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Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) affects about one in 3,500 people in all ethnic groups. Most NF1 patients have private loss‐of‐function mutations scattered along the NF1 gene. Here, we present an original NF1 investigation strategy and report a comprehensive mutation analysis of 565 unrelated patients from the NF‐France Network. A NF1 mutation was identified in 546 of the 565 patients, giving a mutation detection rate of 97%. The combined cDNA/DNA approach showed that a significant proportion of NF1 missense mutations (30%) were deleterious by affecting pre‐mRNA splicing. Multiplex ligation‐dependent probe amplification allowed the identification of restricted rearrangements that would have been missed if only sequencing or microsatellite analysis had been performed. In four unrelated families, we identified two distinct NF1 mutations within the same family. This fortuitous association points out the need to perform an exhaustive NF1 screening in the case of molecular discordant‐related patients. A genotype–phenotype study was performed in patients harboring a truncating (N = 368), in‐frame splicing (N = 36), or missense (N = 35) mutation. The association analysis of these mutation types with 12 common NF1 clinical features confirmed a weak contribution of the allelic heterogeneity of the NF1 mutation to the NF1 variable expressivity.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a generalized disorder of connective tissue characterized by fragile bones and easy susceptibility to fracture. Most cases of OI are caused by mutations in type I collagen. We have identified and assembled structural mutations in type I collagen genes (COL1A1 and COL1A2, encoding the proalpha1(I) and proalpha2(I) chains, respectively) that result in OI. Quantitative defects causing type I OI were not included. Of these 832 independent mutations, 682 result in substitution for glycine residues in the triple helical domain of the encoded protein and 150 alter splice sites. Distinct genotype-phenotype relationships emerge for each chain. One-third of the mutations that result in glycine substitutions in alpha1(I) are lethal, especially when the substituting residues are charged or have a branched side chain. Substitutions in the first 200 residues are nonlethal and have variable outcome thereafter, unrelated to folding or helix stability domains. Two exclusively lethal regions (helix positions 691-823 and 910-964) align with major ligand binding regions (MLBRs), suggesting crucial interactions of collagen monomers or fibrils with integrins, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), fibronectin, and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP). Mutations in COL1A2 are predominantly nonlethal (80%). Lethal substitutions are located in eight regularly spaced clusters along the chain, supporting a regional model. The lethal regions align with proteoglycan binding sites along the fibril, suggesting a role in fibril-matrix interactions. Recurrences at the same site in alpha2(I) are generally concordant for outcome, unlike alpha1(I). Splice site mutations comprise 20% of helical mutations identified in OI patients, and may lead to exon skipping, intron inclusion, or the activation of cryptic splice sites. Splice site mutations in COL1A1 are rarely lethal; they often lead to frameshifts and the mild type I phenotype. In alpha2(I), lethal exon skipping events are located in the carboxyl half of the chain. Our data on genotype-phenotype relationships indicate that the two collagen chains play very different roles in matrix integrity and that phenotype depends on intracellular and extracellular events.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta type IIC (OI IIC) is a rare variant of lethal OI that has been considered to be an autosomal recessive trait. Twisted, slender long bones with dense metaphyseal margins and normal vertebral bodies in OI IIC contrast with crumpled, thick long bones and multiple vertebral compression fractures in OI IIA. Here, we report on two sporadic patients with classical OI IIC and a pair of siblings, with features of OI IIC but less distortion of the tubular bones (OI dense bone variant). One case with OI IIC and the sibs had novel heterozygous mutations in the C-propeptide region of COL1A1, while the second patient with clear-cut OI IIC had no mutation in this region. Histological examination in the two sporadic cases showed a network of broad, interconnected cartilaginous trabeculae with thin osseous seams in the metaphyses. These changes differed from the narrow and short metaphyseal trabeculae found in other lethal or severe cases of OI. Our experience sheds light on the genetics and etiology of OI IIC and on its phenotypic spectrum.  相似文献   

Mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, encoding the alpha1 and alpha2 chain of type I collagen, respectively, are responsible for the vast majority of cases of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) (95% of patients with a definite clinical diagnosis). We have investigated 22 OI patients, representing a heterogeneous phenotypic range, at the biochemical and molecular level. A causal mutation in either type I collagen gene was identified in 20 of them: no recurrent mutation was found in unrelated subjects; 15 out of 20 mutations had not been reported previously. In two patients, we could not find any causative mutation in either type I collagen gene, after extensive genomic DNA sequencing. Failure of COL1A1/COL1A2 mutation screening may be due, in a few cases, to further clinical heterogeneity, i.e. additional non-collagenous disease loci are presumably involved in OI types beyond the traditional Sillence's classification.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is caused by mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 that code for the alpha1 and alpha2 chains of type I collagen. Phenotypes correlate with the mutation types in that COL1A1 null mutations lead to OI type I, and structural mutations in alpha1(I) or alpha2(I) lead to more severe OI types (II-IV). However, correlative analysis between mutation types and OI associated hearing loss has not been previously performed. A total of 54 Finnish OI patients with previously diagnosed hearing loss or age 35 or more years were analyzed here for mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2. Altogether 49 mutations were identified, of which 41 were novel. The 49 mutations represented the molecular genetic background of 41.1% of the Finnish OI population. A total of 38 mutations were in COL1A1 and 11 were in COL1A2. Of these, 16 were glycine substitutions and 16 were splicing mutations in alpha1(I) or alpha2(I). In addition, 17 null allele mutations were detected in COL1A1. A total of 32 patients (65.3%) with a mutation had hearing loss. That is slightly more than in our previous population study on Finnish adults with OI (57.9%). The association between the mutation types and OI type was statistically evident. Patients with COL1A1 mutations more frequently had blue scleras than those with COL1A2 mutations. In addition, patients with COL1A2 mutations tended to be shorter than those with COL1A1 mutations. However, no correlation was found between the mutated gene or mutation type and hearing pattern. These results suggest that the basis of hearing loss in OI is complex, and it is a result of multifactorial, still unknown genetic effects.  相似文献   

Non‐lethal OI III (OMIM 259420) is caused by structural aberrations of collagen I. We report four novel glycine substitutions, one in the a1(I) chain of collagen I (G688S) and three in the a2(I) chain (G241D, G247C, G883V). In each of two families (G241D and G883V), we found parental mosaicism for the substitution explaining recurrence and intrafamilial variability of OI. The G247C and the G883V are the most N‐terminally and C‐terminally, respectively, placed cysteine and valine substitutions reported. The new substitutions add important information to the genotype‐phenotype map and in particular the importance of a‐chain stoichiometry is underlined. Data regarding the G688S substitution may suggest a different effect of the two a‐chains in the development of dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI). Hum Mutat 13:503, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a connective tissue disorder mostly characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance. Over 1,100 causal mutations have been identified scattered along all exons of genes encoding type I collagen precursors, COL1A1 and COL1A2. Because of the absence of mutational hotspots, Sanger sequencing is considered the gold standard for molecular analysis even if the workload is very laborious and expensive. To overcome this issue, different prescreening methods have been proposed, including DHPLC and biochemical studies on cultured dermal fibroblasts; however, both approaches present different drawbacks. Moreover, in case of patients who screen negative for point mutations, an additional screening step for complex rearrangements is required; the added causative variants expected from this approach are about 1–2%. The aim of this study was to optimize and validate a new protocol that combines quantitative PCR (qPCR) and high‐resolution melting (HRM) curve analysis to reduce time and costs for molecular diagnosis. Results of qPCR–HRM screening on 57 OI patients, validated by DHPLC–direct sequencing and multiplex ligation‐dependent probe amplification (MLPA), indicate that all alterations identified with the mentioned methodologies are successfully detected by qPCR–HRM. Moreover, HRM was able to discriminate complex genotypes and homozygous variants. Finally, qPCR–HRM outperformed direct sequencing and DHPLC–MLPA in terms of rapidity and costs. Hum Mutat 33:1697–1707, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Approximately 10%–20% of germline pathogenic variants alter mRNA splicing, with phenotypes often dependent on the stability of the mRNA produced by the mutant allele. To better understand the relationships between genotype, mRNA splicing, and phenotype, we examined clinical and molecular data from 243 probands with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) representing 145 unique splicing variants within the type I procollagen gene, COL1A1. All individuals with IVSX‐1G>A mutations had OI type I because the substitution shifted the splice acceptor site 1 nt downstream and destabilized the mRNA. OI phenotypes were not consistent for any other splice variant identified. We sequenced all cDNA species from cultured dermal fibroblasts from 40 individuals to identify splice outcome and compared those results to splice predictions from Human Splice Finder (HSF), Spliceport (SP), and Automatic Splice Site and Exon Definition Analyses (ASSEDA). Software‐based splice predictions were correct in 42%, 55%, and 74% instances for HSF, SP, and ASSEDA, respectively. As molecular diagnostics move increasingly to DNA sequence analysis, the need to understand the effects of splice site variants will increase. These data demonstrate that caution must be exercised when using splice prediction software to predict splice outcome.  相似文献   

