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小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术矫正(足母)外翻畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术矫正蹄外翻畸形的疗效.方法:2003年以来采用小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术治疗(足母)外翻畸形300例共542只足,不做内固定.对所有患者采用美国骨科足踝外科学会(AOFAS)(足母)趾-跖趾-趾间评分标准进行临床评估,并结合影像学诊断综合评价手术疗效.结果:AOFAS总平均分为89.4±10.2分.影像学评估,术后(足母)外翻角(HVA)为12.8°±5.8°(4°~22°),较术前34.6°±9.6°(18°~68°)改善22°±8.4°;第一二跖骨间角(IMA)为7.6°±1.8(6°~11°),较术前14.3°±3.2°(11°~21°)改善6.7°±2.4°,P<0.05表示有显著性差异.542只患足,498只对术后疗效满意,满意率91.5%.结论:小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术矫正(足母)外翻,临床效果可靠,不需内固定,手术切口美观,值得推广.  相似文献   

(足母)外翻是前足常见病变之一,严重者影响美观和生活质量,女性患病率较高。(足母)外翻的治疗极具挑战性,手术方式多样。传统开放手术操作复杂、创伤大、并发症多,近年来小切口手术逐渐得到推广。与传统的开放手术相比,小切口手术的优势包括手术时间短、术后恢复快、住院时间短、对软组织损伤小,特别是近年小切口手术在截骨方式上有新的改进。该文就外翻小切口手术治疗的发展史、截骨方式、并发症和临床疗效进行综述。  相似文献   

小切口斜行截断及楔形截骨术矫治(足母)外翻畸形   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨第一跖骨头囊内楔形截骨术矫正跨外翻畸形的可行性。方法2000年9月-2005年12月,我们对蹲外翻足畸形行局部小切口,切除第一跖骨头内侧骨赘,在跖趾关节囊内完成跖骨头楔形截骨、跖骨头横向外侧移位和内侧关节囊收紧,矫正跨外翻畸形。结果每足手术时间25~30min,术中出血量5~10ml。249例随访6—24个月,平均15个月,跨外翻畸形完全矫正,优215足(86.3%),良29足(11.7%),差5足(2.0%),优良率98.0%,无并发症。结论小切口斜行截断及楔形截骨术矫治跨外翻畸形可行,创伤小,术后的外形和功能得到全面改善。  相似文献   

[目的]研究改良小切口手术治疗足躅外翻的新疗法.[方法]采用小切口手术治疗,行骨赘切取、跖骨颈斜形截骨、关节囊张力带矫正畸形、可吸收螺丝钉内固定、石膏托制动方法,术后6周去除外固定,可下床适当活动.随访26例,时间13~30个月,平均21个月. [结果]优26例(50足),占89.7%;良2例(4足),占6.94%;差1例(1足),占3 4%.优良率达96.6%.[结论]微创截骨张力带矫形治疗足(足母)外翻,手术简捷,术后恢复快,合并症少,畸形复发率低,是值得推广应用的新方法.  相似文献   

小切口截骨术矫正拇外翻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨小切口截骨术矫正拇外翻的治疗效果。方法对42例拇外翻患者共72只足实行小切口截骨术矫正治疗,手术后、术后1年X线检查并结合临床分析评价手术治疗效果。结果根据临床实际和X线检查结果并参考有关文献评定标准分析。小切口截骨术矫正拇外翻术后跟踪观察1^-年疗效:优60足(83.3%),良10足(13.9%),差2足(2.8%)。结论小切口截骨术矫正拇外翻。临床效果可信、稳定。  相似文献   

小切口微创治疗(足母)外翻   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨小切口微创治疗(足母)外翻的有效方法. 方法 2002年8月~2004年6月,采用小切口微创手术和术后弹性外固定治疗(足母)外翻136例263足.其中男7例,女129例.年龄19~84岁.按Coughlin分型,轻度24例,中度63例,重度49例.263足均伴不同程度疼痛、足内弓塌陷和扁平足.经随访观察,对症状、体征及X线片测量结果进行疗效评定. 结果术后伤口均Ⅰ期愈合.本组获随访8~26个月,平均19个月.(足母)外翻畸形完全矫正, 足疼痛完全消失, 无骨不愈合及骨坏死征象,足内弓塌陷平均改善5°,跖趾关节功能及皮肤感觉基本正常;X线片示(足母)外翻角<12°、第1、2跖骨间角<9°及胫侧籽骨半脱位矫正<50% 105足,基本矫正158足.足疗效评定:优84例,良48例,中3例,差1例,优良率为97%. 结论小切口微创治疗(足母)外翻是一种损伤小、痛苦少、矫正彻底及不易复发的较理想治疗方法.  相似文献   

