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Summary Background. Cerebral compliance expresses the capability to buffer an intracranial volume increase while avoiding a rise in intracranial pressure (ICP). The autoregulatory response to Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP) variation influences cerebral blood volume which is an important determinant of compliance. The direction of compliance change in relation to CPP variation is still under debate. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between CPP and compliance in traumatic brain injured (TBI) patients by a new method for continuous monitoring of intracranial compliance as used in neuro-intensive care (NICU).Method. Three European NICU’s standardised collection of CPP, compliance and ICP data to a joint database. Data were analyzed using an unpaired student t-test and a multi-level statistical model.Results. For each variable 108,263 minutes of data were recorded from 21 TBI patients (19 patients GCS≤8; 90% male; age 10–77 y). The average value for the following parameters were: ICP 15.1±8.9 mmHg, CPP 74.3±14 mmHg and compliance 0.68±0.3 ml/mmHg. ICP was ≥20 mmHg in 20% and CPP<60 mmHg for 10.7% of the time. Compliance was lower (0.51±0.34 ml/mmHg) at ICP≥20 than at ICP<20 mmHg (0.73±0.37 ml/mmHg) (p<0.0001). Compliance was significantly lower at CPP<60 than at CPP≥60 mmHg: 0.56±0.36 and 0.70±0.37 ml/mmHg respectively (p<0.0001). The CPP – compliance relationship was different when ICP was above 20 mmHg compared with below 20 mmHg. At ICP<20 mmHg compliance rose as CPP rose. At ICP≥20 mmHg, the relation curve was convexly shaped. At low CPP, the compliance was between 0.20 and 0.30 ml/mmHg. As the CPP reach 80 mmHg average compliance was 0.55 ml/mmHg., but compliance fell to 0.40 ml/mmHg when CPP was 100 mmHg.Conclusions. Low CPP levels are confirmed to be detrimental for intracranial compliance. Moreover, when ICP was pathological, indicating unstable intracranial equilibrium, a high CPP level was also associated with a low volume-buffering capacity.  相似文献   

In patients with severe head injuries ICP, MAP and CBF were measured continuously. In most patients there was a positive vasopressor response to increasing ICP, but the ICP/MAP ratio varied considerably in individual cases. CBF was diminished either by increasing ICP or by decreasing MAP. This effect was more marked with ICP above 40 mm Hg or MAP below 110 mm Hg. In terminal stages there was often a negative MAP/ICP ratio accompanied by massive cerebral hyperaemia. Key words: Severe head injury--intracranial pressure--mean arterial pressure--cerebral blood flow--cerebral perfusion pressure--critical limit of ICP and CBF. Abbreviations: ICP equals intracranial pressure (mm Hg); CBF, Flow equals cerebral blood flow (ml/min); MAP equals mean arterial pressure (mm Hg); CPP equals cerebral perfusion pressure (mm Hg) (difference between MAP and ICP); BP equals blood pressure.  相似文献   

Summary In five head-injured patients with cerebral contusion and oedema in whom it was not possible to control intracranial pressure (ICP) (ICP>20 mmHg) by artificial hyperventilation (PaCO2 level 3.5–4.0 kPa) and barbiturate sedation, indomethacin was used as a vasoconstrictor drug. In all patients, indomethacin (a bolus injection of 30 mg, followed by 30 mg/h for seven hours) reduced ICP below 20 mmHg for several hours. Studies of cerebral circulation and metabolism during indomethacin treatment showed a decrease in CBF at 2h. After 7h, ICP remained below 20 mmHg in three patients, and these still had reduced CBF. In the other patients a return of ICP and CBF to pretreatment levels was observed. In all patients indomethacin treatment was followed by a fall in rectal temperature. These results suggest that indomethacin due to its cerebral vasoconstrictor and antipyretic effect should be considered as an alternative for treatment of ICP-hypertension in head-injured patients.Presented at the Fifth Nordic CBF Symposium, Lund, Sweden, 21–22 May 1990.  相似文献   

