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Raloxifene is a highly insoluble, highly metabolized serum estrogen receptor modulator approved for use in the treatment of osteoporosis. Hydroxybutenyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HBenBCD) is a novel solubility enhancer previously demonstrated to increase the oral bioavailability of tamoxifen, letrozole, and itraconazole. The current study evaluated the pharmacokinetics of raloxifene in oral and intravenous formulations with HBenBCD in male Wistar-Hannover rats. Analytical methodology to measure raloxifene and its metabolites was developed by measuring raloxifene metabolism in vitro. Formulation with HBenBCD significantly increased raloxifene oral bioavailability. Mean+/-S.D. oral bioavailabilities were 2.6+/-0.4% for raloxifene formulated with microcrystalline cellulose, 7.7+/-2.1% for a solid capsule formulation of raloxifene:HBenBCD complex, and 5.7+/-1.3% for a liquid-filled capsule formulation containing raloxifene:HBenBCD/PEG400/H(2)O. Relative to raloxifene/microcrystalline filled capsules, the presence of HBenBCD in the solid capsule formulation afforded: (i) a decrease in raloxifene T(max) (2.5+/-0.5h versus 4.0+/-0.5h); (ii) a two-fold increase in raloxifene C(max) and a three-fold increase in raloxifene AUC; and (iii) a 12-fold increase in raloxifene glucuronide C(max) and a 6.5-fold increase in raloxifene glucuronide AUC. Hence, these studies demonstrate that raloxifene formulations containing HBenBCD significantly increased the oral bioavailability in rats relative to formulations that did not contain HBenBCD.  相似文献   

As there are to be known gender differences in the expression profiles of rat hepatic CYP2C, we examined the pharmacokinetic behavior of tolbutamide (TB), a typical probe for CYP2C, and hepatic enzyme activities for metabolizing TB in female rats to compare with male rats. On the pharmacokinetic analysis of TB after intravenous administration to female rats, the elimination rate constant at the terminal phase (ke), total clearance (CLtot) and the apparent volume of distribution at steady‐state (Vdss) were significantly lower than in male rats. The binding rates of TB to serum protein were similar in male and female rats, indicating that the change in unbound TB concentration in serum is not associated with the difference in the pharmacokinetic disposition of TB. On metabolic examination using hepatic microsomes, the maximum reaction velocity (Vmax) of the metabolic conversion from TB to 4‐hydroxytolbutamide (4‐OH‐TB) in female rats was lower than that in male rats, although there was no significant difference in the Michaelis constant (Km) between genders. Consistent with this, the Vmax‐to‐Km ratio (Vmax/Km) was significantly lower in female rats than in male rats. Therefore, the low in vitro CYP2C‐dependent activity for hepatic TB removal in female rats provided a clear explanation for the lower in vivo elimination clearance of TB. Our findings strongly suggest that there is a gender difference in the metabolic capacity to eliminate drugs that serve as substrates of hepatic CYP2C enzymes in rats.  相似文献   

The sex difference of fentanyl (CAS 990-73-8) pharmacokinetics was investigated after intravenous administration to male and female rats at a dose of 0.03 mg/kg. The plasma concentrations of fentanyl disappeared mono-phasically in both male and female rats. Plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetic parameters were not significantly different in male and female rats, but plasma concentrations of fentanyl in female rats were lower than those in male rats until 1 h after administration. The distribution volume in female rats was 1.34 times larger than that in male rats. In a previous study, the C(max) and AUC(0-infinity) values in female rats were significantly lower than those in male rats after subcutaneous administration of fentanyl. Since no sex difference in the pharmacokinetic parameters of fentanyl were observed after intravenous administration in the present study, the sex difference of the pharmacokinetics of fentanyl after subcutaneous administration may be explained by delayed distribution from the dosing site to the systemic circulation in female rats relative to male rats, which may be attributable to a higher content of subcutaneous fat in female rats.  相似文献   

