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江滨  王业皇 《腹部外科》2011,24(4):255-256
结肠慢传输型便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)是多种病理机制导致的结肠推进性蠕动严重损害的结果,占便秘的16%~400A,以女性多见。RomeⅢ(Gastroenterology,2006,130:1377—1390.)标准仍以临床症状为基础,将结肠STC归于功能性肠病下的功能性便秘。STC症状顽固,治疗困难,是临床上比较棘手的一个疾病,病人多有长期服用刺激性泻剂及依赖各种泻剂病史,还可合并腹胀、焦虑、抑郁、睡眠障碍等症状,生活质量很差。目前,对是否手术治疗及采用何种手术方式尚有争议。  相似文献   

慢传输性便秘的手术治疗策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢传输性便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)是多种病理机制导致的结肠推进性蠕动严重损害的结果,有关的结肠动力检测、结肠标本的神经肌肉病理研究等已证实STC存在严重的结肠病理生理改变,故临床上采用内科治疗效果常不满意,部分严重病例不得不采用结肠切除术等毁损性治疗措施。但由于此类功能性疾病本身不危及患者生命,患者求助于手术是为了提高生活质量,  相似文献   

慢传输性便秘的临床研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
慢传输性便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)是由于各种原因导致的肠道运动功能障碍、肠内容物传输延迟,具有慢性、原发性、功能性的特点。其中“原发性”指对其病因及流行病学了解不全面;“功能性”指无全身器质性病因及药物等因素,并经钡灌肠和结肠镜检查除外结直肠器质性病变,而结直肠肛管盆底等动力检查存在与便秘相关的功能异常。临床上由于导致便秘的病变或功能改变局限于结肠,或以结肠为主,故又称结肠STC,现简述STC的病理生理、诊断及治疗进展如下。  相似文献   

彭波  吴磊  江从庆  钱群 《腹部外科》2009,22(6):374-375
结肠慢传输型便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)是指直肠排出及盆底功能正常,但结肠运行功能缓慢、肠内容物排出延迟导致的便秘。主要表现为没有便意、大便干结、需依赖泻剂进行排便。绝大多数慢性便秘病人都是接受内科保守治疗,其中有小部分病人对超量的药物治疗或灌肠不敏感,对于这些病人外科手术可能是最后的选择。目前,国内外用于STC的术式有全结肠切除、回肠直肠吻合术,结肠次全切除、  相似文献   

慢传输型便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)是临床一种很常见的疾病,症状十分顽固,目前病因尚未完全明确,给临床治疗带来较大的困难。近来的研究发现,慢传输型便秘患者以育龄期的妇女多见,其体内雌激素孕酮水平的异常可导致结肠动力减弱,以及结肠传输时间延长而引起便秘。  相似文献   

外科治疗慢传输型便秘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢传输性便秘(slow t ran sit con st ipat ion, STC) 又称结肠无力是由于结肠传输功能障碍而引发的以排便困难为主要临床表现的疾病.本病病因尚不明了,可能多种病理机制导致的结肠推进性蠕动严重障碍的结果, STC 存在严重的结肠病理生理改变, 故临床上采用内科治疗效果常不满意, 许多各种原因引起的便秘患者均接受了手术治疗,但由于病因不同,手术效果差异很大.  相似文献   

便秘的手术适应证和术式选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘志苏  钱群 《腹部外科》2008,21(3):134-136
便秘分为结肠慢传输型便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)、出口梗阻型便秘(outlet obstructire constipation,OOC)和混合型便秘。最近出版的罗马Ⅲ的便秘诊治标准将出口梗阻型便秘命名为排便困难型便秘。结肠慢传输型便秘是指结肠运行功能缓慢、肠内容物排出延迟所导致的便秘,而直肠排出及盆底功能正常。主要表现为没有便意、大便干结、需依赖泻剂进行排便。出口梗阻型便秘是由于直肠和肛管的功能和形态异常所导致的便秘,  相似文献   

慢传输型便秘(slow transit constipation,STC)属于便秘的一种类型,是一种以结肠通过时间延长和结肠动力下降为特征的顽固性便秘。临床主要表现为每周大便次数减少,便意减少或消失,粪质坚硬,伴有腹胀,症状顽固。严重的STC常合并肠梗阻,易反复发生,最终需手术治疗。2004年12月-2010年12月,青岛市市立医院对24例STC合并肠梗阻患者分别采用选择性结肠肠段切除术和结肠次全切除术.报道如下。  相似文献   

