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Z Liu  F Sun  J Li  X Shi  L Hu  Y Wang  Z Qian 《中医杂志(英文版)》1992,12(1):21-29
In order to understand the prophylactic-therapeutic effects of acupuncture and moxibustion in simple obesity complicated by cardiovascular diseases, we have observed in 102 cases the changes of pathogenetic and hazardous factors and the regulating function of vegetative nerves on cardiovascular activities. The results showed that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion was good with a total effective rate of 88.24%. At the same time, acupuncture and moxibustion were found to have a benign conversion effect on the loin hip ratio (the pathogenetic factor), the arteriosclerotic index (the hazardous factor), and the vegetative nerve function of regulating the heart and blood vessels (the equilibrium indices of the vegetative nervous system). All this suggests that acupuncture is a treatment of choice for obesity and an important method of preventing and treating complicating cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells or stroma cells (MSCs) were recently proven to play various therapeutic roles when used in clinical trials to control various inflammatory, neoplastic and immunologic diseases in children. Clinical trials show some promising results, particularly in diseases where conventional therapy is still ineffective. However, experimental studies sometimes show conflicting results. This review aims to assess the current therapeutic role of MSCs in the control of several pediatric diseases and elaborate on their future applications by reviewing published studies. A review of published studies on this subject based on Pubmed and Medical Subject Heading databases, with search for all relevant articles focusing on results of clinical trials to evaluate the clinical applications of MSCs. The review includes documentation of positive as well as negative applications of MSCs focused on pediatric diseases. MSCs have important immunosuppressive and antifibrotic effects that need to be employed to help patients with diseases for which no conventional management has proven to be effective. They may be also be used as an adjuvant to conventional therapeutic modalities to consolidate recovery. This review sheds light on the significance of the use of MSCs for the treatment of various pediatric diseases and focuses on promising applications. Most of the reported studies agree about the favorable use of MSCs in various diseases; however, more clinical trials, involving larger numbers of patients, need to be conducted in order to refine the outcome of the therapeutic methods and establish standardized protocols.  相似文献   

赵燕  杨秋萍 《医学综述》2007,13(22):1699-1700
细胞凋亡是一种调节机体结构与功能稳定的重要机制,研究发现许多神经系统疾病、心血管疾病均与细胞凋亡有关。灯盏花素能调节Bax/Bcl-2、能抑制细胞凋亡,临床研究也发现它对上述疾病有一定疗效。  相似文献   

目的:探讨针灸治疗自闭症谱系障碍、抑郁症和老年痴呆症三大脑病的临床研究进展。方法:以回顾性临床文献研究的方式,检索中文期刊数据库(中国知网、维普、万方)及PubMed数据库近年公开发表的针灸治疗三大脑病的临床研究文献,结合疾病的病因病机和治则进行分析和整理。结果:研究者对针灸治疗三大脑病进行了广泛研究,临床研究报道很多,为这一治疗的实用性和科学性奠定了一定基础。结论:针灸治疗脑病的临床疗效确切,希望相应的针灸临床实践指南尽快出台,使以后的临床研究更趋规范化。  相似文献   

[目的]通过搜集及整理相关文献,分析时间因素对针灸疗效影响的研究现状,提出存在的问题及个人展望。[方法]以针灸治疗、疗效、时间等关键词检索中国知网、万方、中国生物医学文献数据库等,选取有关针灸疗效的34篇实验研究和临床研究文献,从介入时机、针刺时辰、留针时间、治疗间隔时间、疗程等方面分析时间因素对针灸疗效的影响。[结果]研究发现时间因素对针灸疗效确有影响,但具体最佳时间参数与不同疾病密切相关,如针灸治疗中风和面瘫急性期介入效果更好,痛经患者经前期针灸治疗效果更佳。择时针灸较随到随针效果佳;多数疾病留针时间为30min,而中枢性疾病留针60min甚至更长效果更佳;在有效刺激的前提下,长疗程的针灸治疗较短疗程佳;关于针灸间隔时间尚存在较大争议。[结论]时间因素对针灸疗效至关重要,但具体时间参数尚无统一标准,且相关机制研究甚少,因此探讨针灸治疗中时间因素的规律和时间因素对疗效的影响机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Heat-acupuncture therapy refers to a therapeutic method with which a GZH heat-acupuncture apparatus is used to warm the needle inserted in the human body, and to keep the needle in a constant temperature. It has been proved by clinical researches over 20 …  相似文献   

[目的] 探讨国外SCI源期刊对针灸治疗腰背痛的研究方向,并与国内针灸核心期刊进行对比.通过对比,对"针灸只是安慰剂"之说进行深入探讨与思考.[方法] 通过搜集近10年国外SCI源期刊和国内核心期刊所收录的针灸治疗腰背痛的临床研究文献进行统计和分析,探讨国内外研究者对针灸治疗腰背痛的研究方向之差异,从而进一步对"针灸只是安慰剂"之说进行剖析.[结果] 国外研究对针灸治疗腰背痛的研究目标设立较为广泛,国内研究则是集中于探索针灸治疗腰背痛的疗效观察与评估.但国外研究中涉及了国内研究中所不见的假针灸对照试验研究.可是,基于假针灸对照组的设立存有争议并且未达到共识,"针灸只是安慰剂"之说仍有争议.[结论] 国内和国外研究者对针灸治疗腰背痛存在着研究方向上的分歧."针灸只是安慰剂"之说仍存有争议.  相似文献   