Austin截骨术属于跖骨头颈部V型截骨,被认为是治疗轻、中度(足母)外翻的较好的手术方法,在国外得到广泛运用,国内尚无报道。本文介绍了Austin截骨术的手术适应症、手术方法、术后处理、术后并发症及其进展。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨选择性跖骨远端截骨治疗(足母)外翻的手术适应证、手术方法及疗效.[方法]对2007年3月~2011年1月本院60例(101足)中度及重度(足母)外翻进行回顾性分析.双足41例,单足19例.其中女性57例,男性3例;年龄23~81岁,平均62.6岁.[结果]本组60例(101足)均获随访,随访时间6~48个月,平均22个月.参照美国足踝外科协会Maryland(足母)跖趾关节百分评分系统,90~ 100分40例(66足);80~89分16例(30足);70~79分4例(5足);优良率95%.术前HVA 30°~44°,平均36°;术后10.5°~21°,平均15.3°.IMA 13°~18°,平均16°;术后6°~10°,平均8.5°.第1跖趾关节活动度术前0°~30°,平均16°;术后为25°~50°,平均35°.第1跖骨长度较术前减少3 ~6 mm,平均4.2mm.[结论]本术式为软组织合并骨性手术,手术方法简单,创伤较小,跖骨头成形充分,术后不需要辅助内固定等优点,是一种值得推广的术式.  相似文献   

[目的]介绍(足母)展肌腱转位联合Scarf截骨治疗中重度(足母)外翻的手术技术。[方法] 2017年1月~2017年09月,采用Scarf截骨联合(足母)展肌腱转位治疗中、重度(足母)外翻患者32例(45足)。倒"L"形切开关节囊,显露第一跖骨内侧骨赘、矢状沟和踇展肌。自(足母)展肌腱止点处切取约1/3~1/2宽度(足母)展肌腱,切除骨赘,充分松解外侧关节囊及(足母)收肌。第一跖骨行Scarf截骨,向外侧推移第一跖骨远端,纠正增大的IMA,修整多余骨皮质,将自体骨回植于截骨间隙,防止第一跖骨头上抬,两枚螺钉固定。维持(足母)趾于正确的生理位置,缩紧缝合关节囊,将(足母)展肌断端缝合于关节囊背侧。[结果]本组患者32例共45足,第一跖骨截骨均在8周内愈合,未出现内固定松动、骨折延迟愈合及第一跖骨头坏死等并发症。末次随访时所有患者Maryland评分和影像测量的IMA、HVA、PASA均较术前显著改善,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),尽管两时间点间第一跖趾关节活动度无显著变化(P0.05)。[结论]应用(足母)展肌腱转位联合Scarf截骨可有效矫正中重度(足母)外翻畸形,且未见手术相关并发症发生。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨跖骨颈斜行截骨内翻嵌插固定治疗疼痛性母外翻畸形的疗效。[方法]回顾该术式治疗36例(52足)疼痛性母外翻患者的临床资料,随访时限为2 a。手术前后均摄双足正侧位X线片,测量母外翻角及第1、2跖骨间夹角以判定畸形程度。并采用足部疾患治疗效果JOA评分并进行患足功能评分以评价其临床疗效。对该术式的适应证和并发症亦作了一定的探讨。[结果]术后骨愈合满意,无延迟愈合及不愈合情况,皮肤感染2例3足。术后2 a与术前相比,患者的母外翻角及第1、2跖骨间夹角平均矫正15.6°和4.2°,JOA评分提升29.6分。[结论]跖骨颈斜行截骨内翻嵌插固定可三维立体矫正母外翻畸形,是治疗疼痛性母外翻畸形的良好选择。  相似文献   

