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Variability in both skin thickness and skinfold compressibility affects the relationship between the skinfold caliper reading at a particular site on the body and the actual adipose thickness at that site, thus inducing error in the estimation of body fatness. To investigate this variability, skinfold thickness by caliper and incised depth of subcutaneous adipose tissue were measured at 13 skinfold sites in 6 male and 7 female unembalmed cadavers aged 55 to 94 years. All skin was then removed and its thickness measured at the exact sites of skinfold measurement. The regional patterns for skin thickness were similar in men and women, though women had significantly (P < .05) thinner skin than men at the biceps, chest, supraspinale, and abdominal sites. Mean (SD) skin thickness for each cadaver over all sites ranged from 0.76 mm (0.28 mm) to 1.47 mm (0.43 mm), with an overall mean for men of 1.22 mm (0.36 mm) and for women of 0.98 mm (0.36 mm). The thickness of a double layer of skin expressed as a percentage of skinfold thickness for all cadavers over all 13 sites ranged from 7.1% to 33.4%. Because of their leanness and thicker skin, the mean for men, 22.7% (10.1%), was significantly greater than that for women, 10.8% (6.2%) (P < .0001). Mean skinfold compressibility over all sites was 53.5% (16.4%) in men adn 51.9% (16.5%) in women (not significant). Such marked variability in skinfold compressibility and in the relative contribution of skin thickness to skinfold thickness suggests the need for caution in comparing estimates of fatness by skinfold caliper between different subjects. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between skinfold compressibility and skinfold thickness while proposing a 3-caliper technique for the estimation of uncompressed skinfold thickness. Skinfold and ultrasound measurements of skin-plus-adipose tissue were made at seven sites on 15 females (mean age 22.0 yr) and 13 males (mean age 23.2 yr.) The estimated uncompressed thickness (ZT) determined with the 3-caliper technique correlated well with ultrasound-determined thickness (UT), with the 3-caliper technique offering a valid, simple and inexpensive method of estimating uncompressed skinfold thickness. Using linear regression analyses, skinfold compressibility varied with skinfold thickness. Using a compression percentage [C(Z/10)], both UT and ZT exhibited positive slopes with tissue compressibility. The concept of absolute thickness change (TD) from uncompressed (ZT) to compressed (H10) thickness values was adopted for use in covariance analysis in the assessment of gender and site differences in skinfold compressibility and was compared to results of traditional compression percentage analysis of variance. In a second sample of 40 males (mean age 25.7 yr) and 30 females (mean age 25.0 yr), a significant site difference was found using compression percentage ANOVA which was not present using the TD ANCOVA. This difference in results may be due to the fact that compression percentage is linearly related to thickness even though it is included as the denominator in the calculation of compression percentage. It was concluded that the TD covariance method should be used in preference to the compression percentage ANOVA when evaluating skinfold compressibility differences in gender, age and site of measurement. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

乌孜别克成人皮褶厚度的年龄变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:探讨乌孜别克族体脂发育水平。方法:测量乌孜别克成人6项皮脂厚度值,并探讨了皮褶厚度随年龄而变化的特征。结果:(1)躯干皮下脂肪厚于面颊与四肢;(2)男性躯干皮褶厚度随年龄增长而明显增长,四肢皮褶厚度随年龄增长而缓慢增长,女性皮褶厚度增长到最大值后,随年龄增加而下降;(3)随年龄增长,男女皮下脂肪发育的差异越来越反映在躯干部位。结论:在我国民族中,乌孜别克族女性皮下脂肪比较发达。  相似文献   