Brain temperature was continuously measured in 58 patients after severe head injury and compared to rectal temperature, intracranial pressure, cerebral blood flow, and outcome after 3 months. The temperature difference between brain and rectal temperature was also calculated. Mild hypothermia (34-36 degrees C) was also used to treat uncontrollable intracranial pressure (ICP) above 20 mm Hg when other methods failed. Brain and rectal temperature were strongly correlated (r = 0.866; p < 0.001). Four groups were identified. The mean brain temperature ranged from 36.9 +/- 0.4 degrees C in the normothermic group to 38.2 +/- 0.5 degrees C in the hyperthermic group, 35.3 +/- 0.5 degrees C in the mild therapeutic hypothermia group, and 34.3 +/- 1.5 degrees C in the hypothermia group without active cooling. The mean DeltaT(br-rect) was positive for patients with a T(br) above 36.0 degrees C (0.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C) and negative for patients during mild therapeutic hypothermia (-0.2 +/- 0.6 degrees C) and also in those with a brain temperature below 36 degrees C without active cooling (0.8 +/- -1.4 degrees C) - the spontaneous hypothermic group. The cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) was increased significantly by active cooling compared to the normothermic and hyperthermic groups. The mean cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients with a brain temperature between 36.0 degrees C and 37.5 degrees C was 37.8 +/- 14.0 mL/100 g/min. The lowest CBF was measured in patients with a brain temperature <36.0 degrees C and a negative brain-rectal temperature difference (17.1 +/- 14.0 mL/100 g/min). A positive trend for improved outcome was seen in patients with mild hypothermia. Simultaneous monitoring of brain and rectal temperature provides important diagnostic and prognostic information to guide the treatment of patients after severe head injury (SHI) and the wide differentials that can develop between the brain and core temperature, especially during rapid cooling, strongly supports the use of brain temperature measurement if therapeutic hypothermia is considered for head injury care.  相似文献   

Early impaired cerebral blood flow (CBF) after severe head injury (SHI) leads to poor brain tissue oxygen delivery and lactate accumulation. The purpose of this investigation was to elucidate the relationship between CBF, local dialysate lactate (lact(md)) and dialysate glucose (gluc(md)), and brain tissue oxygen levels (PtiO2) under arterial normoxia. The effect of increased brain tissue oxygenation due to high fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2) on lact(md) and CBF was explored. A total of 47 patients with SHI were enrolled in this studies (Glasgow Coma Score [GCS] < 8). CBF was first assessed in 40 patients at one time point in the first 96 hours (27 +/- 28 hours) after SHI using stable xenon computed tomography (Xe-CT) (30% inspired xenon [FiXe] and 35% FiO2). In a second study, sequential double CBF measurements were performed in 7 patients with 35% FiO2 and 60% FiO2, respectively, with an interval of 30 minutes. In a subsequent study, 14 patients underwent normobaric hyperoxia by increasing FiO2 from 35 +/- 5% to 60% and then 100% over a period of 6 hours. This was done to test the effect of normobaric hyperoxia on lact(md) and brain gluc(md), as measured by local microdialysis. Changes in PtiO2 in response to changes in FiO2 were analyzed by calculating the oxygen reactivity. Oxygen reactivity was then related to the 3-month outcome data. The levels of lact(md) and gluc(md) under hyperoxia were compared with the baseline levels, measured at 35% FiO2. Under normoxic conditions, there was a significant correlation between CBF and PtiO2 (R = 0.7; P < .001). In the sequential double CBF study, however, FiO2 was inversely correlated with CBF (P < .05). In the 14 patients undergoing the 6-hour 100% FiO2 challenge, the mean PtiO2 levels increased to 353 (87% compared with baseline), although the mean lact(md) levels decreased by 38 +/- 16% (P < .05). The PtiO2 response to 100% FiO2 (oxygen reactivity) was inversely correlated with outcome (P < .01). Monitoring PtiO2 after SHI provides valuable information about cerebral oxygenation and substrate delivery. Increasing arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) effectively increased PtiO2, and brain lact(md) was reduced by the same maneuver.  相似文献   

