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完全性唇腭裂患者牙槽突植骨手术前后的正畸治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对植骨术前后的正畸治疗对象、适应证进行探讨。方法本组20例唇腭裂患者分别于植骨术前05~1年采用方丝弓、细丝弓固定矫治器或活动矫治器进行治疗,并根据患者不同情况增加上颌扩弓装置。结果经正畸治疗后,上颌牙齿排列整齐,牙齿扭转得到纠正,牙弓形态正常,裂区两侧倾斜牙齿扶正,为植骨提供了良好的间隙。20例植骨手术均成功,伤口I期愈合,骨密度正常。结论牙槽突植骨术前后正畸治疗是唇腭裂序列治疗的重要组成部分,正畸治疗为顺利进行植骨术提供了可靠的保证,也使唇腭裂患者的牙形态及功能得到明显的改善  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者由于先天裂隙,早期手术的瘢痕张力和唇肌压迫等因素导致上颌骨横向发育受限,临床上常表现为上颌骨严重缩窄,宽度不足,上下牙弓不匹配,牙列反牙合等。牙槽突植骨与正畸扩弓治疗是矫正上颌宽度不足的有效手段。本文从牙槽突植骨时机及其成功率、牙槽突植骨与正畸扩弓先后关系两方面讨论。牙槽突植骨的最佳时机为恒尖牙萌出前,其牙根发育1/2~2/3时。植骨前的快速扩弓有增大裂隙,扩大植骨量,降低植骨难度等优势,但是稳定性仍有争议。植骨后的快速扩弓可扩展腭中缝而不破坏植骨区,但是目前仍是小样本研究。慢速扩弓持续的轻力可起到较好的骨改建效应,但慢速扩弓的研究中多配合了固定矫治器,长期稳定效果有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的唇腭裂术后患者牙颌畸形严重,上颌骨生长发育受限,前牙及全牙弓反的发生率明显高于普通患者。本文对这部分患者进行了有效的综合性治疗,并对正畸与植骨及正颌外科手术的关系进行探讨。方法临床选择45例唇腭裂术后患者,男性27例,女性18例;单侧唇腭裂33例,双侧唇腭裂12例;年龄范围7-25岁,平均年龄13岁。对其进行不同类型的矫治设计,并以方丝弓固定矫治器为主要矫治方法。结果正畸治疗后,上下颌牙齿排列整齐、牙弓形态恢复,对上颌牙弓过窄的患者采用四角腭弓、快速螺簧开大器及开展牙弓矫治、效果显著。其中单纯正畸矫冶患者6例;正畸矫治配合牙槽突裂植骨术30例;正畸矫治、植骨、正颌手术联合治疗患者9例。均取得良好的牙齿排及咬合关系。结论唇腭裂术后患者牙颌畸形的矫治是一种多学科的综合性治疗,对严重的(颌面异常的患者,应进行早期的正畸治疗,适时进行齿槽突植骨术,使上颌连为一体,对严重的骨性Ⅲ类成人患者,应与正颌手术联合矫治,而使患者的面型及咬合功能同时得到良好的改善。  相似文献   

李伟 《口腔正畸学》2011,18(4):218-220
单侧完全性唇腭裂患者常伴有牙槽嵴裂,而裂隙侧的尖牙多发生阻生,即使在适当的年龄做了牙槽嵴植骨术,也常会出现尖牙阻生。本文介绍一例单侧完全性唇腭裂伴牙槽嵴裂患者经过术前扩弓治疗后进行牙槽突裂植骨,植骨术后正畸治疗完成尖牙牵引助萌。  相似文献   

