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3-Hydroxyaspartic acid and 3-hydroxyasparagine are two rare amino acids that are present in domains homologous to the epidermal growth factor precursor in vitamin K-dependent plasma proteins as well as in proteins that do not require vitamin K for normal biosynthesis. They are formed by posttranslational hydroxylation of aspartic acid and asparagine, respectively. The first epidermal growth factor-like domain in factor IX (residues 45-87) was synthesized with aspartic acid in position 64, replacing 3-hydroxyaspartic acid. It was used as substrate in a hydroxylase assay with rat liver microsomes as the source of enzyme and reaction conditions that satisfy the requirements of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. The synthetic peptide stimulated the 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylation in contrast to synthetic, modified epidermal growth factor (Met-21 and His-22 deleted and Glu-24 replaced by Asp) and synthetic peptides corresponding to residues 60-71 in human factor IX. This indicates that the hydroxylase is a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase with a selective substrate requirement.  相似文献   

Litwiller  RD; Jenny  RJ; Katzmann  JA; Miller  RS; Mann  KG 《Blood》1986,67(6):1583-1590
Monoclonal antibodies to human protein S have been prepared using established hybridoma technology. One antibody was isolated that binds protein S only when Ca2+ is present; others bind antigen equally well in the presence or absence of EDTA. Other antibodies display a diminished affinity for protein S in the presence of EDTA. Purified immunoglobulins from cell lines displaying Ca2+ dependence were immobilized and used to purify protein S from fractions obtained by barium precipitation of citrated plasma, ammonium sulfate fractionation, and chromatography on diethylaminoethanol (DEAE)- Sephadex and dextran sulfate agarose. Essentially homogeneous protein S was isolated from the barium-citrate-adsorbed, 35% ammonium-sulfate- soluble proteins using a totally Ca2+-dependent antibody and EDTA elution. Protein S and several substances of higher mol wt were bound directly from plasma by a partially Ca2+-dependent antibody and were eluted partially with EDTA and NaCl and finally with NaSCN. The largest and most abundant of the high mol wt materials is likely protein S- complement C4b-binding protein complex. The immunoaffinity-isolated protein S was found to be indistinguishable from conventionally isolated protein S in terms of activity, sodium dodecyl sulfate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) mobility, and by high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). These studies establish reagents that can probe the structure of protein S and isolate protein S in its free and complexed forms.  相似文献   

Primary structure of bovine vitamin K-dependent protein S.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Protein S is a vitamin K-dependent plasma protein that functions as a cofactor to activated protein C in the inactivation of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa. The nucleotide sequence of a full-length cDNA clone, obtained from a bovine liver library, was determined and the amino acid sequence was deduced. In addition, 95% of the structure was determined by protein sequencing. Protein S consists of 634 amino acids in a single polypeptide chain and has one asparagine-linked carbohydrate side chain. The cDNA sequence showed that the protein has a leader sequence, 41 amino acid residues long. The amino-terminal part of the molecule containing gamma-carboxyglutamic acid is followed by a region, residues 42-75, with two peptide bonds that are very sensitive to cleavage by thrombin. Residues 76-244 have four cysteinerich repeat sequences, each about 40 residues long, that are homologous to the precursor of mouse epidermal growth factor. In contrast to the other vitamin K-dependent plasma proteins, the carboxyl-terminal part of protein S is not homologous to the serine proteases.  相似文献   

Vitamin K-dependent bovine protein S has been shown to contain a posttranslationally hydroxylated asparagine within a conserved sequence in three of its epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains. In a review of amino acid sequences deduced from cDNA data, we have observed that a conserved sequence containing a potential asparagine hydroxylation site exists within EGF-like domains of a variety of functionally diverse proteins. We have studied a number of these and report the presence of erythro-beta-hydroxyasparagine (e-beta Hyn) in three non-vitamin K-dependent proteins: the plasma complement proteins C1r and C1s (where overbar indicates activated form) and the urinary protein uromodulin. For each protein, e-beta Hyn was identified in enzyme digests following the initial observation of erythro-beta-hydroxyaspartic acid (e-beta Hya) in acid hydrolysates of the proteins. e beta Hya and e-beta Hyn residues are detected by a postcolumn derivatization cation-exchange HPLC method herein described. HPLC isolation of the presumptive e-beta Hyn residue from enzyme digests of intact C1r allowed confirmation of its structure by GC/MS. Based upon available cDNA sequence data and observation of e-beta Hya in acid hydrolysates, we suggest other proteins in which e-beta Hyn may occur.  相似文献   

