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双胎妊娠一胎死亡后期待治疗14例分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨双胎妊娠孕中晚期一胎死亡后期待治疗的临床效果。方法:回顾性研究分析1994年1月至2004年4月同济医院双胎妊娠一胎死亡的病例共14例。结果:期待治疗时间最长为61天,最短为3小时,平均保胎时间为12天,分娩平均孕周为32周。无一例出现明显凝血功能障碍。先兆子痫和胎膜早破发生率最高(35.7%)。胎儿畸型是胎死宫内的重要原因。结论:双胎妊娠一胎死亡后可采取期待治疗,在严密监测存活胎儿宫内安危,积极处理母体合并症或并发症的条件下,尽量延长存活胎儿在宫内生长的时间,提高存活胎儿的生存质量。  相似文献   

多胎妊娠妇女孕中期选择性减胎术的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang XT  Li HY  Feng H  Zuo CT  Chen YQ  Li L  Wu ML 《中华妇产科杂志》2007,42(3):152-156
目的 通过对多胎妊娠妇女于孕中期行选择性减胎术,研究其手术指症、时机、安全性、目标胎儿的选择标准和减灭胎儿数,探讨选择性减胎术在改善多胎妊娠结局中的作用.方法 对37例孕12周+1~25周多胎妊娠孕妇(6例双胎、21例三胎、8例四胎、2例五胎,共117个胎儿)在超声引导下经腹行选择性减胎术,按产科医疗指征,在拟被减的46个胎儿心脏内注射10%氯化钾2~5 ml,见胎心逐渐减慢至停跳视为减胎术成功.术后定期产前检查和监测凝血功能,记录妊娠期并发症及妊娠结局.结果 (1)成功率:共减去胎儿46个,减胎成功率为100%(46/46个胎儿),已有27例孕妇分娩,获24个健康新生儿,妊娠成功率为88.9%(24/27).(2)分娩孕周:>36周分娩者15例;32~36周7例;28~32周3例;<28周流产者2例;正在妊娠中10例.平均分娩孕周(34.9±4.1)周,孕28周后分娩率为92.6%(25/27).(3)新生儿平均出生体重:单胎妊娠新生儿平均出生体重为(3014±640)g,双胎妊娠为(2557±573)g,三胎妊娠中除1例两个胎儿存活(出生体重分别为1400及1500 g)外,其余均死亡.(4)安全性:除2例单羊膜囊双胎在减灭1个胎儿后,另1个胎儿随即死亡外,其余多胎妊娠妇女的保留胎儿均未发生胎死宫内.(5)并发症:37例多胎妊娠妇女中仅3例发生子痫前期,减胎术后均无凝血功能障碍发生.(6)阴道流血:有13例孕妇减胎术前发生阴道流血,其中1例在妊娠13周强烈要求减胎,减胎术后于孕22周流产;另12例均在阴道流血停止1周以上后施行减胎.结论 (1)孕中期选择性多胎妊娠减胎术,可以有效减少多胎妊娠胎儿数目、避免异常胎儿出生,降低孕产妇并发症,提高新生儿出生体重.(2)胎儿保留数目以达双胎为好.(3)减胎术前有阴道流血者,避免在流血期间减胎,应选择在流血停止1周以上进行.(4)孕中期多胎妊娠减胎术不会造成孕妇的凝血功能障碍,也不会造成保留胎儿的宫内死亡,安全性好;减胎术后子痫前期的发病率明显下降.  相似文献   