结肠慢传输型便秘的研究现状及展望(摘要)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结肠慢传输型便秘(STC)是临床上常见的、以腹胀及便意淡漠为主要症状的慢性顽固性便秘。近年来大量的临床和实验研究发现。(1)STC病人的结肠壁变薄、肌细胞空泡变性或脂肪变性、环肌萎缩,病变呈进行性过程。(2)肠壁问神经节细胞数量减少,排列紊乱,形态皱缩或轻度水肿,空泡变性;神经微丝和微管数量减少、排列紊乱。(3)肠壁内兴奋性神经递质(Ach、SP)减少,抑制性递质(VIP)含量有增高现象。(4)Cajal间质细胞(ICC)的分布和功能异常与肠动力障碍有密切关系,详细机理尚不清楚。根据研究资料,肠壁肌细胞和肌问神经丛的损害、神经递质的改变以及ICC的分布和功能异常是STC发病的关键环节,究竟什么原因引起这些病理改变,目前尚不清楚。因此,目的STC的预防尚无良策,治疗仍是一般性的保守治疗,包括:①粗纤维饮食;②在结肠高动力期(早晨起床后或早餐后)训练排便运动,改善排便体位(蹲位最佳);③加强腹肌和膈肌锻炼;①适当给予粪便软化剂和润肠剂;⑤上述治疗无效者给予低渗性药物、水灌肠或油剂保留灌肠。对保守治疗无效者给予手术治疗,目的理想的术式为全结肠切除,回一直肠吻合术和次伞结肠切除,盲一直肠吻合术。作者提出。在STC确诊后先用结肠壁活组织病理检查或电生理等检查。根据肠壁肌、肌间神经、ICC及神经递质的  相似文献   

近年来便秘的发病率越来越高,大黄、芦荟、番泻叶等蒽醌类泻剂是首选的通便药物,因此蒽醌类泻剂的滥用非常普遍。长久以来,滥用蒽醌类泻剂是导致结肠黑变病(melanosis coil,MC)最常见的原因,但以往关于蒽醌类泻剂及结肠黑变病的研究报道不多.特别是结肠黑变病、蒽醌类泻剂与结肠直肠息肉、结肠直肠癌之间的关系尚无定论。本文就MC的病因.及其与结肠直肠息肉、结肠直肠癌的关系作一综述,旨在加深对MC的认识。  相似文献   

为研究结肠运输试验、全结肠腔内测压在慢传输型便秘(STC)患者诊治中的作用.我们对38例顽固性便秘患者应用结肠运输试验进行初步诊断和定位,对诊断为STC和混合型便秘的患者进一步行全结肠腔内压力测定来诊断病变具体结肠段。结果显示,38例顽固性便秘患者经结肠运输试验初步诊断,STC16例,出口梗阻型便秘18例,混合型便秘4例;并对20例STC和混合型便秘患者进行了选择性结肠段切除手术。结果表明,结肠运输试验是目前诊断STC的首选检查方法,全结肠腔内测压对诊断STC的具体结肠段有重要意义。  相似文献   

Aim Constipation is common and a selection of the best treatment is difficult, especially for slow‐transit constipation (STC). The aim of the study was to assess the effect of sacral nerve modulation (SNM) on STC. Method A retrospective analysis of patients with STC, treated with SNM was undertaken. All were evaluated by cinedefecography, colon transit‐time, Cleveland Clinic Constipation Score (CCS), SF‐36 Quality of Life (QoL) and a bowel diary. Initially, all patients underwent a temporary implant for 4 weeks. The criteria of success were disappearance of necessity for laxatives or enema requirement, and improvement in QoL. Results Fifteen patients with STC were treated from March 2003 to May 2006. Nine (60%) underwent permanent implantation. After SNM, the mean improvement of Wexner Constipation Score (CCS) and QoL was 10 and 6.2 respectively. There were no complications. The mean follow‐up period was 42 months. Conclusion Sacral nerve modulation seems to be a useful option for STC.  相似文献   