Several pharmacokinetic parameters for SK&F 86002 [6-(4'-fluorophenyl)-5-(4'-pyridyl)-2,3-dihydroimidazo(2,1-b)-thia zole] and its metabolites (sulfoxide, sulfone) were measured in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats after iv (5 mg/kg) and a wide range (10-80 mg/kg) of oral doses of SK&F 86002. In both sexes. SK&F 86002 is metabolized to an active metabolite, sulfone, which has an extended half-life (approximately 13 hr) and, therefore, has the potential to accumulate upon repeated dosing. In addition, striking differences between sexes were noted in several of the pharmacokinetic parameters measured. The AUCs areas under the plasma concentration time curves, for SK&F 86002 in female rats obtained at the higher doses of SK&F 86002 were substantially greater than expected, when compared with lower doses in female rats or with equivalent doses in male rats. Furthermore, at all doses of SK&F 86002, AUCs for sulfoxide were substantially larger in female than in male rats. Consequently, the systemic exposure to SK&F 86002 and metabolites is substantially greater in female rats than in male rats. Therefore, extrapolation of the pharmacologic and toxicologic sequelae of SK&F 86002, observed at larger doses in female rats, to lower doses should be approached cautiously. Furthermore, the extended half-life of the pharmacologically active sulfone metabolite of SK&F 86002 suggests that this metabolite could accumulate on repeated daily dosing of SK&F 86002 and could, therefore, account for much of the chronic pharmacologic and toxicologic activity of SK&F 86002.  相似文献   

The disposition of moclobemide, a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase isoenzyme A was studied in male, virgin female, pregnant and nursing rats. The average clearance in control rats (male and female) was 36 mL min-1 kg-1, the initial volume of distribution 1.4 L kg-1, the volume of distribution at steady state 2.3 L kg-1 and the terminal half-life 59 min. The blood-to-plasma concentration ratio of moclobemide was 0.84 giving rise to an average blood clearance of 30 mL min-1 kg-1. The clearance values in rats were higher than in man but as a fraction of hepatic blood flow were similar (36 vs 45%). The volume of distribution at steady state was approximately twice as high as in man while the half-life was similar. Pregnant and nursing rats showed no statistically significant differences in their disposition parameters for moclobemide compared with virgin female rats. Nursing rats had statistically significantly lower concentrations of the moclobemide N-oxide metabolite than did pregnant and control rats. Generally lower concentrations of the lactam metabolite were also found in this group although the differences did not reach statistical significance. Moclobemide as well as the N-oxide and lactam metabolites were found in the amniotic fluid suggesting that moclobemide is capable of crossing the placental barrier.  相似文献   

The influence of hydrotropic compounds on complex formation by 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (2-HP-beta-CD) was investigated with methyltestosterone (MeT). Various representatives of the lyotropic series were used for this purpose. Additive hydrotropic effects were observed for nicotinamide and urea, which disrupt the water structure, while structure formers such as sorbitol exerted negative effects. The effects of hydrotropic substances on the phase solubility relationship of MeT showed that inclusion complex formation with 2-HP-beta-CD depends on the degree of ordering of the solvent and is apparently subject to entropy effects. Combined systems comprising 2-HP-beta-CD and auxiliary substances with various underlying solubilizing principles were also investigated. Combination of 2-HP-beta-CD with conventional solubilizers, such as 1,2-propylene glycol or sodium deoxycholate, reduced the solubilization capacity of 2-HP-beta-CD. Competitive displacement of the inclusion molecule from its 2-HP-beta-CD complex by sodium deoxycholate suggested that cholesterol participates in the release mechanism of the inclusion molecule under in vivo conditions. The spontaneous release of complexed drug molecules could indirectly be shown on the basis of the spontaneous action of a complexed dihydropyridine derivative after iv administration in rats. The bioavailability of an investigational drug in cynomolgus monkeys could be enhanced sevenfold by inclusion complexation with 2-HP-beta-CD.  相似文献   