近部选穴是针灸治疗疾病时最基本的取穴方法.该文阐述了近部穴位治疗作用机制的现代研究,总结了近部取穴的运用特点.近部选穴在应对痹症、五官科疾病、局限性皮疹或是其他发病具有局灶性特征的疾病时,方法简易直观.但是临床上还存在着大量疾病,其症状表现不具有上述局灶性的特点,而相关疾病的近部穴位依然被高频地应用于针灸治疗.总结这类...  相似文献   

Two randomized controlled trials of acupuncture concerning polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) were published simultaneously in the 24th issue, 2017 of The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). A trial involving PCOS indicated that active acupuncture did not increase live birth compared with sham acupuncture; meanwhile, another trial referring to SUI showed that electroacupuncture resulted in less urine leakage compared with sham electroacupuncture. With an eye to the negative and positive results of acupuncture, three pivotal factors should be contemplated: (1) proper illness for acupuncture, that is, a problem need to be solved in current medical science, and acupuncture may really work for it; (2) proper pre-studied primary outcome, which is better be objective and repeatedly measurable to reveal the therapeutic effect of acupuncture truly and objectively; (3) proper sham control, which can blind the patients to the upmost extent with minimal biological effects. Through the publication of clinical trials of acupuncture in high-impact journals in recent years, researchers should have confidence in their clinical trials by pondering over these three pivotal factors.  相似文献   

目的:概述针灸血清对机体各系统效应研究进展。方法:通过文献调研和检索概述2000年以来针灸血清对免疫系统、循环系统、呼吸系统等的研究进展。结果:针刺血清和艾灸血清与针灸疗法具有类似效应,具有调节免疫功能,抑制肿瘤,降低神经细胞和心肌细胞内钙离子浓度,抗哮喘等作用。结论:针灸血清中含有某些活性物质,从而发挥治疗和预防疾病的作用。  相似文献   

针灸-免疫学研究是采用针灸学同现代免疫学理论、多学科方法和技术,研究针灸于腧穴后对机体免疫系统的影响及其作用机制,是针灸学同现代医学交叉的新兴领域.大量的临床研究及实验研究已经证实,针灸可以调节机体的免疫能力,包括机体的特异和非特异的免疫功能,这种调节作用与针灸治疗时间的长短,针刺的次数,疗程的长短,艾灸的壮数等因素密切相关,而且这种时效-量效关系存在于多种疾病中.该研究综述了近年来针灸效应与时效、量效的关系及针灸量效与时效在调节机体免疫调节过程中的作用,使得针灸对机体免疫调节的作用研究更加规范化,更好地为临床提供理论基础.  相似文献   

目的介绍近年来针刺治疗缺血性脑血管疾病的临床及实验研究,探求其作用机制。方法本文从近年来的临床、实验研究等方面进行综述,发现针刺治疗缺血性脑血管疾病的机制非常复杂,因为多种因素与之相关。脑组织形态、脑微循环、兴奋性氨基酸和细胞凋亡等方面在针刺后发生相应的改变。结论针刺治疗缺血性脑血管疾病具有良好的效果,值得临床推广应用。其作用机制是多种因素共同作用的结果,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

带状疱疹神经痛中西医辨证分型针刺治疗临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察辨证取穴与阿是穴取穴针刺治疗带状疱疹神经痛疗效间差异及不同病程针刺疗效间差异.方法 对不同病程的带状疱疹神经痛患者进行中西医辨证,分为肝火炽盛型、脾经湿盛型、肝郁气滞型、带状疱疹后神经痛四型,治疗组以辩证取穴位针刺结合泛昔洛韦治疗;对照组以阿是穴取穴针刺结合泛昔洛韦治疗.采用疼痛五级评分法,对带状疱疹神经痛患者治疗前后的疼痛积分进行评估.在第3d、第7d、1个月时段评估疗效.结果 治疗组、对照组对针刺的疗效均显著,但两组比较无明显差异(P>0.05);不同病程患者接受针刺治疗的疗效比较差异有显著性(P<0.05).结论 治疗组辩证取远处穴位针刺对带状疱疹神经痛的止痛效果与对照组单纯阿是穴取穴针刺差异不大.而与病程针刺治疗早晚有显著差异,提示病程早期在皮损相应脊神经根旁阿是穴排列状取穴施治甚为重要.  相似文献   