术前正畸对完全性唇腭裂牙槽突植骨疗效的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨牙槽突植骨术前正畸治疗对于完全性唇腭裂牙槽突植骨长期疗效的影响。方法 选择牙弓狭窄、上颌前牙舌倾或扭转 ,可以伴有前牙反 \ ,牙槽突植骨手术不易进行的完全性唇腭裂患者 16例 ,男 9例 ,女 7例。其中单侧完全性唇腭裂 10例 ,双侧完全性唇腭裂 6例 ,共有裂隙 2 2侧 ,患者年龄 8~ 2 2岁。在牙槽突植骨前进行正畸治疗 ,植骨术后定期拍摄上颌体腔片或上颌前部咬合片 ,观察植骨疗效 ,手术后观察期为 0 5~ 4年。牙槽骨高度的评价采用Bergland标准进行。结果 术前正畸 ,特别是通过开展狭窄的上牙弓 ,能够使因存在错畸形而不易进行牙槽突植骨的唇腭裂患者顺利完成手术 ,牙槽突植骨的临床成功率达 86 %。结论 对于上牙弓狭窄 ,错畸形严重的完全性唇腭裂患者 ,应该在植骨手术前进行正畸治疗。  相似文献   

牙槽突裂是位于唇腭裂患者上颌牙弓处的骨缺损,常发生于侧切牙与尖牙之间。由于先天性裂隙、早期手术治疗所致瘢痕挛缩及唇肌压迫等原因,患者多并发严重的上颌骨横向发育障碍。牙槽突植骨术作为唇腭裂序列治疗中的重要步骤,是修补上颌骨裂隙和矫正上颌横向发育不足的有效手段。众多临床实践及研究发现,正畸治疗的时机选择与牙槽突植骨术的成功率及预后效果密不可分,同时,牙槽突裂的裂隙特点对牙槽突植骨术产生的影响也不可忽视。本文就牙槽突裂的裂隙特点与正畸治疗时机对牙槽突植骨术成功率及预后的影响两方面进行综述,以期为唇腭裂患者临床治疗方案的选择及实验研究的设计提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨牙槽突植骨前正畸治疗对于完全性唇腭裂牙槽突植骨长期疗效的影响.方法选择牙弓狭窄、上颌后牙舌倾或扭转并伴有前牙反、牙槽植骨手术不宜进行的完全性腭裂患者11例,男7例,女4例,患者年龄范围8-22岁,进行牙槽植骨术前正畸治疗.术后定期拍摄上颌体腔片/上颌前部咬合片,术后观察时间0.5-3年,牙槽骨高度的评价采用Bergland标准进行.结果11例完全性唇腭裂的病人,经过牙槽植骨术前正畸后,上颌牙弓开展明显,后牙反由于牙弓开展而减小或解除,磨牙间距明显增加.前牙扭转和舌倾明显改善,为牙槽二期植骨术创造了良好的条件.牙槽突植骨的临床成功率为88%.结论对于牙弓狭窄,错畸形严重的唇腭裂患者,应该在植骨术前进行正畸治疗,提高牙槽突植骨的疗效.  相似文献   

目的应用牙CT评价正畸牙移入牙槽突裂患者植骨区后牙槽骨的形态变化。方法对3位牙槽突裂患者在植骨前后和正畸治疗后行牙槽突裂裂隙区的三维牙CT检查,分析正畸牙移入植骨区域后,正畸牙位置及牙槽骨的形态变化。结果牙槽突裂植骨术后,正畸牙可以顺利移入植入骨区域,正畸牙的牙根尖位置发生明显的位移,牙槽骨会随正畸牙的移动发生塑形改变,而不仅仅是牙齿在牙槽骨内的移动。结论牙槽突裂植骨及正畸治疗有益于重建牙弓的完整性。  相似文献   

