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第一条为了使我国生物医学领域人胚胎干细胞研究符合生命伦理规范,保证国际公认的生命伦理准则和我国的相关规定得到尊重和遵守,促进人胚胎干细胞研究的健康发展,制定本指导原则。  相似文献   

【目的】 梳理国外学者对科技期刊出版伦理的研究成果,为我国科技期刊出版伦理的研究提供参考。【方法】 采用文献综述法和内容编码法,对国外已有研究成果进行系统总结和提炼,梳理研究现状,分析存在的问题,展望未来发展趋势。【结果】 国外已有的出版伦理相关研究成果主要包括5个研究主题:出版伦理失范、出版伦理规范、出版伦理实施现状、作者和编辑对出版伦理的认知和态度、出版伦理治理。【结论】 国外关于科技期刊出版伦理的研究成果丰硕,特征明显,但也存在缺乏研究范畴界定和对伦理规范的系统分析等问题。我国科技期刊出版伦理规范体系的建设应加强对国际研究成果的借鉴以及对规范文本的研究。  相似文献   

分析了我国在改革开放的现实情境中卫生制度的困境与矛盾 ,从伦理人类学和经济伦理学广角提出卫生制度的伦理原则 ,并结合目前我国现行卫生制度状况 ,提出了合理构建卫生服务体系、兼顾卫生资源公平与效率、完善健康保障的结构体系、加强农村及贫困人口的健康保障和注重卫生制度跨部门集成等五个方面的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国对非洲国家的医疗援助是我国对外援助工作的重要组成部分,也是将我国构建人类卫生健康共同体共识理念付诸实际行动的有益探索。近年来,我国与非洲多国在卫生健康领域不断深化合作,取得突出成效的同时也彰显了中国对非医疗援助的道德坚守和伦理归宿。但是,我国在医疗援非的过程中也存在援助规模和力度受非议、援助措施可靠性受质疑、援助方案执行因风俗文化差异受阻碍等现实问题,从中反映出来的道德难题和伦理困境需得到权衡思考,并探究其中的伦理坚守与应对路径。  相似文献   

文章列举一些事实说明道路交通对于公共健康的伤害,进而从伦理角度分析这一伤害,讨论了降低道路交通伤害的道德责任问题。  相似文献   

从技术概念、分类、研究、应用及管理与伦理要求、流程等方面,探讨不断完善我国医疗技术及其伦理管理的若干要点,旨在为进一步强化我国医疗技术及其伦理管理工作提供具有建设性的意见与建议。  相似文献   

伦理治理是医学科技创新高质量发展的前提和保障,构建契合高质量发展的伦理治理机制将成为确保我国医学科技创新行稳致远、健康发展的关键所在。文章从机制的组织要素、制度要素和价值要素3个维度,分析当前医学科技伦理治理机制存在的不足,提出构建契合医学科技高质量发展的伦理治理机制要做好3个思维转向,即由单向自治向综合治理转变,由粗放管理向规范管理转变,由单边进步向契合发展转变;要健全和完善3种核心机制,即沟通与协调机制、审查与监管机制和评估与反馈机制。  相似文献   

随着医学研究技术的发展和手段的进步,开展临床医学科研的伦理审查已成为推进医学科研健康发展的必然要求。本文就温州医学院附属第二医院在临床科研管理中对以人为研究对象的科研课题的医学伦理审查实践进行简要的探讨,并就科研伦理审查过程中的难点进行了思考。  相似文献   

人体实验伦理原则   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医学进步依赖多门相关科学的发展、技术创新和富有想象力的临床研究。疾病诊断、治疗和预防安全有效手段的认可 ,大都经人体实验研究 ,这种研究必须在科学上可靠 ,在伦理上可以被接受。 196 4年 ,世界医学会发表了赫尔辛基宣言 ,成为在国际上建立伦理规范的重要里程碑 ,许多国家业已将该宣言的精神纳入国家法规 ,事实上 ,它已成为国内法与国际法的渊源。世界卫生组织制定了伦理指导原则。在我国 ,人体实验的伦理问题已受到政府、医学家与媒体的关注。关于人体实验医学科研伦理可概括为下述 5项原则 :1 尊重人 尊重人的生命、健康、隐私与人…  相似文献   

