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The four endogamous groups of fishermen living around the city of Puri, located on the eastern coast of India, were studied for blood groups, red cell enzymes and serum proteins (11 loci). Only 1.3% of the total diversity among the groups studied is due to differences between them (GST = 0.013). The genetic distances between populations were estimated using Edwards and Cavalli-Sforza's method. The pattern of genetic distance reflects the geographical distribution of these groups. In general, these observations support the patterns of variation based on anthropometric and dermatoglyphic variables.  相似文献   

India is like a microcosm of the world in terms of its diversity; religion, climate and ethnicity which leads to genetic variations in the populations. As a highly polymorphic marker, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system plays an important role in the genetic differentiation studies. To assess the genetic diversity of HLA class II loci, we studied a total of 1336 individuals from north India using DNA-based techniques. The study included four endogamous castes (Kayastha, Mathurs, Rastogies and Vaishyas), two inbreeding Muslim populations (Shias and Sunnis) from north India and three northeast Indian populations (Lachung, Mech and Rajbanshi). A total of 36 alleles were observed at DRB1 locus in both Hindu castes and Muslims from north, while 21 alleles were seen in northeast Indians. At the DQA1 locus, the number of alleles ranged from 11 to 17 in the studied populations. The total number of alleles at DQB1 was 19, 12 and 20 in the studied castes, Muslims and northeastern populations, respectively. The most frequent haplotypes observed in all the studied populations were DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQB1*0201 and DRB1*1501-DQA1*0103-DQB1*0601. Upon comparing our results with other world populations, we observed the presence of Caucasoid element in north Indian population. However, differential admixturing among Sunnis and Shias with the other north Indians was evident. Northeastern populations showed genetic affinity with Mongoloids from southeast Asia. When genetic distances were calculated, we found the north Indians and northeastern populations to be markedly unrelated.  相似文献   

We describe the genetic structure and affinities of five Dravidian‐speaking tribal populations inhabiting the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu, in south India, using 24 autosomal DNA markers. Our goals were: (i) to examine what evolutionary forces have most significantly impacted south Indian tribal genetic variation, and (ii) to test whether the phenotypic similarities of some south Indian tribal groups to Africans represent a signature of close relationship to Africans or are due to convergence. All loci were polymorphic and average heterozygosities were substantial (range: 0.347–0.423). Genetic differentiation was high (Gst= 6.7%) and genetic distances were not significantly correlated with geographic distances. Genetic drift therefore probably played a significant role in shaping the patterns of genetic variation observed in southern Indian tribal populations. Otherwise, analyses of population relationships showed that Indian populations are closely related to one another, regardless of phenotypic characteristics, and do not show particular affinities to Africans. We conclude that the phenotypic similarities of some Indian groups to Africans do not reflect a close relationship between these groups, but are better explained by convergence.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships for four sets of populations in eastern India have been studied by using gene frequency data available in the literature. The Caucasoid populations in Assam and West Bengal are genetically close but different from the Mongoloid populations in the neighbourhood. The genetic distance analysis shows that the Mongoloid populations in Assam and West Bengal cluster according to their states of residence, indicating a correlation between genetic and geographical distances.  相似文献   

The sub-Himalayan Terai and Duars, the important outermost zones comprising the plains of East India, are known as the reservoirs of ethnic diversity. Analysis of the paternal genetic diversity of the populations inhabiting these regions and their genetic relationships with adjacent Himalayan and other Asian populations has not been addressed empirically. In the present investigation, we undertook a Y-chromosome phylogeographic study on 10 populations (n=375) representing four different linguistic groups from the sub-Himalayan Terai and Duars regions of East India. The high-resolution analysis of Y-chromosome haplogroup variations based on 76 binary markers revealed that the sub-Himalayan paternal gene pool is extremely heterogeneous. Three major haplogroups, namely H, O and R, are shared across the four linguistic groups. The Indo-European-speaking castes exhibit more haplogroup diversity than the tribal groups. The findings of the present investigation suggest that the sub-Himalayan gene pools have received predominant Southeast Asian contribution. In addition, the presence of Northeast and South Asian signatures illustrate multiple events of population migrations as well as extensive genetic admixture amongst the linguistic groups.  相似文献   

Phenotype and gene frequencies in blood group, red cell enzyme, and serum protein polymorphisms in a sample of Shetland islanders are reported. Analyses of genetic distance and relationship indicate that Shetland affinities are closer to nearby populations bordering the North Sea rather than to those of the North Atlantic. The closest affinities seem to be with populations in north Britain with a similar history of Norse influence. There is evidence that the Shetlanders retain an element of an ultra-European population extreme in some gene frequencies and so, like the Orcadians, may be regarded as much diluted relict of an ancient population.  相似文献   

