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目的 探讨浅低温体外循环(CPB)对心脏手术婴幼儿患者罗库溴铵药效学的影响.方法 择期行房间隔缺损修补术或室间隔缺损修补术的患儿50例,年龄6月~3岁,体重6~15 kg,NY-HA心功能分级和ASA分级均为Ⅰ或Ⅱ级.采用随机数字表法,将患儿随机分为2组(n=25):深低温组和浅低温组.深低温组CPB过程中将目标温度设定为28~30℃,浅低温组CBP过程中将目标温度设定为32~34℃.静脉注射咪达唑仑0.1 mgkg、异丙酚2mg/kg和芬太尼6~8μg/kg麻醉诱导,启动肌松监测,定标稳定后静脉注射罗库溴铵600μg/kg,当T1达最大抑制时行气管插管,机械通气,维持PET CO2 30~40mm Hg.间断静脉注射芬太尼和咪达唑仑维持麻醉.术中当T1恢复至基础值的75%时,静脉注射罗库溴铵200 μg/kg.分别于CPB前、CPB期间和CPB结束后,记录罗库溴铵起效时间、无反应期、临床作用时间和恢复指数.结果 与深低温组比较,浅低温组CPB期间起效时间、无反应期和临床作用时间缩短(P<0.05).结论 与深低温CPB相比,浅低温CPB可缩短心脏手术婴幼儿患者罗库溴铵的起效时间和作用时间.  相似文献   

目的 比较舒芬太尼和芬太尼对重症患儿心脏手术血流动力学的影响.方法 选择34例重症心脏病婴幼儿.男17例,女17例,年龄5~35个月,体重5~15 kg.随机均分为F、S两组.两组均用咪唑安定和哌库溴铵诱导麻醉.F组诱导用芬太尼10 μg/kg,继之泵入芬太尼20~30μg/kg-1h-1;S组用舒芬太尼1μg/kg,继之泵入舒芬太尼2~3μg/kg-1·h-1维持麻醉.两组均间断应用咪唑安定和哌库溴铵.应用肺动脉漂浮导管技术测定心肺转流结束后15 min(T1)、手术结束(T2)和手术后24 h(T3)的心脏指数(CD、体循环阻力指数(SVRI)和肺循环阻力指数(PVRI).结果 F组CI在T2、T3时明显低于T1时(P<0.05或P<0.01),且显著低于S组(P<0.05);两组SVRI均逐渐升高,T3时明显高于T1时(P<0.05);F组SVRI、PVRI在T2、T3时均高于S组(P<0.05).结论 在重症先天性心脏病婴幼儿心脏手术中.舒芬太尼复合麻醉稳定血流动力学优于芬太尼复合麻醉.  相似文献   

目的 观察异丙酚对体外循环下心内直视手术患者血清心肌酶谱 ,SOD活性及心脏复苏后果的影响。方法  16例择期心脏手术患者 (年龄 3~ 2 8岁 ,ASA ~ 级 )随机分成对照组 (组 ,n=8)和异丙酚组 (组 ,n=8) ,安定 0 .1mg/ kg,芬太尼 3 0 μg/ kg和潘库溴铵 0 .2 mg/ kg诱导后 ,组 患者吸入 0 .2 5 %~ 2 %安氟醚 ,组 则用微量泵持续静脉输注异丙酚 ( 15 - 2 5 mg· kg- 1 · h- 1 )维持麻醉。经中心静脉采血样测定血清 L DH,CK,SOD活性。结果 组 缺血再灌注后血清 L DH,CK活性显著增高 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ,SOD活性显著下降 ( P<0 .0 1) ;组 缺血再灌注后 ,L DH和 CK活性的变化统计学处理差异无显著性 ,但与组 同时相值比较则显著降低 ( P<0 .0 5和 P<0 .0 1)。 SOD活性则显著高于组 ;术后心功能的恢复组 也明显好于组 。结论 异丙酚能减轻体外循环期间心肌缺血再灌注损害 ,并有利于转流后心功能的恢复 ,其机制可能与异丙酚减轻术中脂质过氧化等有关  相似文献   