Sometimes a hallux varus occurs as a consequence of the treatment for a hallux valgus, determined by an alteration of the balance between the muscolo-ligamentous structure which crosses the first metatarso-phalangeal joint. This complication is poorly tolerated by patients. Various operations have been proposed to correct the varus, which includes the bone and the soft tissue. A clinical case has been presented which uses a split extensor hallucis longus transfer, distally sectioned and made to pass under the deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament, used as a pulley, and through a tunnel made in the bone at the proximal-lateral base of the proximal phalanx, and then tensioned and sutured to its medial side.  相似文献   

Hallux varus is an uncommon condition and majority of the cases are iatrogenic. It can occur as a result of any type of hallux valgus correction surgery and in our cases scarf osteotomy is not an exception. Treatment of this complication can be challenging and it is important to understand the factors that cause this deformity before embarking on surgical correction. Four cases of hallux varus following Scarf osteotomy (1% of our total Scarf osteotomy cases) and discuss the salient features of these patients. The authors ascertained the factors that caused iatrogenic hallux varus and formulated a classification of the nature of the deformity. The management of iatrogenic hallux varus based on our experience and proposed classification system has also been outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Akin截骨联合第1跖骨截骨治疗拇外翻的疗效.方法 采用Akin截骨联合第1跖骨截骨治疗27例拇外翻患者(27足):Akin截骨联合Chevron截骨19例,Akin截骨联合Scarf截骨6例,Akin截骨联合Juvara截骨2例.比较术前及末次随访时的第1、2跖骨间夹角(IMA)与拇外翻角(HVA)的变化....  相似文献   

Surgical Principles In order to maintain or increase the abductor lever arm during a varus producing intertrochanteric osteotomy, distal displacement of the greater trochanter is often needed. Without displacing the trochanter, a significant weakness of the abductors would occur [4, 5]. With greater trochanter osteotomy, access to the hip joint is improved, permitting better visualization of the upper part of the femoral head and the roof of the acetabulum (ie, for a simultaneous shelf procedure). When a flexion component is added to the osteotomy, the trochanteric osteotomy increases the range of correction in the sagittal plane and reduces mechanical pressure on the anterosuperior surface of the femoral head [3]. The aim of an isolated greater trochanteric osteotomy is to advance distally and to lateralize the abductors. To achieve fixation, the preserved soft tissue layer, screws, or a tension wire cerclage are used [4–6, 10]. The indication of a trochanteric osteotomy combined with an intertrochanteric osteotomy has increased [1, 4, 10, 11]. The technique described in detail below is part of a varus osteotomy performed as previously described by M. E. Müller [7, 8, 10] and relies on the use of AO osteotomy plates [9]. Revised Version from: Operat. Orthop. Traumatol. 1 (1989), 211–218 (German Edition).  相似文献   

背景:拇外翻为足踝外科常见病、多发病,目前以各种手术治疗为主,术后效果及复发率有较大差异。目的:探讨Scarf截骨联合其他手术方式治疗中、重度拇外翻的短期疗效。方法:2008年7月至2010年6月,采用Scarf截骨治疗中、重度坶外翻患者33例(41足),男4例(4足),女29例(37足);年龄24-69岁,平均51.7岁。在Scarf截骨的基础上部分患者联合第一跖趾关节骨赘切除、软组织松解及拇趾近节趾骨Akin截骨等手术方式。采用美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopedic FootandAnkle Society,AOFAS)Maryland拇跖趾关节评分系统进行疗效评估。随访时摄足负重位X线片并测量拇外翻角(halluxvalgusangle,HVA)和第一、二跖骨间角(intermetatarsalangle.IMA)。结果:所有患者均获随访,时间12-36个月,平均20.4个月。HVA由术前32.78。矫正至10.18°,IMA由术前11.57。矫正至6.26。。Maryland拇跖趾关节评分:90-100分28足(68.3%),80-89分11足(26.8%),70-79分2足(4.9%),优良率为95.1%(39/41)。结论:Scarf截骨术具有较好的自身稳定性,纠正畸形能力强,愈合快,坚固的内固定可使患者早期下地活动,并发症相对较少,联合其他手术方式是治疗中、重度拇外翻的理想方法。  相似文献   

