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The carcinogenic activity of endogenously synthesized N-nitroso-bis(2-hydroxy-propyl)amine (NDHPA) was investigated in male Wistar rats administered bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (DHPA), mixed into a powdered diet at a concentration of 1%, and NaNO2 dissolved in distilled water at concentrations of 0.15% and 0.3%, for 94 weeks. Urinary excretion of NDHPA clearly demonstrated its endogenous synthesis in rats given 1% DHPA and 0.3% NaNO2, but not in the groups receiving either of these precursors alone. Tumours of the nasal cavity, lung, oesophagus, liver and urinary bladder were found in rats treated with 1% DHPA and 0.15% or 0.3% NaNO2. The incidences of nasal cavity and lung tumours reached 74% and 58% respectively, in rats given 1% DHPA and 0.3% NaNO2. The tumour distribution was almost the same as that seen in rats given NDHPA. These results indicate that endogenously synthesized NDHPA has similar carcinogenic activity to exogenously administered NDHPA in rats.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic activity of endogenously synthesized N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine(BHP) was investigated in male Wistar rats administered bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine(BHPA) mixed in powder diet at a concentration of 1%, and sodiumnitrite (SN) dissolved in distilled water at concentrationsof 0.15 and 0.3%, for 94 weeks. Urinary excretion of BHP wasdetected in rats given 1% BHPA and 0.3% SN but not in the groupsreceiving either of these precursors alone. Nasal cavity, lung,esophagus, liver and urinary bladder tumors were found in animalstreated with combinations of 1% BHPA and 0.15 or 0.3% SN, suggestingthat the target organs of the endogenously synthesized BHP aresimilar to those affected when the carcinogen is administeredexogenously. The incidences of nasal cavity and lung tumorsreached 74 and 58% in rats given 1% BHPA and 0.3% SN, respectively.Tumors at sites other than target organs were only found atlevels similar to those previously reported for spontaneoustumors in male Wistars. The present results clearly indicatedthe tumor inducibility of a nhrosatable amine, BHA, throughan endogenous nitrosation by feeding to rats in conjunctionwith nitrite, and provide further suggestive evidence that endogenousnitrosations of environmental nitrosatable amines can be a potentialrisk factor in human cancer development.  相似文献   

Initiation activities of endogenously formed N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine(NBHPA), N-nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) and N-nitroso-2,6-dimethylmorpholine(NDMM) were investigated in a modified short-term assay forrat hepatocarcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were fed 1 % bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine,0.5% diethanolamine or 0.25% 2,6-dimethylmorpholine in the dietplus 0.3% sodium nitrite in the drinking water. Two weeks afterstarting the experimental regimen they underwent 2/3 partialhepatectomy and were then maintained on the respective dietsfor a further week. Following a 2 week recovery period on basaldiet the rats were subjected to a resistant hepatocyte regimenconsisting of 0.02% 2-acetylaminofluorene in the diet for 2weeks and 1 mg carbon tetrachloride/kg body wt by gavage atthe midpoint. Initiation activity was assayed by measuring hepaticfoci positive for  相似文献   

Weekly sc injections of equitoxic doses of N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (BHP) and N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP) to Wister-derived MRC rats induced tumors. The incidence, latency, multiplicity, morphologic type, and distribution of these tumors varied according to the compound given. The esophagus was the main target organ for BHP (100%), followed by the respiratory tract (87%), pharynx (80%), colon and liver (each 73%), kidneys (20%), thyroid gland (20%), and urinary bladder and urethra (each 7%). BOP was ineffective in the esophagus and pharynx but induced a higher incidence of tumors in the kidneys (27%), thyroid gland (60%), urinary bladder (33%), and urethra (73%) and fewer neoplasms in the respiratory tract (20%), colon (67%), and liver (53%). In addition, BOP caused a few, apparently primary, prostate squamous cell carcinomas. The results are compared with results of BHP treatment in Sprague-Dawley rats and with results of BHP and BOP treatment in Syrian golden hamsters.  相似文献   