A small solid state transducer was used to measure pericardial pressure (PP) in 13 pediatric patients (mean age 18 months) at hourly intervals for 24 h following cardiac surgery. The mean PP following closed cardiac surgery via a left thoracotomy (group 1: 5 patients) was 2.7 +/- 1.4 mmHg and did not change with time. Maximum PP occurred during isovolumic relaxation of the ventricle rising to a peak at the onset of the 'a' wave of the central venous pressure (CVP). PP was strongly correlated with CVP (r = 0.58, P less than 0.001) but not with airways pressure (r = 0.27, P less than 0.2). Mean PP in the 3 patients undergoing transatrial surgery (group 2) was 4.5 +/- 2.7 mmHg (group 1 vs group 2, P less than 0.001). PP was significantly raised in the 2 patients undergoing transventricular correction of Fallot's tetralogy (group 3, PP = 10.2 +/- 3.2 mmHg; group 3 vs group 2, P less than 0.001) and in the 3 patients undergoing homograft conduit reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract for truncus arteriosus (group 4, PP = 9.3 +/- 2.6 mmHg; group 4 vs group 2, P less than 0.001). The results confirm that PP is a mathematical function of the expansile forces of the heart and the restricting forces of the pericardium and mediastinum. Patients with pulmonary regurgitation or pulmonary hypertensive crisis leading to increased right ventricular end diastolic dimension or a space occupying conduit have a high PP and are therefore at risk of atypical tamponade. In this situation splinting open the chest may reduce PP and break the cycle of falling cardiac output.  相似文献   

Early diagnosis and treatment of infection after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) improves outcome. Conventional laboratory tests, such as C-reactive protein and white blood cell count can not distinguish patients with early infection from those with systemic inflammatory response syndrome but without infection. After CPB, there is a systemic release of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-10. We investigated the predictive ability of these variables for infection after cardiac surgery. Forty-six patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction (<60%), scheduled for cardiac surgery, were included. Plasma samples were drawn 1 day before and immediately before surgery, on admission to the intensive care unit, and on days 1, 3, and 7 after surgery. Infection was identified according to the criteria of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. After surgery 13 patients developed an infection. In patients with infection, confirmed a median of 4 days after surgery, all measurements of IL-6, and IL-10 on postoperative day 3 were significantly increased. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, leukocytes, and C-reactive protein were not increased in these patients. Immediately after surgery blood glucose was significantly increased in patients with infection. Increased IL-6 after CPB is predictive of infection after cardiac surgery in patients with impaired left ventricular function.  相似文献   

Background. Prostaglandins modulate cytokine release thoughincreases in cAMP, regulating interleukin (IL) 6 and IL-10.Diclofenac inhibits cyclo-oxygenase activity and hence prostaglandinproduction. We hypothesized that diclofenac would affect releaseof IL-6 and IL-10 and modulate the immune response. Methods. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study,we investigated the effect of diclofenac in patients undergoingmajor urological surgery. Patients were randomized to receiveeither diclofenac (50 mg orally every 8 h the daybefore surgery and 75 mg i.m. every 12 h on the dayof surgery, n=23) or placebo (n=23). Standardized combined generalanaesthesia and epidural analgesia was administered. Serum IL-6,IL-10 and cortisol were measured before surgery and 30 minand 2, 6, 12 and 24 h after skin incision. Temperature,leucocyte count and C-reactive protein concentration were measuredbefore surgery and after 24 h. Results. IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations increased, reaching peaklevels at 12 and 6 h respectively in both groups. At 12 h,the IL-6 concentration was significantly lower in patients receivingdiclofenac than in those receiving placebo (P=0.003). In contrast,IL-10 concentration at 6 h was higher in diclofenac-treatedpatients (P=0.008), and this was associated with less pyrexia(P=0.03), a lower leucocyte count (P=0.0002) and a lower C-reactiveprotein concentration (P=0.0039). Serum cortisol concentrationwas similar in the two groups of patients until 24 h, whenthe concentration was lower in patients who received diclofenac(P=0.002). Cortisol concentration correlated with IL-6 concentrationat 24 h. Conclusions. Administration of diclofenac was associated withlower IL-6 and higher IL-10 concentrations, and lower leucocytecount, C-reactive protein concentration and temperature. Diclofenacmay have an anti-inflammatory role in major surgery. Br J Anaesth 2002; 88: 797–802  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on immunological function, we measured interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in 12 patients undergoing cardiac surgery during and after cardiopulmonary bypass, and in 10 patients with pancreatoduodenectomy. Plasma IL-6 levels were determined using the Human Interleukin 6 ELISA Kit, and TNF levels were determined using a highly sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay. In patients with cardiac surgery, plasma levels of IL-6 and TNF increased during cardiopulmonary bypass, and in patients with pancreatoduodenectomy, IL-6 and TNF levels significantly increased at the end of intraabdominal manipulation. These results suggest that endotoxin may have activated the immune system and stimulated cytokine production after pancreatoduodenectomy and during bypass.  相似文献   

Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is frequently used during congenital cardiac surgery. Complications are infrequent, but interference with ventilation has been reported, especially in small infants. Ventilation variables were measured prospectively in 22 infants, 2-5 kg, undergoing heart surgery with TEE. Measurements were made preoperatively before and after TEE probe insertion and postoperatively before and after TEE probe removal. The variables measured included arterial blood gases, expired tidal volume, peak inspiratory pressure, positive end-expiratory pressure, minute ventilation, airway resistance, dynamic compliance, and peak inspiratory and expiratory flow rates. No significant change in any ventilatory variable at either time period was noted in the infants. IMPLICATIONS: Ventilatory compromise is infrequent in small infants undergoing transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) examination. Careful ventilatory monitoring rapidly detects changes in ventilation during TEE examination. Small infants who benefit from TEE during heart surgery should not be excluded from receiving a TEE examination because of concern of ventilatory compromise.  相似文献   

改良超滤对婴幼儿心脏手术输血的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 观察改良超滤技术在婴幼儿体外循环心血管手术中对输血及术后出血的影响。方法  6 0例接受体外循环下心血管手术的先天性心脏病患儿 ,均分为对照组 (不接受任何超滤 )、常规超滤组 (CUF组 )和改良超滤组 (MUF组 )。观察术中库血用量、血浆用量、血球压积的变化及术后2 4h出血量 ,并用SSPS/PC进行统计学处理。结果 MUF组库血用量、血浆用量、术后 2 4h出血量显著低于对照组和CUF组 (P <0 0 1) ,且滤出水量明显多于CUF组 (P <0 0 1)。结论 在婴幼儿心血管手术中 ,改良超滤可有效排出体内水分 ,提高血球压积 ,明显减少输血及术后出血 ,是节约用血的重要手段之一。  相似文献   

目的 测定下肢骨科手术术野回收血经自体血回收机处理前后及患者自血回输前后血清前炎性细胞因子浓度,观察骨科手术中自体血回输对患者细胞免疫的影响.方法 30例择期行下肢骨科手术患者,分别采集自体血回收机处理前后的术野回收血,并于自体血回输前10min、回输后1 h采集患者动脉血,采用放射酶联免疫吸附测量法测定血样中3种前炎性细胞因子白细胞介素(IL)-1β、IL-6、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)浓度,并观察相关并发症.结果 术野回收血经自体血回收机处理前后3种前炎性细胞因子IL-1β、IL-6、TNF浓度分别为(0.54 ±0.22)、(0.71±0.16)、(16.23±5.68)μg/L和(0.26±0.12)、(0.29±0.09)、(6.32±2.57)μg/L,与处理前比较,处理后3种细胞因子浓度显著降低(P<0.05);自血回输前后患者血清中3种细胞因子IL-1β、IL-6、TNF浓度分别为(0.35±0.17)、(0.47±0.15)、(8.44±3.56)μg/L和(0.39±0.19)、(0.52±0.18)、(9.48±3.45)μg/L,与回输前比较,回输后患者血清中3种细胞因子浓度增高(P<0.05);30例患者自体血回输后12 h内均未观察到低血压、心动过速、血红蛋白尿、凝血功能紊乱、脓毒血症、空气栓塞、心肺问题等并发症.结论 骨科手术患者术中可适量自体血回输,回收血液经自体血回收机处理后前炎性细胞因子浓度显著降低,回输后未观察到严重并发症.
Objective To investigate the effects of autologous blood transfusion on serum cytokine levels in patients undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgery. Methods A total of 30 cases scheduled for undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgery were enrolled in this study. Each patient had four blood samples taken (pre-transfusion, one h post-transfusion, cell saver container, and post-filtration from the blood bag). An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) measurement of radiation was conducted to determine levels of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Serious complications and sequelae associated with autotransfusion were recorded. Results In comparison to cell saver container, levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF in the blood bag were decreased significantly (P<0. 05 ). In comparison to pre-transfusion, levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF were increased significantly (P < 0. 05 ). No serious complications and sequelae associated with autotransfusion were observed. Conclusion The use of cell saver container appears to be safe in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery and the levels of the cytokines in post-filtration blood are decreased.  相似文献   

