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Novel mapping stimuli composed of biological motion figures were used to study the extent and layout of multiple retinotopic regions in the entire human brain and to examine the independent manipulation of retinotopic responses by visual stimuli and by attention. A number of areas exhibited retinotopic activations, including full or partial visual field representations in occipital cortex, the precuneus, motion-sensitive temporal cortex (extending into the superior temporal sulcus), the intraparietal sulcus, and the vicinity of the frontal eye fields in frontal cortex. Early visual areas showed mainly stimulus-driven retinotopy; parietal and frontal areas were driven primarily by attention; and lateral temporal regions could be driven by both. We found clear spatial specificity of attentional modulation not just in early visual areas but also in classical attentional control areas in parietal and frontal cortex. Indeed, strong spatiotopic activity in these areas could be evoked by directed attention alone. Conversely, motion-sensitive temporal regions, while exhibiting attentional modulation, also responded significantly when attention was directed away from the retinotopic stimuli.  相似文献   

Perceptual suppression of distractors may depend on both endogenous and exogenous factors, such as attentional load of the current task and sensory competition among simultaneous stimuli, respectively. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compare these two types of attentional effects and examine how they may interact in the human brain. We varied the attentional load of a visual monitoring task performed on a rapid stream at central fixation without altering the central stimuli themselves, while measuring the impact on fMRI responses to task-irrelevant peripheral checkerboards presented either unilaterally or bilaterally. Activations in visual cortex for irrelevant peripheral stimulation decreased with increasing attentional load at fixation. This relative decrease was present even in V1, but became larger for successive visual areas through to V4. Decreases in activation for contralateral peripheral checkerboards due to higher central load were more pronounced within retinotopic cortex corresponding to 'inner' peripheral locations relatively near the central targets than for more eccentric 'outer' locations, demonstrating a predominant suppression of nearby surround rather than strict 'tunnel vision' during higher task load at central fixation. Contralateral activations for peripheral stimulation in one hemifield were reduced by competition with concurrent stimulation in the other hemifield only in inferior parietal cortex, not in retinotopic areas of occipital visual cortex. In addition, central attentional load interacted with competition due to bilateral versus unilateral peripheral stimuli specifically in posterior parietal and fusiform regions. These results reveal that task-dependent attentional load, and interhemifield stimulus-competition, can produce distinct influences on the neural responses to peripheral visual stimuli within the human visual system. These distinct mechanisms in selective visual processing may be integrated within posterior parietal areas, rather than earlier occipital cortex.  相似文献   

Physiological studies of visual attention have demonstrated that focusing attention near a visual cortical neuron's receptive field (RF) results in enhanced evoked activity and RF shift. In this work, we explored the mechanisms of attention induced RF shifts in cortical network models that receive an attentional 'spotlight'. Our main results are threefold. First, whereas a 'spotlight' input always produces toward-attention shift of the population activity profile, we found that toward-attention shifts in RFs of single cells requires multiplicative gain modulation. Secondly, in a feedforward two-layer model, focal attentional gain modulation in first-layer neurons induces RF shift in second-layer neurons downstream. In contrast to experimental observations, the feedforward model typically fails to produce RF shifts in second-layer neurons when attention is directed beyond RF boundaries. We then show that an additive spotlight input combined with a recurrent network mechanism can produce the observed RF shift. Inhibitory effects in a surround of the attentional focus accentuate this RF shift and induce RF shrinking. Thirdly, we considered interrelationship between visual selective attention and adaptation. Our analysis predicts that the RF size is enlarged (respectively reduced) by attentional signal directed near a cell's RF center in a recurrent network (resp. in a feedforward network); the opposite is true for visual adaptation. Therefore, a refined estimation of the RF size during attention and after adaptation would provide a probe to differentiate recurrent versus feedforward mechanisms for RF shifts.  相似文献   