The metabolism of apigenin, a weak estrogenic flavonoid phytochemical, was investigated in the rat. After a single oral administration of radiolabeled apigenin, 51.0% of radioactivity was recovered in urine, 12.0% in feces, 1.2% in the blood, 0.4% in the kidneys, 9.4% in the intestine, 1.2% in the liver, and 24.8% in the rest of the body within 10 days. Sex differences appear with regard to the nature of compounds eliminated via the urinary route: immature male and female rats, like mature female rats, excreted a higher percentage of the mono-glucuronoconjugate of apigenin than the mono-sulfoconjugate of apigenin (10.0-31.6% versus 2.0-3.6%, respectively). Mature male rats excreted the same compounds in an inverse ratio (4.9% and 13.9%, respectively). Radioactivity appeared in the blood only 24 h after oral administration. Blood kinetics showed a high elimination half-time (91.8 h), a distribution volume of 259 ml, and a plasmatic clearance of 1.95 ml/h. All of the parameters calculated from these experiments suggested a slow metabolism of apigenin, with a slow absorption and a slow elimination phase. Thus, a possible accumulation of this flavonoid in the body can be hypothesized.  相似文献   


Background and purpose:

Animal and human studies have shown that sex and hormones are key factors in modulating addiction. Previously, we have demonstrated that self-administration of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist WIN55,212-2 (WIN; 12.5 µg·kg−1 per infusion) is dependent on sex, intact female rats being more sensitive than males to the reinforcing properties of cannabinoids, and on the oestrous cycle, ovariectomized (OVX) females being less responsive than intact females.

Experimental approach:

This follow-up study investigated whether sex and ovarian function also affect reinstatement of cannabinoid-seeking in rats after exposure to drug or cue priming.

Key results:

After priming with 0.15 or 0.3 mg·kg−1 WIN, intact female rats exhibited stronger reinstatement than males and OVX females. Responses of intact female rats were higher than those of male and OVX rats even after priming with a drug-associated visual (Light) or auditory (Tone) cue, or a WIN + Light combination. However, latency to the first response did not differ between intact and OVX female rats, and males showed the longest latency to initiate lever-pressing activity.

Conclusions and implications:

Our study provides compelling evidence for a pivotal role of sex and the oestrous cycle in modulating cannabinoid-seeking, with ovariectomy diminishing drug and cue-induced reinstatement. However, it is possible that sex differences during self-administration training are responsible for sex differences in reinstatement. Finding that not only drug primings but also acute exposure to drug-associated cues can reinstate responding in rats could have significant implications for the development of pharmacological and behavioural treatments of abstinent female and male marijuana smokers.This article is part of a themed issue on Cannabinoids. To view the editorial for this themed issue visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00831.x  相似文献   

Several studies indicate greater sensitivity to morphine (MOR) analgesia in male compared to female rats under the acute dosing condition. The present study investigated whether the same sex difference in sensitivity persists in MOR-tolerant rats. MOR was administered chronically (7 mg/kg twice daily) until tolerance developed in each rat. Tolerant rats were treated randomly with higher graded doses of MOR (10-25 mg/kg). Analgesia (tail-flick test) and spontaneous motor activity (total locomotion) were measured. The present data confirmed previous studies showing a greater sensitivity to acute MOR in male than in female rats. However, the sex differences seen in MOR sensitivity were abolished in tolerant rats. The rate of acquisition of tolerance was similar in male and female rats. The analgesic response was not affected by motor depression.  相似文献   