目的:探讨壮族幼儿营养指数与皮褶厚度的相关性,为少数民族幼儿营养干预工作提供理论依据.方法:测量壮族幼儿身高、体质量、坐高、肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、髂前上棘皮褶和腓肠肌皮褶7项指标,计算Kaup指数和Pelidisi指数值,分析壮族幼儿Kaup、Pelidisi两项营养指数和皮褶厚度相关性.结果:女性幼儿4项皮褶厚度值高于男性幼儿;壮族幼儿皮下脂肪发育与新疆哈萨克族、济宁市城镇和乡村不同;Kaup指数与皮褶厚度的相关系数大于Pelidisi指数与皮褶厚度的相关系数;Kaup指数估计肱三头肌皮褶与肩胛下皮褶和的回归方程y(男3~6岁)=1.025+0.764x,y(女3~6岁)=1.142+0.861x.结论:壮族幼儿皮下脂肪发育存在性别、年龄和民族差异.可以采用Kaup指数法推算皮褶厚度,评价幼儿营养状况.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether there is a divergence in the relationship between skinfold thickness and an adipose tissue volume (ATV) corresponding to the same segment of the body during growth. Anthropometric data from the cross-sectional Coquitlam Growth Study (COGRO) were used to estimate the ATV of the arm, calf, thigh, and trunk in 6- to 18 years old girls (n = 458) and boys (n = 487). Assuring a cylindrical shape for body segments, ATV was calculated by subtracting an inner cylinder of muscle, bone, and residual from the total cylindrical volume of a given segment. Combined graphical analysis of both skinfold growth and growth of ATV reveals that a decrease in skinfold can occur without a concomitant decrease in its corresponding regional ATV. This happens more dramatically in boys than in girls, and in the limbs than in the trunk. This suggests that exaggerated growth in length and/or muscle girth cause a “spreading” and “thinning” of the adipose tissue layer, which does not necessarily reflect fat loss. The meaning of changes in skinfold thicknesses during growth thus needs evaluation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的探讨皮脂厚度、静脉穿刺困难程度与乳腺癌发病率的相关性,为乳腺癌的发病机制提供参考。方法测定50例乳腺癌观察组患者及50名健康对照组的肩胛皮脂厚和三酰甘油(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、胆固醇(TC)的含量,同时采用超声引导下静脉穿刺对乳腺癌进行诊断,探讨静脉穿刺困难与诊断符合率的相关性。结果观察组与对照组之间肩胛皮脂厚度、TG、HDL-C水平差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),而TC在两组间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。在观察组50例中,静脉穿刺成功40例,诊断阳性39例,符合率为97.5%;穿刺困难10例,诊断阳性4例,阳性率为40.0%。结论皮脂厚度程度与乳腺癌的发生呈正相关,同时静脉穿刺的成功率与乳腺癌诊断的阳性率呈正相关。  相似文献   

目的了解冠心病患者的体质量指数和皮褶厚度特征,为早期干预提供依据。方法采用国际通用的人体测量法,测量了大连市区健康成人300名(健康男性和女性各150名)和冠心病患者310名(男性160名,女性150名)的身高、体质量和4项皮褶厚度,并利用体脂含量(F%)和体质量指数(BMI)法判定肥胖。结果男女冠心病患者的4项皮褶厚度、F%和BMI的平均值均大于健康成人。用F%法判定肥胖,健康成人和冠心病患者中肥胖比率男性分别为20%和56.25%,女性分别为10%和30%。用BMI法判定肥胖,健康成人和冠心病患者中肥胖比率男性分别为18%和53.75%,女性分别为8%和26%。结论冠心病患者的皮褶厚度较厚,肥胖比例明显高于健康人。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the relationships between bioelectrical impedance and thicknesses of adipose tissue measured by traditional skinfold caliper (double thickness) or a LIPOMETER device (single non-compressed thickness) in 9- to 12-year-old boys (n=52) and girls (n=44). In total, nine skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, biceps, iliac crest, supraspinale, abdominal, front thigh, medial calf, mid-axilla) were measured. Measurement for the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue layers (SAT-layers) by LIPOMETER were performed at 15 body sites (neck, triceps, biceps, upper back, front chest, lateral chest, upper abdomen, lower abdomen, lower back, hip, front thigh, lateral thigh, rear thigh, inner thigh, calf). Body bioelectrical impedance was measured with a multiple-frequency impedance device Multiscan-5000 (Bodystat, UK). Impedance at 50 kHz highly correlated with body mass (r=–0.47 in boys, r=–0.46 in girls, r=–0.47 in total group). The relationship with body height was significant only in girls (r=–0.42). Skinfold thicknesses measured by caliper did not correlate significantly with body impedance at 50 kHz. SAT-layers measured by LIPOMETER at triceps, front thigh, lateral thigh and rear thigh sites in boys and at the lateral thigh site in girls correlated significantly with body impedance measured at 50 kHz. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that the iliac crest and front thigh skinfold thicknesses measured by caliper characterized only 5.7–12.0% of the impedance at 50 kHz in the total group (n=96). From the measured 15 SAT-layers, the most significant was the lateral thigh layer which characterized 20.0%, 11.9% and 13.6% of the impedance at 50 kHz in boys, girls and the total group, respectively. It was concluded that the influence of subcutaneous adipose tissue on body impedance is relatively low in children. However, SAT-layers have a slightly higher influence on body impedance than skinfold thicknesses measured by caliper. The sum of skinfolds or SAT-layers did not correlate significantly with body impedance in any group.  相似文献   

