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The Hedgehog pathway is critical for many developmental processes, including the formation of several epidermal appendages. In the mammary gland strict regulation of the Hedgehog pathway is required for normal development. Alterations in Hedgehog signaling result in defects in both the embryonic and postnatal mammary gland. Activation of Hedgehog signaling either by mutation or misexpression of pathway members can lead to the development and/or progression of cancers in multiple organs. This review addresses the current understanding and controversies of Hedgehog signaling in mammary gland development and its potential role in promoting breast carcinogenesis and cancer progression.  相似文献   

The mammary gland is an ectodermal appendage and a defining feature of mammals. Consistent with it being a recent evolutionary novelty, many of the molecules essential for the ontogeny and morphogenesis of various vertebrate organs, including those in the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathway, are co-opted for induction, maintenance and morphogenesis of the mammary glands. Understanding the mechanism whereby FGF signaling regulates the fundamental cell behavior during normal mammary gland develop may facilitate determination of the consequences of its deregulation during breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) represent a large group of intercellular signaling molecules that mediate their effects by binding to a class of cell surface enzymes belonging to the receptor tyrosine kinase family (FgfRs). In vitro, Fgf signaling can induce potent mitogenic, motogenic, and angiogenic cellular responses, and has been associated with a multitude of biological processes. The development of gene targeting and transgenic strategies has provided unequivocal evidence for the key involvement of Fgf signaling in mammalian developmental processes. In this review we highlight recent findings that demonstrate a critical requirement for Fgf signaling in the induction and development of the embryonic mammary gland. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the potential of Fgfs to act as oncogenic factors in mammary neoplasia.  相似文献   

The first member of the Wnt-family ligands was identified 30 years ago as a factor in mouse mammary tumours whose expression was deregulated due to the promoter activity emanating from the proximal integration of the Mouse Mammary Tumour Virus genome (Nusse and Varmus, Embo J 31:2670–84, 2012). The Wnt-ligands invoke a number of molecular-genetic signalling cascades fundamental to the patterning of developing tissues and organs during embryogenesis as well as during postnatal development. The Wnt-signalling cascade that controls the activities of β-catenin and the T-cell Factor (Tcf)/Lympoid enhancer factor (Lef1) plays a fundamental role in control of all stages of embryonic mammary gland development. We provide here a brief overview of the known aspects of Wnt-signalling activities in the embryonic mammary gland and its interactions with other signalling cascades in this developing tissue.  相似文献   

We review the role of Neuregulin 3 (Nrg3) and Erbb receptor signalling in embryonic mammary gland development. Neuregulins are growth factors that bind and activate its cognate Erbb receptor tyrosine kinases, which form a signalling network with established roles in breast development and breast cancer. Studies have shown that Nrg3 expression profoundly impacts early stages of embryonic mammary development. Network analysis shows how Nrg/Erbb signals could integrate with other major regulators of embryonic mammary development to elicit the morphogenetic processes and cell fate decisions that occur as the mammary lineage is established.  相似文献   

Progesterone was identified as a mammogenichormone several years ago but until now its precise rolein mammary development has remained obscure. Recentlywith the generation of several transgenic mouse models and development of reagents for analysisof progesterone receptor expression, the role ofprogesterone signaling in mammary development isbecoming more clear. The most significant observationsto emerge from these studies are (1) progesteronereceptors (PR)4 are present in a heterogeneous manner inthe epithelial cells and undetectable in the surroundingfat pad; (2) they are essential for lobuloalveolar and not for ductal morphogenesis; (3)progesterone signaling through progesterone receptors,leading to lobuloalveolar development, is initiated inthe epithelium and may occur through paracrinemechanisms; and (4) a regulated expression of the twoisoforms of progesterone receptor is critical formaintaining appropriate responsiveness to progesteroneand hence, epithelial cell replicative homeostasis.These studies also reveal that the consequences ofprogesterone signaling through progesterone receptor maydepend on the cell context, cell-cell andcell-extracellular matrix interactions, the dynamics ofPR turnover and the fate of PR positivecells.  相似文献   