Perception of two- and three-dimensional optic flow critically depends upon extrastriate cortices that are part of the 'dorsal stream' for visual processing. Neurons in area 7a, a sub-region of the posterior parietal cortex, have a dual sensitivity to visual input and to eye position. The sensitivity and selectivity of area 7a neurons to three sensory cues - optic flow, retinotopic stimulus position and eye position - were studied. The visual response to optic flow was modulated by the retinotopic stimulus position and by the eye position in the orbit. The position dependence of the retinal and eye position modulation (i.e. gain field) were quantified by a quadratic regression model that allowed for linear or peaked receptive fields. A local maximum (or minimum) in both the retinotopic fields and the gain fields was observed, suggesting that these sensory qualities are not necessarily linearly represented in area 7a. Neurons were also found that simply encoded the eye position in the absence of optic flow. The spatial tuning for the eye position signals upon stationary stimuli and optic flow was not the same, suggesting multiple anatomical sources of the signals. These neurons can provide a substrate for spatial representation while primates move in the environment.   相似文献   

Visual attention is a mechanism by which observers select relevant or important information from the current visual array. Previous investigations have focused primarily on the ability to select a region of space for further visual analysis. These studies have revealed a distributed frontoparietal circuit that is responsible for the control of spatial attention. However, vision must ultimately represent objects and in real scenes objects often overlap spatially; thus attention must be capable of selecting objects and their properties nonspatially. Little is known about the neural basis of object-based attentional control. In two experiments, human observers shifted attention between spatially superimposed faces and houses. Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) revealed attentional modulation of activity in face- and house-selective cortical regions. Posterior parietal and frontal regions were transiently active when attention was shifted between spatially superimposed perceptual objects. The timecourse of activity provides insight into the functional role that these brain regions play in attentional control processes.  相似文献   

Cortical mechanisms for shifting and holding visuospatial attention   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Access to visual awareness is often determined by covert, voluntary deployments of visual attention. Voluntary orienting without eye movements requires decoupling attention from the locus of fixation, a shift to the desired location, and maintenance of attention at that location. We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to dissociate these components while observers shifted attention among 3 streams of letters and digits, one located at fixation and 2 in the periphery. Compared with holding attention at the current location, shifting attention between the peripheral locations was associated with transient increases in neural activity in the superior parietal lobule (SPL) and frontal eye fields (FEF), as in previous studies. The supplementary eye fields and separate portions of SPL and FEF were more active for decoupling attention from fixation than for shifting attention to a new location. Large segments of precentral sulcus (PreCS) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) were more active when attention was maintained in the periphery than when it was maintained at fixation. We conclude that distinct subcomponents of the dorsal frontoparietal network initiate redeployments of covert attention to new locations and disengage attention from fixation, while sustained activity in lateral regions of PPC and PreCS represents sustained states of peripheral attention.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies have shown that attention to visual motion can increase the responsiveness of the motion- selective cortical area V5 and the posterior parietal cortex (PP). Increased or decreased activation in a cortical area is often attributed to attentional modulation of the cortical projections to that area. This leads to the notion that attention is associated with changes in connectivity. We have addressed attentional modulation of effective connectivity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Three subjects were scanned under identical stimulus conditions (visual motion) while varying only the attentional component of the task. Haemodynamic responses defined an occipito-parieto-frontal network, including the, primary visual cortex (V1), V5 and PR A structural equation model of the interactions among these dorsal visual pathway areas revealed increased connectivity between V5 and PP related to attention. On the basis of our analysis and the neuroanatomical pattern of projections from the prefrontal cortex to PP we attributed the source of modulatory influences, on the posterior visual pathway, to the prefrontal cortex (PFC). To test this hypothesis we included the PFC in our model as a 'modulator' of the pathway between V5 and PP, using interaction terms in the structural equation model. This analysis revealed a significant modulatory effect of prefrontal regions on V5 afferents to posterior parietal cortex.   相似文献   

When multiple objects are present in a visual scene, they compete for cortical processing in the visual system; selective attention biases this competition so that representations of behaviorally relevant objects enter awareness and irrelevant objects do not. Deployments of selective attention can be voluntary (e.g., shift or attention to a target's expected spatial location) or stimulus driven (e.g., capture of attention by a target-defining feature such as color). Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging to show that both of these factors induce spatially selective attentional modulations within regions of human occipital, parietal, and frontal cortex. In addition, the voluntary attentional modulations are temporally sustained, indicating that activity in these regions dynamically tracks the locus of attention. These data show that a convolution of factors, including prior knowledge of location and target-defining features, determines the relative competitive advantage of visual stimuli within multiple stages of the visual system.  相似文献   