Triple helix formation is a prerequisite for the passage of type I procollagen from the endoplasmic reticulum and secretion from the cell to form extracellular fibrils that will support mineral deposition in bone. Analysis of cDNA from 11 unrelated individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) revealed the presence of 11 novel, short in‐frame deletions or duplications of three, nine, or 18 nucleotides in the helical coding regions of the COL1A1 and COL1A2 collagen genes. Triple helix formation was impaired, type I collagen α chains were post‐translationally overmodified, and extracellular secretion was markedly reduced. With one exception, the obligate Gly‐Xaa‐Yaa repeat pattern of amino acids in the helical domains was not altered, but the Xaa‐ and Yaa position residues were out of register relative to the amino acid sequences of adjacent chains in the triple helix. Thus, the identity of these amino acids, in addition to third position glycines, is important for normal helix formation. These findings expand the known repertoire of uncommon in‐frame deletions and duplications in OI, and provide insight into normal collagen biosynthesis and collagen triple helix formation. Hum Mutat 18:319–326, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mutations in COCH (co agulation factor C h omology) cause autosomal‐dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss with variable degrees of clinical onset and vestibular malfunction. We selected eight uncharacterized mutations and performed immunocytochemical and Western blot analyses to track cochlin through the secretory pathway. We then performed a comprehensive analysis of clinical information from DFNA9 patients with all 21 known COCH mutations in conjunction with cellular and molecular findings to identify genotype–phenotype correlations. Our studies revealed that five mutants were not secreted into the media: two von Willebrand factor A (vWFA) domain mutants, which were not transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi complex and formed high‐molecular‐weight aggregates in cell lysates, and three LCCL domain mutants, which were detected as intracellular dimeric cochlins. Mutant cochlins that were not secreted and accumulated in cells result in earlier age of onset of hearing defects. In addition, individuals with LCCL domain mutations show accompanying vestibular dysfunction, whereas those with vWFA domain mutations exhibit predominantly hearing loss. This is the first report showing failure of mutant cochlin transport through the secretory pathway, abolishment of cochlin secretion, and formation and retention of dimers and large multimeric intracellular aggregates, and high correlation with earlier onset and progression of hearing loss in individuals with these DFNA9‐causing mutations.  相似文献   

Alport syndrome (AS) is caused by pathogenic mutations in the genes encoding α3, α4 or α5 chains of collagen IV (COL4A3/COL4A4/COL4A5), resulting in hematuria, chronic renal failure (CRF), sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and ocular abnormalities. Mutations in the X‐linked COL4A5 gene have been identified in 85% of the families (XLAS). In this study, 22 of 60 probands (37%) of unrelated Portuguese families, with clinical diagnosis of AS and no evidence of autosomal inheritance, had pathogenic COL4A5 mutations detected by Sanger sequencing and/or multiplex‐ligation probe amplification, of which 12 (57%) are novel. Males had more severe and earlier renal and extrarenal complications, but microscopic hematuria was a constant finding irrespective of gender. Nonsense and splice site mutations, as well as small and large deletions, were associated with younger age of onset of SNHL in males, and with higher risk of CRF and SNHL in females. Pathogenic COL4A3 or COL4A4 mutations were subsequently identified in more than half of the families without a pathogenic mutation in COL4A5. The lower than expected prevalence of XLAS in Portuguese families warrants the use of next‐generation sequencing for simultaneous COL4A3/COL4A4/COL4A5 analysis, as first‐tier approach to the genetic diagnosis of collagen type IV‐related nephropathies.  相似文献   

Valosin containing protein (VCP) disease associated with inclusion body myopathy, Paget disease of the bone and frontotemporal dementia is a progressive autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in Valosin containing protein gene. To establish genotype–phenotype correlations we analyzed clinical and biochemical markers from a database of 190 members in 27 families harboring 10 missense mutations. Individuals were grouped into three categories: symptomatic, presymptomatic carriers and noncarriers. The symptomatic families were further divided into ten groups based on their VCP mutations. There was marked intra and inter‐familial variation; and significant genotype–phenotype correlations were difficult to establish because of small numbers. Nevertheless when comparing the two most common mutations, R155C mutation was found to be more severe, with an earlier onset of myopathy and Paget (p = 0.03). Survival analysis of all subjects revealed an average life span after diagnosis of myopathy and Paget of 18 and 19 years respectively, and after dementia only 6 years. R155C had a reduced survival compared to the R155H mutation (p = 0.03).We identified amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was diagnosed in 13 individuals (8.9%) and Parkinson's disease in five individuals (3%); however, there was no genotypic correlation. This study represents the largest dataset of patients with VCP disease and expands our understanding of the natural history and provides genotype–phenotype correlations in this unique disease.  相似文献   

