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目的为提高额颞部除皱术的效果,延长有效时间,从理论与实际观察探讨额颞部老年化改变形成的原因,并采用相应的手术术式进行矫正.方法肿胀麻醉下,通过颞部发际缘切口入路,在颞深筋膜浅面剥离,内达颞肌前缘及眶外缘,下达颧弓上缘,后达耳屏前线.额部切口入路在帽状腱膜下剥离,下达眶上缘外至颞线后至枕外隆突.口腔内上颊龈沟入路在颧骨及颧弓骨膜下剥离.上述各剥离区域相互贯通,最后将颞区皮瓣上提,并将颞浅筋膜与颞深筋膜缝合固定.结果本组共32例,术后眉外侧平均上提8mm,鼻唇沟变浅,获随访的7例为术后3~24个月,除皱效果满意.结论本术式旨在通过广泛剥离解除了额颞部皮肤筋膜上提的羁绊,同时减少上面部降肌的作用,相对增强提肌的作用,再辅以筋膜及皮肤上提固定达到除皱的目的,效果确实、可靠、安全、持久.  相似文献   

改良限制性切口额颞部除皱术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 为提高额颞部除皱术的效果,延长有效时间,从理论与实际观察探讨额颞老年化改变形成的原因,并采用相应的手术术式进行矫正。方法 肿胀麻醉下,通过颞部发地缘切口入路,在颞深筋膜浅面剥离,内达颞肌前缘及眶外缘,下达颧弓上缘,后达耳屏前线。额部切口入路在悼状腱膜下剥离,下达眶上缘外至颞线后至枕外隆突。口腔内上颊龈沟入路在骨及颧弓骨膜下剥离。上述各剥离区域相互贯通,最后将颞区皮瓣上提,并将颞浅筋膜与颞深筋膜缝合固定。结果 本组共32例,术后眉外侧平均上提8mm,鼻唇沟变浅,获随访的7例为术后3-24个月,除皱效果满意。结论 本术式旨在通过广泛剥离解除了额颞部皮肤筋膜上提的羁绊,同时减少上面部降肌的作用,相对增强提肌的作用,再辅以筋膜及皮肤上提固定达到除皱的目的,效果确实、可靠、安全、持久。  相似文献   

经颞部骨膜下剥离面中部提紧术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨一种经颞部矫正面中部老化征象的简单而有效的方法。方法经颞部头皮切口在颞浅筋膜和颞深筋膜间剥离,下达颧弓,内达眶外侧缘。在颧弓上约2cm,平行颧弓切开颞深筋膜浅层约3cm,在颞深筋膜浅层下剥离至颧弓上缘进入骨膜下剥离。松解面中部。将已充分活动的面中部全层组织上提,缝合固定于颞深筋膜表面。结果自2000年以来,临床应用21例,术后效果满意,外观自然,无并发症发生。结论本方法具有手术时间短,剥离层次深,耳前无切口,术后恢复快,效果自然,维持时间长的优点。选择合适的病例,能获得满意的效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨一种经颞部矫正面中部老化征象的简单而有效的方法。方法经颞部头皮切口在颞浅筋膜和颞深筋膜间剥离,下达颧弓,内达眶外侧缘。在颧弓上约2cm,平行颧弓切开颞深筋膜浅层约3cm,在颞深筋膜浅层下剥离至颧弓上缘进入骨膜下剥离。松解面中部。将已充分活动的面中部全层组织上提,缝合固定于颞深筋膜表面。结果自2000年以来,临床应用21例,术后效果满意,外观自然,无并发症发生。结论本方法具有手术时间短,剥离层次深,耳前无切口,术后恢复快,效果自然,维持时间长的优点。选择合适的病例,能获得满意的效果。  相似文献   