N-Nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (ND2HPA) is a potent pancreatic carcinogen in hamsters and induces gastrointestinal and respiratory tract cancer in rats. The precursor amines, diisopropanolamine (Di-PA) and triisopropanolamine (Ti-PA), are used in some manufacturing processes and in cosmetic preparations. We have found low levels of ND2HPA in commercial Ti-PA (21-270 ng/g) and in Di-PA (20-1 300 ng/g) and have demonstrated that ND2HPA is formed from Ti-PA and nitrite in a yield comparable to that observed for formation of N-nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) from triethanolamine under relatively mild conditions. After reaction for 4 h at 37 degrees C (10 mmol/L amine, 40 mmol/L nitrite, pH 3.0), the ND2HPA yield was 0.51%. The NDELA yield under the same conditions was 0.96%. ND2HPA was determined by gas chromatography-thermal energy analysis (GC-TEA) and GC-high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-MS) selected ion monitoring of the tert-butyldimethylsilyl (t-BDMS) ether after extraction on a Celite 560 column. The t-BDMS ethers of ND2HPA and NDELA yielded intense, structurally significant peaks at m/z 333.2030 and 305.1716, respectively. The GC-MS procedure provides sensitivity and selectivity comparable to that of GC-TEA.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of the lung carcinogen N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (ND2HPA) in male Wistar rats was studied. The blood level after a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of [1-14C]-ND2HPA at a dose of 3 g/kg body weight reached a maximum within 1 h. Most of the administered 14C was eliminated via the urine; 90.8% of the 14C was excreted in urine within 24 h, 5.5% in faeces, and 3.2% in expired air. About 11% of the 14C was detected in bile collected over 24 h. A relatively high concentration of 14C was found in the blood and target organs, such as the lung, liver, thyroid gland and kidney 1 h after treatment. Analysis by high-pressure liquid chromatography showed that the 14C in the blood and urine was mostly accounted for by unchanged ND2HPA, together with smaller amounts of N-nitroso-(2-hydroxypropyl)(2-oxopropyl)amine (N2HP2OPA). ND2HPA and N2HP2OPA were also detected in the lung and liver of rats 30 min to 12 h after the administration and were present in higher concentrations in the blood and lung than in the liver and pancreas. Besides ND2HPA and N2HP2OPA. N-nitrosomethyl(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (NM2HPA) was also found in urine collected over 6 h. ND2HPA, N2HP2OPA and NM2HPA showed mutagenicity in the Salmonella assay system with metabolic activation by a 9000 X g supernatant of rat liver, and N2HP2OPA was also mutagenic in the presence of a rat lung preparation. These data suggest that N2HP2OPA and NM2HPA might be important intermediates in the metabolic activation of ND2HPA to its ultimate carcinogenic form in rats.  相似文献   

Weekly intragastric treatment with N-nitrosobis(2-oxo-propyl)amineor N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine induced hyperplastic,preneoplastic and neoplastic prostatic changes in >80% ofMRC rats. The lesions initially appeared as focal or multifocalproliferations of alveolar epithelium in a cribriform patternwhich, in all but one case, underwent progressive changes, oftentending toward squamous cell formation. Tumors, found primarilyin the ventral prostate, demonstrated various degrees of differentiationand invasive growth. A few neoplasms developed in the seminalvesicles; however all were of a glandular type. The sequentialalteration of induced lesions is described and the possiblereasons for the squamous cell character of most tumors discussed.Prostatic cancer induction by systemic application of specificnitrosamines could provide a unique tool for investigating importantaspects of the disease.  相似文献   

Expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 protein in preneoplastic and neoplastic lung lesions induced by the administration of 2000 ppm of N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (BHP) in the drinking water to Wistar male rats, was examined immunohistochemically. The majority of alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas (ADs) and all adenocarcinomas (ADCs) examined, stained positive or strongly positive for COX-2. In contrast, only a minority of alveolar/bronchiolar hyperplasias demonstrated immunoreactivity and half of the squamous cell carcinomas examined, were only weakly positive. Western blotting analysis also revealed expression of COX-2 protein in the resected ADs and ADCs. These results clearly indicate up-regulated expression of COX-2 in lung neoplastic lesions, particularly ADs and ADCs, induced by BHP in rats.  相似文献   