We investigated how sex and estrous cycle influenced spatial recognition memory in the Y-maze after exposure to acute restraint stress. In Experiment 1, intact male and female rats were restrained for 1 h and then 2 h after the start of restraint, rats were trained on the Y-maze. After a 4 h delay, hippocampal-dependent spatial recognition memory was assessed. Acute stress produced opposite patterns between the sexes with spatial memory being impaired in males and facilitated in females. Serum corticosterone measures indicated that both sexes showed a robust corticosterone response after restraint and a moderate corticosterone response after Y-maze exposure. Serum corticosterone levels in response to restraint and Y-maze were not statistically different between the sexes. Experiment 2 examined the influence of the estrous cycle on spatial memory ability after acute stress. Acute stress facilitated spatial memory in females compared to controls, regardless of the estrous cycle phase (estrus and proestrus). Moreover, females in proestrus showed higher serum corticosterone levels during restraint compared to females in estrus. No differences in corticosterone levels were observed at baseline or following 2 h of recovery from restraint. These data show important differences in how sex and estrous cycle influence cognitive functions following acute stress.  相似文献   

The effects of single doses of tamoxifen (TAM; 0.5-5 mg/kg, i.v.) and chronic pretreatment with TAM (0.1-5.0 mg/kg/day, i.p. for 7 consecutive days) on letrozole (0.5 mg/kg, i.v.) pharmacokinetics were evaluated in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The plasma concentration-time profiles of letrozole (0.1-2.0 mg/kg) after single i.v. doses were analysed by the non-compartment model with terminal half-lives (t(1/2,lambdaz)) ranging from 34.3 to 37.5 h. The volume of distribution at the terminal phases (Vd(lambdaz)) ranged from 1.9 to 2.1 l/kg and clearance (CL) varied from 0.036 to 0.042 l/(h.kg). After co-administration of TAM and letrozole intravenously, the t1/2, Vd(lambdaz) and CL of letrozole were not significantly altered. Chronic pretreatment with TAM significantly decreased the t1/2 of letrozole by about 33%, and increased its clearance by an average of 40%. However, TAM pretreatment did not significantly affect the Vd(lambdaz) of letrozole in female rats. Co-administration of letrozole and TAM orally increased the absorption half-life of letrozole threefold although the absolute bioavailability remained unchanged. These observations suggest that single oral doses of TAM delay the absorption of letrozole while chronic pretreatment with TAM accelerates the elimination of letrozole, probably due to induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes in rats.  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetics and fate of 3H-trospectomycin sulphate, a novel aminocyclitol antibiotic, were examined in male and female rats after intramuscular (i.m.), intravenous (i.v.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) dosing.

2. Total radioactivity levels in plasma were associated with unchanged trospectomycin. Two radioactive components were found in urine, one was indistinguishable from trospectomycin and the other was probably a degradation product formed after excretion or during storage rather than a metabolite.

3. The disappearance of drug from plasma followed a biphasic pattern with half lives of 0.3–0.4 h and 45–80 h and a large distribution volume, which indicated some retention of drug by tissues. Clearance rates were within the normal range for glomerular filtration rate, which indicated that the primary process of elimination is filtration of unchanged drug.

4. Excretion was initially rapid (>40% by 4 h) and mainly into urine (faecal excretion <20%). Urinary excretion was significantly larger in males than females but faecal excretion was significantly smaller, so that there was no significant difference in total excretion.

5. The bioavailability following s.c. dosing was only =75% but there were few other biologically significant differences between the routes of administration. Absorption following i.m. and s.c. dosing was rapid.

6. Clearance rate and volume of distribution were higher in males than females. Over the dose range 50–200 mg/kg the pharmacokinetics appeared to be mostly linear.  相似文献   