Affectively arousing visual stimuli have been suggested to automatically attract attentional resources in order to optimize sensory processing. The present study crosses the factors of spatial selective attention and affective content, and examines the relationship between instructed (spatial) and automatic attention to affective stimuli. In addition to response times and error rate, electroencephalographic data from 129 electrodes were recorded during a covert spatial attention task. This task required silent counting of random-dot targets embedded in a 10 Hz flicker of colored pictures presented to both hemifields. Steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs) were obtained to determine amplitude and phase of electrocortical responses to pictures. An increase of ssVEP amplitude was observed as an additive function of spatial attention and emotional content. Statistical parametric mapping of this effect indicated occipito-temporal and parietal cortex activation contralateral to the attended visual hemifield in ssVEP amplitude modulation. This difference was most pronounced during selection of the left visual hemifield, at right temporal electrodes. In line with this finding, phase information revealed accelerated processing of aversive arousing, compared to affectively neutral pictures. The data suggest that affective stimulus properties modulate the spatiotemporal process along the ventral stream, encompassing amplitude amplification and timing changes of posterior and temporal cortex.  相似文献   

We used positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate the neural correlates of selective attention in humans. We examined the effects of attending to one side of space versus another (spatial selection) and to one sensory modality versus another (intermodal selection) during bilateral, bimodal stimulation of vision and touch. Attention toward one side resulted in greater activity in several contralateral areas. In somatosensory cortex, these spatial attentional modulations were found only when touch was relevant. In the intraparietal sulcus, spatial attentional effects were multimodal, independent of the modality attended. In occipital areas, spatial modulations were also found during both visual and tactile attention, indicating that tactile attention can affect activity in visual cortex; but occipital areas also showed more activity overall during visual attention. This suggests that while spatial attention can exert multimodal influences on visual areas, these still maintain their specificity for the visual modality. Additionally, irrespective of the attended side, attending to vision activated posterior parietal and superior premotor cortices, while attending to touch activated the parietal operculi. We conclude that attentional selection operates at multiple levels, with attention to locations and attention to modalities showing distinct effects. These jointly contribute to boost processing of stimuli at the attended location in the relevant modality.  相似文献   

It has often been proposed that regions of the human parietal and/or frontal lobe may modulate activity in visual cortex, for example, during selective attention or saccade preparation. However, direct evidence for such causal claims is largely missing in human studies, and it remains unclear to what degree the putative roles of parietal and frontal regions in modulating visual cortex may differ. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) concurrently, to show that stimulating right human intraparietal sulcus (IPS, at a site previously implicated in attention) elicits a pattern of activity changes in visual cortex that strongly depends on current visual context. Increased intensity of IPS TMS affected the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal in V5/MT+ only when moving stimuli were present to drive this visual region, whereas TMS-elicited BOLD signal changes were observed in areas V1-V4 only during the absence of visual input. These influences of IPS TMS upon remote visual cortex differed significantly from corresponding effects of frontal (eye field) TMS, in terms of how they related to current visual input and their spatial topography for retinotopic areas V1-V4. Our results show directly that parietal and frontal regions can indeed have distinct patterns of causal influence upon functional activity in human visual cortex.  相似文献   

A model of normal attentional function, based on the concept of competitive parallel processing, is used to compare attentional deficits following parietal and frontal lobe lesions. Measurements are obtained for visual processing speed, capacity of visual short-term memory (VSTM), spatial bias (bias to left or right hemifield) and top-down control (selective attention based on task relevance). The results show important differences, but also surprising similarities, in parietal and frontal lobe patients. For processing speed and VSTM, deficits are selectively associated with parietal lesions, in particular lesions of the temporoparietal junction. We discuss explanations based on either grey matter or white matter lesions. In striking contrast, measures of attentional weighting (spatial bias and top-down control) are predicted by simple lesion volume. We suggest that attentional weights reflect competition between broadly distributed object representations. Parietal and frontal mechanisms work together, both in weighting by location and weighting by task context.  相似文献   

