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We have examined the role of entire major histocompatibility complex (MHC) disparity, individual class II or class I alloantigens in the rejection of vascularized heart allografts. Our results demonstrate that entire MHC, as well as both class II and class I disparities, may induce acute heart graft rejection or severe and irreversible heart muscle destruction. However, in 1 of 2 combinations differing at class II and 1 of 5 differing at class I, hearts have shown a good function greater than 100 days postgrafting. Furthermore, each donor-recipient combination has demonstrated a unique pattern of heart allograft function as well as a degree of heart muscle damage. In conclusion, these data suggest that the rejection process depends upon multiple factors such as the immune-response-gene-regulated immunoresponsiveness of the recipient as well as the expression of alloantigens on heart grafts during the induction and effector phases of the immune response.  相似文献   

We compare the expression of donor class I and class II major histocompatibility complex antigens in DA kidney grafts transplanted to PVG recipients treated by different protocols of donor-specific immunosuppression. MHC expression was evaluated using donor-specific antibodies and assays by immunohistology and quantitative absorption analysis. PVG recipients were either untreated or treated by (A) twice-weekly intravenous injections of 0.5 ml DA blood for 12 weeks; (B) 0.5 ml DA blood intravenously at 7 days pregraft; (C) as for (B), but with the addition or oral cyclosporine at 10 mg/kg/day from the day of grafting; and (D) passive enhancement with DA anti-PVG serum. Grafts were assessed at 3, 5, and 7 days after transplantation. In untreated controls at day 3, there is a periarteriolar leukocyte infiltrate, weak or absent class II induction, but strong class I induction. Class II induction in untreated controls is maximal at day 5. We confirm that active enhancement by blood transfusion, even using the intensive protocol of twice-weekly transfusions for 3 months, results in accelerated leukocyte infiltration and accelerated donor class I and class II MHC induction. At day 3, there is an intense, diffuse leukocyte infiltration and maximal class II induction. Cyclosporine treatment of blood-transfused recipients reduced the leukocyte infiltration and MHC induction to levels seen in untreated controls--i.e., the accelerated MHC induction caused by the transfusion was partially reversible by cyclosporine. In passively enhanced recipients, leukocyte infiltration and class I MHC induction were similar to untreated controls. However, class II induction was much delayed, not being evident until day 7.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze in detail donor class I and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen induction in heart and kidney allografts in the DA-to-PVG rat strain combination. The immunohistological techniques and quantitative absorption analyses utilize monoclonal antibodies and assay systems specific for donor class I and class II MHC antigens, to enable precise interpretation of the results in terms of the MHC antigens of the graft. Quantitative absorption analyses were performed on homogenates comprising 4-6 allografts pooled at each interval examined (days 1-5 for kidneys, days 3-7 for hearts). In the heart allografts, donor class I antigen induction begins at day 3 after transplantation and proceeds rapidly on the 4th and 5th postoperative days. The maximum level (a 10-fold increase in comparison with normal heart) occurs at day 6, and thereafter the level declines. Donor class II antigen induction in the heart allografts follows a similar pattern. In kidney allografts, it was of particular interest that donor class I induction occurred much more rapidly, being already evident on the first postoperative day, and reaching levels 20-fold greater than normal kidney by day 3. Maximum levels (approximately 30-fold that of normal kidney) of donor class I antigens were reached on days 4 and 5. Donor class II induction, by contrast, developed in kidney grafts with kinetics similar to that seen for class II induction in heart grafts (beginning at day 3 and reaching a maximum of 7-fold over normal kidney at day 5). Immunohistological studies were performed at days 1, 3, 5, and 7 after transplantation. These confirmed the early induction of donor class I antigen in the kidney allografts. In kidney, by the fifth postoperative day, all tubules in the cortex and medulla, and the arteriolar vascular endothelium, were strongly positive for class II antigens. However, the glomerulus, including the glomerular capillary endothelium, remained donor-class-II-negative, except for induction of class II antigens on Bowman's capsule. The endothelium of interstitial capillaries also probably remained class-II-negative. These results have potentially important implications for understanding the development of the rejection response.  相似文献   

