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目的探讨模块教学在高职院校健康评估课程教学中的应用方法及效果。方法将高职护理专业4个班以班级为单位分为两组,试验组采用模块教学,即将健康评估教学内容整合为健康资料、健康评估方法、护理诊断、护理病历4个模块,4个模块的理论课和实训课之后设置综合模块,对4个模块中的理论和技能进行综合训练;对照组采用传统教学。比较两组学生理论、操作考核成绩和学生对健康评估课程的教学评价。结果试验组学生理论考核成绩、操作考核成绩及教学评价均优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论在健康评估教学中应用模块教学,可有效提高教学质量,培养学生的综合素质和能力。  相似文献   

目的探讨在健康评估课程中以提升能力为导向的教学改革对护理专业本科生沟通能力的影响。方法对健康评估课程进行教学改革并在2017级129名护理本科生(试验组)中进行教学实践。教学改革主要包括:基于学生思维特征分组,在教学中应用标准化病人,学生以小组为单位采用"身份-现状-背景-评估-建议"专业沟通评价量规收集、传递病人信息。在教学后,应用职业素养评估问卷评价学生的沟通能力,以教学改革前的2016级86名护理本科生为对照组进行比较。结果试验组职业素养评估得分为(4.80±0.28)分,对照组得分为(4.37±0.49)分,差异有统计学意义(t=9.121,P<0.001)。结论以提升能力为导向的课程教学改革对学生护患和跨专业团队沟通能力起到积极作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨双线递进式课程思政设计在健康评估课程中的应用效果。方法 将浙江工业职业技术学院2021级护理专业学生分为对照组和课改组,对照组进行健康评估课程常规教学,课改组将课程内容按入院处置流程进行递进式模块化、项目化重构,配合学良技-精仁术-明医德的三阶段递进式思政主线展开课程教学,课后组织两组学生完成护士职业认同量表、护士职业价值观量表,同时比较两组学生在课程实践考核中的人文关怀得分和半年内志愿者服务时间。结果 课改组学生在护士职业认同量表和护士职业价值观量表的总分、课程实践考核中的人文关怀得分均高于对照组,同时,课改组学生志愿者服务时间长于对照组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。两组学生在护士职业认同量表中的职业社会交往模块(因子3)、护士职业价值观量表中的行动模块(因素2)上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 双线递进式课程思政设计能有效提升护理专业学生的职业认同度和职业价值观取向,并能对学生的行为有正向影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨本科护理专业健康评估课程思政教学方案设计及实践效果。方法 在护理本科二年级28名学生中开展健康评估课程思政教学实践。按照明确目标、设计思政元素、构建思政案例库进行健康评估课程思政的设计。通过陶冶式教学法、案例启发式教学法、情境模拟教学法、体验式教学法和小组讨论法等将专业课与思政内容有机融合并实施。教学效果评价方式采用督导专家评价和学生评价。结果 10名督导专家中,8名及以上对课程思政教学方案评价为“特优”;28名学生中,20名及以上学生对思政教学方案的效果评价为“非常好”;开放式问题的结果显示学生普遍认为课程思政内容新颖、形式多样,课程思政教学提高了专业认同感。结论 递进式德育理念下的健康评估课程思政教学取得了较好的成效,内容和形式得到学生的认可,促进了专业知识与思政教育的协同发展。  相似文献   

加涅学习理论在健康评估仿真教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着以病人为中心的整体护理模式的建立和发展,健康评估的技巧在护理实践中的重要作用越来越突出,健康评估课程也逐渐成为现代护理学中一门重要课程 。健康评估作为护理程序的首要环节,是高质量护理的先决条件,它在护理实践中的重要性日益受到重视。其任务是通过教学使学生掌握以病人为中心的身体、心理和社会文化在内的健康评估的原理和方法,学会收集、综合、分析资料,  相似文献   

[目的]分析情景模拟教学法在护理本科生健康评估课程中的实施效果,为护理教育者改革教学方法提供借鉴。[方法]采用问卷调查参与健康评估课程情景模拟实验教学的59名护理本科生,并随机抽取12名进行深入访谈。[结果]学生对教学效果的总体赞同率为95.48%;96.61%的学生认为提高了护理评估技能的掌握程度,提升了团队协作意识;93.22%的学生认为加深了对护患角色的理解,强化了人文关怀素养;94.92%的学生认为锻炼了临床思维、判断、决策能力。[结论]情景模拟实验教学有利于理论联系实践,培养学生的综合能力,促进团队协作,为健康评估实验课程教学的方法改革和创新提供了初步借鉴经验。  相似文献   