额颞部除皱术的方法改进   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的:探讨对轻、中度皮肤松驰患者选用改进的额颞部除皱术治疗的美容效果。方法:在额颞部小切口除皱术的基础上,将颞部切口延长至耳屏前,于颞部、颧部皮下充分分离,将眶部眼轮匝肌外缘向外上提升缝合固定于颞深筋膜层,同时将颧弓处颞浅筋膜也向外上方提升缝合固定于颞深筋膜层。结果:自2000年以来,采用此法治疗12例,术后随访1个月-2年,效果满意,无一例发生并发症。结论:此手术方法既消除了额纹、鱼尾纹,又减轻了鼻唇沟的深度,是一种疗效较好的除皱方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在颢深筋膜浅面分离,硅胶假体置入的颞部填充术的临床效果及安全性.方法 单纯的颞部填充术采用局部肿胀麻醉,经颞部发际内小切口达帽状腱膜下,紧贴颞深筋膜表面行置入腔隙分离,接近眶外侧缘和颧弓上缘时谨慎钝性分离,将修剪好的硅胶假体经切口置入,准确定位固定,切口缝合后局部加压包扎.结果 应用于47例(94侧)的颞部填充术患者,术后效果满意,并发症少.无一例发生永久性面神经颞支损伤.结论 采用硅胶假体作为填充材料,置入颞深筋膜的浅面腔隙,手术操作简便,效果确切,安全可靠,不易出现面神经颞支损伤,值得推广使用.  相似文献   

内窥镜在额颞部除皱术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨内窥镜下额颞部除皱术的临床应用效果。方法:对接受内窥镜下额颞部除皱术的36例患者,采用额颞部发际内小切口,在内窥镜下通过去除部分眼轮匝肌、皱眉肌、降眉肌、额肌等去除额颞部皱纹;在帽状腱膜下和颞深筋膜浅层剥离,颞部用丝线固定于颞深筋膜上。结果:与传统大切口除皱相比内窥镜下去除额颞部皱纹效果确切,提升效果好,术后会有额部麻木感,但一般在3~6个月后恢复,手术无明显瘢痕,无脱发,就医者满意率达100%。大切口除皱可见瘢痕、脱发等并发症。瘢痕相比P〈0.05、脱发相比P〈0.05,有统计学意义。结论:内窥镜下额颞部除皱效果好、创伤小、恢复快。  相似文献   

面神经分支在颞区的显微解剖学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 明确面神经在颞区的分布层次和范围,指导面部年轻化手术的操作入路。方法 12具(24侧)成人尸头标本,于5倍光学显微镜下行颞区的解剖观察。结果 颞区包含面神经的颞支和颧支:由面神经的上支分出,出腮腺上缘,颞支发出3~8个分支、颧支2~4个分支,行于颞浅筋膜深面。颞支越过颧弓至颞区,分布于额肌、眼轮匝肌、皱眉肌和耳周围肌等组织,主导其运动;颧支由腮腺上缘向前上方越过颧弓至外眦,支配眼轮匝肌和颧肌的运动;两支之间以及与眼神经的眶上神经和泪腺神经之间.都有交通支。结论 面神经的颞支和颧支分布在颞浅筋膜的深面和颞深筋膜的浅层之间的组织内,支配额部、眼周和耳部的表情肌运动;面部年轻化手术在分离颞区时.应避免在此层进行。  相似文献   

目的为了避免传统的额颞部冠状除皱手术造成的瘢痕、脱发、头皮麻木、血肿等并发症,探讨和解决内镜下额颞部除皱手术的相关问题。方法采用额颞部发际内3(或5)个小切口,额部在骨膜下或者帽状腱膜下以及颞部在颞深筋膜浅层剥离,额颞部剥离腔在颞嵴处贯通。在内镜下显露并处理皱眉肌、降眉肌、额肌以及眼轮匝肌。在眶周骨膜下充分剥离,游离并上提额颞部皮肤,在额部和颞部分别固定。结果186例,除3例出现单侧面神经额支暂时性麻痹,5例出现眉问以及外侧眼角局部凹陷,经过注射脂肪处理以外,其余均获得满意效果。结论内镜辅助下额颞部除皱手术具有微创、出血少、并发症少、手术效果稳定等优点,与传统冠状切口手术方法相比,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