The mutagenic activities of N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (BHP) and its related compounds were studied in Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and TA98 strains by Ames's liquid incubation assay in the presence or absence of lung and liver S9 of rats treated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). BHP and its related compounds, N-nitroso-(2-hydroxypropyl)(2-oxopropyl)amine (HPOP), N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP), N-nitrosobis(2-acetoxypropyl)amine (BAP), and N-nitroso-2,6-dimethylmorpholine (NDMM) showed negative mutagenicity in the absence of lung and liver S9 in TA100 and TA98 strains while those compounds showed positive in the presence of liver S9 in TA100 strain. HPOP and BOP showed positive mutagenic activity in the presence of lung S9 in TA100 strain. HPOP showed the strongest mutagenic activity in the presence of lung and liver S9.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic nitrosamines N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyI)-amine(BOP) and N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (BHP) were testedin excision-repair-deficient strains of his G46 Salmonella mutantsin the intrasanguinous host-mediated mutagenesis assay (HMA)in male Syrian hamsters. The major adducts produced by BOP inthe hamster are methylguanines, while BHP leads to hydroxypropylguaninesas well as methylguanines. Both nitrosamines were potent mutagensin bacteria recovered from the liver. On a comparison of administereddose, BOP was more potent, but when compared at doses producingsimilar levels of O6-methylguanine (O6MeG) in host liver DNA,or at equitoxic doses in the hamster, BHP was more potent. BHPwas 10 times less mutagenic in an excision-repair-proficientstrain of Salmonella, but the mutagenicity of BOP was not reduced.The effects of excision repair on in vitro mutagenesis inducedby the direct-acting analogs N-(2-oxopropyl)-N-nitrosourea (OPNU),a methylating agent, and N(2-hydroxypropyl)-N-nitrosourea (HPNU),a hydroxypropylating agent, were also examined. Mutagenesisby HPNU, but not OPNU was very sensitive to excision repair.Thus BOP appears to lead to mutagenesis via methylation, whilemutagenesis by BHP apparently proceeds via hydroxypropylation.BOP, BHP, OPNU and HPNU were several times less mutagenic inhisG428 than hisG46 strains. In contrast to hisG46 strains,which are reverted mainly by base-pair substitutions at G: Cbase pairs, hisG428 strains are generally more sensitive tomutagenesis at A: T base pairs. Taken together the above resultsand observations that >90% of the adducts from BOP and BHPwere alkylguanines, suggest that the major premutagenic adductsproduced from BOP and BHP are alkylguanines as opposed to otheralkylated bases. BOP and BHP were weak mutagens in the Salmonella/S-9mutagenesis assay using hamster liver S-9 fraction. When comparedwith results in the HMA, BOP and BHP were orders of magnitudeless mutagenic in vitro. This observation suggests: (i) thepathways or enzymes involved in the activation of these carcinogens(although uncertain) may be different in vivo and in vitro;or (ii) the pathways for the in vitro and in vivo metabolismmay be similar, but the conditions used for the in vitro activationof these nitrosamines are inadequate to generate significantlevels of nitrosamine metabolites.  相似文献   

P M Pour  K Stepan 《Cancer letters》1985,27(3):305-308
Weekly application of N-nitrosobis (2-hydroxypropyl) amine (BHP) at a dose of 50 mg/application to the skin of the neck and flank organ of male Syrian golden hamsters induced no local lesions. However, nearly all treated animals developed internal tumors, primarily of pancreatic, hepatic, respiratory and colorectal origins. Results from this and previous studies indicate that the local carcinogenic effect of nitrosamines depends on the molecular structure of the carcinogen, rather than on tissue specificity. Furthermore, some common types of human cancer could be induced by absorption of specific nitrosamines through skin.  相似文献   

