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目的:总结脑解剖结构的三维可视化研究进展及其临床应用。方法:查阅近年来与脑解剖结构三维可视化相关的文献,了解三维可视化技术的应用方法及临床意义。结果:三维可视化技术在脑解剖、数字人脑图谱、虚拟现实、神经导航及远程医疗等方面已得到广泛应用。结论:随着三维可视化技术在多学科领域的广泛应用及与更多科技领域的合作,将会推动神经外科向更加先进医疗方式的发展。  相似文献   

目的:设计并制作一个高精度、高速度、又易于操作的二-维数字化人脑图谱,重建出人脑内部各个组织之间复杂的空间关系:方法:住PC机上使用自己开发的工具对采集到的二维人脑图像进行先期处理,并自动生成各组织的三维模型,然后使用VRML将三维模型组织在一起并在浏览器中显示出来:结果:成功构建出一个操作简单、效果逼真的脑图谱,适用于手术计划导航以及神经解剖教学:结论:利用可视化技术构建的数字化人脑图谱能够为医学研究、教学与临床提供形象而真实的模型,而且构造出的三维模型文件较小,适合于网络传输和资源共享:  相似文献   

目的:总结脑解剖结构的三维可视化研究进展及其临床应用.方法:查阅近年来与脑解剖结构三维可视化相关的文献,了解三维可视化技术的应用方法及临床意义.结果:三维可视化技术在脑解剖、数字人脑图谱、虚拟现实、神经导航及远程医疗等方面已得到广泛应用.结论:随着三维可视化技术在多学科领域的广泛应用及与更多科技领域的合作,将会推动神经外科向更加先进医疗方式的发展.  相似文献   

探讨了应用三维造型软件建立脑动脉虚拟三维模型的方法。对46例具有颏顶位的正常脑血管DSA资料进行分析整理,选取具有代表性的DSA资料作为蓝本,利用三维制作软件3D Studio MAXR3创建虚拟的脑动脉系统模型。结果显示:虚拟脑动脉系统与DSA图像相比,在形态上具有相似性,在视觉上更容易理解血管的三维空间关系;通过将该虚拟模型文件复制成多个副本,稍加修改即可建立具有不同解剖变异的多个模型;在临床教学上能够帮助学习者建立并加强对脑动脉三维结构及其与脑动脉瘤空间关系的认识。以上结果表明,由软件方法建立的脑动脉虚拟三维模型能够逼真显示脑动脉系统的三维空间结构,可作为脑血管疾病虚拟研究的形态学基础。  相似文献   

在传统的解剖学教学中,学生通过文字描述、图表、教具和尸体解剖来获得解剖学知识。这样的教学方式在帮助学生理解解剖结构的三维形态方面有局限性。计算机三维模型在解剖结构学习中的优势是可以从多角度观测,形象直观:可以使学生学习的更快,学习效率更高。本文首先介绍了解剖教育中所用计算机三维模型的构建方法和步骤。然后,按模型构建的难易程度将其分为两类,分别分析其在解剖教育中的应用。一类是较容易重建的三维模型,该类模型可以自动或半自动的构建,建模周期短,已在解剖学教育中得到广泛应用。以较大骨组织模型为例,分析了其应用于解剖教育的研究进展。另一类是较难重建的三维模型,以耳颞部和神经三维模型为例,对其应用于解剖教育的研究进展进行综述。分析了主要的耳颞部三维模型构建方法:基于解剖学参数构建三维模型和利用组织切片图像或者Micro.CT图像构建三维模型,并比较了两种方法的优缺点。分析了神经系统三维模型构建的主要方法:构建了骨组织等框架组织三维模型后.根据文献描述的神经与骨组织的相互关系“雕绘”构造神经三维模型。最后,讨论了三维模型构建方面存在的问题和对三维模型在解剖学教学中的作用的不同看法。  相似文献   