Type 1 ryanodine receptor (RYR1) is a Ca2+ release channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle and is mutated in some muscle diseases, including malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD). Over 200 mutations associated with these diseases have been identified, and most mutations accelerate Ca2+‐induced Ca2+ release (CICR), resulting in abnormal Ca2+ homeostasis in skeletal muscle. However, it remains largely unknown how specific mutations cause different phenotypes. In this study, we investigated the CICR activity of 14 mutations at 10 different positions in the central region of RYR1 (10 MH and four MH/CCD mutations) using a heterologous expression system in HEK293 cells. In live‐cell Ca2+ imaging, the mutant channels exhibited an enhanced sensitivity to caffeine, a reduced endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content, and an increased resting cytoplasmic Ca2+ level. The three parameters for CICR (Ca2+ sensitivity for activation, Ca2+ sensitivity for inactivation, and attainable maximum activity, i.e., gain) were obtained by [3H]ryanodine binding and fitting analysis. The mutant channels showed increased gain and Ca2+ sensitivity for activation in a site‐specific manner. Genotype–phenotype correlations were explained well by the near‐atomic structure of RYR1. Our data suggest that divergent CICR activity may cause various disease phenotypes by specific mutations.  相似文献   

The two disorders of cornification associated with mutations in genes coding for intracellular calcium pumps are Darier disease (DD) and Hailey–Hailey disease (HHD). DD is caused by mutations in the ATP2A2 gene, whereas the ATP2C1 gene is associated with HHD. Both are inherited as autosomal‐dominant traits. DD is mainly defined by warty papules in seborrheic and flexural areas, whereas the major symptoms of HHD are vesicles and erosions in flexural skin. Both phenotypes are highly variable. In 12%–40% of DD patients and 12%–55% of HHD patients, no mutations in ATP2A2 or ATP2C1 are found. We provide a comprehensive review of clinical variability in DD and HHD and a review of all reported mutations in ATP2A2 and ATP2C1. Having the entire spectrum of ATP2A2 and ATP2C1 variants allows us to address the question of a genotype–phenotype correlation, which has not been settled unequivocally in DD and HHD. We created a database for all mutations in ATP2A2 and ATP2C1 using the Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD v3.0), for variants reported in the literature and future inclusions. This data may be of use as a reference tool in further research on treatment of DD and HHD.  相似文献   

Classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is characterized by fragile and hyperextensible skin, atrophic scarring, and joint hypermobility. Mutations in the COL5A1 and the COL5A2 gene encoding the alpha1(V) and the alpha2(V) chains, respectively, of type V collagen have been shown to cause the disorder, but it is unknown what proportion of classic EDS patients carries a mutation in these genes. We studied fibroblast cultures from 48 patients with classic EDS by SDS-PAGE for the presence of type V collagen defects. An abnormal collagen pattern was detected in only 2 out of 48 cell lines, making this a poor method for routine diagnostic evaluation. A total of 42 out of 48 (88%) patients were heterozygous for an expressed polymorphic variant in COL5A1. cDNA from 18 (43%) of them expressed only one COL5A1 allele. In 37 patients, the COL5A1/A2 genes were then analyzed by SSCP and conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis (CSGE). A total of 26 patients that were mutation-negative after SSCP/CSGE screening were reanalyzed by dHPLC. In addition, 11 other patients were analyzed by dHPLC only. In total, 17 mutations leading to a premature stop codon and five structural mutations were identified in the COL5A1 and the COL5A2 genes. In three patients with a positive COL5A1 null-allele test, no causal mutation was found. Overall, in 25 out of 48 patients (52%) with classic EDS, an abnormality in type V collagen was confirmed. Variability in severity of the phenotype was observed, but no significant genotype-phenotype correlations emerged. The relatively low mutation detection rate suggests that other genes are involved in classic EDS. We excluded the COL1A1, COL1A2, and DCN gene as major candidate genes for classic EDS, since no causal mutation in these genes was found in a number of patients who tested negative for COL5A1 and COL5A2.  相似文献   

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