Hammer GB  Ramamoorthy C  Cao H  Williams GD  Boltz MG  Kamra K  Drover DR 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2005,100(5):1283-8, table of contents
The aim of this prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial was to define the opioid analgesic requirement after a remifentanil (REMI)-based anesthetic with spinal anesthetic blockade (SAB+REMI) or without (REMI) spinal blockade for open-heart surgery in children. We enrolled 45 patients who were candidates for tracheal extubation in the operating room after cardiac surgery. Exclusion criteria included age <3 mo and >6 yr, pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart failure, contraindication to SAB, and failure to obtain informed consent. All patients had an inhaled induction with sevoflurane and maintenance of anesthesia with REMI and isoflurane (0.3% end-tidal). In addition, patients assigned to the SAB+REMI group received SAB with tetracaine (0.5-2.0 mg/kg) and morphine (7 mug/kg). After tracheal extubation in the operating room, patients received fentanyl 0.3 mug/kg IV every 10 min by patient-controlled analgesia for pain score = 4. Pain scores and fentanyl doses were recorded every hour for 24 h or until the patient was ready for discharge from the intensive care unit. Patients in the SAB+REMI group had significantly lower pain scores (P = 0.046 for the first 8 h; P =0.05 for 24 h) and received less IV fentanyl (P = 0.003 for the first 8 h; P = 0.004 for 24 h) than those in the REMI group. There were no intergroup differences in adverse effects, including hypotension, bradycardia, highest PaCO(2), lowest pH, episodes of oxygen desaturation, pruritus, and vomiting.  相似文献   

The pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles of high-dose sufentanil (15 micrograms/kg) and oxygen were determined in 20 infants and children undergoing repair of congenital heart defects. Sufentanil provided marked hemodynamic stability after an infusion and during the stress periods of incision and sternotomy. Two patients required supplemental nitrous oxide because of an increase in blood pressure greater than 20% of baseline. Mean plasma catecholamine concentrations varied widely among patients and increased, although not significantly, during intraoperative stress. Pharmacokinetic data best fit a two-compartment model. In infants younger than 10 months (group 1) and children older than 10 months (group 2) who were not surface-cooled, elimination half-lives were similar (mean +/- SD, 53 +/- 15 min vs 55 +/- 10 min) as were clearance values (27.5 +/- 9.3 vs 18.1 +/- 10.7 ml X kg-1 X min-1). However, the volumes of distribution were significantly smaller in group 1 compared with group 2 (1.6 +/- 0.46 vs 3.0 +/- 1.3 L/kg). In infants younger than 10 months who were surface-cooled (group 3) elimination half-life was longer (120 +/- 36 min) and volume of distribution larger (3.7 +/- 1.1 L/kg), but clearance rate was similar (21.5 +/- 5.0 ml X kg-1 X min-1) compared with age- and weight-matched infants (group 1).  相似文献   