There is a long-standing debate as to whether visual mental imagery relies entirely on symbolic (language-like) representations or also relies on depictive (picture-like) representations. We sought to discover whether visual mental imagery could evoke cortical activity with precise visual field topography (retinotopy). Participants received three conditions: the perception condition consisted of a standard retinotopic mapping procedure, where two flickering checkerboard wedges rotated around a central fixation point. The imagery and attention conditions consisted of the same stimulus, but only the outer arcs of the wedges were visible. During imagery, participants mentally reproduced the stimulus wedges, using the stimulus arcs as a guide. The attention condition required either distributed attention or focused attention to where the stimulus wedges would have been. Event-related analysis revealed that the imagery (greater than either form of attention) retinotopic maps were similar to the perception maps. Moreover, blocked analysis revealed similar perception and imagery effects in human motion processing region MT+. These results support the depictive view of visual mental imagery.  相似文献   

Despite numerous functional neuroimaging and lesion studies of human executive function, the precise neuroanatomical correlates of specific components of attentional control remain controversial. Using a novel approach that focused upon volunteer behavior rather than experimental manipulations, specific components of attentional shifting were fractionated, and their neural correlates differentiated using event-related fMRI. The results demonstrate that the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is involved in switching attention "between" stimulus dimensions, whereas the posterior parietal cortex mediates changes in stimulus-response mapping. Furthermore, reversals based on negative feedback activated the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, whereas positive feedback modulated activity in the medial orbital frontal cortex. Finally, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was active throughout solution search. These findings support the hypothesis that lateral prefrontal, orbital, and parietal areas form a supervisory network that controls the focus of attention and suggests that these regions can be fractionated in terms of their specific contributions.  相似文献   

During visual fixation, the eyes make fast involuntary miniature movements known as microsaccades (MSs). When MSs are executed they displace the visual image over the retina and can generate neural modulation along the visual pathway. However, the effects of MSs on neural activity have substantial variability and are not fully understood. By utilizing voltage-sensitive dye imaging, we imaged the spatiotemporal patterns induced by MSs in V1 and V2 areas of behaving monkeys while they were fixating and presented with visual stimuli. We then investigated the neuronal modulation dynamics, induced by MSs, under different visual stimulation. MSs induced monophasic or biphasic neural responses depending on stimulus size. These neural responses were accompanied by different spatiotemporal patterns of synchronization. Finally, we show that a local patch of population response evoked by a small stimulus was clearly shifted over the V1 retinotopic map after each MS. Our results demonstrate the lack of visual stability in V1 following MSs and help clarify the substantial variability reported for MSs effects on neuronal responses. The observed neural effects suggest that MSs are associated with a continuum of neuronal responses in V1 area reflecting diverse spatiotemporal dynamics.  相似文献   

Motion of an object is thought to be perceived independently of the object's surface properties. However, theoretical, neuropsychological and psychophysical observations have suggested that motion of textures, called 'second-order motion', may be processed by a separate system from luminance-based, or 'first-order', motion. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) responses during passive viewing, attentional modulation and post-adaptation motion after-effects (MAE) of these stimuli were measured in seven retinotopic visual areas (labeled V1, V2, V3, VP, V4v, V3A and LO) and the motion-sensitive area MT/MST (V5). In all visual areas, responses were strikingly similar to motion of first- and second-order stimuli. These results differ from a prior investigation, because here the motion-specific responses were isolated. Directing attention towards and away from the motion elicited equivalent response modulation for the two types. Dramatic post-adaptation (MAE) differences in perception of the two stimuli were observed and fMRI activation mimicked perceptual changes, but did not reveal the processing differences. In fact, no visual area was found to respond selectively to the motion of second-order stimuli, suggesting that motion perception arises from a unified motion detection system.  相似文献   

