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目的 探讨青少年对双亲体育态度与行为的认同机制。方法 采用自编的体育态度与行为问卷对山东省普通中学的青少年及其双亲进行调查,有效数据采用SPSS 16.0进行分析。结果 对青少年的体育态度预测效果较为显著的变量为父亲的体育认知评价(Beta=0.757,t=12.065,P<0.01)与母亲的体育情感意向(Beta=0.154,t=2.461,P<0.05);对体育态度具有显著预测效应的变量,男生为父亲的体育态度(Beta=0.473,t=2.019,P<0.05),女生为母亲的体育态度(Beta=0.538,t=2.723,P<0.01);对体育行为具有显著预测效应的变量,男生为父亲的体育行为(Beta=0.382,t=2.337,P<0.05),女生为母亲的体育行为(Beta=0.332,t=2.790,P<0.01)。结论 青少年更为认同同性别双亲的体育态度与行为。  相似文献   

青少年性知识态度和行为的性别差异   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 系统分析中学生性知识、态度及行为的性别差异 ,为开展青少年性教育提供一定的参考依据。 方法对陕西省西乡县高中一、二年级的学生进行问卷调查。 结果 男生知识总分高于女生。男女生知识获得的主要途径基本相同 ,大多数来自医学书刊和生理卫生课。男生知识来源较女生广泛 ,尤其来源于录像和街头广告明显多于女生 ;女生知识来源于家庭明显多于男生。除了在中学生谈恋爱上男女均持较宽容的态度外 ,在其它性态度上 ,男生明显比女生开放。男女生性行为的发生率无显著性差异 ( 4 .5 %和 2 .4 % ) ,但其它与性有关的行为男生多于女生。 结论 青少年在性知识、态度和行为以及对性教育的需求上确实存在性别上的差异 ,在对青少年进行性教育的过程中应考虑到这一点  相似文献   

余小鸣  叶广俊 《中国校医》1996,10(5):335-336
有少年在生长发育的过程中,由于受到各方面因素的作用,常不可避免地会产生一些问题行为。一些研究表明,家庭与父母本身所具有的特性,对子女心理行为的形成具有一定的作用。本研究旨在探讨家庭内某些环境因素与青少年个体的心理行为问题存在的相互关系,其目的在于为消除和改善其中的不利因素,减少问题行为的发生提供二些有意义的启示。1研究对象和方法1.1对象本研究选取的样本为北京一所城区中学初一至高三的学生,共计301人,其中男生166人(初、高中学生分别为95人和71人),女生135人(初、高中学生分别为87人和48人)。1.2测试工…  相似文献   

德国家庭治疗理论与我国家庭对青少年行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在我国社会急剧变革的形势下,由于城市化、信息化、应试教育的影响,父母与子女的关系产生了一系列突出问题。我们从日常儿童心理咨询工作中发现,儿童情绪障碍、品行障碍如厌食症、逃学、学习困难、游戏瘾癖、强迫症、神经衰弱、儿童感觉统合综合症等发病率明显上升。许多心理治疗家通过临床实践体会到,目前出现的青少年心理问题不能简单的解释为生物遗传或儿童本身的原因。家庭的生活方式和家庭内部的关系模式对青少年行为和心理问题有巨大影响。近年对家庭关系的研究在我国有了很大进展。我们试图以德国的系统式家庭治疗理论的某些观点来分…  相似文献   

赵虹  陈莉莉 《中国校医》2000,14(3):208-210
食物与营养是人类生存和健康的物质基础,处于生长发育时期的青少年学生的营养状况,直接关系其生长、发育、智力、寿命以及学业和成才。由于经济发展不平衡以及营养知识的缺乏、消费观念的改变、广告效应等,青少年学生在平衡膳食、科学营养方面还存在较多的问题,营养不良、营养过剩等问题仍不可忽视。为了建立有效的学生营养干预措施,培养学生建立科学文明的生活方式,我们从营养与健康的关系这一侧面,对云南省部分中学生进行了有关营养知识、态度、行为状况的调查分析,现将调查情况报告如下。l对象和方法1,1对象整群随机抽取云南省2…  相似文献   