The traditional practice of elevating the head in order to lower intracranial pressure (ICP) in head-injured patients has been challenged in recent years. Some investigators argue that patients with intracranial hypertension should be placed in a horizontal position, the rationale being that this will increase the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and thereby improve cerebral blood flow (CBF). However, ICP is generally significantly higher when the patient is in the horizontal position. This study was undertaken to clarify the issue of optimal head position in the care of head-injured patients. The effect of 0 degree and 30 degrees head elevation on ICP, CPP, CBF, mean carotid pressure, and other cerebral and systemic physiological parameters was studied in 22 head-injured patients. The mean carotid pressure was significantly lower when the patient's head was elevated at 30 degrees than at 0 degrees (84.3 +/- 14.5 mm Hg vs. 89.5 +/- 14.6 mm Hg), as was the mean ICP (14.1 +/- 6.7 mm Hg vs. 19.7 +/- 8.3 mm Hg). There was no statistically significant change in CPP, CBF, cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen, arteriovenous difference of lactate, or cerebrovascular resistance associated with the change in head position. The data indicate that head elevation to 30 degrees significantly reduced ICP in the majority of the 22 patients without reducing CPP or CBF.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the reproducibility of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) measurements in pathological brain tissue, serial measurements were carried out in 13 determinations performed in patients who were comatose after severe head injuries within the first 2 weeks after the head trauma. The xenon-133 intra-arterial method was used for the flow measurements, and the flow was studied separately in 16 areas of the brain, producing 197 regional double determinations. The patients were maintained in a steady state during and between the measurements, and only differences of less than 2 mm Hg in the arterial CO2 pressure and less than 5 mm Hg in the perfusion pressure were tolerated. The reproducibility was found to be reasonably good as regards initial slope-flow indices and height/area flow indices and height/area flow values, whereas that of the compartmentally calculated flow parameters was poorer. On dividing the series into severely and moderately pathological areas, it could be shown that the reproducibility of the flor values in the moderately pathological brain areas was acceptable and similar to the results reported by others, whereas the reproducibility in the most severely pathological areas of the brain was rather poor, as regards the flow in the fast compartments. The correlation between the various flow parameters was found to be fairly good.  相似文献   

WDepartmentofNeurosurgery ,15 5thHospitalofPLA ,Kaifeng 475 0 0 3,China (XiWB ,HuJ ,ZhengDH ,HuiLS ,WangBandLiuGF)DepartmentofEmergency ,15 5thHospitalofPLA ,Kaifeng475 0 0 3 ,China (SunLD)DepartmentofAnesthesia ,15 5thHospitalofPLA ,Kaifeng475 0 0 3 ,China (YaoJH)ithhighfatalityrateand…  相似文献   

Summary Cerebrospinal dynamics has been investigated by statistical analysis of results of computerised monitoring of 80 head injured patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Pinderfields General Hospital. One minute average values of intracranial pressure (ICP), systemic arterial pressure (ABP), cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), amplitude of the fundamental component of the intracranial pressure pulse wave and the short-term moving correlation coefficient between that amplitude and mean ICP (RAP) were recorded. It was found that reduction of CPP down to 40mmHg was more often caused by decrease in ABP than increase in ICP. Further falls in CPP below 40mmHg were caused by substantial increases in ICP above 25 mmHg. The relationship between the ICP pulse wave amplitude and CPP showed a significant gradual increase in amplitude with CPP decreasing from 75 to 30 mmHg. For CPP below 30 mmHg there is a sharp decrease in amplitude followed by a change in the coefficient RAP from positive to negative values. This was interpreted as a sign of critical disturbance in cerebral circulation.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine if Cerebral Perfusion Pressure CPP and Intracranial Pressure ICP, in patients with head injury, has a circadian rhythm. CPP and ICP data of 13 patients were analysed using the Regressive and Iterative Cosinor methods. The Regressive Cosinor method did not detect a strong 24 hour rhythm. Therefore, the Iterative Cosinor method was used to seek rhythms with period not necessarily equal to 24 hours. Studying consecutive patient days by the Iterative cosinor method showed that rhythm is present but the rhythm period was often not 24 hours. A significant rhythm in the range of 20-30 hours was detected in eight patients for CPP 62 and in six patients for ICP 46. To validate the results real and surrogate time series were compared. The clinical implications of rhythmic data analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with severe head injury frequently have evidence of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) and ischemic neuronal damage at autopsy. Mannitol has been used clinically to reduce ICP with varying success, and it is possible that it is more effective in some types of head injury than in others. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of mannitol on ICP, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), and cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients with severe head injury, and to discover if these effects differed in different types of injury. Measurements of CPP, ICP, and CBF were made in 55 patients with severe head injury. In general, the resting level of CBF was higher in patients with diffuse injury (mean 50.2 ml/100 gm/min) than in those with focal injury (mean 39.8 ml/100 gm/min). Mannitol consistently reduced ICP and increased CPP and CBF by 10 to 20 minutes after infusion. The lowest flows (31.8 ml/100 gm/min) were recorded from the most damaged hemispheres of patients with focal injuries and elevated ICP. The baseline levels of flow did not correlate with ICP, CPP, Glasgow Coma Scale score, or outcome. Only four of the 55 patients had a CBF of less than 20 ml/100 gm/min in either or both hemispheres. The few low CBF's in this and other studies may reflect the steady-state conditions under which measurements are made in intensive care units, and that these patients have entered a phase of reperfusion.  相似文献   

