sexual behavior in the past 6 months ( r =0.513 ,χ2 =7.442 ,P <0.05 ) ,detection of depression( rs =0.152 ,μ = 13.034, P < 0.05 ) and stress-related perception ( rs = - 0.259,μ = 21.190, P < 0.05 ), the corresponding behavior report rates of who experienced 3 - 4 times were 22.7% (5/22) ,9.1% (2/22),13.6% ( 3/22 ), 91.6% ( 2/22 ), 66.7% ( 2/3 ), 57.1% ( 4/7 ), 33.3% ( 19/57 ) .It has statistical significance between the relations of disguising their real sexual orientation in avoidance of being of HIV test ( r= 0.232, χ2 = 11.446, P < 0.05 ), and stress-related perception ( rs = - 0.373 ,μ = 28.868,P < 0.05 ).It was found that increasing of discrimination was connected to entrance into gay-welcome places,acceptance of HIV consultancy and tests, posting gay information among MSM friends and hold of many sexual partners.Meanwhile, the pressure was rising when depression was checked out.Conclusion Selfdiscrimination was prevalent among MSM ,which had brought critical influence on the individual behavior,MSM psychological health and prevalence of AIDS.  相似文献   

目的 了解大学生恋爱暴力的发生情况及童年期被虐待经历对大学生恋爱暴力发生的影响。方法 采用滚雪球抽样的方法,对北京市7所大学的1 130名大学生进行不记名自填式问卷调查。结果 1 130名大学生中50.8%最近一年有过恋爱经历,其中遭受和实施恋爱暴力的比例分别为16.9%和11.1%。遭受肢体暴力、情感虐待和性暴力的比例分别为14.1%、10.6%和9.9%,实施肢体暴力、情感虐待和性暴力的比例分别为8.0%、7.1%和3.7%。有509名(45.0%)大学生在童年期曾有被父母虐待的经历,其中被用力徒手打、用物品打、在其他人面前遭到羞辱和目睹父母打架或父母打兄弟姐妹的比例分别为41.6%、24.9%、13.1%和24.5%。具有童年期被虐待经历的大学生遭受和实施恋爱暴力的比例均高于童年期没有被虐待经历的大学生,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.005)。结论 大学生恋爱暴力问题不容忽视,童年期遭受父母虐待经历对大学生恋爱暴力的发生具有一定影响。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Partner violence is associated with STDs among female adolescents, but the mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear. Sexually coercive and deceptive behaviors of male partners that increase female STD risk may be factors in this relationship. METHODS: A sample of 356 females aged 14–20 who attended adolescent health clinics in Greater Boston between April and December 2006 were assessed for physical and sexual violence perpetrated by male partners and for exposure to sexual risk factors. Adjusted logistic regression models were used to examine the associations between intimate partner violence and standard sexual risk behaviors (e.g., multiple partnerships) and coercive or deceptive sexual risk factors (e.g., coerced condom nonuse). RESULTS: More than two‐fifths of the sample had experienced intimate partner violence. In adjusted analyses, adolescents reporting intimate partner violence were more likely than others to report standard sexual risk behaviors—multiple partners, anal sex and unprotected anal sex (odds ratios, 1.7–2.2). They also were more likely to report coercive or deceptive sexual risk factors—partner sexual infidelity, fear of requesting condom use, negative consequences of condom request, and coerced condom nonuse (2.9–5.3). CONCLUSION: The high prevalence of intimate partner violence against young women attending adolescent clinics strongly indicates the need to target this population for abuse‐related interventions. This need is underlined by the observed association between partner violence and sexual risk involving coercion or deception by male partners. Clinic‐based STD and pregnancy prevention efforts should include assessment of sexual risk factors that are beyond the control of young women, particularly for those experiencing abuse.  相似文献   