目的 探讨内窥镜额颞部除皱术中内固定的重要性.方法 自2003年1月至2010年9月,采用内窥镜技术对58例患者进行额颞部除皱,在额部和颞部分别做双侧旁正中切口和双侧颞部切口,将额颞部颞深筋膜浅层剥离后,于颞肌缘骨膜下行广泛剥离,采用钻入颅骨外板的钛合金短螺钉栓挂、固定3条悬吊线拉紧筋膜.结果 对所有患者随访3个月至7年,随访1年以上者54例;术后3个月对效果满意者57例,术后1年对效果满意者50例.结论 采用钛合金短螺钉行内固定悬吊除皱方法切实可靠,术后效果较理想.  相似文献   

Long standing oral submucous fibrosis is associated with involvement of the oral submucosa and the muscles of mastication leading to difficulty in mouth opening. Various surgical modalities are mentioned for release but each has its own limitations. This article introduces a new technique of release of submucous fibrosis and reconstruction using superficial temporal fascia flap and split skin graft. The surgical technique involves a pre-auricular incision extending into the temporal region with dissection carried out in the sub follicular plane to develop the superficial temporal fascia flap to its maximum extent. The masseter muscle origin is released from the zygomatic arch and the temporalis muscle insertion is released from the coronoid process through an external approach. The entire fibrosed mucosa is released intraorally to create a mucomuscular defect thus achieving full mouth opening. The superficial temporal fascia flap is then brought in and sutured to the intraoral defect, which is then covered with a split thickness skin graft. This procedure is performed bilaterally. A total of five patients were treated with this new technique and all of them showed good mouth opening in long term follow up. There was no donor site morbidity. The incision line is well hidden in the hair bearing area. A well vascularised superficial temporal fascia flap brings in good blood supply to the area of affected muscle and mucosa to improve its function.  相似文献   

Temporal and malar-zygomatic reduction and augmentation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The temporal fossa, zygomatic arch, and malar-midface should be considered jointly when augmentation of the temporal area or reduction of the zygomatic arch are to be carried out. These anatomic areas relate so closely to one another that altering one affects the other. In addition, augmentation of the malar-midface area may be done if one of the other two procedures is to be considered, or if a brow lift, subperiosteal face lift, or other reason for using a coronal incision exists. Use of the coronal incision for malar augmentation is probably not justified because of the large amount of surgery required in spite of the lesser morbidity associated with this approach in terms of amount of infections, lip stiffness, and hypesthesia. Planning a surgical procedure must be done in the office, by examining the patient at eye level to determine the amount of zygomatic arch reduction and the amount of temporal fossa augmentation necessary. Similarly, the three zones of the malar-midface complex must be assessed, with the amount of augmentation of each zone determined prior to the day of surgery. The surgical procedure is then executed through a coronal incision, with the dissection extending down to the zygomatic arch. If the temporal muscle is to be elevated out of its fossa, it is cut on its anterior, superior, and posterior edges, elevating it out of its fossa so that a Proplast implant, typically 3 to 4 mm thick and finely tapered on its superior and posterior edges, with suturing done anteriorly, may be inserted. The muscle is then resutured to its aponeurosis on all three edges. If the zygomatic arch and malar-midface area are to be approached, the dissection is carried to the deep and superior edge of the zygomatic arch, and the periosteal elevator is used to elevate the soft tissue off the lateral and inferior edge. The arch and malar-midface are cleared of soft tissue, extending the tunnel to the upper buccal sulcus. The arch is then reduced with a contouring burr to the thinness desired. Alternatively, the malar-midface area may be augmented with synthetic material precisely positioned, with a suture around the zygomatic arch, holding it in position as measured from the lateral orbital rim. The incision in the temporal fascia is then resutured, and the coronal incision is closed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background During orbitozygomatic (OZ) approaches, the frontotemporal branch (FTB) of the facial nerve is exposed to injury if proper measures are not taken. This article describes in detail the nuances of the two most common techniques (interfascial and subfascial dissection). Design The FTB of the facial nerve was dissected and followed in its tissue planes on fresh-frozen cadaver heads. The interfascial and subfascial dissections were performed, and every step was photographed and examined. Results The interfascial dissection is safe to be started from the most anterior part of the superior temporal line and followed to the root of the zygoma. The dissection is continued on the deep temporalis fascia (DTF), and the interfascial fat pad is elevated. With the subfascial dissection, both the superficial temporalis fascia and the DTF are elevated. The interfascial dissection exposes the zygomatic arch directly, whereas the subfascial dissection requires an additional cut on the DTF to expose the zygomatic arch. Proper subperiosteal dissection on the zygomatic arch is another important step in FTB preservation. Conclusion Detailed understanding of the complex relationship of the tissue planes in the frontotemporal region is needed to perform OZ exposures safely.  相似文献   

