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Objective:To investigate whether blood-brain barrier(BBB)served a key role in the edema-relief effect of bloodletting puncture at hand twelve Jing-well points(HTWP)in traumatic brain injury(TBI)and the potential molecular signaling pathways.Methods:Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to the shamoperated(sham),TBI,and bloodletting puncture(bloodletting)groups(n=24 per group)using a randomized number table.The TBI model rats were induced by cortical contusion and then bloodletting puncture were performed at HTWP twice a day for 2 days.The neurological function and cerebral edema were evaluated by modified neurological severity score(mNSS),cerebral water content,magnetic resonance imaging and hematoxylin and eosin staining.Cerebral blood flow was measured by laser speckles.The protein levels of aquaporin 4(AQP4),matrix metalloproteinases 9(MMP9)and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway(MAPK)signaling were detected by immunofluorescence staining and Western blot.Results:Compared with TBI group,bloodletting puncture improved neurological function at 24 and 48 h,alleviated cerebral edema at 48 h,and reduced the permeability of BBB induced by TBI(all P<0.05).The AQP4 and MMP9 which would disrupt the integrity of BBB were downregulated by bloodletting puncture(P<0.05 or P<0.01).In addition,the extracellular signal-regulated kinase(ERK)and p38 signaling pathways were inhibited by bloodletting puncture(P<0.05).Conclusions:Bloodletting puncture at HTWP might play a significant role in protecting BBB through regulating the expressions of MMP9 and AQP4 as well as corresponding regulatory upstream ERK and p38 signaling pathways.Therefore,bloodletting puncture at HTWP may be a promising therapeutic strategy for TBI-induced cerebral edema.  相似文献   

药理学是研究药物与机体相互作用、作用机制及规律的科学,是连接基础医学与临床医学、医学与药学的一门重要课程.许多学生在初次学习药理学时,认为药理学不好学,内容复杂、抽象,药物种类较多,抓不住重点,难以记忆,不知道怎样学习药理学,现就这些问题谈谈学习药理学的方法.  相似文献   

Objective To assess clinical effectiveness of using bilateral pectoralis major or plus rectus abdominis muscle flaps in treating deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) following median sternotomy. Methods Between January 2009 and December 2013, 19 patients with DSWI after median sternotomy for cardiac surgery were admitted to our hospital, including 14 males (73.7%) and 5 females (26.3%), aged 55±13 (18-78) years. According to the Pairolero classification of infected median sternotomies, 3 (15.8%) patients were type II, and the other 16 (84.2%) were type III. Surgical procedure consisted of adequate debridement of infected sternum, costal cartilage, granulation, steel wires, suture residues and other foreign substances. Sternal reconstruction used the bilateral pectoralis major or plus rectus abdominis muscle flaps to obliterate dead space. The drainage tubes were placed and connected to a negative pressure generator for adequate drainage. Results There were no intraoperative deaths. In 15 patients (78.9%), bilateral pectoral muscle flaps were mobilized sufficiently to cover and stabilize the defect created by wound debridement. 4 patients (21.0%) needed bilateral pectoral muscle flaps plus rectus abdominis muscle flaps because their pectoralis major muscle flaps could not reach the lowest portion of the wound. 2 patients (10.5%) presented with subcutaneous infection, and 3 patients (15.8%) had hematoma. They recovered following local debridement and medication. 17 patients (89.5%) were examined at follow-up 12 months later, all healed and having stable sternum. No patients showed infection recurrence during the follow-up period over 12 months. Conclusion DSWI following median sternotomy may be effectively managed with adequate debridement of infected tissues and reconstruction with bilateral pectoralis major muscle or plus rectus abdominis muscle flap transposition.  相似文献   

夏季多喝汤不仅能调节口味,补充体液,增强食欲,而且能防病抗病,对健康有益. 日常人们常喝的汤有荤、素两大类.荤汤有鸡汤、肉汤、骨头汤、鱼汤、蛋花汤等,素汤有海带汤、豆腐汤、紫菜汤、番茄汤、冬瓜汤和米汤等.无论是荤汤还是素汤,都应根据各人的喜好与口味来选料烹制,加之"对症喝汤",就可达到抗衰治病、清热解毒的"汤疗"效果.  相似文献   

病人,女,81岁.40年前在工作时双上肢不慎被火烧伤,当年在大连化工厂医院烧伤科给予取自体腹部皮肤行前臂植皮术,术后植皮区域皮肤成活修复良好.4年前无明显诱因双侧前臂植皮区域肤色逐渐变深,无意中发现皮肤明显松弛,无不适感.近3个月自觉植皮区域疼痛不适,局部无红肿等,轻微牵拉皮肤时疼痛明显.自发病起4年皮损未见扩大.患者既往体健,否认家族有类似病患者.  相似文献   