PurposeColonic elongation is reported as a possible cause for slow colonic transit, as it is observed in patients with slow-transit constipation (STC). This study aimed to determine the frequency of colonic elongation in children with STC or anorectal retention using radioimaging. We hypothesized that transverse colon elongation may occur in patients with STC, whereas sigmoid colon elongates in patients with anorectal retention.MethodsNuclear transit scintigraphy performed for chronic constipation (1999-2011) was analyzed qualitatively for elongated transverse colon or sigmoid colon. Three major colonic transit patterns were identified: slow transit in the proximal colon (STC), normal proximal colonic transit with anorectal retention (NT-AR), and rapid proximal transit ± anorectal retention (RT). χ2 Test was used for statistical analysis (P < .05 significant).ResultsFrom 1999 to 2011, 626 children had nuclear transit scintigraphy. Transverse colon elongation occurred more frequently in STC (73/322, or 23%) compared with NT-AR (9/127, or 7%) and RT (5/177, or 3%; P < .0001). Sigmoid colon elongation was equally common in NT-AR (8/127, or 6%) compared with RT (10/177, or 6%) and STC (14/322, or 4%; P < .9).ConclusionTransverse colon elongation is more common in STC (23%), whereas sigmoid colon elongation is not more common in anorectal retention. Colonic elongation may be the cause or the result of the underlying slow colonic transit.  相似文献   

"泻剂结肠"大鼠的结肠肌电生理变化及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨慢性输型便秘(STC)的发生机理。方法 建立大鼠“泻剂结肠”模型,并测定其结肠的肌电生理活动变化。结果 “泻剂结肠”大鼠的结肠慢波频率减慢,振幅降低;餐后峰电位发放明显少于正常对照组且持续时间短,表明胃结肠反射明显减弱。结论 该研究结果提示,长期服用接触性泻剂对结肠肠神经系统有损害作用,这在STC的发生机理中可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Slow transit constipation (STC) is a colonic motility disorder that is characterized by measurably delayed movement of stools through the colon. The pathophysiology of STC is unclear and both the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and cells of the enteric nervous system are believed to play an important role. The aim of this study was to compare the number and distribution of ICC and cells of the enteric nervous system in patients with a control group by means of immunohistochemistry. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded colonic sections were obtained from 15 patients, aged between 23 and 52 (mean age=37 y), who underwent colectomy for STC. Forty-five cases of normal colon from age and sex-matched nonobstructive colorectal cancer patients were selected as controls. By using c-kit (CD117) and PGP 9.5 immunohistochemical studies, ICC and enteric neurofilaments were demonstrated, respectively. The number of cells were counted under 40 x high-power field (HPF) in 3 layers of the colonic muscularis propria, that is, the inner circular muscle layer, the myenteric plexus, and the outer longitudinal muscle layer in both test and control groups. The mean number of ICC and enteric neurofilaments were significantly reduced in all 3 layers of the muscularis propria from STC patients compared with controls. This reduction was most significant in the inner circular muscle layer (P<0.0001). A cutoff value of 7 ICC per HPF in the inner circular muscle layer can be used as a further confirmation to the clinical diagnosis of STC in resected specimens.  相似文献   

顽固性慢传输性便秘的外科治疗及病因研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
目的研究顽固性慢传输性便秘(STC)的手术治疗结果及肠神经递质变化。方法回顾性分析我院近10年来手术治疗的34例STC病例特点、手术方式及效果,用免疫组织化学方法(免疫组化)研究肠神经递质变化。结果本组患者结肠传输均明显减慢,平均136h,85.3%的患者伴有出口梗阻性便秘(OOC),61.8%有性激素异常。免疫组化研究发现,肠壁内神经丛一氧化氮合酶(NOS)免疫反应阳性增强,血管活性肠肽免疫反应阳性降低。所有患者术后恢复良好,5例术后出现粘连性肠梗阻,1例术后便秘复发。结论外科手术治疗是STC内科综合治疗失败后的最后手段,为保证手术效果,术中应同时处理伴随的OOC;肠神经递质改变可能是STC发病的原因之一。  相似文献   