家庭是儿童、青少年社会化的第一课堂,是青少年获取信息和社会文明的重要的、强有力的来源,对青少年的心理发展起重要作用。父母在塑造孩子对性相关问题的态度中扮演了极其重要的角色,强烈地影响着青少年的性相关问题的决定和行为。许多研究表明,青少年感到较难与父母沟通,并且与父母在一些问题上缺少沟通,对问题的看法存在明显分歧,尤其是在性相关问题上。因此,是否有必要促进亲子沟通,亲子沟通性相关问题对青少年性相关态度和行为产生什么影响,以及如何促进亲子沟通,哪些因素影响了亲子沟通已成为青少年性与生殖健康研究的新焦点。近10年,…  相似文献   

探究累积家庭风险指数与青少年自伤的函数关系及认知情绪调节在其中的中介作用,为有效预防青少年自伤提供参考.方法 整群抽取哈尔滨1所初中的422名学生为研究对象,采用自编家庭基本情况问卷、自伤问卷和认知情绪调节问卷进行调查.结果 50.9%的青少年存在1个及以上的家庭风险因素.结构方程模型分析表明,累积家庭风险能正向预测青少年自伤水平(P<0.01),且预测作用呈“正加速关系”,标准化路径系数r=0.35(P<0.01).自我责难和灾难化2种消极认知情绪调节策略在累积家庭风险对青少年自伤的影响中起部分中介作用,直接效应和中介效应分别为0.26,0.05.结论 累积家庭风险的数量达到某个临界值后,自伤水平将迅速增加,且路径以自我责难和灾难化2种消极认知情绪调节为部分中介及其作用机制.  相似文献   

探讨体育活动对青少年内隐问题行为(焦虑、抑郁、孤独)的影响,以及情绪调控的中介效应,为提高青少年心理健康水平提供参考.方法 采用体育活动问卷、内隐问题行为问卷和情绪调控问卷,对安徽省金寨县17所小学五、六年级2 951名学生进行调查.结果 体育活动是在焦虑、抑郁、孤独上主效应均有统计学意义(F值分别为5.264,9.450,8.886,P值均<0.05);体育活动类型在焦虑、抑郁、孤独上主效应均无统计学意义(F值分别为0.596,0.085,1.390,P值均>0.05).情绪调控在体育活动量与焦虑之间起着完全中介效应(β=-0.532,t=-34.068,P<0.01),中介效应占总效应59.4%;在体育活动量与抑郁(β=-0.563,t=-37.002,P<0.001)、孤独(β=-0.226,t=-12.592,P<0.01)之间均起部分中介效应,中介效应占总效应分别为48.1%,22.9%.结论 青少年参与体育活动对降低内隐问题行为既有直接积极作用,又可通过情绪调控起间接积极作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨煤矿职工艾滋病相关态度和行为与家庭功能之间的关系及其影响因素,为改变煤矿职工艾滋病相关态度、行为提供理论依据。方法采用家庭功能问卷(APGAR)和自编艾滋病相关问卷,对整群抽取的2个矿区1180名煤矿职工进行问卷调查。结果35.94%的煤矿职工有家庭功能障碍。多因素Logistic分析显示,艾滋病相关态度、行为和家庭功能之间均有统计学关联(P〈0.05)。结论家庭功能对艾滋病相关态度、行为有预测作用,改善煤矿职工的家庭功能,可能是艾滋病预防的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