The researchers in this study assessed the prevalence of different types and experience of intimate partner violence among 600 women aged 15 to 49 years in selected rural and urban communities in southwestern Nigeria between October and December, 2007. Lifetime prevalence of intimate partner violence was 64% in the rural and 70% in the urban areas. Controlling behavior was the most frequently reported type of intimate partner violence experienced by both groups of women, and sexual violence was reported least. More urban women reported sexual violence and controlling behaviors than rural women (16.4% versus 11.6% and 57.7% versus 42.0%, respectively). More rural women had experienced physical violence (28% versus 14%). More urban women experienced controlling behaviors, while more rural women experienced physical violence. In both locations, history of partners' involvement in physical fights was significantly associated with reporting sexual violence (rural: odds ratio [OR] = 3.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2–12.3; urban: OR = 8.4; 95% CI 1.4–51.8). History of alcohol consumption by partners was significantly associated with reporting physical violence (rural: OR = 2.3; 95% CI 1.2–4.4; urban: OR = 3.2; 95% CI 1.4–7.2). However, among rural respondents, younger partners were more likely to perpetuate controlling behavior (OR = 5.1; 95% CI 1.7–15.6) and being in a relationship for ≥10 years was related to psychological and physical violence. Among urban respondents, history of partners' involvement in physical fights was associated with controlling behavior (OR = 8.2; 95% CI 1.1–65.4) and physical violence (OR = 4.5; 95% CI 1.2–17.3). These results suggest that intimate partner violence is a frequent experience in women in both communities, although the types of intimate partner violence experienced differed, and multidisciplinary strategies are required to reduce intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To present the first national prevalence estimates of psychological and physical intimate partner violence between adolescents in same-sex relationships. METHODS: Analyses focus on 117 adolescents aged 12-21 years (50% female) from Wave II of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health who reported exclusively same-sex romantic or sexual relationships in the 18 months before interview. Items from the Conflict Tactics Scale were used to measure partner violence victimization. Data analysis included computation of prevalence estimates and a logistic regression analysis to assess associations between sociodemographic characteristics and violence victimization. RESULTS: Almost one-quarter of adolescents with same-sex romantic or sexual partners reported some type of partner violence victimization; about 1 in 10 reported physical victimization. Significant sex differences were found (OR = .29, CI = 0.08, 1.00), with males being less likely than females to report "any violence." Of six other sociodemographic characteristics examined, importance of religion (OR = .27, CI = 0.07-1.07) and school size (OR = .32, CI = 0.09-1.11) were associated with victimization at the p < .10 level. Adolescents who reported that religion was important to them and adolescents who attended larger schools were at lower risk of "any violence." CONCLUSIONS: As with opposite-sex relationships, psychological and minor physical violence victimization is common among adolescents involved in same-sex intimate relationships. Males reporting exclusively same-sex relationships were less likely than females to report experiencing the violence behaviors examined.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Intimate partner violence negatively impacts the health of substantial proportions of young women in economically disadvantaged communities, where sexual initiation, aggressive behaviors, unintended pregnancies and childbearing are common among adolescents. It is therefore important to assess how adolescent risk behaviors and pregnancy experiences are linked to such violence during young adulthood.
METHODS: Data from 526 participants in the Reach for Health Longitudinal Study who were surveyed during middle school (in 1995–1996 and 1996–1997) and at ages 22–25 (in 2005–2007) provided information on adolescent risk behaviors and pregnancy experiences, as well as experiences of intimate partner violence during young adulthood. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to identify correlates of intimate partner violence involvement.
RESULTS: As young adults, 29% of women reported having been victims of intimate partner violence in the past 12 months; 21% reported having perpetrated such violence. In multivariate analyses, victimization and perpetration in the last year are positively associated with aggressive behavior in middle school (odds ratios, 1.9 and 2.5, respectively), lifetime number of sex partners (1.3 for both) and having a history of unintended pregnancy or pregnancy problems (1.3 for both). Perpetration also is associated with early sexual initiation (0.5) and living with a partner (1.8).
CONCLUSIONS: It is important to consider women's pregnancy histories in programs aimed at preventing the adverse outcomes of relationship violence and in screening for partner violence in sexual and reproductive health services. Early intervention may help women develop the skills needed for resolving conflicts with peers and partners.  相似文献   

Extramarital sexual partnerships are a common reason for intimate partner violence (IPV) in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the fact that IPV requires an interaction between two partners, the majority of the research focuses on individuals rather than the broader relationship context where such violence takes place. Using a sample of 422 married couples from rural Malawi, this study examined the dyadic environment of marital infidelity and two types of IPV victimization: sexual coercion and physical abuse. We considered both self-reported marital infidelity and perceived partner infidelity to assess how well partners knew each other and to compare their respective associations with IPV. Logistic regression was used to test for associations between self-reported marital infidelity and IPV. Multilevel logistic regression was used to examine actor and partner effects of perceived partner infidelity on an individual’s and their partner’s experience of IPV. The results show that self-reported marital infidelity was not significantly associated with IPV for men or women. However, the perception of a partner’s infidelity was significantly associated with both an individual’s and their partner’s risk for sexual coercion and physical abuse. Contrary to the “sexual double standard” hypothesis, women were not significantly more likely than men to report being physically abused when their partners suspected infidelity. Future studies should continue to explore the relationship context of IPV in sub-Saharan Africa in order to understand how spouses mutually shape each other’s experience of IPV and subsequent health outcomes.  相似文献   