We report the amino acid composition of two polypeptides, p788 and p789. These polypeptides are reliable markers for neoplastic transformation in human fibroblasts. Their compositions are unusually rich in cysteine and serine. Because the recently reported amino acid sequence of mouse epidermal growth factor precursor (prepro-EGF) is also rich in those two amino acids and because the role of p788 and p789 as markers for neoplastic transformation is consistent with the fact that epidermal growth factor has been shown to play some role in transformation, we investigated the hypothesis that p788 and p789 are related to prepro-EGF. We compared the amino acid composition of p788 with that of all possible interior domains of prepro-EGF of appropriate length. We found that the composition of p788 is remarkably similar to that of residues 630-880 of prepro-EGF. The similarity is sufficiently strong to support the conclusion that it reflects amino acid sequence homology.  相似文献   

beta-Hydroxyaspartic acid in vitamin K-dependent protein C.   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Previous work has shown that the light chain of protein C, an anticoagulant plasma protein, contains an unusual amino acid [Fernlund, P. & Stenflo, J. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12170-12179]. To determine the structure of this amino acid a heptapeptide, CMCys-Ile-X-Gly-Leu-Gly-Gly (residues 69-75 in the light chain), was isolated from enzymatic digests of the light chain. According to automatic Edman sequence analysis, 1H NMR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry the heptapeptide had beta-hydroxyaspartic acid in its third position, which corresponds to position 71 in the light chain of protein C. Analysis of acid and aminopeptidase M hydrolysates of the heptapeptide showed the beta-hydroxyaspartic acid to be the erythro form. Acid hydrolysis of protein C released approximately equal to 1 mol of beta-hydroxyaspartic acid per mol of protein. The function of this amino acid, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been found previously in proteins, is unknown.  相似文献   

An epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor monoclonal antibody (mAb), mAb LA22, was used to analyze the covalent coupling of human EGF receptors to mouse EGF by the amine-reactive cross-linking agent disuccinimidyl suberate. A soluble Mr 105,000 truncated form of the receptor secreted by A-431 epidermoid carcinoma cells and consisting of the ligand-binding extracellular domain was cross-linked to 125I-labeled EGF. Digestion of this complex with an endoproteinase that specifically cleaves at the COOH side of glutamyl residue released a single radiolabeled glycosylated fragment of Mr 18,000 that reacted with mAb LA22. As the epitope for mAb LA22 resided between Ala-351 and Asp-364 of the mature receptor, this result localized the cross-linked receptor residue(s) to the 47-amino acid interval from Phe-321 to Glu-367. The receptor residue(s) involved in the covalent coupling of rat 125I-labeled transforming growth factor alpha was similarly localized to this region of the receptor. This receptor interval, which included two glycosylated asparaginyl residues at positions 328 and 337, contained but three amino acid residues that were potentially reactive with disuccinimidyl suberate: Lys-332, Lys-333, and Lys-336. Characterization of mAb LA22-reactive 125I-EGF-labeled receptor fragments generated by an endoproteinase specific for the COOH side of lysyl residue placed the NH2 termini of the two smallest fragments between the glycosylated residues Asn-328 and Asn-337. These results indicated that disuccinimidyl suberate cross-linked the NH2 group of EGF residue Asn-1 to the human EGF receptor residue Lys-336. Our results further suggest that EGF and transforming growth factor alpha, two members of the EGF family of peptide growth factors, interact with closely apposed or identical features of the receptor.  相似文献   

Vitamin K is a trace nutrient necessary not only for the synthesis of four plasma clotting factors but also the production of two important anticlotting factors, protein C and protein S, and the synthesis of two bone proteins. If protein C and protein S are produced more quickly and/or in higher quantities than four plasma coagulation factors after vitamin K administration, then the result is unfavorable for stopping of hemorrhage. We therefore studied the difference of time dependence of prothrombin procoagulant factors, protein C and S and bone Gla protein after the administration of vitamin K in normal and vitamin K-deficient neonates. Results of our study showed that, on the whole, coagulation factors increased markedly more than anticlotting factors after vitamin K administration. Furthermore, the increase in bone Gla protein was also higher compared with protein C activity, although the detailed mechanism of the difference in reactivity of prothrombin procoagulant factors, protein C and S and bone Gla protein to vitamin K administration is not clear.  相似文献   

Osteocalcin: a vitamin K-dependent protein in bone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The biosynthesis of epidermal growth factor (EGF) was studied in mouse submaxillary glands incubated with L-[35S]cystine. EGF and EGF-like proteins were isolated from the gland homogenates by immunoprecipitation with anti-EGF antiserum. The major species appearing after short labeling periods is significantly larger (Mr, 9000) than EGF. The label in the Mr 9000 species plateaus after 1 hr whereas tha in EGF continuously increases. When glands are chased with unlabeled L-cystine after a brief period of labeling, the Mr 9000 peak decreases and a corresponding amount of label appears in EGF. The Mr 9000 species was isolated from boiled homogenates in which it accounts for approximately 1% of the total EGF content. It contains five of the six chymotryptic peptides of EGF and a sixth peptide which is a modified form of the COOH-terminal chymotryptic peptide of EGF. Of the arginyl esteropeptidases, gamma subunit of 7S nerve growth factor, beta-endopeptidase, trypsin, and EGF-binding protein, only the latter converts the isolated Mr 9000 species to EGF. The extrapeptide material released in the conversion comes from the COOH terminus of the Mr 9000 species. These results suggest that the Mr 9000 species is a biosynthetic precursor of EGF and that the EGF-binding protein is the specific intracellular cleaving enzyme that converts the precursor to EGF. In the process, the stable high molecular weight complex of EGF is formed.  相似文献   