人体大脑数字化解剖模型的构建及可视化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的构建人体大脑数字化解剖模型,为实现大脑的计算机精确模拟提供可操作的基础平台,为人体大脑功能研究提供解剖学框架。方法采用低温冷冻铣切技术采集人体大脑的横断面图像,用课题组自行开发的软件,将分割提取后的脑断面图像进行重建,建立大脑三维模型。用与香港中文大学合作开发的可视化软件,在三维空间上对人体大脑结构进行可视化研究。结果建立了以前后连合间线中点为原点的大脑三维模型,且模型上每一像素都有相应的解剖标识,其任意一点的坐标均能显示;大脑的三维模型可以任意切割显示大脑内部结构:重构后的大脑结构还可进行三维测量。结论大脑数字化模型建立在临床常用的三维空间坐标系中且模型上每一像素都有相应的解剖标识,为模型驱动分割算法的研究提供了模板,同时也为神经解剖教学提供了一种新的、直观的手段。具有明确解剖标识和量化空间信息的数字化人大脑模型,与坐标系统联系起来,还为人大脑各类图像配准提供了公共参考系统。  相似文献   

目的:了解儿童肝胆系统形态结构、走行规律,辨清儿童及成人肝的差异,为编写儿童解剖图谱提供素材,丰富对儿童肝胆系统的认识。方法 :选取男童标本1具,利用数控冷冻铣削技术,采用从足到头逐层超薄铣切,进行数字儿童肝胆系统图像手动分割,分割提取后将数据导入Digihuman Reconstruction System,并建立三维模型,将初步建立的模型进行微调和修改。采用描述法对重建后的儿童三维肝胆系统模型进行显示。结果 :获得肝连续薄层解剖断面图像1 234张,获得了儿童三维肝胆系统及儿童断层解剖图谱。结论 :通过对肝断层解剖结构的分析与处理,可以立体地展示肝胆系统的解剖关系;三维图像可形象、动态地显示肝胆系统的解剖特点。  相似文献   

目的寻求建立颈椎后路手术相关结构数字模型及三维可视化方法。方法取健康志愿者头顶至第3胸椎下缘连续CT/MRI断面图像,Mimics软件对骨骼,肌肉,神经等组织用半自动方法进行分割和重建,MedCAD(医学计算机辅助设计)模块对细小解剖结构重建,三维化显示颈椎后路手术相关解剖结构。结果建立颈椎后路手术相关结构的三维可视化模型,显示骨性结构、颈背部由浅入深4层17组肌肉、4组韧带、C1~T2脊神经后支和颈部浅层肌等解剖结构的位置关系。结论在颈背部三维可视化模型基础上,参照解剖学层次逐层显示该手术相关重要结构,为该手术解剖教学、手术培训提供医疗教学平台。  相似文献   

目的:基于虚拟中国人男性一号三维结构模型数据库,采用Browser/Server结构,构建交互式多用户人体解剖三维图谱系统,发布和共享三维模型数据。方法:根据用户交互表单,系统从数据库获取模型信息,以虚拟中国人模型数据为材料,在服务器端动态组合,生成需要的VRML人体模型,并在客户端浏览器中交互显示;以MeSH为基础,按照人体生理结构的命名体系和层次,建立模型数据库,并以XML的形式发布。结果:实现了三维模型在线交互式浏览,直观地发布结构数据;构建了数据中间层,实现标准化的数据共享和扩展。结论:图谱系统提供了直观的数据可视化,构建了符合MeSH标准的模型数据体系,为人体解剖结构的学习和研究带来了方便,为远程解剖教学提供了重要平台。  相似文献   

基于虚拟中国人数据集的鼻部及颞骨解剖结构三维重建   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的:为可视化虚拟人体模型鼻部及颞骨解剖结构的三维重建探索一种可行的方法。方法:利用3D-Slicer软件进行鼻部及颞骨部分解剖结构的三维重建。对单层图片进行图象分割及提取,处理后的体数据导入3D—Slicer,选择阈值进行进一步的图像分割,产生感兴趣区的标志图,进而重建出组织结构的三维表面模型。结果:成功重建了四组鼻窦,鼻中隔,中下鼻甲,颞骨,鼓室,乳突气房,乙状窦,颈内动脉的三维表面模型,并可显示不同结构间的毗邻关系与空间定位。结论:基于中国第一号虚拟人数据集,用3—D软件可以实现鼻部颞骨部分解剖结构三维可视化,便于对该部解剖结构的观察和理解。  相似文献   