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane-bound ligands, the ephrins, play a central role in pattern formation during embryonic development and there is growing evidence that they are also instrumental in the control of tissue dynamics in the adult. The mammary gland is a paradigm for morphogenic processes occurring in the adult, since the gland develops predominantly postnatally and is subjected to continuous cyclic remodeling according to functional demands. Thus, pattern formation and the establishment of a functional organ structure are permanent themes in the mammary gland life cycle. In this paper we summarize the experimental evidence and discuss possible mechanisms by which Ephs and ephrins are modulating mammary epithelial cell adhesion, communication, and migration. Furthermore, we speculate on the different aspects of their influence on normal mammary gland development, function, and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Prolactin and Mammary Gland Development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The hedgehog signal transduction network is a critical mediator of cell-cell communication during embryonic development. Evidence also suggests that properly regulated hedgehog network function is required in some adult organs for stem cell maintenance or renewal. Mutation, or misexpression, of network genes is implicated in the development of several different types of cancer, particularly that of skin, brain, lung, and pancreas. Recent studies in the mouse mammary gland have demonstrated roles for hedgehog network genes at virtually every phase of mammary gland development where it regulates such diverse processes as embryonic mammary gland induction, establishment of ductal histoarchitecture, and functional differentiation in lactation. Further, studies suggest a role for misregulated network function in the progression of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The involvement of molecular mechanisms in a particular process such as embryonic mammary gland development, can be revealed by modulation of one or several factors that purportedly act in that process. If those factors or their inhibitors are soluble, their function can be tested by loading them onto small inert beads, which are then implanted in cultured explants of the tissue of interest, in this case embryonic flanks. We here describe a protocol for such experiments.  相似文献   

Members of the TGFbeta superfamily and EGF-CFC family, such as Nodal and Cripto, are important mediators of anterior-posterior and left-right axis specification during embryogenesis. In this paper, we review the role of Nodal and Cripto as critical morphogen-like molecules, with an emphasis on Nodal and EGF-CFC signaling during embryonic pattern formation. New evidence from gene expression and transgenic mouse studies have shown that both Nodal and Cripto-1 are expressed within the mammary duct and that modulation of these genes can disrupt normal branching morphogenesis resulting in epithelial disorganization and defective ductal architecture. We describe these new findings and propose that Cripto and Nodal are candidate mammary morphogens. Finally, the data linking overexpression of Cripto and perturbations of Cripto signaling to cell transformation and tumor formation are discussed. The fact that Cripto can modulate multiple pathways suggests it may act to deregulate growth inhibitors/homeostasis factors early in the cell transformation process and then activate prosurvival pathways dependent on MAPK and PI3K/Akt later in fully transformed phenotypes.  相似文献   

Integrins are major extracellular matrix (ECM) receptors that can also serve for some cell-cell interactions. They have been identified as important regulators of mammary epithelial cell growth and differentiation. Their ability to promote cell anchorage, proliferation, survival, migration, and the induction of active ECM-degrading enzymes suggests that they play an essential role in normal mammary morphogenesis, but, on the other hand, reveals their potential to promote tumor progression.  相似文献   

Mammary gland development is a complex process involving epithelial cells and supporting stromal cells. Macrophages (M∅s) are an important component of the mammary gland stroma and are critical for normal mammary gland development; however, the mechanisms by which macrophages regulate these processes are not well understood. M∅s are known to interact with numerous cell types, including epithelial cells, fibroblasts, adipocytes, and endothelial cells, all of which are significant components of mammary gland development. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to describe the interactions between M∅s and these various cell types and use this knowledge to identify potential functions of M∅s in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

The inappropriate expression of growth factors, or activating mutations of their receptors, have been implicated as causative factors in mouse and human mammary cancer. For example, it has been known for some time that three members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF)3 family behave like oncogenes in virally induced mammary cancer of mice. In normal circumstances, signaling via FGF receptors is known to mediate growth, differentiation, and patterning, during embryogenesis and fetal development. A powerful approach to dissecting the roles for these signaling pathways is to determine the developmental consequences of abrogating their function in transgenic mice. In this review, we describe the use of dominant negative FGF receptors to evaluate the contribution of specific FGF signals in normal mammary gland development. These studies have revealed that normal lobuloalveolar development requires FGF signaling to the mammary epithelium, a function that is presumably usurped by MMTV in mouse mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Most mammals develop their mammary glands in pairs of which the two counterparts are symmetrically displaced away from the ventral midline. Based on this symmetry and the same functional outcome as a milk-producing organ, the mammary glands are easily presumed to be mere copies of one another. Based on our analysis of published data with inclusion of new results related to mammary development and pathology in mice, we argue that this presumption is incorrect: Between and within pairs, mammary glands differ from one another, and tumor incidence and biology depend on the position along the anterior-posterior and the left-right axis as well. This insight has implications for experimental designs with mouse models and for data extrapolation between mammary glands within and between species. We suggest that improved documentation of location-specific mammary gland features will lead to more insights into the molecular mechanisms of mammary gland development and cancer biology in both mice and humans.  相似文献   