Evaluation and surgical treatment of severe chronic constipation.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
Patients with chronic constipation may have one of several physiologic disorders, not all of which are amenable to operative therapy. The aim of this study was to test colonic and pelvic floor function preoperatively, to identify patients suitable for surgery based on these studies, and to determine operative outcome over time. Between 1987 and January 1991, 277 patients referred for severe symptoms of chronic intractable constipation underwent colon transit studies, measurement of anal canal pressures and reflexes, and measurements of anorectal angle movements and efficiency of evacuation. Balloon expulsion studies, electromyography of the pelvic floor, and defecating proctograms also were done. Based on these studies, patients were categorized as having: slow transit constipation (STC), 29 patients; pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD), 37 patients; STC + PFD, combined slow transit and pelvic floor dysfunction, 14 patients; and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 197 patients. Slow transit constipation patients underwent abdominal colectomy and reanastomosis. Pelvic floor dysfunction patients underwent pelvic floor retraining only. Patients with STC + PFD underwent pelvic floor retraining followed by abdominal colectomy. Irritable bowel syndrome patients were treated symptomatically. Among the 38 patients operated on (STC and STC + PFD), there was no operative mortality. Prolonged ileus developed in 13%, and small bowel obstruction occurred in 11% of patients. On follow-up, a mean of 20 months after ileorectostomy, no patient was constipated, none required a laxative, and none was incontinent. The mean number of stools per day was four. The authors concluded that a prospective evaluation of colonic and pelvic floor function reliably delineated constipated patients with slow transit, suitable for operative management, from those with pure pelvic floor dysfunction or irritable bowel syndrome, who were not. Abdominal colectomy and ileorectostomy in the slow transit patients was safe and effective, resulting in prompt and prolonged relief of constipation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Colonic transit studies are used to diagnose slow transit constipation (STC) and to evaluate segmental colonic transit before segmental or subtotal colectomy. The aim of the study was to compare a single X-ray radio-opaque marker method with a scintigraphic technique to assess total and segmental colonic transit in patients with STC. METHOD: Thirty-one female patients (median age 46 years) with severe constipation and a prolonged or borderline prolonged colonic transit time on radio-opaque marker study were included in the study. They were subsequently investigated with (111)Indium-DTPA colonic transit scintigraphy, with a median time between the investigations of 4(range 1-27) months. Normal values of healthy female controls were used for comparison. RESULTS: There was no difference between the two methods in terms of prolonged or normal total colonic transit time. Twenty-nine of 31 female patients had a prolonged transit time only in one or two segments on the marker study. On scintigraphy, the transit time was prolonged for patients in the left (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001), but not in the right colon. With respect to prolonged or normal segmental transit time, there was a significant difference between the two methods only in the descending colon (P = 0.02). However, the results varied considerably for individual patients. CONCLUSION: Segmental colonic delay was a common finding. The two methods gave similar results for groups of patients, except in the descending colon. The variation of the results for individuals suggests that a repeated transit test may improve the assessment of total and segmental transit.  相似文献   

目的:探讨结肠慢传输型便秘(STC)及合并出口梗阻型便秘(OOC)的诊断和外科治疗。方法:对顽固性便秘的病人根据临床表现结直肠及盆底动力学等检查的结果进行分析诊断。对48例确诊为STC的病人采用结肠切除术治疗,对其中27例伴有OOC的病人于结肠切除术同期或前期采用相应的手术治疗。结果:病理检查:结肠壁内神经丛均有变性。56·3%(27/48)STC患者伴有OOC。术后随访1~5年手术有效率为93·8%。结论:STC的外科治疗应根据结肠慢传输的病变程度、分布范围及是否合并OOC选择适合的手术方案。  相似文献   

Cajal间质细胞在大鼠慢传输便秘模型结肠中的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究Cajal间质细胞(ICC)与慢传输型便秘(STC)的关系。方法用复方地芬诺酯灌胃的方法建立大鼠慢传输便秘模型(STC组),Westernblot法测定STC组与对照组大鼠升结肠和降结肠组织ICC的特异性标志物c—kit变化情况,利用其与对应的内参B—actin灰度值的比值作为各组c—kit蛋白相对含量。结果STC组大鼠日均粪便量为(1.3±0.7)g/100g,比对照组的(1.6±0.9)g/100g明显减少,差异有统计学意义(t=10.798,P〈0.05)。STC组首粒黑粪排出时间为(461.6±150.8)min,较对照组大鼠的(351.3±119.9)min显著延长(t=2.291,P〈0.05)。STC组与对照组升结肠c—kit灰度比平均值分别为0.277±0.077和0.576±0.081(t=10.719,P〈0.05);降结肠c—kit灰度比平均值分别为0.280±0.075和0.571±0.079(t=10.700,P〈0.05);c.kit在STC组升结肠和降结肠的表达均下调,差异均有统计学意义。结论ICC在升结肠和降结肠的减少可能对慢传输型便秘的发生与发展有一定作用。  相似文献   

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