Automatic segmentation of MRI brain scans is a complex task for two main reasons: the large variability of the human brain anatomy, which limits the use of general knowledge and, inherent to MRI acquisition, the artifacts present in the images that are difficult to process. To tackle these difficulties, we propose to mix, in a cooperative framework, several types of information and knowledge provided and used by complementary individual systems: presently, a multi-agent system, a deformable model and an edge detector. The outcome is a cooperative segmentation performed by a set of region and edge agents constrained automatically and dynamically by both, the specific gray levels in the considered image, statistical models of the brain structures and general knowledge about MRI brain scans. Interactions between the individual systems follow three modes of cooperation: integrative, augmentative and confrontational cooperation, combined during the three steps of the segmentation process namely, the specialization of the seeded-region-growing agents, the fusion of heterogeneous information and the retroaction over slices. The described cooperative framework allows the dynamic adaptation of the segmentation process to the own characteristics of each MRI brain scan. Its evaluation using realistic brain phantoms is reported.  相似文献   

结合脑图谱和水平集的MR图像分割的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用脑图谱的先验知识并结合水平集等算法实现对脑MR图像的初步分割。主要步骤:(1)选取数字脑图谱,对图谱进行预处理;(2)实现图谱与脑MR图像的配准;(3)利用图谱提供的轮廓信息对水平集算法进行初始化,完成颅骨和脑脊液的提取以及脑白质和脑灰质的分割。实验结果表明,利用脑图谱提供的信息可有效解决水平集算法初始化问题,缩小求解空间,减少迭代次数,该方法具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Several different pathologies, including many neurodegenerative disorders, affect the energy metabolism of the brain. Glutamate, a neurotransmitter in the brain, can be used as a biomarker to monitor these metabolic processes. One method that is capable of quantifying glutamate concentration reliably in several regions of the brain is TE‐averaged 1H spectroscopic imaging. However, this type of method requires the acquisition of multiple TE lines, resulting in long scan durations. The goal of this experiment was to use non‐uniform sampling, compressed sensing reconstruction and an echo planar readout gradient to reduce the scan time by a factor of eight to acquire TE‐averaged spectra in three spatial dimensions. Simulation of glutamate and glutamine showed that the 2.2–2.4 ppm spectral region contained 95% glutamate signal using the TE‐averaged method. Peak integration of this spectral range and home‐developed, prior‐knowledge‐based fitting were used for quantitation. Gray matter brain phantom measurements were acquired on a Siemens 3 T Trio scanner. Non‐uniform sampling was applied retrospectively to these phantom measurements and quantitative results of glutamate with respect to creatine 3.0 (Glu/Cr) ratios showed a coefficient of variance of 16% for peak integration and 9% for peak fitting using eight‐fold acceleration. In vivo scans of the human brain were acquired as well and five different brain regions were quantified using the prior‐knowledge‐based algorithm. Glu/Cr ratios from these regions agreed with previously reported results in the literature. The method described here, called accelerated TE‐averaged echo planar spectroscopic imaging (TEA‐EPSI), is a significant methodological advancement and may be a useful tool for categorizing glutamate changes in pathologies where affected brain regions are not known a priori. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

D House  E Berman  H B Carter 《Growth》1985,49(4):426-438
The growth pattern of the brains of normal CD-1 mice was studied from day 1 through day 21 after birth. The main purpose of the study was to decide on suitable methods of statistical analysis of these kinds of data including whether to analyze brain weight or the brain-to-body weight ratio. A secondary purpose, which aided the main purpose, was to find functions that describe the relationships between growth parameters. Linear-linear segmented polynomials were found to describe well the relationships between brain weight and body weight, brain weight and age, brain-to-body weight ratio and body weight and brain-to-body weight ratio and age. The analyses indicated that brain weight alone is the preferred variable to analyze. Regression analysis of brain weight with sex and up to the first three powers of body weight and age as independent variables would be a suitable method of analysis. Litter size per se had no effect on brain weight.  相似文献   

