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Men who are violent toward their partners tend to have a dual problem with alcohol and drug use, yet little is known about differences between men with single rather than dual problems. This study was one of the first to evaluate differences between alcohol dependent men who were arrested for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) with and without concurrent illicit drug use. Seventy-eight participants were randomly assigned to manual-guided group behavioral therapies (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Twelve Step Facilitation) and assessed across 12 weeks of treatment. Despite denying drug use at baseline, thirty-two clients (43%) tested positive for illicit drug use (cocaine and marijuana) during the 12 weeks of treatment. The study specifically addressed whether there were differences between clients using alcohol only versus individuals using both alcohol + drugs in terms of 1) baseline characteristics; 2) treatment compliance (e.g., attendance and substance use during treatment; and 3) treatment outcomes (alcohol, drug use, anger management, and aggression at the completion of treatment). The results showed that there were comparatively few differences between the alcohol versus the alcohol + drug using groups at baseline. Regarding treatment compliance and retention, alcohol + drug using participants attended significantly fewer sessions, had significantly fewer percent days abstinence from alcohol use, significantly more total days of positive breathalyzer results. Regarding treatment outcomes across anger management and aggression scores, the alcohol + drug using participants had significantly more impairments in anger management styles from pre- to post-treatment. However, there were no differences between the groups across verbal or physical aggression. Both groups improved in their verbal aggression from pre- to post-treatment. The findings suggest that alcohol dependent men who continue to use illicit drugs may require additional interventions to effectively control their drug use and, their anger management styles.  相似文献   

This retrospective cohort study examined risk factors for co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD) and the effect of COD and intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization among women and IPV-related arrest among men on 1-year substance abuse treatment outcomes. The study sample included clients admitted to Washington State publicly funded substance abuse treatment facilities in 2004–2007. COD was associated with a high substance use and IPV risk profile at admission. Having a COD decreased the odds of completing treatment by 30% among men and women and increased the risk of treatment reentry by 9% and 12% among men and women, respectively. IPV also decreased the odds of completing treatment among women and increased the risk of treatment reentry among men. Men with COD were less likely than those without COD to be arrested for substance-related crimes but more likely to be arrested for violence-related crimes in the follow-up period. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Research has consistently demonstrated a strong link between substance misuse and the perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV). However, studies examining whether substance misuse is associated with IPV victimization have been mixed. Using data collected from 835 low-income ethnically diverse community women, this study extends previous research by utilizing a longitudinal design, considering men's and women's alcohol use, and examining multiple forms of abuse. Despite overall decreases in drinking and abuse, the frequency of male partners' drinking continued to be associated with their perpetration of threats, violence, and sexual aggression. Women's alcohol use frequency was associated with sustaining physical violence, but not threats of violence or sexual aggression.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health problem associated with negative health consequences, including higher rates of tobacco smoking. Smoking expectancies are related to motivation to quit and relapse. IPV-exposed women endorse higher rates of PTSD symptoms, which are related to smoking and smoking expectancies. The present study sought to examine the relationship among smoking behavior, smoking expectancies, and PTSD symptoms among IPV-exposed women. Participants were 83 women who reported experiencing IPV within the last month, smoked an average of 12 cigarettes per day, and reported moderate levels of nicotine dependence (FTND mean=4.4). Participants completed baseline and follow-up interviews. Multiple regression analyses assessed the relationships among smoking expectancies and PTSD symptoms to cigarettes smoked per day and nicotine dependence. Findings demonstrated that Stimulation/State Enhancement expectancies were positively related to cigarettes per day, whereas PTSD arousal symptoms were negatively related to cigarettes per day, p's<.05. Neither smoking expectancies nor PTSD symptoms were significantly related to nicotine dependence. Supplemental analyses revealed that PTSD re-experiencing symptoms were negatively related and PTSD avoidance/numbing symptoms were positively related to Stimulation/State Enhancement expectancies, p's<.05. This study extends findings regarding the association between PTSD symptoms and smoking among an understudied population - IPV-exposed women. The relationship between PTSD symptoms and smoking differed across PTSD symptom clusters and expectancy scales, which may have implications for treatment development. The fact that expectancies and PTSD symptoms are related to smoking behavior among IPV-exposed women may be important for enhancing prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine the role of high self-reported anger on violence and substance use across treatment. Seventy-three, alcohol-dependent males, with a domestic violence arrest within the past year, completed baseline anger measures and engaged in a 12 week cognitive behavioral therapy or 12 step facilitation group. Monthly assessments of substance use and violence were completed. At baseline, participants high on anger expression reported more physical violence in the prior month and more violent arrests. Participants high on anger expression had a greater proportion of positive breathalyzers across treatment, higher frequency of reported drug use across treatment, and higher reported frequency of verbal violence at discharge. These findings suggests that participants who are high on anger expression may need longer-term or more intensive treatments to maintain gains made during treatment because of the increased risk of relapse to both substance use and violence.  相似文献   