Expression of major histocompatibility complex class II antigens was investigated in the normal lungs and in lung allografts of mongrel dogs after single-lung transplantation. Cryostat sections were stained with an indirect immunoperoxidase technique that used B1F6 and as anti-MHC class II monoclonal antibodies. In the normal lungs and native lungs of the recipient dogs after single-lung transplantation, only some cells of lymphoid tissue and macrophages/dendritic cells were MHC class II-positive. During acute rejection, increased infiltration with MHC class II-positive cells in perivascular, peribronchial, and interstitial areas and intraalveolar spaces was found in lung allografts. In addition, expression of MHC class II antigens was induced on the bronchial epithelium and vascular endothelium. Induced expression of MHC class II antigens on the bronchial epithelium and vascular endothelium in rejecting lung allografts was found as early as two days after single-lung transplantation. The intensity of MHC class II antigen expression on bronchial epithelium and vascular endothelium in graft lungs increased with the progression of rejection response and directly correlated with the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) levels of biochemical markers, as tumor necrosis factor alpha, gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma), interleukin 2 (IL-2) and soluble interleukin 2 receptor (SIL-2R). Abnormal expression of MHC class II antigens on bronchial epithelium and vascular endothelium and abnormal elevation of BALF levels of the cytokines in lung allografts could be prevented by cyclosporine (CsA) treatment. Our results suggested that MHC class II antigen expression could be induced on the bronchial epithelium and vascular endothelium of canine lung allografts during acute rejection. This abnormal expression of MHC class II antigens on bronchial epithelium and vascular endothelium of graft lungs may serve as a specific index for diagnosis of lung allograft rejection when infection as an inducing factor can be excluded. Furthermore, bronchial epithelium and vascular endothelium of lung allografts have become MHC class II-positive, and are likely to be the targets for low-grade rejection, resulting in the development of bronchiolitis obliterans and occlusive vascular disease in lung allografts.  相似文献   

The expression of MHC class I and class II antigens was investigated in a model of acute pancreas allograft rejection in the rat. Pancreaticoduodenal and duct-ligated DA(RT1a)-to-LEW(RT1(1] and LEW(RT1(1]-to-LEW.1U(RT1u) pancreas grafts were compared with normal organs and with LEW(RT1(1] isografts at daily intervals from day 1 to day 10 after transplantation. The results show profound changes of MHC antigen distribution in allografts during the process of rejection. Exocrine acinar cells, being class-I-antigen-negative in the normal pancreas, strongly express these antigens during rejection. Class II antigens, normally not found in pancreatic endothelia or parenchymal cells, appear in duct epithelia, acinar cells, and endothelia of big vessels. Endocrine islet cells and smooth muscle cells stay Ia-negative throughout the rejection process. Focal class I reactivity is also observed in acinar cells of pancreaticoduodenal isografts; but class II antigens are neither seen in parenchymal cells nor in endothelia of any isograft. Thus, in the rat pancreas allograft model, the induction of class II antigens is an early phenomenon characteristic of an ongoing immune response, and it provides a valuable new diagnostic criterion. Antibodies reactive exclusively with donor-haplotype antigens demonstrate an increase in donor-derived class I and class II antigen-positive interstitial cells in addition to parenchymal antigenic changes. A possible effect of the antigenic alteration described on the course of the rejection process is discussed.  相似文献   

The induction of donor major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens on nonrejected and rejected rat renal allografts was compared at various times after transplantation in two strain combinations, DA-to-PVG and LEW-to-DA. Graft rejection was prevented by preoperative donor-specific blood transfusion (DST). Quantitative absorption analysis and immunohistology were performed using monoclonal antibodies specific for donor class I and class II MHC antigens. A significant increase in the expression of donor MHC antigens, both class I and class II, was demonstrated on nonrejected as well as rejected kidneys after transplantation. A kinetic analysis showed that induction of donor class I antigens was accelerated on the nonrejected grafts, and by day 5 the nonrejected kidneys showed increased expression of class I antigen when compared with the rejected grafts (a 37- vs. a 25-fold increase in expression). Increased expression of donor class I antigens persisted on the nonrejected grafts and was still detectable on long-term-surviving kidneys, 50 days after transplantation. The magnitude of class II antigen induction was similar on both rejected and nonrejected grafts (8-fold by 5 days after transplantation). Immunohistology demonstrated that class I and class II antigens were induced on identical structures in the kidney in both situations. In particular the vessel endothelia, which do not express class II antigens in normal kidney, become strongly positive in both rejected and nonrejected grafts 5 days after transplantation. Although renal allograft rejection is completely suppressed in rats given a single donor-specific blood transfusion before transplantation, graft survival cannot be explained by the lack of induction of donor MHC antigens. Donor MHC antigens are induced on these nonrejected kidney grafts, and therefore they could act as target molecules for the effector cells that mediate graft destruction. Thus the induction of donor MHC antigens on tissue allografts should not be considered as indicative of a rejection response resulting in graft destruction.  相似文献   