本文结合华西医院伦理管理工作,认真探讨了我国生物医学伦理审查中应关注的几个要点,包括调查与实验、新项目与常规项目、补偿与赔偿,以及生物医学伦理审查等内容,旨在为我国生物医学伦理管理工作的建设与发展提供良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

A contemporary health dilemma, that of mandatory HIV testing of patients and professionals, is used as a focus for an ethics class. Background material which is given to students is described and referenced. The interjection of ethical theory is described. The exercise has provided an effective focus for medical and health professional undergraduate and postgraduates. It combines contemporary material with ethical theory, and so brings ethics into practice for students.  相似文献   

时统君 《卫生软科学》2011,25(7):455-457
对医学伦理学的概念、学科性质、研究内容、研究方法进行了简要的描述;对我国医学伦理学研究涉及的脑死亡、安乐死、克隆人、器官移植、基因治疗、健康伦理、卫生资源分配等研究成果及存在争议的问题进行了探讨和梳理。  相似文献   

Public health ethics has emerged and grown as an independent discipline over the last decade. It involves using ethical theory and empirical analyses to determine and justify the right thing to do in public health. In this paper, we distinguish public health ethics from clinical ethics, research ethics, public health law and politics. We then discuss issues in public health ethics including: how to weigh up the benefits, harms and costs of intervening; how to ensure that public health interventions produce fair outcomes; the potential for public health to undermine or promote the rights of citizens; and the significance of being transparent and inclusive in public health interventions. We conclude that the explicit and systematic consideration of ethical issues will, and should, become central to every public health worker's daily practice.  相似文献   

行政伦理作为公共行政领域中伦理活动现象、伦理意识现象、伦理规范现象的综合表现,是伦理在公共行政领域的体现。以行政伦理学基本原理为理论依据,紧密结合当前公立医院行政管理实际,研究行政伦理学在公立医院管理领域应用的界定及范畴,并分析了医院管理中行政伦理与行政法规、行政职业道德的关系。  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(12):1689-1702

While ‘procedural ethics’ provides essential frameworks for governing global health research, reflecting on ‘ethics in practice’ offers important insights into addressing ethically important moments that arise in everyday research. Particularly for ethnographic research, renowned for it’s fluid and spontaneous nature, engaging with ‘ethics in practice’ has the potential to enhance research practice within global health. We provide a case study for such reflexivity, exploring ‘ethics in practice’ of ethnographic research with middle-income young women living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia. We explore the ethical issues arising from the layered interaction of the population (young women), the disease under investigation (HIV), the method of study (ethnographic), and the setting (Zambia, a lower middle income country). We describe how we navigated five key practical ethical tensions that arose, namely the psycho-emotional benefits of the research, the negotiated researcher-participant relationship, protecting participants’ HIV status, confidentiality and data ownership, and researcher obligations after the end of the research. We exemplify reflexive engagement with ‘ethics in practice’ and suggest that engaging with ethics in this way can make important contributions towards developing more adequate ethical guidelines and research practice in global public health.  相似文献   

党的十九大报告提出全面实施健康中国战略,把人民健康放在优先的发展战略位置。中共中央办公厅印发《关于加强公立医院党的建设工作的意见》,对抓好思想政治工作和医德医风建设作为公立医院党组织重要任务作出重要部署,由此可见医院党的建设与医德医风建设有机结合尤为重要。加强党的建设与医德医风建设有机结合,以党建工作为抓手,建立医德医风建设长效机制;以规范行为为目标,从各方面提升医疗服务质量;以监督考核为重点,实现医务人员全心全意为人民服务的理想追求。以党的建设统领行业作风、医疗服务、医疗质量的全过程,将有效推动医务人员医疗行为规范化、推动医院管理科学化、推动医疗卫生行业监管实效化,构建风清气正的医疗行业环境,促进健康中国、和谐社会的建设和发展。  相似文献   