针灸治疗脑卒中痉挛性偏瘫的临床研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尔兆娟 《医学综述》2009,15(18):2832-2834
近年来,脑卒中后痉挛性偏瘫的治疗受到重视,针灸作为一种有效的方法报道较多,本文总结了近年来关于针灸治疗脑卒中后痉挛性偏瘫的现状和进展,从取穴、针法、针灸结合其他方法等方面进行综述,认为针灸能够缓解脑卒中后痉挛性瘫痪状态,而且疗效好、无不良反应,并提出优化选穴、规范临床试验设计、统一疗效标准、进行机制研究等建议。  相似文献   

[背景]观察美式脊椎矫正与平衡针灸结合治疗神经根型颈椎病的疗效.[病例报告]将68例患者随机分为治疗组(35例)和对照组(33例),治疗组采用美式脊椎矫正与平衡针灸结合治疗,对照组采用颈椎牵引和物理因子结合治疗.治疗组总有效率为97.1(,对照组为85.3%,两组疗效间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).[讨论]美式脊椎矫正与平衡针灸结合治疗神经根型颈椎病有较好的疗效.  相似文献   

Ten acupuncture-related articles were published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) between 1998 and 2017. Five studies showed positive results in terms of the effectiveness of acupuncture/Chinese medicine (CM); five studies showed negative results. This article summarizes the acupuncturerelated clinical trials published over the last 20 years in JAMA, and addresses what seems to be a fundamental ambivalence in Western medical journals regarding the scientific validity of acupuncture/CM. As yet there has been no consensus on the role of acupuncture in healthcare in Western countries. This is hardly surprising, considering the conflicting evidence found in published studies. Skepticism regarding acupuncture/CM is largely grounded in the fact that an accurate model for assessing the true clinical effects of acupuncture has yet to be created. This article discusses some of the pitfalls which result from applying Western-based scientific principles to CM, and suggests that in many cases, "negative" studies have been misinterpreted. The clinical experience of acupuncture practitioners is often in direct conflict with many of the negative conclusions published in journals. We are in need of an accurate model for sham and placebo treatments, and must analyze all published studies for design flaws and faulty conclusions.  相似文献   

Cerebralvascular disease has already become one of the serious illnesses that threatens human health. Along with the development of medicine, although the therapeutic method harvested huge progress, currently ideal therapeutic methods are lacking. The conventional acupuncture has definite therapeutic effect on cerebropathy. Clinical practice and various animal experiments confirmed that acupuncture could alleviate the pathologic damage after cerebral ischemic injury and promote the nerve function recovery. Past studies showed that the role of acupuncture in treating cerebral ischemia is realized through alleviating post-ischemic neuron necrosis, while recent study discovered that acupuncture has inhibitory effect on post-ischemia induced neuronal necrosis(1), which brought the mechanism of acupuncture in treating cerebral ischemia from the biochemical and metabolical level to the molecular biologic level. The studies revealed that after cerebral ischemia, many genes were induced to express themselves, protein product they coded directly or indirectly participated in the regulation of post-cerebral ischemia apoptosis of neuron, some promoting the apoptosis, while others inhibiting apoptosis with some of the function still unclear. The anti-apoptotic effect of acupuncture is accomplished through regulating the relevant apoptotic gene expression(2), and now it is reviewed as follows:  相似文献   

目的评价脑血管病在药物治疗的基础上加针刺治疗的临床疗效。方法针刺人中、两侧内关、三阴穴、下极泉等穴位用醒脑开窍手法加常规药物治疗,并设立单纯药物对照组。结果针刺组治愈率32.67%,显效率35.33%,好转率31.67%,总有效率99.67%。针刺组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05);年龄轻,病程短者疗效好;脑出血较脑梗死疗效显著。结论针刺可提高脑血管病的疗效。  相似文献   

目的:分析针灸治疗带状疱疹疗法特点及作用。方法:运用文献计量学方法,以中国期刊全文数据库为资料来源,对针灸治疗带状疱疹进行定量分析。结果:检出有效文献157篇,涉及的期刊杂志达76种,完整的针灸治疗Hz临床报道145篇;以临床研究类文献为主;综合疗法为常用治法。结论:针灸疗法治疗带状疱疹有其特色,疗效显著。  相似文献   

目的:系统评价针刺治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)的临床疗效。方法:搜索2000年以来国内外有关针刺治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的随机对照试验(RCT),筛选出符合条件的文献并采用RevMan5.0软件进行Meta分析。结果:有16篇文献共计1141例患者符合纳入标准,Meta分析显示,针刺治疗DPN的有效率明显好于药物组(P〈0.00001);针刺对DPN胫神经、腓总神经感觉传导速度的改善明显优于药物组(P值分别〈0.00001),对正中神经、腓总神经运动传导速度的改善显著优于药物组(P=0.03、P=0.02),对血浆No水平的提升明显优于药物组(P=0.005):结论:与常规西药相比针剌治疗DPN疗效突出,能明显缓解DNP症状,改善周围神经传导速度,提高血浆内No含量。但囿于纳入文献的质量有限.有待大样本、多中心的随机对照试验提供更具说服力的证据。  相似文献   

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