了解天津市高校学生艾滋病相关知识及性行为现况,为完善高校艾滋病健康教育提供参考.方法 2016年11月,在天津市高校学生中利用网络自填问卷开展横断面调查.结果 共招募10 138名高校学生,艾滋病知识知晓率为71.0%.1 532名(15.1%)学生自述发生过性行为,其中51.4%自述与性伴发生性行为每次均使用安全套.28.2%的学生首次性行为年龄未满18岁,男生(33.2%)高于女生(22.0%)(x2=16.904,P<0.01),专科(33.6%)高于本科(28.2%)(x2=4.216,P<0.05)、天津市学生(35.1%)高于外省学生(27.9%)(x2=6.955,P<0.05).1.8%(180名)的学生最近1年找过临时性伴,其中27.8%(50名)最近1次与临时性伴发生性行为未使用安全套.男生中有1.6%(81名)最近1年发生过男男性行为.结论 天津市高校学生对艾滋病知识缺乏全面了解,部分发生过危险性行为.需加强高校艾滋病防治知识教育和行为干预.  相似文献   

Objectives While the women’s health consequences of intimate partner violence have received much research attention, less is known about how maternal abuse experiences affect infant health and well-being. Existing studies have also been unable to examine specific types of intimate partner violence such as psychological aggression, physical abuse, and sexual coercion. This secondary data analysis explored the prevalence, patterns, and types of intimate partner violence within a large cohort of mothers and explored the relationship between maternal intimate partner violence experiences and infant’s general health and temperament at 1 year of age. Methods Existing data were drawn from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing study which collected data through surveys conducted shortly after the infant’s birth (baseline) and at 1 year of age (follow-up). Records from 4,141 mothers recruited from 75 hospitals, in 20 cities, in the US were used. Bivariate and multivariate regression analyses were conducted. Results Results show high rates of intimate partner violence. Maternal reports of any intimate partner violence at baseline or follow-up were both significantly associated with increased odds of less than excellent infant general health and difficult temperament. Independent examination of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse revealed differential relationships between the types of intimate partner violence and infant health outcomes. Conclusions Results from this study contribute to our understanding of the infant health threats associated with maternal intimate partner violence experiences. Additional research addressing the complex relationship between maternal abuse experiences and infant health and specific intervention implications is warranted.  相似文献   

Researchers studying the proximate (or immediate) causes of sexual coercion have proposed that partner rape is motivated by a man’s attempt to dominate and control his partner and that this expression of power is the product of men’s social roles. Researchers studying the ultimate (or evolutionary) causes, in contrast, have proposed that partner rape may function as an anti-cuckoldry tactic, with its occurrence related to a man’s suspicions of his partner’s sexual infidelity. In two studies, we collected data relevant to both perspectives to explore how these variables interact with men’s sexual coercion in an intimate relationship. Regression analyses from Study 1 (self-reports from 256 men) and Study 2 (partner-reports from 290 women) indicated that men’s sexual coercion of their partners was consistently predicted by female infidelity and men’s controlling behavior, suggesting that both variables are necessary to explain men’s sexual coercion. Discussion addressed limitations of the current research and highlighted the importance of integrating multiple levels of analysis when studying men’s sexual coercion of their intimate partners.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to assess the prevalence of intimate partner violence in a local city of Fukui Prefecture, and whether the subjects' and their partners' demographic characteristics, alcohol use, and violence experienced in the families in which they were raised might be related risk factors. METHODS: We conducted a mail survey of 1,000 subjects aged 20-69 in the city randomly sampled from the population of 45,220 that were stratified by 10 years of age and sex and pulled 100 from each group. Data from two 248 respondents were eligible for analysis. The self-administered questionnaire included items on; 1) whether they were the victims of physical, sexual, social-economic and psychological violence from their intimate partners, and whether they perpetrated violence or not on their partners; 2) demographic characteristics of the subjects and their partners with information on gender, age, occupation, educational background, annual income, the cohabitants, and their alcohol use; 3) the subjects' experience of violence in the family in which they had grown up; exposure to violence between their parents, and being abused by them. RESULTS: Out of 248 subjects, men accounted for 41.5%. The prevalence rate of any violence experienced from intimate partners was 46.4%, and that of having perpetrated any violence on the partner was 43.1%. Women reported experiencing more "sexual violence" from their partners than did men. In addition, men admitted to more "physical, sexual, and psychological violence" on their partners than women. Those who had themselves been exposed to violence between parents or were victimized by their parents significantly had more experience of violence from their partners and perpetration than those who did not. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that questioning about the experience of violence in the family is useful for the early detection of intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

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