A large number of adults report symptoms of, but do not meet diagnostic criteria for, an alcohol use disorder. Yet, little is known about the relationship between symptoms of alcohol use disorders and the initiation and persistence of smoking. This study prospectively examines the relationship between having 1–2 symptoms of alcohol dependence (without abuse) and smoking initiation and persistence as well as nicotine dependence over a 3-year period among adults in the United States.


Data were drawn from Wave 1 (2001–2002) and Wave 2 (2004–2005) of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Relationships between Wave 1 symptoms of alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, and alcohol dependence and initiation and persistence of cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence at Wave 2 were examined using logistic regression analyses. Analyses were adjusted for demographics, mood and anxiety disorders.


Symptoms of alcohol dependence were associated with smoking initiation at Wave 2. There was no association between symptoms of alcohol dependence and smoking persistence. Symptoms of alcohol dependence predicted incident and persistent nicotine dependence. Findings persisted after adjusting for demographic characteristics and mood/anxiety disorders.


Even 1–2 symptoms of alcohol dependence are associated with increased vulnerability to smoking initiation and onset and persistence of nicotine dependence at a similar strength as alcohol use disorders. Efforts at smoking cessation must address problematic alcohol use, even at the subclinical level, in order to improve efficacy.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the association between interpersonal violence exposure and utilization of alcohol treatment after medical hospitalizations among adults with alcohol dependence. We analyzed data collected from a prospective cohort of 238 adults with alcohol dependence who were inpatients in a large urban hospital. Participants who reported interpersonal violence victimization had 1.6 times the odds (adjusted odds ratio = 1.64, 95% confidence interval = 0.92–2.91) of receiving alcohol treatment during the year after hospitalization compared to participants with no violence exposure. Recent (past 3 months) exposure to violence was not more strongly related to receipt of treatment than any lifetime violence exposure. Results suggest that a history of interpersonal violence victimization may be associated with an increased odds of alcohol treatment utilization following a medical hospitalization. Therefore, clinicians should be optimistic about identifying and referring patients who have experienced interpersonal violence to alcohol treatment. Moreover, given the potentially high prevalence of interpersonal violence exposure among inpatient populations at large urban hospitals, alcohol treatment providers should develop methods to address both alcohol dependence and violence recovery.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether (combinations of) specific substance use disorders predicted any and severe perpetration and victimization in males and females entering substance abuse treatment. All patients (N = 1799) were screened for IPV perpetration and victimization; almost one third of the sample committed or experienced any IPV in the past year. For males, an alcohol use disorder in combination with a cannabis and/or cocaine use disorder significantly predicted any IPV (perpetration and/or victimization) as well as severe IPV perpetration. For females, alcohol and cocaine abuse/dependence predicted both any IPV (perpetration and/or victimization) and severe IPV perpetration. Results from the present study emphasize the importance of routinely assessing IPV in patients in substance abuse treatment and demonstrate that clinicians should be particularly alert for IPV in patients with specific substance use disorder combinations.  相似文献   

Harmful alcohol use is known to increase the risk of intimate partner violence (IPV), however very little is known about the role of alcohol use during the transition to parenthood. The current study was designed to examine harmful alcohol use as a dyadic and interactive time-varying risk factor for psychological and physical IPV across the transition to parenthood using a sample of 98 couples assessed prenatally and again at one and two years postpartum. Longitudinal actor–partner interdependence models demonstrated that changes in harmful alcohol use during the transition to parenthood were significantly related to changes in psychological IPV for both men and women and with physical IPV for men only, whereas harmful alcohol use was actually negatively related to variations in women's physical IPV. Partners' harmful use of alcohol during the transition to parenthood also explained additional variance in psychological IPV for men and physical IPV for women over time. Time-varying interactions between actors' and partners' harmful alcohol use were additionally predictive of greater psychological IPV for women and greater physical IPV for both men and women. Contrary to some past research, time-varying discrepancies in levels of harmful alcohol use between men and women were related to a lower risk of psychological IPV for women and physical IPV for both genders. Findings from this study indicate that harmful alcohol use by both men and women combines in a dyadic and interactive manner to place couples at risk for IPV during the transition to parenthood. Prenatal interventions may benefit from strategies to reduce the harmful use of alcohol by both men and women during the prenatal and postpartum periods.  相似文献   