Estrogens stimulate the in vivo proliferation of epithelial cells of the mouse uterus. The cumulative evidence from several earlier studies suggests that the mitogenic effect of estrogens is mediated indirectly through a polypeptide growth factor. The primary focus of the present investigation was to determine whether an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-related polypeptide originates in the uterus of the immature or adult mouse under normal or altered estrogen status. Hybridization experiments revealed the presence of the 4.7-kilobase prepro-EGF mRNA in uteri of immature CD-1 mice. The level of this mRNA was augmented at least 2-fold in immature mice treated for 4 days with estrogen, but levels remained markedly low compared to those in submaxillary gland or kidney. Two preparations of pooled uterine luminal fluid from estrogen-treated immature mice contained EGF immunoreactivity (1.2 and 1.7 ng/ml) that was stable in response to acid (50 mM acetic acid) and heat. Negligible EGF (less than 20 pg/uterus) was detected in acid extracts of uteri from ovariectomized or cycling adult mice. After injection of 17 beta-estradiol (0.2 or 2.0 micrograms, ip), the levels of acid-extractable uterine EGF in ovariectomized adult mice up to 48 h after treatment were not different from those obtained with vehicle alone. Immunolocalization of EGF in the mouse uterus was demonstrated only after paraffin sections were first briefly treated with pronase. Staining was observed along the borders of luminal and glandular epithelial cells, especially at the apical region of the cells. Some staining was also observed in the myometrium; stromal cells were negative. Synthesis of the reactive material was apparently estrogen independent, since localization was retained in uteri of both ovariectomized and immature mice. Immunoblots of preparations of membranes from uterine homogenates or epithelial cells revealed a band at mol wt of about 130,000, which, along with other findings of the present study, suggests that EGF occurs predominantly as the membrane-bound precursor form in this organ, as has been previously shown for the kidney. Although the biological role of the precursor in the uterus is not known, we speculate that estrogens function in an autocrine circuit by stimulating processing of the membrane-bound EGF precursor. EGF elaborated by this mechanism might conceivably react with known complementary receptors on uterine epithelial cells to stimulate proliferation.  相似文献   

Protein S, a recently described vitamin K-dependent plasma protein, is shown to exist in two forms in plasma--free protein and in complex with C4b-binding protein. C4b-binding protein is involved in the regulation of the rate of complement activation. A major proportion of C4b-binding protein in plasma is in complex with protein S. The complex is a major and previously unrecognized component of the group of plasma proteins that adsorbs to barium citrate. The complex dissociates in the presence of NaDodSO4, indicating that C4b-binding protein and protein S are held together by noncovalent bonds. Uncomplexed C4b-binding protein was purified from the supernatant after barium citrate adsorption. On NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gels without reduction, it appeared to have a slightly faster migration rate than the C4b-binding protein dissociated from the complex with protein S. After reduction, the subunits of the two forms of C4b-binding protein appeared to have identical molecular weights. Furthermore, there is an equilibrium between free and bound protein S in plasma. The role of protein S in the complex is unknown.  相似文献   

The vitamin K-dependent protein of bone has been detected in human plasma by radioimmunoassay at 4.5 ng per ml. The plasma protein has the same apparent molecular weight as the pure bone Gla protein (BGP) and other studies indicate the plasma protein is probably the intact bone protein. BGP also has been detected in bovine serum by radioimmunoassay. The bovine serum levels of BGP decrease with developmental age from 200 ng per ml in fetal calves to 26 ng per ml in adult cows. The implications of the discovery of BGP in plasma to the function of this unique protein are discussed. This assay employs rabbit antibody directed against calf BGP and has a sensitivity of 0.1 ng. The antibody crossreacts with purified human BGP but not with BGP from rat or rabbit bone. Studies with peptides of known structure derived from enzymatic digests of BGP indicate that the rabbit antibody recognizes the COOH-terminal region of the 49-residue calf bone protein.  相似文献   