An oblique proximal phalangeal osteotomy is introduced as an alternative to the Akin procedure for the treatment of hallux valgus. It consists of a single oblique osteotomy directed from proximal-dorsal to plantar-distal. A retrospective review of 32 patients who underwent 36 oblique proximal osteotomies is presented. The mean follow-up was 11 months (range, 3 to 21 months). Pre- and postoperative radiographic measurements of the distal articular set angles showed an average correction angle of 12 degrees (range, 7 degrees to 22 degrees; SD = 2.99). Mean range of first metatarsophalangeal joint motion was 82% of the preoperative value when combined with distal metatarsal osteotomy, and 87% of the preoperative value without a distal metatarsal osteotomy. Time to clinical and radiographic healing averaged 5 weeks (range, 4 to 8 weeks). The average amount of phalangeal shortening was 1 mm (range, 0 to 2 mm). There were no delayed or nonunions. Subjective assessment conducted by retrospective review of 19 patients at 6 months postoperatively showed that 17 were completely satisfied (90%), 1 was satisfied (5%), and 1 fairly satisfied (5%). Nineteen would have the surgery again (1 with reservations). Eighteen were very satisfied with appearance and 1 was improved. Fourteen returned to shoe gear at weeks 6 to 8, and 5 returned at weeks 8 to 12. Eighteen were satisfied with pain relief and 1 was improved. The study indicates that the oblique proximal phalangeal osteotomy is an effective, reliable, and technically simple procedure for correction of deformities of the proximal phalanx. The advantages include minimal shortening, ease of adjustability, and a construct conducive to rigid fixation.  相似文献   

<正>2010年1月~2013年8月,我科收治36例中、重度拇外翻患者,均采用Ludloff截骨配合软组织手术,疗效满意,报道如下。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组36例,男2例,女34例,年龄40~65岁。术前X线检查:拇外翻角25.8°~38.6°,第1、2跖骨间夹角15°~21.5°。跖趾关节无退行性改变。内侧跖楔关节无明显的不稳定。1.2治疗方法采用踝神经阻滞麻醉。于第1、2跖骨头趾蹼背面近侧2~3 cm  相似文献   



Lateral closed wedge (LCW) osteotomy is a commonly accepted method for the correction of the cubitus varus deformity. The fixation of osteotomy is required to prevent loss of correction achieved. The fixation of the osteotomy by the two screw and figure of eight wire is not stable enough to maintain the correction achieved during surgery. In this prospective study we supplemented the fixation by Kirschner''s (K-) wires for stable fixation and evaluated the results.

Materials and Methods:

Twenty-one cases of the cubitus varus deformity following supracondylar fractures of the humerus were operated by LCW osteotomy during February 2001 to June 2006. The mean age of the patients at the time of corrective surgery was 8.5 years (range 6.6-14 years). The osteotomy was fixed by two screws with figure of eight tension band wire between them and the fixation was supplemented by passing two to three K-wires from the lateral condyle engaging the proximal medial cortex through the osteotomy site.


The mean follow-up period was 2.5 years (range seven months to 3.4 years). The results were assessed as per Morrey criteria. Eighteen cases showed excellent results and three cases showed good results. Two cases had superficial pin tract infection.


The additional fixation by K wires controls rotational forces effectively besides angulation and translation forces and maintains the correction achieved peroperatively.  相似文献   

胫骨内侧高位楔形截骨治疗膝内翻畸形的临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨胫骨内侧高位楔形截骨治疗膝内翻畸形的疗效.[方法]1998年7月~2007年10月,采用胫骨内侧张开式高位楔形截骨结合植骨钢板内固定术治疗膝内翻畸形共49例72个膝关节.患者术前、术后8周、术后1.5年行患肢全长X线片检查,测量胫股角、胫股内侧关节间距大小.按HSS膝关节功能评定标准评定术前、术后膝关节功能.[结果]72膝术后随访18~128个月,平均58个月;胫股角术前187.5°±5.3°,术后172.6°±3.6°,膝关节功能由(47.2±17.6)分增至(83.2±15.3)分,胫股内侧关节间距由(2.4±1.2)mm增至(4.3±1.2)mm.植骨均愈合满意,无膝内翻复发.术后疼痛缓解及行走功能改善显著.术中出现关节内骨折3例,无神经血管损伤.术后皮肤感染切口延迟愈合2例.[结论]胫骨内侧高位楔形截骨结合植骨钢板内固定术,可作为治疗膝内翻畸形的有效方法之一.  相似文献   

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