Decision-making about the ethics of qualitative research is problematic where the research design is emergent, and the balance between risks and benefits for research subjects are difficult to ascertain prior to study implementation. The discourses of health/medical research ethics and those of social research are shown to be divergent and, furthermore, where ethics committees tie themselves to the health/medical model of ethical decision-making, qualitative research approaches can be disadvantaged. Having demonstrated the dual discourses and their relevance to qualitative research ethics, a critical review of current approaches to maximising the success of qualitative research proposals being considered for approval by ethics committees is undertaken. This leads to a call for a system of monitoring qualitative research so that the "benefit to risk" ratio is always on the side of benefit. This has implications for the ways in which ethics committees are organised and the ways in which they function.  相似文献   

Summary. Medical ethics play an essential role in the practice of medicine, in the care of individual patients, in the allocation of health care resources, and in the formulation of health care policy. A specific body of knowledge, ‘biomedical ethics’, has developed which applies ethical theory to biomedical practice. This has provided doctors with tools systematically to integrate rational ethical analysis into clinical decision-making. Training in the discipline of biomedical ethics is now required for all doctors in Canada. The goals, content areas, learning objectives, and learning methods considered appropriate for advanced training in this field for medical specialists are provided in this paper. Six topic areas are discussed: introduction to ethical theory, clinical ethics, professional ethics, ethics of human experimentation, ethics of health policy, and independent study. Ways this curriculum could be organized and evaluated are also offered.  相似文献   

Objectives. We assessed expected ethics competencies of public health professionals in codes and competencies, reviewed ethics instruction at schools of public health, and recommended ways to bridge the gap between them.Methods. We reviewed the code of ethics and 3 sets of competencies, separating ethics-related competencies into 3 domains: professional, research, and public health. We reviewed ethics course requirements in 2010–2011 on the Internet sites of 46 graduate schools of public health and categorized courses as required, not required, or undetermined.Results. Half of schools (n = 23) required an ethics course for graduation (master’s or doctoral level), 21 did not, and 2 had no information. Sixteen of 23 required courses were 3-credit courses. Course content varied from 1 ethics topic to many topics addressing multiple ethics domains.Conclusions. Consistent ethics education and competency evaluation can be accomplished through a combination of a required course addressing the 3 domains, integration of ethics topics in other courses, and “booster” trainings. Enhancing ethics competence of public health professionals is important to address the ethical questions that arise in public health research, surveillance, practice, and policy.Public health as a profession has a long history of expecting ethical behavior by its providers, scientists, and decision-makers. With early influences from medicine and nursing, laboratory science, and epidemiology, to more contemporary disciplines (e.g., behavioral science and engineering), public health consists of diverse professions,1 each of which contributes unique training, expectations of professional behavior, and discipline-specific codes of ethics. The common link that brings these disparate professionals together is the need for collective effort to improve health through a population focus.2Public health’s population focus presents unique ethics considerations that differ from those reflected in biomedicine and clinical care. Interactions between health care providers and patients emphasize the clinician’s obligation to the patient and the patient’s autonomy. Emphasis on the individual presents a challenge to public health professionals whose “patient” is the community or population. Since the early 2000s, at least a dozen public health ethics frameworks offered by scholars and practitioners have discussed the tensions that occur between autonomy and community responsibility.3 Public health professionals, many of whom are trained in medicine and allied health, understand that ethical challenges arise in the population setting, in public health practice, and public health research. The purpose of this assessment was to assess the expected ethical competencies of public health professionals as reflected in published codes and competencies, review current ethics instruction at schools of public health (SPH), and recommend ways to bridge the gap between what is expected and what is currently taught in graduate level courses.  相似文献   

医院公共关系与医院伦理具有一致性,体现着管理和伦理融合的趋势。医院伦理对医院公共关系的影响表现在:医院伦理精神对医院公共关系的价值引导;医院公共关系的成功受到组织成员道德水准的制约。医院公共关系与医院伦理关系在出发点、目标、主体、原则、来源具有一致性。从四个方面提升医院公共关系水平:坚持以人为本的理念服务公众;树立和谐的伦理观协调内外公众关系;主动向媒介公众提供真实的信息;提高内部公众的人文伦理素养。  相似文献   

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