POCT是在医疗条件下,由非实验室的卫生保健人员,在实验室的质控指导下,于病人身边进行的检验。它广泛适用于医院(如外科,儿科)、监护病房、急救单位、保险公司、社区医疗、家庭保健网络等领域。当今,POCT在全球方兴未艾,据调查,现今已有10%的诊断实验是在POCT仪器上完成的,究其原因,无非是POCT兼具医学上的有效性及经济两个方面的优势。当然,随着POCT设备的投放不断增加,使用范围不断拓展,POCT的管理问题也日益凸现,本文将对POCT实施中的信息管理的若干问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

第16届欧洲呼吸学会年会(The European Respiratory Society 16th Annual Congress)于2006年9月1日~6日在德国慕尼黑市国际会议中心(ICM)召开,来自100多个国家和地区的16 888名代表参加了会议,大会共收到论文5277篇,接收论文4221篇,其中来自中国(包括香港、澳门和台湾)84篇(图1).现将会议内容扼要介绍如下.  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者,男,23岁,因左下肢疼痛20 d来医院就诊.询问病史:患者2 d前在上级医院诊断为坐骨神经痛.既往健康,无药物过敏史.门诊当日给予维生素B1 100 mg,维生素B12 250靏肌注,用药约5 min时患者感到头晕、胸闷、呼吸困难、寒战,面色苍白,脉搏105次·min-1,血压80/50 mmHg,考虑为药物所致过敏性休克,立即给予平卧,氧气吸入,肾上腺素1 mg肌注,地塞米松10 mg静注,5 min后患者恢复正常.  相似文献   

1临床资料 患者,男,22岁,活动后心悸、气促2年余,近半月加重来院诊治.查体:体温、脉搏、呼吸正常,心率90次·min-1,口唇无发绀,颈静脉无怒张,毛细血管搏动阴性,心前区无隆起,未扪及震颤;心界扩大,心音有力,二尖瓣听诊区可闻及肿瘤扑落音,无心包摩擦音.  相似文献   

目的 探讨氟碳在角膜中期保存中的应用价值。方法 将 6 0只新西兰兔角膜随机分为 3组 :( 1)空白对照组 ;( 2 )通氧组 ;( 3)实验组。每组角膜各 4 0片。空白对照组以Dexsol中期保存液常规保存 ;通氧组在常规保存同时持续通氧保存 ;实验组在通氧组基础上加入等量氟碳液保存。 3  相似文献   

肱骨远端全骺分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肱骨远端全骺分离在5岁以下儿童中是较常见的肘部损伤,且极易误诊为肱骨髁上骨折或肘关节脱位。本组25例肱骨远端全骺分离均为向内侧移位,年龄11个月至14岁,平均5.6岁,属Salter-HarrisⅠ型或Ⅱ型。对本症骨骺损伤的解剖学和组织学,诸骨(和骨化中心)之间的对应关系以及骨骺损伤的诊治进行了简短的讨论。  相似文献   

通过对右手虎口挛缩以及左拇指皮肤剥脱损伤各一例应用直指背侧皮瓣修复的成功经验,提出该手术的适应症和优点,并重点介绍其应用解剖学和手术方法。  相似文献   

综述分析1954~84年国内外文献,探讨了大肠多发原发性癌的诊断标准、发病情况、临床表现、发病危险因素、外科处理以及预防和诊断检测技术等问题,强调了大肠腺瘤,遗传基础、免疫缺陷、慢性溃疡性结肠炎等在发病上的作用,及高危险组患者应按方案进行常规检测监护之重要性。述介了大肠多发原发性癌系一种原发性大肠癌多中心发生的形式,在诊治上前者与后者有一致性,亦各有其独特性。报告宁夏医学院附属医院肿瘤科1977~84年收治的8例住院大肠多发原发性癌病例的临床资料,对诊治经过进行了初步总结。  相似文献   

目的 :制作抗菌导管 ,预防静脉导管感染。方法 :用洗必尽和医用聚氨酯为主要成份涂覆硅胶胶管制成抗菌导管。抗菌试验包括 :(1)涂覆液MIC测定 ;(2 )体外抗菌作用观察 ;(3)体外抗菌作用持续时间观察 ;(4 )导管加温对抗菌作用的影响 ;(5 )动物试验检测抗菌效果。结果 :涂覆液对金  相似文献   