Levels of methyl and hydroxypropyl adducts induced by single s.c. injections of various doses of tritium-labeled N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine ([1-3H]BHP) were determined in the liver, pancreas, kidney and lung of hamsters and rats. At doses of BHP used in carcinogenesis studies (100-500 mg/kg), methylation of DNA was more extensive than its hydroxypropylation; however, it did not increase proportionally with the dose and gradually became secondary to hydroxypropylation at higher doses of the carcinogen. Ratios of hydroxypropyl versus methyl adducts also varied significantly depending on the tissue and species. In both species ratios of N7-hydroxypropylguanine (N7-HpG) versus N7-methylguanine (N7-MeG) were greater in kidney and pancreas than in liver or lung. Due to apparent differences in the repair of O6-methylguanine (O6-MeG) and O6-hydroxypropylguanine (O6-HpG), and the propensity of 2-hydroxypropylating as compared to methylating agents to yield a greater percentage of oxygen adducts, ratios of O6-HpG versus O6-MeG were markedly greater than those of N7-HpG versus N7-MeG. Levels of O6-HpG were greater than those of O6-MeG in rat liver, pancreas and kidney and also in hamster kidney, while such levels were similar in rat lung and also in hamster liver, pancreas and lung. Like N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP) and N-nitroso(2-hydroxypropyl) (2-oxopropyl)amine (HPOP), BHP was activated primarily in the liver and induced substantially greater DNA damage in this than in any other tissue examined. However, unlike BOP and HPOP, which induced similar levels of hepatic DNA damage in the above two species, BHP methylated and hydroxypropylated hamster liver DNA more extensively than that of the rat. Differences between BOP and BHP were also observed regarding levels and distribution of DNA adducts in extrahepatic tissues. In rats, BHP induced greater levels of methylation and hydroxypropylation in lung than in kidney, while the reverse was observed with BOP. Apparently reduction of the beta-carbon of pancreas-specific nitrosamine carcinogens results in a shift of alkylation from kidney to the lung. Excretion of HPOP in the urine of BHP-treated animals and the observed saturation of DNA methylation at high doses of BHP, supported the hypothesis that the BHP-induced methylation of DNA proceeded via the intermediate formation of HPOP. This was further supported by the observation that both excretion of HPOP and levels of methyl adducts were greater in hamsters than in rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of the carcinogen N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine(BHP) in male Wistar rats was studied. The blood level of [1-14C]BHPafter a single intraperitoneal injection, administered at acarcinogenic dose of 3 g/kg body weight, reached a maximum within1 h. Whereas a relatively high concentration of 14C was foundin the blood and target organs, such as the lung, liver, thyroidgland and kidney 1 h after the treatment, most of the radioactivelabelling had disappeared from the tissues by 24 h after injection.Most of the administered 14C was eliminated via the urine; 90.8%was excreted in the urine within the 24 h period, 5.5% in thefeces and 3.2% by way of expired air. Studies in rats with exteriorizedbile flow demonstrated that about 11% of the intraperitoneallyadministered 14C was excreted via the bile in 24 h. Analysisby h.p.l.c. detected BHP (78.1% of the dose), HPOP (1.5%), glucuronidesof BHP (4.3%) and HPOP (0.16%), MHP (0.03%) and unknown metabolites(6.0%) in the urine 24 h after the treatment. Besides thesemetabolites, BOP and two unidentified metabolites were alsodetected in the blood, lung, liver or kidney of rats 3 h afterthe treatment. These results suggest the involvement of BHPmetabolites, HPOP, MHP and BOP, in carcinogenesis and in particularlung carcinogenesis induced by BHP in rats.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic effects of a single intraperitoneal injection of N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (BHP) or its metabolic relatives, N-nitrosomethyl(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (MHP), N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP), N-nitroso(2-hydroxypropyl)(2-oxopropyl)amine (HPOP) and N-nitroso-2,6-dimethylmorpholine (NDMM), were studied in male Wistar rats. The main target organ of these nitrosamines proved to be the lung, followed by the thyroid. Lung lesions were induced in a dose-dependent manner with total lung tumor incidences reaching 55% to 100%. BHP, MHP, HPOP and NDMM all caused lung carcinomas to develop (22% to 44% incidence), whereas BOP was only associated with adenomas. On the basis of dose administered and incidence of carcinomas, MHP appeared to be the most potent lung carcinogen of the five nitrosamines investigated. Smaller numbers of neoplasms were also induced in the kidney, urinary bladder, esophagus and intestine at differing rates by these nitrosamines.  相似文献   