From observations of lack of haplotype sharing based on Y-chromosome specific short tandem repeat (STR) loci, previous reports suggested negligible gene flow among different geographic populations of India. Using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sites in combination with STRs, we observed evidence of haplotype sharing across caste-tribe boundaries in South India. We examined 27 SNPs in the non-recombining region of the Y chromosome to investigate gene flow in 204 individuals belonging to three caste groups (Vizag Brahmins, Peruru Brahmins, Kammas), three tribes (Bagata, Poroja, Valmiki) and an additional group (the Siddis) of African ancestry. Principal component and AMOVA analyses show that the between group component of variation is non-significant (P>0.05), while that among populations within the caste and tribal groups is significant (P<0.001). In particular, the Valmikis and Siddis are close to the caste groups. Of a total of 11 distinct SNP-haplotypes observed, the two tribal groups (Bagata and Poroja) lack the haplotypes H4, H4A, H5A and H16, which are seen in the caste groups. In contrast, all three tribal groups exhibit the Southeast Asian haplotype H11 that is absent in the caste populations. The presence of haplotypes H4, H5, H14, and H16 in the Siddis indicate that they have assimilated considerable non-African admixture. The evidence of haplotype sharing between castes and tribes is also found when the H14 lineage was further subdivided by five STR loci. We conclude that even though these SNP-based Y-haplotypes are able to distinguish the populations, gene flow in these South Indian populations is not as negligible as that inferred from other studies based on Y-specific short tandem repeat markers.  相似文献   

Four tribal populations (Chaudhuri, Vasava, Kotwalia and Gamit) of the Surat District in Gujarat (India) have been investigated for the distribution of 22 polymorphic systems of the blood. The main results of this study are as follows: (1) The allele frequencies show considerable heterogeneity among these populations. (2) From the genetic structure analysis it is seen that only a small fraction of the total gene diversity accounts for genetic differences among them, and the major portion of it is due to genetic variation within them. (3) Analysis of genetic distance according to Nei (1972) reveals that the Vasava and Kotwalia show a rather close genetic relationship, while the Chaudhuri and Gamit differ from both the Vasava and Kotwalia.  相似文献   

Four tribal populations (Chaudhuri, Vasava, Kotwalia and Gamit) of the Surat District in Gujarat (India) have been investigated for the distribution of 22 polymorphic systems of the blood. The main results of this study are as follows: The allele frequencies show considerable heterogeneity among these populations. From the genetic structure analysis it is seen that only a small fraction of the total gene diversity accounts for genetic differences among them, and the major portion of it is due to genetic variation within them. Analysis of genetic distance according to Nei (1972) reveals that the Vasava and Kotwalia show a rather close genetic relationship, while the Chaudhuri and Gamit differ from both the Vasava and Kotwalia.  相似文献   

Twenty two serogenetic systems were investigated in 115 Tibetans and 128 Himachalis from the state of Himachal Pradesh, north-west India. For eight of the loci (ABO, Rh, MNSs, P, Fy, 6PGD, EsD, and AK) the two populations showed conclusive heterogeneity and their frequency distribution showed that the serogenetic differences between two populations are due to their different racial affliations. The Tibetans were also analysed for their genetic relationship with certain selected populations from the Cis-Himalayan, far east and south Asian regions. The calculations of the Harpending's kinship matrix R and the genetic distances showed that the Tibetans are closer to the mongoloid populations of the Cis-Himalayan region and the differences in the present day population structure of the mongoloid groups of this region are more likely to be due to differential migration, admixture and racial affliation although there is a slight possibility of disruptive selection for certain loci such as 6PGD and AK which showed an exceptionally high value of Canning (6PGD *C) andAK *1 genes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) loci are robust, simple and rapid tools for genetic characterization of both individuals and populations. This paper presents data on the distribution of three VNTRs (APOB, YNZ22 and D1S80) in three tribal populations (Gadaba, Kuvi-Khond and Paroja) of the Koraput district of Orissa, India with a view to enlarge our understanding of molecular genetic diversity among these tribes and the usage of these VNTRs in anthropogenetic studies. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Three tribal populations were genotyped for APOB, YNZ22 and D1S80 loci using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Gadaba are an Austro-Asiatic tribe while Kuvi-Khond and Paroja are Dravidian tribes. All samples were collected, with consent, from unrelated individuals. RESULTS: The observed allelic variation in these tribes is comparable with many Indian populations, but they showed significant overall and inter-population variability within the region. Allele *24 was the most common allele at the D1S80 locus in all populations, with Gadabas having the highest frequency (50%) followed by Paroja (32%) and Kuvi-Khond (23%). Gadabas also showed a higher frequency of allele *19 (13%) and *31 (9%) compared to other Indian and European populations. In the Apo B system, allele *37 was the most common in all three populations, with Gadabas having the highest frequency (39%) followed by Paroja (24%) and Kuvi-Khond (21%). This allele is present in high frequencies in other Indian (except Gonds) and European populations. Alleles *33 (17%), *35 (20%) and *45 (12%) were also common in the Gadabas, but Kuvi-Khond showed higher frequencies of *31(10%), *35(13%) and the larger allele *49(16%). Paroja, on the other hand, had higher frequencies of *31 (14%), *33 (17%) and *45 (13%). Allele *49 was also present in Paroja (10%) but was absent in the Gadaba. For the YNZ22 system, allele *4 was the most common in Kuvi-Khond (25%) and Paroja (21.4%), and allele *2 was the predominant allele in the Gadaba (33%). However allele *4 still occurs at relatively high frequency in Gadaba (27%). Allele *2 also occurs at relatively high frequency in Kuvi-Khond (20%) and intermediate frequency in Paroja (11%). Average heterozygosity was relatively low for Gadaba (0.7597 +/- 0.0191) and high for Kuvi-Khond (0.8618 +/- 0.0149) and Paroja (0.8512 +/- 0.0190), perhaps a reflection of effective population size and limitations to mating. The level of gene differentiation is, however, low (3-4%) for the three systems studied in these tribal populations and in data compiled from previous studies from the region. CONCLUSIONS: The VNTRs are polymorphic in the tribal populations studied and there is extensive allelic variation. Gadabas are isolated but Kuvi-Khond and Paroja show clear affinities with the Gonds, a major tribal group of Central India. Overall, allele frequency distribution, heterozygosity and genetic diversity analysis show that genetic diversity observed is socially, linguistically and geographically structured in this region.  相似文献   