随着健康观念和护理模式的转变,护理专业课程比重逐渐增大,护理特色教育性越来越强。健康评估作为新兴的护理学科,其教学方法在逐步进展提高中。为提高健康评估教学质量,考察实践教学效果,2007年初,针对学习健康评估课程的不同层次护理学生进行健康评估实践教学的调查。现报道如下。  相似文献   

为提高护理专业学生护理评估和诊断的理论与实践能力,将支架式教学模式应用到健康评估课程的教学中,并与传统的讲授教学法进行对比,比较两种方法在护理专业学生健康评估课程中的教学效果.结果支架式教学模式可明显提高学生理论和实践环节的成绩,培养了学生自主学习、掌握学习策略和促进学习迁移的能力,有助于实现培养高素质护理技术应用型人才的目标.  相似文献   

陈玲 《现代护理》2005,11(10):808-809
现代护理模式已发展为要求护理人员运用护理程序为病人解决健康问题的系统化整体护理。健康评估则是护理程序的首要环节,完整、全面、正确的评估是保证高质量护理的先决条件。然而目前护理专业健康评估多以延用临床医学专业诊断学课程的教学方法为主,不能满足整体护理的要求。以人为本的教学,就是以学生为本,以学生为中心,一切教学活动都围绕学生的需要;系统化整体护理,就是以人为中心,以护理程序为指导,一切护理活动都围绕病人的健康需求;两种理念虽然服务于不同领域,但其本质上有相同之处。因此,我们设想在护理专业教学中实施以人为本的教学,可能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

目的深入了解中医院校护理专科生在儿科护理学健康教育模块教学改革过程中的体验。方法在儿科护理教学中对健康教育模块的教学进行改革。课程结束后,采用目的抽样法,对16名完成课程的中医护理专科生进行深入访谈,了解他们对健康教育模块教学改革的体验。结果通过分析、归纳,提炼出4个主题:学会了换位思考和用心沟通、感悟到团队合作的重要性、认识到中医学子在健康教育中的责任、有助于自主学习能力的提高。结论学校教学应通过各种教学改革,最大限度地激发学生自主学习的兴趣,强化学生的沟通能力,从而有助于学生进入临床实践后能顺利开展健康教育工作。  相似文献   

目的探索基于微信平台的翻转课堂与传统课堂结合的教学模式在《健康评估》课程中的应用,并对其效果进行评价。方法以《健康评估》问诊和症状学教学为例,对护理本科2015级、2016级、2017级护生(共123人)实施了基于微信平台的翻转课堂与传统课堂结合的教学模式。通过护生课程成绩、对该教学模式的满意度以及对教学过程的评价来评估教学效果。结果护生《健康评估》课程成绩平均为(82.66±6.33)分,与2014级护生《健康评估》课程成绩平均(75.74±3.69)分相比,差异有统计学意义(t=4.20,P<0.001)。护生对教学内容的设置均比较满意。84.55%的护生喜欢该教学模式,60%以上的护生会积极投入学习,75%以上的护生认为该教学模式激发了学习兴趣、培养了自主学习能力、加深了对理论知识的理解、提高了分析问题、解决问题的能力、提高了沟通和表达能力,同时也增强了团队合作精神。结论基于微信平台的翻转课堂与传统课堂结合的教学模式在《健康评估》课程中应用效果良好,可进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

TOPIC. A nursing theory framework for teaching health assessment.
PURPOSE. To improve teaching of health assessment and nursing process to beginning-level baccalaureate nursing students.
SOURCES. The Assessment and Analysis Guideline Tool, published and unpublished literature, personal observation, and faculty feedback were used in tool development.
CONCLUSIONS. Faculty concluded that students who could envision the connection of the Neuman Systems Model and NANDA nursing diagnoses through the nursing process would be better able to understand the nursing model and choose appropriate nursing diagnoses for client care.  相似文献   