Progesterone Receptors in Mammary Gland Development and Tumorigenesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The steroid hormone, progesterone (P), is a central coordinator of all aspects of female reproductive activity and plays a key role in pregnancy-associated mammary gland morphogenesis and mammary tumorigenesis. The effects of P on the mammary gland are mediated by two structurally and functionally distinct nuclear receptors PR-A and PR-B that arise from a single gene. Null mutation of both receptors in PR knockout (PRKO) mice has demonstrated a critical role for PRs in mediating pregnancy-associated mammary ductal branching and lobuloalveolar differentiation and in initiation of mammary tumors in response to carcinogen. Analysis of the molecular genetic pathways disrupted in PRKO mice has recently yielded important insights into the molecular mechanisms of regulation of mammary gland morphogenesis by PRs. In addition to its essential role in regulating proliferative and differentiative responses of the adult mammary gland during pregnancy, P plays a critical role in the protection against mammary tumorigenesis afforded by early parity. Thus, the effects of P on postnatal developmental plasticity of the mammary gland differ between young and adult glands. This review will summarize recent advances in our understanding of 1) the molecular mechanisms by which PRs mediate pregnancy-associated mammary gland morphogenesis, 2) the role of PRs in mediating tumorigenic responses of the adult mammary gland to carcinogen, and 3) the role of P in long-term protection of the juvenile mammary gland against tumorigenesis. In addition, we will summarize recent insights into the isoform selective contributions to some of these activities of PRs obtained from comparative analysis of P-dependent mammary gland development in PR isoform specific knockout mice lacking either the PR-A (PRAKO) or PR-B (PRBKO).  相似文献   

Notch Signaling in Mammary Development and Oncogenesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With the discovery of an activated Notch oncogene as a causative agent in mouse mammary tumor virus induced breast cancer in mice, the potential role for Notch signaling in normal and pathological mammary development was revealed. Subsequently, Notch receptors have been found to regulate normal development in many organ systems. In addition, inappropriate Notch signaling has been implicated in cancer of several tissues in humans and animal model systems. Here we review important features of the Notch system, and how it may regulate development and cancer in the mammary gland. A large body of literature from studies in Drosophila and C. elegans has not only revealed molecular details of how the Notch proteins signal to control biology, but shown that Notch receptor activation helps to define how other signaling pathways are interpreted. In many ways the Notch system is used to define the context in which other pathways function to control proliferation, differentiation, cell survival, branching morphogenesis, asymmetric cell division, and angiogenesis--all processes which are critical for normal development and function of the mammary gland.  相似文献   

Mammary morphogenesis is orchestrated with other reproductive events by pituitary-driven changes to the systemic hormone environment, initiating the formation of a mammary ductal network during puberty and the addition of secretory alveoli during pregnancy. Prolactin is the major driver of development during pregnancy via regulation of ovarian progesterone production (in many species) and direct effects on mammary epithelial cells (in all species). Together these hormones regulate two aspects of development that are the subject of intense interest: (1) a genomic regulatory network that integrates many additional spatial and temporal cues to control gene expression and (2), the activity of a stem and progenitor cell hierarchy. Amalgamation of these two aspects will increase our understanding of cell proliferation and differentiation within the mammary gland, with clear application to our attempts to control breast cancer. Here we focus on providing an over-view of prolactin action during development of the model murine mammary gland. Samantha R. Oakes and Renee L. Rogers contributed equally to this work. Financial Support: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council, The Cancer Institute NSW and Cancer Council NSW.  相似文献   

EGF-Related Peptides and Their Receptors in Mammary Gland Development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The discovery of multiple EGF-like ligands and erbB receptors offers the potential for a highly diverse signaling system allowing specific ligand/receptor complexes to be created in response to a certain hormone(s) or stage of mammary development. The known erbB receptors and several of the erbB-related ligands are synthesized by the normal mammary gland and have different temporal and spatial expression patterns. For instance, cumulative findings support the concepts that the EGF receptor has an essential role in morphogenesis of the mammary gland and that activation of this receptor occurs in response to estradiol-stimulated synthesis of an EGF receptor ligand in mammary stromal cells. The importance of both epithelial and stromal mammary cells in the hormonal activation of erbB-related pathways is underscored in this review. Current experimental protocols that utilize erbB mutant mice or enable detection of phosphorylated erbB members and their proximal substrates should permit more precise identification of the pathways operative in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

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