The problems of resistant lines of Plasmodium falciparum are escalating. Twelve seaweeds species belong to five different families (Sargassaceae, Gracilariaceae, Hypneaceae, Corallinaceae and Halimedaceae) were collected from Mandapam coastal area, and the seaweeds extracts were tested for in vitro antiplasmodial activity against P. falciparum. Among the tested seaweeds, Gracilaria verrucosa (IC50 5.55 μg.ml−1) and Hypnea espera (IC50 8.94 μg.ml−1) showed good antiplasmodial activity, and these results are comparable with positive controls such as artemether (IC50 4.09 μg.ml−1) and chloroquine (IC50 19.59 μg.ml−1), respectively. Turbinaria conoides, Sargassum myriocystem, Hypnea valentiae and Jania rubens extracts showed IC50 values between 5 to 50 μg.ml−1. Sargassum sp., Turbinaria decurrens and Halimeda gracilis extracts showed IC50 values between 50 to 100 μg.ml−1. Gracilaria corticata, Jania adherens and Halimeda opuntia extracts showed IC50 value of more than 100 μg.ml−1. Statistical analysis reveals that significant in vitro antiplasmodial activity (P < 0.05) was observed between the concentrations and time of exposure. The chemical injury to erythrocytes was also carried out, and it shows that no morphological changes in erythrocytes by the ethanolic extract of seaweeds extracts after 48 h of incubation. The in vitro antiplasmodial activity might be due to the presence of sugars, proteins, phenols and carboxylic acid in the ethanolic extracts of seaweeds. It is concluded from the present study that the ethanolic extracts of seaweeds of G. verrucosa and Hypnea espera possess lead compounds for development of antiplasmodial drugs.  相似文献   

Malaria is the world's leading killer among the infectious diseases. The treatment of malaria is mystified by the challenges of widespread resistance of the malaria parasites to cheap and affordable antimalarial drugs. The present study was made in an attempt to identify the in vitro antiplasmodial activity against mangrove plant parts. (Avicennia marina, Acanthus ilicifolius, Bruguiera cylindrica, Excoecaria agallocha, Rhizophora apiculata, and Rhizophora mucronata mangrove plant extracts exhibited in vitro antiplasmodial activity against Plasmodium falciparum). Of the selected mangrove plant parts, the bark extract of A. marina exhibited minimum concentration of inhibitory activities IC(50) 49.63 μg.ml(-1). The leaf extract of A. marina, the hypocotyl extract of B. cylindrica, the leaf extract of E. agallocha, the flower extract of R. mucronata, and the hypocotyl extract of R. apiculata showed IC(50) values between 50 and 100 μg.ml(-1). Statistical analysis reveals that significant antiplasmodial activity (P<0.05) was observed between the concentrations and time of exposure. The chemical injury to erythrocytes was also carried out, and it shows that there were no morphological changes in erythrocytes by the ethanolic extract of mangrove plants after 48 h of incubation. The in vitro antiplasmodial activity might be due to the presence of alkaloids, carboxylic acids, coumarins, saponins, flavonoids, xanthoproteins, tannins, phenols, sugars, resins, steroids, and proteins in the ethanolic extracts of mangrove plants. It is concluded from the present study that the ethanolic extracts of mangrove plant parts of A. marina possess lead compounds for the development of antiplasmodial drugs.  相似文献   