We wanted to develop and apply new equations based on skinfold and midarm measurements for estimating %fat in preschool children suitable for field use. Prediction equations were developed on preschool-aged urban boys (n = 100) and girls (n = 84). Skinfolds at four sites and midarm measurements were regressed on %fat derived from equations based on height and weight and from bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA; resistance at 50 kHz). These equations were applied: 1) to 12 children in whom the %fat was determined using D2O dilution, and 2) to 50 children in whom their %fat was derived using height-weight and BIA equations. The 95% limits of agreement (mean +/- 2 SD) for %fat derived by anthropometry and by new equations were within 1.7% in boys (r = 0.85; P < 0.001) and girls (r = 0.90; P < 0.001) and by BIA and new equations were within 1.5% in boys (r = 0.82; P < 0.001) and 2% in girls (r = 0.88; P < 0.001). For %fat measured by D2O dilution and new equations, 95% limits of agreement was within 1.3% (r = 0.98; P < 0.001). In 50 children 95% limits of agreement between anthropometry and new equations were within 1.8% in boys (r = 0.88; P < 0.001) and 1.4% in girls (r = 0.92; P < 0.001) and between BIA and new equations were within 1% in boys (r = 0.91; P < 0.001) and 1.5% in girls (r = 0.89; P < 0.001). The new equations for measuring %fat based on midarm circumference and skinfold measurements are rapid and accurate for South Asian children and should be useful for prediction of body composition and nutritional survey in field studies.  相似文献   

Explored the hierarchical structure of mental abilities by comparing principal component analysis with a hierarchical cluster analysis algorithm on a short test battery for children. This short test battery included the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R), the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT), the Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). Scores from 182 children (116 boys and 66 girls) with a mean age of 10.83 were analyzed. The structure of the test battery included general intelligence, attention, academic achievement and perceptual-motor eye-hand coordination. Both the linear principal component analysis and the nonlinear hierarchical clustering analysis confirmed the hierarchical organization of mental abilities.  相似文献   

目的:探讨围度、皮褶厚度和体脂表型在汉族人群间的地区差异。方法:2015 年至2019 年,在广西南宁、 河南郑州、江苏泰州3 个地区,调查了共计3 003 例汉族个体样本的32 项围度、皮褶厚度和体脂等表型,并对其 进行性别差异分析、年龄与表型间的相关性分析、地区差异分析、主成分分析。结果:绝大多数围度、皮褶厚度 和体脂表型在3 个汉族人群中均存在明显的性别间和地区间差异,年龄与部分表型呈正或负相关性。无论男女, 广西汉族的围度与体脂明显小于河南和江苏汉族,在第一主成分上与河南、江苏两地区较好地区分开,而河南汉 族的皮褶厚度则明显大于广西和江苏汉族。此外,在女性样本中,江苏女性的内脏脂肪率、身体脂肪率明显大于 河南和广西女性。结论:围度、皮褶厚度和体脂等表型在3 个汉族人群间存在明显的地区差异,支持汉族人群存 在南、北、中部3 个地区类型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨河南汉族成人皮褶和体成分的发育规律及特点.方法:测量1400例河南汉族成人肱三头肌、肩胛下皮褶厚度,用长岭公式估测体密度,用Brozek公式估算体成分.结果:河南汉族男性农村和城市变化幅度基本一致,肱三头肌皮褶和肩胛下皮褶厚度均在30岁~达到峰值,以后持续下降.女性肱三头肌皮褶厚度呈现折线形状分布,且大于男性;城市女性在50岁~、农村女性在40岁~达到峰值.男性体脂率与瘦体质量在20岁~和40岁~变化最大,女性表现为平稳上升趋势.结论:河南汉族成人的皮褶厚度及体成分在各年龄段有不同的变化,体成分变化的数量、比例及分布部位具有一定差异.河南汉族人群处于高肥胖率水平,男性低于女性.  相似文献   