Maintaining and shifting attention within left or right hemifield   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to examine two questions: (i) which structures of the intact human brain change their activity with the direction of attention to left or right visual field; and (ii) how does activity in these structures, and in parietal cortex in particular, depend on the frequency of attentional shifts? Subjects were required to discriminate the orientation of peripheral gratings. The two main experimental variables were the attended hemifield (left or right) and the proportion of trials requiring a shift within that hemifield (20% or 80%). A detection control condition was also included. Behaviourally, subjects were less accurate and significantly slower when a trial required a shift than when it did not. Ventral and lateral occipital areas showed significantly higher blood flow levels contralateral to the direction of attention. Replicating previous work, there was also a significant main effect of the direction of attention in left lateral prefrontal cortex: blood flow levels were higher during leftward attention in comparison both to baseline and to rightward attention. This left frontal effect reached significance in single subjects in whom several activation sites could be distinguished within left middle and inferior frontal gyrus. Right and left parietal cortex were activated during both left- and right-field attention conditions, with a tendency for higher activity levels when attention was directed contralaterally. Contrary to the experimental hypothesis, however, parietal regions were not activated differentially by high versus low numbers of attentional shifts. The current experiment confirms that left frontal convexity is sensitive to manipulations of the direction of visuospatial attention. The results do not indicate a specific role of parietal cortex in attentional shifting.  相似文献   

It is well established that spatially directed attention enhances visual perceptual processing. However, the earliest level at which processing can be affected remains unknown. To date, there has been no report of modulation of the earliest visual event-related potential component "C1" in humans, which indexes initial afference in primary visual cortex (V1). Thus it has been suggested that initial V1 activity is impenetrable, and that the earliest modulations occur in extrastriate cortex. However, the C1 is highly variable across individuals, to the extent that uniform measurement across a group may poorly reflect the dynamics of V1 activity. In the present study we employed an individualized mapping procedure to control for such variability. Parameters for optimal C1 measurement were determined in an independent, preliminary "probe" session and later applied in a follow-up session involving a spatial cueing task. In the spatial task, subjects were cued on each trial to direct attention toward 1 of 2 locations in anticipation of an imperative Gabor stimulus and were required to detect a region of lower luminance appearing within the Gabor pattern 30% of the time at the cued location only. Our data show robust spatial attentional enhancement of the C1, beginning as early as its point of onset (57 ms). Source analysis of the attentional modulations points to generation in striate cortex. This finding demonstrates that at the very moment that visual information first arrives in cortex, it is already being shaped by the brain's attentional biases.  相似文献   

While the receptive field properties of single neurons in the inferior parietal cortex have been quantitatively described from numerous electrical measurements, the visual topography of area 7a and the adjacent dorsal prelunate area (DP) remains unknown. This lacuna may be a technical byproduct of the difficulty of reconstructing tens to hundreds of penetrations, or may be the result of varying functional retinotopic architectures. Intrinsic optical imaging, performed in behaving monkey for extended periods of time, was used to evaluate retinotopy simultaneously at multiple positions across the cortical surface. As electrical recordings through an implanted artificial dura are difficult, the measurement and quantification of retinotopy with long-term recordings was validated by imaging early visual cortex (areas V1 and V2). Retinotopic topography was found in each of the three other areas studied within a single day's experiment. However, the ventral portion of DP (DPv) had a retinotopic topography that varied from day to day, while the more dorsal aspects (DPd) exhibited consistent retinotopy. This suggests that the dorsal prelunate gyrus may consist of more than one visual area. The retinotopy of area 7a also varied from day to day. Possible mechanisms for this variability across days are discussed as well as its impact upon our understanding of the representation of extrapersonal space in the inferior parietal cortex.  相似文献   

The optimal responses for many decisions faced by humans are ill defined, yet we are able to choose well by associating choices with outcomes, and employing this information in decision making. Previous studies suggest that the parietal cortex is involved in "uncertain" decision making, yet uncertainty is confounded with increased difficulty and attention. Here we aim to dissociate the role of parietal cortex in decision making and attention. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging we measured brain activity while participants played a "matching-pennies" game. We found that the inferior parietal lobule is involved in decision making under uncertainty, showing higher activity when the decision was uncertain rather than certain and when humans were given trial-by-trial feedback on choice outcomes than when they were not. Crucially, increasing attentional load with secondary tasks reduced inferior parietal activity when decisions were made under uncertainty, suggesting that general attention does not drive its activation. This pattern was consistent for visual or auditory feedback, and for direct (symbols representing wins and losses) or indirect (only the opponent's choices were shown) feedback. It contrasted with results from medial superior frontal gyrus, which was driven primarily by increased attentional load. We suggest that decision making under uncertainty is dissociable from general attention in the brain.  相似文献   

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