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目的 调研某医院图书馆读者服务情况,了解读者对信息服务的需求,以便使图书馆改进服务方式,为临床医务人员提供更好的知识服务.方法 采取问卷调查法.在一定时间段内向本院职工随机发放调查表,回收统计各调查项目数据,并进行分析.结果 书刊馆藏质量基本满足读者需求,读者利用资源形式仍以网络资源和纸质文献资源相结合为主,对图书馆开展的定题服务和查新有需求,对馆员服务态度予以肯定,但阅览室环境较差,图书馆网络建设有待改进.结论 读者服务是图书馆工作的重要内容之一,要提高医院图书馆服务质量和水平,只有提高馆员综合素质,加强图书馆功能开发,建立特色馆藏,使之真正成为医院医、教、研的文献信息保障.  相似文献   

通过对医院读者的问卷调查,了解读者对图书馆资源和服务的利用情况,并对读者对馆藏资源尤其是电子资源的需求、利用、获取、培训等进行了统计与分析,从而为医院图书馆服务与管理的改进提供依据。  相似文献   

网络环境下医院图书馆读者服务的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王小亮  徐丽萍 《现代医院》2008,8(9):139-141
论述网络环境下医院图书馆应拓展的网络服务内容的基础上,针对传统读者服务的弊端,提出了从服务理念、服务内容、服务手段、服务人员等方面深化读者服务的措施。  相似文献   

本文通过对网络环境下医院图书馆读者服务工作的新特点和网络环境下读者服务工作在服务模式、服务内容、服务重点、服务手段方面的拓展,指出网络环境下加强读者服务工作的对策.如:转变服务观念,强化服务措施,丰富服务内容,积极开展基于网络信息资源的深层次服务;加强信息服务人才的培养,进行重新定位;坚持以市场为导向,走服务创新的道路.  相似文献   

本文论述了不同层次的各类型读者在网络环境下新的信息需求,认为医院图书馆要根据医院的发展及读者多种信息需求,加强网络建设,建立信息资源共享模式,提高图书馆员综合素质,以适应网络环境新需求,为信息需求者提供高质量的信息服务。  相似文献   

陈岩 《工企医刊》2007,20(3):F0003-F0004
美国图书馆学家谢拉说:"服务,是图书馆的根本宗旨."图书馆服务要弘扬人文精神,就要以读者为上帝,一切体现人性化,让读者有宾至如归的感觉,从而使图书馆资源通过读者为社会做贡献.  相似文献   

如何开展医院图书馆对特殊读者-患者的服务工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院图书馆是对医学信息进行收集、整理、存贮、传递和开发,并为医院读者提供利用的科学文化教育和信息服务机构。医院的主体是由医患两个方面构成的,该机构(医院图书馆)的服务对象应包括医务人员与患者。根据医院图书馆的条件,创建适合患者的阅览室、图书角或活动阅览车等服务,是发展医院图书馆的特殊读者一患者的好方法。  相似文献   

邹玉琴 《中国校医》2010,24(4):315-315
随着信息技术和网络技术的飞速发展,医院图书馆的服务内容和方式正经历着重大转变,衡量一个图书馆实力的标准,不再是馆藏、规模及馆舍大小,而是其信息的拥有量,对文献资源的处理、加工、利用能力。在网络环境下,信息服务呈多样化、现代化特点,除了传统的加工、整理、借阅外,更加注重数字化资源的整合与服务,网络资源导航这些新型服务模式、服务形式向知识化、个性化发展,医院图书馆读者服务水平的高低,是制约图书馆生存和发展的关键,如何来适应网络环境,更新服务内容和效能,已成为医院图书馆必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

图书馆为读者而存在,读者是图书馆活动中最活跃的因素.图书馆活动没有读者的参与,就不能实现其传播知识、交流信息、创新知识的功能.图书馆管理应从服务理念出发,确立读者第一、服务至上的宗旨,了解读者需要,想读者所想,提供针对性服务,优化各项管理工作,体现图书馆优质高效的服务理念,充分满足读者需求.  相似文献   