为改善多胎妊娠早产儿围产结局,多胎妊娠延迟分娩逐渐在临床中得到了实施。延迟分娩在宫缩消退的前提下排除母胎相关并发症方可实施,其临床处理主要包括高位结扎第1胎儿脐带、使用宫缩抑制剂、抗生素预防感染及严密监护母胎状态,必要时使用糖皮质激素。胎儿结局与其娩出孕周密切相关,掌控多胎妊娠延迟分娩条件、时机及相应的临床处理措施十分重要。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多胎妊娠延迟分娩的临床处理及母胎近远期结局。方法:回顾性分析2010年1月至2018年9月四川大学华西第二医院发生的多胎妊娠延迟分娩15例的临床资料。结果:15例中1例单绒毛膜双羊膜囊双胎,1例双绒毛膜三羊膜囊三胎,1例三绒毛膜三羊膜囊三胎,余均为双绒毛膜双羊膜囊双胎。第一胎儿平均分娩孕周为28周。延迟分娩平均间隔时间为5.2天,延迟胎儿平均分娩孕周为29周,延迟胎儿平均出生体质量1294.6 g。延迟胎儿共17个,死胎、死产3个,活产儿14个,存活新生儿8个。15例共32个胎儿活产23个,存活12个,存活儿平均分娩孕周31~(+5)周,出生体质量为1672 g,存活儿中1例发生脑白质软化,余预后良好。15例中发生宫内感染2例,母体败血症1例,胎盘胎膜残留4例,胎盘早剥2例,母体肺水肿1例,母体上消化道出血1例。结论:当多胎妊娠第一胎儿流产或早产后,密切监测母胎状况下,严格掌握指征,实施延迟分娩,可延长未娩出胎儿孕周,改善延迟胎儿围生结局。  相似文献   

近年来,由于促排卵药物的使用和体外受精的开展,出现了一次妊娠孕多个胎儿的多胎妊娠.此种多胎妊娠易于早产,且因胎儿未成熟,围产期病率和死亡率均增高,同时还容易并发胎位异常、脐带异常和妊娠高血压综合征等,给围产期管理带来了极大困难。针对此种多胎妊娠,有人做了如下的尝试,即人为地使部分胎儿死亡,以减少胎儿数目和改善残留胎儿的预后,1988年Kanhai 等首次报道.其方法为在超声波指引下通过穿刺,使五胎妊娠中的三个胎儿死亡成为双胎妊娠获得成功,足月分娩成熟活婴.选择性终止妊娠术原则上用于三胎以上的多胎妊娠,使之成为双胎.  相似文献   

16例双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡期待治疗结果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
双胎妊娠晚期一胎宫内死亡是一种少见的妊娠并发症,临床处理既要防止死胎对活胎及母体凝血功能的影响,又要兼顾活胎的成熟度,因此选择合适的分娩时机及方式,以获得最佳的妊娠结局成为关键.我们回顾分析了1990~2009年我院收治的16例双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡后期待治疗方案及妊娠结局,以探讨期待治疗的临床可行性及最佳终止妊娠时间.  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术妊娠后异常时限分娩相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨辅助生殖技术(ART)助孕妊娠后发生异常时限分娩的相关因素。方法:回顾分析2000年1月~2009年3月我院ART术后妊娠并在产科分娩或者保胎失败晚期流产妇女659例的临床资料,根据分娩孕周分为晚期流产组、早产组和足月组,分析异常时限分娩的有关因素。结果:ART后晚期流产和早产的相关因素有宫颈操作次数、胎膜早破以及双胎妊娠,选择性减胎术亦可增加晚期流产的危险。结论:多胎妊娠和宫颈机能不全是导致ART后中晚期妊娠异常时限分娩的重要原因。在辅助生殖技术中要减少多胎妊娠的发生,诊治不孕过程中注意宫颈机能的保护,有多次宫颈操作史者,妊娠后应严密监测,必要时行宫颈环扎术。  相似文献   

11.多胎妊娠减数(MFPR)的功效:世界最大研究中心的协作经验(DumezY et al) MFPR为一种医源性多胎妊娠选择。因无一家医院能有足够的资料得出明确结论,故将综合资料(399例,其中310例分娩)作一介绍。大多数操作在妊娠10~12周进行,所有病例均经腹在胎儿胸腔内注射KCl。资料中26例为6胎以上妊娠,29例5胎,103例4胎,106例3胎,均减至双胎,19例双胎减数至单胎。310例分娩者总的失败率为16.9%,其中6.4%为早期夭折(在操作后2周之内),  相似文献   