During the decade of the 1990s, smoking prevalence increased nearly 30% in the college student population. Although most college students initiate smoking before the age of 18, recent evidence suggests a sizable minority of undergraduates report starting smoking while in college. This study examined the concurrent use of alcohol and tobacco as well as the relationship between alcohol use and smoking initiation among a sample of undergraduate students attending a large public university in the southwestern United States. We defined three categories of smoking status for this study: never smokers (n=777), experimenters (n=158), and smokers (n=178). Both experimenters and smokers reported consuming significantly more drinks per occasion in the past 28 days and more drinks on one occasion in the past 2 weeks compared to never smokers; however, there was no significant difference between experimenters and smokers on either of these measures of consumption. The results of two multinomial logistic regression models showed that measures of alcohol consumption and drinking frequency were significantly associated with being an experimenter or smoker after controlling for demographic and other drug use covariates. Results of a logistic regression analysis revealed a significant relationship between past year drinking frequency and smoking initiation among respondents who reported that they were not smoking at all 12 months prior to their survey participation. The influence of alcohol consumption on smoking initiation among college students is discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe relationship between intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration and substance use is not well understood. We conducted a meta-ethnography of qualitative studies to explore how substance use features in survivors’ and perpetrators’ accounts of IPV perpetration.MethodsQualitative studies from 1995 to 2016 were identified from PsycINFO, ASSIA and Web of Science, with an update in PsycINFO and ASSIA to December 2017. 7654 abstracts were screened for accounts of heterosexual IPV perpetration, then full-texts were screened for mentions of substance use. Key concepts from 26 qualitative studies (363 female survivors’ and 219 male perpetrators’ views) were synthesised to develop a grounded theory that put similarities and differences between studies into an interpretive order.ResultsSix themes emerged: five related to the complex interplay between substance use and IPV perpetration in the context of intoxication, withdrawal and addiction, impact on relationship and wider dynamics of power and control and psychological vulnerabilities; a final theme related to survivors’ agency and resistance to IPV perpetration. Survivors and perpetrators noted how both intoxication and withdrawal could pre-empt IPV perpetration. Survivors, however, were more likely to see intoxication and withdrawal as part of a pattern of abusive behaviour, whereas perpetrators tended to describe a causal relationship between intoxication and discrete incidents of IPV perpetration. Irritability and frustration during withdrawal from or craving alcohol, heroin and stimulants, and/or a failure or partner refusal to procure money for drugs increased the likelihood of violence. Survivors were more likely than perpetrators to identify abuse in relation to the impact of substance use on their relationship and dynamics of power and control.ConclusionThe interplay between substance use and IPV perpetration occurs at numerous contextual levels and is perceived differently by perpetrators and survivors. Behaviour change interventions must address the meanings behind divergent narratives about IPV perpetration and substance use.  相似文献   

Traumatic experiences and their biopsychosocial sequelae present complex challenges in substance use treatment. For women with substance use problems, childhood sexual abuse (CSA), intimate partner violence exposure (IPV), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and overall psychological distress are often co-occurring concerns. To address gaps in knowledge and to strengthen practice regarding these critical issues in substance use treatment, we drew upon cross-sectional and longitudinal data from baseline and 12-month interviews with a random sample of 416 women in methadone treatment to examine relationships between CSA characteristics, particularly the presence of force and involvement of family, IPV, and mental health concerns. Although CSA involving force and family was not associated with IPV as hypothesized, it was associated with increased risk of PTSD and overall psychological distress. The multivariate findings underscore the psychological vulnerabilities associated with CSA involving force and family and suggest that drug use and financial circumstances may be important targets to reduce IPV risk.  相似文献   



This study evaluated the association between alcohol use, abuse and dependence and cigarette smoking to determine whether alcohol may signal greater sensitivity to nicotine dependence at very low levels of smoking.