The expression of a class I MHC antigen on the vascular endothelium of mouse skin allografts was assessed by in vivo uptake of radiolabeled monoclonal anti-class-I antibody in the grafts after i.v. injection into the recipients. Endothelial localization of the bound antibodies was demonstrated via double-labeling immunofluorescence microscopy using factor-VIII-related antigen as a marker for endothelial cells. Treatment of recipients with cyclosporine was accompanied by low levels of class I antigen expression in the grafts, and similarly low levels were measured in grafts carried by nude recipients in the complete absence of rejection. Withdrawal of immunosuppressive therapy was followed by an increased class I antigen expression in the donor skin. An increase was also observed in skin grafts undergoing first-set rejection. We conclude that the expression of class I antigens on the capillary endothelium of mouse skin allografts in vivo is variable and is under influence of the immune status of the recipient.  相似文献   

BN rats were immunized with one or three doses of 1 X 10(8) highly purified LEW erythrocytes (LEW-E) yielding IgM antibody (IgM-BN rats) and IgG antibody (IgG-BN rats) to LEW class I antigens, respectively. LEW kidneys transplanted into IgM-BN rats elicited cytotoxic T cell responses and lymphocytotoxic antibody responses comparable to those elicited by LEW renal grafts in unmodified BN rats. However, LEW kidneys were rejected by IgM-BN hosts in a slightly delayed fashion compared with controls (mean rejection times (MRTs), 9.4 versus 7.1 days); delayed rejection was associated with the absence of anti-LEW IgG hemagglutinins from the recipients' blood and the absence of vasculonecrotic lesions from rejected renal grafts. LEW kidneys inserted into IgG-BN rats were rejected in a slightly accelerated fashion compared with controls (MRT, 6.6 days). Lymphocytotoxins developed in IgG-BN recipients of LEW kidneys in a fashion similar to that of controls, but cytotoxic T cell responses were delayed up to the 6th day after transplantation. These observations confirm our previous finding that cytotoxic T cells do not play a decisive role in acute rejection in this model. The association observed between delayed or accelerated rejection of LEW kidneys by BN rats sensitized with LEW-E and the absence or presence of anti-donor IgG hemagglutinins in the blood of these recipients after transplantation suggests an important role for IgG anti-donor class I antibodies in the rejection of LEW renal allografts by BN rats.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The mechanisms and treatment of chronic rejection in pulmonary allotransplantation remain elusive. We have induced robust tolerance to class I-disparate lung allografts in miniature swine using an intensive 12-day course of tacrolimus. Here, we tested whether a tolerant state can be induced in swine receiving fully mismatched lung allografts. METHODS: Orthotopic left lung allografts were performed using MHC class I-disparate (group 1: n = 3) or fully disparate (group 2: n = 6) donors. The recipients received a 12-day postoperative course of tacrolimus (continuous intravenous infusion; target level = 35-50 ng/mL) as their only immunosuppression. RESULTS: All swine in group 1 maintained their grafts long term without developing any lesions of chronic rejection (>497, >432, >451 days). These recipients exhibited donor-specific hyporesponsiveness in cell-mediated lymphocytotoxity (CML) and mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) assays. In group 2, five of the six recipients maintained their grafts long term (sacrificed on postoperative days 515, 389, 429, 481, and 438 with viable grafts). Isolated lesions of obliterative bronchiolitis were occasionally seen on biopsy, and donor-specific hyporesponsiveness on assays was consistently observed. The remaining recipient rejected its graft on day 103 with histologic findings of obliterative bronchiolitis. CONCLUSIONS: We report long-term graft acceptance without chronic immunosuppression in five of six recipients across a full MHC disparity, albeit with some evidence of obliterative bronchiolitis. These data suggest that the class II disparity inherent in a fully mismatched transplant increases the requirement for tolerance induction.  相似文献   

Mice with kidney transplants were investigated to determine whether early kidney allograft rejection could be detected by radioimmune scintigraphy targeting major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens induced on donor organ cells. Allografts from C3H/He (H2k) donors were transplanted into BALB/c (H2d) recipients. Each mouse was injected intravenously with 100 Ci of 123I-labeled anti-MHC class II monoclonal antibody (mAb; Y17, anti-IEk) 16 h before scintigraphy. After imaging, mice were sacrificed for tissue counting and histopathological examination. Radiotracer uptake in the nontreated allografts increased starting on the 3rd day after transplantation, peaked at around the 6th day, and then gradually decreased. Rejecting allografts with only focal perivascular mononuclear cell infiltration could be identified by scintigraphy. However, allografted mice without evidence of rejection and isografted mice did not show an increase in radiotracer uptake. Rejecting BALB/c kidney transplanted into C3H/He mice did not show an increase in Y17 mAb uptake, suggesting that class II antigens induced on donor kidneys are solely responsible for the mAb uptake in positive scintigrams of rejecting allografts. Five allografted mice were treated with anti-CD3 mAb and cyclosporin starting 3–9 days after transplantation. Radiotracer uptake decreased after 4 weeks of treatment and increased 2 weeks after the cessation of immunosuppressive treatment, reflecting suppression and recurrence of rejection, as determined by histological examination. These changes could be followed scintigraphically. We conclude that changes in class II antigen expression can be assessed by the 123I-labeled anti-MHC class II antigen mAb and that it is a sensitive and noninvasive method for detecting kidney allograft rejection.  相似文献   