网络环境下的医院图书馆资源是由现实馆藏和虚拟馆藏共同组成,互联网以其丰富的医学资源和数据库已成为当今医护人员了解各学科发展动态、检索、查阅文献资料、学习交流、科研教学的重要工具。提高读者捕捉信息能力,使医护人员能方便快捷地查找利用现实和虚拟馆藏资源,是医院图书馆应该加强的一项工作。  相似文献   

李翔  唐慧 《医疗卫生装备》2010,31(4):37-37,39
目的:由于办公需要,将以前走电信出口的图书馆、医疗二系及研究生处的用户改道为走科研教育网出口,和华中科技大学校总部相连,并在不改变原来管理模式下同时管理两出口的用户信息。方法:通过配置流分类,规定重定向行为以及配置策略路由进行实现。结果:将认证流和数据流分开,成功实现了医院内部两出口的需求。结论:利用原有设备的流分类和重定向功能.既可解决两出口的内部需求,也能在不增加设备的情况下对用户信息进行管理,为医院节省了开支。  相似文献   

User-fee programs have been introduced at health care facilities in many developing countries. Difficulties have been encountered, however, especially at public hospitals. This report describes the effects of user fees introduced in April 1997 at a public hospital, the National Maternal and Child Health Center (NMCHC) of Cambodia, on patient utilization, revenue and expenditure, quality of hospital services, provider attitudes, low-income patients, and the government, by reviewing hospital data, patient and provider surveys, and provider focus group discussions.Before the introduction of user fees, the revenue from patients was taken directly by individual staff as their private income to compensate their low income. After the introduction of user fees, however, revenue was retained by the hospital, and used to improve the quality of hospital services. Consequently, the patient satisfaction rate for the user-fee system showed 92.7%, and the number of outpatients doubled. The average monthly number of delivery of babies increased significantly from 319 before introduction of the system to 585 in the third year after the user-fee introduction, and the bed occupancy rate also increased from 50.6% to 69.7% during the same period. As patient utilization increased, hospital revenue increased. The generated revenue was used to accelerate quality improvement further, to provide staff with additional fee incentives that compensated their low government salaries, and to expand hospital services. Thus, the revenue obtained user fees created a benign cycle for sustainability at NMCHC.Through this process, the user-fee revenue offered payment exemption to low-income users, supported the government financially through user-fee contributions, and reduced financial support from donors.Although the staff satisfaction rate remained at 41.2% due to low salary compensation in the third year of user-fee implementation, staff's work attitude shifted from salary-oriented to patient-oriented-with more attention to low-income users.  相似文献   

One of the North Thames' pioneering consortia, the Inner London Consortium (ILC) is a complex body which includes NHS Trusts with teaching hospital university connections, community-based Trusts and general hospital acute Trusts. Within the consortium there are 12,000 trained nurses, midwives, health visitors and other professional staff working in the professions allied to medicine (PAMs), all of whom require access to and provision of appropriate library information services. In 1994, taking into account experiences elsewhere in the Region and nationally, it became clear that library issues were complex and would become acute with the move of nursing libraries from ILC Trust sites over a very short timescale. A report on the issues commissioned by the Consortium recommended that a library project, which built on existing NHS Trust PGMDE funded library resources and moved these to a multidisciplinary base to serve the consortium membership, be implemented. The objective of providing access to library information services for nurses and PAMs was achieved. Successes that emerged from the implementation included: The registration in Trust libraries of almost 12 000 new members within the initial 6-month monitoring period. The development of service level agreements and standards for the delivery of services to these new user groups. This paper describes the processes behind these significant and complex changes.  相似文献   

Over the past 5 years there has been an increased interest in assessing users' satisfaction with health care services in England. Measuring and interpreting user satisfaction with reproductive and sexual health services can be complex, and efforts have met with varying degrees of success. This paper will summarise the methods that have been used to assess user satisfaction over the past 10 years, describe a different type of approach that has been recently used in England, and provide some suggestions for approaches that may be effective in improving clinical effectiveness in the new millennium.  相似文献   