目的探讨现代教育技术与健康评估课程整合的方法及教学效果。方法将72名护理中专生随机分为试验组和对照组,试验组采用现代教育技术与课程教学整合的方法进行教学,对照组采用传统的教学方法,比较两组的期末理论考试和护理评估实践考核成绩。结果试验组期末理论成绩(33.1±5.8)和实践考核成绩(31.8±5.9)均分别高于对照组理论成绩(28.0±6.4)和实践考核成绩(24.3±6.4)(P〈0.01)。结论将现代教育技术与健康评估课程整合教学能够帮助学生学习健康评估的知识和技能,提高其护理评估能力。  相似文献   

Following the increase in both evidence and awareness of the impact that social determinants and social injustices have on health, it is clear to educators that nursing students must be prepared to address and ameliorate such concerns for patients. This paper describes the approach of one nursing program to community health nursing education. The SON located in a highly diverse city, approaches community health education through the lens of the social determinants of health. Going forward, nursing programs must consider social determinants and health equity when planning community courses and across the curriculum. Approaches to community health education with a focus on health promotion for nursing students, such as the courses described in this article, may help nursing programs meet the learning needs of students and the changing face of healthcare.  相似文献   

A 14-hour learning module based on the Guided Design method was developed to teach community health assessment and program-planning skills to nurse practitioner students. The module was developed because students in the program, part of a master's-level community health nursing major, viewed community skills as irrelevant to their role. The module was implemented for two consecutive classes (n= 19) and was evaluated through a quasi-experimental design that measured changes in (1) students' attitudes toward community health assessment and program planning as part of the nurse practitioner role, and (2) their ability to conduct community health assessment and program planning. Upon completion of the Guided Design module, all students satisfactorily assessed a real community and planned a health program to meet a community need, and they reported highly significant (P < 0.001) improvements in their attitudes toward these aspects of the nurse practitioner role.  相似文献   

In different nursing programmes, one important learning outcome is clinical reasoning (CR) skills. However, to date, there is limited number of methods available for assessment of CR skills; especially for distance-based courses. This study investigates students' opinions about the feasibility of using Virtual Patients (VPs) for assessing CR in nursing education. VPs were introduced as an assessment tool in three different nursing courses at two universities, comprising 77 students in total. Students' overall acceptance of this assessment tool, including its applicability to the practise of nursing and the potential of VP-based assessment as a learning experience, were investigated using questionnaires. Course directors used the Web-SP system to assess students' interactions with VPs and their answers regarding diagnoses, caring procedures and their justifications. Students' found the VP cases to be realistic and engaging, and indicate a high level of acceptance for this assessment method. In addition, the students' indicated that VPs were good for practising their clinical skills, although some would prefer that the VP system be less "medical" and asked for more focus on nursing. Although most students supplied correct diagnoses and made adequate clinical decisions, there was a wide range in their ability to explain their clinical reasoning processes.  相似文献   

Health education is an important, yet challenging and time-consuming, nursing intervention. It is one of the most important tools school nurses have in teaching students, families, and staff about health. To be effective health educators, nurses need skills in planning and implementing attractive and effective programs to students. They also need to develop skills in evaluating the effectiveness of their efforts to emphasize the impact school nursing can have on the health of children. This editorial highlights the school nurse's role in health education in schools and gives a brief overview of the health education process. Health education provides many opportunities for school nurses to reach out in new and creative ways to students in their quest to promote health and success in the school environment.  相似文献   

A stratified random sample of 104 NLN-accredited baccalaureate schools was surveyed regarding use of standard public health nursing bags by students in public health nursing courses. Return rate was 60 percent. Results indicated 66 percent of responding schools used public health nursing bags (Henry Street type) when students provided home care. It can be concluded that teaching of bag technique continues to be an applicable component of many nursing education programs despite rumors to the contrary.  相似文献   

A learning needs assessment focused on psychiatric/mental health nursing competency development is a central component of nursing education in specialty mental health nursing practice. The provision of education for mental health nursing relies on the underlying assumption that the learning needs of experienced mental health nurses have been assessed and educational programs implemented to address educational needs for competency in professional practice. Few professional learning needs assessments have been developed to identify learning needs in mental health nursing practice. The majority of available professional learning needs assessments focus on medical nursing practice applications rather than the psychosocial aspects of a mental health assessment. The mental health field addresses very different assessment criteria such as knowledge of suicide assessment and therapeutic interventions. The purpose of this article is to present and describe the process of developing a learning needs assessment focused on competency development for the specialty practice of mental health nursing that addresses and resolves complex learning needs.  相似文献   

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