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In our previous work, DNase hypersensitivity mapping was usedto identify an enhancer within the human CD8 (hCD8) gene whichallowed T cell-specific expression of a reporter construct intransiently transfected cell lines. To study the role of thisintronic enhancer in vivo, transgenic mice were made using humanCD8 genomic constructs. We found that while a 14 kb wild-typehuman CD8a (WThCD8) genomic construct did not lead to expressionin mature peripheral CD8+ T cells, this transgene was consistentlyexpressed in small populations of T cells and B cells, and ina subset of mouse NK cells. While murine CD8 is not normallyexpressed on resting NK cells, expression of the human CD8 transgeneon mouse NK cells is appropriate since CD8 is expressed on asubset of human NK cells. Deletion of the intronic enhancerresulted in a complete loss of transgene expression in mostlines and a loss of expression only in NK cells in one line.Our results indicate, firstly, that cis-acting sequences withinthe 14 kb genomic fragment are sufficient for NK cell-specificexpression. In addition, our results suggest that the enhancermay have dual roles in regulation of transgene expression. Itmay enhance general expression of the transgene and may alsobe required for NK cell-specific expression.  相似文献   

Laminins are important for basement membrane structure and function. The laminin alpha2 chain is a major component of muscle basement membranes, and mutations in the laminin alpha2 gene lead to congenital muscular dystrophy in humans and mice. Although the laminin alpha2 chain is prominently expressed in testicular basement membranes, its role in testis has remained unclear. Here, we show that laminin alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, gamma 1, and gamma 3 chains are the major laminin chains in basement membranes of seminiferous tubules. In laminin alpha2 chain-deficient dy(3 K)/dy(3 ASK) mice, lack of laminin alpha2 chain led to concurrent reduction of laminin gamma 3 chain and abnormal testicular basement membranes. Seminiferous tubules of laminin alpha2 chain-deficient dy(3 K)/dy(3 K) mice displayed a defect in the timing of lumen formation, resulting in production of fewer spermatides. We also demonstrate that overexpression of laminin alpha1 chain in testis of dy(3 K)/dy(3 K) mice compensated for laminin alpha2 chain deficiency and significantly reversed the appearance of the histopathological features. We thus provide genetic data that laminin alpha chains are essential for normal testicular function in vivo.  相似文献   

We previously reported that enhanced expression of the alpha7beta1 integrin ameliorates the development of muscular dystrophy and extends longevity in alpha7BX2-mdx/utr(-/-) transgenic mice (Burkin DJ, Wallace GQ, Nicol KJ, Kaufman DJ, Kaufman SJ: Enhanced expression of the alpha7beta1 integrin reduces muscular dystrophy and restores viability in dystrophic mice. We now report on the mechanism by which these mice were rescued by the integrin. As a result of increased integrin in alpha7BX2-mdx/utr(-/-) mice the structural integrity of the myotendinous and neuromuscular junctions are maintained. A twofold increase in satellite cells in alpha7BX2-mdx/utr(-/-) skeletal muscle was detected by immunofluorescence using the satellite cell marker c-met. These cells enhanced the regenerative capacity of muscle in the transgenic animals as determined by fusion of BrdUrd-labeled cells into muscle fibers. Increased integrin also leads to hypertrophy. Finally, transgenic expression of alpha7BX2 integrin chain in skeletal muscle secondarily reduces the development of cardiomyopathy, the ultimate cause of death in these animals. We believe this multiplicity of responses to increased alpha7beta1 integrin collectively inhibits the development of muscle disease and increases longevity in these mice.  相似文献   

Evidence has been presented suggesting the involvement of integrinsand their ligands in mammalian fertilization. In this studywe asked whether the  相似文献   