A 2.1-kilobase cDNA coding for a surface protein of mammary epithelial cells has been isolated from a mouse mammary gland lambda gt11 cDNA library. Sequence analysis of this cDNA reveals an open reading frame of 1389 base pairs that defines a protein with a molecular mass of 51.5 kDa. Structural analysis of the predicted sequence identifies two putative functional domains of the protein: (i) an N-terminal cysteine-rich region that is similar to epidermal growth factor-like domains of Drosophila Notch-1 protein and (ii) a large segment of the sequence that exhibited 54.5% identity with C-terminal domains of human coagulation factors VIII and V. These similarities in structure are used to predict the possible functions of the protein and its means of interaction with the cell surface. mRNA expression was detectable in mammary tissue from nonpregnant animals but was maximal in the lactating gland. In cultured cells, mRNA levels also correlated with the degree of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

C4b-binding protein (C4bp) participates in the regulation of the C3 convertase of the classical pathway of complement. By binding to C4b, which is one of the structural subunits of this enzyme, C4bp accelerates the decay-dissociation of the enzyme and renders C4b susceptible to degradation by factor I (C3b inactivator). C4bp is a high molecular weight plasma protein (Mr = 570,000) composed of apparently identical subunits (Mr = 70,000) linked by disulfide bonds. In plasma and in purified form C4bp also forms a bimolecular complex (Kd = 0.9 X 10(-7) M) with protein S, a recently identified vitamin K-dependent plasma protein. The binding sites on C4bp for protein S and C4b are distinct and noncompetitive and protein S does not influence the function of C4bp as a regulator of the C3 convertase. C4bp, C4b, and protein S were visualized by electron microscopy by negative staining. C4bp was found to have an unusual spider-like structure. It is composed of seven thin (30 A), elongated (330 A), and flexible subunits that are linked to a small central body. Protein S exhibited two globular domains of equal size with a center-to-center distance of approximately equal to 50 A. Protein S was found to bind to the C4bp through only one of its domains by attaching to a short subunit that is distinct from the other seven subunits. C4b imaged as an irregular, relatively compact molecule. It was found to interact with the peripheral ends of the elongated subunits, suggesting seven C4b-binding sites per molecule of C4bp.  相似文献   

The role of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor system in mediating the biological activities of sarcoma growth factor (SGF) has been assessed by using specific anti-EGF receptor antibodies. There are two classes of anti-EGF receptor antibodies, those that block binding of 125I-labeled EGF (125I-EGF) and those that do not block binding but do interact with a portion of the EGF receptor on the surface of intact cells. Antisera of both types have been assayed for their capacity to affect the biological activities of SGF. The antisera that block 125I-EGF binding to its receptor block the induction of DNA synthesis in human fibroblasts by either EGF or SGF but not by other polypeptide mitogens. Titration of the anti-EGF receptor antiserum indicates the presence of one population of antibody that blocks the site of both EGF and SGF action. Antisera to the EGF receptor that block 125I-EGF binding also inhibited the SGF-dependent anchorage-independent growth of normal cells in soft agar. The antisera to the EGF receptor that does not block 125I-EGF binding or EGF activity did not inhibit any of the biological activities of SGF. The results suggest that occupation of the EGF receptor is required for both the mitogenic and colony-forming activity of SGF.  相似文献   

A number of proteins involved in intracellular signaling contain regions of homology to the product of the src oncogene that are termed Src-homology (SH) 2 domains. SH2 domains are believed to mediate the association of these proteins with various tyrosine-phosphorylated receptors in a growth factor-dependent manner. We have examined the kinetic characteristics of one of these interactions, the binding of the SH2 domains of phospholipase C gamma 1 with the receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF). Bacterial fusion proteins were prepared containing the two SH2 domains of PLC gamma 1 and labeled metabolically with [35S]methionine/cysteine. A fusion protein containing both SH2 domains bound to the purified EGF receptor from EGF-treated cells, whereas no binding to receptors from control cells was detected. Binding was rapid, reaching apparent equilibrium by 10 min. Dissociation of the complex occurred only in the presence of excess unlabeled SH2 protein and exhibited two kinetic components. Similarly, analysis of apparent equilibrium binding revealed a nonlinear Scatchard plot, further indicating complex binding kinetics that may reflect cooperative behavior. The binding of the fusion protein containing both SH2 domains was inhibited by a fusion protein containing only the amino-terminal SH2 domain, although at concentrations an order of magnitude higher than that observed with the complete fusion protein. Fusion proteins containing SH2 domains from the GTPase-activating protein, the p85 regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase, or the Abl oncoprotein competed less effectively. Binding of the PLC gamma 1 SH2 fusion protein to a mutant EGF receptor lacking the two carboxyl-terminal tyrosine phosphorylation sites exhibited a significantly lower affinity than that observed with the wild type, suggesting that this region of the receptor may play an important role. This binding assay represents a means with which to evaluate the pleiotropic nature of growth factor action.  相似文献   

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