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目的探讨膀胱滑动性疝手术的护理体会。。方法对5例膀胱滑动性疝手术患者采取围手术期综合护理及并发症的预防,并做好出院指导。结果 5例均治愈出院,平均时间住院12 d。结论对滑动性疝手术患者实施针对性精心围手术期综合护理,可减少并发症发生率,提高治疗效果。 相似文献
198 2~ 2 0 0 2年 ,我院共收治外伤性膀胱损伤患者 1 5 8例 ,其中腹腔脏器经外伤性膀胱裂口疝入膀胱者 6例 ,均经手术治愈 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料本组 6例均为男性 ,年龄 1 9~ 5 1岁 ,平均 32 .5岁。发生于交通事故伤 2例 ,矿井下挤压伤 3例 ,下腹部被人打击伤 1例。受伤到就诊时间为 0 .5~1h。 6例伤后均有腹痛 ,排尿不畅并全程血尿。 2例出现恶心、呕吐 ,3例并发骨盆骨折 ,1例同时伴有单纯肋骨骨折。 6例患者受伤前均有不同程度的膀胱充盈史 ,伤后均有不同程度的腹膜刺激征。全部行腹腔穿刺 ,均获不凝固血性液体。 2例B超、CT扫描… 相似文献
我院于1999年4月收治右腹股沟膀胱憩室疝一例,现报告如下: 相似文献
对1例输尿管长段受损的患者行螺旋形膀胱肌瓣替代术。术后做好心理护理、病情观察,同时加强引流管和并发症的观察护理,患者恢复顺利,未出现术后并发症,顺利康复。 相似文献
患者 男 ,34岁。因左侧腹股沟包块 2年入院。体查 :左腹股沟部有一约核桃大小包块 ,无疼痛 ,不能还纳。诊断 :左侧腹股沟斜疝。拟行疝高位结扎修补术。当显露“疝囊”时 ,切开后有黄色液体流出。用手指探查 ,发现其与膀胱相通 ,经探查证实疝内容物为膀胱憩室。切除憩室 ,缝合修补膀胱后行疝修补术。术后留置尿管 5d ,痊愈出院。膀胱憩室疝1例@杨兴勇$四川省康定县姑咱人民医院外科!四川康定626001膀胱憩室疝;;病例报告 相似文献
患者,女,72岁,因腹痛、腹胀、呕吐,排便,排气停止24 小时,加重2小时急诊入院。查体:一般状态可,急性面容,T37.8℃,P 94次/分,BP 17/10kPa(130/80mmHg)。腹部膨隆,在中上腹可见肠型,未触及包块、肝、脾肋下未触及,全腹有压痛、反跳痛和肌紧张,移动性浊音(±),可闻及气过水声及金属音。 WBC24.0×109/L,N0.9,L0.40,RBC3.90×1012/L,Hb120g/L,PC 130×109/L。腹部X线透视见多处液气平面;腹腔穿刺抽出淡红色混浊样液体约2… 相似文献
排尿功能障碍、尿路感染是脊髓损伤(SCI)的严重并发症,如何防止尿路感染和改善膀胱功能对于提高病人生活质量至关重要。2001年11月,我院收治1例胸10平面脊髓完全性损伤病人,经过4个月的康复护理和膀胱功能训练,取得了满意的效果,报告如下。 相似文献
作者自1984年9月至1985年8月收治滑动性疝8例(9侧),疗效满意.本文就滑动性疝的各种情况及诊治问题进行了分析,对预防滑动性疝复发的内脏腹腔内位化、疝囊高位结扎、腹股沟管后壁改良加固法作了介绍. 相似文献
手术治疗滑动性疝6例,均治愈。其关键在于滑动性疝的早期确诊、疝的内脏腹腔内位化、腹股沟管后壁修补法。 相似文献
正患者,男性,55岁。主因"间断脐周及下腹部疼痛3d"入太原市中心医院。患者于入院前3 d搬动重物后出现脐周及下腹部疼痛,疼痛呈间断性、钝痛,不伴发热,不伴恶心、呕吐,不伴腹胀、腹泻及排气异常;不伴尿频、尿急、尿痛等症状,于2015年4月17日就诊于我院急诊,给予对症治疗后入住我科。入院查体:腹平坦,脐周及右下腹部压痛阳性,肠鸣音略亢进。右腹股沟区可见一肿物, 相似文献
A 40-year-old woman with complaints of relapse in the upper abdomen and dysphagia was referred for laparascopic hiatal hernia repair. Chest radiograph, barium-swallow, and upper endoscopy revealed a paraesophageal hernia. Esophageal manometry and 24-h-pH study showed no pathological findings. A laparoscopic gastropexy was planned. Intraoperatively, in contradiction to the preoperative findings, an extrahiatal hernia containing most of the stomach was found. After resection of the hernia sac, the beating heart without covering pericardium was seen. These findings were confirmed by an additional thoracoscopy at the end of the operation. The defect was closed by direct suturing. The postoperative course and 2-month follow-up were uneventful. The resected parts of the hernia sac showed an embryonic and dysgenetic etiology. This rare malformation has been reported in combination with complex syndromes, which appear with serious clinical and morphological signs in the neonatal period. In adults, the pericardial aplasia can be observed during diagnostic or surgical interventions. In these patients, complaints are usually not caused by the malformation but may be due to the occasional herniation of abdominal organs. We consider laparoscopic repair to be a gentle and safe procedure for the treatment of extrahiatal hernias. 相似文献
病例:男,73岁,因发现原膀胱造瘘口处可复性肿块3年而入院.7年前因前列腺癌于外院行双侧睾丸切除加膀胱造瘘术.3年前无明显诱因下出现造瘘口外侧无痛性肿物,站立时出现,平卧后可自行回纳,肿块渐增大,无明显腹痛、腹胀等不适症状.半年前入院行前列腺电切术加造瘘口回纳术. 相似文献
Mesh migration after laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair is an unusual and late complication. We report a 50-year-old man with persistent painless hematuria and urinary infection who underwent bilateral laparoscopic intraperitoneal onlay mesh 4 years ago. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) prosthesis was used and fixed with tackers. The patient underwent cystoscopy and laparotomy for excision of the migrated PTFE prosthesis into the bladder. This is the first case of PTFE prosthesis migration into the bladder after laparoscopic hernia repair. We also reviewed the literature involving migration of mesh after all inguinal hernial repairs. 相似文献