Data were drawn from five annual National Surveys on Drug Use and Health and included individuals age 12 to 21 who reported first exposure to smoking within the past two years and smoking at least once in the past month.


Both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence were associated with increased likelihood of symptoms that seem to tap tolerance for nicotine. These included items such as “the amount you smoke has increased”; “needing to smoke a lot more now in order to be satisfied”; and “smoking much more before starting to feel anything”. Alcohol dependence, but not abuse was associated with the remaining symptoms, “after not smoking for a while, needing to smoke to feel less restless and irritable”; “craving cigarettes after not smoking for a while”; and “worrying about running out of cigarettes”. All associations were not better accounted for by either alcohol use or amount smoked.


If causally associated, treatment of alcohol-use disorders may prevent or reduce the early emergence of nicotine dependence symptoms among new smokers, very early in the smoking uptake process. If instead alcohol disorders are a signal of sensitivity for nicotine dependence best accounted for by a third variable, then adolescents with alcohol dependence and/or abuse during early exposures to smoking represents an important subgroup that may benefit from interventions directly targeting this association.  相似文献   

Although there is extensive theoretical and empirical evidence linking men's alcohol abuse and marital violence, no previous studies have assessed the substance use characteristics of women arrested for domestic violence. We recruited 35 women who were arrested for domestic violence and court-referred to batterer intervention programs. We administered multiple measures of substance use and abuse and assessed the women's marital aggression, marital satisfaction, depressive symptomatology, use of general violence, and their relationship partners' substance use. We also divided the sample into groups of hazardous drinkers (HD) and nonhazardous drinkers (NHD). Across the entire sample, almost half of the women were classified as HD. Over one-quarter of the women reported symptoms consistent with an alcohol abuse or dependence diagnosis, and approximately one-quarter of the sample reported symptoms consistent with a drug-related diagnosis. Over one-half of the total sample reported that their relationship partners were HD. Relative to the NHD group, the HD group scored higher on measures of drug problems, relationship aggression, general violence, and marital dissatisfaction. The results of the study suggest that substance use and abuse should routinely be assessed as part of batterer interventions and that batterer programs would be improved by offering adjunct or integrated alcohol treatment.  相似文献   



We tested whether the number and type of alcohol abuse symptoms were associated with an increased likelihood of treatment seeking among respondents with alcohol dependence.


Data from 4027 adult respondents from 2006 and 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) who met DSM-IV criteria for the past year alcohol dependence were used. Respondents were classified according to the number of past year alcohol abuse symptoms endorsed, as well as type of abuse symptom. Associations were estimated using weighted multivariate logistic regressions that controlled for severity of alcohol dependence, other drug use disorders and other characteristics.


Twenty-eight percent of individuals with alcohol dependence had one alcohol abuse symptom, 20% had two and 19% had three or four. Individuals with more alcohol abuse symptoms differed from those without alcohol abuse symptoms in a number of sociodemographic characteristics and severity of alcohol and drug dependence. Even after adjusting for these factors, individuals with three or four alcohol abuse symptoms had 2.67 times increased odds of treatment seeking, as compared to those without alcohol abuse symptoms [95% CI = 1.65–4.30]. However, individuals with one or two alcohol abuse symptoms were no more likely to seek treatment than those without alcohol abuse symptoms. Majority of those with one or two alcohol abuse symptoms endorsed the hazardous abuse symptom.


Alcohol abuse symptoms are important factors for treatment seeking in individuals with alcohol dependence, but only among certain subset of individuals with three or four alcohol abuse symptoms. Examining structural and psychosocial differences across these subgroups may help inform and reduce barriers to treatment seeking among this population.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pervasive social concern that may be exacerbated by high rates of alcohol dependence among perpetrators. Society has attempted to combat IPV through various legal interventions, but the effects of specific legal factors on behavioral change and treatment compliance remain largely unexamined. The primary focus of the current study was to comprehensively evaluate the impact of various legal factors (i.e., judicial mandate, judicial monitoring, stage of change, and stake in conformity) on mandatory treatment compliance and behavioral change over a 12 week post-adjudication period among a high-risk sample of alcohol dependent IPV offenders (N = 60). Growth curve analyses revealed effects of judicial monitoring and stage of change such that participants reporting low perceived judicial monitoring and early stages of change reported higher initial levels and a more rapid reduction in IPV than those reporting high perceived judicial monitoring and late stages of change, who reported consistently low IPV. Although we found that legal factors were poor predictors of treatment compliance and alcohol use during treatment, the association between alcohol and IPV was moderated by the legal factors. Stake in conformity was negatively associated with IPV among low alcohol users and positively associated among high alcohol users whereas stage of change was negatively associated with IPV among high alcohol users. The current results suggest that pretreatment legal factors may represent an important consideration in reducing IPV among alcohol dependent offenders. Further research is required to determine the efficacy of legal factors in isolation of treatment as well as methods of manipulating these factors to optimally compliment a prescribed course of treatment.  相似文献   