深圳和香港青少年性知识、态度、行为比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:了解深圳青少年知识、态度、行为现状,并将研究结果与香港地区青少年进行比较,以进一步了解深港两地青少年性健康状况的差异。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样的方法分别抽取深圳、香港初中三年级以上的高年级中学生2180名和4116名进行匿名问卷调查。结果:深圳青少年性知识的知晓率低于香港青少年,差异有显性;性知识获取途径以大众媒体为主。性态度方面,香港学生更为开放,但深圳学生在对待婚外性行为和约会行为的态度上较香港学生开放,差异有显性;恋爱、手淫和性交都有一定的发生率,其中深圳男生的性交行为发生率较高,差异有显性。结论:深圳、香港两地青少年在性知识、态度和行为的模式上相似,但深圳青少年面临更多的性与生殖健康风险。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: More than 50 individuals have published eating disorder (ED) memoirs. The current study was the first to test whether memoirs affect readers' eating attitudes and behaviors, and whether they normalize and/or glamorize EDs. METHOD: Fifty female undergraduates read an ED or control memoir. Before and afterward, participants completed the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI) Drive for Thinness subscale, a measure of perceived ED symptom prevalence, and an Implicit Association Test (IAT) measuring associations between anorexia and glamour/danger. RESULTS: Participants in the ED condition did not demonstrate significant changes in the EAT-26, the EDI Drive for Thinness subscale, perceived symptom prevalence, or IAT associations compared with controls. Before reading, the EAT-26 and EDI Drive for Thinness subscale correlated positively with perceived symptom prevalence and strength of the IAT association between anorexia and glamour. CONCLUSION: ED memoirs appear to have little effect on undergraduates' eating attitudes and behaviors. Future research should investigate whether memoirs affect individuals with preexisting eating pathology, who may normalize and glamorize ED symptoms.  相似文献   

It is vitally important to integrate the views and concerns of the farm family into the process of policy development. If the input is not there, policy planners could implement programs that are philosophically separated from the farm families' concerns and attitudes. This would destroy credibility and future farmer support of any new program development. From May of 1988 to April of 1989, a phone and mail survey of approximately 1,500 farmers and spouses was conducted to assess knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding agricultural safety and health. The survey was conducted in Iowa, New York, South Carolina, and Washington state. Preliminary results from Iowa and New York indicated that: 1) farmers value highly, and are concerned with, occupational health and safety issues; 2) farmers report that their major concerns include stress, trauma and respiratory problems; 3) farmers would like access to an occupational health and safety service; and 4) any new farm health and safety programs must include farmer input to ensure practicality, applicability, and acceptance.  相似文献   

为了解河口县娱乐场所从业人员预防艾滋病知识、态度、行为,以及通过预防宣传教育、干预活动后,有关知识知晓率的提高情况,于1997年、1998年两次分别向娱乐场所从业人员散发和回收艾滋病知识调查表,并作比较分析。结果表明,人群的知识掌握率有一定提高,其平均提高幅度为47.92%-63.31%。但总体的知晓率还较低,揭示预防控制滋病还必须在宣传教育上加大力度。  相似文献   

父母喂养行为与其学龄前子女进食行为之间关系甚密,但两者孰因孰果尚不明晰。本文就上述问题进行文献综述,着重梳理了学龄前儿童进食行为和父母喂养行为之间的作用关系,并尝试分析其中可能的原因,为今后开展深入研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the influence of age on the association between sexual orientation and disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in women. METHOD: Heterosexual (n=47) and homosexual (n=45) women recruited from the community completed self-report questionnaires including the Body Esteem Scale, the Eating Disorders Inventory-2, the Reasons for Exercise Inventory, and the Self Esteem Scale. RESULTS: A multivariate analysis of variance of eating disorder variables revealed a main effect for sexual orientation on drive for thinness and exercise to control weight and a main effect for age on body mass index (BMI) and body dissatisfaction, but it did not reveal a significant interaction between sexual orientation and age. DISCUSSION: Sexual orientation may influence certain types of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in women such as endorsing an extreme ideal of thinness. However, homosexual and heterosexual women reported more similarities than differences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a life-skills promotion program designed to improve body image satisfaction and global self-esteem, while reducing negative eating attitudes and behaviors and feelings of perfectionism, all of which have been identified as predisposing factors to disordered eating. METHOD: A total of 258 girls with a mean age of 11.8 years (intervention group = 182 and control group = 76) completed questionnaires before, and 1 week after, the six-session school-based program, and again 6 and 12 months later. RESULTS: The intervention was successful in improving body image satisfaction and global self-esteem and in reducing dieting attitude scores at post intervention only. The gains were not maintained at the 12-month follow-up. DISCUSSION: The need to assess the influence of health promotion programs on predisposing risk factors, compared with problem-based outcome measures, is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the relative importance on adolescent smoking of the influence from parental smoking and peer smoking. METHOD: National New Zealand crosssectional survey of 14,936 female and 14,349 male Year 10 students (aged 14 and 15 years) who answered an anonymous self-administered questionnaire in November 2002. RESULTS: Adolescents with both parents smoking had the highest smoking risk compared with those with one or neither parent smoking. The relative risk of adolescent daily smoking associated with both parents smoking, compared with neither, varied with ethnicity, being 2.34 (95% Cl 2.05-2.67) in Maori, 2.87 (2.21-3.73) in Pacific Islanders, 11.37 (7.87-16.42) in Asian, and 4.92 (4.35-5.55) in European/Other students, adjusting for age and sex. These values were lower than the adjusted relative risks of daily adolescent smoking associated with having a best friend who smoked: 4.18 (3.59-4.88) in Maori, 5.19 (3.98-6.76) in Pacific Island, 14.35 (9.48-21.71) in Asian and 10.18 (9.07-11.43) in European/Other students. Adolescent smoking was also positively associated with pocket money amount and living in a home where smoking was allowed, both parental-related factors. Combined exposure to one or more of the following factors - parental smoking, pocket money >$5 per week and smoking in the house - explained 64% of daily adolescent smoking, very similar to the 67% attributable to best friend smoking. CONCLUSION: Parental behaviour is a key determinant of smoking by New Zealand adolescents and explains a similar proportion of daily adolescent smoking to that by peer smoking.  相似文献   