We have estimated the frequency of B cells secreting antibodies against donor MHC antigens in rats rejecting histoincompatible renal allografts. In a major plus minor antigen-incompatible DA-to-WF combination on day 4 post-transplantation, reverse protein A plaque assay demonstrated that in the graft the frequency of lymphoid cells secreting Ig was 1: 850. A major locus-incompatible and minor locus-compatible, congeneic LBN-to-Lewis strain combination was then applied to estimate the specificity of the secreted antibody. The lymphoid inflammatory cells were fused with mouse myeloma cells, cultured under limiting dilution conditions, and assayed by ELISA to donor and irrelevant strain spleen cells. Among cells infiltrating the graft, the fusion frequency was 1:172x103 and the frequency of Ig-producing hybrids 1:400x103 (i.e., this assay was approximately three log orders less sensitive than the reverse pA assay). The frequency of hybridomas secreting specific antibodies against donor MHC antigens was 1:720x103 (i.e., every second hybridoma deriving from inflammatory population produced specific Ig). In addition, there was at least one obviously polyspecific population of hybridomas, detectable only in the spleen and reactive with all rat strains tested with a frequency of 1:700x103. The inflammatory cells were also cultured directly under limiting dilution conditions, and the frequency of Ig-secreting cells was determined by ELISA. The frequency of inflammatory lymphocytes secreting detectable amounts of immunoglobulin in the supernatant was 1:14x103 in the graft (i.e., this assay was approximately one log order less sensitive than the reverse protein A plaque assay). Donor-strain reactive cells were not detected in the spleen or blood of nontransplanted Lewis (recipient) rats, nor were they detected in the blood of the transplant recipient. Our results show that B cells secreting antibodies against graft donor MHC antigens are present in the graft-infiltrating cells' inflammatory population. In the inflammatory population only approximately 1:850 of the inflammatory cells are engaged in Ig secretion, and at most 1:2 of these produce specific antibody to graft donor MHC antigens. This finding suggests that a nonspecific (polyclonal) Ig-producing population is also present in situ. These results are also concordant with the reported low frequency of specific T cells of both cytotoxic and helper type at the site of inflammation and emphasize the importance of nonspecific inflammatory (delayed hypersensitivity) mechanisms in acute allograft rejection.  相似文献   

Abstract. We have estimated the frequency of B cells secreting antibodies against donor MHC antigens in rats rejecting histoincompatible renal allografts. In a major plus minor antigen-incompatible DA-to-WF combination on day 4 post-transplantation, reverse protein A plaque assay demonstrated that in the graft the frequency of lymphoid cells secreting Ig was 1:850. A major locus-incompatible and minor locus-compatible, congeneic LBN-to-Lewis strain combination was then applied to estimate the specificity of the secreted antibody. The lymphoid inflammatory cells were fused with mouse myeloma cells, cultured under limiting dilution conditions, and assayed by ELISA to donor and irrelevant strain spleen cells. Among cells infiltrating the graft, the fusion frequency was 1:172 103 the frequency of Ig-producing hybrids 1:400 103 (i. e., this assay was approximately three log orders less sensitive than the reverse pA assay). The frequency of hybridomas secreting specific antibodies against donor MHC antigens was 1:720 103 (i. e., every second hybridoma deriving from inflammatory population produced specific Ig). In addition, there was at least one obviously polyspecific population of hybridomas, detectable only in the spleen and reactive with all rat strains tested with a frequency of 1:700 103. The inflammatory cells were also cultured directly under limiting dilution conditions, and the frequency of Ig-secreting cells was determined by ELISA. The frequency of inflammatory lymphocytes secreting detectable amounts of immunoglobulin in the supernatant was 1:14 103 in the graft (i. e., this assay was approximately one log order less sensitive than the reverse protein A plaque assay). Donor-strain reactive cells were not detected in the spleen or blood of nontransplanted Lewis (recipient) rats, nor were they detected in the blood of the transplant recipient. Our results show that B cells secreting antibodies against graft donor MHC antigens are present in the graft-infiltrating cells' inflammatory population. In the inflammatory population only approximately 1:850 of the inflammatory cells are engaged in Ig secretion, and at most 1:2 of these produce specific antibody to graft donor MHC antigens. This finding suggests that a nonspecific (polyclonal) Ig-producing population is also present in situ. These results are also concordant with the reported low frequency of specific T cells of both cytotoxic and helper type at the site of inflammation and emphasize the importance of nonspecific inflammatory (“delayed hypersensitivity”) mechanisms in acute allograft rejection.  相似文献   

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