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临床资料患者,男,68岁。主因全身黑色斑丘疹30余年、左眼内眦下方浅溃疡4个月,于2007年7月2日就诊我院。患者30余年前无明显诱因全身出现散在黑  相似文献   

脂溢性角化病并发基底细胞癌和鲍恩病1例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
患者女,79岁。因面部多发性黑褐色丘疹、斑块1年余,于2004年12月24日入我院诊治。患者于1年前不明原因面部起许多大小不等的黑褐色扁平丘疹及斑块,伴有轻微痒感。未予治疗。近期少数皮损逐渐增大,痒感明显。曾在外院诊治,轻棚酸液外洗及外敷药物(药名不详)后,局部出现灼痛,并起水泡,疱破后局部糜烂,渗液明显。患者既往健康,父母非近亲结婚,家庭中无类似疾病患者。  相似文献   

报告1例巨大脂溢性角化病。患者女,59岁。因右臀部皮肤逐渐增大的褐色斑块30余年就诊。皮损约20 cm×15 cm,表面粗糙,无浸润。皮损组织病理检查示表皮角化过度伴角化不全,棘层肥厚,乳头瘤样增生,以基底样细胞为主,见假性角囊肿形成。诊断为脂溢性角化病。  相似文献   

目的: 检测Smad7在脂溢性角化病、日光性角化病以及基底细胞癌中的表达。方法:对脂溢性角化病、日光性角化病及基底细胞癌标本(各30例)和30例正常标本进行免疫组化染色。结果:23例脂溢性角化病标本、23例日光性角化病标本和28例基底细胞癌标本中Smad7染色阳性,阳性细胞率分别为(31.0±23.0)%,(32.7±26.3)%和(62.6±32.1)%,均显著高于正常组织的(6.7±5.0%)。结论: Samd7可能与脂溢性角化病、日光性角化病以及基底细胞癌的发病有关。  相似文献   

脂溢性角化病可分为6型;角化型,棘层肥厚型,菌落型,腺样型,刺激型与黑棘皮瘤。  相似文献   

患者女,68岁,维吾尔族.因头部长肿物2年,于2010年3月10日就诊于我院.患者2年前右侧颞部头皮出现一黑褐色扁平斑块,渐增大,并突起,偶有瘙痒,无破溃及出血.  相似文献   

患者男性,42岁。主因“左颧部蓝黑色肿物2年”就诊,组织病理回报结节型基底细胞癌(BCC)并发激惹型脂溢性角化(SK),予外科手术切除。本例考虑为碰撞瘤改变,皮肤镜特征典型,BCC并发SK临床罕见。  相似文献   

脂溢性角化病的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脂溢性角化病是临床上常见的皮肤病,但是其病因不甚明了。近期的研究认为其发病与年龄、日光照射、细胞凋亡受阻等相关,因而新的治疗方法也应运而生。  相似文献   

脂溢性角化是皮肤科常见病 ,但家族中四代女性同患此病 ,国内报道甚少 ,现将我们所见 1例报告如下。患者 ,女 ,5 0岁 ,30岁始腹部、前胸发生多个米粒大小淡黄色斑丘疹 ,无自觉症状 ,未治。皮疹日渐增多 ,增大 ,变成豆粒大小黑褐色扁平皮疹。家族史 :其外祖母、母亲均有相同皮疹 ,外祖母 80岁去逝 ,无并发内脏肿瘤其母现 71岁 ,健康、否认其它疾病。其女儿现 2 8岁 ,胸部亦开始出现针头大小黄褐色丘疹。查体 :内外科情况无异常。皮肤科情况 :前胸腹部见多量 (约 2 0 0余个 )直径约1mm~ 1cm大小黑褐色扁平丘疹 ,表面粗糙 ,覆少许油腻性鳞…  相似文献   

患者男,37岁.因外阴黑褐色疣状斑块16年于2009年9月就诊.患者16年前无明显诱因发现阴阜部有一粟粒大黑褐色丘疹,无自觉症状,未就诊.此后皮损逐渐增大、增厚形成一蚕豆大斑块.大约13年前患者发现阴茎根部有两颗粟粒大黑褐色丘疹,此后上述3处皮损逐渐发展,患者仍未诊治.近1年来,阴阜部皮损增生至鸽蛋大,阴茎根部皮损逐渐突出表面呈鸡冠样,遂来我院就诊.既往无特殊疾病史,家族中无类似疾病患者及遗传病史.  相似文献   

乳头状汗管囊腺瘤并发基底细胞上皮瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报告1例乳头状汗管囊腺瘤并发基底细胞上皮瘤。患者女,58岁。右侧枕部肉红色结节50年,渐增大并菜花样变8年。皮肤组织病理检查示部分表皮下陷形成囊腔样结构,囊腔内有许多乳头状突起,囊壁及乳头状突起由两排细胞构成,可见断头分泌;邻近一侧真皮内有数个基底样细胞形成的肿瘤团块,周边细胞呈栅栏状排列。  相似文献   