There is a large body of evidence that user fees in the health sector create exclusion. Health equity funds attempt to improve access to health care services for the poorest by paying the provider on their behalf. This paper reviews four hospital-based health equity funds in Cambodia and draws lessons for future operations. It investigates the practical questions of 'who should do what and how'. It presents, in a comparative framework, similarities and differences in objectives, the actors involved, design aspects and functional modalities between the health equity funds. The results of this review are presented along the lines of identification, hospitalization rates and relative costs. The four schemes had a positive impact on the volume of utilization of hospital services by the poorest patients. They now account for 7 to 52% of total hospital use. The utilization of hospitals by paying patients has remained constant in the same period. The comparative review shows that a range of operational arrangements may be adopted to achieve the health equity fund objectives. Our study identifies essential design aspects, and leaves different options open for others.  相似文献   

In present constrained economic circumstances, many governments have introduced or increased user charges for health services. This has been advocated by the World Bank, justified by reference to the raising of revenue, efficiency and, controversially, even the promotion of equity. This paper examines the impact of user charges on utilisation in the Ashanti-Akim district of Ghana since the introduction of charges in 1985. In many ways, user charges have been a success: in recovering fees and maintaining urban utilisation. However some advantages have not materialised because the health infrastructure has not changed adequately. More importantly, equity and affordability have been problematical. For some of the population, services are no longer affordable.  相似文献   

马桂平 《现代医院》2013,(12):138-141
目的探讨泛在知识环境下医院图书馆泛在服务途径。方法利用泛在知识环境下图书馆资源结构变化,整合和提炼泛在图书馆知识创新服务方式。结果在如今泛在图书馆模式下,任何读者已经可以在任何时间、任何地点随意获取馆藏所有的数字资源,享受图书馆服务;图书馆馆员需要以读者需求为中心,分层次服务,提高读者泛在知识利用率。结论馆员发挥主观能动性,变“静态”服务为“动态”服务,牢固树立泛在服务理念,对医院图书馆生存和促进医院图书馆事业的发展都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the problems and potentials of employing user focus groups as part of an approach to defining and reviewing Best Value in local authority and jointly commissioned services for people with learning disabilities. Drawing on experience from three local authority initiatives and wider experience with Best Value, the paper describes the development of user focus groups for helping review adult placement, outreach and day services for people with learning disabilities. The key methodological considerations for consulting with service users with learning disabilities through focus groups are identified and the interpretation of outcomes considered. The paper concludes with pointers for the effective operation of user focus groups in local authority Best Value reviews of services for people with learning disabilities, of use to practitioners, service managers and commissioners.  相似文献   

Dao HT  Waters H  Le QV 《Public health》2008,122(10):1068-1078
OBJECTIVES: Vietnam started its health reform process two decades ago, initiated by economic reform in 1986. Economic reform has rapidly changed the socio-economic environment with the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented economy. Health reform in Vietnam has been associated with the introduction of user fees, the legalization of private medical practices, and the commercialization of the pharmaceutical industry. This paper presents the user fees and health service utilization in Vietnam during a critical period of economic transition in the 1990s. STUDY DESIGN: The study is based on two national household surveys: the Vietnam Living Standard Survey 1992-1993 and 1997-1998. METHODS: The concentration index and related concentration curve were used to measure differences in health service utilization as indicators of health outcomes of income quintiles, ranking from the poorest to the richest. RESULTS: User fees contribute to health resources and have helped to relieve the financial burden on the Government. However, comparisons of concentration indices for hospital stays and community health centre visits show that user fees can drive people deeper into poverty, widen the gap between the rich and the poor, and increase inequality in health outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: An effective social protection and targeting system is proposed to protect the poor from the impact of user fees, to increase equity and improve the quality of healthcare services. This cannot be done without taking measures to improve the quality of care and promote ethical standards in health care, including the elimination of unofficial payments.  相似文献   

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