多胎妊娠的围生儿状况及预后分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨改善多胎妊娠围生儿状况的针一措施。方法:调查、分析319例多胎妊娠及42426例单胎妊娠围生儿状况。结果:①多胎的胎位异常、胎儿窘迫、胎盘早剥、胎膜早破、早产等发生率及患病率、围生儿死亡率显著高于单胎,多胎孕母并发症的发生率显著高于单胎;②经阴道分娩的多胎妊娠的新生儿窒息率和死亡率明显高于行剖宫产术者,尤其有阴道助产者新生儿窒息率最高。结论:至孕34周后在促胎肺成熟的基础上放宽剖宫产指征,有利于改善多胎妊娠的围生儿状况及预后。  相似文献   

目的:总结我院在胎儿医学框架下建立的氯化钾减胎术在早中孕期应用于多胎妊娠的临床经验。方法:回顾研究2011年1月至2013年12月在上海市第一妇婴保健院于孕11~16周行氯化钾减胎的32例患者的临床资料,记录围手术期母胎并发症及分娩28天后围产儿结局,总结单一中心采用该技术积累的相关经验。结果:患者的平均减胎手术孕周(13.81±0.84)周,平均分娩孕周(34.52±5.78)周,平均新生儿出生体重(2541±665.9)g。围产儿存活率为92.8%,母体并发症包括妊娠期高血压1例,重度子痫前期1例,未发生严重的分娩并发症。结论:在胎儿医学框架下进行的氯化钾减胎技术用于早中孕期减胎安全有效,改善了多胎妊娠的围产儿结局。  相似文献   

Heterotopic pregnancy, defined as the simultaneous occurrence of intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancies, is rare in a natural cycle. Assisted reproductive techniques have resulted in an increased incidence. Identification of an intrauterine pregnancy can divert attention from the possibility of a concurrent ectopic pregnancy. We describe such a case with the educational features.  相似文献   

This report concerns a recurrent spontaneous cornual pregnancy 2 years after selective feticide of a heterotopic cornual pregnancy which occurred after IVF for tubal pathology. The recurrent cornual pregnancy was treated successfully with systemic methotrexate. Assisted reproductive techniques, especially in patients with tubal pathology, and non-invasive management of cornual pregnancies may lead to a higher incidence of recurrence.  相似文献   

输卵管妊娠保守性手术96例分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的探讨输卵管妊娠保守性手术及不同手术方式的近期效果及妊娠结局.方法对96例未破裂型输卵管妊娠中的77例行输卵管线型切开术,19例行输卵管伞端胚囊挤出术.绒毛种植部位注射甲氨蝶呤20~30rng.结果2.4%的患者发生持续性异位妊娠,均为行伞端挤出术患者.宫内妊娠率为41.5%,重复异位妊娠率为25.6%.对侧输卵管正常者,宫内妊娠率及重复异位妊娠率分别为70.5%和22.8%;当对侧输卵管异常或已被切除者,宫内妊娠率及重复异位妊娠率为7.9%和28.8%.结论绒毛种植部位注射甲氨蝶呤可降低持续性异位妊娠率,而伞端绒毛挤出术后发生持续性异位妊娠的可能性较大,应尽量避免.  相似文献   