广西毛南族与10个群体的遗传关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解广西毛南族15个常染色体短串联重复序列(D2S1338、D3S1358、D5S818、D7S820、D8S1179、D13S317、D16S539、D18S51、D19S433、D21S11、CSF1PO、TPOX、TH01、vWA、FGA)的遗传多态性,探讨11个群体间的遗传关系。方法:采用PCR-STR及基因扫描识别技术,研究广西毛南族143名无关个体15个常染色体短串联重复序列(STR)位点的等位基因频率的分布特点,计算11个群体间的遗传距离,用Neighbor-Joining法构建了系统发生树,并结合有关资料分析了它们之间的遗传关系。结果:15个STR位点共检出129个等位基因,390个基因型,其基因频率分布在0.0035~0.5385之间;平均杂合度为0.7697,个体识别力除TPOX位点外均大于0.8,累积个体识别力大于0.9999999999,累积非父排除率大于0.99999918;广西毛南族与广西其他几个少数民族之间的遗传距离近,与汉族各群体、维吾尔族群体的遗传距离远。结论:广西毛南族15个STR位点除TPOX位点外均具有高度遗传多态性,是群体遗传学研究和法医学鉴定的可选位点;毛南族与广西少数民族之间的遗传距离近于其与国内其他群体的距离。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Streptococcus pneumoniae exists in both middle ear effusions and the upper respiratory region from children with otitis media with effusion (OME), but it remains unclear whether these strains represent genetically identical clones. Therefore, it cannot be determined whether these bacteria originate from a common source. To determine the presence of pneumococci at different anatomical locations of OME patients, conventional culture and PCR techniques were used. To analyze the possible genetic relatedness between pneumococci from different anatomical sites, molecular typing by amplified fragment length polymorphism was utilized. The percentage of middle ear effusions of OME patients that are positive for pneumococci after PCR analysis (13%) was higher than after conventional culture (5%). Molecular fingerprints from pneumococci derived from two different anatomic sites within patients were very similar in 80% of OME patients and in 90% of acute otitis medium patients, indicating their genetic relatedness. Biofilm formation or pneumococcal L-forms probably play a role in OME, since culture-negative effusions prove to contain pneumococcal DNA. Bacteria involved in this process most likely originate from the nasopharynx since they show a close genetic relatedness with their nasopharyngeal counterparts.  相似文献   

India's role in the dispersal of modern humans can be explored by investigating its oldest inhabitants: the tribal people. The Soliga people of the Biligiri Rangana Hills, a tribal community in Southern India, could be among the country's first settlers. This forest-bound, Dravidian speaking group, lives isolated, practicing subsistence-level agriculture under primitive conditions. The aim of this study is to examine the phylogenetic relationships of the Soligas in relation to 29 worldwide, geographically targeted, reference populations. For this purpose, we employed a battery of 15 hypervariable autosomal short tandem repeat loci as markers. The Soliga tribe was found to be remarkably different from other Indian populations including other southern Dravidian-speaking tribes. In contrast, the Soliga people exhibited genetic affinity to two Australian aboriginal populations. This genetic similarity could be attributed to the 'Out of Africa' migratory wave(s) along the southern coast of India that eventually reached Australia. Alternatively, the observed genetic affinity may be explained by more recent migrations from the Indian subcontinent into Australia.  相似文献   

Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the world. Treatment for malaria is commonly inadequate due to the lack of quality assured effective drugs. The effectiveness of these drugs is declining at an ever accelerating rate, with consequent increase in malaria related morbidity and mortality. The newest antiplasmodial drug from plants is needed to overcome this problem. Numerous mangroves and mangal associates are used as folklore medicine to treat various human diseases. The mangrove plant species are a good source of potential bioactive entities which exhibits many therapeutic properties. The present study was carried out to test the antiplasmodial activity of five mangrove plant species distributed along the South East coast of India. Bruguiera cylindrica, Ceriops decandra, Lumnitzera racemosa, Rhizophora apiculata, and Rhizophora mucronata mangrove plant extracts exhibited in vitro antiplasmodial activity against chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum. Of which, the ethanolic bark extract of R. mucronata exhibited high antiplasmodial activity (IC50 = 62.18 μg.ml−1). Statistical analysis reveals that, significant antiplasmodial activity (P < 0.05) was observed between the concentrations and time of exposure. The chemical injury to erythrocytes was also carried out and it shows that no morphological differences in erythrocytes by the ethanolic extract of mangrove plants after 48 h of incubation. The screening for phytochemical constituents in the mangrove plants were carried out and it reveals that, the presence of alkaloids, triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins, catachin, anthroquinone, phenols, sugars, and proteins. This study shows that the mangrove plants had a source of lead compounds for the development of new drugs for the treatment of malaria.  相似文献   

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