使用免疫细胞化学过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶复合体(PAP)法和计算机图象分析技术,对动脉粥样硬化大鼠下丘脑弓状核L-脑啡肽免疫反应(L-ENK-ir)阳性细胞的变化进行了半定量研究。结果发现:动脉粥样硬化大鼠下丘脑弓状核L-ENK-ir阳性细胞数目增加,在单  相似文献   

应用放射免疫分析法对20例正常儿、27例毛细支气管炎、7例肺炎和6例上感进行血浆血栓素B_2(TXB_2),6-酮-前列素F_(1α)(6-Keto-PGF_(1α))测定,动态观察其变化。结果显示:(1)毛细支气管炎急性期TXB_2、TXB_2/6-K  相似文献   

报道双胎妊娠及分娩76例,其中,初产48例,经产28例,产前确诊72例;经阴道分娩55例,剖宫产21例。结果表明,孕周越小,新生儿出生体重越轻,死亡率亦愈高,经阴道分娩者,其新生儿窒息及死亡率和产后出血发生率均明显高于剖宫产者。文章就双胎妊娠发生率,早期诊断,产前监护,对第二胎儿  相似文献   



Although trait-associated genes identified as complex versus single-gene inheritance differ substantially in odds ratio, the authors nonetheless posit that their mechanistic concordance can reveal fundamental properties of the genetic architecture, allowing the automated interpretation of unique polymorphisms within a personal genome.

Materials and methods

An analytical method, SPADE-gen, spanning three biological scales was developed to demonstrate the mechanistic concordance between Mendelian and complex inheritance of Alzheimer''s disease (AD) genes: biological functions (BP), protein interaction modeling, and protein domain implicated in the disease-associated polymorphism.


Among Gene Ontology (GO) biological processes (BP) enriched at a false detection rate <5% in 15 AD genes of Mendelian inheritance (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) and independently in those of complex inheritance (25 host genes of intragenic AD single-nucleotide polymorphisms confirmed in genome-wide association studies), 16 overlapped (empirical p=0.007) and 45 were similar (empirical p<0.009; information theory). SPAN network modeling extended the canonical pathway of AD (KEGG) with 26 new protein interactions (empirical p<0.0001).


The study prioritized new AD-associated biological mechanisms and focused the analysis on previously unreported interactions associated with the biological processes of polymorphisms that affect specific protein domains within characterized AD genes and their direct interactors using (1) concordant GO-BP and (2) domain interactions within STRING protein–protein interactions corresponding to the genomic location of the AD polymorphism (eg, EPHA1, APOE, and CD2AP).


These results are in line with unique-event polymorphism theory, indicating how disease-associated polymorphisms of Mendelian or complex inheritance relate genetically to those observed as ‘unique personal variants’. They also provide insight for identifying novel targets, for repositioning drugs, and for personal therapeutics.  相似文献   

目的利用腰椎X线摄片技术观察大鼠腰椎部分节段固定对椎间隙前、后径和棘突间距的影响。方法120只体质量为350~450g的SPF级雄性SD大鼠随机分为单纯固定组、旋转固定组和假手术组。单纯固定组大鼠腰椎L 4-L 6节段植入椎体外部连接固定装置;旋转固定组大鼠则在此基础上于连接钢板和棘突钢板之间放置金属垫片,使L 5棘突向右侧旋转,造成L 5棘突与L 4和L 6棘突不共线;假手术组则只切开皮肤后缝合。造模1周、4周、8周和12周时大鼠腰椎X线摄片,测量各组固定节段椎间隙前、后径和棘突间距的距离。 结果造模4周后,单纯固定组固定节段L 3-L 4、L 4-L 5、L 5-L 6和L 6-S 1椎间隙前径分别为28.11±3.94、25.73±4.70、29.51±6.34和34.97±4.65像素;椎间隙后径分别为7.39±1.63、6.65±1.76、7.02±1.52和9.62±2.50像素;棘突间距分别为39.33±11.74、14.11±5.75、21.32±6.84和77.43±13.69像素,均小于假手术组( P < 0.05)。造模8周及12周后,单纯固定组固定节段L 3-L 4、L 4-L 5、L 5-L 6和L 6-S 1椎间隙前、后径和棘突间距与假手术组相比继续减小( P < 0.05)。旋转固定组与单纯固定组的测量结果一致,在造模4周、8周和12周后,其固定节段L 3-L 4、L 4-L 5、L 5-L 6和L 6-S 1椎间隙前、后径和棘突间距也均小于假手术组( P < 0.05)。造模8周后,单纯固定组和旋转固定组腰椎固定节段出现了较明显的骨赘。 结论腰椎部分节段固定可造成椎间隙减小并导致骨赘形成。  相似文献   

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