目的 比较不同剂量芬太尼对心肺转流 (CPB)心脏手术患者围术期血浆C 反应蛋白(CRP)及肿瘤坏死因子 α(TNF α)、白细胞介素 8(IL 8)、白细胞介素 10 (IL 10 )水平的影响。方法 随机、双盲将择期心脏手术患者 2 4例分为两组 ,一组为芬太尼 0 0 2 5mg/kg组 (A组 ) ,另一组为芬太尼 0 0 1mg/kg组 (B组 ) ,每组 12例。分别于全麻诱导前 (基础 ,T0 )、主动脉开放后 (T1)、CPB停机后 (T2 )、术毕 (T3 )、术后 2 4h(T4)、术后 4 8h(T5)抽取患者中心静脉血 ,采用放射免疫法定量测定CRP、TNF α、IL 8和IL 10的血浆水平。结果 A组和B组TNF α在T0 、T1、T2 、T3 、T4、T5血浆浓度相比较无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。CRP在T4时 ,A组高于B组 (P <0 0 5 )。IL 8血浆浓度在T0时A组值高于B组 (P <0 0 5 )。IL 10在T0 、T1,B组高于A组 (P <0 0 5 )。两组TNF α其他时点与T0 相比 ,无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。CRP在两组中T4、T5与T0 相比均有显著升高 (P <0 0 5 )。IL 8在A组除T1外各个时点与T0 比均有显著升高 (P <0 0 5 ) ,在B组中除T5外各个时点值与T0 相比均有显著升高 (P <0 0 5 )。IL 10在A组中 ,各时点与T0 相比较均有显著升高 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而在B组中除T5外其他各时点血浆浓度值与T0 相比 ,无显著  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary bypass in children may cause severe hemodilution and can lead to excessive perioperative blood loss and high transfusion requirements. Minimization of cardiopulmonary bypass circuit and salvage of red blood cells from the residual volume after the procedure are widely utilized to reduce allogeneic transfusion. We evaluated the effectiveness of those measures introduced in infant cardiac surgery in our institution. This retrospective observational study included 148 consecutive infants between 1 and 12 months of age, with a body weight <10 kg, who underwent an elective cardiac operation between 1997 and 2005. Patients were divided into three groups defined by the circuit prime volume; 700 ml (Group 1), 450 ml (Group 2) and 330 ml (Group 3). In Group 1 residual volume after perfusion was discarded and in Groups 2 and 3 was processed in a cell saving device. Analyzed variables were: perioperative blood loss, transfusion of homologous blood products and cell salvage product, and hematology data. Reduction of the circuit volume significantly diminished use of red blood cell concentrates from 1.6 units to 0.8 units (P<0.0001), and fresh frozen plasma from 1.3 units to 0.4 units (P<0.0001). Utilization of the cell salvage product reduced significantly (P=0.023) the postoperative need for homologous blood transfusion. Therefore, both measures proved to be effective in reducing homologous blood transfusion in infant cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) on hemodynamic variables during cardiac surgery in small infants. DESIGN: A prospective clinical study. SETTING: A medical college-affiliated tertiary care children's hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three infants weighing 2 to 5 kg undergoing cardiac surgery. INTERVENTIONS: Baseline heart rate, arterial pressure, and central venous pressure were recorded. A pediatric TEE probe was inserted, and the hemodynamic variables were again recorded. Postoperatively the hemodynamic measurements were measured again before and after probe removal, with the addition of left atrial pressure and pulmonary artery pressure when available. Hemodynamic parameters were carefully observed during all phases of the TEE examinations for any changes attributable to probe manipulation. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: No statistically significant changes occurred in this group of patients during TEE. No clinically significant changes in any individual patient occurred during the measurement or during manipulation of the TEE probe for the complete examination. CONCLUSION: Although hemodynamic compromise can occur in small infants, this study suggests that it is infrequent. Fear of hemodynamic compromise should not prevent use of intraoperative TEE in small infants when otherwise indicated.  相似文献   

目的 评价氯胺酮对七氟醚抑制50%腹部手术患者切皮时应激反应的最低肺泡有效浓度(MAC_(BAR))的影响.方法 择期腹部手术患者44例,ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,年龄30~60岁,随机分为2组(n=22):对照组(K_0组)和氯胺酮组(K_1组).麻醉诱导:静脉注射异丙酚2 mg/kg、芬太尼3 μg/kg和顺阿曲库铵0.15 mg/kg,气管插管后行机械通气.K_0组吸入七氟醚,K_1组吸入七氟醚的同时静脉输注氯胺酮14 μg·kg~(-1)·min~(-1).初始七氟醚呼气末浓度为3.0%.采用改良的序贯法进行试验,切皮时患者的心率或平均动脉压升高幅度≥基础值的15%定义为阳性反应,记录平衡点后各个由阳性反应到阴性反应的中点的浓度,取其平均值,即为MAC_(BAR),并计算其95%可信区间.结果 K_0组七氟醚MAC_(BAR)为3.25%(95%可信区间为3.05%~3.45%);K_1组七氟醚MAC_(BAR)为2.20%(95%可信区间为1.96%~2.44%),K_1组七氟醚MAC_(BAR)低于K_0组(P<0.05).结论 静脉输注氯胺酮14 μg~(-1)·min~(-1)可降低腹部手术患者七氟醚MAC_(BAR),增强七氟醚抑制应激反应的效应.  相似文献   

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