Background: Inguino-scrotal sliding hernia of the bladder (IBH) is a rare condition. Frequently, it is asymptomatic but sometimes it can be complicated by urosepsis and incarceration. Case presentation: A 74-year-old male with an IBH was admitted to the intensive care unit with urosepsis, acute renal insufficiency and incarceration of the herniated bladder. A two-step approach was performed to repair this complicated hernia. Firstly, the incarcerated bladder was reduced during a laparoscopic, trans-abdominal approach. Ten days later – after treatment of the urosepsis with antibiotics and normalisation of the inflammatory parameters – a Lichtenstein hernia repair was completed. The laparoscopic approach allowed correcting the acute incarceration of the bladder with possibility to inspect the bladder for iatrogenic bladder perforation. And after treating the urosepsis with adequate antibiotics, the second step was performed through an open Lichtenstein hernia repair, thus minimising the risk of mesh infection. Conclusion: In case of an IBH, complicated by urosepsis, a laparoscopic reduction of the herniated bladder followed by a Lichtenstein hernia repair in a second time is a valid option. 相似文献
Hernias through the obturator foramen are rare and are difficult to diagnose. They usually appear in elderly women, have an atypical presentation, and are associated with high mortality. The most frequently compromised organ is the small bowel. Hernias that involve the small bowel are often associated with intestinal obstruction and secondary necrosis. Several techniques and approaches have been described for management. We present a case of bladder hernia through the obturator foramen that we repaired laparoscopically by placing a mesh plug, a management option we find safe, fast, and effective. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Bladder injury is a complication of laparoscopic surgery with a reported incidence in the general surgery literature of 0.5% and in the gynecology literature of 2%. We describe how to recognize and treat the injury and how to avoid the problem. CASE REPORTS: We report two cases of bladder injury repaired with a General Surgical Interventions (GSI) trocar and a balloon device used for laparoscopic extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair. One patient had a prior appendectomy; the other had a prior midline incision from a suprapubic prostatectomy. We repaired the bladder injury, and the patients made a good recovery. CONCLUSION: When using the obturator and balloon device, it is important to stay anterior to the preperitoneal space and bladder. Prior lower abdominal surgery can be considered a relative contraindication to extraperitoneal laparoscopic hernia repair. Signs of gas in the Foley bag or hematuria should alert the surgeon to a bladder injury. A one- or two-layer repair of the bladder injury can be performed either laparoscopically or openly and is recommended for a visible injury. Mesh repair of the hernia can be completed provided no evidence exists of urinary tract infection. A Foley catheter is placed until healing occurs. 相似文献
Traditional inguinal herniorrhaphy continues to be one of the most common surgeries performed in the USA today. The procedure
has developed into a straightforward, ambulatory procedure with postoperative complications being very rare. We describe the
first report in the literature of the serious complication of hemoperitoneum after open inguinal hernia repair attributed
to injury of the artery of Sampson. 相似文献