The relationships of depression with alcohol and drug use and impairment were examined. Additional analyses were conducted to examine moderators of these associations. Empirical reports on adults with alcohol abuse or dependence published in English in peer-reviewed journals since 1986 that contained data on depression and substance use variable(s) were obtained using a systematic search. The search yielded 74 studies including 58 reports from clinical venues, 10 that were community based, and 6 with subjects from both settings. As hypothesized, the analyses showed that depression is associated with concurrent alcohol use and impairment and drug use and impairment. Effect sizes were small. Depression was also related to future alcohol use and impairment, an earlier age of onset of an alcohol use disorder, and higher treatment participation. Age moderated the association between depression and alcohol use and impairment such that the association was stronger in older samples.  相似文献   

Hintz T  Mann K 《Addictive behaviors》2007,32(12):3093-3100
Co-dependence of alcohol and nicotine is quite frequent. Research results on the mutual influence one drug has on the other - i.e., on the further course of the dependence - has been inconclusive. Our primary aim is to investigate the natural course of smoking behavior in a long term follow-up study with alcohol-dependent patients who completed an inpatient treatment program. A sample of 139 out of originally 190 patients was successfully followed up 7 years after index alcohol treatment. After 7 years, 56% of patients (total surviving sample: 46%, 21 [11.1%] patients deceased during the follow-up time interval) were abstinent. Our results show that being a non-smoker at treatment entry is a predictor for alcohol abstinence 7 years later. The rate of non-smokers among the abstinent patients increased by 32%. Potential explanations for our findings lie in carry-over effects. Skills and insights gained in treatment of alcohol dependence could be instrumental in coping with smoking behavior as well. Non-smokers may have more functional coping abilities from the beginning. We conclude that it is warranted and recommendable to explore the willingness of alcohol-dependent patients to quit smoking and to offer them treatment options addressing this point.  相似文献   

Alcohol advertisements are a potentially potent site for the representations of masculinity and gender relations given alcohol's role as a rite of passage for young men in Western cultures. Concerns about violence against women draw attention to the representations of masculinity that alcohol advertisements privilege and that may have important implications for gender relationships. Traditional masculinities have been associated with domestic violence particularly those that privilege men's dominance, entitlement and control of women. Egalitarian heterosexual relationships or intimacy, which involve compassion, equality and consensual decision-making, protect against domestic violence. In this article, we investigate the literature on alcohol advertising to determine the constructions of masculinity that are portrayed in advertisements particularly those targeting young men. We identify those constructions of masculinity and gender relations that are problematic for healthy, egalitarian, intimate heterosexual relationships and that are therefore problematic for the prevention of domestic violence.  相似文献   

This experiment examined relationships among adulthood victimization, sexual assertiveness, alcohol intoxication, and sexual risk-taking in female social drinkers (N=161). Women completed measures of sexual assault and intimate partner violence history and sexual assertiveness before random assignment to 1 of 4 beverage conditions: control, placebo, low dose (.04%), or high dose (.08%). After drinking, women read a second-person story involving a sexual encounter with a new partner. As protagonist of the story, each woman rated her likelihood of condom insistence and unprotected sex. Victimization history and self-reported sexual assertiveness were negatively related. The less sexually assertive a woman was, the less she intended to insist on condom use, regardless of intoxication. By reducing the perceived health consequences of unprotected sex, intoxication indirectly decreased condom insistence and increased unprotected sex. Findings extend previous work by elucidating possible mechanisms of the relationship between alcohol and unprotected sex - perceived health consequences and situational condom insistence - and support the value of sexual assertiveness training to enhance condom insistence, especially since the latter relationship was robust to intoxication.  相似文献   

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