Extrauterine pregnancies contribute substantially to maternal mortality in all parts of the world. The most common cause of these deaths is massive bleeding after rupture of the ectopic pregnancy. The advent of transvaginal ultrasonography in early pregnancy and the use of quantitative measurement of the β-unit of human chorionic gonadotropin have revolutionized the management of this condition. These diagnostic modalities allow its early detection and, in many cases, treatment before rupture occurs. There is an ever increasing body of evidence supporting expectant, medical, and surgical management of ectopic pregnancy according to certain criteria. The indications and criteria for the different management options are described in the literature and in clear guidelines from institutions such as the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Methotrexate, in a single dose protocol, is widely used in the medical management of ectopic pregnancy. Surgical therapy can be either laparoscopic or via laparotomy. Be that as it may, ruptured ectopic pregnancy will continue to present as a gynecologic emergency requiring prompt and appropriate care. Resuscitation of these patients should be an organized, systematic, and rapid process with the ultimate goal of getting them to the operating theatre in the best possible hemodynamic status. The aim of surgery should be to stop active bleeding by the most expedient method. The use of autotransfusion is well established in cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, orthopedic surgery, and trauma. Using autologous blood should be considered also in the treatment of ruptured extrauterine pregnancy when faced with massive bleeding and a need for transfusion. Advanced abdominal pregnancy is a rare condition with high perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality. Placental management at delivery remains a dilemma. The risk of massive bleeding upon removal must be balanced against the risk of infection and other complications during the long time needed for resorption of the placenta if left in situ. Despite a reduction in maternal mortality due to ectopic pregnancy in the developed world during the preceding period, it would appear that no further inroads have been made in the last two decades. In developing countries, the problem is far greater, and problems with resources and infrastructure persist. It remains a challenge to all practitioners caring for women to apply available resources and use the published evidence-based guidelines to manage these women effectively and safely.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of laparoscopic surgery for patients with ectopic pregnancies in unusual locations.Materials and methodsThis is a retrospective case series of 31 patients from 6 weeks to 10 weeks postmenstrual who were referred for diagnosis and treatment and suspected of having an unruptured cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) or cornual pregnancy (CP). The diagnosis was confirmed with transvaginal ultrasound, and all of the patients underwent laparoscopic management.ResultsA diagnosis of CSP or CP was confirmed in all of the patients during the laparoscopic procedure. None of the patients required conversion to laparotomy. The total operative time ranged from 40 minutes to 120 minutes. The total blood loss was limited, ranging from 30 mL to 200 mL. All of the women tolerated the operation well and had uneventful recoveries.ConclusionWhen performed by a well-trained gynecologist, laparoscopy appears to be a reasonable alternative for the treatment of unruptured CSP or CP.  相似文献   

A full-term abdominal pregnancy culminating in the birth of a live healthy baby by laparotomy is described.  相似文献   

Post-term pregnancy is associated with increased perinatal mortality. In a retrospective study based on our post-term protocol from 1990 until May 1995 1,798 post-term pregnant women with reliable dating were evaluated for expectant management. A group of 2,633 pregnant women who delivered between 37 and 41 weeks during 1994 served as a control group. The perinatal mortality (0.56 per 1,000 vs. 0.75 per 1,000 in the control group) was similar in both groups. The incidence of induction of labor (7.45% vs. 7% in the control group), meconium of more than +1 (5.2% vs. 4% in the control group), shoulder dystocia (0.33% vs. 0.19%), high birthweight (>4,500 g) (1% vs. 1%), and cesarean section rates (7.5% vs. 7% in the control group) were similar. However the fetal distress rates (11.6% vs 16%; P =. 004), instrumental deliveries (10.1% vs. 13%), P =. 002), and the rate of 5-minute Apgar score of less then 7 (1.1% vs. 5%, P =. 000001) were found to be significantly lower in the post-date group than in the control group. We conclude that the expectant management and our intensive observation and follow-up in post-term is indicated for both mother and fetus.  相似文献   

Omental pregnancy is a very rare form of ectopic pregnancy. A 29-year-old woman presented with severe abdominal pain. History of the patient revealed use of combined oral contraceptive pills. There was no gestational sac in the endometrial cavity and no tubal ring in the adnexa, but free peritoneal fluid was detected at ultrasonography. Laparotomy was done according to pre-operative diagnosis of ruptured tubal pregnancy. Bilateral tubes and ovaries were intact; gestational sac was detected attached to the necrotic lower edge of omentum. Although 16 cases of omental pregnancy (mostly secondary) were reported in the literature, herein we describe a primary omental pregnancy without adnexal involvement.  相似文献   

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