We describe a patient with multiple fibroepithelial basal-cell carcinoma (FEBCC) associated with seborrheic keratosis distributed in a neviform fashion on the left side of the body and clinically resembling skin tags.  相似文献   

Reports of seborrheic keratosis (SK) with concurrent malignant tumors are rare, but previous and recent reports – especially the co‐manifestation of basal cell carcinomas (BCC) have added to the ongoing debate of the possibility of the development of BCC from SK. We report a rare case of SK with underlying BCC with scarcely accounted histopathological characteristics – reticulated type and nodular type, respectively – that showed no direct histological link between the two entities. We also carefully suggest that differences in histopathology (whether the two lesions are connected or not) may account for the possibility of incidental co‐habitation.  相似文献   

A 67-year-old man noticed on the abdominal skin a coin-sized verrucous plaque, in which a small granulation-like lesion developed several weeks before the first consultation at our clinic. The histology of the biopsied granulation-like lesion showed a well demarcated, but not associated with the collagenous capsule, mass of proliferating eosinophilic cells, consisting of intervening spindle-shaped Schwann cells and mature ganglion cells scattered in the tumor nest. We diagnosed this tumor nest as a ganglioneuroma, which rarely develops in the skin tissue. The simply resected surrounding verrucous lesion was histologically seborrheic keratosis.  相似文献   

Background/aims: Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) have recently attracted much attention because of claims that their frequency within nuclei is significantly higher in malignant cells than in normal, reactive, or benign neoplastic cells. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a method allowing selection of the best morphometric criterion for quantifying AgNORs (Silver stained Nucleolar organizer Regions) under conventional observation conditions, by light microscopy.
Methods: The various parameters including NORs counting in cutaneous tumors using image analysis system were studied.
Results: There were significant differences in mean numbers of AgNORs per nucleus, mean ratio of AgNORs area per nucleus area, mean ratio of greatest AgNORs area per nucleus area, mean nucleus area per a AgNOR, and CV (Coefficient of Variation) of AgNORs area between basal cell carcinoma and seborrheic keratosis.
Conclusion: Study of AgNORs using the image analysis system is a useful tool for diagnosis of cutaneous tumors.  相似文献   

目的 探讨埃兹蛋白(ezrin)在脂溢性角化病、基底细胞上皮瘤、皮肤鳞状细胞癌中的表达及其与临床病理参数之间的相关性。方法 采用免疫组化法(SP法)检测36例皮肤鳞状细胞癌、27例基底细胞上皮瘤和20例脂溢性角化病、10例正常人皮肤中埃兹蛋白表达水平。结果 埃兹蛋白在正常人皮肤、脂溢性角化病、基底细胞上皮瘤、皮肤鳞状细胞癌中的阳性率分别为20.0%,25.0%,66.7%和91.3%,除脂溢性角化病组外,各肿瘤组与正常人对照组比较,阳性率差异均有统计学意义(H = 40.061,P < 0.01)。埃兹蛋白表达水平与皮肤肿瘤良恶性、与皮肤鳞状细胞癌的病理分级及肿瘤有无淋巴结转移均呈正相关(r分别为0.87,0.80,0.89)。COX回归显示,埃兹蛋白表达水平是皮肤鳞状细胞癌预后的独立影响因素之一。结论 脂溢性角化病、基底细胞上皮瘤、皮肤鳞状细胞癌组织中埃兹蛋白阳性表达水平与皮肤肿瘤的良恶性、皮肤鳞状细胞癌病理分级及有无淋巴结转移有关。  相似文献   

A 33-year-old female with pedunculated basal cell epithelioma was reported. She had noticed a cutaneous tumor on the scalp for two years before admission. It developed gradually and clinically resembled fibroma or pigmented nevus. Total resection was performed, and its histopathology revealed the solid or cystic type of basal cell epithelioma.  相似文献   

目的:观察组织蛋白酶D(cathepsinD,CD)在皮肤鳞状细胞癌(SCC)、基底细胞癌(BCC)、脂溢性角化病(SK)的组织表达,分析其表达差异及其意义。方法:用免疫组化SP染色法检测CD在15例SCC、15例BCC、14例SK及10例正常对照皮肤组织中的表达。结果:CD在正常皮肤组织表达为阴性.在SK、BCC、SCC瘤组织中表达依次升高,在SCC、SK之间表达有显著性差异(P〈0.05);CD在SK、BCC、SCC间质细胞表达阳性率分别为85.7%、66,7%、33.3%。结论:CD的表达水平可能与SCC侵袭和转移有关。  相似文献   

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