牙槽突裂二期植骨术的目的是稳定上颌牙弓,对裂隙区邻牙提供骨支持和诱导尖牙的萌出等,是唇腭裂序列治疗中的重要组成部分。裂隙部位的植骨量影响正畸治疗中邻近牙齿的萌出、移动和牙槽嵴突度、形态的重塑以及后续治疗计划的制定。影像学检查观察植骨区骨质情况,是评价唇腭裂牙槽突植骨疗效最重要的方法之一。笔者就牙槽突植骨区骨质情况影像学评价方法进行综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨术前正畸联合术中应用可吸收胶原生物膜对单侧牙槽突裂植骨效果的影响。方法选择牙弓狭窄、上颌前牙舌倾或扭转、牙槽突裂隙不规则、难以进行牙槽突裂植骨术的单侧完全性牙槽突裂患者30例,年龄9-13岁,先进行植骨前正畸治疗,再应用髂骨松质骨加可吸收胶原生物膜覆盖行植骨修复,术后定期拍X线片检查,观察植骨效果。牙槽骨高度评价标准采用Bergland标准进行,术后观察期为1—3年。结果30例患者术后成骨情况I型11例,Ⅱ型17例,植骨成功率达93.3%。结论对于上颌牙弓狭窄、牙槽突裂隙不规则、牙颌畸形严重的牙槽突裂患者,建议先行植骨前正畸治疗,植骨术中联合应用可吸收胶原生物膜可有效提高植骨成功率。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the long-term aesthetic and functional results of surgical and orthodontic treatment in patients with cleft palate and unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. DESIGN: 30 patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus and 30 patients with isolated cleft palate, mean age of 18.9 years, were evaluated by cephalometric and model analysis a mean of 1.5 years after orthodontic treatment. In each group the surgical treatment has been similar. RESULTS: Model analysis: The sum of every mesiodistal tooth diameter in the maxilla and in the mandible was recorded according to the Bolton analysis. Twenty patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate and alveolus had relatively large upper dental arches and nine had relatively large lower dental arches. Twenty-two patients with cleft palates had large upper dental arches and seven had large mandibular arches. Eleven patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus and 18 patients with cleft palate had a negative space supply (the sum of the mesiodistal tooth diameters compared with the sagittal length of the alveolar ridge) in the region of the lateral teeth. All patients had persistent transverse space deficits that were increased on the side of the cleft in patients with cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. These unilateral transversal space deficits were recorded in 22 patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus and in 8 patients with isolated cleft palate. Sagittal measurements were reduced in 26 patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus and in 23 patients with cleft palate alone. The alveolar midline of the maxilla and the mandible were displaced in 25 patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus and in 19 patients with isolated cleft palate. Lateral cephalometric analysis: The lateral cephalograms taken at the same time as the models showed a mean SNA of 76.8 degrees and a NL-NSL angle of 8.7 degrees, indications of a tendency towards maxillary retrognathia in patients with unilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. Patients with cleft palate had a mean SNA of 79.6 degrees and NL-NSL angle of 8.1 degrees. The anterior facial vertical index was within normal limits in patients with cleft lip, palate, and alveolus (44% vs 56%). An anterior facial height index of 42% compared with 58% in patients with isolated cleft palate indicated a slight reduction in midface height with an increase in the lower face as a consequence. CONCLUSION: Orthodontic and surgical treatment can result in satisfactory results on model analysis. However, there is specific growth impairment of the maxilla 1.5 years after termination of orthodontic treatment and this influences the final cephalometric analysis, particularly in patients with cleft lip, palate, and alveolus.  相似文献   

唇腭裂正颌外科术前正畸治疗的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 以16例唇腭裂修复术后重度性反He患者为例,对正颌外科术前正畸治疗的适应症、矫治时机等问题进行探讨。方法 选择16例唇腭裂修复术后He患者,其中双侧腭裂6例,单侧腭裂10例,采用方丝弓固定矫治器,配合使用四角腭弓等扩弓装置,开 颌牙弓,排齐上下牙列。结果 术前正畸治疗后,上下牙弓形态恢复正常,上下颌牙齿排列整齐,上下颌前牙去代偿,其正常轴倾度恢复。上牙弓宽度明显开展,上下牙弓宽度经模型拼对后协调。结论 术前正畸治疗是保证手术成功,防止术后复发的关键步骤,通过正畸与正颌外科联合治疗,不但可使患进的面型得到改观,也使He关系得到良好恢复。  相似文献   