Family violence has been highlighted by the World Health Organization as a major public health concern. Although family violence occurs to all genders, a higher prevalence of victims are female. Estimates report around 30% of all women experience intimate partner violence worldwide. Experiencing assault in the family violence context can lead to an acquired brain injury (ABI); however, the connection between these two phenomena has not been well established. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the extent of, and factors contributing to, ABI and family violence. We conducted 22 semi‐structured interviews and one focus group (n = 4) with practitioners working with family violence victims and/or perpetrators. Thematic data analysis utilised inductive and deductive coding approaches. The Social Determinants of Health Framework was used to guide analysis. Practitioners estimated 30%–40% of the clients on their caseloads had a suspected or diagnosed ABI. They identified that contributing factors were extremely complex. These included acquiring an ABI through assault (past family violence or other criminal act), and transport crashes. Complicating factors of ABI were identified as mental health conditions, alcohol and drug use, and post‐traumatic stress disorder. Additional factors contributing to family violence were recognised as biological (age of parent, twin births, pregnancy, premature births, and children with congenital abnormalities), relationships (intimate partner, father, boyfriend, mother and siblings), previous trauma (family violence), and life stressors (unemployment, financial, and lack of housing). Social determinants of health included cultural (ethnicity, societal attitudes, values, and beliefs) and organisational (legislation and policy) factors which influenced behaviours and outcomes across all sectors. A model of Brain injury Family violence Nexus (BFN) was created to understand the interaction between these phenomena. Utilising the BFN model to understand the interaction can enhance the methods used within health and social services for a more efficacious approach.  相似文献   

Potential merits of a social practice perspective for examining the meanings and dynamics of family food include moving beyond individual behaviour, and exploring how practices emerge, develop and change. However, researchers have struggled to encourage reflection on mundane practices, and how to understand associated meanings. Drawing on a study of families in South Wales, this article reflects on the value of the diary‐interview approach in addressing these methodological challenges, and aims to explore and understand the dynamics of control across family contexts. Contemporary practice theories distinguish between practices as ‘performances’ and practices as ‘entities’ and the diary‐interview method facilitated an examination of these dimensions. Detailed accounts of daily ‘performances’ (through diaries), alongside reflection on underlying contexts and ‘entities’ (through interviews), illustrated the entanglement of control, practices and context. The article adds further complexity to the concept of practice ‘bundles’ which facilitated an understanding of how food was interrelated with other practices – across family contexts and across generations. Sociological approaches with a practices perspective at the core, offer potential for developing public health interventions by acknowledging: the relational meaning of food; the embeddedness of food within everyday practices; and the need to consider interventions across a range of policy areas.  相似文献   

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