应用数据挖掘技术从大脑胶质瘤病例中获取诊断知识   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采用数据挖掘技术中3种主要算法;多层感知器网络、决策树以及规则提取从大脑胶质瘤病例中获取胶质瘤恶性程度的术前诊断知识,对于测试样本,它们的平均准确率都超过了80%,达到了医生的一般要求,如果准确率是诊断中首要考虑的因素,那么隐层节点数较小且直接利用数值属性的多层感知器网络具有最好的性能。如果要对获取的诊断知识进行人工整理,那么规则提取是最好的知识获取算法。  相似文献   

基于反卷积方法的脑激活定位分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前用fMRI进行脑功能研究的主要依据是血流敏感性[1]和BOLD[2](blood oxygenation-level dependent)对比度增强原理.当某一脑区被激活时,由于血流增加,引起了氧合血红蛋白浓度的瞬态增加,导致磁化率加权脉冲序列中MR信号的增强.本文着重讨论了反卷积方法在脑激活定位中的应用.该法可以有效地提供良好的解剖学定位,为进一步实现被试间图像的比较分析或由多个被试提取一般性的脑活动机理做准备.  相似文献   

Until recently, there have been relatively few studies of brain mass and morphology in fossil cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and porpoises) because of difficulty accessing the matrix that fills the endocranial cavity of fossil cetacean skulls. As a result, our knowledge about cetacean brain evolution has been quite limited. By applying the noninvasive technique of computed tomography (CT) to visualize, measure, and reconstruct the endocranial morphology of fossil cetacean skulls, we can gain vastly more information at an unprecedented rate about cetacean brain evolution. Here, we discuss our method and demonstrate it with several examples from our fossil cetacean database. This approach will provide new insights into the little-known evolutionary history of cetacean brain evolution.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis: from precursors to network and physiology   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The discovery that the adult mammalian brain creates new neurons from pools of stemlike cells was a breakthrough in neuroscience. Interestingly, this particular new form of structural brain plasticity seems specific to discrete brain regions, and most investigations concern the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampal formation (HF). Overall, two main lines of research have emerged over the last two decades: the first aims to understand the fundamental biological properties of neural stemlike cells (and their progeny) and the integration of the newly born neurons into preexisting networks, while the second focuses on understanding its relevance in brain functioning, which has been more extensively approached in the DG. Here, we propose an overview of the current knowledge on adult neurogenesis and its functional relevance for the adult brain. We first present an analysis of the methodological issues that have hampered progress in this field and describe the main neurogenic sites with their specificities. We will see that despite considerable progress, the levels of anatomic and functional integration of the newly born neurons within the host circuitry have yet to be elucidated. Then the intracellular mechanisms controlling neuronal fate are presented briefly, along with the extrinsic factors that regulate adult neurogenesis. We will see that a growing list of epigenetic factors that display a specificity of action depending on the neurogenic site under consideration has been identified. Finally, we review the progress accomplished in implicating neurogenesis in hippocampal functioning under physiological conditions and in the development of hippocampal-related pathologies such as epilepsy, mood disorders, and addiction. This constitutes a necessary step in promoting the development of therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Technically advanced methods of the surgical treatment of nervous diseases require detailed knowledge of the microanatomy of the base of the brain. An original method of exposing the posterior cranial fossa and extracting the brain from the skull was used at the autopsies of 48 humans and yielded data on the microanatomical features in the zone at which the root of the trigeminal nerve enters the brainstem. Three variants of the arterial blood supply to the root of the trigeminal nerve and three variants of the venous drainage from the cerebellopontine angle were identified. This method of exposing the posterior cranial fossa at autopsy identified the topographical anatomical interactions between the root of the trigeminal nerve and the vessels of the base of the brain present while the patients were alive. Consideration of structural variants of the superior petrosal vein during surgical approaches to brainstem structures should allow the incidence of complications to be decreased.  相似文献   

Using a new stereological technique, the total number of nerve and glia cells can be estimated in selected brain regions. The method is completely independent of precise knowledge of nerve cell size, section thickness and of dimensional changes in brain tissue induced by histological procedures. It therefore provides an unbiased estimate of total nerve cell number. As an example, the total neuron number from the mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus in brains from schizophrenic patients is compared to control cases. The total neuron number was reduced by 40% in the brains from chronic schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

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