目的总结单侧完全性唇腭裂患者正畸治疗过程与疗效。方法临床矫治15例单侧完全性唇腭裂患者,初诊年龄8~17岁,采用HX直丝弓矫治技术,部分配合活动矫治器进行矫治。结果矫治后牙列整齐,咬合良好,在患者有限的口腔解剖生理条件下达到最大程度的美观、稳定、健康和功能。结论正畸治疗是单侧唇腭裂患者序列治疗中的重要部分。  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者在生长发育期,常可观察到上颌骨矢状向、横向和垂直向等三维方向的发育障碍,其牙弓形态往往表现为上牙弓狭窄等,尤以完全性唇腭裂患者为严重。上颌骨扩弓成为唇腭裂患者正畸治疗的重要步骤,扩弓方法根据不同需要进行选择。本文分别从各类扩弓方式、年龄和牙弓形态等方面,讨论其对单侧完全性唇腭裂患者扩弓稳定性的影响。  相似文献   

After cleft lip repair the upper lip is sometimes attached at the premaxilla. The scar bands and contractures may occur deleterious effects on: the growth, the facial expression, the speech, problems during orthodontic treatment and in prosthetic dental care, regression of the attached gingiva, resorption of the transplanted bone and the aspect of the upper lip. In nine edentulous patients with cleft lip palate, in six patients with cleft lip palate and with a mutilated dentition and in ten younger patients with cleft lip palate the buccal sulcus was successfully restored. The importance of a free upper lip and adequate sulcus has been under-emphasized in treatment of the patient with cleft lip palate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the maxillary arch expansion on maxillomandibular arch widths in patients treated with the quad-helix versus untreated controls. The treatment group consisted of 50 consecutive patients treated for maxillary incisor crowding with a quad-helix appliance in the early mixed dentition. Lateral cephalograms and dental casts taken at the start (T0) and end (T1) of the quad-helix treatment were obtained. The control group consisted of 50 untreated patients with the same type of malocclusion. Two consecutive lateral cephalograms and dental casts of each untreated patient were taken at about the same time as T0 and T1. All these study materials were analyzed for comparison between the two groups. The mean ages at T0 and T1 in the two groups were about the same. The maxillary first molars moved and tipped distally in the treatment group and mesially in the control group. The quad-helix treatment actually expanded the mandibular and maxillary arches concurrently. The more the maxillary arch widths were expanded and the less the maxillary first molars were inclined distally, the more the mandibular arch widths were expanded. The quad-helix activation caused lingual tipping and mesiobuccal rotation of the maxillary first molars. The mesiobuccal rotation of the maxillary first molars could turn molar occlusal relationships for the better from Class II to Class I. The quad-helix treatment gives rise to spontaneous expansion of the mandibular arch concurrent with maxillary expansion in the early mixed dentition patients with maxillary incisor crowding.  相似文献   

We performed an orthodontic treatment combined with mandibular distraction osteogenesis in a 15-year-old patient who wanted a correction of a chin deficiency and a protruding upper lip. The patient had an Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion, a low mandibular plane angle, and scissors bite. First, a quad-helix appliance was applied to the mandibular dentition to correct the scissors bite in the bilateral premolar region. Later, a preadjusted edgewise appliance was applied to the maxillary and mandibular teeth. After 3 days, a mandibular distraction osteogenesis was performed. During and after the distraction, the open bite between the upper and lower dental arches was corrected using up and down elastics. The total treatment time with the edgewise appliance was 14 months. A skeletal Class I apical base relationship, good facial profile, and optimum intercuspation of the teeth were achieved with the treatment. The jaw-movement pattern on the frontal view did not change during gum chewing. However, the maximum gap without pain increased. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles, and maximum occlusal force increased. The present case report suggests that an orthodontic treatment combined with mandibular distraction osteogenesis in a patient with mandibular retrusion in the late growth period might be effective for improving stomatognathic function.  相似文献   

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