The blood pressure of 1275 subjects of both sexes in relation to four skinfolds at biceps, triceps, subscapular and supra-iliac was studied. A positive relationship is observed between these two variables. The mean systolic and diastolic pressures increase from lower to higher skinfold thickness groups in both sexes for all the four skinfolds. The sex difference is conspicuous and significant for systolic pressure. However only a few groups show significant sex difference for diastolic pressure. In males the correlations between blood pressure and skinfolds were significant, while in females it is significant between diastolic blood pressure and biceps and triceps skin thicknesses only.  相似文献   

目的:了解北方汉族大学生皮下脂肪的发育状况及体成分特征。方法:采用整群抽样方法对以北方生源为主的河北某高校10个班1 188(男570,女618)名汉族大学生进行身体测量,用皮褶厚度估算体密度和体脂率。结果:除体密度外,城市男、女学生的皮褶厚度、体脂率和瘦体重都高于乡村学生;男生的体密度、瘦体重均明显高于女生,皮褶厚度和体脂率却低于女生;身体3个部位皮褶厚度两两呈相关性,男生皮褶厚度肱三头肌肩胛下腹部,女生肩胛下肱三头肌腹部,呈不均匀分布;皮褶厚度除与身高没有相关性外,与体质量、BMI、腰围呈正相关性,瘦体重与其他几个指标都有明显相关性;皮褶厚度和体成分存在南北差异和时间差异。结论:北方汉族大学生皮褶厚度和体成分存在城乡、性别差异,时间因素也对其有明显影响。  相似文献   

目的 在四川、云南、西藏调查木雅人、尔苏人、僜人、白马人、夏尔巴人、摩梭人13项皮褶围度指标,比较这些族群皮褶围度的差异。方法 使用皮尺和皮脂厚度计进行6个未识别群体成人1222人(男性576人,女性646人)的围度和皮褶厚度测量,所得数据采用Excel 2007、SPSS 17.0统计学软件进行处理,并将这6个族群的数据与国内其他7个民族做比较。结果 随着经度的增大,男性族群肩胛下皮褶、髂前上棘皮褶值逐渐增大。女性族群髂前上棘皮褶值随着经、纬度的增高而增大。根据主成分分析,在男性族群中,木雅人、尔苏人、白马人、摩梭人的肩胛下皮褶、平静胸围和上臂最大围均较大。夏尔巴人的肩胛下皮褶和平静胸围值较小,而夏尔巴人的上臂最大围较大。僜人的肩胛下皮褶、平静胸围和上臂最大围均较小。在女性族群中,木雅人、尔苏人、白马人、摩梭人的臀围、上臂围较大,而腓肠肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶均较小。僜人的臀围、上臂围较小,而腓肠肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶均较大。夏尔巴人的臀围、上臂围、腓肠肌皮褶和肩胛下皮褶均较小。结论 通过聚类分析与主成分分析,木雅人与尔苏人的围度与皮褶最接近。白马人与摩梭人的皮褶围度特征接近。僜人的皮褶围度特征与佤族、独龙族最为接近。夏尔巴人与珞巴族、门巴族最为接近。  相似文献   

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