We have investigated the involvement of adhesion molecules inthe lymphocyte infiltration associated with acute intestinalgraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) induced by injection of C3Hlymph node cells into irradiated (C3H x DBA/2)F1 mice. Firstwe analyzed the expression profile of adhesion molecules including1, 2, 4, 5, 6, L and ß7 integrins, CD44 and L-selectinof lymphocytes from lymph nodes and gut mucosa in normal mice.In normal mice, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and laminapropria lymphocytes (LPL) uniquely showed increased expressionof 1, 2 and ß7 integrins, and decreased expressionof L-selectin compared with that of lymphocytes of the lymphnodes and Peyer's patches. In mice with GVHD, IEL and LPL ofdonor lymph node cells origin underwent phenotyplc changes characterizedby the increased expression of 1, L and ß7 integrins,and the loss of L-selectin. The expression profile of adhesionmolecules on IEL and LPL of GVHD mice resembled that of normalmice except for the lack of 2 integrin. Treatment of GVHD micewith anti-1,-4 or-ß7 integrin antibody alone partiallyprevented the mucosal pathology of intestinal GVHD, whereasonly mice treated with anti-1 showed reduced donor lymphocyticinfiltration into the intestinal mucosa. In contrast, treatmentwith anti-L or anti-CD44 antibody did not affect the intestinalGVHD. Furthermore, dual blockade of both 1 and 4 integrins completelyinhibited the mucosal pathology and donor lymphocyte infiltrationof intestinal GVHD. These results indicate that 1 and 4 integrinsplay an important role in the pathology of intestinal GVHD.  相似文献   

TNFalpha inhibition has a clearly beneficial effect in a number of arthritides and in Crohn's disease. The exact mechanism of action is uncertain with studies showing inhibition of chemokines, inhibition of adhesion molecule expression, and improved T-cell function. Unlike most therapeutic interventions for autoimmune disease, TNFalpha inhibition appears to act on specific pathologic processes. It is not known how wide-spread these TNFalpha-mediated pathologic processes are. Efforts to expand the use of TNFalpha inhibition have had notable successes but have been disappointing in other disorders. We hypothesized that TNFalpha-mediated pathologic processes might play a significant role in the end-organ effects seen in SLE. We modeled SLE by using MRL/lpr mice and treated with two types of TNFalpha inhibitor. Pulmonary disease was significantly improved in the treated groups compared to controls. In contrast, renal disease was unaffected suggesting that in lupus, where multiple organs are affected, different pathologic processes may be mediating the end-organ damage. This has important implications for designing therapeutics for SLE.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the ability of certaindrugs, used for local injection therapy of ectopic pregnancy,to suppress the activities of cultured human placental cells.Placental cells from legal first trimester abortions were preparedby collagenase treatment and density gradient centrifugation.The cells were exposed to hyperosmolar glucose (500 mg/ml),15-methyl-prostaglandin-F2 (15-m-PGF2; 10–7 to 10–3mol/l) and prostaglandin-F2 (PGF2; 10–5 to 5X10–3mol/l) for 30 min on days 2–4 after seeding. The effectson the secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) andprogesterone, as well as on the protein content per culturewell, were measured. Hyperosmolar glucose was the most effectivedrug and caused a marked decrease of the protein content inthe culture wells and a reduction of progesterone secretion.Of the two prostaglandins, only 15-m-PGF2 affected the viabilityof the cells and reduced the protein content of the wells. Theclinical effectiveness of the two groups of drugs seems to besimilar but certain in-vitro effects are different. Thus invivo they may act on different target tissues. Against thisbackground, the combination of hyperosmolar glucose and prostaglandinsmight be an interesting approach for local injection therapyfor tubal pregnancy.  相似文献   

The present report describes developmental, phenotypic and functionalfeatures of unconventional CD4+ TCRß lymphocytes.In C57BL/6 mice, the majority of liver lymphocytes expressingintermediate intensity of TCRß (TCRßint)are CD4+NK1.1+ and express a highly restricted TCR Vßrepertoire, dominated by Vß8 with some contributionby Vß7 and Vß2. Although these cells expressthe CD4 co-receptor, they are present in H2-l Aß (Aß)+/–gene disruption mutants but are markedly reduced in ß2-microglobulin(ß2m)–/– mutant mice and hence are ß2mdependent. Thymocytes expressing the CD4+NK1.1+ TCR ßphenotype are also (ß2m) contingent, suggesting thatthese two T lymphocyte populations are related. The CD4+NK1.1+TCRßlymphocytes in liver and thymus share several markers such asLFA-1+, CD44+, CD5+, LECAM-1 and IL-2Rßa. TheCD4+NK1.1 + TCRßint liver lymphocytes were not detectedin athymic nuinu mice. We conclude that ß2m expressionis crucial for development of the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes and that thymus plays a major role. CD4+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes were also identified in NK1.1+ mouse strains,there lacking the NK1.1 marker. We assume that the NK1.1 moleculeis a characteristic marker of the CD4+TCR"int liver lymphocytesin NK1.1+ mouse strains, although its expression is not obligatoryfor their development. The liver lymphocytes from +2m+/–,but not from +2m–/–mice are potent IL-4 producersin response to CD3 or TCRß engagement and the IL-4production by liver lymphocytes was markedly reduced by treatmentwith anti-NK1.1 mAb. We conclude that the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes are capable of producing IL-4 in responseto TCR stimulation.  相似文献   