The effects of propofol on cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral oxygen consumption (CMRO2) were assessed in ten severely head-injured patients undergoing surgery for limb fractures. The patients, aged between 15 and 40 years, were in deep coma, scored 6-7 on the Glasgow coma score. They were mechanically ventilated and sedated with 1 mg.h-1 phenoperidine. Anaesthesia was carried out with a 2 mg.kg-1 intravenous bolus of propofol, immediately followed by a 150 micrograms.kg-1.min-1 infusion, which lasted for a mean time of 41.4 +/- 7.3 min. Data were collected 5 min before any propofol was given, 15 min after the start of the infusion, and 15 min after its end. A radial artery cannula, a 7.5 Fr thermodilution flow-directed pulmonary arterial catheter, a cerebral intraventricular catheter and a catheter in the jugular venous bulb were used for this purpose. Carotid arterial injection of 133Xenon was used to determine regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Anaesthetic blood concentrations of propofol (3 to 5 micrograms.ml-1) were associated with a decrease in all the parameters studied: cerebral perfusion pressure, from 82 +/- 14 mmHg to 59 +/- 7 mmHg (p less than 0.001); rCBF, from 35 +/- 6 ml.100 g-1.min-1 to 26 +/- 5 ml.100 g-1.min-1 (p less than 0.01); ICP from 11.3 +/- 2.6 mmHg to 9.2 +/- 2.5 mmHg (p less than 0.001); CMRO2 from 1.63 +/- 0.38 mlO2 +/- 100 g-1.min-1 to 1.18 +/- 0.38 mlO2.100 g-1.min-1 (p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), cerebral intraventricular pressure (IVP), systemic arterial blood pressure, and cerebral ventricular fluid (CSF) lactate and pH were studied repeatedly in 23 patients during the acute phase of severe brain injury lasting from 3 to 21 days after the trauma. Cerebrovascular autoregulation was tested repeatedly by means of angiotensin infusion in 21 of the patients, and CO2 response in 14 by means of passive hyperventilation. The pressure in the brain ventricles was measured continuously in all patients and kept below 45 mm Hg during the study. If the IVP increased more than 10 mm Hg during the angiotensin infusion (as in one case), the autoregulation test was considered contraindicated and the angiotensin infusion was discontinued. Dissociation between cerebrovascular autoregulation and CO2 response was a common phenomenon. Typically, autoregulation appeared preserved in the most severely injured areas of the cerebral cortex when the patient was deeply comatose, but deteriorated concomitantly with recovery; by the time the patient became alert, the autoregulation was always impaired. The CO2 response was impaired only in patients who were deeply comatose and had attacks of decerebrate rigidity; during recovery the CO2 response became normal. Thus, preserved autoregulation associated with imparied CO2 response indicated very severe brain damage, whereas impaired autoregulation associated with preserved CO2 response suggested moderate or severe brain damage in recovery. These paradoxical observations raise the question whether the preserved autoregulation seen in severely injured brain tissue is a true autoregulation caused by an active vasoconstrictor response to an increase in blood pressure.  相似文献   

Recent investigations revealed that sufentanil increases cerebral blood flow (CBF) and intracranial pressure (ICP) in dogs and man. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of sufentanil on cerebral blood flow velocity and ICP in neurosurgical patients. Eight neurosurgical ICU patients with elevated ICP (> 20 mmHg) were examined. Sufentanil was given in incremental doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 micrograms kg-1. Cerebral blood flow velocity decreased significantly from 54 +/- 4 cm s-1 to 48 +/- 3 cm s-1 with the dose of 1.0 microgram kg-1 sufentanil and 47 +/- 3 cm s-1 with 2.0 micrograms kg-1, respectively (mean +/- SEM). ICP values did not increase with any of the doses studied. Thus, changes of mean arterial pressure which fell with 1.0 microgram kg-1 and 2.0 micrograms kg-1 reflect cerebral perfusion pressure alterations. Although changes of cerebral blood flow velocity revealed changes in vascular tone, ICP remained unaltered.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this study were to evaluate pressure-volume relations and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics in patients with head injury and to evaluate the pressure-volume index (PVI) in that context. Sixteen head-injured patients underwent continuous intracranial (intraventricular) pressure (ICP) monitoring, studies of the PVI and the width of the pulse amplitude, and studies of CSF dynamics determined by the PVI technique or controlled withdrawal and expressed as resistance to the outflow of CSF (Rout). In this study, the PVI technique proved safe and relatively simple. The PVI based on bolus injections was significantly greater than the PVI based on CSF withdrawal. The PVI varied independently of clinical course, outcome, and ICP. The ICP pulse amplitude increased linearly with the ICP. It was not possible to establish any clinically useful correlation between pulsatile ICP changes and intracranial compliance (PVI). There was a linear correlation between ICP and Rout.  相似文献   