AIMS: The pharmacokinetics and dose proportionality of rizatriptan single oral doses from 2.5 to 15 mg administered as solutions to healthy volunteers were studied. METHODS: In a randomized, crossover study with four periods, twenty-four healthy volunteers (12 males and 12 females) took single oral doses of 2.5, 5, 10, and 15 mg rizatriptan in Periods 1-4. In a fifth period, subjects received 4 mg intravenous (i.v.) rizatriptan as a reference. Plasma and urine rizatriptan concentrations were determined at several timepoints/intervals for 12 and 24 h, respectively. RESULTS: The arithmetic mean AUC values following single oral doses of 2.5, 5, 10, and 15-mg rizatriptan were 16, 33, 72, and 127 ng ml-1 h, respectively, in males; and 19, 42, 97, and 161 ng ml-1 h, respectively, in females. The overall bioavailability (F ) of rizatriptan was approximately 40% in males. Following the 4 mg reference i.v. dose, the apparent plasma clearance (CL) and renal clearance (CLr ) were 1042 and 225 ml min-1, respectively, in males; and 821 and 174 ml min-1, respectively, in females. CONCLUSIONS: The disposition kinetics of oral rizatriptan were linear for doses of 2. 5-10 mg in males, and for doses of 2.5-5 mg in females. However, the degree of nonlinearity for higher doses was minor for both genders. The plasma concentrations of rizatriptan were slightly greater in women compared to men but the difference was not considered to be clinically meaningful. Also, the clearance of rizatriptan appeared to be mainly nonrenal.  相似文献   