The metabolic activation of the carcinogens N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP) and N-nitroso(2-hydroxypropyl)(2-oxopropyl)amine (HPOP) by Fischer rat and Syrian hamster hepatocytes was investigated in order to determine the existence of species differences in the induction of cell mutation. The conversion of BOP and HPOP into forms mutagenic to V79 cells was studied by using the hepatocyte-mediated mutagenicity assay. Mutations at the hypoxanthine:guanine phosphoribosyltransferase locus and the Na-K-ATPase locus were scored by the induction of 6-thioguanine resistance (TGr) or ouabain resistance (Ouar), respectively. Hepatocytes of both species were capable of converting BOP and HPOP to mutagens for V79 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Metabolism of BOP by rat hepatocytes resulted in higher mutation frequencies than that by hamster hepatocytes. At a BOP concentration of 240 microM, rat hepatocyte metabolism yielded 90.7 TGr mutants and 19.5 Ouar mutants per 10(5) V79 cells. At the same concentration, hamster hepatocyte metabolism of BOP yielded 54.1 TGr mutants and 13.0 Ouar mutants per 10(5) V79 cells. These results did not correlate with the known carcinogenic potency of BOP in the hamster as compared to the rat. Hamster hepatocytes carried out the catabolism of BOP to CO2 at faster rates than rat hepatocytes; therefore, the species difference in mutagenic activation was not due to a defect in BOP uptake or metabolism by hamster hepatocytes. In contrast, metabolism of HPOP by hamster hepatocytes resulted in significantly higher mutation frequencies than that by rat hepatocytes. At an HPOP concentration of 240 microM, hamster hepatocyte metabolism yielded 83.5 TGr mutants per 10(5) V79 cells; rat hepatocyte metabolism yielded only 19.8 TGr mutants per 10(5) V79 cells. This species difference in mutagenic activation correlated well with the known potency of HPOP as a carcinogen for the hamster as compared to the rat. Since hamster pancreatic cells and subcellular fractions are known to have very limited capacity to perform the metabolic activation of HPOP, the results of this study imply that liver metabolism plays an important role in the conversion of HPOP to an agent(s) which subsequently affects the hamster pancreas. The mutagenic potency of BOP versus HPOP was compared after metabolism by hepatocytes from both species. Following their metabolism by hamster hepatocytes, the two compounds were nearly equivalent in mutagenic potency. After metabolism by rat hepatocytes, BOP was significantly more potent mutagen than HPOP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of continuous week-long administration of the threepancreatic carcinogens N-nitroso(2-hydroxypropyl)(2-oxo-propyl)amine(HPOP), N-mtrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine (BHP), and cis-N-nitroso-2,6-dimethylmorpholine(cis-NNDM), by a s.c. implanted osmotic pump, was examined inSyrian hamsters. HPOP at total doses of 220–250 mg/kgbody weight induced ductal adenocarcinomas in the pancreas (41%),and cholangiomas (18%) and cholangiocarcinomas (18%) in theliver, 25 weeks following the initiation of treatment. Higherdoses of HPOP resulted in severe hepatic injury and increasedmortality (LD50=280 mg/kg). Cis-NNDM and BHP were less toxicthan HPOP and induced pancreatic lesions at doses of 950 mg/kg.These data document that a week-long schedule of continuousadministration of HPOP for the induction of pancreatic cancercompares favorably with those involving weekly injections. Applicationof this model to study the effect of dietary protein in HPOP-inducedcarcinogenicity showed that the number of cystic, intermediateand tubular complexes in the pancreas was significantly higherin animals fed a 20% as compared to an 8% protein diet 2 weeksprior to HPOP administration. Furthermore, the incidence ofpancreatic adenocarcinomas and in situ carcinomas was only 13%in the hamsters fed the low-protein diet as compared to 46%in those fed the high-protein diet.  相似文献   

Five pancreatic carcinomas induced by N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine in Syrian golden hamsters were analyzed for activation of Ki-ras at codons 12 and 13, using the polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing. The Ki-ras gene was shown to be activated in four of the five carcinomas, and the results were further confirmed by subcloning and sequencing. All the mutations involved a G-to-A transition at the second position of codon 12, which resulted in a change at the amino acid level from glycine to aspartic acid. This mutation is identical with that reported for pancreatic tumors of Syrian hamsters induced by N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine.  相似文献   

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