Brain oedema leads to pathological changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral blood flow in a wide range of clinical scenarios, because the brain produces oedema in response to many diseases. Clinical management often focuses on minimizing elevations of ICP and maintaining adequate cerebral blood flow. A working knowledge of physiological principles linking brain oedema, ICP and blood flow is essential for clinicians facing these clinical problems. These principles are explained here, and also some insights are provided concerning the mechanisms of disease on the cellular level. This is then applied to the clinical problem of traumatic brain injury illustrating physiological principles in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Therapeutic agents for reducing raised intracranial pressure (ICP) may do so at the expense of reduced mean arterial pressure (MAP). As a consequence, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) = (MAP - ICP) may not improve. It is unknown whether the level of MAP alters cerebral blood flow (CBF) when MAP and ICP change in parallel so that CPP remains constant. This study investigates CBF at a constant CPP but varying levels of MAP and ICP in 12 anaesthetized cats. CBF was studied at three levels of CPP: 60 (n = 4), 50 (n = 4), and 40 mm Hg (n = 4) under conditions of both intact and impaired autoregulation. At CPP levels of 50 and 60 mm Hg, when autoregulation was intact, CBF remained unchanged. With loss of autoregulation, there was a trend for CBF to increase as MAP and ICP were increased in parallel at a CPP of 50 and 60 mm Hg, although the relationship did not achieve statistical significance. Absolute CBF levels were, however, significantly different between the autoregulating and nonautoregulating groups (p <0.001). At a CPP of 40 mm Hg, CBF showed a linear correlation with blood pressure (BP) (r = 0.57, p <0.05). These results demonstrate that when autoregulation is impaired, there is a functional difference between autoregulating and nonautoregulating cerebral vessels despite similar MAP and CPP. These results also show that at a CPP of 40 mm Hg when autoregulation is impaired, CBF depends more on arterial driving pressure than on CPP.  相似文献   

OBJECT: Disturbed ionic and neurotransmitter homeostasis are now recognized as probably the most important mechanisms contributing to the development of secondary brain swelling after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Evidence obtained in animal models indicates that posttraumatic neuronal excitation by excitatory amino acids leads to an increase in extracellular potassium, probably due to ion channel activation. The purpose of this study was therefore to measure dialysate potassium in severely head injured patients and to correlate these results with measurements of intracranial pressure (ICP), patient outcome, and levels of dialysate glutamate and lactate, and cerebral blood flow (CBF) to determine the role of ischemia in this posttraumatic ion dysfunction. METHODS: Eighty-five patients with severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale Score < 8) were treated according to an intensive ICP management-focused protocol. All patients underwent intracerebral microdialyis. Dialysate potassium levels were analyzed using flame photometry, and dialysate glutamate and dialysate lactate levels were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and an enzyme-linked amperometric method in 72 and 84 patients, respectively. Cerebral blood flow studies (stable xenon computerized tomography scanning) were performed in 59 patients. In approximately 20% of the patients, dialysate potassium values were increased (dialysate potassium > 1.8 mM) for 3 hours or more. A mean amount of dialysate potassium greater than 2 mM throughout the entire monitoring period was associated with ICP above 30 mm Hg and fatal outcome, as were progressively rising levels of dialysate potassium. The presence of dialysate potassium correlated positively with dialysate glutamate (p < 0.0001) and lactate (p < 0.0001) levels. Dialysate potassium was significantly inversely correlated with reduced CBF (p = 0.019). CONCLUSIONS: Dialysate potassium was increased after TBI in 20% of measurements. High levels of dialysate potassium were associated with increased ICP and poor outcome. The simultaneous increase in dialysate potassium, together with dialysate glutamate and lactate, supports the concept that glutamate induces ionic flux and consequently increases ICP, which the authors speculate may be due to astrocytic swelling. Reduced CBF was also significantly correlated with increased levels of dialysate potassium. This may be due to either cell swelling or altered vasoreactivity in cerebral blood vessels caused by higher levels of potassium after trauma. Additional studies in which potassium-sensitive microelectrodes are used are needed to validate these ionic events more clearly.  相似文献   

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