A frontotemporal craniotomy is usually performed using a “keyhole,” made at the union of the zygomatic arch and frontal bone. Consequently, skull depression may occur postoperatively, leading to temporal area deformities and poor cosmetic results. To prevent these complications, we describe our technique for frontotemporal craniotomy using an osteotome to prevent cosmetic deformities. After the temporal muscle is dissected and reflected with the scalp flap, a total of 3 burr holes are made in the frontal and temporal bones. In the lateral greater wing of the sphenoid, where a keyhole is usually made, a bone incision is made anteriorly-posteriorly with an osteotome. The bone flap is lifted upward, and the osteotome is inserted from behind to continue the incision. At craniotomy closure, the bone flap is fixed using a cranial bone flap fixation clamp. This procedure involves almost no removal of frontal or inferior temporal bone, resulting in virtually no bone defect. The absence of skull depression or deformity in the temples postoperatively leads to excellent cosmetic results. Our technique for frontotemporal craniotomy using an osteotome does not create bone defects, and use of titanium clamps for bone flap fixation provides normal skull bone alignment. This procedure provides excellent postoperative cosmetic results.  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 观察内窥镜上面部及中面部年轻化不同手术层面的满意度。方法 选择本门诊2015年11月5日至2018年11月5日,符合行内窥镜面部提升术患者192例,分成对照组与观察组,每组各96例。两组患者采用不同的解剖层面手术入路,对照组采用传统内窥镜行在额部骨膜下行剥离眶支持韧带,骨膜下剥离眼轮扎肌支持韧带、眶外侧筋膜增厚区,耳前切口骨膜下分离颧支持韧带,辅助经口腔内切口骨膜下剥离颧颊韧带,然后面部上提。观察组采用内窥镜下从帽状腱膜下处理眶支持韧带、眼轮匝肌支持韧带,从颞深筋膜表面离断眶外侧筋膜增厚区,同一层面向前离断颧支持韧带及颧颊支持韧带,沿眼轮匝肌下脂肪(SOOF)下离断颧唇沟。比较分析两组的效果和满意度。结果 研究组美容效果满意率为95.6%,对照组美容效果满意率为60.9%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 采用内镜在深筋膜上行眼轮匝肌支持韧带、眶韧带、颧支持韧带和眶外侧筋膜增厚区、颧颊韧带,颊唇韧带离断上提面部提升术微创整形手术的满意度比较高,解决求美者恢复快,恢复快,美容效果相同,有意义的新手上方法。  相似文献   

目的:介绍一种保留耳前鬓角形态并且预防术后脱发的颞颊部除皱术式。方法:颞部切口位于发际缘后方5cm左右并与鼻唇沟平行,耳前切口位于鬓角后缘。颞部于颞浅筋膜深面剥离至发际缘,切开颞浅筋膜于其浅面剥离至眼轮匝肌浅面。耳前于表浅肌肉腱膜浅面剥离至咬肌前缘。垂直于颞部切口向外上方悬吊颞浅筋膜,垂直于鼻唇沟向外上方悬吊腮腺浅面的表浅肌肉腱膜。结果:2008年以来应用该法治疗颞颊部面部老化患者24例,效果满意,未发生严重并发症。结论:该术式保留了耳前鬓角的自然形态,术后切口瘢痕隐蔽,无明显脱发,避免了重要神经、血管的损伤。  相似文献   

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