Haloperidol is a receptor D2 antagonist frequently used in the treatment of schizophrenic patients. Haloperidol increased prolactin release from anterior pituitary gland, and prolactin modulates immune system activity. Groups of six male and female rats received an acute 2 mg/kg haloperidol treatment (E1), or a long-term (E2) haloperidol treatments (2 mg/kg/day for 21 days); control rats were treated similarly, but with control solution (groups C1 and C2, respectively). In this work long-term haloperidol treatment (E2) increased macrophage spreading, phagocytosis and NO release in male and female rats. However, acute haloperidol treatment (E1) did not change macrophage activity. Corticosterone and prolactin serum levels were increased after acute (E1) and long-term (E2) haloperidol treatments in male and female rats, being this increment higher in female. Macrophage of male and female rats presented the same pattern of alterations after acute and long-term haloperidol treatments. Haloperidol-induced macrophage activation was discussed in the light of a possible indirect effect through prolactin increments in rats, or, alternatively, as a consequence of a direct action of macrophage dopamine receptor.  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetics and fate of 3H-trospectomycin sulphate, a novel aminocyclitol antibiotic, were examined in male and female rats after intramuscular (i.m.), intravenous (i.v.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) dosing. 2. Total radioactivity levels in plasma were associated with unchanged trospectomycin. Two radioactive components were found in urine, one was indistinguishable from trospectomycin and the other was probably a degradation product formed after excretion or during storage rather than a metabolite. 3. The disappearance of drug from plasma followed a biphasic pattern with half lives of 0.3-0.4 h and 45-80 h and a large distribution volume, which indicated some retention of drug by tissues. Clearance rates were within the normal range for glomerular filtration rate, which indicated that the primary process of elimination is filtration of unchanged drug. 4. Excretion was initially rapid (greater than 40% by 4 h) and mainly into urine (faecal excretion greater than 20%). Urinary excretion was significantly larger in males than females but faecal excretion was significantly smaller, so that there was no significant difference in total excretion. 5. The bioavailability following s.c. dosing was only approximately 75% but there were few other biologically significant differences between the routes of administration. Absorption following i.m. and s.c. dosing was rapid. 6. Clearance rate and volume of distribution were higher in males than females. Over the dose range 50-200 mg/kg the pharmacokinetics appeared to be mostly linear.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytryptamine-mediated behaviour in male and female rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The responses of male and female rats to drugs causing the behavioural syndrome induced by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) were compared. Preliminary experiments showed that females had largely similar responses to the releaser of 5-HT, p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) and the 5-HT receptor agonist 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeODMT) at different stages of the oestrus cycle. The behavioural responses to 5-MeODMT (with and without the monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline) or to p-chloroamphetamine were not significantly different to those of males except for tremor after p-chloroamphetamine which was more marked in the females. However, concentrations of p-chloroamphetamine in brain in these animals, when killed immediately after behavioural recording were greater in the females. When rats, pretreated with the monoamine oxidase inhibitor, pargyline, were given the precursor of 5-HT, tryptophan, the females showed substantially greater hypothermia and larger scores for components of the 5-HT syndrome than the males. This sex difference may have been due to the moderately but significantly higher levels of 5-HT (and possibly tryptamine) in brain attained by the female rats, than by similarly-treated males. The results as a whole therefore suggest that the greater behavioural response of female rats to pargyline and tryptophan reflects a greater effect of this treatment on the synthesis of indoleamines than that occurring in males.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the influence of acrylamide (ACR) on male and female reproductive function. Male rats received ACR in drinking water (50, 100, or 200 ppm) for up to 10 wk. Copulatory behavior, semen, and (for controls and 100 ppm only) fertility and fetal outcomes were evaluated. Females received ACR (25, 50, 100 ppm) for 2 wk prior to initiation of breeding and then throughout gestation and lactation. Hindlimb splaying was apparent in the 200-ppm males by wk 4; less severe splaying appeared in the 100-ppm group at wk 8. Disruptions in copulatory behavior preceded the appearance of this ataxia. These disruptions in mating performance interfered with ejaculatory processes and subsequent transport of sperm, since semen was found in the uterus of only 1 of the 15 females mated with the 100-ppm males at wk 9. Moreover, only 33% of the females mated (wk 10) to the 100-ppm males were pregnant. Postimplantation loss was also significantly increased in this group. Hindlimb splaying appeared in the females receiving 100 ppm ACR during wk 1-2 of pregnancy. Body weight and fluid intake were also depressed. Dams in the 50-ppm group showed depression in these parameters during the last 2 wk of lactation. ACR did not significantly affect mating performance of the females, pregnancy rates, litter size, or survival. However, ACR did significantly depress pup body weight at birth (100-ppm group) and weight gain during lactation through post-weaning, d 42 (50- and 100-ppm groups). Vaginal patency was delayed in the 100-ppm group only.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AMD) is a commonly used industrial chemical. However, it produces a dying back type of peripheral neuropathy in animals and man. This study was performed to investigate the pharmacokinetics of AMD after oral administration at 50 mg/g ([1-(14)C]AMD) in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Absorption from the gastrointestinal tract was rapid and radioactivity was detected in blood 5 min post-administration. The peak plasma concentration occurred 38 min after administration and was equivalent to 47 μg/ml. The elimination pattern for plasma was fitted to a one-compartment model with 6 h half-life. However, in the blood the elimination pattern was fitted to a two-compartment model with 7.93 and 374 h for distribution and elimination phases, respectively. Tissue concentrations of radioactivity determined at 28 and 144 h post-administration differed substantially. After 28 h the highest activity was in the gastric content, followed by stomach, lung, bone marrow and skin, while after 144 h the order of total radioactivity was lung>bone marrow>esophagus. The activities in the rest of the organs in both experiments were very low. The excretion study revealed that the kidney is the major route of elimination and the majority of radioactivity in urine was excreted during the first 12 h. The feces contained approximately 10% of the administered dose after 144 h. This study indicated that AMD is rapidly absorbed from the rat's gastrointestinal tract, distributed and eliminated from the body. AMD bound but did not accumulate in the erythrocytes or the neural tissues.  相似文献   

The fate of oxytocin in male and female rats   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A method for quantitative extraction of oxytocin from blood is described. The disappearance of injected oxytocin from the circulation in rats was shown to depend upon its uptake in the kidneys and in organs of the splanchnic vascular area. In lactating rats there was uptake by an additional organ or tissue, probably the mammary gland. In animals without kidneys or lactating mammary glands and with no circulation in the splanchnic area oxytocin was distributed into a volume greater than the extracellular fluid volume, and after equilibration the concentration in plasma did not change significantly. During severe haemorrhage increased amounts of antidiuretic activity were detected in blood when there was no significant increase in oxytocic activity.  相似文献   

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