The IL-2/IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) has been studied intensivelybecause of its potential function in the development and regulationof the immune system. The IL-2R chain has been shown to be expressedon CD4–CD8minus; thymocytes and activated T and B cells.In this report, we show that IL-2R is also expressed on precursorB cells in the bone marrow. Its expression is initiated by functionalrearrangement and expression of Ig µ heavy chain geneand is down-regulated when immature B cells mature and expressIgD. Its potential function in early B cell differentiationis discussed in comparison with its role in thymocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

A novel T cell subset characterized by cell surface NK1.1+ TCRß+expression was investigated for its TCR usage, particularlythat of invariant V14 TCR, which was found to be preferentiallyused in peripheral CD4CD8T cells developed atextrathymic sites. We found that NK+ ß T cell subsetsaccount for 0.4% in thymocytes, 5% in the splenic T cells and40.5% in the bone marrow T cells. Among these NK+ ßT cells, two distinct subsets were detected; cell surface TCRV14+and V14 subpopulations. Almost all of NK+ ßthymocytes express V14 mRNA; however, only<20% were positive,while >80% were negative or undetectable for V14 TCR expressionon the cell surface in the thymus. Similarly,50% of NK+ ßT cells in spleen and bone marrow are V14+; as revealed by FACS.TCR repertoire analysis by nucleotide sequences on inverse PCRproducts demonstrated that most NK+ ß T cells expressan invariant TCR encoded by the V14J281 gene with a 1 base N-regionin all tissues. Thus, invariant V14 TCR is uniquely expressedon NK T cells, and can be a marker to distinguish NK, NK T andT cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated two cDNA clones encoding the guinea pig receptorfor the Fc portion of lgG2 (Fc2R) from a guinea pig peritonealmacrophage cDNA library. Analysis of the predicted amino acidsequence of the one cDNA clone indicated that the guinea pigFc2R Is a type I transmembrane protein and has 72% DNA sequencehomology and 57% protein sequence homology with the human FcRIII.Therefore, we propose that the guinea pig Fc2R Is referred toas guinea pig FcRIII. The most important finding In this reportis that the obtained cDNA directed the cell surface expressionof the Fc2R on COS-7 cells without association with the chainof the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcRly) which is requiredfor human and mouse FcRIII to be expressed on the cell surface.Furthermore, we demonstrated that the endocytosis activity ofFcRIII is dependent upon the association with FcRl, suggestingthat FcRl is Involved in the functions of guinea pig FcRIII.The other clone was found to lack the sequence encoding transmembraneand cytoplasmic domains, suggesting the presence of a solubleform of guinea pig FcRIII. Northern blot analysis and RT-PCRshowed that a transmembrane form of guinea pig FcRIII was expressedin peritoneal macrophages, but not in neutrophils In spite ofthe fact that they express Fc2R, indicating that the Fc2R onneutrophils is a product of a distinct gene.  相似文献   

Tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) areimportant mediators of cell signalling in the uterus. Prostaglandins(PG) have been implicated in the increase of endometrial vascularpermeability which occurs during the implantation process. Thisstudy evaluates the effect of these two pleiotropic cytokineson PGF2 and PGE2 release from human luteal phase endometrialglandular epithelial cells (GEC) and stromal cells (STC) inculture. Basal PGF and PGE release did not differ significantlyfrom each other or among cell types, and declined significantlywith increasing number of days in culture. On day 3, basal PGrelease had decreased to half of that on day 1 of culture. However,both cell types were still able to respond to the addition ofexogenous arachidonic acid (5 µM) on day 3 of culture,with PG release by GEC being elevated 7- to 10-fold and by STCmoderately, but still significantly, on day 4. The permissiveeffect of arachidonic acid on the stimulation of PG releasemay indicate the down-regulation of phospholipase A2 with continuedtime in culture. However, the addition of arachidonic acid (5µM) on day 0 of culture, while able to cause significantlyincreased PG release from GEC, had no effect on STC. In contrast,the addition of a combination of arachidonic acid (5 µM),and either recombinant human TNF- (10 µg rhTNF-a/l) or10 µg rhlL-1/l, had a synergistic action and caused thesignificantly increased release of PGF and PGE from both celltypes, compared with that achieved with either arachidonic acidor the cytokine alone (although GEC responded more than STC).During the first 24 h after the addition of rhTNF-µ orrhlL-1µ, both cytokines stimulated PG release from bothcell types in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. Neither cycloheximide(10 µM) nor actinomycin D (10 µM) affected basalPG release, but both blocked cytokine-induced PG release fromboth cell types. These results suggest that there is a differentialcontrol of human endometrial cell PG biosynthesis, and thatPG release may be regulated through gene activation. endometrium/human/interleukin-1/prostaglandin/tumour necrosis factor-  相似文献   

Tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) areimportant mediators of cell signalling in the uterus. Prostaglandins(PG) have been implicated in the increase of endometrial vascularpermeability which occurs during the implantation process. Thisstudy evaluates the effect of these two pleiotropic cytokineson PGF2 and PGE2 release from human luteal phase endometrialglandular epithelial cells (GEC) and stromal cells (STC) inculture. Basal PGF and PGE release did not differ significantlyfrom each other or among cell types, and declined significantlywith increasing number of days in culture. On day 3, basal PGrelease had decreased to half of that on day 1 of culture. However,both cell types were still able to respond to the addition ofexogenous arachidonic acid (5 µM) on day 3 of culture,with PG release by GEC being elevated 7- to 10-fold and by STCmoderately, but still significantly, on day 4. The permissiveeffect of arachidonic acid on the stimulation of PG releasemay indicate the down-regulation of phospholipase A2 with continuedtime in culture. However, the addition of arachidonic acid (5µM) on day 0 of culture, while able to cause significantlyincreased PG release from GEC, had no effect on STC. In contrast,the addition of a combination of arachidonic acid (5 µM),and either recombinant human TNF- (10 µg rhTNF-/I) or10 µg rhlL-1/I, had a synergistic action and caused thesignificantly increased release of PGF and PGE from both celltypes, compared with that achieved with either arachidonic acidor the cytokine alone (although GEC responded more than STC).During the first 24 h after the addition of rhTNF- or rhlL-1,both cytokines stimulated PG release from both cell types ina dose- and time-dependent fashion. Neither cycloheximide (10µM) nor actinomycin D (10 µM) affected basal PGrelease, but both blocked cytokine-induced PG release from bothcell types. These results suggest that there is a differentialcontrol of human endometrial cell PG biosynthesis, and thatPG release may be regulated through gene activation.  相似文献   

Animal models substantially contribute to the understandingof the pathogenesis of various human diseases, including thoseassociated with genetic defects. Our study investigated thecharacteristics of antibody responses elicited by T-dependentand T-independent antigens in mice rendered k-deficterrt bytargeted deletion of the JkCk gene segments. It is known thatin normal murine species the k repertoire dominates the antibodyrepertoire (k/ratio = 95:5). Our results indicate that the kgene deletion causes the alternative usage of 1 (93%) and 2(7%) light chains, confirming previous studies demonstratingthat in k-deficlent mice all B cells express IG receptors. Theanti-trinitrophenylbenzene (TUP) response in K–/–mice was compensated for by 1 and 2 bearing Igs. However, isoelectricfocusing analysis of anti-TNP antibodies showed a considerablymore restricted pattern of anti-TNP antibodies in K–/–as compared with antibodies in normal mice. No major differenceswere observed in the affinity for the hapten of or1 or 2 mAbsobtained from 129/Sv and K–/– mice. Furthermore,1 and 2 chains can reconstitute the expression of an Idiotype(460ld) borne on anti-TNP antibodies. The 460ld was detectedboth in polyclonal and monoclonal anti-TNP antibodies obtainedfrom K–/– mice. Our results clearly showed thatthe anti-TNP repertoire is compensated by the repertoire eventhough the latter is clonally restricted in K–/–mice.  相似文献   

The IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) is composed of three chains a, ßand . In mice, contrary to the human system, we have previouslydemonstrated that the IL-2Rß complex does not bindIL-2. Therefore, mouse IL-2 response is completely dependenton the expression of the IL-2R gene product. T cell clones expressingmouse IL-2Rß and the human IL-2R transgene have beenstudied. When cells are grown in IL-4, mouse IL-2R is not expressed.However, exposure to IL-2 leads to the expression of the endogenousmurine IL-2R subunit. The T cell line expressing mouse IL-2Rand human IL-2Rß can grow in IL-2 but does not expressendogenous murine IL-2 R. Transfection of these cells with thehuman IL-2R gene restores the capacity to induce murine IL-2R.This result demonstrates that IL-2-IL-2R interactions are requiredfor induction of IL-2R. The kinetics of induction and deinductionof murine IL-2R have been studied using clone 18.III. From negativecells, expression of murine IL-2R is a very slow phenomenon.From cells fully expressing IL-2R, deinduction is a two-stepprocess: after a rapid decrease of IL-2R the cells continueto express, for a long period of time, basal levels of murineIL-2R. When cells expressing basal levels of IL-2R are exposedto IL-2, induction of IL-2R is a very rapid phenomenon. Theautoregulatory loop formed by IL-2-IL-2R therefore displaysdifferent levels of functioning.  相似文献   

Several adhesion molecules have been shown to occur at the surfaceof endometrial cells. One of these is the integrin  相似文献   

Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most aggressive cancers of the oral cavity and an important cause of death worldwide. Currently, there are limited clinical tools aiding clinicians to establish its early diagnosis, and genetic and epigenetic events leading to the pathogenesis of OSCC remain unsolved. The use of carcinogen-induced knocked out mouse models would help to improve its early detection and also determine the role of proteins such as galectin-3 (Gal3) in this process. Here we used a mouse model of oral carcinogenesis employing two mouse genotypes: wild-type (Gal3 +/+) and galectin-3-deficient mice (Gal3 −/−) challenged by the carcinogen 4NQO for 16 weeks. After induction, the expression of Wnt1, Wnt3A, Shh and Gli3 proteins in tongue samples was evaluated using an immunohistochemistry approach. All samples of dysplasia and carcinoma were negative for Wnt1. Wnt3A expression was detected in both Gal3 +/+ and Gal3 −/− mice, at similar levels. Wnt3A expression did not predict tongue tumorigenesis in either genotype. Dysplastic- and carcinoma-expressing Shh was statistically significantly higher in Gal3 +/+ mice than Gal3 −/− mice (p < 0.0001), and was associated with tongue tumorigenesis only in the former. Gli3 expression decreased and increased from dysplasia to carcinoma in Gal3 +/+ and Gal3 −/− mice, respectively, although the difference was not significant. The results suggest that activated Wnt signaling is present in both mice, and that the Hh signaling pathway might play a role in tongue carcinoma development in Gal3 +/+ mice.  相似文献   

Laminin (LN) alpha2 chain deficiency in humans and mice leads to severe forms of congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD). Here, we investigated whether LNalpha1 chain in mice can compensate for the absence of LNalpha2 chain and prevent the development of muscular dystrophy. We generated mice expressing a LNalpha1 chain transgene in skeletal muscle of LNalpha2 chain deficient mice. LNalpha1 is not normally expressed in muscle, but the transgenically produced LNalpha1 chain was incorporated into muscle basement membranes, and normalized the compensatory changes of expression of certain other laminin chains (alpha4, beta2). In 4-month-old mice, LNalpha1 chain could fully prevent the development of muscular dystrophy in several muscles, and partially in others. The LNalpha1 chain transgene not only reversed the appearance of histopathological features of the disease to a remarkable degree, but also greatly improved health and longevity of the mice. Correction of LNalpha2 chain deficiency by LNalpha1 chain may serve as a paradigm for gene therapy of CMD in patients.  相似文献   

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